The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 04, 1907, Image 8

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Fine rnin Fnrmors busy Tradogood
Bartloy school bonds sold at pnr
Bartloy park bonds sold at par Wo
will havo n nice park some day Every
thing lovely and the goose bonks high
Floyd Cochran has gone to Lincoln
to attend business college
Dr Arbogast returned from Omaha
Sunday morning and reported the oper
ation on E R Moon successful with
prospects of his early recovery and re
turn to his family
Grandma Hodgkin left for California
Tuesday evening where she will make
her homo this winter with a sister who
lives in Oakland
A fine baby came to stay with Mr
and Mrs Chas Kurst this week
Word from Mr Moon Tuesday morn
ing reports him still improving
sTho opera house is being plastered
this week
The concrete foundation for S W
Clarks building is finished
A son of Fred Brant had his hand
badly injured in a corn binder Wednes
Mrs Blackfan of Lincoln was a caller
in Bartley this week
Harry L Brown has been sick all
this week with tonsilitis
A pleasant party at Moso Kings
Saturday night Everyono had a good
Milan Beeson will soon have a com
fortable residence on his lots west of the
Pearl Lyman went to Indianola Sun
day evening where she will take a po
sition in Urlings store
Mr Bouse left for California Friday
Mrs Rouse goes to St Johns Mich
igan to live with her parents
W D Williams while plastering the
opera house Friday was badly injured
by a falling scaffold
Jinks Fletcher went to McCook Sat
urday to attend the log rolling
R R Hodgkin is putting in a founda
tion for his new residence
Willt Sheets put in a well on the par
sonago lots of the Christian church this
The new barn on the M E parsonage
lots is about completed Workmen un
der the supervision of Rev Hageman
will begin the erection of the parsonage
at once
More concroto sidewalks were ordered
by the town board last Friday evening
Tho whiz of improvement is heard on
every hand
Harry L Brown is still on the sick
list with tonsilitis
The fall grain sown is looking fine and
more is being put in this week
George Light of Bethany Neb will
preach in the Christian church next
Sunday morning and evening
Photo Brooches Buttons
Medallions and Photo Novelties
Copied Photos 50c 100 150
and 200 per Dozen
One Photo Button Free With all 5100
Orders Before NOVEMBER 1st
SA v-
Two good rains havo visited
parts since our last writing
Dick Holcomb is very sick Fears
are ontertainod that it is an attack of
typhoid fovor
A daughter was born to Charles Hart
on and wife Sunday
Mrs Baxter has rented her home to
some party from the east and will
spend tho winter in California
Alexander Carmicbael has moved his
family into the William Taylor house
in tho east part of town
Rev D Smith shipped his house
hold goods to Overton Wednesday Mr
Smith accompanied the car
Mr Taylor is suffering from a car
buncle on his neck which is very pain
Mrs Irving is quite sick at present
Sydney Toogood is confined to his
home by sickness
The infant child of Ben Jussell died
Wednesday and was buried Thursday
A H Bell is in Indiana visiting re
latives and old neighbors
R E Smith was a McCook visitor
Tuosday and Friday
A good many were disappointed in not
getting to go to McCook Friday on ac
count of the rain
Mesdames Hamilton with their two
sons and Mrs Vierson all of May wood
arrived at the W A McCool home Sat
urday morning for a visit with the folks
A large delegation of Indianola peo
ple went to McCook Saturday morning
to witness and be partakers in the Wood
mens festivities
Miss Pearl Lyman of Bartley is a new
clerk m at J C Pucketts
Mrs E Smith will leave Thursday
morning for her new homo at Overton
Mrs Christopher Jenson has returned
from her trip in Illinois
John Tenis has taken a trip to South
Dakota where he expects to remain for
F N Bently and daughter Milly have
gone away on a trip in hopes of bene
fiting Mr Bentleys health
Mr and Mrs Conrad Miller with
their three little boys spent Sunday in
Culbertson the guest of relatives
Miss Gabriolla Longnecker livintr
north west of town who has been
seriously ill is slowly convalescing
Mr Irving R Andrews is building a
house for that fine new automobile that
he is expecting soon
John Harrison lost one of his livery
horses Wednesday morning
John Rozell sold his residence pro
perty in the north part of town Chas
Honze being the lucky purchaser
Mrs H V Lord returned home Fri
day from a visit with her sister at Or
Philip Gliem and wife arrived home
from an extended trip through the west
stopping at Colorado Springs Yellow
Stone Park Salt Lake City Portland
Ore and Seattle Wash and report a
very pleasant trip
The Misses McDonald gave a surprise
party at their residence on May Gardner
Saturday evening and report a pleasant
Miss Grace Phillips who is teaching
at Fairview came down on tho train
from Marion and visited with Miss Dors
Greenway over Sunday
Leila Burbridge commenced a three
months term of school in tho Hamburg
district Monday
Samuel Bastian has added twenty feet
to his store room giving much needed
room and adds materially to tho appear- j
Resolved that i have fouwd
just asiv fo The BLUE lFJfJON 5 -
The Model
Fisher Perkins Props
I- M
ro7To ut
Willie Miles though seriously injured
at the McCook races at this writing is
roported some hotter but it is thought it
will be soveral months beforo ho will
fully recover from his injuries
J C Ash ton has moved to his resi
dence iu town from his farm and will
probably make it his permanent homo
Wm Yates and Miss Ella are Beaver
City visitors for a few days
Miss Stella Robinson loft on Monday
evening for an extended visit in Oregon
and other western parts
Wm Iliorsokorn the political war
horse of tho Beaver valley arrived home
last Sunday from McCook whore ho
and Steve Boles were exhibiting Red
Willow couutys product He reports it
a great success Thoy were the right
H V Lord and Wm tSandon left
Sunday night for Omaha to take in tho
Charles Lord of Oklahoma brother of
Mayor If V Lord is hero visiting old
friends and rolativos
We have had a nigger show in the
town hall four nights and are afraid it
may assume a chronic form
J C Lafferty of Marion was in town
today on important business
R F D NO 1
Earl Notley left for Oklahoma Tues
day after his sister who has very
sick and will be brought here for her
Fred Troester is building a substantial
farm home on his place
Albert Schlagol who was threatened
with a run of fever is now able to be up
and around
Mrs T A Endsley was a guest of her
daughter Mrs W P Endsley Saturday
night and Sunday
E A Phillippi was a Sunday guest
of Joseph Dudek
We aro all waiting for Walter Ns
bear story
D Doyle jr and Ernest Johnson are
on the sick list
kEvert Rutledge has moved from May
wood to his farm which ho purchased
some time ago of D B Doyle jr
v ranu iving wno at one time was a
resident of this community but now
lives at University Place is here on a
visit to old friends and acquaintance
and taking views of some of tho old
familiar spots
Mr Holland is able to bo out again
Gabriella Longnecker is ill
Hazel Bellair is withjMrs Longnecker
during Gabriellas illness
F C Smith was on a business trip to
Akron later part of the week
Three buildings are under way F C
Smith is putting an addition to his
house Owens Longnecker is build
ing a house and Mr Finch is building
a house and barn on the place east of
Mrs Taylors land owned by an east
ern man
The Weekly Inter Ocean is the only
weekly nowspaper published in Chicago
in connection with a great daily paper
It contains a judiciously selected sum
mary of tho news of the nation and world
the best stories home farm womens
boys girls and other special depart
ments and fair patriotic able editorial
written from a Republican viewpoint
It is by far the best general newspaper
of the western states The regular price
for The Weekly Inter Ocean is 81 and
for the McCook Tribune 8100 But sub
scriptions will be received at this office
for the two papers in combination for
only 125
Dr Kays office is now one door north
1 of Commercial hotel Phone 97
r v
S mfr -KM
Buster Brown
School Shoes
Boys and Girls
Blue Ribbon Shoes are made to wear by expert shoemakers and from
the best tannages of all leathers They are stylish and comfortable
These are the best and most serviceable school shoes you can buy
Shoe Stor
McCook Nebraska
i in i n rojaiyi wmvimwiiiiiltmrtW
A Tenderfoots Wonderful Feat
A Bismarck Duel
A duel in which Bismarck was once
engaged had a very amusing origin
It occurred when lie was chief secre
tary of the rrussian legation at Frank
fort Ho went much into society and
one Christmas attended a big ball
During the height of the festivities
Bismarcks attention was directed to
an exceedingly pompous individual who
strutted about the room This was a
M do Clancy a noted French duelist
Later on this important individual
took part in the dance but having
omitted to leave his hat at the proper
place had perforce to hold it out al
most at arms length while he danced
The spectacle tickled Bismarck im
mensely and as the Frenchman came
sailing majestically along Bismarck
stepped forward and dropped a coin
into the hat A duel was one of th
nest days events Though it was with
pistols Bismarck escaped unhurt while
his adversary was wounded j
Home Grown Motors
Even a book agent sometimes fails
of achievement through unforeseen
misunderstanding Colonel said one
of them affably to a Texan whose rec
ord he had looked up beforehand
those are mighty fine boys of yours
The finest in the country stranger
said the colonel The finest in Tex
I reckon you buy them anything
they want
Why stranger I buy them any
thing they need whether they want il
or not
Then colonel let me pell you a cy
clopedia for them Theres nothing
else will do them so much good
The colonel looked at him in aston
ishment Why stranger he said
them boys of mine dont need anv
cyclopedia They ride mules Youths
Put Crape In Windows
a3tuyt 5 on me fcecona avenue
elevated road -witness one custom that
seems peculiar to the people living in
the flats along that line of travel They
frequently see streamers of crape tied
to the second and third story front
windows that open on fire escapes
aomenow the berea ed relatives feel
that crape on the flat house door will
not indicate with sufficient clearness
which family has suffered loss so to
point out exactly the rooms where
mourning exists the windows are hung
with era iK New York Press
As London Sees Us
In an article on smoking the West
minster Gazette of London says
At Washington senators not only
smoke in committee rooms but in the
senate itself Often a Washington or
ator has been known to deliver a per
ipatetic speech attending to his cigar
at regular Intervals and followed by a
crowd of reporters eagerly taking down
Exact justice is commonly more mer
ciful in the long run than pity for it
tends to foster in men those stronger
qualities which make them good citi
zens Lowell
Herding Sheep
In the west they tell this story about
the east perhaps by way of retalia
tion for some of the tall stories about
the west that they tell down east
A young man just graduated from
an eastern Institution of learning
went to the west and applied at u
large ranch for n job
What can you do asked the
Nothing much but Im willing to
work and can learn replied the eager
Know how to ride a horse
No I never rode one In my life
Rather n slim chance for you to be
useful here Im afraid
What have you to do for a man If
he could ride
Herding sheep
I think I could get along at that
very well without a horse
Young man Im afraid you dont
know much about this business I have
a large ranch here and some thou
sands of sheep A man without a horse
would make a pretty poor show
Well Ill tell you when I was at
college I was the champion sprinter
of the Institution I believe I could
do you some good service I have a
long distance record too I wish youd
give me a chance and let us see what
I can do
With a good natured but pitying
smile the ranchman said all right and
bade his new man to get some supper
turn in and be ready to go to work
early the next morning
When the employer rose next morn
ing he saw the new employee coming
in from the direction of the sheep
quarters Somewhat surprised at the
young fellows enterprise in getting up
so early he accosted him
Well youre up and ready to go to
work are you
Oh my yes Ive been at work
for two or three hours
Then the ranchman noted that the
tenuertoot was dressed In working
clothes a sweater and already looked
rather flushed What have you been
doing he asked
Driving those lambs into the cor
What lambs I have no Iambs This
is not the lamb season
Well I chased eighty five of them
in and I tell you I had a time of it
The ranchman went with the young
tenderfoot to see what the story he
told was about
And sure enough huddled up togeth
er frightened and tired out were
eighty live wild jackrabbits
All right young man I think youll
do said the ranchman Chicago
mwnmnrtm M 1 r f MMfatf
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The Store for Thrifty
NS n
HAT our line of Ladie and Childrens
Coats is the best in town has boen
proved by the number of sales made
during the last two weeks We are
here to do business and every day
proves to us we are doing Just what
we are here to do
Our dress goods line is complete so far as
coloring and texture are concerned both for a
dressy costume or business suit The
small child can be fitted here also from the
top of its head to the sole of its foot
Our bear skin Hoods Coats and Leggins
for the small one areas cute as can be
and add to the already beautiful child
In a few days we will have a full line of
furs in the very latest styles
If you are wanting a beautiful all over
Lace Waist do not buy before seeing our
line direct from the New York market
and selected with greatest care
A Full Line of Staple Goods and Groceries Here
Have the Power of Sooutina
Blood From the Eyes
That certain lizards have the power
to emit a stream of blood from riioir
eyes has been a tradition of the south
west from time out of mind but many
scientists have classed it with the jew
el in the toads head and the hoop
snake Iiaymond Lee Ditmars curator
of reptiles In the New York Zoological
Eociety made exhaustive research to
ascertain what foundation in fact if
any there is in the tradition of tlw
blood spouting lizards Ue had nearly
made up his mind that It was purelv
mythical when he came upon a star
tling demonstration of its truth He
had received a particularly line
men of the Mexican horned lizard and
after photographing it proceeded to
measure it The result he tells in his
Reptile Book
The latter process he
says seem
ed to greatly excite the creature It
finally threw the
head slightly up
ward the neck became rigid the eyes
uuigeu irom tne sockets when there
was a distinct sound like that pro
duced if one pressed the tongue
against the roof of the mouth and
forced a small quantity of air forward
This rasping sound consuming t
fraction of a second was accompanied
by a jet of blood at great pressure
It hit the wall four feet away at
the same level as that of the reptile
The duration of the flow of blood ap
peared to be about one and a half
uuu ana toward its termination
the force gradually diminished as
uutea oy a course of drops down the
wall and along the floor to a position
almost under the spot where the rep
tile had been held The stream of
blood seemed to be as fine as horse
hair and to issue from the eyelid
which was momentarily much swollen
For some time after the perform
ance the eyes were tightly closed and
nothing could induce the lizard to open
them Within two minutes after it
w piacea on the ground the
- wiL oi uie eyeballs and the
swelling of the eyelids had disap
Most surprising was tho iminf
blood expended The wall and floor
uoweu a course of thickly sprinkled
spots about one eighth of an inch in
diameter There were 103 of these
spot9 Philadelphia Xorth American
Us Coin Rack Crammed With Yellow
Boys a Tempting Sight
The good old days are gone In these
heathen times
men are paid
by check Of the pay car and its luxu
rious travels C F Carter writes In the
American Magazine as follows
A metal coin
crammed to the
muzzle -with three denominations of
yellow boys flanked with silver and
on the desk
behind It a verr larce
111 r
immwi in i ii mm
wooaeu tray on which v ere IdhjTcoT
umns of yellow
coins dye ever see
anything so pretty In ail your life
No wonder your eyes stuck out until
you could have used them for hat
And all the time an exquisitely mu
sical tinkle tinkle clink clink -welled
up from coin rack
and counter In re
sponse to the calls of the assistant
paymaster Talk about Beethovens
If it were not for that strong wirr
screen you could have touched that
fascinating tray For the Infinitesimal
fraction of a second a wicked thought
flitted through your brain Then yon
almost fainted as your roving eye
stared down the barrel of a monstrous
revolver It was only in a rack but it
was within easy reach of the paymas
ters hand and most eloquent for all
that Half a dozen of its fellows lay
in the handiest
places while as iaanv
Winchesters lying on tables ami set
tees came in strong on the chorus
Hurriedly your vagrant wits bnskd
themselves with all the Sunday school
lessons you had ever learned As Your
subconsciousness perceived that the
head of the roads secret service de
partment stood on the platform with
his eyes intent on every man in the
car at once while Conductor
Im stood on the ground outside verv
much alert with his coat tail bulgin
suggestively your bosom swelled with
pride over the watchful care the com
pany had exercised to bring Its honest
toilers their hard earned money
Power of tho Waves
The power of waves says M Brou
nin in La Nature is the
sum of two ef
forts one dynamic and
due to the or
bital movement of the water particles
tne other static and dependent on the
height of the center of gravitv of the
mass raised above its normal position
Theory and
observation seem to show
that the total power of
waves is divid
ed equally between
these static and
dynamic effects If a body of water
meets the wall of a structure there Is a
shock and this Is most violent at the
water surface
with the
depth At the
moment of meeting jets
neighatsr riS Smetimes to very great
His System
Shippen Clark to his employer leav
ing the office Oh Mr System havent
you forgotten your umbrella Its rain
ing Mr System Cant help it I have
made a resolution
to have one here
and one at home to provide for -ii
emergencies Now if I take this one
theyll both be at home London Tt
Fores of Habit
Easy Cheer up Mr
we must go down lets
go cheerfuHv
lite men Mr Peek--R- u
Sm Sf taZ 22 mT Wfa