k H B i t VZ MRSjfeMjWH re MtiJook pinup By F ill KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Republican State Ticket For Supremo Judge HON M B REESE whoso six years of honorable service on tho supremo bench proved him a fearless and upright judge and whoso life long integrity commands tho respect of cit izens generally regardless of political be lief For Railway Commissioner HON II T CLARICE JR tho friend and appointeo of Governor Sheldon a lender in tho last legislature and a man whoso business qualifications pro eminently fit him for tho difficult work of tho railway commission For Regents of tho Stale University HON C B ANDERSON a man of high standing and large busi ness experience which will prove invalu able in tho conduct of the business affairs of tho state university HON GEORGE COUPLAND a practical farmer whose earnest advo cacy of the modem idea of applying ad vanced educational and scientific meth ods to agriculture should command for him tho solid farmer vote For Judge 14th Judicial District ROBERT C ORR Hayes Center Republican County Ticket For County Clerk CHARLES SKALLA Indianola For Treasurer CLIFFORD NADEN Dan bury For Clerk District Court CHESTER A ROGERS McCook For Judge J C MOORE McCook For Superintendent BURTON F ROHRER Indianola For Sheriff H I PETERSON McCook For Assessor T A ENDSLEY McCook For Commissioner 3rd District C B GRAY McCook The Republican State Platform Points with pride to the achievements of the Republican party under the splen did leadership of Theodore Roosevelt and insists that his successor shall be a man who will continue the Roosevelt policies and suggests Secretary Talt as such a man Commends the present state officials for their care of the state institutions maintaining the credit of the state and reducing the state debt Commends the Nebraska delegation in congress Calls attention to the magnificent rec ord of the last legislature which carried out the pledges of the Repuplican party as follows 1 A state wide direct primary 2 Abolition of tho free pass evil 3 Comprehensive powers for the state railway commission 1 More equitable rates for transpor tation of passengers and freight 5 Equal taxation of railroad prop erty for city purposes 6 Abolition of fellow servant law and full employers liability 7 A pure food and dairy law 8 Rigid economy in appropriations Endorses the direct primary and pledges such amendments as shall im prove its workings Commends the good work of the state railway commission in its efforts to se cure better freight rates for the people of the state Calls for the rigid enforce ment of the anti pass law Declares that in suits at law corpora tions should be deemed citizens of every state where they have filed articles of in corporation or exercised the rights of eminent domain Favors an enactment of the federal law forbidding tho federal courts from issuing writs of injunction against state officers charged with the enforcement of state statutes Regards with high favor the nominees on the state ticket and invites voters who believe in official probity and effic iency to join in electing them The Lincoln State Journal handed Chancellor Andrews of tho Nebraska university a deserved bunch the other day apropos of the chancellors ill advised utterances in a speech down east more than incidentally defending such rich banditti as the Rockefeller aggregation No rational American of honest fair mind has aught against honest honorably acquired wealth but they have a controversy with the pred atory multi millionaires or the billion aires whose vast fortunes have been ac quired by financial brigandage now familiar to a school boy and that con- rv troversy not fait to end until conditions are bettored in this respect tho chancellor of tho Nebraska univer sity and his able compatriot Chan cellor Day of tho Syracuso university to tho contrary notwithstanding Tho warfare will not end as long as it is possible for wealth to pile up added riches by methods which send the pett thief to jail and tho highwayman to tho ponitontiary Let it bo understood that no billioniare can screen himself behind tho silly claim of genius or in dustry upon industry from just criti cism or from effort to make them amen able to tho laws of the land The Holdrege Daily Progress is no more Editor Page is a rustler express ed in upper case typo but expenses were too much for tho prico which is tho caBO with all tho Nebraska newspapers of tho lessor sort daily and weekly and he had to succumb Just how long Ne braska newspapermen will attempt to do business on the prices of 25 years ago wo do not dare guess But it is absurd if not suicidal and tho sooner changed to meet the insane high prices of today tho better for the craft The Nebraska Republican Taf t league recently organized in Omaha gives the Fifth congresBional district four vice presidents nanoly Congressman G W Norris of McCook J W Kiefer of Nuckolls county A L Clarke of Adams county E B Perry of Cam bridge The headquarters of the league is at Omaha The Nebraska supreme court rendered a decision in favor of tho temperance element in Arapahoe recently Taia makes T L Grier the mayor of that burg and should close the row there for tho rest of tho municipal year at any rate BARTLEY After a few days visit with friends in Bartley Mrs Gordan Athey return ed to Wuuneta Wednesday Mrs Pennington now of Wauneta who formerly lived in Bartley who has been very sick for several weeks sent her children down here to stay with her mother Mrs Bartholomew until she regains her health A nice little type writer girl came Monday morning to stay with Mr and Mrs John Clouse Mother and child are doing well John is in ecstasy over the event Miss Ruby Enlow of Cambridge came up Saturday evening and visited over Sunday with her sister Mrs Arbogast The basket social at the Christian church Friday evening given by the Christian Endeavor society was a pleas ant success and netted their treasury 2650 Perry Ginther is visiting with his parents and working on the Christian church parsonage At the close of the services at the Christian church the minister and mem bers in a body marched to the M E church where a farewell service was tendered W F Miller and daughter W V Miller and daughters Maud and Blanch departed from Bartley Monday morning on No 12 for their new home in Lincoln No more worthy and highly esteemed family ever made their home in our vilhage and it is with unanimous regret that we part with them yet take some comfort in the hope they may conclude to return to Bartley and make their home with us again The Misses Rittenours of Beaver Crossing visited here last week with their sister Mrs Martin A son of Mr and Mrs Ebeca died Tuesday and was buried Wednesday afternoon Rev Higgeman preached tho funeral sermon Mrs Iva A Gammil is in Frontier county at the home of her sister Mrs Lexton assisting in caring for the fami ly who are very sick with typhoid fever Albert Burton is putting up a large barn The Farmers Elevator is drawing trade for many miles around because of tho good prices paid R F D No 1 Mrs Will White of Red Cloud Neb and Mrs J C Lafferty of Danbury were visitors at Mrs J I Lees last Thursday Mrs White is an old friend of Mrs Lees Mrs J I Lee expects her sister-in-law Mrs W M Jones from Chicago in a few days to make her a visit of sever al months s Miss M Evans has sold some fine hogs this week The new houses of Fred Troester and G A Roedel are ready for tho plaster ers August Bahrs new residence is just out of the hands of the plasterers Quite a number of fine homes going up in this neighborhood Tho German Lutheran church at Ash Creek is undergoing repairs New out buildings are being provided etc Tho German friends believe in keeping the church property in good condition Henry Ebert is hauling out materials for a new house Mr and Mrs A E Price are proud of that eight pound boy born last Thurs day G H Bartel father-in-law of G A Roedel is visiting Mr and Mrs Roedel on Ash Creek Charlie Freelove has moved over northwest of McCook where ho will farm the next season The car shortage question is now pressing the Burlington The Alliance division is short stock cars and the Mc Cook division grain cars the last re port showing but 113 grain cars avail able with a demand for 269 cars on file MOVEMENTS Or- THE PEOPLE John V Wharton attlo Wusb colony has joined tho So- Nelson E Hall of Aurora Ind is a now residence of our city Mr and Mks Hurley Dye returned last week from their trip west Mrs Mattik G Welles returned Monday from her Aurora visit Mr and Mrs W T Henton wore over from tho Beaver yesterday Mr and Mrs John Boylks and tho children have moved to Denver to live F G Lechleiter returned closo of lust week from the dog races atMinden Miss S C Beach ond childron aro visiting at tho old home in Princoton Mo E M Stewart returned Wednesday from a trip to Omaha and western Iowa points Mkb Fannie Green and Mrs Baxter of Indianola have gone to California for tho winter Mr and Mrs S C Dragoo of Friend are visiting her paronts Mr and Mrs W P Burns Dr and Mrs J D Hare departed first of tho week for a visit in and around Lincoln Commissioner Samuel Premer was up from Bartley Wednesday on mat ters of business interest Mrs D W Parker and mother of Palisade were in McCook this week the guest of Mrs Judge Moore Editor and Mrs E S Bykikld of tho Indianola Reporter were Sunday guests of McCook relatives Mr and Mrs T J Bucknell of Hardy Neb were in the city Wednes day attending their sons wedding F A Phnnell and H P Sutton were over on Listons lakes in Hayes county fore part of tho week shooting at ducks Walter McCarty returned closo of last week from a trip to the ranch where he took his riding horso for the wintbr George Neill is buildiug nnother dwelling on his residence property north of his present home on McFar lnnd street Coy Burnett divorced himself from work in law school of the uni last Saturday to come up and visit the homefolks over Sunday Mrs Dr M C Hardin an osteo pathic physician wife A B Hardin M D of Arapahoe is stopping id our city for the purpose of taking treatment Miss Lillian ODonnell who is in Unicago taking treatment from a spe cialist is reported as improving rapidly and is expected home soon Stratton cor Mrs Sam Pickard and children ar rived from Keokuk Iowa Tuesday They will go to housekeeping in the Fuller home on Monmouth and Doug lass Mr and Mrs Samuel Diamond are as happy as two proud parents can well be over the visit of the stork to their home last Saturday It is a promis ing boy A F Green former pastor of the Baptist church occupied the Congrega tional pulpit Sunday morning and even ing last in the absence of Rev G B Hawkes Miss Margarett Houlihan of the Bee Hive departed Sunday night for Pierre S D on business connected with some government land she has taken in South Dakota Miss Viva Phelan and Master Frank Carman were principals in a collision one day closo of last week in which Miss Viva was worsted Frank and his wheel escaped catastrophe Mr and Mrs A Barnett Mr and Mrs J D Young and Miss Warde en joyed the idyllic pleasure and gastron omic treat of picnic on the classic Re publican Wednesday evening Helen Kunert met misfortune last Friday in falling off of the railing at the hitching rack at the east ward school building dislocating a shoulder She is geting on well however Mr and Mrs Albert McMillen en tertained the Thursday whist club last evening in usual happy form Dainty refreshments concluded The honors went to Barney Hofer and the conso lation to Albert Barnett MINOR ITEP1S OF NEWS Tjy Scott Stoner for groceries Fresh potato chips always on hand Magner Stokes Dont miss seeing those fur jackets at H C Clapps Monday Kodak supplies all kinds worth Cos Druggists at Wood- Hofers store is headquarters souvenir letters and post cards Try Magner Stokes for fresh salt meats fruit and vegetables for and Fancy carnations sixty cents per doz en McCook Greenhouse phone 91 Bring your old shoes to Diamonds Shoe Store on West Dennison street and have them made like new Secretary Wilson of the department of agriculture says that the unbounded prosperity of the agriculturist is not duo to chance but is the result of intelli gent scientific business methods A reader of The Weekly Inter Ocean has placed before him each week the prac tical and approved methods to which Secretary Wilson refers It is a good investment Only 125 for The Weekly Inter Ocean and this paper one year Most men who mingle with great crowds or participate in an event of many features are absolutely unable to describe in detail any one particular feature It is then that they find their weekly newspaper most valuable Just so it is with the readers of daily news papers thoy have not tho time or the inclination to follow every phase of tho weeks events and so turn to a weekly newspaper for a concise and connected account of any event of more than local interest This demand is easily sup plied at small cost by The Weekly Inter Ocean which can be obtained with this paper one year for 8125 I Try Scott S oner for groceries Fur furs go to Clapps See his advertisement in this paper We make specialty of fine toilet soaps Try them McMillen Druggist Remember Hofers is the best place to buy stationery souvenirs novelties and post cards The Sans Soucis the Catholic young ladies club met with Miss Mul len Wednesday evening If you want it done right and right away call up phone 68 R M Douglass Co office in Bump building R M Douglass Co draying in all its branches Call up phono 6S Call at office in Bump building lower Main avenue Shoes repaired while you wait ar Diamonds Shoe Store on West Donni son street All work like our shoes guaranteed We have made arrangements to se cure fresh chocolate cream candy every week in the future Barney Hofer McCook News Depot You dont need to pick over some last years patterns in wall paper at our store We have the very latest fall pro ductions Woodworth Co Druggists Congregational Christian Endeavor society meets Sunday evening at 7 7 r i i n it i o cloclr touojecc roreigiiiuibsiiuus Acts 166 15 Blanche Bowen leader Come and you will be welcome One hundred sixty acres of -unimproved land within a mile of Exeter Neb for 855 an acre Might take 81500 or 82000 McCook residence property in the deal W J Waite Exeter Neb Your homo will increase in value from 8100 to 8500 by simply adding a few gallons of paint We sell the Heath Milligan mixed paint the old reliable Has been on the market 15 jears none better made Every can guaranteed Now is the best time in the year to paint Come talk it over with us and get our figures Woodworth Co Druggists A weekly newspaper that publishes twenty one columns of good reliable news each week is rare in these days of cheap weeklies intended only to sell some article that the publisher is inter ested in Credit is due The Weekly Inter Ocean for keeping its columns filled with fresh and up-to-date news Give it a trial by subscribing through The McCook Tribune Dispatches from London state that 5000000 specimens of tho new interna tional stamp adopted by the postal con ference held at Rome in 190G are now ready for distribution and it is said that the postal authorities in the United States have already ordered 500000 which are now on their way to America The new stamp is practically a money order and can be redeemed for money at any post office all over the world Its value is five cents Bm mBm tf KT P Fur Coats Jackets Collars The biggest line of furs ever shown in McCook will be on exhibit and for sale at H C CLAPPS Exclu sive Dry Goods Store Monday October 28th This will be a representative line from one of the largest IHPORTERS EXPORTERS and MANU FACTURERS in America f you are anticipating the purchase of a FUR JACKET SCARF or MUFF this will give you an unprecedented opportunity of making your selection from a larger line than you would see in anv citv and at prices which will mean a bur savinsr to vou In this line we will show you all styles ot Jackets in Seal Skin Near Seal Electric Seal Otter Beav er Mink Squirrel Persian Lamb Astrachan orKrimmer us well as all styles and furs in COLLARETTES SCARFS FOUR-IN-HANDS and MUFFS DONT FORGET THE DATE AND MISS SEEING THIS EXHIBITION Come early and when in the store dont fail to look over our up-to-date stock of Ladies Long Coats Childrens Cloaks Furs Leggins and Caps Ladies and Misses Dress Skirts Waists and Petticoats Dress Goods Trimmings Silks Blankets Underwear Outing Gowns and Hose We offer you the happy Combination of a Superior Stock a Large Assortment and the Fairest Prices Every article shown is the best of its class every class represented is varied and complete Give us your trade we appreciate it H C CLAPP Exclusive Dry Goods Walsh Block McCook Nebraska Telephone 56 Ladies Furnishings i I J JT 1 ii n mii THE SAME OLD RELIABLE SUITS and OVERCOATS PENHEIMER SIMONS CLOTHING - SHOES McC0l -- f - cf rJ s ry -- kr PI -- 4m TSS I INHERE ana a in NEBRASKA is an elegance brilliancv found our hats whiVii give each a charm pe culiar to itself and dis tinguish it from th ordinary creation The difference is hard to define but it is there You feel it you know it when we have fitted you out Lovell Nies West Dennison Street t j A DISTINGUISHING ELEGANCE I IIIM THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Suppl I 3 i s i I s s i t I i I i s i 9 i 1 I 1 i i les i K a