The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 13, 1907, Image 3

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New Conquest
Of Old Mexico
TIE Conquest of Mexico is the
title of one of the works of
the great historian Fresco to
It refers to the countrys sub
jection by tho Spaniards of course
But there is another conquest now In
progress and this is one unaccom
panied by the clash of arms or the ter
rlblo sights and sounds of war It is
tho peaceful conquest of Mexico by
Americans whose ammunition Is their
capital which they are using in the
development of the territory so rich
in mineral and other wealth It is a
conquest welcomed by the Mexican
government and the Mexican people
who through the prosperity Introduced
by the Yankees are enjoying more of
the comforts and luxuries of life than
they ever dreamed of In days gone by
An estimate of the amount of Amer
ican capital now invested In Mexico
was made by the Mexican government
not long ago and the figures were
placed at 700000000 It is believed
that since that time -another 100000
000 has been put Into Mexican Indus
tries by business men of the United
States making the total amount of
capital from this side the border which
Is being used to develop Mexico close
to 800000000
Mexico is a country with a wonderful
past and as inany believe with a still
more wonderful future It was an an
cient country when the Spaniards un
der Cortes subdued It It has ruins
which tell of the industry and skill and
artiBtic achievements of peoples whose
very names have been forgotten and
which have challenged the curiosity
nnd interest of archaeologists the world
over Itelics of tho wealth and gran
deur of the Spanish era are on every
hand There are cathedrals whose
chancels are incased with pure gold
half an Inch thick There are in the
palaces and homes of the national and
state capitals Gobelin tapestries and
thousands of the most beautiful works
of art There Is a Mexican Carnegie
Don Pedro Alvarado who is trying to
die poor and who recently offered to
pay off the national debt This gener
ous offer having been refused by the
government he sought other means of
using his wealth to do good on a whole
sale scale One thing he determined
upon was to give 10000000 to the
poor of Mexico through the govern
ment Little money if any is to be
given outright to any applicant but
each of those who are found worthy in
the eyes of the government officials
will receive a small farm be provided
with a home and in some cases helped
In establishing a business Some of the
fund will be used in founding free
schools and in aiding needy churches
The new American Invasion of Mex
ico Is encouraged by President Diaz
and by the governors of the states
Good relations between the govern
ments of Mexico and the United States
have helped to increase the flow of
money from the northern republic to
that of the south Secretary Roots
tour of the Latin American countries
was an incident which had its effect la
this direction and It is expected that
his forthcoming visit to the Mexican
capital will result in still further
strengthening of the ties which unite
the two countries
It would be strange if the great in
flux of money and people from the
United States into Mexico had not oc
casioned here and there a little native
hostility but this seems according to
the best authority to be of small pro
portions About a year ago an upris
ing of natives against the Yankees was
promised but when the date arrived
for the demonstration the Mexicac
Independence day it passed without
disorder Much of the American cap
ital has gone into mines and railroads
In the case of the railways an experi
ment has recently been made in the
direction of control by the government
through ownership of stock It was
In pursuance of such a plan that the
two great railway systems of Mexico
the Mexican Central railway and the
National Railway of Mexico were re
cently consolidated Into a new com
pany having a capital of 400000000
in which the government holds a con
trolling Interest
She was an exceedingly dainty lit
tle woman who was taking a very
great Interest In the welfare of tho
convicts when she was being shown
through the penitentiary the other day
Guard OBrien was along when she
happened to speak to one of the prison
ers I am so sorry for you she re
marked In a tender tone of voice Of
course you will be very thankful when
the time comes for you to leave this
dreadful place
No retorted the man Id a sight
rather stop here where I am The
little woman almost collapsed
Isnt it strange she asked turn
ing to the guard I had no idea the
prisoners were so contented What
was the poor fellows offense
The guard concealed a covert grin
Ho was just a little absentminded
that was all followed the grin
Absentminded exclaimed his as
tonished Interrogator
Yes madam politely replied
OBrien He persisted In forgetting
he was married and now when his
time Is up he has five wives awaiting
him on the outside
The woman could not deny that the
convict had sufficient reasons to be
contented with his present lot Colum
bus Dispatch
How Will the World End
It has always been an intensely In
teresting conjecture to scientists and
at the same time the greater part of
the other intelligent members of soci
ety as to the way in which our world
will at length come to an end Many
think that it will be through the gradu
al cooling of the sun which will even
tually fall to give out sufficient heat
to sustain life on our planet But an
otherand a particularly unpleasant
fate that might befall us is explained
in a work by Mr Ellard Gore Real
danger says he Is always to be
feared from the presence of immense j
dark bodies moving unseen in space
vast dead suns whose collision with
our own would increase Its heat
enormously and thus instantly destroy
the earth We should not however
bo without a warning of our terrible
end for on entering a radius of 15000
000000 miles from the sun the advanc
ing body would begin to shine with re
flected light and fifteen years would
elapse between the time of the destroy
ers being sighted and its collision
with the sun
Glass Cutting
The layman who is introduced to the
mysteries of cutting glass for the first
time is amazed at the amount of work
that the workman does entirely by his
eye The first stage of the bowl which
Is to be cut finds it in a perfectly plain
condition not a scratch upon it and
only a half dozen or more marks in red
chalk which mean absolutely nothing
to the unpracticed eye But to the
workman they mean the whole pat
tern Perhaps the dish is a salad bowl
The marks in chalk will run from the
edge five intervals apart down to the
center of the bowl at the bottom In
one of the divisions of the bowl thus
marked there may be a little further
marking in the shape perhaps of a
diamond This indicates the pattern
into which the bowl is to be cut and
it will be repeated in each of the five
divisions All the intricacies of the
design the workman has in his head
and they develop on the glass in a way
which seems to the looker on absolute
ly marvelous New York Times
Faithful to the End
The flames crackled ominously the
water bubbled in the great pot and
seated in the shade of a palm the
naked savages began to sharpen their
cruel knives
Is there no hope murmured the
doomed commercial traveler
None hissed the ebon chief
Then said the young man point
ing to his sample case if you are de
termined to eat me at least let me
ask you as a last favor to try our
brand of mustard with the feast I
am convinced that one trial will secure
us your permanent patronage and I
But strong arms seized him here
there was a splash and all was over
Los Angeles Times
Sensible Preference
in one of Miss Mulocks stories she
says that a cheerful heart seeth cheer
ful things and gives this incident in
proof of it
A lady and gentleman were In a lum
ber yard situated by a dirty foul smell
ing river The lady said How good
the pine boards smell
Pine boards exclaimed the gentle
man Just smell that foul river
No thank you was the reply I
prefer to smell the pine boards
No Reform Wanted
I hope hell reform when you are
I dont
Why he spends every cent he
I know it but he spends it on me
Houston Post
Caustic Criticism
Sculptor to his friend Well what
do you think of my bust Fine piece
of marble isnt It Friend Magnifi
cent What a pity to have made a
bust of it It would have made a love
ly mantelpiece Bon VIvant
She Was On
The Doctor You understand dont
you that this is only to be used ex
ternally The Patients Wife Sure
sir I alius makes him get out o bed
to drink it Harpers Weekly
Face to Face With Work
Darling If you refuse me I dont
know what I am to do
Well Im not to blame for that yon
should have learned a trade Pick
Me Up
V j
Always Be In Good Humor and Talk
Pleasant Tilings
Here are some Interesting Mussul
man Injunctions of conviviality says
the London Lancet The honor of be
ing served first beIong3 to the Invited
guest who is In the possession of any
high title or who has in any way or
sphere distinguished himself If tho
host himself is the oldest In the com
pany or has any high decoration of
merit he must first begin the meal
without delay in order not to let the
others unduly wait It shows bad up
bringing to be in a melancholy mood at
table or to speak of disagreeable thing3
or to engage in inappropriate discus
sions on mntters of religious piety
Foremost of all one must always be In
good humor and talk of pleasant things
as did the prophet himself
You must always help yourself from
the side of the dish nearest to you and
never try to find out the best bits
which ought to be left for other guests
If one of the Invited has not much ap
petite you must ask him up to three
times with some kind chosen words to
partake of the meals A longer insist
ence would cause ennui and would be
most Inappropriate You must never
stop eating before others because in
doing so you will embarrass them and
cause them to finish quickly in imitat
ing you
Never eat gluttonously but also nev
er attempt to conceal your good appe
tite Always eat little by little Exag
gerated compliments are always mis
placed The hosts duty is to make his
guests feel as comfortable as possible
encouraging the timid and shy It is
contrary to good taste to address and
to fix the attention of a guest when lie
is eating Even if the host is not ac
customed to cat much lie must always
try not to finish before other Should
any dish be forbidden to him by his
medical attendant he certainly must
not partake of it but must at the same
time excuse himself before his guests
It is absolutely necessary to avoid ev
ery movement or gesture which is apt
to create disgust
The Best Way to Prepare the Ground
and Sow the Seed
A good lawn may be made either by
laying sod or growing seed If turf
Is used the lawn is sometimes ready
for use in less time than when seed is
used but practically the difference is
very slight Fewer lawns are made
from turf every year The turf or soil
is nearly always obtained from a near
by field It abounds In coarse grasses
and pernicious weeds The former
may be got rid of after considerable
trouble but the latter rarely ever Sod
laid lawns are nearly always uneven
seamy and varied in color and texture
Their cost too is much in excess of
seeding the lawn down
A lawn produced from a mixture of
good new recleaned seeds of the finer
grasses and clovers is superior in qual
ity and texture to the best sod obtain
able To obtain the best results from
sowing the ground should be carefully
dug over not too deep six to eight
inches will be enough and nicely lev
eled off then sow on broadcast a good
fertilizer GOO pounds to the acre or
about ten pounds to every 15 by 15
square feet Rake this in and roll It
or flatten it with the back of a spade
then sow seventy pounds of some good
lawn seed to the acre or one pound
to every 15 by 15 feet Sow half this
quantity walking one way and half
walking at right angles to it so as to
get even distribution Do not sow in
windy weather and be sure to rake
the seed in and after sowing roll it
well or beat it flat with the spade
Those seeds that are deeply buried
will not germinate and those that are
exposed will be scorched by the sun
blown or washed away or taken by
the birds Whenever necessary to sow
In summer it is better to mix with rye
or oats to protect the tender shoots
from the hot sun Suburban Life
The Coney of the Bible
There is a queer little rock animal
found in thousands in all parts of Cape
Colony South Africa and called by the
Dutch daasje pronounced in Eng
lish dassie This little creature has
many other names such as the coney
daman rock badger and rock rabbit
It Is found also in Syria and is really
the coney of the Bible for one of the
psalms contains this verse The high
hills are a refuge for the wild goats
and the rocks for the conies while in
the book of Proverbs we read The co
nies are but a feeble folk yet make
they their houses in the rocks The
South African daasje is a pretty gray
furry creature merry and sun loving
and when taken young makes a charm
ing pet Amy Sutherland in St Nich
The Drawback
Mile Yictorine confides to the jani
tors wife that her mistress who is old
and feeble has promised to remember
her in her will if she takes good care
of her till she dies The janitors wife
shrugs her shoulders
The worst of that is my dear that
the better you take care of her the
longer youll have to wait for your
legacy Paris Journal
Both Out and In
The Needy One I say old man
could you lend me a dollar for a day
or two The Other One My dear fel
low the dollar I lend is out at present
and Ive several names down for it
when it comes back Harpers Weekly
When I waa coming home last
nighf said Miss Skeery I saw a man
skulking along In the shadow Oh
how Ijran An couldnt you catch
bim inquired her little brother In
rKHSfaUy Cleveland Leader
A SK your stenographer what it means to change a type
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makes ribbon changes unnecessary 3 gives you with one
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ness typewriting black record purple copying and red
This machine permits not only the use of a three color ribbon but also of a two iunjr or single color
ribbon Wo extra tost for tins new model
Smith Premier Typewriter Co 17th Farnam Sts Omaha
State of Nebraska Red Willow county In
the county court To all persons interested in
tho estate of Hiram C Plumb late of said
county deceased
You are hereby notified that on the 2nd day of
September 1907 Ellen Plumb filed her petition
in the county court of said county for the ap
pointment of T E McDonald as administrator
of the estate of Hiram C Plumb late of said
county deceased and that the same will bo
heard at the county court room in the city of
McCook in said county on the 23rd day of Sep
tember 1907 at tho hour of one oclock n m
It is further ordered that notice of said hear
ing be given all persons interested in said cstato
bj the publication of this notice for three suc
cessive weeks in tho McCook Tribune a news
paper printed published and circulated in said
Dated this 2nd day of September 1907
seal J C Moore County Judge
To James D Wright non resident defend
ant You are hereby notified that on tho 22nd
day of August 1907 Alice Wright filed her pe
tition against you in tho district court of Red
Willow county Nebraska the object and prayer
of which aro to obtain a divorce from you on
the grounds that you have willfully abandoned
the plaintiff withont good cause for the term of
three years last past and for the custody of Iola
Wright a child born the issue of said marriage
You are required to answer the said petition on
or before Monday tho 29th day of September
1907 Alice Weight Plaintiff
By Starr Reeder her attorneys
No 8823
Treasury Department
Office of Comptroller of the Currency
Washington D C August 5th 1907
Whereas By satisfactory evidence presented
to the undersigned it has been made to appear
the City of McCook in the County of Red Wil
low and State of Nebraska has complied with
all the provisions of the Statutes of the United
States required to be complied with before an
association shall bo authorized to commence
the business of Banking
Now Therefore I Thomas P Kane Deputy
and Acting Comptroller of the Currency do
hereby certify that THE McCOOK NATIONAL
BANK in the City of McCook in the County
of Red Willow and State of Nebraska is auth
orized to commence the business of Banking as
provided in Section Fifty one hundred and sixty
nine of the Revised Statutes of the United
In Testimont Whereof witness my hand
and seal of this office this Fifth day of August
1907 T P KANE
i official I Deputynnd Acting Comp-
seal t troller of tho Currency
First August 9 1907 Last October 11 1907
Say you saw it in The Tribune
Americas Greatest Weekly
The Toledo Blade
Toledo Ohio
The Best Known Newspaper in the
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Circulation 185000
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In many respects tho Toledo Blade is tho most
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United States It is the only newspaper espe
cially edited for National circulation It has
had the largert circulation for more years than
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more it is the cheapest nowspaper in tho world
as will be explained to any person who will
write ns for terms Tho news of tho world so
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each issue by special editorial matter written
from inception down to date The only paipr
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Blade now has over 185000 yoarly subscribers
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Write for specimen copy Addross
Toledo Ohio
The natural habit of human beings
appears to be the use of the teeth on
the left side of the mouth for masticat
ing food During a lengthened period
of observation only one person out of
thirteen was found who used both
sides of his mouth for chewing and
masticating his food
Real Estate
and Insurance
First door south of Fearns gallery
McCook Nebraska
C H Boyle
1000 All dates made by
9 6tf
Attorneys at J aw
Long Distance P ono U
Rooms 1 and 7 second floor - Mv
Postoffice Building MCLOOH Neb
Fred Wiggins
ummi i ia i
Sk Mm
Will cry your
sale any timo
Bills posted
in the Sappy
country Tin
for your free
lunch without
extra charge
Terms 10
for first 81000
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The Danbury News
a rf
VERYONE should take a home paper in order to keep thoroughly informed as to what is
going on in your immediate vicinity However there are some who are not on our sub
scription list and in order to get them to give The Tribune a trial we will make the
following offer for a short time only
Anyone sending us 25 cents for three months subscription The Tribune will send
absolutely free the Kansas City Weekly Journal for one whole year
This offer applies to old subscribers as well as new providing they pay their sub
scription three months beyond this date
The Kansas City Weekly Journal is full to overflowing with good things Think of it it
is the favored paper in over 206000 homes and after it is read is sent to relatives and friends in
all parts of the world Take advantage of this offer at once and tell your friends about it
Fill out the coupon given below with your name and address plainly written and enclose
25 cents and we know you will say that this small amount was well spent
Publisher of The McCook Tribune
Enclosed you will find for subscription to The McCook Tribune and
one years subscription to The Kansas City Weekly Journal