The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 23, 1907, Image 4

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JtyCtyUlK ptfltllje
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
I boreby announco mysolf a candi
date for tbo oflico of judgo of the
fourteenth judicial district of Nebraska
on tho ropublicau ticket subject to the
decision of tho republican primary elec
tion to be hold September 3 1907
Charles E Eldred
McCook Nebraska
District Judge
I hereby announco myself as a candi
date for renomination as judge of the
Fourteenth judicial district of Nebras
ka on tho Republican ticket subject to
tho decision of tho Republican primaries
to bo held Sept 3 1907
I respectfully announce that I will
bo a candidate for tho office of Clerk
of tho District Court of Red Wil
low county on tho Republican ticket
subject to tho decision of tho Repub
lican Primaries to bo held on Tuesday
September 3 1907
Chester A Rodgers
Valley Grange Prect April 26 1907
I hereby announce to the Republicans
of Red Willow County that I shall bo a
candidate for tho office of County Trea
surer on the Republican ticket subject
to the decision of tho Republican Prim
ary Election to bo hold Tuesday Sept
3rd 1907 For tho past twelve years I
havo been engaged in practical book
keeping and commercial business and
feel confident that I can handle with
credit all business entrusted to the
office I respectfully ask your due con
sideration Clifford Naden
Danbury Neb May 6th 19C7
I hereby announce to the Republicans
of Red Willow County that I shall be a
candidate for the office of county treas
urer on tho Republican ticket at the
primary elections to be held on Tuesday
September 3 1907 I have had twenty
three years of an active business ex
perience in store and bank and feel
confident that I can handle the affairs
of the office with credit to myself and
the Republican party Respectfully r
A L Cochran Bartley Neb
I respectfully announce that I will be
a candidate for the office f county
treasurer of Red Willow county on the
republican ticket at the primary election
Tuesday September 3 1907
If elected will give up present occupa
tion and personally attend to the duties
of the office
Justin A Wilcox
McCook Nebraska May 2 1907
I M Beardslee candidate for county
treasurer solicits the support of the elec
tors in the Republican primaries
I wish to announce to the Republican
voters of this county that I shall be a
candidate for the Republican nomina
tion for County Clerk at the Primary
Election on Tuesday Septembsr 3rd
1907 and that I would like to have all
fair minded Republican voters who be
lieve in good clean business like service
rom their public servants and who want
men that are absolutely free from all
boss or ring rule free from all machine
or corporation influence to consider my
candidacy Respectfully
Chas Skalla
Indianola Neb April 26 1907
I hereby announce to tho Republicans
of Red Willow county that I shall be a
candidate for the office of County Clerk
on the Republican ticket at the Prim
ary Election to be held on Tuesday
September 3 1907
I respectfully ask the consideration of
tho Republican electors of the county
Stuart B McLean
McCook Neb April 26 1907
For County Judge
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re election to the office of County
Judge on the Republican ticket With
a high appreciation of the splendid vote
given me two years ago and with a
purposo to render the best service posi
ble if re elected I respectfully request
the consideration of all Republicans at
the coming Primary Election
J C Mooke
Tyrone Precinct June 19th 1907
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for tho office of county assessor of Red
Willow county Nebr on tho republican
tickot subject to tho decision of repub
lican primary election to be held Tues
day Sept 3rd 1907
I havo had 7 years experience as an
assessor and deputy
T A Endlsey
Red Willow Precinct
Temporarily in Valley Grange
Jnne 6th 1907
x - -
A Candidate for Re nomlnatlon
I am a candidate for re nomination to
the offlco of county sheriff and seek tho
support of all voters in tho republican
party feeling confident that my record
as Bhoriff during tho past two years war
rants my ambition to bo re elected and
promising my best service if re elected
for another terra II I Peterson
I am a candidate for tho office of sheriff
of Red Willow county and seek the sup
port and votes of the Republicans of tho
county promising personal and best
service if nominated and elected
Stephen D Bollks Jr
l h lindemann
The CITIZENS candidate on the Re
publican ticket Strongly opposed to
Ring Rule in politics
To tho Voters At the 3olicitation
of some of the best citizens of Red
Willow county I have decided to be
come a candidate for county commis
sioner subject to the will of the Re
publican voters at tho primary election
September 3rd 1907 I wish to say
further that if thus supported and final
ly elected I shall purposo to make the
term one of economy treat all alike re
gardless of politicial affiliations and
stand for good roads and a square
deal to all
Respectfully yours
L H Lindemann
W C Moyer is inspecting land
at Culbertson today
Judge J A Williams of Stockville
was in the city Tuesday
Mr and Mrs William Lewis have
returned from their trip to Colorado
Misses Nellie and Marcella Ryan
left Monday for Colorado on a vacation
Dr SC Beach contemplates locating
in Clay Center Nebraska in the prac
tice of medicine
Miss Millie Elbert was a Colorado
visitor first of the week taking in the
Moffat road Sunday
Judge LeHew was acting police
judge during Police Judge Berrys ab
sence at the Cambridge reunion
George J Heckman has returned
from Germany where he has been study
ing the violin under old masters
N E Hall of Aurora Indiana is
here and is looking for a city home for
himseif and family for fall and winter
Miss Josephine Phelan is subbing in
the Burlington headquarters during the
absence of several of the clerks and sten
Mrs M B Carman arrived home
from Denver last Friday Miss Edith
Carman a cousin accompanied her and
will be here a short while on a visit A
sister who was with the party in Colo
rado is now quarantined in Akron
Mrs Wm Sullivan and son are
expected home from their trip to the
mountains early next week They
will be accompanied by Mrs Bertha
Gibbons of Campbell a sister of Mrs
Sullivan who will visit here for a while
Of Such Is The Kingdom
This sweet little book by Mr Met
calfe has won it way into the hearts of
thousands of Nebraskans and is selling
in every state of the union The first
edition was issued January 4th and the
third edition of 2000 volumes each is
now on the market It is a Nebraska
product throughout written printed
and bound in Nebraska and worth the
while of every Nebraskan to read it
Wm B Metcalfe Lincoln Neb P O
box 28 is the selling agent
A Turtle
A little four-year-old girl was enjoy
ing her first visit In the country and
while playing near a brook made the
acquaintance of a specimen of the
fauna of that region which she could
not name After carefully observing
it for some time she ran into the
house exclaiming Oh j aiulma I
saw something so funny down there
It put Its hands and its feet in its
pockets and swallowed its head
Water Meters
We hfivo on hand a supply of approv
ed water meters which we will instal
promptly on application Under Wood
worth drug store Phone 1S2
Middleton Ruby
A Handy Receipt Bock
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to tho page for sale at Thh
Tribune office
Ladies canvas and tan oxfords at less
than ever offered for the same quality
of goods Tho Model Shoe Store
The Tribune is now prepared to do
your job printing of all kinds promptly
i ii mm i m 1nniirnfigTnitiifrTinanTWinii
Will Make No Mistake
The Trirune is pleased to learn that
tho friends of C Lester Littel of Cul
bertson aro insisting upon his being
a candidate for county suporfntendont
of public instruction for Hitchcock
Lester is a fine young man of excel
lent parts a thorough gentleman of
unimpeachable habits and an educator
and instructor destined to tako a high
pace among tho leaders of Nebraska
Commencing with tho Bertrand high
school ho finished with honors with
tho class of 1902 McCook high school
Since being graduated from
Cook high schools ho has taken two
years in tho Nebraska University so his
educational qualifications are beyond
cavil or question
His experience as a teacher notwith
standing he is a young man covers
several years Commencing with a
year in tho country schools of Red
Willow county he next served two
years as assistant principal of the Dor
chester public schools For two years
thereafter he was principal of tho
schools of Roca and declined a third
year in this school to resume his work
in the Nebraska University
He was dissuaded from this high
purpose and expectation at tho earnest
request of many friends and admirers
in Hitchcock county who regard him
as most promising material for the
position of county superintendent in
which opinion The Tribune also holds
affirmative views While a Republican
in politics we note that his friends
come from all political parties in Hitch
cock county a particularly creditablo
fact when we consider the non partisan
character of the office
Mr Littel belongs to the progressive
school of educational men and it would
be his invincible purpose to place
Hitchcock countys public schools in
tho forefront among the counties of
the state The people of Hitchcock
county will make ho mistake in nomi
nating and electing MrLittel to the im
portant office of county superintendent
In this issue The Tribune publishes
on its own motion the statement of
County Commissioner Gray concerning
the recent suits instituted against the
commissioners of Red Willow county
Mr Gray broadly intimates that the
suits are the result of personal spite and
that the spite was generated by his re
fusal to allow the claim of Robert Baker
for special detective services in the
Spaulding assault case Another prom
inent feature of his statement is the
claim that he would act in future cases
as he has in the cases cited as irregular
in the suits that he has no apology to
offer for any of his past actions as coun
ty commissioner regarding them as
proper and defensible Tfe Tribune is
prepared to give publicity to anything
pertinent to this matter offered by
either side of this controversy The rec
ord shows technical violations in any
event And it is quite probable that
county affairs have not been carried on
with as careful regard for legal proced
ure as the people of the county desire
If any one has any light to throw on
this subject for the common good let it
be forthcoming
The fact that Governor Sheldon has
appointed Henry T Clark Jr to fill
the unexpired term of Robert Cowell on
the State Railway Commission is an evi
dence of confidence on the part of the
governor in Mr Clarks ability and pur
pose and will go far in assisting the
candidacy of Mr Clark for nomination
bn the Republican ticketthis September
Representative Clark in tho last legisla
ture made a record in the interests of
the people in his efforts to pass measures
demanded by the people and so far as
The Tribune is advised he is not only
well qualified but entitled to the confi
dence of the people
Washingtons Nickname
William Makepeace Thackeray has
been credited with naming Washington
the City of Magnificent Distances
This is Incorrect Thackeray may have
used the phrase but it originated with
John A Corwlne of Bellefontaine Lo
gan county O who was a very fa
mous personage In the forties and fif
ties Once on a visit to the national
capital he wound up a period of ex
hilarating experiences in the visitors
gallery of the house of representatives
and as that august body came to order
Mr Corwlne felt impelled to rise in
his place and make a few remarks
He began I have been visiting this
city of magniflcent distances There
was a lot more but this sentence lived
New York World
The Soft Answer
Father do all augels have wings
No my son your mother has none
And then she said sweetly that he
might go to the club if he wouldnt
stay late Atlanta Constitution
Did he ask her father for her hand
in marriage
No lie needed 10 and he didnt
want to ask for too much at once
Cleveland Plain Dealer
He Had Hopes
Young lady owner of great estates
As far as the eye can reach all the
hnd belongs to me Admirer respect
fi illy I hope you aro not chnrtsigbted
-Stray Stories
f I
Mrs Clara W
Mrs W C Euans is ontortaining her
Wilsjn is enjoying
a Denver visit
P E Reeder returned first of tho
week from his Ohio trip
W E Calhoun was up from Cam
bridge on a short visit Monday
Lewis Ludwick is progressing favor
ably with his attack of typhoid fover
B R Thomas of Lebanon was a county
capital visitor Saturday on business
J D Geist and family havo roturned
to the city from a short residence in In
Mrs W M Archibald and Master
Fred havo teturned homo from their
visit east
Miss Edith Waite and Ruth Wiehe
wont down to Cambridgo yesterday to J
attend tho ball game
Mrs J W Line is spending a while
at Sulphur Springs Colo and taking
baths for rheumatism
Mayor Fahnestock was called down
to Holdrego Wednesday by an accident
to a company employe
Mr and MrsW S Morlan arrived
home yesterday morning from their
trip to Yellowstone Park
Mrs J P Nies roturned mid week
from Saint Joseph whero she has made
fall purchases in the millinery line
Mr and Mrs H N Rusebush and
Miss Stella Faus arrived homo Monday
on No 6 from their Colorado jaunt
Mrs F J Rolfe and daughter Izora
departed yesterday morning for Idaho
points expecting to be gone two weeks
C T Loper has purchased the Wil
liam Stoner dwelling on Melvin street
and will take possession in a week or
Mrs BFTroxel who has been visit
ing McCook friends has gone to Be
atrice to be there at the golden celebra
Mrs R B Southard of Kearney
visited between trains in McCook Mon
day the guest of her sister Mrs J W
H E Durham has gone to Washing
ton to visit his father and an aged grand
mother and will bo absent for about a
Mrs F W Bosworth Ralph Bos
worth Mrs Walter Stokes and Paul
Blair are doing a vacation Btunt at
Lyons Colorado
Mr and Mrs K M Stangland of
Denver and Mrs Eunice Dixon of Fort
Scott Kansas are guests of Mr and
Mrs F H Dudley Lincoln Journal
John Keegan was down from Strat
ton Wednesday night on a short visit
Mrs Keegan who was here on a visit
took the night train No 6 for Iowa on
a visit
S Seaman of Beatrice was in the city
Monday on his way east from a trip to
Colorado Mr S is a candidate for
nomination for county assessor of Gage
iuks su a jfHiLLippi nas ueen very
ill for sometime with an attack of ty
phoid fever but The Tribune rejoices
in learning that at this writing she is
slowly improving
C C Heskett of Blue Hill is here
looking after his land interests and
will move here next March His daugh
ter will enter school with the opening
of the fall term Sept 16
J H Bennett of Omaha and A Ga
lusha of Red Cloud members of the
finance committee of the Nebraska
U W were in the city Monday and
Tuesday on Workman business
Mr and Mrs L W McConnell
went up to Colorado last Saturday
in the interest of Mrs McConnelPs
health The altitude proved deleter
ious and they returned home Monday
Mr and Mrs Walter M French
were over from Loomis close of the
week meeting McCook friends He
returned home Saturday evening but
Mrs French remained a few days long
er They are farming near Loomis and
doing nicely this year
Miss Pearl Mitchell who has been
spending the summer here the guest of
her uncle E E DeLong and family re
turned to her homo in Lincoln Wednes
day She was accompanied by Miss
Tacie DeLong who will remain until the
opening of our schools
John R Neel and Banker Reynolds
of Indianola were up to see the ball
game last Friday afternoon J R
also had business here Tuesday of
this week Mr Reynolds is the new
banker in Indianola and it was his first
visit to the county capital with which
he was pleased
W R Starr of McCook was in the
city yesterday Mr Starr is an at
torney and bo is taking a lively in
terest in tho contest for judge in the
Fourteenth judicial district Mr Starr
favors the nomination of C E El
dred of McCook Mr Eldred is an
exceptionally close student a good
lawyer and the prospects now are that
ho will be nominated at the primary
election says Mr Starr Other can
didates in that district are R C Orr
of Hayes Center and John Stevens jr
of Arapahoe fcr the Republicans J L
White of Curtis for the Democrats and
the Populists Lincoln Journal J 1412
New Art Studio
First Stairway South of Postoffice
not issue as big a warrant as the plain
tiff desired Any fair minded man by
examining the records and the records
are the best evidence will seo that it is
not the board of commissionersthey are
after but it is me they are trying to
catch and I desire to show this case as
they have alleged
They allege I received 86300 for the
same labor in 1907 They do not allege
I did nut earn this money but there is
no statute providing for the payment of
such chums to a county officer If they
made this claim on a strictly reform
movement why did they not allege that
RW DeVoe clerk of the district court
had for the same work done by me
been allowed 18600 as shown by com
missioners records on page 442 June 15
1905 These records aro public docu
ments and by investigation it will be
seen that I was not on the board on this
date so as this offense would come
against some one else than me no of
fense was committed
They allege that I was allowed war
rants for money I had paid for railroad
fare for paupers this is true The amount
they allege I think is S703 on two cases
But had I contracted on the county
credit for ten times that amount for tho
care of these paupers until the regular
meeting of the board they could not
and would not have had that expense
in their charges
They charge that I was allowed 81610
for serving on a jury I was subpoenaed
by the sheriff and qualified with Morlan
and Reeder in constant attendance in
In tho Spaulding case they allege
there is no statute providing for me to
get back 2000 I gave the sheriff for ex
penses in Curtis sheriffs bill shows
2000 deducted by expense advanced by
Gray and 800 I gave deputy sheriff
for expense to go to Grand Island to in
vestigate suspect Spaulding crime and
397 car fare to Wray Fitzgerald
Spaulding case 75c postage sending re
ward notices Spaulding case and 80c
telegram to state auditor for state coun
ty treasurer examiners Gossard case
If it was illegal for me to get my
money back in this case why was it not
illegal for P E Reeder to receive 14 40
expense in Spaulding case
The following bill of 7384 for expense
ujuui iu uauuiuu witn
tion papers for Boyer Blacky and the
two DeVere women this claim was al
lowed with the understanding that the
amount received from the state of Ne
braska would be returned to county
treasurer State of Nebraska general
fund warrant No C 34994 for 8074 has
been turued over to county treasurer
and I hold his receipt for same
Illegal Claims thev nllprrA hnn ln
allowed to R W DeVoe for postage
pitcher glass telephone 1750
County Judge Moore for telephone
express postage and book for office
19 So
Miss Flora B Quick county superin
tendent telephone postage express and
salary 20295
E J WilcOX COUntv flurk nnctnnn
express freight dray and telephone
C A Rodgers deputy clerk of the
district court for rechecking refiling
and reindexing old cases 23700
Freight dray postage certificate
First classortrait work done at fifty percent discount from
regular prices until September 15th
Latest fads in half cabinet pictures
mi Letter postals are all the go Eight styles Come and
see them
QSSb i
The Kansas City Weekly Star
The most comprehensive farm paper All tho nows intelligently
told Farm questions answered by a practical farmor and exper
imenter Exactly what you want in market reports
One Year 25 cents
Address THE WEEKLY STAR Kansas City Mo
To the Tax Payers and Voters ot Red
Willow County
Tho county commissioners of your
county are defendants in a suit brought
by W S Morlan and P E Reeder The
suit is brought to mako said commis
sioners pay back to tho county certain
claims audited by them and allowed in
the regular way and af tor said claims
were allowed tho warrants were held
by county clerk ten days so that any
one would have a right to protest against
tho delivery of warrants issued for
claims not lawfully allowed
I desire to show that it was not for
issuing too many claims that tlm action
was brought but because the board did
County Treasurer A L Cochran ex
pense account 7612
13 G Gossard oxpress freightphono
postage pins electric light globe dray
stand for adding machine typewriter
ribbon atlasexchango on drafts 22885
I would ask that theso expense ac
counts bo compared with tho expense of
all tho different ollicors of tho county
for tho last twenty years and as to tho
C A Rogers claim it has been stated
by Mr Rogors that Mr Morlan advised
him to fix up the filings tho records
show Mr Reedor present when almost
every claim was allowed and it is his
duty to advise tho board when they pass
on claims they have no legal right to al
low and for such service the tax payers
pay him 800 per year As to tho Rod
gers claim he insisted wo had a right to
allow this bill that it was not his Rod
gers duty to do this workwithout pay
In concluding I wish to say and with
out fear of contradiction that had I
voted Yes for every bill before the board
this action would never have been start
ed and as I have no apology to make to
any man on earth for that action and
would vote the same way again even if I
knew another action would be started
I am yours truly
C B Gray Co Com
McCook Neb Aug 16 1907
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6tol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will bo for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Fairbury Hanchett
This is a warranted and
teed windmill nothing better in
the market Writo or call on Mr
Ball before buying
r f J l E E i3 Hi
s r -
f v syr yr Ti
v vT
i rr irrsTx 5
1 1
h JiniMuuunini
FGrsgr s
aas 5 s s miFfc
- -- - -v
A few does of this remedv will in
variably cure an ordinary attack of
It can always be depended npon
even in the more severe attacks of
cramp colic and cholera morbna
It is equally successful for summer
diarrhoea ami cholera infantum In
children and is the means of savine
the lives of many children each year
When reduced with water and
sweetened it is pleasant to take
Every man of a family shonld keep
i ric 2oc Large Sizb 50o