If I hu L By F Al KIA1MELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Republican State Ticket For Supremo Judge HON M 13 REESE whoso six yenrs of honorable service on the supremo bench proved him a fonrless and upright judge and whoso life long integrity commands tho respect of cit izens generally regardless of political be lief For Railway Commissioner HON II T CLARICE JR tho friend and appointeo of Governor Sheldon a loader in tho last legislature and a man whoso business qualifications pre eminently fit him for tho difficult work of the railway commission For Regents of tho Stato University HON C B ANDERSON a man of high standing and largo busi ness experience which will prove invalu able in tho conduct of tho business affairs of the stato university HON GEORGE COUPLAND a practical farmer whoso earnest advo cacy of the modern idea of applying ad vanced educational and scientific meth ods to agriculture should command for him the solid farmer voto For Judge 14th Judicial District ROBERT C ORR Hayes Conter Republican County Ticket For County Clerk CHARLES SKALLA Indianola For Treasurer CLIFFORD NADEN Danbury For Clerk District Court CHESTER A ROGERS McCook Forjudge J C MOORE McCook For Superintendent BURTON F ROHRER Indianola For Sheriff H I PETERSON McCook For Assessor T A ENDSLEY McCook For Commissioner 3rd District C B GRAY McCook The Republican State Platform Points with pride to the achievements of the Republican party under the splen did leadership of Theodore Roosevelt and insists that his successor shall be a man who will continue the Roosevelt policies and suggests Secretary Tatt as such a man Commends the present state officials for their care of tho state institutions 1 58 4SJg5 rnKpMMnT2iB h iwaiKMBaggq HEAR HIM maintaining tho credit of tho state and reducing tho stato debt Commends tho Nobraska delegation in congress Calls attention to tho magnificent rec ord of tho last legislature which carried out tho pledges of tho Repuplican party as follows 1 A state wide direct primary 2 Abolition of the free pass ovil n Comprohonsivo powers for tho stato railway commission 4 More equitable rates for transpor tation of passengers and freight 5 Equal taxation of railroad prop erty for city purposes G Abolition of fellow servant law and full employers liability 7 A pure food and dairy law 8 Rigid economy in appropriations Endorses tho direct primary and pledges such amendments as shall im prove its workings Commends tho good work of tho state railway commission in its efforts to se cure bettor freight rates for tho peoplo of the state Calls for the rigid enforce ment of tho anti pass law Declares that in suits at law corpora tions should bo deemed citizons of every stato where they have filed articlesof in corporation or exorcised the rights of eminent domain Favors an enactment of tho federal law forbidding tho federal courts from issuing writs of injunction against stato officers charged with the enforcement of state statutes Regards with high favor tho nominees on tho stato ticket and invites voters who believe in official probity and effic iency to join in electing them Hon M B Reese Hon M B Reese was born in Macou pin county Illinois in 1839 a farmer boy and doubtless would still be a farmer with a ranch 100 miles square for a workshop somewhere in western Nebraska had he not injured an arm about the time he was ready to branch out and this turned his attention to another profession for in those days a farmer didnt get to use a riding plow or cut cornstalks by proxy as they do now While he was living on the farm Judge Reese completed the course pre scribed by the country schools and then worked his way through a semin ary near his home He was admitted to practice and removed to Osceola la OMM - - 4t I REPUBLICAN MEETING I Congressman Pollard OPERA HOUSE McCOOOK flonday Evening OCTOBER i 3 I I S 8 I ee g I T I CE DAVIDSON FLORAL CO of Holdrege Neb can supply anything in the way of Cut Flowers aud up-to-date Floral Designs for any and all occasions WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION LEAVE ORDERS AT MERLES BAKERY Illinois having become entirely to east ern for him Ho lived in Iowa from 18G5 to 1871 when ho hoard tho call of tho prairies aud removed to Platts mouth whore again ho hung out his shinglo Practically the entiro life of Judge Reeso in Nebraska has boon spent under tho limelight Ho was a momborof the constitutional convention in 187f dis trict attorney of tho Fourth judicial district for three terms supremo judgo and dean of tho law department of tho stato university All positions of tho greatest importance How well ho has dono his duty and how faithful ho has been to the trust reposed in him is an sworod by tho endorsement given him by his party at the late primary elec tion Judge Reese was slow to ask for this endorsement and only allowed tho uso of his name after many newspapers and many peoplo had called upon him to again assume leadership Tho Republican candidate is a ficient specimen of physical manhood about six feet tall and broad in propor tion Ho has snow whito hair and lots of it and a long white moustache Ho is a good specimen of tho man who is strong enough to blazo a trail in a new country or load an old country out of a rut And ho is even tempered good natured a wit and an orator IIo catches an audience with his humor and he holds them while he clinchos his arguments In 1887 he served as grand master of tho Masons and ho has al ways taken great interest in tho lodge In 1899 ho received votes for United States senator though ho was not nn activo candidate for the position Speaking of Judge Reese Governor Sheldon said Tho Republicans havo nominated a candidate in whom tho peoplo havo every confidonco Judge Reese has a spotless record both public and private Ho is a student a scholar and a tireless worker I have been his admirer for years He has always stood for the best interests of tho people regardless of the consequences to him self He has been opposed to machino rule in politics and has fought for years that the government and tho people might be brought closer and closer to gether In the early days back in Wa hoo he encountered the hostility of ring rule and he has always had the enmity of those who prefer machino control in politics rather than have the majority of the people in control He should re ceive the entire Republican vote and doubtless will receive many of tho votes of the opposition parties because he stands for the very best in state govern ment He is one of Nebraskas best men and will make a splendid record on the bench MOVEMENT Ob THE PEOPLE Floyd Stayner spent Sunday in Culbertson E B Perky of Cambridge was a busi ness visitor Monday Mrs E Garry of Iowa is a guest of Mr and Mrs H N Rosebush O M Dodge has returned to Marion in the southern part of the county Mrs Maud Nedbauer and Edward visited with friends at Culbertson Sun day John Keegan was down from Strat ton Monday shaking hands with old friends Mrs V S Tomblinson and Nina were Hastings visitors Saturday and Sunday Miss Sadie Coyle of the postoflico force spent a few days in Omaha fore part of the week Mrs Henry Tomblin of Arapahoo is the guest this week of her daughter Mrs J F Forbes Miss Medora Santee who is teach ing in the Orleans schools came up to McCook on 11 Saturday and visited friends over Sunday Mrs Sam Pickard has been visiting her aunt in Keokuk Iowa Upon her return they will go to housekeeping in the Fuller residence Miss Mary Fitzgerald who has a position as stenographer in the McCook National Bank arrived in the city from Lincoln Monday night D C Benedict who recently 6old his splendid ranch near Culbertson in Hitchcock county will make his home in Franklin this state George Denton departed Wednes day night for Crete where he recently bought a general store which he will at once take charge of We wish him success Mrs B N Saunders who was called here by the death of her mother Mrs Chas W Hamilton departed for her homo in Conter Nebraska Monday evening on No G Mr and Mrs B F Rohrer were visitors at the county capital Tuesday afternoon Mr Rohrer is the Republi can candidate for county superintendent of public instruction Rev G B Hawkes departed Mon day night for Fremont to attend the state association of Congregational churches He will indulge in a short vacation as well and will be absent a week or two Mr and Mrs James G Stokes en tertained the Thursday Whist ClHb last week upon its initial gathering of the season Albert McMillen won the honors and Barney Hofer deftly removed the consolation from tho top shelf Refreshments concluded the evenings pleasure Mrs J H Yarger who was taken very ill while visiting her son Oscar in Boulder Colorado recently but who is now home is slowly improving since her return home Mrs H D Stewart who was with her in Colorado returned with her Her condition was so serious whilo in Colorado that members of her family were summoned there i E M Stewart was a Sunday visitor in Culbertson Miss Jessie A Parish of Nelson is a guest of Mrs A R Scott Mrs C M Bailey arrived home Monday from her Lincoln visit Mrs Hattie Bishop of Trenton has been a visitor of McCook friends this week The Misses Cumberland entertained a small company of friends at their home Wednosday evening S R Smith chairman of tho Repub lican county central committee was in town Tuesday looking after campaign matters N J Uerling of Indianola tho Dem ocratic candidate for county treasurer was looking ovor tho local field Wednes day incidentally doing a littlo mission ary work in tho campaign lino Beginning- January l 1908 For a good many years of The Tri bunes quarter century oxistunco in McCook tho establishment has been conducted as to its business methods on semi philanthropic lines and tho editor nnd publisher has looked to and depended upon othor sources for his livelihood and tho maintenance of his homo In spito of phenomenally prosperous times and perforco of a practical doubling of tho singlo itom of labor and tho steady and repeated advances of typo machinery and paper tho chasm botweon profit and Iosb has continued to widen Every single item going into tho production of tho paper has largoly increased in somo instauces doubled whilo so far not one singlo item of job printing advertising or subscription has been increased ono penny This incontro vertible fact alone tells it own story and is fateful Advance in price is the unbroken chorus of tho farm factory merchant and laborer Amer ica over With this stato of facts to face the publisher of The Tribune has deter mined to advance the subscription price of the paper to 100 per year beginning with January 1st 3908 Tho cost of production now equals or exceeds the present price 100 per year Tho new price will but give a fair profit and we have confidence to believe that our readers will acknowl edge the reasonableness of tho price under the circumstances related above Some additional changes in adver tising and job printing prices may bo necessary to meet changed industrial situation but these will bo announc ed in due season The Publisher October 11 1907 M 1 A KPTOD0 IEOSE NEW NAILO are attracting the at tention of all the ladies Have you seen them Aside fro n those handsome creations at 3500 1500 1000 7 50 and 500 we have a large stock of every day Waists for 125 and 150 each Call and look them over THE AUTU HERE N WAISTS The BIGGEST VALUES for the LEAST MONEY That is what you will find in OUR CLOAK DEPART MENT for our stock of PALMER GARrlENTS is complete and you should not fail to sec them before buying Ask to see our new Full Satin Lined Coat at 1500 - BUY THE MUNSING UNDERWEAR - AND BE SATISFIED We are exclusive agents for this Celebrated Underwear and although they cost no more than the common kind THEY WEAR BETTER FIT BETTER and are MADE BETTER SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS To those who have already spoken to us about wanting FUR JACKETS and to any others who are interested MONDAY OCTOBER 28 is the date of our big FUR EXHIBITION and SALE See our advertisement next week for full particulars H C Clapp Exclusive Dry Goods Walsh Block Ladies Furnishings McCook Nebraska Telephone 56 1 hi hi -1 TnlimriTimtVrr f i - v ir -- i MN O Y stock of uetodate Suits and Overcoats Nifty Shoes Elaborate Furnish in Goods is as Comnlef 0 and Fresh as the chiliy winds of Autumn My High Grade Goods and Reason able Prices assist me to Clothe and Shoe you with same satisfaction as last spring Come and see me before you put in your winter supply whether you buy or not SIMONS mmKmMMMMmXmsm 99 CLOTHING and SHOES McCOOK NEBRASKA STrf i a i A