The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 11, 1907, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Republican State Ticket
For Supromo Judgo
whoso six years of honorable service on
tho supremo bench proved him a fearless
and upright judgo and whose life long
integrity commands tho respect of cit
izens gonorally regardless of political be
For Railway Commissioner
tho friend and appointee of Governor
Sheldon a loader in tho last legislature
and a man whoso business qualifications
pre eminently fit him for tho difficult
work of tho railway commission
For Regents of tho Stato University
a man of high standing and largo busi
ness experience which will prove invalu
able in the conduct of the business
affairs of tho stato university
a practical farmer whoso earnest advo
cacy of tho modern idea of applying ad
vanced educational and scientific meth
ods to agriculture should command for
him the solid farmer vote
The Republican State Platform
Points with pride to the achievements
of the Republican party under the splen
did leadership of Theodore Roosevelt
and insists that his successor shall be a
man who will continue the Roosevelt
policies and suggests Secretary Talt as
such a man
Commonds tho present stato officials
for their caro of tho state institutions
maintaining tho credit of the state and
reducing the state debt
Commends the Nebraska delegation
in congress
Calls attention to the magnificent rec
ord of the last legislature which carried
out the pledges of the Repuplican party
as follows
1 A state wide direct primary
2 Abolition of tho free pass evil
3 Comprehensive powers for the
state railway commission
i More equitable rates for transpor
tation of passengers and freight
5 Equal taxation of railroad prop
erty for city purposes
6 Abolition of fellow servant law
and full employers liability
7 A pure food and dairy law
8 Rigid economy in appropriations
Endorses the direct primary and
pledges such amendments as shall im
prove its workings
Commends the good work of the state
railway commission in its efforts to se
cure better freight rates for the people
of the state Calls for the rigid enforce
ment of the anti pass law
Declares that in suits at law corpora
tions should be deemed citizens of every
state where they have filed articles of in
corporation or exercised the rights of
eminent domain
Favors an enactment of the federal
law forbidding the federal courts from
issuing writs of injunction against state
officers charged with the enforcement of
state statutes
Regards with high favor the nominees
on the state ticket and invites voters
who believe in official probity and effic
iency to join in electing them
A Word to Republicans
Headquarters Republican County
tral Committee
Indianola Neb Oct 8 07
To Republican voters of the county
As there probably are many new voters
in the county this fall who are person
ally aaquainted with some of our candi
dates I desire to say that I have been
personally acquainted with all of them
from two to twenty two years and I do
not believe that the voters have ever
had an opportunity to vote for a more
clean and competent set of candidates
than we have on the ticket this fall I
think you will all agree with me when I
say that I think that it is the duty of
every Republican let me change that
and say that it is the duty of every
voter to go to the polls and cast his
vote and the duty of every Republican
to vote for the candidate his party has
placed in nomination if he is honorable
competent and clean In all campaigns
the first duty of any party is to put
good candidates in the field After this
is done it is the duty of every citizen
to go to the polls and vote
Dont let any one tell you any fish
stories about our candidates and lead
you to vote for the other In ninety
cases out of one hundred such stories
are false told solely for the purpose of
deceiving you Such plan of campaign
is disreputable out of date and no hon
est person will engage in it in these mod
ern times
I urge upon all Republican voters to
go to the polls and vote the whole ticket
through as an assurance of securing
good and efficient officers In this con
nection I am not saying the opposition
candidates are not good people and that
I love them lesB but that I love the Re
publican people more
iTours very truly
S R Smith
Chairman County Central Com
A header of the Cleveland O Lead
or in a reply to a contest relative to
Ohios choico in tho race for the presi
dential nomination writes this allit
orativo boost for Secretary Taft
William H Taft
Portly but portable
Prodigious of purpose
Pickod for his peacemaking
Popular proclivities
Put with persistence
Pliable panacea
Pa to the Philippines
Puissant in Panama
Propounder of progress
Prowess of prestige
Proclaimed by the people
Probable president
There can bo no doubt of Judgo Tafts
strong hold on tho country Ho has
acquitted himself of much difficult and
important business admirability If
nominated for tho president next year
he should prove one of the most attract
ive candidates his party has over offered
to tho electorato But tho very nature
of his achievements and the fact that he
is a member of tho national administra
tion make him not a favorite son fac
tor in the presidential fight but a na
tional figure Washington Star
Shoes exclusively at The Model
Everything in drugs McConnell
Fresh potato chips always on hand
Magner Stokes
Kodak supplies all kinds at Wood
worth Cos Druggists
Hofers store is headquarters
souvenir letters and
post cards
Wo make specialty of fine toilet soaps
Try them McMillen Druggist
Have you ever tried an
eraser See ono at The
eraso ink
Tribune of-
A new invoice of shoes the latest fall
styles just arrived at the Model Shoe
If its seasonable and in his line no
use to go any farther than Marshs meat
Remember Hofers is the best place
to buy stationery souvenirs novelties
and post cards
Ladies you will feel comfortable in a
pair of our new felt house slippers The
Model Shoe Store
If you want it done right and right
away call up phone 68 R M DouglasB
Co office in Bump building
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
When you replace the broken window
panes use clear perfect glass We sell
that kind L W McConnell Drug
Paint your houses and barnB with
Patterson and Sargent paint the best
paint sold
McCook Hardware Co
R M Douglass Co draying in all
its branches Call up phone 68 Call
at office in Bump building lower Main
The tile roof has been placed on the
Carnegie library building the concrete
walks law and work on the interior fin
ishing is progressing
The best place to buy your footwear
is at Diamonds Family Shoe Store
Ask your friends who bought shoes of us
and see if they dont say the same
We have made arrangements to se
cure fresh chocolate cream candy every
week in the future Barney Hofer
McCook News Depot
Roughness of the Bkin chapped hands
and face are quickly cured with Al
mond and Cucumber cream 25 cents
at Woodworth Cos Druggists
Nellie Brown a woman of the half
world was fined 25 and costs each
this week for selling beer without lic
ense and for conducting a disorderly
Purity and accuracy are not the only
important thing in prescription filling
We make sure of both and also that
ingredients are of standard strength
L W McConnell Druggist
If you havent bought any shoes at
Diamonds Shoe Store yet you had
better come and give us a trial and you
will bo as well pleased as the rest of our
Every boy and girl interested in pic
ture taking should see our line of cam
eras We have fourteen different kinds
both plate and film ranging in price
from S100 to 825 Were always glad
to show them
WoonwoRTH Co Druggists
Most men who mingle with great
crowds or participate in an event of
many features are absolutely unable to
describa in detail any ono particular
feature It is then that they find their
weekly newspaper most valuable Just
so it is with the readers of daily news
papers they have not the time or the
inclination to follow every phase of the
weeks events and so turn to a weekly
newspaper for a concise and connected
account of any event of more than local
interest This demand is easily sup
plied at small cost by The Weekly
Inter Ocean which can be obtained
with this paper one year for 125
guest of C F Lehn his brother-in-law
W C Moyer has been absent in Des
Moines Iowa on business since closo of
last week
George Beck of Friend was in town
on matters of business moment foro
part of the week
J M Gilchrist the accountant de
parted for hki home in Omaha Satur
day night on train 6
Mrs C M Bailey went down to Lin
coln Thursday night to bo absent a
fow days on business
Mrs George C Hill of Cripplo
Creek Colo is visiting her parents Mr
and Mrs I M Beardsleo
J R Pence city marshal is on the
force again having just returned from
his trip and short vacation
Mrs Walter Babcock and Miss
Hamlin of Cambridge visited Mrs Mary
Babcock Saturday between trains re
turning home on 6
Dr S C Beach made a flying Kansas
City visit early in the week and ex
pects soon to have an item of public in
terest to announce
Mr and Mrs L W McConnell ar
rived home fore part of the week from
their Illinois trip which was beneficial
to Mrs McConnell
A F Green has bought the two lots
north of the Baptist church is having
sidewalks laid and expects in the spring
to build him a home
Mrs Joseph Menard and Mias Aimie
who have been absent for several weeks
visiting Mrs Fred Harris in Pueblo
Colo have returned home
Miss Stasia Brady was the charming
hostess at the fortnightly gathering of
McCooks famous feminine club The
Awl Os Tuesday evening
Chester Rogers of the district court
clerks office is building him a nice mod
ern home on North Monroe street just
north of Charlie Kelleys fine home
Mr and Mrs C H Boyle who have
been realizing the rare joys of a trip
west and northwest during the past
week or two arrived home Saturday
Mrs C K Shears arrived from Oma
ha fore part of the week and will make
her home on the Cratty farm this win
ter Mr Shears will arrive latter part
of the week
Mrs E H Doan and Mrs Leroy
Kleven departed Wednesday night
on a visit of several weeks They will
visit in Clinton Oskaloosa and other
points while absent
Supt G H Thomas has been absent
part of the week attending the conven
tion of the Nebraska Library Associa
tion of which he is president He ar
rived home last night
Rev Burton Mesdames GE Thomp
son H A Rouch J W Shirley and D
M Myers were delegates to the Baptist
State Convention in Hastings this
week arriving home last night
Mrs Matie GWelles departed Tues
day for Hastings to attend the state
convention of Federate Womens clubs
She expects to visit a sister in Aurora
after the close of the convention
E A Stanfield of Bellville Kansas
an experienced clothing salesman arriv
ed in the citylast night and has taken a
position in Greens clothing store Ho
is a brother of Mrs James Hatfield
Mrs A C Ebert is visiting in Kan
sas City this week Also at Brook
ville Mo where she is attending the
supreme P E O chapter meeting
After which she will go to Clarinda
Iowa to visit her mother
Mrs C B Sawyer and Miss Kathryn
were Omaha Lincoln visitors early days
of this week Miss Kathryn attended
the state library meeting in Omaha
while absent representing the McCook
public library in the sessions
George Heckman Jr the promising
young violinist who recently went from
here and opened a studio in Denver
writes that he is doing encouragingly
with bright prospects The young man
is a modest budding young genius who
is certain to give a good account of him
self in Denver
Mrs George Willetts Mrs J G
Schobel and Mrs C W Britt attended
the Supreme Grand Chapter of the P
E O at Brookfield Mo this week
Mrs Britt leaving for Brookfield Mon
day night to serve in an official capacity
in the meeting tho other delegates fol
lowing on Tuesday night
Mr and Mrs Emerson Hanson came
in from Denver Monday morning Mr
and Mrs Hanson left Monday night
for Kansas and Warren who accom
panied them departed for Lexington
Mo to spend a week or so at his former
school and witness the opening of the
foot ball season at Wentworth P
Lon Cone is in Benkelman this week
on business
C D Ritchie enjoyed n visit from
his father over Sunday
Mrs F W Bosworth visited in Den
ver fore part of tho week
Mrs Marie Bronson is improving
from her recent serious illness
John R Bucknell of Upland was a
city visitor close of last week
Mrs Nannie J Wilson of Hume
Illinois is a guest of Mrs E D Akors
Charles King of Indianola was a
Earl Ludwick has begun a rosidenco
on North Marshall streot
Bud Colson is quite recovered
from his attack of diphtheria
D E Whistler of Indianola had
business in tho county soat yesterday
Mrs U J Warren of Fort Morgan
Colorado who has been very ill for
some timo her McCook friends will bo
happy to learn is improving
W S Collett lato of tho Collott
Stato Bank of Trenton is in tho city
and will bo with tho McCook National
Bank for somo months in opening up
and getting their bank in systematic
working order Ho is an experienced
banker of means himself and will bo an
efficient man for tho placo
Christian Bible school 10
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m
Finch Y P S C E 7 p m
a in
by Dr
8 p m
Wednesday prayer meeting
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 8 p m
Sunday school at 10 a m All aro
welcome to these services
E R Earle Roctor
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening Bervico at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Louguran Pastor
Christian Science Services Sun
day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8
p m Subject Doctrine of Otono
ment Meetings held in Diamond
block Room open daily from 2 to 5 p
m except Sunday Science literature
on sale
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by the pastor at 11 and 8
Junior League at i Epworth League at
7 Prayer meeting every Wednesday
night at 8 All welcome
M B Carman Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 Preaching by
A most cordial invitationis extended to
all to worship with us
E Burton Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching by pastor at 11 a
m and 8 p m Prayer meeting Wed
nesday at S p m Christian Endeavor
at 7 p m The public is cordially invit
ed to all of these services
G B Hawkes Pastor
My son there Is no failure there can
be no failure for those who really try
The only failure possible In life Is the
failure to try and persistently try for
the best The good the glory the con
solation of it all Is the ennobling ef
fort Let us bravely leave results to
Him Joaquin Miller
There Will
Only TwentyFive Cents More Than the
No Fear
Of colds or sickness if
your Children are clothed this
winter with
Munsing Under
We feel very proud to be able to furnish our trade this
season with this celebrated perfect fitting popular priced
They are recognized as the best natle most perfect fit
ting and correctly fashioned Under Garment made in
They fit the for n like a glove and as they cost you no
more than the common ill fitting Underwear you should be
satisfied with none other than a
We can furnish you from our Underwear Department
Ladies Vests and Pants for 25c 50c and 100 each
Ladies Union Suits for 50c to 300 each
Misses Union Suits for 50c to 100 each
Childrens Vests and Pants for 15c to 75c each
Childrens Union Suitsffor 25c to ioo each
When your family is once under clothed with Munsing
Unicn Suits you will never buy another kind
H C Clapp
Exclusive Dry Goods
Walsh Block
McCook Nebraska
Ladies Furnishings
Telephone 56
I Our Best Offer j
Both a Full Year For Only
All the News of the World and Home
The Weekly Inter Ocean Contains Each Week
21 columns of news
14 columns of talks by a practical farmer on
farm topics economical machinery planting
growing and storing of fruits and vegetables
breeding and marketing of live stock
20 or more Lost and Found Poems and Songs
1 column of Health and Beauty Hints
Best short and continued stories Chess and
Checkers Puzzles and Complications Dr
Eeeders Home Health Club Miscellaneous
Questions and answers Poems of the Day- a
special Washington letter taking cartoons
and illustrations
5 columns of live entertaining editorials
7 columns of live stock and market reports
10 questions and answers by readers on anything
pertaining to the business of farming garden
ing raising of live stock andpoultrv etc etc
10 to 20 questions on veterinary subjects
7 columns of
information on recipes patterns
formulas etc furnished bv readers
11 to 21 columns of stories of nuhlir
T- r a rmt 1 v a - -
luiiuai gcugrapnicai ana otner miscellany
j ui a specially reported
sermon by
e r uayieoi unicago and the Sund
School lesson
These features together with a Special Magazine Department make
up the Leading Farm Home and News Paper of the West
r The price of The Weekly Inter Ocean remains 100 a year
The price of The McCook Tribune remains 1 00 a year
The two papers each one year will cost oaly 125
N B This special arrangement with The Weekly Inter Ocean is for a limited time only
to The WeelaJy Inter Ocean are assured that no papers will be sent after their subscriptions
their subscriptions are renewed by cash payment
expire unles3