The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 25, 1907, Image 1

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Course Of Entertainments
A committee of public spirited gentle
men have assumed the work and respon
sibility of a course of excellent enter
tainments for the people of McCoolc
this fall nnd winter Rev M 13 Car
man is chairraau and J It McOarl is
secretary while Rev J J Loughran
S B McLean G II ThomnH G S
Scott O F Heber and J E Ludwick
aro aasocinted with them They havo
arranged for four numbers as follows
The Cincinnati Ladies Cromonn Or
chestra Wednesday November G Lau
rant the magician Saturday November
30 Father L J Vaughan the groat
dramatic orator Tuesdny January 21
and George R Stuart the southern
humorist Friday February 7 Tickets
for this series of entertainments will bo
sold for 8150 Coupons for each separ
ate number will be presented atMcCon
nells drug store for single reserved
seats The sale of these season tickets
has already commenced You will help
the cause as well as the work of a disin
terested company of men if you will
hunt them out and offer to buy the
tickets from them
The Cincinnati Cremona Orchestra is
a high class musical organization eight
members which has always mot with
an enthusiastic reception wherever they
have played This number will be
given at the Menard opera house Wed
nesday November C An announco
msnt as to the time of the sale of re
served seats will bo made next week
Laurant the magician gives an eve
nings entertainment of magic mystery
and music November 30 The commit
tee believes that something new artist
ic and refined has been secured in this
Father L J Vaughan the first lect
urer appearsTuesday January 21 1908
This is Father Vaughans seventh suc
cessful season As a dramatic orator
he has no superior The Power of
Love and Sermons from Shakespeare
are two of his favorite subjects His past
experience before the foot lights has
given him perfect control of his power
ful voice and this with his fine pre
sence and dramatic delivery combine
to thrill his listeners with the great
truths be has to present
Geo R Stuart the southern humor
ist closes the course February 7 Lop
Sided Folks and The Worlds Bid
for a Man are subjects upon which ho
speaks Mr Stuart is undoubtedly one
of the most unique and satisfactory
platform speakers of the day He is a
natural genius of the pulpit and rost
Buy the tickets help the cause plan
for a series of high grade and wholsome
entertainments for your familys plea
sure through the fall and winter months
The Sunshine Club
The entertainment nnd sale by the
members of the Sunshine Club of the
Congregational Sunday school Tuesday
evening attracted the usual large pat
ronage and secured the customary ap
preciation The clubs treasury is the
richer by about 84000 and the public
has the memory of a pleasant evening
The program was as follows
Song creed and drill Sunshine Club
Piano solo Briaban Hofer
Recitation Mabel Hegenberger
Song Nellie Schwab
Recitation Doris Randel
Piano solo Frank Barnett
Sonr Marjorie Schobel
Reading M rs G B Hawkes
Piano duet Gertrude and Martha Suess
Piano solo Leta Monks
Reading MabelRandel
Piano solo Fay Eikenberry
There were a number of encores of the
worthful program
A Chance For You
Just to introduce it the publishers
are offering for only 50 cents to send the
Dailv State Journal except Sunday
from now until January 1 190S with
Sunday 75 cents These are little over
half price offers and will attract thou
sands of new readers The paper will
stop coming on January 1st without no
tice from you Why not send in a half
dollar and see what a great volume of
reading matter you get for your money
Some big events are happening in Ne
braska and you should keep posted by
reading the paper that can tell the whole
truth about everything and everybody
You push the button we do the
rest It is just as true today as it was
years ago About all you have to do to
take beautiful pictures with a kodak is
to press the little bulb which opens the
shutter We have a splendid line of
Eastman kodaks If you do your own
developing we have developers paper
for printing tripods developing tanks
etc L W McConnell druggist
235 for Bearskin Coats
Childrens white and colored bearskin
coats for 8235 Others at 8300 For
6 yrs to 14 yrs 8600 Bearskin hoods
50c in white and colors Bearskin leg
gins 8100 Bearskin muffs 75c and
8100 with purse and cord Bearskin
cloth in four colors 8200 yd The
Thompson D G Co
One Minute Washer
runs itself half the time Ball Bearing
durable runs easier than other
machine You should have one of iheso
splendid washers Sold by McCook
Hardware Co
New Piano Mover
R M Douglass Co have purchased
the latest up-to-date apparatus manu
factured for piano moving No chance
to injure your instrument See them
Hot Water Bottles
They are always handy to have in the
house new first quality rubber non
leakable L W McConnell druggist
Suit Cases
New things in suit cases for 8135
8150 8165 8225 8350 8500 to 8S00
The Thompson D G Co
Congressman Pollard Addresses People
Congressman E M Pollard of the
First Nebraska district addressed the
Republicans of McUook and vicinity on
tho issues of this campaign in the Men
ard opera house Mouday evening
His principal points were directed to
showing that the Republican party of
Nebraska had kept ail of its pledges
and that tiio party deserved what it
asked tho votes of tho people of the
state and continuance in office
He made some national references
and especially commended the work
and acts of Congressman G W Norris
of tho Fifth district whom he most
warmly urged for continuance in office
on account of his splendid record and
bright propects as a legislator
Chairman Smith of tho county cen
tral committee was chairman of the
meeting and made a short address in
introducing the speaker and the several
candidates on the Republican county
Brief speeches wore mado by each of
the several county candidates present
Charles Skalla candidate for clerk
J C Moore candidate for judge
II I Peterson candidate for sheriff
C A Rodgers candidate for court
B F Rohrer candidate for supt
Congressman Pollard paid a glowing
tribute to Judge Reese Republican can
didate for supreme judge as well as to
the other stare nominees H T Clarke
for railroad commissioner and C B
Anderson and George Coupland nom
inees for regents
He made a strong plea for Republicans
to support their candidates from tho
highest to the lowest and thus to line
up for the coming and vastly important
Meeting of Doctors Club
On Wednesday evening October 23rd
an informal gathering of the doctors of
McCook was held in tho Commercial
club rooms A most pleasant and
profitable social hour was spent in con
versation and in the discussion of var
ious topics An appetizing luncheon
having mysteriously made its appear
ance was hailed with glee and as mys
teriously disappeared
The evening was so much enjoyed by
those present the luncheon being partly
responsible that it was decided to es
tablish a permanent organization to be
known as the Doctors Social Club of
McCook the object of which shall be
as the name indicates the celebration of
occasional good times with probably a
banquet for the members and their wives
during tho holiday season Another
feature will be the reading of a paper on
some medical subject of goneral interest
at each meeting and a discussion of the
same by the members
Have you noticed the difference be
tween our kind of advertising and the
other kind Ours is specific describing
carefully the goods mentioned and
giving prices as for instance print Goc
You get a definite fact for the attention
you give Tho other kind is just talk
It gives no prices It seeks to jolly
you When you get to the store more
jolly At our store you see the goods
described and priced Our published
prices are a public benefit We solicit
your trade The Thompson D G Co
Laugh and Grow Fat
at the Exerbition of the Deestrick
Skule of fifty years ago at the Congre
gational church Friday evening No
vember 1st The marster and his
thirty pupils invite you to this their
closing exerbition given under the
auspices of the Christian Endeavor so
ciety for the benefit of the church bell
fund Admission 25c and 15c
Ending- Corn Agony
A quick and certain way to put an
end t corn agony is to apply Lightning
Corn Cure to the corn Lightning Corn
Cure is a painless a speedy and a sure
corn remover the satisfactory affective
ness of which we personally guarantee
Use it and watch your corn rapidly dis
appear L W McConnell druggist
Izzer Bed Comforts
We make them ourselves out of 14 yds
of cloth with six Izzer batts inside
They are 6ftx7f t well tacked and hem
med and run from 3185 to 8300 each
If you care for clean bedding for ample
size for durable make you will take
no other Tho Thompson D G Co
One price plain figures cash only
Farmers Another
raise in wagons is staring you in the
face but we havo anticipated this and
have a good stock of high grade New
Moline and Birdsel wagons which
you can still have at the old price If
you are going to need a new wagon in
the next year you should by now
McCook Hardware Co
Won Teddy
The large Teddy Bear at the McCook
Hardware Co which has been causing
so much excitement among the little
folks has found a home with Harry
Diamond who sold seventy three sets of
spoons Verne Hodgkin was second in
tho contest with thirty seven sets sold
Delightful FlaTorings
Fine flavoring extracts using only tho
choicest materials sparing no pains to
do the wort well and allowing each ex
tract plenty of time to fully mature en
ables McConnell to supply you with
such realy delightful flavoring extracts
Took Second Royal Prize
Gerald Wilcox was at the Kansas City
Royal Stock Show recently and carried
off second royal prize on his big hog
Colonel McCook a Poland China weigh
ing almost 1000 pounds He was the
largest hog in the show
Extremely choice assortment of en
chantingly fragrant odors 50 cents an
ounce L W McConnell druggist
jgBCJMft waftwfliflifflnf m m
To the Voters of Red Willow County
We the Democratic Central committee of this county presuming that all tax
payors and voters aro interested in those things that concern tho common good
have taken this opportunity of calling your attention through tho public press
to a few facts of interest in connection with the coming county election
As everyone doubtless knows all candidates on tho various tickets wero nomi
nated under the new primary election law which was in effect for the first time
this year and tho noxt duty of the voting public is to elect nil county officers for
the ensuing term Being firm believers in tho fact that publicity is the best aid
in determining the character or qualifications of any person we wish you the
public to know who these candidates are and what they stand for
Inasmuch as you are a tax payer of this county it is absolutely essential that
you know the moral and mental calibre of tho persons for whom you cast your
vote You follow this line of action in all your personal business deals that is to
say before buying any chatties or piece of merchandise you must first know tho
quality or intrinsic value of that for which you pay and why should you not be
equally careful in choosing the men to who you entrust both tho expenditure of
public funds and the administration of public affairs
It is a reflection upon a mans intelligence to say that he votes blindly and
without consideration or that he votes not at all To sum up tho matter plainly
You are paying for something and the question is do you know what you are
getting It matters not whether youpbe fanner merchant salaried man or laborer
you are compelled to pay tax either real or personal and the question which every
good citizen asks himself on election day Am I going to cast my vote in the in
terests of a favored few or for the general welfare of my county
Wo believe the candidates under our standard to he honest intelligent and
decent and know that each and every one is a factor for good in his home com
munity They are seeking office with the one idea of rendering to the county a
clean economic administration We have no desire to further the interests of our
party by depreciating or maligning any candidate of the opposition but we do
claim the right of asking you to enquire into the qualification of those seeking
We trust that you will not only go to the polls on November 5th but ask that
you mark your ballot with the same care that you exercise in the management of
your personal affairs
The constitution of the United States assures you a vote in national state
county and local affairs and regardless of your past or present political affilia
tions we respectfully ask your support for the following candidates
For Treasurer N J Uerling of Indianola
For Clerk Wm M Hiller of McCook
For Sheriff Chas Masters of Indianola
For Clerk of District Court Frank M Colfer of McCook
For Supt Public Instruction Claudia B Hatcher of Indianola
For Assessor Wm Meyers of Red Willow
For Coroner W A DeMay M D of Danbury
For Surveyor Andrew Barber of Indianola
For Commissioner Marion Plummer of McCook
For County Judge Jacob Steinmetz of McCook
Barney Hofer Secretary 10 25 2ts I A Sheridan Chairman
Reeder Would Collect Cash
County Attorney Reeder of Red Wil
low county consulted with Attorney
General Thompson concerning an un
paid judgment guaranteed by a bonding
company This concern was on the
bond of a county treasurer who was
short 86500 Tho concern alleged
County Attorney Reeder refused to
make good A statute demands that
all bonding concerns with unpaid judg
ments cease to do business in the state
B G Gossard county treasurer of Red
Willow county did not live the simple
life whem in office and when he finally
resigned and took up his abode in the
dipso ward of the Hastings asylum
an expert discovered that his accounts
were 86500 or thereabouts shy Mr
Reeder has not started embezzlement
proceedings against Gossard but he in
tends to do so In the meantime he
wants the bonding concerns to come
through with the cash his county has
lost in the gay life of its ex treasurer
Lincoln Star
Greens Story
Stein Bloch Co have been making
mens clothes for 52 years Practice
makes perfect Get one at Greens New
Clothing Store
Neckwear 25c 50c 75c 81008125
8175 at Greens
Greens Graham Hats are the ones for
You need to get inside a suit of our
good underwear
Overcoats and cravenettes from 8775
to 83000 at Greens
Everything in necessaries and many
luxuries for men and boys at Greens
New Clothing Store
Sold To DeGroff Co
John Hunt has disposed of his gro
cery business to C L DeGroff Co
and will devote himself to other af
fairs He has also become owner of the
Dye residence corner of Monroe and
Douglass Mrs Dye taking the Hunt
dwelling on South Monroe in part pay
The Style of the
Fairbanks Morse Gasoline engines
sold by McCook Hardware Co has not
changed for fourteen years and they are
the acknowledged standard you will
have no trouble if you purchase one of
these engines sold by the McCook Hard
ware Co
Notice to Patrons of The McCook Electric
Light Company
On and after October 2Sth the office of
the McCook Electric Light Co will be
on Dennison streetin the building now
occupied by Blair Sons grocery store
Phone 127
McCook Electric Light Co
The Hawkeye Hog Waterer
will not choke up or run over has an
expansive valve seat and all guaranteed
for five years Sold by McCook Hard
ware Co
McConnells headache capsuleB are a
quick pleasant thorough relief for the
pain of all kinds of headaches Pleas
ant safe and a quick relief Price 25c
Guaranteed Paints
Yoa can gee a fully guaranteed paint
The Lincoln absolutely pure at Mc
Millens drugstore
Fresh chocolates bonbons and cand
ies at Woodworth Cos Druggists
How Deacon Morlan Received The Title
Most of us know W S Morlan pretty
well and know that he is familiarly re
ferred to as Deacon Morlan yot there
are but few pepple know how he
title of Deacon In an early
day he lived at Arapahoe and during
his residence there was n pennrmiq nnn
tributor to the support of one of tho
churches In those days it was hard
work to raise the money necessary to
pay the preacher and this particular
church had a good minister who after
a hard struggle in behalf of the spirit
ual welfare of the little community
accepted a call to another church
When they came to settle up and pay
him off it devolved upon Mr Morlan to
foot the big end of the bill
The church was without a pastor
for some time but finally another one
was secured He arrived in Arapahoe
one afternoon in the summer time and
of course hunted up Mr Morlan to talk
over things and got acquainted Ho
first went to the house and his wife
informed him that he would find Mr
Morlan at the church mowing down
the grass and weeds which had grown
wild for some time He went to the
church and sure enough there was
Mr Morlan in his shirt sleeves working
as hard as a harvest hand The min
ister made himself known and in the
course of the conversation remarked
that he supposed Mr Morlan was a
christian and belonged to the church
and was perhaps one of the deacons
to which he replied no he thought the
church belonged to him Tho incident
became known and since that time it
is said he has worn the title of Deacon
when spoken of by his closest friends
and acquaintances Holdrege Citizen
Good Horse Blankets are Cheaper
than feed and you can keep your horses
with less if you will blanket them in
stead of letting them stand in tho cold
winds without We have the best blan
kets ever shown in town in the 5 A and
Northern Ohio and now is the time to
buy and get the good of them At the
McCook Hardware Co
Cold Climate Furs fc
Consider the region from whence the
furs offered you were obtained We
offer you Detroit furs the brightest
and best Scarfs from 75c to 81000
Isabella fox scarfs 8650 See us before
buying The Thompson D G Co
One price plain figures cash only
After a Long Illness
Mrs Flora Fields aged 48 years pass
ed away at her home in South McCook
last Thursday Services were conduct
ed in the Baptist church Friday last
Rev Edker Burton officiating after
which the remains wero interred in
Riverview cemetery
Do You Know
what it means to own a Sharpless Tubu
lar cream separator which has no
troublesome disks to wash You can
not afford to feed cream to the hogs
nowdays a Sharpless will get it all
Sold by McCook Hardware Co
American Corn Cribbing
at McCook Hardware Co at reduced
prices This is a very heavy 2 inch
mesh fence good any place where you
want an extra strong fence and cheaper
than lumber for either fence or cribs
For Coughs
McConnells Balsam is the speediest
and surest cure for coughs among all
our many cough remedies Price 25
Only Two Others In Nebraska
And thoy aro Omaha and Lincoln
This week tho Nebraska Telephone
Co installed in the New Palmer Hotel
a private branch exchange making Mc
Cook the third city in tho state in which
those conveniences are operated
This private exebango iB operated by
the hotel management from tho office
and connects tho office with tho vnrious
rooms and tho various rooms each with
tho other
This commendable enterprise is in
lino with tho rest of tho activities of that
obliging management
Baby Amen Died Wednesday Morning
The iufant son of Mr and Mrs Henry
J Amen died early Wodnesday morn
ing of this week Services wero con
ducted at tho homo Thursday morning
at 10 oclock by Rev G L Honkol
maun of the German Congregational
church after which tho little body was
buried in Riverview cemetery
McConnell for drugs
Try Scott Stoner for grocaries
Everything in drugs McConnell-
If its meat you can get it at Marshs
Wick hat bands are the snappy
thing Get one attheee Hive
Fresh celery lettuce radishes and
onions every other day at Hubers
Miss Harrison nurse one square
north of Catholic church
Eastman kodakB and kodak supplies
L W McConnell Druggist
Our White Pine and tar cures coughs
Woodworth Co Druggists
Free with each Tiger or Champion
a new Wick hat band The Bee
Wo issue certificates of deposit at
special interest rates
McCook National Bank
Old hats made like new with a
Wick band The Bee Hive has
That new fall lino of Colorado canned
vegetables is now on our shelves
With each Tiger hat you get one of
those new Wick hat bands at the
Bee Hive
Tho Beck property corner of Monroo
and Douglass has been purchased by
H J Cox
Get a Wick hat band and show
your colors The Bee Hive has a full
Keep just a little ahead Wear a
Wick hat band Bee Hive hat
Ladies Coat Suit Jacket and Skirt
sale at McAdams store Thursday
October 31st
Every day is bargain day at II S
Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
Magner Stokes can supply you
with Heinz double strength pure cider
vinegar In quart bottles
You should have one of the new
Wick hat bands They are upto
date Sold at the Bee Hive
Wedding Breakfast and Gold Medal
coffee havo a delicious flavor surpassed
by none Be convinced Hubers
Get a quart bottle of Heinz pure malt
vinegar a pure food product at
Magner Stokes
The cosy Beardslee residence just
north of tho court house has been pur
chased by William Jeffries the horse
R M Douglass Co will give you
prompt and efficieutservice Phone 63
Office in Bump real estate office lower
The only place in town where you
can get the famous Three Star Cof
fee is at Magner Stokes market and
The biggest line of fur jackets ever
shown in McCook will be on sale at II
C Clapps Dry Goods Store next Mon
day See his advertisement
We have founded an institution in
which the people can deposit their
money with a feeling of the utmost con
fidence and safety
There are signi of activity among the
members of the Fortnightly dancing
club but the initial evening of the seas
on has not yet been announced
The most convenient way of sending
money from one place to another is by
bank draft We make a business of is
suing drafts Ask us about them
McCook National Bank
The Nebraska Telephone Co had
printed this week a new supplement
for local patrons Many changes have
taken place since the last general dir
ectory was distributed
The ladies of the Catholic Guild will
give a dance in the Menard opera house
next Tuesday evening October 29 The
K of P orchestra Dance tickets
8100 Spectators tickets 25c
Cyco postal cards and developing
paper the kind that dont turn yellow
Print at night easy to work If you
have a kodak or camera try it For sale
by Woodworth Cos Druggists
A G Bump made an effort Tuesday
before Squire Berry to secure possession
of a property west of town occupied by
William Vaughn The case was tried
before a jury and the ouster failed
Bucknell Akers
Wednesday night Octobor 23rd at
oight oclock occurred tho marriago of
Mr John R Bucknell and Miss Rosa
Alico Akors at the homo of tho bridoH
parentB on upper Manchester street in
tho presonco of relatives and a few near
friends Rev M B Carman speaking tho
words that mado these excellent young
people husband and wifo as they utood
under a wedding bower of white laco
and smilax Tho brido was dressed in
white arleno chiffon carrying a bunch
of white roses the groom wore conven
tional black
A threo courso lunch was tastefully
served Mrs Hurley Dye had charge of
tho guest book Tho couple aro well
known in McCook and havo a host of
friends Mr Bucknell will be remem
bered as cashier and ticket agent for tho
Burlington and later book keeper in tho
Citizens bank hero Ho now holds tho
position as assistant cashier of tho Up
land Banking Company at Upland Neb
where ho takes his wife to a home all
ready for occupancy Both aro mem
bers and workers in tho Methodist
church Tho bride has for years been
one of tho loaders in church work here
a member and one of tho first soprano
singers in tho Methodist choir Mr and
Mrs Bucknell departed Thursday
morning on No 2 for Hardy Nob tho
homo of Mr Bucknells parents After
November 20th they will bo at home in
Upland Neb
Monday night tho Methodist choir
with their wives and husbands and tho
pastor and wife gave Misa Akers a show
er surprise of cut glass aerving dainty
refreshments and spending tho ovoning
in song and happy remembrances
And Monroe Hiked
A male biped by tho name of Monroo
C Hawkins appeared before Police
Judge Berry last Saturday morning
charged with assaulting W G Jones
janitor and mailcarrier for thu Burling
ton at this point last Friday night
Hawkins was drunk and making an in
decent exposure of his person when
Jones sought to eject him from the
waiting room at tho depot Hawkins
took a club that Jones had in his posses
sion and struck Jones ever the head
with the same causing sorno scalp
wounds fortunately not of a serious
nature however Justice Berry gave
the assailant a fine of 850 and costs and
Hawkins went to jail to board out tho
assessment Monday morning when
Marshal Pence had tho prisoner down
town in a restaurant for breakfast Haw
kins preferred a hike to breakfast
and tho officers havo not seen tho fellow
since Ho is presumably still going
A Good Buggy or spring Wagon
is a sourco of great satisfaction to the
owner Wo have them in tho Velie and
John Deere makes which aro fully guar
anteed by tho manufacturers and our
selves and we are hero all tho time to
make good We buy these buggies in
carload lots thus saving enough in
freight to make our profit Can we not
fit you out now with one of these splen
did rigs McCook Hardware Co
A Correction
Ye printer in last weeks Tribune made
us offer Mens heavy high collar uls
ters 5c each Of course no ono was
deceived but no one was mado wise as
to tho actual price which is 85 00 Pos
sibly the printer regarded 8500 as only
a nominal price for such a garmonfc
True too Drop in and inspect them
The Thompson D G Co
Would You Rather Pay
a few more dollars for a good stove or
a great many dollars more for coal to
feed a cheap stove Our lino of heaters
comprises the Garland Estate Oak
Riverside and Coles Hot Blast
Now is the time to buy as a little heat
is cheaper than doctor bills McCook
Hardware Co
A Good Scale Will Save
its cost in the marketing of ono crop
and then what a convenience Let U3
sell and put up an Economy pitless
scale for you and you will wonder how
you ever did without one McCook
Hardware Co
The Great Majestic
Malleable and Charcoal Iron Range
lasts longer heats more water quicker
uses less fuel bakes better than any
other range made Sold by McCook
Hardware Co
New Piano Mover
R M Douelass Co have purchased
the latest up-to-date apparatus manu
factured for piano moving No chance
to injure your instrument See them
Latest Cloaks
Ladies 50 inch coats from 8475 to
82000 Childrens and Misses from
8750 down to 8175 Best values ever
shown by us The Thompson D G Co
New Piano Mover
R M Douglass Co have purchased
the latest up-to-date apparatus manu
factured for piano moving No chance
to injure your instrument See them
Wheat Is Too High
to scatter along the road Get a new
wagon box at McCook Hardware Co
They will never be cheaper in this world
Things for the Teeth
The most popular tooth powders
pastes and washes fuil line 25 cents
L W McConnell Druggist
Want a Fur Jacket
See that big line at II C Clapps next
Steve Wilson has added a splendid
two seated automobile to his livery barn
equipment Try it
The kind that satisfies Wedding
Breakfast and Gold Medal coffee at