i i X 1 I n r fc if ii It u M 1 w L v 1 I M - L K 4 i 4 TTie Opportunity a Lire lime 270 Worth of for 100 You can secure ten of the most delightful toilet preparations in the world for 100 if you take advantage of the Sanitol Chemical Laboratory Com panys great introductory offer Regular price of the assortment ia 270 Sanitol Tooth Powder 25c Sanitol Face Cream e o 25c Sanitol Tooth Paste 25c Sanitol Toilet Powder 25c Sanitol Liquid Antiseptic e 25c Sanitol Bath Powder 25c t Sanitol Tooth Brush 35c Sanitol Shaving Creme 25c Sanitol Violet Elite Soap 25c Sanitol Face Powder 35c Total retail price 270 No other toilet preparations have given such general satisfaction or are as widely used as these They are refreshing beautifying and permanently beneficial For full particulars call at C R Woodworth Co Druggists Tinraaag maomBBTi rn gjjaara3riiriTi hc rjcaixt II - - T - SHOES SHOES SHOES DIAMONDS FAMILY SHOE STORE HOES for Father HOES for Mother HOES for Sister HOES for Brother HOES that FIT HOES that WEAR in fact HOES of all kinds and of the best makes including the Celebrated SELZ SHOES you will find -AT Diamonds Family Shoe Store ON WEST DENNIS0N ST M WMM W - jf t I UIMI No c 2 u 16 No 1 3 5 il ls Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LINE EAST DEPAET Central Time 930 p 3i 513 A 31 715 A M 1000 P 3r 7 I0 P si MAIN LINE WEST DEPAET Mountain Timo 800 lloS it Arrives A p 830 P 951 A 1228 A 31 IMrEEIATj LINE No 17C arrives Mountain Time No 17 5 departs 505 P 3r 645 A M SleopinK diniuff and rechmnR chair cars seats free on through trams Tickets solrt and baRRaco checked to any point in the Uniteu States or Canada For information timetables maps and tick ets call on or write Georce Scott Agent Mc Cook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS T J Cain was among the Denver vis itors Sunday Mr and Mrs B J Lane visited in Denver Sunday Frank Brady made a flying visit in Denver Sunday Mr and Mrs W L Bass were Den ver pilgrims Sunday Brakeman J W Ridnour is in St Louis on a short visit K H Davey has returned from Lin coln and will work at McCook again O G Coppom is back from Lincoln where he has been located for some time Brakeman J P Nies arrived home Sunday night from his visit in Ham burg Iowa Brakeman Roy Weidenhamer return ed home fir3t of the week from his visit to Galesburg 111 Brakeman Eastwood has been trans ferred to McCook from Oxford His family moved here the end of past week Miss Blanche Wily of Kansas City Mo arrived in the city on No 11 Wed nesday and has taken a position in the telegraph office here Engines on the McCook division are being provided with spark arresters and finer netting is being placed in the en gines when they are repaired An en gine a day as they come into the shop is thus provided The overhauled old engine of the blacksmith shop has been restored to its place in the shop The little dinky failed to fill the bill The old engine works like a clock now and the boys are allmore than pleased to see her install ed again Engine 616 is on the drop pit track this week Switch engine 1210 is just out of the back shop H Larson of the wheel platform has resigned this week R H Davey and Machinist Grote went to work Thursday Machinist W H Anderson returned to work Wednesday morning II Leonard and W H Stroud are new helpers in the machineshop this week Engines 196S and 1611 have been given new spark arresters this week The new apparatus is claimed to do the busj ness effectually Eneines 1105 and 307 from the Lin coln division have gone into the shop this week for an overhauling No 1108 from the Lincoln division is outside in the yard awaiting an opening Conductor L M Best has secured a location near Main avenue where he will erect large greenhouses and do a whole sale flower business also grow some vegetables under glass He has leased the Leland farm southeast of McCook and will put in a nursery nest spring Mr Best has been in the employ of the Burlington almost fourteen years and is well known through southwestern Ne braska He will retire from the com panys service soon Married at Evangfe ileal Parsonage Mr Arlie P Walters and Miss Belle Talbott were united in marriage at the Evangelical parsonage atKearney Neb at 730 last evening by Rev A I Ferch in the presence of the parents of the bride The groom is an industrious young man working as fireman on the Burlington lino wesc of McCook Neb The bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Wm Talbott living north of Gibbon and well known in this section Mr and Mrs Talbott are the parents of Rev C C Talbott an old schoolmate of Rev A I Ferch and now missionary in China After the ceremony an approp riate supper was served at the parson age The decorations were fitting and taste ful for the occasion and the little comp any of friends were cheerful and happy The bride and groom are leaving today for McCook Neb where they will make their home Their many friends wish them well as tLey enter upon their happy wedded life A I Ferch Kearney Neb Oct 22 1907 Have you ever tried an ebaso ink eraser See one at The Tribune of fice CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS PQR SALE FOR RENT ETC Episcopal Preaching services at St Albana church at 11 a m and 8 p m Sunday school at 10 a in All are welcome to these sorvicos E 11 Eaulk Kector Catholic Order of services Mass 3 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oelock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Louohiian Pastor Christian Rev J S Miller will preach in tho Christian church next Snnriiiv morniut and evening Bible school 10 a m Y P S C E at 7 p m All are welcome Christian- Sciknce Services Sun day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Subject Evorlasting Pun ishment Meetings held in Diamond block Room open daily from 2 to 5 p m except Sunday Science literature on sale Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 1100 a m Even ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us E Bukton Pa3tor Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching by pastor at 11 a in and 8 pm Prayer meeting Wed uesday at 8 p m Senior Endeavor at 7 p m The public is cordially invit ed to all of these services G B Hawkes Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by the pastor at 11 and 8 Junior League at 4 Epworth League at 7 Prayer meeting every Wednesday night at 745 Morning subject Pres ent and Fornn r Times This service will be an old folks service Evening subject Three Men Who Acted the tho Fool Sunday school and preach ing in South McCook next Sunday afternoon at 2 and 3 oclock M B Carman Pastor A Reminder of Early Days A writer in the San Francisco Chron icle makes reference to what might be quite familiar to early settlers in this part of Nebraska He speaking of methods used by Indians to communi cate with each other he says Sometimes however these circles may not mean water at all and then it is necessary to understand tho intricacies of the Indian mind to understand just what he is driving at I remember once when I was hunting on the Republican river I came across a circle of buffalo skulls which attracted my attention be cause of their peculiar arrangement Sixteen skulls were set in a semicircle with their noses pointing down the river In the center of the circle was a skull on which were pointed thirty six red lines Near the skulls were two small sticks placed upright in the ground and at the top of each stick were tied two bundles of hair A Pawnee Indian was with me and told me that thirty six Pawnees had camped there They had made a raid against a camp of Comanches contain ing sixteen tents or lodges and had taken four scalps They were now returning home down the river To the ordinary observer this arrangement of skulls and sticks would have given no more impres sion than the idea that some one had been amusing himself by playing with these buffalo skulls To the Indian the arrangement was a complete story DANGER IN DELATE Kidney Diseases Are Too Dangerous for McCook People to Neglect The great danger of kidney troubles is that they get a firm hold before the sufferer recognizes them Health is gradually undermined Backache headache nervousness lameness sore ness lumbago unary troubles dropsy diabetes and Brights disease follow in merciless succession Dont neglect your kidneys Cure the kidneys with the certain and safe remedy Doans Kidney Pills which has cured people right here in McCook Mrs A G Rider living in the east ern part of McCookNeb says I have suffered for a number of years from kid ney trouble My back was very lame and sore and there was a dull throbbing sensation directly over the left kidney I was unable to lie on my left side with out experiencing sharp twinges through this region Shortly after I noticed the first symtom of kidney trouble the kid ney secretions became irregular too frequent in action causing mo to rise many times during the night and con tained a sediment As a result of nc sleeping well I became weak and run down had little ambition and my house hold duties became a dread I was ad vised to give Doans Kidney Pills a trial by a person who had used them with good results I used them for sometime according to directions and the result was a complete cure I have felt like a different person since using Doans Kid ney PiUs which I procured at McCon nells drug store For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other Say you saw it in The Tribdne BEGGS CHERRY COUGH JRUP Cures BRONCHUS Foil Sale A four ton Fairbanks scale in good condition tf IJARNETT LUMHER Co Wanted Room and board in private family A E Stovenin Wanthd Roomers young mon pro erred Second houso north of green house Mas J G Inglis Lost A Fairviow Kansas cheek book used as a pocket book containing 805 20 reward for return to Tuihunk oflico Also contains fiOO milo Rock Island mileago book Ivan Plumii E strays Taken up Saturday morn ing tho 19th at my farm 11 miles north west of McCook fivo two- or horses C W Nelson 10 25 3ts ADVERTISED LIST Tho following hitters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postoflico October 25 1907 LETTERS Adams Mr Scwnll Baker Mr William Bradley Mr C S Broyals Mr Joe Bouliam Mr Frank Bissell Mr Clias Cnucliins Miss Ethel Cox Mr John Douglas Mr Fred Fraser Mr Earnest Gould Chas E Giman Jacob Hughes Mr A M Meyer Mrs Fred Madron Mr John KomiiiKcr Mr F E Simmons Jes sie Tansy Mr G II Willers Diedrich Casady S A Davis Ray Grillith Miis Mayme Heanley New Irwin Mr Ed Kolo James r Martin Mr Tom Ilumleiuli JnoW SandberK Mr Elmer Whalen Mr William Wilson Chas Edwardf RomsIIu Foland Mr Geo Gaskett Mr Ray Gibbs Mr Alfred Hines Mr Hcgul Marshal Mrs Jims Rickey Mr Frank Skinner Jessie H Smith F II Tovnheiid Mrs Win Wheeler Miss Kattio CARDS Dobson Mr Frank Field Mrs Gust Halm Miss Hesse Hnhn Mrs J W Kelly Thos W Mr J Nichols L A Rund Jno Taylor Domdas Whitzel Mr Haney Wadsworth Miss Loi Jones Mr W P When calling for these please say they were advertised F M Kimmeli Postmaster If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business NOTICE To Charles R McKillip non resident defend ant You are hereby notified that on the 21th day of October 1907 Nellie I McKillip plain till tiled petition against you in tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraska the ob ject and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce Irom you on tne grounus war aitnougn you nro of sullicient ability to provide suitable mainten ance lor ner mat you nave grossly wanioniy and cruelly refused and neglected to provido suitable maintenance for more than two years last past and have since the date of said mar riage become an habitual drunkard and that plaintiff may bo given the custody of Clyde M McKillip and Floyd C McKillip children of said parties and for reasonable alimony You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 2nd day or December 1907 Nellie I McKillip Plaintiff My tfoyjo is Jiiurea ner attorneys I ITS THE easiest I thing in the world to make a firepot WRONG so easy that youll find most all of them wrong wrong construction wrong principle For 70 years there has been no improve ment on the actual Business End of a stove until this two piece revolving fire pot was placed in GARLANDS jl oBODCBBan Hes a doodl w - v - AJ of theZrAtiht iMfSweliDresser 1COPV91OM7P f Y3JPJ Pr Z X II I - judge lOimp api 9 A mva vm vm r im i n 3uooE mm n7y rrr MR WELL DUELER TO VKZSS WELL YOU MUST BEGIN AT THE BOTTOM DEGR0FFS SHOES HAVE GOOD ZoTToMS OR THEM AND GOOD TOS ALTHolGH YOU WEAR SHOES AT THE BOTTOM OUR -STYLES ARE TOPPY BUY HOE THAT HAVE A REPUTATION THEY WILL COT YOU 350 ANP 4O0 A PAIR AND THEY WILL KEEP YOUR FEET IN A GOOD HUMOR C L DeGROFF CO f lfe v THE OF A STOVE IS THE HKhfU I THE ART GARLAND FIREP0T DOES THE BUSINESS T iajjenp II Wr5Cw fl ffSk T ImProved Two Piece GarlafldSr T Revolving Firepot SraS aA aA T NOTICE ITS MADE IN TWO PIECES--- Thats to allow the air to pass into the fire instead of all coming in at the bottom HOT FIRE WHERE YOU WANT IT At the outside edge instead of the middle where you get little radiation fr ra it THE LOWER PIECE REVOLVES Just put the crank on give it a turn and the firepot is as clean as a whistle NO POKING NO FUSSING NO MUSS NO DUST WILL SAVE YOU A TON OF COAL EVERY YEAR YOU USE IT ART GARLAND THE STOVE WITH THE REVOLVING FIREPOT Sold by McCOOK HARDWARE CO a aijxrr -- li i s