The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 23, 1907, Image 8

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Scrap Book
Uttiat Puzzled Him
A bishop iu full robes of office with
Ms gown reaching to 1ib feet wub
tachlng n Sunday Hchool clas8 At
te close he said he would be glad to
Kcswcr nny questions
Can I ask Bald a little boy
liis hand
-Certainly said the bishop what
6 St
Is dein all youve got on or do
wear pants under dem
Kreathcs there the man with soul so dead
Vfho never to himself hath said
Thla Is my own my native land
W6oso heart hath neer within him burned
Ax homo his footsteps ho hath turned
FYom wandering on a foreign strand
SC such thcro breathe go mark him well
TFar htm no minstrel raptures swell
ICeh though his titles proud his name
Eeondless his wealth as wish can claim
SJcsplto thoso titles power and pelf
n wretch concentered all In self
XSvIng shall forfeit fair renown
Jlral doubly dying shall go down
To tho vile dust from whence he sprung
Vawcpt unhonored and unsung
The Vain Actor and the Little Bill
Lillian Russell tells the following
story about a handsome and vain ac
xV letter of his was put in another
mans box at a club one evening by
mistake The other man opened the
letter saw that it was a note from a
tailor demanding Instant payment of
si hill long overdue and in dismay
sealed It up again neatly and put it
In tho box of its rightful owner The
TigJitful owner entered tho smoking
room that night with the letter in his
liand lie ran It through glanced
around complacently gave his mus
tache a twirl and murmured
Slly little girl
His Tirn to Be Annoyed
President MeCrea of the Pennsyl
vauia railroad said apropos of a false
charge against a financial institution
This charge was more than refuted
TIic institution came out with flying
colors It reminds me of an incident
that happened when I was a rodman
In my youth Working on the Con
neHsvllIe line I took a number of
meals with a middle aged farmer and
his wife One day at dinner I noticed
that the farmers wife seemed rather
ont of sorts and after dinner I wasnt
surprised to hear her say
Josiah Simmons to think that you
fcare forgotten that this is the anni
versary of our wedding
Old Josh Hushed guiltily looking up
from his paper with a start Then he
said in a surprised voice
Why mother you must be mistaken
We- were married on the Sth
The wife bit her lip
Oh excuse me she said I was
thinking of my first marriage anniver
His Garbage
The wife of a millionaire recently
expressed her preference for fancy
dress parties as follows It was at
one that I first met my husband He
appeared in the garbage of a monk
What to Do With Surplus Milk
A teacher was trying to impress on
the young minds the various uses of
saHk She wanted some bright genius
to tell how the farmer fed the surplus
jallk to tho pigs Leading up to this
she- asked this question Now chil
dren after the farmer has made all
butter and cheese he needs and
uses what milk he wants for his fam
Ift what does he do with the milk that
ctai remains One little hand waved
frantically The teacher smiled and
said Well James
Tie pours it back into the cow
piped James Womans Home Com
At the Circus
Zeke and Keturah had been keeping
aomrany for nearly a jear but up to
date Zeke had not had the courage to
propose The opportunity came though
one- summer afternoon when they were
ct the circus After seeing the sights
they rested on a bale of hay In an ob
scure corner of the menagerie tent
What do you reckon is the most
thing we seed said Keturah
Its hard ter say but I know what
TCL like- ter be now replied Zeke in a
Sender voice
The flying trapeze man she ven
No not him
Mebbe the ringmaster
Nor him You recollect the octopus
in the glass tank Well Id like ter
fee he
Cos hed nigh unto a hundred
arms an Id like ter use em all
you a hundred times at oucet and
protect you from all sides for the rest
af yer life Ladies Home Journal
Two of a Kind 1
A private in the regulars went to tho
tolonel of his regiment and asked for
a two weeks leave of absence The
t oronel was a severe disciplinarian and
did not hesitate to use a subterfuge in
evading the granting of privileges to
Sis men
Well said the colonel what do
jou want a two weeks furlough for
Me woife is very sick and the chil
dren are not well and ff ye didnt
aaoind she would like to have me home
for a few weeks to give her a bit ov
The colonel eyed him for n few min
ttes and said
Patrick I might grant your request
but got a letter from your wife this
morning saying she didnt want you
Some that you were a nuisance when
everyou were there She hopes I
- -
won lit yv nvo any more fur
Tfiat sefthv it 01 suppose 01 cant
get ta furlough then
No Im afraid not ratrlck
It was Patricks turn now to eye the
colonel as he started for the door
Stopping suddenly he said
Colonel can 01 say something
Certainly Patrick What is it
You wont get mad colonel If 01
say it
Certainly not Patrick What is it
01 want to Bay there are two splen
did liars In this room 01 was never
married in me lolfe
A Regard For Appearance
A milliner endeavored to sell to a
colored woman one of the last seasons
hnts nt a very moderate price It was
a big white picture hat
Law no honey exclaimed the
woman I could nevah wear that Id
look jes like a blueberry In a pan of
Tho Widows Objected
The editor of a little western paper
was in the habit of cheering up his
subscribers daily with a column of
short pertinent comments on their
town their habits and themselves The
department on account of Its intimate
personal flavor was the most popular
thing in the paper
On a hot day when a simoom whis
tled gayly up the streets of the town
depositing everywhere its burden of
sand the editor brought forth this
gem of thought
All the windows along Main street
need washing badly
The next morning he was waited on
by a platoon of indignant citizens who
confronted him with the paragraph in
question fresh from the hands of the
compositor and informed him fiercely
that he had gone too far After a
hasty and horrified glance he admitted
that he had
It now read
All the widows along Main street
need washing badly Everybodys
A Hill ov a Nise
Isaac N Dolph who saw service in
1S9S under the command of Captain
Sigsbee relates a story as told by a
son of Erin who was on the battleship
Maine when it was blown up The
Irishman was requested to relate his
thrilling experience at the time of the
explosion in Havana harbor He was
before an audience and advancing to
the front pf the stage he bowed low
and in a faltering voice said
Frinds it were thus way I were
asleep below in me bunk little dream
in what were goin ter happen There
were a hill ov a nise an when I
waked up the nurse said Sit up Tat
an take this holdin a spoon forninst
me face Washington Star
Due For a Cussing
General Wheelers body was brought
to Washington draped in the Con
federate flag as well as the stars and
stripes under both of which he had
served While the body lay in state
an old Confederate soldier who had
fought under General Wheeler in Gen
eral Earlys division heard of the Con
federate flag and desired to see his
dear old leader in the light of long ago
But on reaching Washington the stars
and bars had been removed by order
of the president The veteran looked
at the body clad in the blue uniform
and solemnly shaking his head mut
Waal by gee genul when you git
on tother side and Tubal Early catches
you In them togs Im bettin youll git
the puttiest cussin that ever cum your
way Lippincotts
The Poor Squirrel
An Irishman stood in front of an
electric fan whicli was going at full
speed with no end of a buzz After a
minute or two he scratched his head
and said Bedad I wadnt want to be
that squirrel
At the Station
A J Cassatt the late president of
the Pennsylvania lailroad once told
the following railroad story
A western broker moved from the
city into the country He moved far
out and since the railroad was small
and the train service poor he traveled
to and from town by carriage or auto
mobile exclusively
Deciding after a time to keep chick
ens he ordered a patent chicken coop
and on the day it was expected set
out in a dray to fetch it home from
the freight office
Ho reached the railroad station
which ho had never seen before after
an hours drive No one was in sight
but there was his chicken coop and
with his mans help he soon had It on
the dray and set off homeward again
A hundred yards or so down the
road he met a chap in a blue uniform
with the title of station master in
gold letters on his blue cap
Hey there exclaimed this chap
excitedly What the dickens have
you got on that dray
My new chicken coop the broker
calmly answered
Chicken coop be hanged shouted
the station master Thats Mudby
Beecher In a Letter to Hs Son
When working for others sink your
self out of sight Seek their interest
Make yourself necessary to those who
employ you by industry fidelity and
scrupulous integrity Selfishness is fa
tal Hold yourself responsible for a
higher standard than anybody else ex
pects of yoiSDtfmand more of yousself
Uian anybody expects of you Keep
your own standard high Never excuse
yourself to yourself Never pity your
self Be a hard master to yourself but
lenient to everybody else Concentrate
your force on your own business do
not turn off Be constant steadfast
l fKrr
Mrs Wbittaker and daughter-in-law
Mrs Geo Whittaker wore Indianola
visitors Sunday
Mr and Mrs Calhoun of Cambridge
visited nt tho paroots homo in Indianola
Sunday lust
Mrs Elmer Thompson is confined to
her home this week by sicknesa
A good rain visited this section of the
land last Wednesday night which has
bad a tendency to cool the atmosphere
and make life more worth living
Miss Grace Smith came down to In
dianola Thursday night and remained
until Friday afternoon She was the
guest of relatives
A good sized delegation of school
teachers went to McCook from this place
Friday afternoon to take examinations
A disgraceful little row occurred at
Harrisons livery barn Monday evening
between two young hoodlums as to
which of their sweethearts was the
prettier Both were arrested and fined
Mrs Conrad Miller with her four chil
dren left Sunday night for Fort Morgan
Colorado to be absent two weeks visit
ing relatives
Mrs Stonecypher has rented her house
to Professor Holiday and will Bpend the
winter in Hastings with her daughter
Mrs Whittaker and sister Mr- Harah
Smith visited friends in Indiniioi this
A burning car full of lumber attracted
a great crowd Monday evening As the
freight pulled in from the west one car
was enveloped in flames and nothing
could be done to save it so it was
switched off onto a sidetrack and a part
of the lumber which was of a fine grade
was saved by being thrown from the
burning car
Miss Maude Caimichael of Cambridge
visited in Indianolalast week tho guest
of Vernie MacDonald
James Carmichael and wife and
Charlie are planning on a trip to Ireland
this fall They expect to be gone a year
Misses Mamie Mann and Midge Town
ley were among the many who went to
Cambridge Wednesday morning
Conrad Miller our wido awake section
boss is keeping bachelors ball while his
wife and children are away
Doctor Aikers of Trenton arrived in
town Tuesday evening for a short stay
among friends
Indianola has a new hello girl
She is from Hastings and her name is
Miss Merrime
F N Bentley and wife served ice
cream and cake to tho Odd Follows
Tuesday night in appreciation of their
services to him during his late illness
Misa Vira Burgess and Milly Bentley
returned home Saturday night from
their visit to Arkansas
Mrs Andy Lambert who has been
sick for several weeksdied Friday morn
ing about nine oclock The funeral oc
curred Saturday afternoon at the home
She leaves a husband and little son
Mrs Alfred Schoenthal and two chil
dren of Bennet came on No 5 Sunday
evening for a visit with Dan and the
Mrs Windhurst and daughter Mary
returned from their Colorado visit Mon
day morning
Freme Shafer died Faiday morning
after a brief illness of paralysis The
reiuains were shipped to Superior their
old home for burial He leaves a wife
and young babe to mourn for him
Chicken pox is in tho neighborhood
Ben King has a now wind mill re
placing one that was blown down
John Clark has given up his farm and
gone on the railroad
Gabriella Longnecker and Hazel Bel
lair attended the C E convention in
McCook on Saturday
Mrs A R Clark has come to the
farm again having concluded not to
movo to McCook
At John Longneckers a bull dog
mother had ten puppies A hen which
had a nest in the same place seemed to
think Cleo could not take care of so
many so she adopted five of them peck
ing the dog and keeping it from re-claiming
her babies until the hen herself was
shut up
Mr and Mrs Smith spent the latter
half of the week with Everett Moores
family at Lebanon and with Mr Mc
Donalds atDanbnry
Will Myers has bought the Prickett
place Years ago Mrs Prickett one of
the very earliest settlers offered to give
this land to properly qualified trustees
for roligiousbenevolent and educational
purposes in Red Willow county This
project failing she then donated it to
the state of Nebraska
Still They Drink It
I shudder at the taste of whisky
said a man to his friend I dislike it
I dont know why it is I ever drink
The other slapped his hand on his
I am glad to hear you say that he
cried If most men would tell the
honest truth they would say that they
disliked the taste of it too and shud
dered nt It
What a lot of shuddering the men
must be doing all over New York re
marked the woman who sat quietly
listening New York Press
United States to Wm A Olney pat to
nw qr 20-1-30
United States to Wesley M Eozell pat
to seqr 20-1-30
Julius Haun and w ife to Henry Hoff
man wd to lot 10blk 7 Willow Grove
Barbara Hoffman wid to Julius Haun
wd to pt se qr se qr 30-3-29
T Ii
Mrs Albrecht and daughters Daisy
and Frances went to Atwood Kansas
recently to visit Mrs As daughter
Mrs C W Miner
Arley Macy made a business trip to
Kansas City last week
Mr and Mrs D P Simmons wore in
Oberlin Kansas on a business trip
Mrs Maggie Dimmick has gone to
Bird City to visit her daughter Mrs j
C S Boyer
Mrs Weltha Geibert of Denver Colo
is visiting her sister Mrs Vent Roe
Mr and Mrs Alva Johnson drove
over to Oberlin Kansas Thursday
Miss Daisy Albrecht who has been
helping Mrs Rebman at tie switch
board has gone to Atwood to help Mrs
Bert Hotchkiss of Atwood Kansas
was down on Friday last on business
and assisted the Cedar Bluffs nine in a
game of ball Saturday
Mr and Mrs Clint Pew of Marion
were Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs
Alfred Ashton
The ball game here last Saturday
between the Cedar Bluffs and Marion
nines resulted in favor of the homo
team 12 to 5
Miss Ollio Storm of Oberlin took the
train here for Marion recently to visit
her sister Mrs Elsie Storm
R F D No 1
Mr and Mrs Simons of Ainsloy Ne
braska were guests of Mr and Mrs T
M Phillippi last week
Miss Mary Scott of Kansas was a guest
of Mr and Mrs W N Rogers part of
last week She left for Atwood last
School house in district 31 the old
Pickens district is having a substantial
coal house added to its improvements
There will be an ice cream social at
tho North School house Saturday even
ing for tho benefit of the preachbr who
ministers there every week
Mr and Mrs Henry Mousel were up
from Cambridge Saturday and out to
see the Shadelaud herd
August Bahr is hauling out lumber
for an addition to the farm house
Mr and Mrs Frank Dudek W E
Bowers and two sons left Wednesday
for Denver on a trip Jacob Fiechtner
is looking after the Dudek place during
Franks absence
Clara and Julia Schlagel were guests
of the Schamels and Joe Dudek past
Real Estate Transfers
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since our last report
Geo L Miller and wife to Geo Brum
gard wd to lot 5 blk 32 2nd McCook 1230 00
Affa C Sceley wid and Paul S Seeloy
sing to Jolm F Curry wd to se qr nw
qr 7-3-27 2200 00
John F Curry and wife to Sjren J Van
Meter and Martha L Van Meter wd
tote qr nwqr 7-3-27 1000 00
County Commissioners to Frank Frit
sch co com deed to s hf blk 13 In
dianola 1330 00
Walter M French and wife to Eliza
beth J Furrow wd to lots 3 C blk 1
2nd McCook 1200 00
Geo T Taylor and wife to E C Lakin
wd to lots 1 2 blk 32 Indianola e hf
so qr 7 w hf sw qr 8 4 28
Frank Fritsch and wife to Balthazar
Lehn wd to w 100 ft of s hf blk 13In
3300 00
730 00
Citizens Hotel Co to the public arti
cles of incorporation capital stk 0000 00
Geo W Beard and wife to Henry Gale
w d to lot 3 blk 1 West McCook 730 00
John E Sanborn and wife to Charles
A Fisher wd to lot 18 blk 5 McCook 1100 00
Lincoln Land Co to B F Bowen wd to
lots 4 5 1 3 shf2 blk 2 all in 6th
C30 00
John R Neel and wife to Barnett Lbr
Co wd to lots 17 18 blk 39 Indianola 1000 00
Philip Gliem and wife to William
Sandon and L E Naden wd to lots 2
3 blk 8 Danbury 1800 00
Minnie A Eerist and husband to Jo
siah W Chase wd to lot 4 blk 17 1st
McCook 1700 00
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoffice August 23 1907
Asa Mr O W Anderson Mrs E J
Bush W Bushy Mr Virgil
Bipgs Mr E C Ball Miss Laura
Barber Miss Bessie Cup Mr G C
Churning Mrs May 2 Dike Mr George
Evans Mrs Margrete Evans Miss Maud
Finch Mrs L Grimes M A
Greenw ay Miss Dora Green Mr E G
Geh in Mr Orren Hartzell Mr Ward
Hallman Mrs Mintie Hanton Miss Lela
Htitzel Mr Harry Johnson Jas M
Jcffcries Mrs Emma Lewellen Mrs Mae
Phillips Miss H R Peterson
Rocker Henry Rouse Mr Albert
Scott Mr Albert 2 VanPelt Miss Clara
Weber Mr F J Wilson Miss Bessie
Wilson Mr W O Young Mr Henry
Eckhardt Mr Carl
Calhoun Dr A Burlingham Mrs F
Dunn ELI Galvin Oren
Hobbs Mr Rollie Johnson E B
Johnson C G Kutch Mr William
McDermitt Mr N E Phillipi Mrs Daisy
Roberts Miss Alta Warner Miss Ina
Wagner Mrs Beada
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
One Thing-
We distinctly aim at in this business is
that every man who knows us or who
reads our ads shall get the idea that this
is the store for-
In Merchandise
Wed a good deal rather be known as the
f right place for good stuff than as a place
where you get low goods for high prices
We have a few
to sell at LOW price but we have
New Goods
coming in every day at
standard prices
It is always easy to quote CUT prices
but it is what the price buys that COUNTS
From 2 until 4 OClock In the Afternoon
Remember the Time and Date
The Ideal Store
Qswsirtsb A tfcasvuxaa3aa
At 5
0c onlt
Big Saiad Dish Sale -
Prices Cut In Half
AH Salad Dishes In Stock at 50c on the
Monday August
A Gold Ring- Free
To every baby under one year old brought into
our store on and after Saturday August 24 we
will present with a gold ring FREE Mothers
come in and bring the babies
Plenty of Them in McCook and Good
Reason for It
Wouldnt any woman be happy
After years of backache suffering
Days of misery nights of unrest
The distress of urinary troubles
She finds relief and cure
No reason why any McCook reader
Should suffer in the face of evidence
like this
Mrs W B Craven living in the
northwestern part of McCook Neb
says I contracted a severe cold last
spring which settled in my kidneys and
and caused me to suffer severely The
secretions from my kidneys were un
natural in color contained a heavy
sediment and the passages were always
accompanied by a scalding sensation
I had sharp throbbing pains in my
head and had but little energy to do
my housework and became very week
and run down At this time my at
Honest John McCook
tention vas drawn to Doans Kidney
Pills and I procured a box at McCon
nells drug store The results from
their use were most gratifying I con
tinued taking them improving steadily
until I received a complete cure
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N
1 sole agents for the United States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
nnT veLYWrBht non nNident defend-
n r r JZrKi nouneu mat on tho 22nd
day of
Amjust 1907 Alice Wright Hied
tmon against you in the district court of ld
of which aTeo obtauTa divorce0 frTm
the grounds that you have willfufly abadoned on
the plaintiff withont good caue for the term of
teears Cast a for tho cnstodyofTofa
By Starr Reeder her attorneys
SYRUP Cures BRONCr ili