n SSSZmm INDIANOLA Mr Noubauer and Mrs Ollio Houchin of McCook drove down to Indianola Sunday 1 Jack Hodges is at home for a short jisit with the folks Mrs Hamilton and daughter came down from McCook Sunday and spent the day with relatives Mrs Patrick McDonnell has sold his sesidence property and will move to Denver in the spring Mr and Mrs William Herrimon of Cambridge visited at Roy Manns last Sunday Hal Samms left for Los Angeles Cali fornia Saturday night He will attend school there again this winter Miss Tarquar of Guide Rock who has ioen visiting her cousin Frank Marsh left this week for Salida Colo where she has a school The Rod Willow county fair is now in progress Come everybody and see the ice and wonderful things in the var ious departments Ernest Dodd of Bartloy is a new help er in the Reporter office A show at the opera house every sight this week Those who have at tended pronounce it fair Miss Bertha Walker is visiting in Lincoln among relatives and friends Ernest Crabtree and R E Smith who have been painting and papering 3or people in and around Danbury ar rived home Saturday evening The merry-go-round is in town this week and the kids are happy So are aot the parents G W Short finds work for two extra slerks this week during the rush George Mick and family will occupy the new brick house being built by Jrank Fritsch as soon as it is finished Mrs Mackechnie who has been ser iously ill is getting along nicely now and her many friends hope she may apeedily recover Roxy Gentry is very sick with ty phoid fever as is also Jessie Hadley Miss Susie Colling is in Lincoln this xeek taking in the sights Peter Collings delivery team ran away Thursday but was stopped before any serious damage was done Mr Collings little girl was in the wagon at the time of the runaway but she Ttas not injured Misses Mamie Mann and Margaret Townly were McCook visitors last Sat urday There are quite a number of typhoid lover cases in and around Indianola She greatest number being north of Sown New Clothing Store In Diamonds New Block Full of New Goods Dennison Street west of Citizens Bank 3 tAVSvVvvsNsAANvrAAVN Ed Smith and brother Arthnr went over to Danbury Monday morning to be gone a few days Miss Edna Thompson went to Bart ley Saturday night to visit with friends and acquaintance Miss Lesta Hadley is here now from Denver taking care of her brother Jesse Miss Hadley is a nurse Charley Fritsch is a very sick child Fred Hughes is expecting a visit from his mother soon Miss Maggie Ryan living north of town is very low with typhoid fever Mr Andy Lord arrived home from Iowa last week where he had gone to attend his brothers funeral Mr and Mrs J C Puckett enter tained their clerks in a very pleasing manner last Friday evening A deli cious course was served of ice crerm cake and fruit The party was given in honor of Hal Samms who will spend the winter in California At a late hour the company separated all agreeing that Mr and Mrs Puckett knew well how to entertain their friends R F D No 1 Mrs W S Fitch attended the state fair and afterwards went to Omaha to visit her son Frank Mrs R D Rodgers arrived home Tuesday night from her trip west Tho Gorman school opened for the fall and winter term Monday The moving picture show at the Nel son Downs school house last Saturday night was successful and enjoyed Little Albert Schlegel has been quite sick Mrs M J Stroud expects to move back to her old home soon Miss Nettie Endsley is teaching the Pickens school W N Rogers sent his cattle to the Sioux City show and went on to Spo kane Wash for the long expected bear hunt W P Broomfield T A Endsley and Frank Lofton attended the state fair at Lincoln Roxy Byfield is visiting Geneva Fitch this week Mr and Mrs J I Lee and Mrs E E Rogers and Mrs Joe Pesky attended the Old Settlers picnic last week Mr and Mrs James Barnes drove down on the Willow and attended the picnic Wednesday while Mrs Lee was up town someone removed the screen from the dining room window and helped themselves to food from the refrigerator taking a good portion along for future use Resolved that i have foumd A SHOE THATS COMFORTABLE AND WNDSOME TOO AMD STRONG IT SIMPLY WONT WEA OUT A SHOE YOU ALL HAVE -HEARD ABOUT AND NOW ILL TELL YOU WHATTO DO just ASr FOR The BLUE jptJON SHOE BUSTER BROWN ILLNEVEBEA 5AD BOY AGAIN f GEE JUT THATS I A SMART fAfftOt M vvVA JLJif a l 3i BY THr BSOAW SHOE CO BARTLEY II L Brown and Perry Promor mido a business trip to Cambridge Tuesday W V Vickory of Oklahoma i9 here visiting his daughter Mrs A L Coch ran Sol Premor returned from Indiana Wednesday morning Ho reports the crops better here than in Indiana and is glad to get back where he can take a full breath of pure Nebraska air McCook was well represented in tho county Sunday school convention held hero Tuesday and Wednesday Mr and Mrs Vindhurst were down from Indianola Wednesday attending tho Sunday school convention Miss Ruby Axtell the accomplished daughter of Mr and Mrs R Y Axtell of Bartley was married Monday at Mc Cook to Mr Rae Uindman of Danbury Clay Hoover has sold his interest in the livery business here to his father and will go west to find another loca tion The Methodist church have secur ed a good title to the lots north of the church and have voted 1600 to be used in building a now parsonage Mr and Mrs James McDowell will soon go on a visit to Indiana Parties from the eastern part of the state are frequently hero looking for land Ira Sheets and family have moved into their fine residence just finished and now have the finest home in Bart ley Mr West manager of the Smith Cochran store has gone to Naponee Neb to assist in moving his family to Bartley Mrs Dr Arbogast and the baby were Cambridge visitors with her parents Mr and Mrs Enlow S R Grissell of Cambridge was in Bartley to day trying to rent a residence to move his family into RED WILLOW Mr Holland had another accident having stepped into a hole at the gra vel pit which inflicted painful injuries Holton Longuecker left on Saturday night for McCook where he will stay a few days before returning to Colo rado Mrs Smiths sisiter Mrs Cunning ham of California is making a two weeks visit at the Smith home Mr Birdsall an old Red Willow school teacher visited friends and attended the old settlers picnic Mr Masters is settled in his new house just finished Say you saw it in The Tribune i i k I C LJji POUY WANT5 111 j VJK f a BLUE RIBBON Buster Brown BLUE RIBBON School Shoes for Boys and Girls Blue Ribbon Shoes are made to wear by expert shoemakers and from the best tannages of all leathers They are stylish and comfortable These are the best and most serviceable school shoes you can buy The Model Shoe Store Fisher Perkins Props McCook Nebraska MM M i - i on I MM 3 jr i AN EXTINCT ANIMAL 3Sf Tho Saber Toothed Tiger Was a For midable Creature The most remarkable of all the ex tinct feline animals are those known to naturalists as the saber toothed cats or timers n group comprising the greater part of all the fossil forms They date back to the earliest times of which we know anything about the family In North America and reach down to the time of man himself A large and powerful species described from the Indian Territory by Cope lived contemporaneously with the hairy mammoth as evidenced by the commingling of their skeletons There can be little or no question but that the hairy mammoth was contempora neous with man in North America as well as in Europe Its geological range Is from the close of the eocene to the latter part of the pleistocene The chief peculiarity of the animal Is the extraordinary elongated canine teeth The tail is of unusual length and the legs are short The animal measures about seven feet In length aside from the tail The lower jaws have a downward projection In front due to a ilangelike widening of the jawbones which doubtless served as a protection to the teeth preventing their injury or loss In some of the larger forms from South America this flange was not present while the canine teeth were even more elongated than Is tho case with this species attaining a length of over six inches and pro truding far below the jaws when closed A FAMOUS ROAD Indias Tree Bordered Highway 1200 Miles In Length The road I have in my mind Is in India and stretches 1200 miles from Lahore to Calcutta It is the famous Grand Trunk road Let me explain its nature though one cannot do so by comparison for there is no road of Ave miles in England that Is anything like it It is level Indeed there is not above a mile the whole distance where even a lady need dismount to walk The material with which it Is made is called kunker and If you care to turn that word into concrete you have an idea of what it is like It is exceeding ly hard and as smooth as a prepared pavement There is no dust When I first got on this road and enjoyed the luxury of easy traveling I said This is magnificent but in a little time I suppose it will become gritty and un even I went fO 100 miles 200 miles 500 GOO 700 miles and it was always j the same with not even a small stone to give a jog Nearly the whole of the way is lined with a double row of ma jestic trees With two friends I rode across India during the hottest time of the year in April and May and was never serious ly inconvenienced by the heat for at a pace of fifteen miles an hour one could create a draft Chambers Journal Roadside Wit He who matched wits with the au thor of The Ancient Mariner had in deed a lively task before him for Cole ridge was never caught napping The poet was so awkward a horseman that his riding often attracted comment of anything but a complimentary nature One day he was riding along the turn pike road In the county of Durham when a wag who met him fastened upon him as an excellent subject for sport Consequently he drew rein and said in an impertinent drawl My graceful friend did you happen to meet a tailor on the road Im inclined to think I did said Coleridge meditatively I was not sure at the moment but lie said some thing about my meeting a goose far ther along the road The -wag put spurs to his horse and the poet jogged calmly on his way Past Salaries of Actors A number of autograph letters of Edmund Kean supply some interesting information about the salaries of actors early in the nineteenth century One relates to an offer by Mr Ellison offer ing Kean 3 a week as acting man ager of the new theater in Wych street Later this rose to 23 a month In 1S20 Kean was offered 12000 a year to go to America In the prime of his popularity he received 200 for a week in Edinburgh and apparently reached the highest point when Mr Bunn wrote from the Theater Royal Dublin on Feb 8 1S29 and offered him 30 a night to play in Dublin and Cork Liverpool Mercury Home Influences Each one of us is bound to make the little circle in which lie lives better and happier each one of us is bound to see that out of that small circle the widest good may flow each of us may have fixed in his mind the thought that out of a single household may flow influences which shall stimulate the whole commonwealth and the whole civilized world Dean Stanley Got Too Important What has become of the maid you thought such a prize Oh I had to let her go replied the second fashionable woman After her operation for appendicitis she thought she was one of us Philadel vhia Ledger Right On Wisejay It must be a great pleas ure to tell a joke to an acrobat Soft boy Why Wisejay Because he tum bles so easily Morristown Pa Times A Good Guess Mother Mercy child how do you get your hands so dirty You never saw mine as dirty as that Child No but I guess grandma did Philadelphia In quirer Sep 1 PP5 ranms The Store for Thrifty People T a 4 I oep ieni ucr Means new fall goods Dress Goods Flannels Cotton Flannels Underwear and things too numerous to mention in so small a space Also too jnany to put into our store even if we have the largest store in the city Sowe wish to make more room for ourjnew fall stock by selling All Our I Summer Goods At Cost So if you can use anything in our stock i please call make yourself richer by buying now and help us make room for our new goods Come in and enquire about our l coupon deal We can show you a fine I line of jewelry which you can secure i with coupons by buying Christmas nresents nnw Telephone No 16 yiVBLIJf -I i HI nii n MCOOK DRIVING PARK tetnber 26 27 and 2 PROFESSIONAL STARTER FINE TRACK FAST HORSES BIG PURSES FINE WEATHER FINE MUSIC A Bid TIME nWRFH The Largest Gathering of Fast Horses Ever Seen between Chicago and Denver Frank James of Missouri Starter 300000 in Cash Purses Drills Contest Street Sports Liberal Cash Prizes The Famous Havelock Drill Team Up to You t L X n IaaU - ltrn - r v -- r 1 - - r y v VaVviiyVaG itiSSZS it y T 1TJ 1UUIV H UJUliU JUJW u inviuum AVUJt - jk - m t i rvr x- t t v n r - t rnrn rt t r ht- t r t v i r r w 11 a r r iCll 31HC3 ci jjiiuiu3 uuni vjuaiLti iu iuii auiut10 Yes you want a picture of your residence farm or stock Call for prices at the NEW ART STUDIO first stair way south of the postoffice Special Rates Until the 15th Only New Art Studio ssvss E E Wilson 4 1 i