n of rl m i R S DR R J GUNN DENTIST Pn0NB ii2 OfQco Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance First door south of Foams gallery McCook Nebraska C H Boyle B J9F iMttSof H P SUTTON MCCOOK C EEliDBED BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distance Ilone 44 Booms 1 antl 7 second floor PoHtofflco Bnilding McCook Neb Barber Shop Itearof ist National Bank Newly Furnished and First Class in Every Particular Earl Murray JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTOKNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTKACTEB McCook Nebraska CalAfiont of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postoffice building YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF Rpjolr WQrk P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska McCook Laundry G C HECKMAN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing GATEW00D VAHUB DENTISTS Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 w oar to to to to to to to to to to to to to The Security Abstract and Realty Company FOR LOAHS AUD INSURANCE Farms Wild Lands and City Property at owners prices Properties of non residents looked after Write for infor mation W C M0YER Mgr IP Autumn Special fv cites Cheap One Way Colonists RateS aly during October to Pa- citic Coast and far west points at about half rates To the East The low rate James town Exposition tick ets can be used for your autumn trip to New York Boston and other eastern cities These are the last cheap rates of the season Homeseekers Excursions Cheap rate excursions the first and third Tuesdays of ejich month this au tumn to Kansas Oklahoma the Gulf country Colorado Utah Wyoming Big Horn Basin Montana and the North west Ask your nearest agent or write the undersigned Big Horn Basin and Billings District erun personally conduct- 1 ed cheap rate homeseekers excursions to help you locate on irrignt ed lands at the lowest prices they will double in value in five years Join me on these excursions No charge for services Write D Clem Deaver Agent Burlington Landseekers Bureau Omaha GEORGE S SCOTT Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Web r mmM ABSENCE OF MIND A Funny Story About Ampere the Fa mous Mathematician You all know the old joke of the pro fessor who pondering over the saying that In a railway accident absence of body was a good deal better than ab sence of mind went to the nearest railway station and tried to take a ticket for the nearest railway acci dent so as to have the matter proved to his own satisfaction You doubt less know the story too of the pro fessor of mathematics whose new par lor maid told him when he rang at his own door that Professor Jones was out Ill call again Ill call again he said and went away But these are stories merely Here however are some Incidents from real minded Hundreds of stories of bis absentmindedness are told but quite the funniest is tbat of his dinner at the t house of M Fontanes the grand mas ter of the University of Paris For a joke somebody had told Ampere that he must go to the dinner in his aca 1 demicians uniform of green and gold and girt with his sword When he got himself and slipped it behind the cush ions of a sofa After dinner Ampere Oil Wells at Sea The ivhale is by no means the only source of marine oil Though little known to fame the humble menhaden yields oil and fertilizer worth 1000 000 a year giving employment to 1800 fishermen and 1600 employees of fifty factories The people who are so profitably engaged in slaughtering 700000000 of these fishes every year naturally claim that they were created providentially for the express purpose since they are not fit for food and yet the supply seems inexhaustible No one knows whence they come or whith er they go All we know Is that every spring vast schools of them appear in the gulf of Mexico heading north in closely packed masses near the surface utterly incapable of either defense or escape All that is needed is simply to scoop them up with big seines Brooklyn Eagle A Costly Autograph At a charitable sale in Paris once Baron Rothschild stopped at a stall conducted by Gyp and the fair lit terateur addressed him with the usual request to buy something What am I to buy said the baron You have nothing at all suitable for me But I have an idea I should like to have your autograph Sell me that Taking a with the ladys ingenuity The Daughter Balked I thought said old Groucherly that I could save money by refusing to give my consent to my daughters marriage with young Huggins but its no go Whats the trouble queried the friend of the family She declines to elope explained the old man with a iarge open faced sigh Chicago News His Scheme Snoggs My daughter is going -to marry young Scroggs Boggs Why I thought you hated him Snoggs I do This is a schemebf mine to have my wife become his mother-in-law Cleve land Leader Hear one side and you will be In the dark Hear both Bides and all will be clear Haliburton A FOOL QUESTION Asked In a Railway Station It Won a Caustic Reply He stood at the tlckot window slowly unrolling an old fashioned leather bag while a dozen men stood behind him driven to madness by the shouting of the gatemen calling their trains After he got about a yard and a half of bag unrolled he suddenly stopped and said to the ticket clerk Is that clock right No sir Taiut shouted the startled pas senger stooping down and making a sudden clutch at a lean and hun gry carpetbag Talnt right Well I what n the name o common sense do ye have it stuck up there for then iim 1 1 t 1 1 11 - 11 1 iu 1001 peopie cuiuiiy repneu uie life remarkably absent- Ampere was derk That8 wlmt were here fortQ fool people and misdirect them Great Seott said the passenger hurriedly rolling up his bag Ive missed my train Ill report you I will Wont do any good Its the compa nys orders They paj a man to go round every morning to mix and mud dle up all the clocks so that not one of to the house he much was very an- thom he rht flIKl no t of fllm noyed to find everybody else in aM e nary evening dress I will get rid of Tlie passenger gaSped twice or thrice the sword at all events he said to hllt polllrl nnt Rv nnVfillnf Thl tMtiT mf 0 v w clerk went on Its the superintendents idea He forgot himself as usual and became j3 fond of fun enj0ys a joke and it lost in abstruse calculation He took a doe3 uim to nbout g001 see a mnn jurap little piece of chalk out of his pocket nn1 uear him jaw when he buys a and began working out problems on ticket and tueu flmls bis trahl has baen the black satin cover of the mantel 1 gone two hours piece ne became so absorbed in what Which way Is this clock wrong he was doing that all the guests left the passenger asked in despairing witnour nis noticing tuem ana when ho wrote down Q E D no one was left in the room except Mme Fon tanes and she unfortunately sat fast asleep on the sofa where Amperes sword lay hidden Ampere went down upon his knees and pulled gently at the sword so as to get it away Avithout waking the lady He pulled and pulled and pres ently the sword came out without the scabbard At this moment Mme Fon tanes awoke and alarmed the house with her screams of terror at seeing a man on his knees before her with a drawn sword in his hand But mathematical professors have not the monopoly of absentminded ness La Fontaine whose fables are the delight of adult Frenchmen and their childrens earliest task went to the court of Louis XYI to present a copy of his fables to the king And he forgot the book Fortunately the king knew La Fontaine his fables and his foibles and gave him a thousand pis toles about 230 Unfortunately though La Fontaine left the money In his hired carriage on his way back to Paris But the prettiest piece of absent- mindedness of which I have ever heard was that of Professor Pozzl who ask ed a lady who was bewailing the fact that she had no children whether she thought the failing was hereditary This is even more amusing than the delightful answer made by the engi neer of the Seme tunnel M Berlier to a servant who told him when he went to call upon his lawyer that that gen tleman had died that morning Oh said M Berlier dear dear Im so sor ry But tell him I -wont keep him a minute St James Gazette cents fast or slow Dont know Thats part of the fun not to let anybody in the building know anything about the right time All I know is that its about ninety minutes wrong one way or the other With a hollow groan the passenger grabbed his bag and made a rush for the door upsetting any man who got in his way In about two minutes he came back crestfallen and meek and took his place at the end of the line When once more he walked up to the windowhe said as he named his sta tion and bought his ticket like a sane man What made you talk to me like you did W7hat made you ask questions like a fool San Francisco Chronicle PLEASANT JAILS The Way Prisoners In Montenegro Are Treated When I paid a visit to the Cetlnje jail I found that all the prisoners were out for a walk For two hours every morning and again for two hours in the afternoon they are allowed to wan der about on the green before the pris on There Is nothing Indeed but their own sense of honor to prevent their going farther afield unless they be murderers In which case they wear chains The authorities provide them with housing of course and with clothes not uniform also with a fire at which to cook their food and they give them fourpence a day each to buy It The prisoners cater for them selves Two of them go to the market every morning to buy provisions for the day They are not required to work unless they choose and they are classi fied not according to the seriousness of their offense but according to their standard of life and general behavior If a man of education and refinement is sent to prison care is taken to lodge him so far as possible in a room where the other occupants belong to his own rank In life I found on one bed a beautiful counterpane and a pil low covered with delicate embroidery Yes poor fellow thats his wifes handiwork the governor of the jail remarked casually as we passed In one prison life was made so easy and pleasant that on leaving it I ventured to remark that to be there was no pun ishment it seemed to me No punishment the official who was with me exclaimed in surprise But think of the disgrace of being here Is not that in itself punishment ecbugh T lfad and still have doubts on the subject for I had just seen a cheery old fellow who although the time for which he was sentenced had expired stoutly refused to quit the prison Edith Sellers in Fortnightly Review White Africans The Berbers who although African are as ivhite as Europeans are the oldest Tvhite race on record says an explorer They are supposed to have come from thfi smith of Rnrnnp In in sheet of paper the lady dent rinvs th rmmw Aix artj0or wrote upon it Received from Baron snvs nTfl nithni tioir innmim ot nlr1iI l nnr - obuuti iiuiuotuiiu uik ULU VL JUUU lTUUCS for the benefit of charity Gyp Baron Rothschild read it thanked her and handing her a note for the amount named went nwav delighted customs are entirely different from ours and their religion Mohammedan they are probably closely akin by de scent Blue eyes and fair hair are not at all uncommon among the Ber bers and many of them have rosy cheeks and features so like our own that were they dressed in British fash ion they would easily pass as natives of the British isles Equality Uncle Hello Dot got a new doll Llttje Miss Dot Hush uncle dont speak too loud She is not one of my own but belonged to Millie Simpson who was cruel to her andbandoned her bo I have dopted her but I dont want her to know because I mean to make no difference between her and my own dollies London Tit Bits What It Was These deceitful women are so ridic ulous said Miss Passay As for me I was never afraid to tell what my nge was No woman replied Miss Wise ever minds telling what her age was London Answers w A t - CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A F A A M McCook Lodk0 No 135 A F A M moots evory lirst nuri third TimmIu or tho month ut 800 p in iu Mnsonic hall Ciiaules L Faiimutcock W M Lon Cone Soc deuieok honor McCook Lodco No 3 D of H moots ovory second nnd forth Friduj s of ouch mouth ut800 p 111 in Quuscliows hull Mui Lauua Osiiuun C of II Mrs MatieG Welles Hoc EAGLES McCook Aorio No 1511 F O E meets tho second and fourth Wednosdsjsof eucii month at 800 pm in GuuscIiouh hull Social moot iuks on tlio llrtt unci third Wuduosdajs W II Cummins W Pros II F Peterson W Sec EASTEUN HTAK Eurokn Chapter No m 6 E S meets the second and fourth Fridn s of rli nnili 800 p in iu Masonic hull Mus Sauaii E Kay W M Sylvester Cordeal Sec G A R J K Barnos Post No 207 G A It meots on tho llrst baturduy of each mouth at 210 p in Oanschow s hall J M Hendeesov Cmndr J H Iaisger Adjt knights OF COLUMIJUa McCook Council No 3126 K of C meets tho liryt nnd third Tuodajs of eucli month at8U0 p in in Ganschows hall C J Ryan G K F G Leculeitee F Sec KNI0IIT8 OF r YTHIAS McCook LodRo No -12 K of P meets every Wednesday at 800 p in in Masonic hall J COUDEAL C C C XV Barnes K R S KNIGnTS TEMPLAR St John Commandery No 16 K T meots on the second Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Emerson Hanson E C Sylvester Cordeal Rec LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER8 McCook Division No C23 B of L E meots every first and third Saturday of each monthht 8 00 in Berri s ball XV C SCHENCK C E W D Burnett F A E LOCOMOTIVE firemen McCook Lodge No 599 J of L F E meets every Saturday at 800 p m in Gaus chows hall XV R rrNNaTON M W S Bixler Sec MODERN 1OODMEN Noble Camp No CM M XV A meets every second and fourth Tbursdaj of each month at bM p m in Ganschows hall John Hunt V C Barney Hofer Clerk ODD fellows McCook LodRo No JUT I O O F meets ovory tf uvw M uuuaLiiun a null Scott Doan Sec E H Doan N G p e o Chapter X P E O meets the second and fourth Saturdajs of each month at 230 p m at the homes of the various members Mrs C W Britt Pros Mrs J G Schqbel Cor Sec RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the second and fourth Sundajs of each month at 300 p m in Diamonds hall Joe Hegenbergee C Con M O McCldre Sec RAILWAY TRAINMEN C XV Bronson Lodge No -187 B of R T meets every Friday at 800 p m in Berrys ball H W Conover M F J Huston Sec nORKMEN McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meots ovory Monday at 800 p m in Diamonds hall Web Stephens M XV C B Gray Rec VJffessV v B A M Kinff Cyrus Chnptor No J5 li A M moots ovory iirst and third Thursday of uach mouth nt HAD p in in Mnsonic hall Clarence H Gray ii P Clinton B Sawtkr Sec ROYAL NEKllillORH Noblo Camp No 652 It N A moot ovory secoud mid fourth Ihurt diy of ouch mouth nt 2lXp in iu Gniicchows hull Mrs Mary Walker Ornclo Mrs Augusta Anton Hoc 11 8 31 to Council NolCRAS M incuts on tho last Saturday of each inoulh utUl p in in Masonic hall Baltic A IIaodekg T I M Syvlester Cordeal Sec w o v Meots second and fourth lhurdns at S oclock iu Diamonds hall Ciias r Makkwad C W C Mover Clerk J II WODDELL AlcCOOK NEB LIVE STOCK and REAL ESTATE AUOTIONEFlt iaCal at Citizens Bank For Dates Dr A DJFINOJI OSTEOPATH IC PI1 YSICIAN and OPTICIAN Oilice days Tuesdays Wednes days Thursdays and Saturdays Oilico iu Post Office Bldg - Phone 13 rzr rer riipmi T rt SYRUP Cures BRONClS C R Woodworth St Cos Unusual Offer It isnt often that wo hnvo faith enough in tho medicine put up by other peoplo to bo willing to offer to refund tho monoy if it does not cure said C R Woodworth Co tn n Tribuno man who dropped into their storo but wo are glad to sell Dr Howards specific for tho euro of constipation nnd dyspop sia on that basis Tho Dr Howard Company in ordor to get a quick intro ductory salo authorizes us to sell their regular fify cent bottles at half price 2o cents and although we have- sold a lot of it and have guaranteed ovory packago not ouo lias been brought back as unsat isfactory Thoro aro sixty doses in a viui that can bo carried in tho vest pock et or purso andevory one has moro med icinal power than a big pill or tablet or a tumbler of mineral water Wo aro still selling the specific at half price although wo cannot tell how long wo bo ablo to do so nnd nnyono who is sub ject to constipation sick hoadncho diz ziness livar trouble indigestion or a general play out condition ought to take advantngo of this chance The McCook Tribune for 100 per Year Who Makes XTRAGOOD WE always like to know all we can about the makers who produce the clothes we offer you and wed like you to know about them too 4L One of the main reasons we sell Xiragood is the fact that they are made by Ederheimer Stein Co Chicago in the most modern and re markable tailor shops ever built in large light airy clean buildings specially erected and fitted for making clothes better and differ The Best Boya ent than others have done or are doing C Beside the longer wear your boy will Overcoat h an XTRAGOOD Ages 7 to 17 Prices 5 to 12 get out of XTRAGOOD the better appearance and more perfect fit tlinf vntiH annrpriufp it nn Ariw j - rt -- -- ij vantage to know theyre clean hi and wholesome as well as y most durable reliable honest economical mWf kill II mi ut i M TARTSCH THE CLOTHIER I I I I i dfc II II Bi K Our Best Offer THE McCOOK TRIBUNE and THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN Both a Full Year For Only All the News of the World and Home Only TwentyFive Cents More Than the Price of THE McCOOK TRIBUNE Alone The Weekly Inter Ocean Contains Each Week 21 columns of news 14 columns of talks by a practical farmer on farm topics economical machinery planting growing and storing of fruits and vegetables breeding and marketing of live stock 20 or more Lost and Found Poems and SoDgs 1 column of Health and Beauty Hints Best short and continued stories Chess and Checkers Puzzles and Complications Dr Keeders Home Health Club Miscellaneous Questions and answers Poems of the Dav a special Washington letter takiDg cartoons and illustrations 5 columns of live entertaining editorials 7 columns of live stock and market reports 40 questions and answers by readers on anything pertaining to the business of farming garden- Hve stock andpoultrv etc etc 10 to 20 questions on veterinary subjects 7 columns of information on recipes patterns formulas etc furnished by readers 14 to 21 columns of stories of public men his- toncal geographical and other miscellany o columns of a specially reported sermon by the Kev Dr Quayle of Chicago and the Sundav bchool lesson These features together with a Special Magazine Department make up the Leading Farm Home and News Paper of the West OUR The price of The VVeeky Inter Ocea remains SI 00 a year The price of The McCook Tribune remains 100 a year OFFE R The two papers each one year will cost only 125 N B This special arrangement with The Weekly Inter Ocean is for a limited time onlv Suhqpriho to The Weekly Inter Ocean are assured that no papers will be sent after their subscriptions expire if their subscriptions are renewed by cash payments rs unless siv V