i L a u t 1 f i r B V li Gossip About Famous Folk 1 Jt X JAMES BUTLER SEXATOB LA FOL LETTE AS THE PHOTOGnAIHKK ASD CARTOON IST PICTURE HIM A F T E II mak ing millions in the gro cery trade having established in ore than a hundred re tall stores In New York city James Butler has struck another gold mine In the Empire racing track at the outskirts of that city This track was built by the late William II Clark the site hav ing been discovered by Mr Butler in 1817 At that time Mr Butler was president of the Driving Club of New York Always an enthusiastic horse man he conceived the idea of a track for driving and trotting meets Mr Clark had more ready money than Mr Butler at the time and he built the track The plant cost about 750000 After Mr Clarks death it was sold under foreclosure proceediugs and Aas bought In by Mr Butler and au associate for about half what It cost The remarkable success of the August meet this year is said to have doubled the value of the property Much of this success was due to the closing of the pool rooms In the metrop olis by District Attorney Jerome Those who wanted to bet on the races were compelled to go to the track which swelled the attendance far be yond expectation Mr Butler is said to be one of those men whose touch seems to transmute everything Into gold Booth Tarklngton of Indiana has been abroad for some time and has re turned with a new play and the manu scripts of two new novels The play he calls The Man From Home and it was written in li i i ji 4 f Br BOOTH TARKTNGTON AND A CARTOON ISTS IDEA OF HIM oration with Harry L Wilson author of The Spenders The play is a comedy satire on the American abroad and it will receive its initial performance in Indiana Mr Tarkington will return to Franco after his play has been staged The author gives the following hint of his latest dramatic work The play deals with the adventures of an Indiana lawyer who goes to Europe in reference to the contem plated marriage of his ward to an Englishman of title He is just the average well to do untraveled citizen you inight meet on an accommodation train between Logansport and Koko mo Booth Tarkington and James Whit comb Riley are old friends and the former tells how he used in his young er days to delight to trail about at the heels of the Hoosier poet at all hours of the day and night listening to his moonings The strolls usually end ed in the small hours of the morning by a lunch of pie watermelon strong coffee Welsh rabbit This was prob ably where Tarkington learned to take his breakfast at noon and do his writ Ing by an oil lamp Mr Tarkington is exceedingly companionable and is en tirely without self consciousness and legotism He is a ready and entertain ing talker tells a story as well as he writes it and has a keen sense for the humorous Senator Robert M La Follette of Wisconsin who Is now recognized as one of the candidates for the Repub lican presidential nomination in 190S is swinging around the Chautauqua circuit on which he is quite popular The senators great speech on the rail- J rjSPKXat f H9SS6 vSk 7TZTr M Jmm road rate bill had the distinction of being the longest speech of the con gress during which it was delivered But unfortunately for him it did not get before the country under auspi cious circumstances The speech con tained 95000 words and about three days were consumed In Its delivery 3ut as the San Francisco earthquake happened about that time the papers were full of this catastrophe to the ex- elusion of almost all other news Sen ator La Follettes experience was somewhat similar to that of his for mer colleague Senator Spooner on our occasion Four years ago Senator Srooner was scheduled to make the great speech of his life defending the Philippine policy of the administra tion He made the speech and it was a great one but there never was a line of it printed in the newspapers or anywhere else outside the Record On the day he made the speech the tele graph wires leading out of Washing ton all went down because of a sleet storm and not a word was tele graphed from the city Spooner might just mi well hot have spoken so far as the effect of his speech on the coun try was concerned Pearl Wight whom President Roose velt has appointed United States com missioner of Internal revenue to take oilice next December is by business a ship chandler In New Orleans He was appointed by Chairman Cor telyou to fill the Louisiana vacancy on the Republican national committee Mr Wight be longs to the ship chandlery firm of Woodward Wight Co It is under stood that Mr Wight is now prac tically the firm Mr W o o d w a r d having been made WILLIAM S TAYLOR S V rs Ss SYS w r s PEARL WIGHT postmaster of New Orleans In line of business which touches his the lumber trade intimately Mr Wight has figured in various contracts for supplying lumber materials for the Panama canal for lighthouses and other government works The new appointee is said also to be the head of the Lily White organi zation in Louisiana a political body which opposes the too active participa tion of negroes in public affairs D IT Morris ex president of the Au tomobile Club of America was de scribing in New York the success of a certain wily automobile cop The mans cleverness is wonderful Mr Morris ended In some ways it reminds me of the cleverness of old John Jates I thought you said you were going to bring a friend home to dinner with you this evening snapped Mrs Jates as they seated themselves at the beau tifully appointed table He couldnt come John answered calmly And then with no little enjoyment the clever fellow fell to upon the first decent meal he had sat down to for some weeks William S Taylor former governor of Kentucky who has been living in Indianapolis since his indictment for alleged complicity in the murder of Governor Goebal more than seven years ago has been offered by Governor Beckham of Kentucky immunity from arrest if he will return to the state and testify in the forthcoming fifth trial of Caleb Powers who is indicted on a charge practically identical with that which drove ex Governor Taylor from his native state Mr Taylor is practicing law in In dianapolis During the past seven years the governor of Kentucky has conspiracy in Kentucky to murder him He has been out of Indiana but once since his flight That was when he at tended the Republican national conven tion at Philadelphia in 1900 A plan to kidnap him and carry him to Kentucky was foiled by his friends The wife of the ex governor has died during the familys exile Mrs Mary Logan Tucker whose hus band has instituted suit for divorce on the ground of desertion is a daughter of the late General John A Logan She was educated at a convent in George town D C Shortly after leaving this institution she married William E Tucker who is now a paymaster in the United States army with the rank of lieutenant colonel Some time ago Mrs Tucker and her mother Mrs John A Logan filed charges against Colonel Tucker with the war depart ment Colonel Tucker was ac cused of conduct unbecoming an of ficer and a gentle man It was al leged that he not conducted u ji self properly in the Philippines the name of a soldiers widow being cou pled with his Mrs Tucker and her mother sought to have Colonel Tuck linS MARY LOGAN TUCKER er reduced or removed from the army but after investigation the complaint was dismissed The husband then be gan divorce action in Chicago It is understood that Secretary Taft of the war department who Is bound for the Philippines will make some further Investigation of the stories re lating to the army officer Brigadier General Garlington of the inspector generals department has already spent considerable time on the Tucker case and will soon report PANBESAS LETTER An Account of an F ptian City Thirtj Ccntuui i ro Probably the o est letter in the world Is the letter of Ianbesa written fifteen centuries l l re Christ to his friend Amcucmnpl a scribe The manusi iipt I- of perishable papyrus and it - amiiug that il should have sun he 1 lor more than thirty centuries and still be legible It is preserved in the collection oi the British nun cum it has been sev eral times translated It presents an interesting picture of life In Egypt in the time of Rainescs II It is more in the nature of a literary production a poem composed in celebration of the visit of Pharaoh to the city of Pa Barneses than an ordinary letter of to day Panbesa greets his lord the scribe Amenemapt to who i be life health and strength and then goes on to de scribe the verdant fields the thrashing lloors the vineyards the groves of olives the orchards of figs the great daily markets with their fish and wa terfov 1 and swarms of purchasers The citizens had their sweet wine of Kliemi pomegranate wine and wine from the vineyards and to these they added beer of Kati There was music in plenty furnished by the singers of the school of Memphis On the whole Pa Rameses seems to have been a pleasant place to live in The lesser folk are there equal with the great folk and Panbesa writes that its maidens were in holiday at tire every day with locks redolent of perfumed oil THE CITY GF CANALS Venice and the Many Islands Upon Which It Is Duilt Venice is one of the most singular and famous citii in Europe and is built upon a cluster of islands iu the lagoon This lagoon is banked off from the Adriatic by a iong narrow sand bank which is divided into a number of islands six in number Inside of this sand bank and between it and the mainland is the lagoon a sheet of shallow water In parts of this marshy sea covered plain islets have become consolidated into ground firm enough to be cultivated And in the midst of a crowded cluster of such islands amounting to between seventy and eighty in num ber the city of Venice is built The chief of these islands Is called Isolda de Rialto or Island of the Deep Stream The islands in many places mere shoals afford no adequate foun dation for buildings and the city for the most part is built upon an artifi cial foundation of piles and stones The Grand canal divides Venice Into two equal parts and is the main thor oughfare for traffic and pleasure The city is subdivided by some one hun dred and forty six small canals or water streets and the gondola is used for the carriage Access can also be had to various parts of the city by land there being over three hundred bridges across canals The Rialto the most famous bridge spans the Grand canal There are also narrow lanes in among the houses The Overruling of a Judge A judge once awoke in the night to find his room in the possession of two armed burglars Covered by the pistol of one of the marauders the judge i ael1 the Proceedings with his requested of the successive govern ors of Indiana the requisition of Tay lor but the Indiana governors have re fused to honor the request The fugitive de clares that he is innocent and that there is a political i in jiiuiciui uaiui jiui ui me uupruiui tors found a watch Dont take that the judge said it has little value and is a keepsake The motion is over ruled replied the burglar I appeal rejoined the judge The two bur glars consulted and the spokesman then replied The appeal is allowed The case coming on before a full tri bunal of the supreme court that body is of the unanimous opinion that the decree of the lower court should be sustained and it is accordingly so or dered Pocketing the watch court ad journed Logic and Metaphysics Joaquin Miller was once conversing with a learned professor who was vis iting California To the poets query What do you do the professor an swered that lie held the chair of meta physics and logic at a Xew England u versity Whereupon the venerable Mil ler with an encouraging smile reas suringly patted the professor on te shoulder Logic and metaphysics Woll I suppose we must have people to look after those things even if they dont exist Torture The Carthaginian mercenaries he said incased their prisoners in a ce ment that as it hardened contracted You cant imagine how uncomfortable this was Oh yes I can she answered I once had on a tight bathing suit when it began to shrink Los Angeles Times Plenty of Old Ones Mr Chipps looking up from the pa per The doctors have discovered an other new disease Mrs Chipps Well I wish theyd stop looking for new diseases long enough to find a cure for my old rheumatism London Tele graph Both Disappointed He I suppose then we may as well break the engagement and say we have both been disappointed in love She There seems to be no other conclusion You thought I had money and I cer tainly thought you had Judge He Told Her She I wish I knew how I could make you extremely happy dear Karl He Well write to your father and ask him to double your dowry Meg gendorfer Blatter SS7 1 A mal SK your stenographer what it means to change a type- 1 l writer ribbon three times in getting out a days work mSi Beirtfer Typewriter 1 ices ill i a on changes unnecessary 3 This maiiiinc permits not only tin- V LEGAL NOTICE To Charles V Lchn Jlary Lohn Cliarles White Mrs Charles White wife of Charles White first name unknown Charles T Hokcs C T Bouks Mary E Hokks defendants will take notice that Jessie h I rd plaintiff has filed a petition in the district court of lied Wil low county Nebraska against the above named defendants the object and nrajerof which are that said defendants and all of them be requir ed to set forth the claim they or any of them have in and to the north half of the northeast quarter of section twenty nine i29 township one 1 ranKO thirty 30 west in Hed Willow county Nebraska and that all claims ader e to plaintiffs title may bo determined by decreo of said court and that plaintiffs title to said land be quieted against said defendants and oach of them You are required to answer said petition on or before the 4th day of November 1J07 Dated September 25 1007 Jessie B Byrd By J E Kclley her attorney No 8823 NOTICE OF AUTHORIZATION Treasury Department Office of Comptroller of tho Currency Washington D C August 5th 10O7 Whereas By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned it has been made to appear that THE Mi COOK NATIONAL BANK in the City of McCook in tho County of Bed Wil low and State of Nebraska has complied with all the provisions of tho Statutes of the United States required to be complied with before an association shall bof authorized to commence the business of Banking Now Therefore I Thomas I Kane Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency do hereby certify that THE Mc COOK NATIONAL BANK in the City of McCook in the County of Bed Willow and State of Nebraska is auth orized to commence tho business of Banking as provided in Section Fiftj one hundred and sixty nine of tho Revised Statutes of the United States In Testimony WiiEREOr witness my hand and seal of this office this Fifth day of August 1007 T P KANE I orFiciAii I Deputy and Acting Comp- seal f troller of the Currency First August 9 1007 Last 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