The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 13, 1907, Image 7

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The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is Harsh s
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
The Butcher
Phone 12
fevawfefes fea
Fairbury Hanchett
This is a warranted and guaran
teed windmill nothing better in
the market Write or call on Mr
Ball before buviner
earn Filler
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
wo -
S T-
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location just across street in P Walsh
flcCook - Nebraska
lumber an
A few doses of this remedy will in
variably cure an ordinary attack of
It can always be depended upon
even in the more severe attacks of
cramp colic and cholera morbus
It is equally successful for summer
diarrhoea and cholera infantum in
children and is the means of saving
the lives of many children each year
When reduced with water and
sweetened it is pleasant to take
Every man of a family should keep
this remedy in his home Buy it now
Price 25c Large Size GOo
Queer Early Coinage D O Mills la
aued First Paper Money
Coins In California till the fall of
1850 were a queer kettle of fish More
than CO per cent of the silver and at
least 25 per cent of the gold were for
Most of the other gold coins were
private coins Moult Co got n per
mit from the government to coin gold
Their coinage was stamped Moult
We had all kinds of doubloons and
Binaller South and Central American
coins Of the smaller gold coins the
French twenty franc piece led all the
The English guinea was fairly repre
sented But It passed for only its face
value while the other gold passed for
more The twenty franc piece value
370 went at SJ
Thdrc was a still greater discrepancy
In the silver coins A one franc piece
went for 25 cents and the East India
rupee value 45 cents went for DO
cents the five franc piece 1 The
French silver represented about GO per
cent of the sliver circulation
German silver lhalers worth GO cents
went iit 1 Everything above 50 cents
was 1 and everything above 25 cents
was 50 cents A French bank in San
Francisco was said to have got rich
shipping French coin in exchange for
gold dust United States coin was
scarcei until the mint was established
In the fall of 1S5G the bfcs refused
to tako any foreign coins except at a
heavy discount The result was that
In a few months all foreign coin disap
peared It proved a bonanza for the
saloon people They would still give a
drink for a franc while the banks gave
only 121 cents The saloon people
gathered them and the rupees in at
old prices and sold to the banks for
bullion and made a good thing
But for a few 3ears we suffered bad
ly for yilver change Even until 185G
gold dust circulated to a considerable
extent In mining districts but the
scales Tere always used
There was no paper money until D
O Mills Co issued their gold notes
about 1858 In getting change for an
old octagon S50 gold often as many
as four or five nationalities would be
represented in the change On all
drafts sent east S3 was charged by the
express companies until Adams Co
and Tage Bacon Co failed and left
the field to Wells Fargo then it was
raised to S5
Greenbacks were never recognized as
money only as a commodity They
were used for buying postage and rev
enue stamps All mercantile billheads
and notes had the special contract en
forcement for gold California even
paid the claims of the federal govern
ment in gold And it came In mighty
handy to Uncle Sam in 1SG2 and 18G3
The old style Californian still has an
inclination for the yellow stuff P E
A Vague Prescription
One of the virtues of the modern
physician is definiteness of direction
To prescribe a dose once In so often
Is to leave a wide margin of chance
especially if the drug be a potent one
Let It be hoped that the good man
whose prescription is quoted below
was not dealing in strychnine nor prus
sic acid The letter is taken from
Highways and Byways In Sussex
by E V Lucas and was written by
the doctor in an English village a
century ago
Mr Andrews I have sent you soma
things which you may take in the man
ner following viz of that in the bottle
marked with a f you mny take of the
quantity of a spoonful or so now and
then and at night take some of those
pills drinking a little warm beer after It
and in the morning take 2 spoonfuls of
that in the other bottle fasting an hour
after it and then you may eat something
you may take also of the first and every
night a pill and in the morning
I hope this will do you good which is
the desire of him who is your loving
The Call of the Dime Novel
Between the writer and his constitu
ents there was a bond of affection
which incited him to make them glad
to be alive In the mind of every
healthy boy there Is romance For
that boys entertainment the producer
of dime fiction strewed romance
through farm mining camp and city
street Out of his surroundings how
ever sordid the boy was lifted He
became to himself the center of the
universe At the particular spot on the
globe on which he stood all the paral
lels and the meridians converged In
no more intense a degree than this did
exaltation ever come to the Count of
Monte Crlsto the world was his
What was Edmond Dantes paltry 20
000000 to the vast treasures physical
and spiritual spread out by Osbon
before Plucky Paul the Boy Pros
pector and his tens of thousands or
hundreds of thousands of readers C
M Harvey In Atlantic
The Backward Moor
There is no education as we under
stand it among the Moors There are
no clocks and it is estimated by one
who knew that not 15 per cent of the
population are able to reckon the time
of day As the sun crosses the merid
ian at seventeen minutes past 12 a
flag Is run up on the tower of the prin
cipal mosque aud Immediately other
flags appear upon the towers of the
other mosques throughout the city
This is noon At half past 1 another
flag is run up and at sunset the even
ing gun is fired This is the extent of
the Moorish idea of time Only a few
of the better class have books or can
read or write The mails are carried
by runners who go from Tangier to
Fez in two days They carry a loaf of
coarse wheaten bread which together
with an occasional drink of buttermilk
serves as their only sustenance Har
old F Sheets in Outing Maga2lne
Noted Alienist Who Examined Mrs
Mary Baker G Eddy
More or vtjs discussion had been in
dulged hi of late with regard to the
value of expert testimony in murder
trials There are handwriting experts
medical experts and other kinds Dr
Allan McLaue Hamilton Is a noted
alienist and has served as an expert
witness in several famous trials nis
latest service as an expert was in the
case of Mrs Eddy mother of Chris
tian Science whose next friends
contended that she was of unsound
mind Dr Hamilton pronounced the
venerable woman competent to con
duct her affairs
Dr Hamilton is a grandson of Alex
ander Hamilton the famous American
k jjwmu
W IririGXOW YK5W 7 -V
statesman He lives in New York
but uoav and then he is called to Eu
rope for professional services It is
said that he met his present wife who
was Mrs Mae Copeland Tomlinson on
one of these ocean trips The couple
were married in Sioux Falls S D
about five years ago Dr Hamilton
having resided there long enough to
secure a divorce from the first Mrs
Hamilton from whom he had been
separated many years He alleged in
compatibility of temper
Dr Hamilton was called to Buffalo
immediately after the shooting of
President McKinley to reach an opin
ion as to the sanity of Czolgosz He
also testified in the trial of Roland B
Molineux whom he pronounced- inno
cent In the Thaw case he declared
his -belief that the prisoner was insane
and incompetent to advise his counsel
Right Rev A F W Ingram and His
Visit to America
One of the early autumn visitors
from abroad is the Rev Dr A F W
Ingram bishop of London who comes
to America to bring the Bible which
King Edward presented to the old
Brutou parish church at Williamsburg
Va This gift is complementary to
the gift of a beautiful lecturn from
President Roosevelt on the desk of
which the Bible will rest The three
hundredth year of English settlement
in America now being commemorated
by the Jamestown exposition fur
nishes the occasion for the gifts and
for the bishops visit
Dr Ingram is a man of strong per
sonality For many years prior to his
elevation to the high ecclesiastical post
which he now holds he devoted his
energies to the amelioration of the
condition of Londons poor and un
fortunate With another man ho
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tablished one of the first and most
successful slum settlement Institutions
His work in that connection endeared
him to the great mass of common peo
ple in England
The bishop will visit the principal
Canadian cities and New York Wash
ington Richmond and Boston He will
be present also at the ceremonies in
dedication of the restored Bruton
A Big Difference
For my part I cant see the differ
ence between gambling and speculat
ing by buying or selling things on a
There is a big difference A man
who gambles has a certain number
of chances out of a thousand to win
Chicago Record Herald
Fine instruments Havo
Picked Up Cheap
Great numbers of fine old violins and
violoncellos that come Into the high
class market of London are procured
through the medium of advertisements
Inserted In obscure country papers
and especially those of ancient cathe
dral cities
Of course few of the fiddles thus ob
tained are veritable masterpieces but
a great many of them are fine exam
ples of early English and foreign mak
ers and they are often bought for ri
diculously small prices by a group of
experts who have brought the busi
ness to a lucrative system Many
struggling family of Ioug descent In
some out of the way part of the coun
try happens to see in the one county
newspaper of the week that good
prices are given for old fiddles and
some long forgotten Instrument in a
lumber room or put away on a shelf
suddenly comes to mind
Correspondence follows The dealer
sends a deposit in order that some fid
dle spoken of may be sent to him anu
examined and he usually replies that
the Instrument sent Is dilapidated anu
but so so generally but that he Is will
ing to give 30 shillings or 2 for It In
a great many cases the offer Is ac
cepted offhand and In this way most
of the finest fiddles extant of the sec
ond class come Into the hands of deal
ers Only lately a cello that came
from a Shropshire farm nt the price
of 2 sold the same day to a west
end dealer for nearly 100
One of the most shrewd and respect
ed of all these dealers was until a
year or two ago a humble member of
the orchestra of a London suburban
theater He began to advertise in re
mote papers to the greatest limits of
his scanty wages and is now one of
the most extensive and prosperous
dealers in the trade London Tit Bits
The Duel Between Tom Porter and
Sir Henry Bellasis
Some of the royalists who were
forced to endure the English common
wealth seemed to console themselves
for the dullness of life under a Puritan
government by fighting as many duels
as they could compass so that Ignoble
squabbles and foolish plots make up
the history of their days
Tom Porter was of a family which
had zealously served the king Under
the new government his occupation was
gone and he descended to a triviality
of life which finally involved him in a
most pathetic event This was a duel
which he fought with his friend Sir
Henry Bellasis and which says Pepys
In his Diary is worth remembering
for the silliness of the quarrel a
kind of emblem of the general com
plexion of the whole kingdom
But silly as the quarrel undoubtedly
was It carried In it an element of heart
The two young men involved were
intimate friends and companions but
one day being merry in company
Tom Porter said he should like to see
the man in England who would dare
give him a blow With that Sir Henry
Bellasis struck him a box on the ear
The inevitable duel followed wherein
each was wounded Sir Henry proved
to be seriously hurt so he called Por
ter kissed and bade him fly
For said he Tom thou hast hurt
me but I will make shift to stand upon
my legs till thou mayest withdraw for
I would not have thee troubled for
what thou hast done
Porter profited by his friends gener
osity and escaped to France Sir nenry
died a few days later and Pepys con
cludes It is pretty to see how the
world do talk of them as a couple of
fools that killed one another out of
Spying on Bargain Gifts
The engaged girl was found study
ing life in an auction room
I dont expect to buy anything she
said but I want to see if anybody I
know bujs anything A lot of auc
tioneers are advertising that they have
on hand and pictures and
odds and ends of furniture suitable
for wedding presents That set me to
wondering if any of my friends would
try to avail themselves of these auc
tion room bargains when buying pres
ents for me I saw two girls here this
afternoon who have been invited to
my wedding One bought some kind
of a brass bowl another a vase They
got the things dirt cheap I fancy they
are for me If they are well just
wait till those girls get married
New York Press
When to Take Off the Sinker
For angling in quiet deep running
water more sinkers should be placed
on the leader to keep it down from the
surface but if angling in a quick
running brook or river for chub dace
or brook trout the float and sinkers
should be removed and the bait al
lowed to run in front of the angler
wherever it wills on the surface by
the action of the current hich takes
it naturally just as nature does their
general food Louis Rhead in Outing
A Long Tumble Needed
They say that when a man is fall
ing from a height he thinks of all hit
evil deeds
I dont believe it
hy not
Some men would ha e to fall out of
a balloon to get em all in Cleveland
Plain Dealer
One Sexton Do you have matins at
your church The Other No we have
oilcloth Harpers Weekly
The fathers virtue Is the childs
best Inheritance Chinese Proverb
E5Ki ya4Ufevr
rW3mUL Al
First MioialBil of Idol
Solicits the patronage ol those who work on a salary as
well as the account of the merchant and farmer If you
have not already opened an account do so today no mat
ter how small it will be cheerfully accepted
Capital and Surplus 7500000
Safety deposit boxes for rent Thes are always inside
our fire and burglar proof vault 100 per year
id Jt fcver cciir
m t u
that photos sent through the
mails insecurely wrapped are
very likely to get damaged
No one likes to receive a
soiled photo If they are
worth sending at all they are
worth the taking of sufficient
care to insure a safe delivery
at their destination
Tfie Security JVlaUiftG
will give you that assurance and the cost is but a trifle
have them in sizes from 5x7 to 11x14
They are made of heavy tough material and are especi
ally designed for safe and secure photo mailing
5 jTrifemte JPriittertf
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
C R Woodwork Co Successful
After a great deal of effort and corre
spondence C R WoodwoJth Co the
popular druggists have succeeded in
getting the Dr Howard Co to make a
special half price introductory offer of
the regular fifty cent size of their cele
brated specific for the cure of constipa
tion and dyspepsia
This medicine is a recent discovery
for the cure of all diseases of the stom
ach and bowels It not only gives quick
relief but it make3 permanent cures
Dr Howards specific has been so re
markably successful in curing constipa
tion dyspepsia and all liver troubles
that C R Woodworth Co are willing
to return the price paid in every case
where it does not give relief
The old fashioned idea of dosing with
mineral waters cathartic pills or harsh
purgatives will soon be a thing of the
past The best physicians are prescrib
ing Dr Howards specific because it
really gives the desired results and on
account of the small and pleasant dose
that is needed
So great is the demand for this speci
fic C R Woodworth Co have been
able to secure only a limited supply
and every one who is troubled with
dyspepsia constipation or liver trouble
should call upon them at once or send
23 cents and get i ixty doses of the
best medicine ever made on this special
half price offer with their personal
guarantee to refund the money if it
does not cure
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6 tola
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will bo for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
The Tribune is now prepared to do
your job printing of all kinds promptly
b a
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus S 1 2000
Office days Tuesdays Wednes
day Thursdays and Saturdays
Office in Post Office BIdg
Phone 13
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
p tttttx1Attttttttj
IsBelieTiiig 1
If you will figure with us and
quulity of material is any object
you will be easily convinced that
we out class all competition