The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 04, 1907, Image 6

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fyri NjfiM wynnynp uy
Oflico Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
Real Estate
and Insurance
First door south of Foams gallery
McCook Nebraska
C H Boyle C E Eldked
Attorneys at I aw
Long Distance Pone H
Rooms 1 and 7 second floor
PoEtofUco Buildingr
McCook Neb
Barber Shop
Hear of ist National Hank
Newly Furnished
and First Class in Every
Earl Murray
McCook Nebraska
CjfVAgont of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works Oflico in Poatoflice building
P O Bos 131 McCook Nebraska
McCook Laundry
Dry and Steam Cleaning and
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
The Security Abstract
and Realty Company
Farms Wild Lands and City
Property at owners prices
Properties of non residents
looked after Write for infor
Autumn Special
Cheap One Way Colonists
RateS Dailv during October to Pa-
cific Coast and far west points
at about half rates
TO the EaSt Jhe w raf James-
town Exposition tick
ets can be used for your autumn trip to
New York Boston and other eastern
cities These are the last cheap rates of
the season
Homeseekers Excursions
Cheap rate excursions the first and
third Tuesdays of each month this au
tumn to Kansas Oklahoma the Gulf
country Colorado Utah Wyoming Big
Horn Basin Montana and the North
west Ask your nearest agent or write
the undersigned
Big Horn Basin and Billings
Tctrjft We run personally conduct-
ed cheap rate homeseekers
excursions to help you locate on irrigat
ed lands at the lowest prices they will
double in value in five years Join me
on these excursions No charge for
services Write D Clem Deaver Agent
Burlington Landseokers Bureau Omaha
Ticket Agent McCook Neb
check and this fact has duly been
notified to the bank
Each day his bank pass book is ex-
W il1
Ways by Which Millionaires Pro
tect Their Signatures
if the bankers pass a forged check
then generally speaking they must i
bear the loss themselves
This system has many disadvan
tages It means that the man must
never allow his check book out of his
possession and must place unreserved
confidence in his secretary and his
The private secretary supplies his
employer with any cash required re
ceiving in exchange a duly crossed
check for the amount It is the private
secretary therefore who has to protect
his signature from forgery and this
he does in a very ingenious way He
has had a copy of his signature cut
out of cork This he uses as he would
an india rubber stamp and he claims
that it is as impossible to imitate the
markings of the cork as it is impossi
ble to duplicate the impression of the
human thumb
At any rate the novelty of the idea
has sufficed to scare off would be for
gers for it is stated that no one has
ever attempted to copy the cork sig
Placing a small grease spot on the
check is another protective idea
though the spot has in this case to be
precisely in a prearranged position
In a further case the check is never
torn out of the check book quite
straight There is always a little
piece torn off down part of one side
seemingly in quite an accidental man
But still all these devices may fail
at times and in every case the experi
ence and cuteness of the bank officials
afford additional protection Indeed
this experience is perhaps the greatest
safeguard of all Pearsons Weekly
Electric Railway Inventor
The electric railway had many in
ventorspersons who by various im
provements brought the system to its
present usefulness Thomas j
port a blacksmith of Brandon Vt is
credited with having first suggested
the electric railway although an Ital
ian priest Abbe Salvatore Del Negro
professor of natural philosophy at the
University of Padua is reputed to have
Own Mark Twain In His
with you Mark
The new doctor of letters tried to
amined by his private secretary and if nnk Rnlmmi ns hoP110
there is an entry in the book which
but it vas llot a successful
has no busmess there then the matter frf rrn e- i o i
Wli U1U1UOI 1UOL Ul3 OUilUUO iiilUU
when some one inquired
What have you done with the Ascot
cup Mark
The remark referred to a placard
Dr Clemens saw a newsman carrying
when he first arrived in London It
was not punctuated as intended and
read Mark Twain Arrives Ascot
Cup Stolen
Alluding to the incident at the
luncheon given by the Pilgrims he said
No doubt many a person was mis
led by those sentences joined together
in that unkind way I have no doubt
my character has suffered from it I
suppose I ought to defend my charac
ter but how can I defend it I can
say here and now and anybody can
see by my face that I am sincere that
I speak the truth that I have never
seen that cup
First Picture of the Little Heir to the
Spanish Throne
The infant heir to the throne of
Spain is still too young to sit for his
picture but he possesses such a suf
ficiency of royal dignity as to lie com
posedly in the arms of the queens
lady in waiting the Countess del Pu
erto while the photographer captures
Academic Ccctume
Mark Twains trip to England was a
great success He could not buy Wind
sor castle of King Edward but ho
brought back with him to American
shores an Oxford degree lie wants
it distinctly understood that he is to
AGAINST FORGERIES be addressed hereafter as Doc
The British scholars made a great
time of it in giving him his title of
In tho Absence of the Hidden Mark a doctor of letters And every one is
Bank Will Refuse to Pay An In- agreed that he looks perfectly swell
stance Which Shows How the Secret in bis new academic gown with cap
Sign May Serve Other Purposes
If all reports be true then the life
of the millionaire like that of the po
liceman Is most certainly not a happy
There is little doubt that a certain
class of criminals regard millionaires
as legitimate prey and the million
aires knowing this are compelled to
contrive schemes to thwart their cun
The modern method of doing busi
ness by check has to a large extent
provided the forger with opportunities
for the exhibition of his workmanship
Therefore many of the millionaires
schemes for his protection relate to
his signature on checks and these
schemes which usually consist of se
cret marks entirely apart from the
signature indicate to the bank the
genuineness of the checks and are
mostly of a simple character
Far and away the most clever Idea
for protecting a check signature is the
one utilized by an American million
aire whose name is as well known In
Great Britain as in the States
His idea Is an extremely simple one
It is this On the back of each check
that he signs he makes a tiny blot
which looks so innocent and natural
But should the blot be missing then
the bank will decline to honor the
check This little blot saved the mil
lionaire 50000 on one occasion alone
Early one morning he was kidnaped
His captors threatened violence unless
they received 10000 immediately The
millionaire thought Then after hesi
tation for a few minutes he offered to
write out a check for the money then
and there on the understanding that samtjeIi j clemens d irr in oxford
immediately the check was cashed he cap hood and gown
was to be released and hood to match The costume is
The terms were accepted and the really more becoming as worn by the
millionaire wrote out the check but author of Innocents Abroad than his
he left out the blot He certainly had much talked of white suits for outing
great confidence In his plan for it was wear and evening dress With his tall
impossible to tell what might happen figure bushy white hair and heavy
when the check was presented and mustache he looked quite as stunning
payment of it refused as anybody when he marched up to
However the kidnapers went off to the chancellor to receive his honors
tho bank and presented the check Of although Trince Arthur of Connaught
course the cashier looked for the blot was jn the procession and Lord Cur
and when he saw that it was missing zon ex viceroy of India headed it with
he suspected that something was a page holding up his long train Dr
wrong Payment of the check was Clemens exuberant locks were in such
refused on the ground that it was in- contrast to the bald pate of the pro
complete and the men went away fessor who presented him to the chan
lowed by officials of the bank who ceilor that a student in accordance
were fortunately able to rescue the witIl n freeiom that has prevailed at
millionaire from the desperadoes gucll ceremonies from time
i rial called out
Another man of great wealth dis
1 Couldnt you spare him some of
poses of the signature difficulty in a your hair Mark
different way altogether He protects Another irrepressible searcher for
himself by never giving an uncrossed leamin inquired
nave you got that jumping frog
designed an electric toy traction ma 1
J Ms expression for the public This
chine of the reciprocating type In is the a J 7
1830 Davenport ran a toy motor
mounted on wheels on a small circular
railway in 1834 exhibiting this a year
later at Springfield and Boston About
half a century passed however before
the electric railway was made prac
tical for present useE Argonaut
first picture of the royal heir
to be sent to America The title of the
youngster is Prince of the Asturlaa
Of baptismal names he has a string
of more than a dozen most of the
present European monarchs having
fceen complimented in the christening
Billy Muldoon
I And His Farm
LIIIU HOOT secretary of state
doons for several weeks and
expects to continue there several
weeks longer until his health Is
thoroughly built up Muldoons is iu
New York state about two miles from
White Plains Professor William
I Muldoou builds up rundown men
That is his profession He lias his
own peculiar methods which do not Jacob Kort
best means for restoring physical
ciency to those who through misfor
tune or fault were broken down He
observed the world more or less crowd
ed with men in the prime of life who
appeared to be physical wrecks though
in most instances they were going
about their business in a half hearted
Muldoon opened a sort of sanitarium
where he began taking patients just
a few men at a time As a rule these
were well to do New York professional
or business men Some were million
aires Some had led the hich life for
years Others had plugged along at
business until their physical selves
were stagnated Still others had over
worked themselves mentally so that
they were in the vortex of nervous
When they got to Muldoons they
had a boss The boss was Muldoon
the professor He told them what
to eat and when to eat it Moreover
he ate along with them He told them
when to go to bed and how long to
sleep If one of the patients could not
sleep the nine hours prescribed from
9 to G oclock Muldoon fixed that pa
tient the next day so that he couldnt
help but sleep He gave the patient
extra work that made sleep welcome
and necessary
Work in a considerable degree is
tho secret of tiie Muldoon treatment
nis patients box they pitch balls they
walk miles they ride they labor at
gardening until the sweat drips One
form of work is called passing the
medicine balls Big balls of varying
size and weights are thrown from
one man to another unVl a fine per
spiration Is brought out Baths and
rubbing of course follow
John L Sullivan used to train at
Muldoons The professor was about
the only man on earth who could whip
the big mass of pugilistic flesh into
shape for a fight The enforced reg
ularity the prohibition from dissipa
tion were just what John L required
Muldoon got the big fellow in con
dition for his fight with Jake Kilraln
Secretary Root it is said was a sick
man when he went to Muldoons about
the beginning of August Perhaps he
had worked too hard Now it is un
derstood that he feels like a new
Muldoon once saw three boys walk
ing along smoking cigarettes
There he remarked are three
boys who will make scrawny men if
they live Keep the boys away from
cigarettes and from beer and liquor
and thats half the battle for physical
Couniy Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska September 5 1007
Tho board of county conwniHsfonern mot
pursuant to adjournment present O H Gray
F S Lofton and S Premer county com
missioners 1 E Reoder attorney and E J
Wlicox clerk
The minutes of previous meeting wore read
and approved
Tho following road overseers were appointed
to till vneunev
uuitiuuii prune minister mis Wm Nicholson district No
been recuperating at Mul Geo V Wyrick
Frank Hill
Claude Spnuldiug
J M Hunter
C II ilarmaii
Win Mejer
Geo Wheeler
F A Hodgkin
P W Fough
Harvey Springer
E B NolsOU
ennm o II lif LMinn
and simple The Muldoou method of
treatment may be called a course in
regularity It eliminates all dissipa
tions either in drinking eating or
working and cures by making the pa
tient live naturally
Mr Muldoou was a cavalry oflicer
during the civil war He first ob
served the effects of regular living Claude Spaulding
when shortly after tho war tho
United States was trying to recruit
the regular army and found that as a
rule everybody save the unfortunates
who were half starved had had enough
of war and would not enlist The
broken down creatures who enlisted
to stave off starvation were sent to
Muldoou to be worked into shape for
service He put them through a
course of regular food regular work
and regular exercise and turned them
into fine soldiers
Later Muldoou became tiud remained
for many years the champion Greco
Roman wrestler of the world He won
bouts and gave exhibitions in all lands
Geo Coojiur
Abe Peters
Clms Wilhelin
J FISlack
C F Waterman
ine loiiowing ollicial bonds worn examined
nnd on motion approved
William Nicholson overseer l
Geo W Wyrick -
Frank Hill
C 11 Haniiau
E F Couse
Jeo W Wheeler
Harvey Springer
J F Itlack
The following claims were audited and all
f f T
ed and elerk was instructed to draw warrants
on the county general fund thereof as follows
State Journal Co steel fixtures in clerk dist
courts oflico 660 CO
McCook El Lt Co lights for August and
supplier I0 i
John M Gilchrist clerk hire 00
II JArbogustsalary as county physician 16 25
W C Milliard one car coalcourt house 1S0J0I
C B Gray commissioner services 19 H
F S Lofton same io
S Premcr snme 30 70
Atlfl fin tif liriflfr fiw I if ivn
His name was at the head of the list Oeo Younger bridge work o oo
until he voluntarily gave up tho title James a Miller same oo
and retired something less than Thos Elms samo jj oo
twenty years ago to a fine farm which Harnett Lumber Co lumber it 30
he owned near White Plains And on the road fund as follows
The ex wrestler for a generation had wrfc 2000
been formulating a thenrv is tn Hip neimetiy same 28 00
r a nyau same 150
I A Watkins same fo
Thos Chamberlain same 11 00
Uert Hakmnn same 2 00
J J Gelirinrr same 27 00
Ira Dinnell same 77
WTClark same 7 q
Robert Johnson same J 00
M Fossen same r ri0
I Tliurs DoyIeame 2 00
Draper A Son same It 00
The petition or I A Sheridan et alaskiiiK for
the establishment of a public road was read
and considered on motion tho remonstrators
were granted the privilege of filinjj an amended
commissioner report
Tho board finds that all of the requirements
of the law hnvo been complied with and that
the piblic Rood requires it and on motion same
ranted nnd road established as follows
Coin enciiiff at the south west corner of section
thin ono 31 hi town four 1 range twenty
seven 27 west 6 PM and running thence
east two 2 miles along tho south lino of said
township four terminating and intersecting the
road running north and south between sections
thirty two and thirty three
Clerk was instructed to notify overseer of
highways to open said road
On motion damages were allowed on above
road as follows
Lizzie Gregory on ne qr 5-3-27 2 acres S SO 00
William A Stewart on se qr 32-1-27 2
acres and moving fence IT to
James G Hamilton on e hf nw 5-3-27 1
acr 15 00
W D Spencer on sw qr w hf -e
3 acres la 00
John and Richard Dunningson nwqr nw
qr ne qr of G-3-27 and removing fence 150 00
The petition of J F Cordeal et al asking for
the establishment of a public road was read
and considered Tho board
finds that all own
ers of land along the proposed line of road hare
given consent thereto in writing On motion
same was granted establishing a public road as
follows Commencing at the northwest corner
of the northeast quarter of section number
twenty township number two north range
number thirty west of the 6th P M running
thence south on the half section line of said
section twenty to the north end of that portion
of road No 3W running on the half section line
through section 29 in town hip No 2 north
range aO west also beginning at the southwest
corner of tho northwest quarter of the ne quart
er of section number 20
town 2 range 30 runn
ing thence west one fourth mile to the west end
of that portion of road No 112 terminating at
the nw corner of tho se quarter of the sw
er of said section 20 also to vacate that portion
f road No 333 running from the sw corner of
section 10 town 2 range 20 south on the sec
tion line between sections 20 and 21 to the
southwest corner of section 21 and thence we t
between sections 20 and 21 to the sw corner of
se quarter of section 20 and also that portion
of road No 112 running on the section line be
tween sections 17 and twenty from the nw corner
of the ne quarter of section 20 to about the ne
corner of the nw quarter of the nw quarter of
said section 20 and thence south in aid section
20 to the nw corner of the -e quarter of the nw
quarter of section 20 town 2 range 30 west
And clerk was instructed to notify overseer of
highways to open said road
On motion the treasurer was in tructed to re
fund to E E Smith the of i5S the amount
of tax illegally asse ed to him in 1006 and paid
by him under prote t for the reason that the
lot- were ae sed to him as improved while
they are unimproved
On motion the treasurer was instructed to re
fund to Julio- Kuncrt the sum of 527 the
amount of tax illegal assessed to him in 1006
and paid by him under protest for the rea on
that he aoed in the city of McCook
when he should hae been assessed in Willow
Grove precinct
On motion the board adjourned to meet Oc
tober 1 17 C B Grat Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
Real Estate lransiers
The following real estate tiling have
been made in the county clerks ollice
since our last report
William H Ackerman and wife and LD
Vanderhoof and wifo to Jessie A
hart wd to sw qr 17-1-30 1600 00
Charles F Lehn and wife to Rosa
rce and Blanch Lee wd to lot 13 blk 4
1st add South McCook 50 03
John Harrison and wife to G A Crancer
Co wd to lot 22 blk 32 Indianola 200 00
G A Crancer Co to Irving R Andrews wd
to lot 23 blk 32 Indianola 175 00
J L Sargent and wife to J E Noe wd to
lot 7 blk 9 Danbury 230 00
Alex F llkins and wife to Francis
Cain wd to sw qr 10-1-30
Henry Winaas sing to Charles
gyfmaartfcfcKi jiM on
wd to lots 4 5 0 blk II 7 8 blk 10 1st
add to South McCook 750 00
Kato Gillen ot al to Potor Foxon wd to
lots 71 72 blk 4 lot 58 blk 3 South
McCook lots 12 blk 7 Willow Qrovo
Margaret Roshong wld toMnrgnrotA
Evans wd to pt lot 3
250 00
1000 00
W II Vincent nnd wife to Oliver Jeffries
lot 4 blk 4 North McCook MX CO
Mary A Carmichaol and husb to Mary E
Miller wd to lots I 5 blk 21 Indiun
ola 1025 00
Greenlands Glaciers
Nearly all the Greenland glaciers and
tongues from the Internal Ice cap ter
minate In vertical faces from 100 to
1000 feet high presenting facilities for
Investigation The vertical faces re
veal pronounced stratification on the
basal Ice even earth materials In the
bases carried by the Ice being ar
ranged in layers Fine laminations
were seen twelve or twenty to an Inch
The layers are sometimes twisted and
contorted and even shoved over each
other The glacier movement at the
Ice border Is a foot per day to a foot
per week
liCall at Citizens Bank For Dates
Office days Tuesdays Wednes
days Thursdays and Saturdays
Oflico iu Post Office Uldg - Phono 13
The McCook Tribune
for 100 per Year
McCook Lodgu No 135 A F fc A M inoeto
every first and third Tuesday of tho month at
H 00 p in in Masonic hall
C11AIMKH L Faiinimtock W M
Lov Cone Sec
McCook Lodge No 3 D of II moots evew
second and forth Fridays of oacli mouth at800
p 111 in Ganscliows hall
Lauka Osuuun C of II
Mes n
MatieG Welles Roc
McCook Aerio Noirlt F O E meets tho
second and fourth Wednesdays of each month
at 800 pm in GnnschowH hall SocinI meet
ings on tho flrht and thinl Wodnosdays
W H Cummins W Pros
II I Peterson V Sec
Eureka Chapter No fc6 O E S meets tho
5en nnfrth Fridays of each mouth at
ow p in iu jiasonic I11II
Mrs Sarah E Kat W M
Sylvester Corneal Sc
o A K
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A n
tho hrst Saturday of each mouth at 230 p m
Ganscbows hall
J M Henderson Ciniidr
J II Larger Adit
McCook Connci I No 1126 K or C meets tho
nrt and third 1 uodays of each month at HOO
p m in Ganscbows hall
C J Rvan G K
T r t
b G Leciileiter F Sec
McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets ev ry
Wednesday at 800 p in in Masonic bull
C v n n
Barnes K R S
St John Commandery No 16 K T mefts on
the second Thursday of each month at 800 r
m in Masonic hall
Emerson Hanson E
Sylvester Cordeal Hec
McCook Division No G23 B of L E mer
r 7 uTrst and third Saturday of each montliat
8 00 in Berrys ball
W D i T
Burnett F A E
Lodgo No 59 B of L P a- v
meets every Saturdaj at 800 p m in Gazi
chow shall
W R Pennington M
W b Bixlee Sec
modern woodmen
Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every
second ami fourth Thursday or each month at
Hul p m in Ganscbows hall
JN Hbst V C
Barney Hofer Clerk
McCook Lodge No 137 1 O O F meets every
Monday ac80U p m in Ganschow s hall
Scott Doan Sec
moets U cond and
fourth Saturdays of each month at 230 p m
at the homes of the various members
Mes C W Britt Pres
M es J G Schobel Cor Sec
RAILWAY conductoes
Haryey Division No 95 O R C meets the
second and fourth Sundays of each mon h Tz
500 p m in Diamonds hall
jJe Hegenbeegee C Con
m O McCluee Sec
C W Bronson Lodgo No B of R T
moots every trulay at 8 -00 p in in Berr
F J HtrsTON Sec
H W Conovee M
King Cyrus Chapter No 33 R A M meets
every hrst anil third Thursday of each montliat
0 p m in Masonic hall
Clarence B Grat II P
Clinton B Sawyer Sec
royal neighbors
Noble Camp No fc62 R N A meets everv
ni iu uanchow s hall
Mary Walker Oracle
Mes Augcsta Avton Rec
E s m
theCiasar anVl
in Ma onfc TalLay f Ch month at SC0 p
Ralph A Hagberg T I ji
Stvlestee Cobdeal Sec
McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets evorv
Monday at 800 p m in Diamonds ball
WEB- Stepue9 W
C B Grat Rec
w o w
1730 OO TuJeots trnte Thursdays at S oclock
EScott M D C C