13 IP I M -V 31 - fwff Krv rt3 By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Republican State Ticket For Supreme Judge HON M B KEESE whoso six years of honorable service on tho supreme bench proved him a fearless and upright judge and whose life long integrity commands the respect of cit izens generally regardless of political be lief For Railway Commissipner HON H T CLARKE JR the friend and appointee of Governor Sheldon a leader in the last legislature and a man whose business qualifications pre eminently fit him for the difficult work of the railway commission For Regents of the State University HON C B ANDERSON a man of high standing and large busi ness experience which will prove invalu able in the conduct of the business affairs of the state university HON GEORGE COUPLAND a practical farmer whose earnest advo cacy of the modern idea of applying ad vanced educational and scientific meth ods to agriculture should command for him the solid farmer vote For Judge 14th Judicinl District ROBERT 0 ORR Hayes Center Republican County Ticket For County Clerk CHARLES SKALLA Indianola For Treasurer CLIFFORD NADEN Danbury For Clerk District Court CHESTER A ROGERS McCook For Judge J C MOORE McCook For Superintendent BURTON F ROHRER Indianola For Sheriff H I PETERSON McCook For Assessor T A ENDSLEY McCook For Commissioner 3rd District C B GRAY McCook The Republican State Platform - Points with pride to the achievements of the Republican party under the splen did leadership of Theodore Roosevelt and insists that bis successor Bhall be a man who will continue the Roosevelt policies and suggests Secretary Tatt as such a man Commends the present state officials for their care of the state institutions maintaining the credit of the state and reducing the state debt Commends tne Nebraska delegation in congress Calls attention to the magnificent rec ord of the last legislature which carried out the pledges of the Repuplican party as follows 1 A state wide direct primary 2 Abolition of the free pass evil 3 Comprehensive powers for the state railway commission 4 More equitable rates for transpor tation of passengers and freight 5 Equal taxation of railroad- prop erty for city purposes 6 Abolition of fellow servant law and full employers liability 7 A pure food and dairy law 8 Rigid economy in appropriations Endorses the direct primary and pledges such amendments as shall im prove its workings Commends the good work of the state railway commission in its efforts to se cure better freight rates for the people of the state Calls for the rigid enforce ment of the anti pass law Declares that in suits at law corpora tions should be deemed citizens of every ctate where they have filed articles of in corporation or exercised the rights of eminent domain Favors an enactment of the federal law forbidding the federal courts from issuing writs of injunction against state officers charged with the enforcement of state statutes Regards with high favor the nominees on the state ticket and invites voters who believe in official probity and effic iency to join in electing them The fusion statesmen who are making the feeble attempt to criticise republican management of state institutions are the same ones who were responsible for buying up two tons of rotten butter and storing it in soap boxes for the use of one institution and feeding old soldiers on wormy prunes and butterine and quartering their own relatives in the in stitution parjors at the expense of the state when they are in control The way to rebuke the hungry popocratic horde which seeks to bring on another reign of plunder is to vote for a continua tion of republicanism and genuine re form or- L are magnificent young men the peers of any in the Union in address and genuine ability both brilliant speakers and leaders in clean politics and statesman ship The congressmen are men of ex perience whose service to the state bears the closest scrutiny The grand work of the Republican legislators is fresh in the public mirid With a con dition which brings to the forefront such men it should be a pleasure to the vot ers to help roll up a big majority for the nominees of this year A full vote will show an appreciation of the past and a confidence in the future A vote for the Republican ticket will be an endorse ment of the Roosevelt policy as it has been carried out in the nation and in the state Voters will not forget that it has been under the Republican state admin istrations that railroad assessments have been increased and corporate domination has been wiped out that Republican officials have put the state institutions on sound basis and have stopped the scandals of incompetent employes which characterized fusion control They will remember that Republican officials have maintained the helpless wards of the state in ease and comfort and have not fed them on rancid butter slops and wormy prunes the sort of diet which made the fusion control famous They will show their approval of the present happy conditions by rolling up a big ma jority for the republican ticket this fall To the Voters Allow me to call your attention to the facts that I am still very much alive and a candidate for county clerk at the election next Tuesday I have grown to manhood in Red Willow county and ask the voters to carefully examine my record Dont be misled by any stories that I am trading votes with other can didates in order to gain personal ad vantage 1 never traded votes in my life and never will as I dont believe in such methods I am simply running for county clerk on my own merits and J ask you to consider my candidacy Respectfully Chah Skalla Republicans of Nebraska should not allow themselves to be lulled to sleep by the idea that the fight is won before the votes are cast The Fusionists have on their side certain influences which wil be able to concentrate a large body of voters on short notice and will no doubt plan to surprise Republicans in counties where there seems to be no contest The safe plan is for every Republican voter to go to the polls early and vote Competent painstaking and obliging Charles Skalla will make Red Willow county a capablb officer who will prompt ly and thoroughly account to the people for his stewardship Dont let such bugaboos as alleged incompetency and trading roorbacks deter you my Re publican voter from voting for Skalla Hes all right Through request of various parties we will bring to the minds of the voter the fact that each candidate whose name is on the ballot by petition must be voted on separately That is those desiring to vote a straight ticket and marking at top circle of the column will have missed all candidates by peti tion Truly the innocent suffer with the guilty The prosperous west suffers with the stock gambling brigands of Wall street A Correction Box Elder Neb October 28 07 To the Voters of Red Willow County lam not in politics and havent any intention of mixing in My name has been put on the Democratic ticket without my consent and without tho consent of the leadore of tho Democratic party I have the warmest feeling for the Democrats of Red Willow county but you MUST NOT VOTK FOB ME I intend to devote ALL of my time in the future to breeding and raising puro bred hogs Yours Stephen DeWitt Bollhs MEN OF ALL PARTIES approve tho work of -the Ne braska Legislature JUDGE REESES ELECTION to the supreme bench will be Nebraskas endorsement of that record His defeat will be notice that the wheels of progress have been turned back MEN OF NEBRASKA you can show your appreciation of the good work done by going to the polls NEXT TUESDAY and voting Jor Judge Reese and his associates The Republican party of Nebraska is in idoal condition and never before was so able to commend itself to the individ ual voter The officials of the state and the representatives in both branches of Congress not only belonging to the pro gressive element of the party but they are gonuine leaders fighting the battles of the party in the open field The gov ernor and bis associates in the state house are young vigorous business like and in close touch with the needs of the people The two United States senators The Last Word to Republican Voters Indianola Neb Oct 30 07 To all Republican voters I desire to impress upon your minds the great importance of going to the polls to vote next Tuesday If you love the Republican principles go and vote them if you are in sympathy with Pres ident Roosevelt and who is not go to the polls next Tuesday and vote for the Roosevelt ideas If you believe in the gtoat wave of reform that is sweep ing this country of ours from one ocean to tho other go to the polls Tuesday and help the wave along by your vote Be patriotic dont stay at home Let me caution you all about stories you may hear about the Republican candi dates from now to election Turn them down as untrue for they are and are only told to lead you astray and to get you to vote contrary to your con victions In all cases they emanate from the opposite side If the opposit ion can make you believe their false hoods they have gained one vote dont you see The Republicans have a ma jority in the county let us all work to make it the largest ever polled Your central committee is doing all it can to elect the whole ticket Will you do the same An hour or two is all that is required of your time on election day to go and vote let us urge upon you to spare that much time and exer cise the most important duty you have to perform Dont fail to vote S R Smith Chairman Rep Co Central Com To the Public My name iB Frank M Colfer I am twento four years of age and have lived in the county for twenty three years Those among you who came here in the early days will remember my father Thomas Colfer a pioneer of this county and a lawyer of some standing He was injured and died in 1890 I have no de sire to further my own interests with a view of using his reputation as a step ping stone I simply mention this fact that you may know more fully who I am I am now a candidate for the office of Clerk of the District Court on the Dem ocratic ticket and I want to state explic ilty that I am no mere figure head on this ticket I asked for the nomination got it and am out to win I am puttirfg my campaign cards in as many places as possible but notwithstanding Icanndt see and talk to every voter in the county I do not own a horse and buggy and can not afford to run a livery bill of Yery large proportion I have no campaign fund from which to draw and every dol lar that I spend is my own To put the matter plainly The salary of the office is not large and I would be foolish to spend ten per cent of a prospective first year salary on election alone So I have come out in the columns of the public press to ask your support I want you the public to find out what kind of a man I am and if I cant stand the inquiry I dont want the office I am making the campaign upon my own resources and am not tied in any way to special interests of any kind I am my own manager and press agent I am not going to malign or misrepresent my opponent I hope to get your vote and I certainly would like your considera tion John Johnson the present Democratic Governor of Minnesota carried his state by thousands and in the midst of a Roosevelt presidential campaign and wny Because when his opponent with brass bands and torch light pro- ceasions was loudly harping on National issues Johnson was telling the people that their concern was not the affairs of congress hundreds of miles away but the crying needs of their own state and the people of Minnesota forgetting party politics rose in their might and made him governor He won in a clean open campaign I am not running for governor but Mr Johnsons methods are mine I have asked you for support and if I get it I will make no promises I can not keep Respectfully yours Frank M Colfer Voter when you go to the polls on Nov 5th remember that Charles Skal la the Republican candidate for county clerk has grown to manhood in this county that he has labored among you through adversity and prosperity and that he is one of you He is admirably qualified for the position to which he aspires and if elected will serve your interest to the best of his ability Vote for Charles Skalla the peoples choice for county clerk Bartley Inter Ocean A weekly newspaper that publishes twenty one columns of good reliable news each week is rare in these days of cheap weeklies intended only to sell some article that the publisher is inter ested in Credit is due The Weekly Inter Ocean for keeping its columns filled with fresh and up-to-date news Give it a trial by subscribing through The McCook Tribune i A Word of Explanation The names of somo Republican can didates for county offices appoar on tho printed ballots as though thoy had been nominated by other parties as well This is the result of voters placing their names on Prohibition Socialist and other ballots at the primary election and is a matter tho Republican nominees had nothing to do with and any effort made to injure any Republican nomineo by claimiug he is a Prohibitionist or a Socialist or a Democrat or an Independ ent is unfair and should be frowned down by every fair voter Tho candi dates of the Republican ticket nro not seeking votes that way and they should not be injured by an act or condition over which they had no control The Republican nominees are all worthy of your support Give to them heartily and to the limit MOVEMENT Or- 1HE PEOPLE Reid McKenna is homo to spend Hal loween Mrs J A Gunn remains in Iowa on a visit to relatiyes A Gibian late with H Simons has returned to Chicago Mark Stern a well known optician is visiting his nephew H Simons Mrs Margaret West county supt of Hayes was in town last Saturday Mr and MrsH H Tartsch have re turned from their Sheridan Wyo visit Mrs A C Ebert arrived home Wednesday night from her trip to Iowa Robert Lewis son of Engineer and Mrs Barney Lewis is ill with diphther ia Mrs Vina Wood is now recovering slowly from a severe attack of pneumon ia C H Nichols was over from Leba non last Saturday on business matters at the county capital Judge Moore is able to be at his office after a few days at home early in the week with sickness Mrs L P Chapman of Sheridan Wyoming is here visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Enos Rishel Philip Gliem and Fred Tauber were over from Danbury Wednesday on some probate matters before Judge Moore Mrs Frank Utter of McCook was the guest of her friends the Ellison family over Sunday Benkelman Chronicle M O McClure returned Monday evening from Wilsonville coming as far as Indianola with C W Keys in the latters auto H P Suttons new home is held up incomplete on account of unaccepted millwork and will not likely be finished now until next spring Mr and Mrs W C Higgins visited fore part of the week with Mr and Mrs Teddy Cain at McCook returning on No 16 last night Cambridge Clar ion iviR and mrs William JjEwis ar rived home last Friday night from spending several weeks taking in the great east and having the time of their lives Bruce Campbell and Vergie Barba zette witnessed the trouncing given Colorado by the Nebraska university football players in Lincoln last Satur day afternoon C W Keys of Wilsonville was sum moned to Colorado Monday night by the death of his wifes mother Mrs Jones Mrs Keys was at the bedside of her mother at the last Mrs J A Gunn Miss Nelle Dr and Mrs R J Gunn went fo Red Oak Iowa close of la9t week too attend the wedding of a relative returning home early part of present week Charles Price has returned from Lovelandr Colo where he has been at work and is working at his trade here now He gives some evidence that the boom there has suffered a slight punc ture Charles Keys was over from Wilson ville Saturday evening and attended the Masonic school of instruction He made the trip in his auto bringing Grand Custodian French up from In dianola in his car train No 5 being late Mrs David Moore sister of J H Stephens arrived in the city Thursday morning from Salt Lake City Utah and after a brief visit here she and Mr and Mrs Stephens will leave for Iowa on a visit of several weeks with relatives and friends Paul Blair came up from McCook Tuesday His father has sold his gro cery store and Paul goes to Davenport within a few days to be in an electric plant owned by his uncle Mr Adams Mr Blair has not decided what he will do this winter Vauneta Cor Imperial Republican T C Kimsey and wife went down to McCook Monday to which place they were summoned by the serious illness of their daughter Mrs R M Stoutsen berger The attending physicians fear that Mrs Stoutsenberger will have to undergo an operation before permanent recovery can be hoped for and in case the physicians thought she would be able to undergo the same at this time Mr Kimsey intended to remove her to an Omaha hospital at once Benkel I man Chronicle ft v Mto Kq MJo Mf I Tp I v ues in MARTIN miwmHaiaMifJWMfy SCARFS to be found in McCook Kodak supplies all kinds at Wood worth Cos Druggists Hofers store is headquarters for souvenir letters and post cards Try Magner Stokes for fresh salt meats fruit and vegetables and Fine proposition in a 4 room house 900 L H Lindemann phone 157 The McCook National Bank is C a good bank I a growing bank Fine 6 room house 2 lots in excellent location 2500 Phone 157 L H Lindemann Polish up that rusty stove pipe with a small can of our jet black emamel Wood worth Co Druggists Bring your old shoes to Diamonds Shoe Store on West Dennison street and have them made like new Nothing but pure drugs and chemicals used in filling your prescription Woodworth Co Druggists Our Sanitol deal is still on worth of toilet preparations for Ask about it at Woodworth 270 100 Cos Druggists I wish to thank all me patrons for their patronage in the past and to an nounce tnat 1 still Dandle tne jrrand Union goods Phone black 3Q4 at resi dence corner of Monroe and Douglass streets Mrs John Hcirr John Fitzgibbon of Saint Ann Frontier County purchased three Short horns at the Andrews Shallenberger sale at Cambridge last week paying S1C0 175 and 180 respectively for them A Chance For You Just to introduce it the publishers are offering for only 50 cents to send the Daily State Journal except Sunday from now until January 1 190S with Sunday 75 cents These are little over half price offers and will attract thou sands of new readers The paper will stop coming on January 1st without no tine from you Why not send in a half dollar and see what a great volume of reading matter you get for your money Some big events are happening in Ne braska and you should keep posted by reading the paper that can tell the whole truth about everything and everybody Mbtm Wuiii nWiarmft wriuwwiifc jiMiHH WltoWflft Extra Special Showing of Cloaks Saturday Nov 2 Tomorrow Saturday a representative from THE PALMER GARMENT CO will be at our store with a large line of Ladies Misses and Childrens Cloaks and 5kirts Everything new in the line of Tight Fitting Half Fitting and Semi Fitting Garments will be shown and this will afford you a grand opportunity of see ing the very latest and newest designs and styles DONT FAIL TO CALL Talk About Furs We srely haye hem and ---------- are showing the biggest ISABELLA FOX SABLE CONEY BEAVER SQUIRREL BLUE FOX and OPOSSUM As was thoroughly onstrated at our Fur Exhibition and Sale last Monday we buy direct from the manufacturers who make and guarantee every piece of fur we sell you Before buying see our large line of Dress Goods Trimmings and Silks Petticoats Waists and Underwear H C Clapp Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Scott Stoner for groceries McConnells BalBam cures coughs Fresh potato chips always on hand Magner Stokes McMillens cold tablots will cure your cold and stop your cough Phone 56 Walsh Block McCook Try Scott Stoner for groceries Lettuce radishesceleryyoung onions Huber A home for 6900 in a 4 room house Phone 157 L H Lindemann Just arrived J M 1S16 canned fruits and vegetables Huber McMillens cough cure is just what its name indicates A Cure for Cough First come first served on 4 room house for 900 L H Lindemann phone 157 Kemember Hofers is the best place 10 Duy stationery souvenirs novelties and post cards A 4 room house with shade and fruit in good locality only 900 L H Linde mann phone 157 If you want it done right and right away call up phone 68 E M Douglass Co office in Bump building A Burton of Bartley invested 185 of his good money in an berger Shorthorn last Wednesday at Cambridge Our Cream Lotion is healing and soothing to both face and hands and will give entire satisfaction A McMillen Druggist We have made arrangements to se cure fresh chocolate cream candy every week in the f u ture Barney Hofer McCook News Depot Wellerett cigars their size and shape combined with quality make them the best 5c cigar in the west Woodworth Co Druggists The Babcock business buildinrr in 11 block 16 just north of the First National Bank building has been sold to John Morris by C H Boyle Consideration 7500 The Empire Loan Trust Co of Haigler has been succeeded by the Haigler State Bank with a capital of 5000 William H Lamed an exper ienced banker is the cashier Most crowds men wno minerle with or particinatft in nn many features are absolutely unable to describe in detail any one particular feature It is then that they find their weekly newspaper most valuable Just so it is with the readers of daily news papers they have not the time or the inclination to follow every phase of th vwxxo aoui3 ana so turn to a uowapaper for a concise and o weekly conneefcpfl account of any event of more than local interest This demand is easily aup plied at small cost by The Weekly In er Ocean which can be obtained with this paper one year for 125 V V H