The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 23, 1907, Image 7

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VaJley Forge
Seen of IKo Suffering of Wash
ingtons Army Now Public
Perk Memorial Church and New
Cloister of the Colonies For Thir
teen States
FORGE ifl now 129
VALLEY after the event a public
park The tradition that ev
ery schoolboy has heard of
Valley Forge no doubt la founded upon
fact but It Is apparent that the ma
jority of schoolboys during the past
thirteen decades have forgotten It
shortly after hearing about It It la a
matter of record that a member of con
gress In a speech on tbo floor of the
house once referred eloquently and
touchingly to Valley Forgo as that
famous battlefield of the Revolution
In a certain sense the congressman
was right Valley Forgo was a battle
field though the agents of death were
not tho bullets of the British redcoats
Nakedness hunger and disease in con
spiracy with a rigid season killed sev
eral thousands of men in tho American
nrmy during that winter of encamp
ment in tho Pennsylvania valley near
Philadelphia There was also n large
list of men who might have been
marked as missing These were the
deserters chiefly men of European
birth It must be admitted whoso de
siro for self preservation was stronger
than their devotion to the American
cause Many who wero American
born deserted too and officers re
signed their commissions and went
home almost by battalions
But it is to tho lasting credit of
American patriotism that the bulk of
the army remained in camp to starve
to death to freeze to death to die of
disease brought on by nakedness and
hunger or to march away in the early
summer fall upon the British and fol
low them up until the final surrender
of tho latter at Yorktown
Until the present generation Valley
Forgo was rather a vague name to tho
average youth Middle aged men of
today began to learn something about
tho great winter camp of Washingtons
army when the Centennial exhibition
of 1S7G disinterred this and other Rev
olutionary memories from the dust of
a centurys neglect It Is a remarkable
fact that Valley Forge was utterly Ig
nored and apparently forgotten by this
great nation until the approach of the
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one hundredth anniversary of its evac
uation June 19 187S Then some pa
triotic citizens bestirred themselves
there was a grand celebration at the
site of the old camp a brilliant young
orator Henry Arniitt Brown of Phila
delphia delivered a memorable ad
dress and Valley Forge was restored
to the map of national veneration It
has required nearly thirty years to
make the camp a public park with the
points of interest marked the fortifica
tions and some of the other structures
restored and facilities for welcoming
any pilgrim who may wish to visit the
Washingtons army spent exactly six
months in camp at Valley Forge Sad
ly worsted at the battle of the Brandy
wine in September and also defeated
at Germantown still later Washington
marched his dispirited army to Val
ley Forge through a fierce snowstorm
on the 19th of December 1777 The
storm was a foretaste of what was to
come That was an unusually severe
winter The soldiers were scantily
clad when they arrived In fact it is
literally true that hundreds of them
left their trail in blood along the
snowy roads as they marched to the
place of encampment which was sug
gested to General Washington by Gen
eral Wayne Mad Anthony whose
home was but four miles away
When the sufferings of that terrible
winter ended the Americans left Val
ley Forge and fell upon the British
army at Freehold N J and fought
the brilliant engagement known in his
tory as the battlo of Monmouth From
that time on until Lord Cornwallis sur
rendered at Yorktown Va the army
which had gone through the awful or
deal of Valley Forge was victorious in
nearly every fight
The schoolboy of today may find at
Valley Forge much to arouse his patri
otism One of the newer Improve
ments is a memorial church built upon
the spot where Washington knelt in
prayer An addition to this church is
now building called the Cloister of
the Colonies In which each of the
thirteen original states is to place me
morials to Its brave men who suffered
at Valley Forge In the cause of liberty
A Promise
Reginald what is this I hear about
your having been engaged In a fight
with our new neighbors little boy
Yesm I was
Now I wish you to promise me that
you will never quarrel with him again
Will you make me that promise
Yesm He kin lick me Houston
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Tho Dressmakers Diploma
Many New York women who patrol
lie a new dressmaker for the flnit
time propound an embarrassing ques
Have you a diploma they ask
I didnt know what answer to make
to tho first customer that put that
question to me said one dressmaker
I certainly did not have a diploma
I knew how to sew but I had no cer
tificate to that effect Finally I found
that many women have suffered so
grievously at the hands of Incompe
tents that they wero unwilling to trufft
their work to a person who could not
show some guarantee of experience
and efficiency so although I knew
more about sewing than half the fash
ionable dressmakers In town I actual
ly worked In one such establishment
for four monthB so that I could point
to a printed diploma which says For
merly with Mme A of Fifth avenue
It pays any dressmaker to arm herself
with credentials of that kind She
ought to have her diploma framed and
hung on the wall Uko a doctors diplo
ma bo as to give confidence to doubt
ing customers Nw York Sun
Great Schemers
These traveling men are great
schemers when it comes to getting
rooms assigned to them ahead of other
guests who registered first said a
hotel clerk There were several guest
on the waiting list for rooms yester
day One traveling man came up to
the desk holding his hand to hla
stomach spying he was so sick he
must have a room nt once Ho was
accommodated In a few minutes an
other traveling man who was among
the list of guests waiting for rooms
came up and said he had boarded a
sleeper at 2 oclock In the morning and
tried to get some sleep but that It ran
into an open switch and gave him such
a shaking up he couldnt sleep He
said he was almost dead with exhaus
tion and loss of sleep and must have
a room nt once Hardly had he gone
to his room when a third one came up
and said he too must have a room im
mediately What do you suppose his
reason was He said a horse fell on
him the day before and he thought he
was injured internally Kansas City
Pepper and Onions and Garlic and
At a restaurant downtown redolent
of pepper and garlic where swarthy
representatives of Spain and all tho
Spanish American countries gather ev
ery day at the lunch hour a lone Amer
ican accustomed to strictly unseason
ed food was glancing apprehensively
at the bill of fare
What is chile con carne he asked
the waiter
Ah senor zat Is pepper and a lee
tie meat and pepper again and once
more pepper and
No matter What is bacalao a la
It is delicious codfish and red pep
per and gar
Forget It What is olla a la Espa
Ah Zat Is onions and pepper and
garbanzos and chorizos and
Bring me roast beef New York
Barrymores Dilemma
Maurice Barrymore the once famous
actor was once In London with a new
piece which he was anxious to have
produced He had read it to a man
ager and it had been decided that he
was to play the leading role About a
week after it was supposed to have
been definitely settled Barrymore re
ceived a note from the manager ask
ing him to call Barrymore called and
the manager said I like the piece
old fellow but I dont see how I can
use you in the cast Your beastly
American dialect wont do at all you
know They wont have It
Well thats strange said Barry
more They told me on the other
side that they wouldnt have me on
account of my beastly English dialect
What am I to do give recitations on
the transatlantic steamers
No Insult Intended
A London exquisite had gone into a
west end restaurant and was far from
pleased with the way in which his or
der was filled
Do you call that a veal cutlet he
demanded of the waiter Why such
a cutlet as that is an insult to every
self respecting calf In the British em
The waiter hung his head for a mo
ment but recovered himself and said
In a tone of respectful apology
I really didnt intend to insult you
Ir London Answers
Origin of the Cross Bun
The exact significance or origin of
the cross bun is not too certain A
superstition regarding baked bread on
Good Friday appears to have existed
from an early period Bread so baked
was kept by a family all through the
ansuing year under the belief that a
tew gratings of it in water would prove
i specific for any ailment Leeds and
Yorkshire Mercury
Suspiciously Cheap
Mrs Schoppen The price seems
low but Im afraid of antique rugs
You know the old saying Snug as
a Salesman As a bug in a rug
Ha Hal But there are no bugs about
this rug Mrs Schoppen shrewdly
Ko I half suspect the presence of a
little humbug Philadelphia Press
Her Troubles
Teacher Who was the most patient
person that ever lived Student Mrs
lob Teacher How do you make that
out Student Why Job endured a
tvhole lot but she had to endure Job
He who seeks a brother without a
fault will have to remain without a
brother Talmud
Annette Kellerman Champion Woman
Swimmer and Her Adventures
There are no mermaids now except
In variety shows and fairy stories but
Annette Kellerman the champion wo
man swimmer of the world comes pret
ty near to being one She Is almost as
much at home In the water as on dry
land Miss Kellerman recently came
to this country from England to meet
the expert swimmers of the United
States She Is of practically perfect
physique with tapering wrists and
ankles olive complexion and gray eyes
which light up a winsome face She
Is of Australian birth but her mother
was born in America of French par
ents Miss Kellerman Is twenty one
and has been an expert swimmer from
childhood Last year she made a new
record on the Danube swimming twenty-three
miles in 3 hours 11 minutes
and 20 seconds She has had some
amusing experiences in the water but
the most unique was when during her
attempt to swim the English channel
In 1905 a man proposed to her In re
lating the story Miss Kellerman said
Rather a unique place for an offer
of marriage I call it my channel
proposal A well known swimmer
and a very fine one too paced me dur
ing my swim After a half hour or so
of silence to my great amusement he
turned suddenly and said
We go very well together in dou
ble harness dont you think and
forthwith made me a proposal of mar
riage Surprised Yes but more
amused I think I told him I pre
ferred waiting until I saw him out of
the water as I would never marry a
little man I met him after at the
supper given in my honor and found
he was of short stature so I declined
his flattering offer
Queen Victoria of Spain and Her Gift
to Alfonso of an Heir
Great preparations were made for
the heir to the Spanish throne who has
just arrived Queen Victoria made
King Alfonso a very proud papa when
she presented him with a bouncing
boy Although a girl would have been
welcomed a boy in this particular in
stance was much more desired If the
little prince lives to succeed his father
on the Spanish throne It will be tho
fulfillment of the present young mon
archs most ardent wish In conse
quence of the importance of the birth
of an heir the king himself issued an
official proclamation shortly before the
event was expected giving explicit di
rections as to all ceremonies connected
therewith The decree began thus
In order that the ceremonies which must
take place in connection with the ap
proaching accouchement of my dear and
beloved spouse when the Almighty per-
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mlts that so happy an event shall be real
ized may be carried out with all the cus
tomary solemnity I make this decree
Then followed directions as to the
dignitaries who should attend the pre
sentation of the heir Article 5 read
In order that the inhabitants of the
most heroic town of Madrid may know
without delay whether the newly born
child Is a prince or an Infanta there shall
be hoisted in the first case the Spanish
flag over that part of the royal palace
known as the Punta del Diamante and
there shall be fired a salute of twenty ono
guns at tho customary places In tho sec
ond case the flag shall be white and the
salute shall be fifteen guns Should the
birth take place at night a light of the
ipproprlate color shall be placed beneath
the flag
At One Tlmo the Law Was Severe on
Those Who Owed Money
In nearly every country until com
paratively recent times debtors have
been subject to imprisonment After
the panic of 1825 101000 writs for
debt wero Issued in England In 1830
7000 persons wero sent to London
prisons for debt and on Jan 1 1840
1700 persons were held for debt In
England and Wales 1000 In Ireland
and less than 100 In Scotland From
time to time modifications in the laws
governing the Imprisonment of debtors
have been made so that fewer debtors
are imprisoned for this crlmo each
In 1829 there wero 3000 debtors In
prison in Massachusetts 10000 In New
York 7000 In Pennsylvania 3000 In
Maryland and a like proportion In oth
er states Many of these persons were
Jailed for debts of 1 The law pro
viding for the imprisonment of men
who could not pay their debts was
shown to be impracticable by statistics
taken from Philadelphia where In 1828
there were 10S5 debtors Imprisoned for
debts amounting to 25000 The ex
pense of keeping these persons in con
finement was 302000 which was paid
by the city and the amount recovered
by this method was 295
Imprisonment for debt was abolished
by congress in the United States in
1833 though this measure was not
fully enforced until 1839 New York
An Ingenious Problem With Two In
teresting Equations
Some time ago George was bragging
about never having told a He and he
said he never would An Irishman
hearing the assertion made a wager
with George that he could make him
tell a He in two minutes
So Pat began Supposing you and
your little child and her friend were
out in a boat for a row the boat sud
denly capsized and you were all
thrown into the water Now which
child would you save asked Pat
Well answered George under the
circumstances I should save my own
In preference to any one elses child
Very good answered Pat Now
suppose you and your wife and child
were out for a row and the boat again
capsized Now which of them would
you save your wife or your child
After a thoughtful pause George an
swered that he would save his wife
There you are cried Pat You
said at first that you would rather sa e
your child In preference to any one
elses but now you say that you would
save your wife who Is somebody elses
child Pearsons Weekly
From Obscurity to Renown
An ancient well once surrounded by
walls eight feet high in Yeoing field
Trewsbury Mead a valley about three
miles from Cierencester near the vil
lage of Ivemble is the source known
as Thames head In summer no sign
of water or of water plants can be
found near it Its walls are now down
and thickly interlaced vines and brush
hide It from view In winter It over
flows floods the valley and contributes
its little force to the greatest of Island
rivers Thus from an obscure hidden
and neglected origin Englands historic
river swells and flows on until upon
its pellucid bosom above Folly bridra
to its brackish waters below the Towtr
of London it nurses everything from
an infants gentle pleasures to the sin
ister tragedies of the greatest city in
the world From In Thamesland
A Trade In Learning
I want you said the old farmer
to give the boy bout six or eight dol
lars worth o learnin Fer Instance
Ill start him on three bushels o corn
then when thats out Ill keep him
a movin on a couple o smokehouse
hams an I may decide to give you a
young heifer to lam him writin an a
home raised cow for a leetle rithme
Do you want him to learn any of
the higher branches
Well after he climbs a leetle you
might throw in bout a bushel or two
of em or say bout a quarter o beefs
worth Atlanta Constitution
They Disagreed
These fellows were fighting said
the policeman
Your honor began one of the pris
oners I beg of you not to accept so
crude a misconstruction of our acts
Doubtless you have heard of a gentle
mans agreement
Well wo had one but it had pro
gressed to the stage where it became a
gentlemans disagreement
Yet was the judge deaf to reason
Philadelphia Ledger
An Unexpected Shot
My dear said the caller with a
smile to the little girl who occupied
the study while her father an eminent
literary man was at dinner I suppose
you assist your father by entertaining
the bores
Yes replied the little girl gravely
Please be seated Judge
His Work
What asked the man who Is al
ways preaching have you ever done
to make this a brighter world
Ive done a lot in that line stran
ger said the one with the large rough
hands Im a barn painter by trade
and I generally paint em red Chica
go Record Herald
The Trials of Life
Visiting Prison Chaplain Ah my
friend this world Is full of trials In
carcerated Guest Dont I know It mis
ter Aint I ad my share of em But
It aint the trials I minds so much If 8
the verdicts Philadelphia Inquirer
First National Bat ut Ho
Solicits the patronage of those who work on a salary as
well as the account of the merchant and farmer If you
have not already opened an account do so today no mat
ter how small it will be cheerfully accepted
Capital and Surplus 7500000
Safety deposit boxes for rent These are always inside
our fire and burglar proof vault 100 per year
Bid Jt Cver Occur
that photos sent through the
mails insecurely wrapped are
very likely to get damaged
No one likes to receive a
soiled photo If they are
worth sending at all they are
worth the taking of sufficient
care to insure a safe delivery
at their destination
Tfis Security Malting
will give you that assurance and the cost is but a trifle We
have them in sizes from 5x7 to 11x14
They are made of heavy tough material and are especi
ally designed for safe and secure photo mailing
Tribune jPrtiiterij
ajirtbSSSS t V
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 1 2000
C R Woodworm Co Successful
After a great deal of effort and corre
spondence C R Woodwoath Co the
popular druggists have succeeded in
pettinf the Dr Howard Co to make a
special half price introductory offer of
the regular fifty cent size of their cele
brated specific for the cure of constipa
tion and dyspepsia
This medicine is a recent discovery
for the cure of all diseases of the stom
ach and bowels It not only gives quick
relief but it makes permanent cures
Dr Howards specific has been so re
markably successful in curing constipa
tion dyspepsia and all liver troubles
that CR Woodworth Co are willing
to return the price paid in every case
where it does not give relief
The old fashioned idea of dosing with
mineral waters cathartic pills or harsh
purgatives will soon be a thing of the
past The best physicians are prescrib
ing Dr Howards specific because it
really gives the desired results and on
account of the small and pleasant dose
that is needed
So great is the demand for this speci
fic C R Woodworth Co have been
able to secure only a limited supply
and every one who is troubled with
dyspepsia constipation or liver trouble
should call upon them at once or send
25 cents and get sixty doses of the
best medicine ever made on this special
half price offer with their personal
guarantee to refund the money if it
does not cure
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6toli
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
The Tribune is now prepared to do
your job printing of all kinds promptly
Office days Tuesdays Wednes
days Thursdays and Saturdays
Office in Post Office Bldg - Phone 13
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
-- ft - fcfc4
Is BeliiiTiiE
If you will figure with usand
quality of material 13 any object
you will be easily convincedthat
we out class all competition
m u