U V r R I v V to A If lV ifi yfK Hi1 8 L MitiiJilMn tuii V rr TWENTY SIXTH YEAR A Pretty Home Wedding That was a happy pretty wedding which occurred at the homo of Mr and Mrs S S Garvoy Wednesday evening of this weok when Rev M B Carman spoke the mystic words uniting in holy wedlock their daughter Miss Cora Fran cis Garvoy and Mr Ilurloy F Dye at the hour of seven oclock sharp Tho ceremony was performed under a canopy effect of white laco and flowers Miss Hose Akors presiding at tho piano and playing tho wedding march Tho pretty brido was lovely in a white airleno chiffon Tho groom convention ally garbed Only the immediate relatives of the parties were present together with a for nonr frinnds Mrs J A Andrews and Miss Flossie of Indianola and Mr and Mrs Fred Schaldockor of Grafton being among tho latter numbor Mr and Mrs Schaldocker wore present at tho wedding of Mr and Mrs Garvoy Tho brido is popular and prominent in church and sooial circles accomplish ed and much beloved Tho groom is an efficient member of the clerical force in Supt Youngs office Tho happy couple departed on No 3 same night for Salt Lake City on their honeymoon and upon thoir return will occupy their cosy home on Monmouth street No 310 which is now in read iness for them A host of well wishing friends join in the hope that theirs may be a happy and prosperous wedded me A three course luncheon was served They were objects many pretty and handsome gifts Miss Akers was in charge of the guests book Let Us Enumerate Our black dress goods stock includes the following kinds Voiles batistes panamas broadcloth prunella satin soliel French sergo henrietta cloth cashimeres tricots cheviots meridian cloth mohairssicillians shadow checks wool taffeta besides novelty weaves in ample supply We show very large lines in the solid colors and an un equalled assortment of plaids Wo in vite your inspection The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only PAINT RIGHT AT RIGHT COST No matter what you wish to paint protect or finish we have the latest and best matorials to do it with It is the best sort of economy to get tho most suitable materials for any work of this character and to do this wo also add these materials the economy of furnishing ials at the lowest possible cost Call for color cards L W McConnell Druggist Thought Syl Had a Hemorrhage Syl Cordeal was at his old tricks the other day painting This Hibernian has a penchant for emerald green and was doing the transom screens etc in his favorite tint By some misadventure he spilled a quantity of the pigment on the pavement and when Pat chanced along ho innocently inquired Have yez had a himorrhage Syl Buttons for Trimming Buttons are very much used this sea son on all suits jackets and skirts Most effective when made of the same material Bring the scraps our new button machine does tho rest 5 sizes made from 15c to 35c dozen The Thompson D G Co A Card of Thanks vr rDi n nnr crrnafc sorrow to sin- cerely thank the kind friends and neigh bors who with tenderest sympathy kind hearts and willing hands so tenderly as sisted us in the sickness death and burial of our loved son Mr and Mrs Everist and family Note the Difference The Tribune endeavors each week to run a few extra papers through the press to accommodate those who desire to uso them These extra copies cost you 5 cents each and aro under no circumstan ces to be purchased as old newspapers which are sold at 20 cents per 100 No Hunting The undersigned will allow no hunting on their premises Parties found tres passing will be prosecuted J A Mod rell D C Shaw T S Draper J W Proctor Martin Kennedy S C King J K Gordon J S Modrell Greens Speech Get an auto coat at Greens If you buy of us we both make a little Greens We are all Missourians in here and glad to show you Greens Beautiful Garments We mean our ladies long fifty inch coats They run from 8475 to 2000 We guarantee a perfect fit No charges for alterations The Thompson D G Co HHS thank you we thank you all for the beautiful floral decorations lovely sing ing and services by the pastors The manner in which it was all conducted was in perfect touch with our feelings We realize your kindness more as we are comparative strangers here and you will always be remembered because of what you have done C W Hamilton and Children New Piano Mover R M Douglass Co have purchased the latest up-to-date apparatus manu factured for piano moving No chance to injure your instrument See them Peerless Carpet Warp 25c lb for white 27c for colors none sold to dealers The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only yyj - vw JftcCoOB Death Claims a Sweet Spirit Tho death of Mrs Charles W Hamil ton in Lincoln Sunday evening was to most peoplo a complete and sad surprise While her hoalth had been a matter of some family solicitude for Bomo time her condition was not regarded as seri ous though it was thought that a visit to her former homo at Creighton would bo beneficial On account of her very nervous state a private car was chartered and attach ed to train No 6 Friday evening last but by tho time Lincoln was reached her condition becamo bo alarming that the journey was concluded and Mrs Hamilton was taken from tho car to a hospital where she soon relapsed into a comatose state from which she never ro vived passing to her reward about half past eight oclock Sunday evening Tho remains were brought to tho homo here Monday night on No 3 for interment Funeral services were held at the homo corner Madison and Douglas streets Wednesday afternoon at two oclock Rev George B Hawkes of tho Congregational church assisted by Rev M B Carman of the Methodist church conducting tho same Interment fol lowed in Longview cemetery There was a wealth of lovely floral offerings to tho membry of tho dear soul gone on before and many friends were present in sympathy and to pay a last farewell tribute Both parlors of the home were beauti fully decorated with roses carnations smilax and potted plants the handsome casket being covered with them Tho grave was lined and trimmed with flow ers and greens The lovely flowers at the home were buried with the remains There was familiar hymn music by a quartette A Bhort service of prayer was held at the grave The bereaved life companion and chil dren have a tender place in the hearts of sympathetic friends in this sudden and oershadowing sorrow Eliza M Goldthwaite was born in Peru Berkshire county Massachusetts August 3rd 1839 Her early life was devoted to the care of her invalid moth er She was married to her bereaved husband Chas W Hamilton of the adjoining county Hampshire January 3 1859 Soon after her marriage she was converted and at tho earnest re quest of her parents and sister who were Congregationalists she joined the Baptist church of which her husband was a member and for forty five years they put in their best efforts to advance the cause of Christianity working to gether She was a true wife a loving mother and a true friend to everyone as all will testify who made her acquaintance For a long time she was a sufferer from some ailment hard to be determined by the medical fraternity which up to within about one month of her death was of a form which did not deter her from her household duties She was a patient sufferer About thirty days before her death she admitted that she was sick and during that time gradually wasted away and suggested that she would soon see her fathermother and the other loved ones who had gone to the spirit land She had a great desire to visit her form er home Creighton Neb thinking that the change might improve her condition The journey was made as far as Lincoln and enjoyed very much but soon after being there her disease become master and after being unconscious for a short time she fell asleep so peacefully that her attendants expressed the hope that their last end might be like hers Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep in which none ever wake to weep She is survived by her husband CW Hamilton of this city and three sons Frank C of Spokane Wash Fred L and Clinton H both of McCook and one daughter Mrs B N Saunders of Center Neb A CARD TO FRIENDS We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to our friends who so kindly as sisted us in our sad bereavement through the loss of our wife and mother We TOTAL FIGURES ARE 649213 This Is the Amount of the Red Willow County Treasury Shortage Reported to County Commissioners DETERMINED BY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GILCHRIST Who Submits an Exhaustive Report Now on File in the Office of the County Clerk It Is Not Thought that the Surety Company Can Successfully Evade Payment of the Shortage The amount of the shortage of the late county treasurer Benj G Gossard was finally determined last Saturday when the report of Public Accountant John M Gilchrist was formally accepted by the board of County Commissioners which report in brief and sum mary is as follows DR CR Amount due as per state examiners report 6280 44 nicno nniinnforl nnr nnf nmrninted for 467 77 School land and not accounted for 42b 55 Interest on county deposit 23 74 Redemptions and not accounted for 90 41 Check on First National bank 1 00 Difference in Kountze Bros bank account 330 52 School district warrant not credited 31 84 Road receipt warrants not credited 21 00 Village and precinct vouchers not credited 330 52 Differenco in State Bank Indianola account 27 79 Difference in Bank of Danbury account 223 58 Difference in Bank of Lebanon account 429 73 Additional checks turned in as cash 62 2 7619 43 S1126 70 1126 70 Total amount of shortage 6492 73 A representative of the surety company was present when the report was closed up and submitted to the county commissioners and formal demand was made upon him for the amount The rep resentative took cognizance of the fact and will submit the matter to the company for action which is thought by those wise on the subject will be favorable to paying the amount without legal objec tion and delay It is thought the company would have small hope of defeating the payment in case of a fight in the courts Harness Protection A harness made impervious by oiling with tho right kind of oil will give twice or three times the service it otherwise would Our Neatsfoot Oil is tho right kind of oil It is the kind that is used in preparing new leather It makes leather pliable without injury to fiber Will keep a harness in per fect condition and looking like new Dont use pertroloum oils such oils have a tendency to weekon stretch and harden the leather L W McConnell Druggist Keep Open the Sidewalk If Dennison street is to be utilized for auctioneering purposes the city author ities should see to it that at least spaco enough is kept open on tho sidewalk to allow of the passing of pedestrians who should not be compelled to go into the street on account of the sidewalk being too congested with goods and people to allow passage of people as was the case last Saturday afternoon Parislenne Toilet Articles Mrs Miller has added a full line of genuine Parisienne toilet articles to her dressmaking The goods are first class and the only toilet articles in the world accorded a U S health report and rec ommeEdation Ladies invited to call and examine Goods guaranteed or money refunded Rooms 12 and 14 Walsh block Vlncent Carothers Wedding Tuesday evening of this week at the home of Mr and Mrs A F Green Jos eph Vincent and Miss Ella Carothers were united in marriage Rev M B Carman of the Methodist church officiat ing They will make their home in West McCook Postmaster Kimmell Reslens Postmaster Kimmell after a service of almost ten years in the McCook post office has tendered his resignation to the department and upon the selection and appointment of his successor will devote himself to the newspaper busi ness On Another Page will be found the ad of McCook Hard ware Co showing the Garland base burner with revolving firepot If you are thinking of buying a stove it will pay you to investigate Provide Your Kitchen with a Universal or O V B feed grind- er from McCook Hardware Co and you will wonder how you did without For the Children Very cute little chain purses headed in different colors 5c Tho Thompson D G Co Catlle Sale Public sale of Short Horn cattle at Cambridge Neb October 23 1907 A C Shallenberger and Thomas Andrews will sell forty two head consisting of twelve bulls and thirty cows and heifers drawn from their well known herds which have won more than fifty prem iums at the leading fairs and stock shows in 1907 Visitors entertained and an opportunity offered to buy great breeding cattle by such famous sires as Diamond Rex Bar None and Whitehall Marshall without reserve Our Town Beautiful You will realize all the better what an attractive place you live in after you have seen our new souvenir post cards of this locality Advertise your home town and keep in touch with all your friends by sending these cards away freely L W McConnell Druggist Two Cases this Coming Session Red Willow county will have two cases in the next term of Supreme court October 15 Miller vs Bradford November 6 City of McCook va lie Adams Before the court Izzer Cotton Bats 12 oz for 12 c Unroll and open out freely and without pulling to pieces They are batt made for and sold by The Thompson D G Co exclus ively New Piano Mover R M Douglass Co have purchased the latest up-to-date apparatus manu factured for piano moving No chance to injure your instrument See them Mlddle Welght Underwear We offer a very satisfactory assort ment from 25c to 150 for men women and children Will be pleased to show you The Thompson D G Co Carload of Apples on Track 1 will have a carload of winter apples consisting of Wine Saps Ben Davis Genitans on track Monday next Prices right John Rundle Good Time to Paint We have all kinds of paints and var nishes and can fill your orders at right prices McCook Hardware Co Guaranteed Paints Yon can get a fully guaranteed paint The Lincoln absolutely pure at Mc Millens drugstore Do You Need Harness McCook Hardware Co have a fine line of harness and saddles for all kinds of business Ladies Silk Scarfs Tmrttpi sized hem stitched figured silk McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING OCTOBER 11 190r Go to Benkelraan A dologation of McCook Knights of Pythias assisted the Bonkelman breth ren Wednesday night in conferring the third degree on a number of candidates A big feast followed tho work Tho only authentic fact wo can secure from tho feast is tho unqualified and sailed statement of Georgo Scott Nanki poo who assevorates that tho tables were straight away 385 feet long and seventeen feot high lie could just com fortably reach tho top shelf But the feast was a peach Ninth Annual Poland China Hog Sale Frank Davis of Maple Grove Stock Farm Ilolbrook Furnace county Ne braska will hold his ninth annual sale of Poland China hogs October 24th 1907 Will offer 55 head of largo typo Poland Chinas 6 last fall males 24 spring farrow males 25 young sows Good bone good backs and coats lengthy Sired by 700 and 800 lb boars and from sows averaging 535 lbs each Catalogs ready Celebrated Their Wooden Wedding Rev and Mrs G B Hawkes were at homo to the members and friends of tho church Tnursday evening at tho Con gregational parsonage tho special occas ion being tho celebration of their wood en wedding A weatheied oak uphols tered rocker a five dollar williain and a tabourette wore among the gifts There waB a goodly company present and tho evening was mutually happy and pleas ant Bound Over to District Court This week Wednesday Chris Scheit was bound over to district court for alleged cutting on the hand with a knife of Philip Trout There has been trouble before between Scheit and tho Trouts Tne case in point was doubtless caused by former difficulties Scheit and Pete Trout were mixing when Philip Trout attempted to separate The cutting then happened Attempted to Hide Her Shame Carrie Kinzer a Russian girl about twenty years old died in Danbury yes terday as a result of an effort to hide her shame Sho was employed in the hotel at that place accompanying the lessors over to Danbury from McCook An inquest was held and their verdict was in harmony with the above state ment of the case Just a Little One Tho business end of a match caused a slight fire in the store of DeGroff Co last Saturday The party was striking a light when the end flew off into some of the drapery or hangings in tho north front window A hand fire extinguisher did the work of extinguishing tho firo promptly and thoroughly The damage was sliht Denial Announcement Dr Herbert J Pratt wishes the fact known that he is still practicing in tho same office as formerly over the drug store A nice reception room for the comfort of patients has been added re cently Office stairway is between Mc Connells drug store and Merles bakery Keep to left at top of stairs Elegant Dress Skirts Our 81000 dress skirts are fit for a Queen Our 8750 ones are genuine heauties Our 8600 and 8500 ones un surpassed anywhere at the price Be low that we sell twenty kinds all the way down to 8200 Alterations free The Thompson D G Co Bright Glossy Furs We think our line possesses many points of desirability over the average common place offerings beans irom 75c to 81000 Genuine Isabella fox scarfs 650 Misses and childrens setts Bear skin muffs 75c and 100 Hoods 50e and 75c Leggins 8100 The Thomp Dry Goods Co New Piano Mover R M Douglass Co have purchased the latest up-to-date apparatus manu factured for piano moving No chance to injure your instrument See them Press Drills of the low down kind are good for this country We still have a good line to select from McCook Hardware Co Five Cent Ginghams Good stout ginghams for 5 cents a yard Well show you The Thomp son D G Co COURT HOUSE NEWS Following are the marriage licenses if sued since our last report William G Elliott 37 Culbertsor Neb and Mrs Kate Wheeler 30 Mc Cook Neb Married by county judge October 2nd Van Earl McMurrin 22 and Orr Bertha McAninch 17 both of McCook Neb Joseph M Vincent 30 and Ella Caro thers 30 both of McCook Neb Hurlev F Dye 26 and Cora F Gar- scarfs 165 The Thompson D C Co vey 20 both of McCook Neb v vAft tf 0f C 4 Ir S NUMBER 20 Beelnnln January l 1908 For a good many yearB of The Tri bunes quartor century oxistenco in McCook tho establishment has beon conducted as to its business mothods on semi philanthropic lines and tho editor and publisher has looked to and depended upon other sources for his livelihood and tho maintenance of his homo In spito of phenomenally prosperous times and perforco of a practical doubling of tho single itom of labor and tho steady and repeated advances of typo machinory and paper tho chasm betweon profit and loss has continued to widen Every single item going into the production I ol tne paper has largely increased in some instances doubled while so far not ono single itom of job printing advertising or subscription has beon increased one penny This incontro vertible fact alono tells it own story and is fateful Advance in prico is tho unbroken chorus of tho farm factory merchant and laborer Amer ica over With this stato of facts to faco tho publisher of The Trihune has deter mined to advance tho subscription prico of tho paper to SI 50 per year beginning with January 1st 1908 Tho cost of production now equals or exceeds tho present price 100 per year Tho now price will but give a fair profit and wo have confidence to believe that our readers will acknowl edge tho reasonableness of tho prico under tho circumstances related above Some additional changes in adver tising and job printing prices may bo necessary to meet changed industrial situation but these will be announc ed in due senson The Publisher October 11 1907 McConnell for drugs Now shoes all the time at Tho Model If its meat you can got it at Marshs market Prompt service in draying secured by calling up phone 63 Dont knock Stand up for McCook Get your job printing at home McCook Business College for a square deal L V Stayner 9 13 tf Dr Kays office is now one door north of Commercial hotel Phono 97 Try Magner Stokes for fresh and salt meats fruit and vegetables Our White Pine and tar cures coughs Woodworth Co Druggists Get a quart bottle of Heinz pure malt vinegar a pure food product at Magner Stokes Steve Wilson has added a splendid two seated automobile to his livery barn equipment Try it The Sunshine club will give a social and bazar on Tuesday October 22 Remember the date Every day is bargain day at H S Godfrey Cos tho papalar leaders in selling flour feed and hay Magner Stokes can supply you with Heinz double strength pure cider vinegar In quart bottles R M Douglass Co will give you prompt and efficieutservice Phone 63 Office in Bump real estate office lower Main Our Buster Brown childrens shoes for school wear are giving entire satis faction Try a pair The Model Shoe Store The only place in town where you can get the famous Three Star Cof fee is at Magner Stokes market and grocery Wall paper that is different and still not freakish is the kind that we carry We provide papers that produce artistic effects L W McConnell Druggist Cyco postal cards and developing paper the kind that dont turn yellow Print at night easy to work If you have a kodak or camera try it For sale by Woodworth Cos Druggists Have you tried coloring your Velox prints Our Peerless Japanese trans parent water colors are simple to use and work especially well on Velox Booklets of 15 colors 75 cents L W McConnell Druggist If vou are run down in body and dis pirited in mind you need a good ant and blood builder Wyals Pepton ized Beef Iron and Wine is prepared for these especial purposes It is plea sant to take and one bottle produces wonderful results For sale by Wood I worth Co Druggists