The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 04, 1907, Image 3

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Some Notables
Of the Hour
TIIER British
minister to Morocco
who has figured in
the efforts for the
release of the Kald
Sir Harry MacLean
from captivity by
Ralsull has been
much praised for his
tactful conduct dur
ing the troubles In
the country of Sul
tan Abdul Aziz He
Is of special Interest
OKKAHD LOWTHEH tQ AmerIcmls on ac
count of his former residence here and
because he married an American Gc
was born in lSrS and is the second son
of the Hon William Lowther brother
of the third Earl of Lonsdale lie
was educated at Harrow and entering
the diplomatic service in 1870 served
at Madrid Paris Constantinople Vien
na Sofia Bucharest Tokyo Budapest
and Washington where lie was secre
tary of embassy and at Chile where
he was minister from 1101 to 110 1
being appointed to the Morocco mis
sion in the latter year lie once told
guests of a London dinner party about
waiters ut mining towns in western
states of America He said
You should see the waiter of Dead
Gulch of Rusted Boom of Snake and
of a hundred other American mining
towns The waiter serves you in his
shirt sleeves with a cigar In his
mouth One day an Englishman or
dered quail of such a person
Quailf said the waiter All right
friend quail it is Quail goes
And he disappeared In the kitchen
and In a moment returned with a dish
of pigs feet
Whats this said the Englishman
I ordered quail
Well said the waiter youve got
Rut quails a bird the English
man exclaimed
The barrel of the waiters revolver
gleamed as he said In a low tense
Not here
Mrs Lowther was Miss Alice Blight
daughter of Atherton Blight of Phila
delphia and Newport and one of the
handsomest girls in Americas smart
set Her marriage to Mr Lowther
was one of the leading matrimonial
events of 1905 The wedding took
place in All Saints church London
She is tall and has light hair and blue
eyes and Is fond of outdoor sports
having won fame as a whip and in
sailing yachts She met her husband
while he was secretary to the British
embassy at Washington She made
quite a social success when in London
When her husband went to Morocco
she risked capture by bandits by ac
companying him on the dangerous
journey to Fez Mrs Lowther is a
granddaughter of the sculptor Green
ough who modeled the statue of
Washington at the capital
When Mrs ltussell Sage determined
jr iqi sinooo000 of the money her
busband left her in establishing a
fund for the improvement of social
and living conditions in the United
States she realized that her plan
would depend largely for its success on
the character of those placed in charge
lls K HI
of the expenditure
of this splendid
sum Her idea is
that the income of
the fund should be
expended in efforts
to determine the
the cause of pover
ty and suffering
and in social ex
periments designed
ito raise the general
standard of living
among those who
commonly find ex
istence a hard
struccle She se
lected several men and women eminent
as philanthropists and educators and
sociologists to aid her in mailing good
use of the fund and plaeed in immedi
ate chargo oflt John M Glenn of
Baltimore who is known throughout
the country for his intelligent and sci
entific philanthropic work
As an instance of his record in this
field it may be related that when Mr
Glenn who himself comes of a wealthy
and aristocratic family mnrried Miss
lMary Wilcox Brown daughter of a
Qeading Baltimore banker they left
ftheir fashionable friends after the wed-
ding ceremony nnd epent the remainder i
of the day entertaining a company at
a social settlement in Avhlch they wer
lnuitusted After a honeymoon abroa 1
they settled down in a home in the
factory district Mr and Mrs Glenn
have studied the problems of poverty
and misery In all their phases She
has become the leader of the women I
workers among the poor In Maryland
and he has taken part In many move
ments of a charitable character He
is forty nine years old a graduate of
Washington and Lee university and of
the law department of the University
of Maryland is president of the state
conference of charities lecturer at
Johns Hopkins university vestryman
of St Pauls Episcopal church and
president of the neighborhood settle
ment known as St Pauls guild
It Is rather unusual for a railway i
president to be placed under arrest
and it was a new experience to 1
dent Ralph Peters of the Long Island
railroad when he was recently ar
raigned and held in 10000 ball
charged by a coro
ners jury witli re
sponsibility for the
death of two per
sons in a collision
near Jamaica be
tween an automo
bile and a Long Is
land railroad train
WWW Cvvra
g i -
mti K
B i COilER
Mr Peters was for JggE
thirty years con-
valih petehs
ncctcd with the
Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg
and two years ago succeeded the late
W F Potter as president of the Long
Island He Is fifty four years old and j
graduated from the University of
Georgia in the class of 72 His son
has played on the Princeton golf team
but the young man has to work hard
tn hont his father in the game
Since Vice President Fairbanks
saved a pretty hotel waitress from
drowning it is considered suspicious
for a man in public office to be the
hero of a sensational exploit It is
generally taken to mean that he has
designs on the presidency Friends of
Mayor Sherburn M Becker of Milwau
kee are wondering if he does not as
pire to be governor at least since the
papers came out with a story about
how he was held up by highwaymen
and got the best of them through his
quick wits According to the narra
tive told of his adventures the mavor
and his chauffeur
were speeding along
near Milwaukee in
tent on reaching the
Country club where
the mayor had an
engagement Sud
denly a short dis
tance ahead a light
was swung back
and forth across the
The mayor who was driving shut
off the power and put on the brakes
thinking that some accident had hap
pened or that there was a break in the
road When he had brought his auto
mobile to a halt and was ready to
jump out to see what the matter was
he found himself looking into the
muzzle of a revolver A voice from
the darkness said
Now then turn over whatever you
have with you and do it quick
Mayor Becker though startled at
the sudden demand pulled back his
coat showing Ills star and aykig
This is all I have with me now
The highwaymen took a glance at
the gold star and evidently thinking
they had held up a police official shut
off their light and made a jump for
the fence on the side of the road dis
appearing quickly Mayor Becker pro
teeded to the Country club and from
here telephoned the police A
8tarving and Saving For Others to
Spord When Youro Dead
Im not opposed to a man saving
money remarked the undertaker
lighting a fresli cigar but I cant help
feeling that it is wrong for one to do
it by meanness and by denying one
self comforts It is because I see so
much of this that I feel this way
Whatever is the reason I must say
that in my observation the usual result
Is that when one has saved up money
by this self denial the ones who re
ceive the money after death usually
waste it
To illustrate this let me tell you of
a specific case A few years ago an
elderly woman died in our city I was
called to care for the remains I as
sure you that the room into which I
went was one of the barest and most
desolate places I ever saw There was
none of those little things which go to
make a room comfortable and cheer
I ful I couldnt but help thinking that
the noor life had been a
dreary one In a way I still think so
She was a maiden lady about sev
enty In the town was one woman
who had been her friend She sent
word to me to bring the remains there
No one supposed the deceased had a
cent in the world When we were
about to remove the body the people
of the house called my attention to a
small box which they said contained
all the effects of the dead woman
When we opened that box we found
that it rntained ronO the old ladys
saving of a lifetime
In her efforts to hoard up this mon
ey she had gone without comforts and
necessities had denied herself every
little luxury What for Answer it
if you can I cant
A relative the no rest one and the
onlv heir came on irom a middle V At-
nt rote lives t Garden City and
ii i 1tn rosidence lltlQ eslab 1 1U
the day after
llshed in that beautiful New York sub
urb he surprised the employees of the
Garden City Golf club by appearing
on the links at 5 oclock in the
morning Sometimes lie finds it diffi
cult to get a caddy to accompany him
at that hour in spite of his generous
tips His usual programme is a round
of the course a plunge and rub down
breakfast and an express to Long
Island City whero he Is at his desk
by 9 oclock
Governor B B Comer of Alabama
who has been mentioned much in the
dispatches by reason of the controversy
over the railway rate law of the state
was elected to his present office last
fall as the Democratic candidate car
rying sixty out of the sixty seven coun
ties of the commonwealth He will
serve until 1909 His home is in Bir
mingham and he is
a large cotton plant
er and manufactur
er The legislature
recently passed
laws making two
and one half cents
per mile the maxi
mum rate for pas
senger fares fixing
freight rates on 110
commodities and re
quiring nonresident
corporations to take
out licenses and
forbidding them to
remove civil suits from state to federal
courts When the Southern railway did
not put in effect new rates in accord
ance with the new laws the state re
voked the license it being alleged that
the road had violated the provision of
the new laws pertaining to removal of
suits from state to federal courts Con
ferences were held between railway
and state officials and an agreement
was finally reached in which the rail
road promised to put the new rates in
effect temporarily pending determina
tion of the constitutionality of the laws
by the United States supreme court
The license was then restored
with her for burial She i0 took the
money On the day of the funeral she
had several hacks at a cost of ir each
then she in
a present
There Are a Dozen Different Kinds of
the Borers
One of the queerest superstitions
says a secondhand book dealer in this
city is the idea that the bookworm
commits immense ravages among
printed volumes and yet has never
been seen People think it bores holes
through books and eats out large cavi
ties in the middle of a volume then
disappears and the superstition even
goes so far as to assert that the book
worm will eat a hole that would hold
a marble right in the middle of a
book then vanish without leaving any
The plain truth is that almost any
borers that infest wood will bore holes
through books and also that cockroach
es do about as much harm to books
as any other insects There are a doz
en different kinds of borers that do
more or less damage to books and
the reason why the insects are not
more frequently caught is that they do
their work and generally leave the
book to enter the chrysalis state in oth
er quarters None of the boring worms
are large and even when a borer is
actually at work the sudden opening
of the book allows the insect to drop
out unobserved
American made books however are
very little troubled by borers There
are so many different kinds of chem
icals used in the covers bindings pa
per and paste that boring insects gen
erally get very sick at the stomach
before they have made their way far
into an American book In southern
Europe however great damage is of
ten done to libraries not only by bor
ers but also by ants which eat their
way into the heart of a book and leave
galleries and chambers easily mistak
en for the work of the borers St
Louis Globe Democrat
A Knocker That Meart Life
So cruel were some of the punish
ments meted out to criminals in Eng
land centuries ago that it was small
wonder the poor wretches claimed the
right of sanctuary If they reached
a church or some other privileged place
the law could not touch them A curi
ous relic in connection with this cus
tom exists today in the form of the
quaint knocker on the door of Durham
cathedral The applicant having ham
mered at the portal one of the priests
inside would inspect him through the
eyes of the copper mask above the
knocker and after due parley would
admit the frightened criminal
Following Instructions
Here my poor man said a kind old
lady here Is a shilling for you Now
dont go and spend it in vile drink
Thank you maam answered the
tramp heartily Ill not I suppose
ou was a referring to the Avretched
stuff they as at the Dun Cow mum
Ah but Ill go to the Black Bull They
keep the right sort there 1 London
Active Enough
Physician reflectively Ilm The
case is one I think that will yield to
a mild stimulant Let me see your
tongue madam if you please Hus
band of Patient hastily Doctor her
tongue doesnt need any stimulating
Pearsons vVeekly
T rimrlpq F Lfihn Mary Lohn Charles
nade the driver of each hack White Mrs Charles White wife of Charles
White fir t name unknown Charles TKokks
flin 1iivii nf tho
of the duei oi uie
gae T v Homrs il fendants will
hearse the same sum and each of the take notice that Jessie H Hyrd plaintiff has
filed a petition in the district court of Ked ll
two men who inn- the grue -v ana viraski aira nst the above named
S2fi00 for a monument The
rest of the 5000 she blew At the
end of six months every dollar of it
was gone
And that old lady had gone without
necessities of life to accumulate it
And my friend that is but one of
several cases yes of scores of them
that I could recite to you did I have
the mind Lewiston Journal
defendants the object and prayer of which are
that said defendants and all of them bo requir
ed to set forth the claim they or aiiyoiuiem
have in and to the north half of the northeast
ciuarter of section twenty nine 29 township
one 1 range thirty 30 west in Red Willow
countv Nebraska and that all chums adverse
to plaintiffs title may bo determined by decree
of said court and that plaintiffs title to said
land bo quieted against said defendants and
each of them
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 4th day of November 1107
Dated September 25 1907
Jcssin 15 Byiid
By J E Kellcy her attorney
No 8823
Treasury Department
Office of Comptroller of tho Currency
Washinpton D C August 5th 1907
Wrekeas By satisfactory evidence presented
to the undersigned it has been made to appear
tho City of McCook in the County of Red Wil
low and State of Nebraska has complied with
all the provisions of the Statutes of the United
Rtnjp rnmiirnd to bo complied with before an
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6tol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
3L 43
ssMTi jm
V4LllMf ift
wri tu vr ji
- S fcM
L your stenographer what it means to change a type-
writer ribbon three times in getting out a clays work
- JS01
makes ribbon changes unnecessary- gives you
State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss In
the county court
To all persons interested in the estate ol
Hiram V Iliimb late of said county deceased
You are hereby notified that on the 1st day of
October 1W7 Alice Nash Plumb Wade Mary
Bell Plumb Ambler Hctsey Jane Plumb DuniU
and Nell Plumb ialusha filed their petition in
the county court of said county for the appoint
ment of SH Stiluebouer as administrator of
the estate of Hiram C Plumb late of said county
that the will be heard at
ty deceased and nun mu same -- v
the courty court room in the city of McLook in
nirl mntv on tliaitli day of October 1U07 at
tlie hour of one oclock p m
It is further ordered that notice of said hear
ing bo fien to all persons interested m said
estate by the publication of thisnotico lor three
successive weeks in the McCook Tribuno a
newspaper published printed and circulated in
said county
Dated this first day of October VMi
skai J C Moore County JiuIkc
value wo havo made arrangements with
C R Woodworth the popular druggist
to offer one of his best selling medicines
at half price to anyone who will cut
out the following coupon and present it
association shall be authorized to commence i
noCC f Dnnbinr I at nis store
Now Therefore I Thomas P hanc Deputy
and Acting Comptroller of the Currency do
hereby certify that THE McCOOK NATIONAL
BANK in the City of McCook m the County
of Red Willow and State of Nebraska is auth
orized to commence the business of Banking as
provided in Section Fifty one hundred and sixty
nine of the Revised Statutes of the United
In Testimony W hereof witness my hand
and seal of this office this Fifth day of August
1907 T 1 KANE
J official I Deputy and Acting Comp-
1 seal f troller of tho Currency
Frst August 9 1907 Last October 11 1907
Chance for Tribune Readers
In order to test the Tribunes large
This coupon entitles the holder to one 50c
package of Dr Howards speoihc for the
cure of constipation and dyspepsia at half
price 25c I will refund tho money to any
dissatisfied customer
C R Woodworth fc Co
TwentyFive Cents
Dr Howards specific has made many
remarkable cures right here in McCook
and so positive is Druggist C R Wood
worth of its great superiority in curing
dyspepsia constipation sick headache
and liver troubles that he will in addi
tion to selling it at half price refund
the money to anyone whom it does not
If you cannot call at his store
out tbft onunon and mail it with 25
ribbon and one machine the three essential kinds of busi
ness typewriting black record purple copying and red
This machine permits not only the use of a three color ribbon but also of a two culur or single color
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Smith Premier Typewriter Co ltth Farnam Sts Omaha
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