The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 23, 1907, Image 1

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Christian Endeavor Coarcntlon
Owing to delayed trains all day Fri
day it was impossible to carry out the
regular program although tboro was a
formal opening in tho morning and a
general discussion in tho afternoon after
which the delegates were escorted over
tho city and through the shops
Friday oveoing Eov J H Bennett
delivered a most enthusiastic address
upon tho subject Bo An Automobile
Special musical numbers consisting
of a male quartotte vocal and violin
Bolob were rendered which added much
to the pleasure of the evening
Saturday was a day full of good
things beginning at sunrise with a
rousing prayer meeting At the opening
of tho morning session special attention
was given to tho report of Secretary
Bunnell in which ho gave comparisons
of this and last years work It was
gratifying to note progress made in dif
ferent departments of the union
The discussion of missionary work
Saturday afternoon was followed by a
reception on tho church lawn given in
honor of the delegates by the entertain
ing societies
Saturday evening Mr Moyer of tho
Christian church gave the final word
on missions It was certainly an inspi
rationSunday morningto see tho bright
faces of the delegates and local young
people as they gathered together for the
sunrise prayer meeting The regular
Sunday morning service was addressed
by Rev G B Ilawkes of tho Congrega
tional church Its appeal was strong
for more active work among young peo
ple The Junior rally was conducted by
its superintendent Miss Wagey of
Cambridge Tho exerciso was in tho
nature of a chalk talk It was made
most impressive by tho helpful words
of DrFinch and special numbers render
ed by tho local Juniors
Tho convention after the able heart
felt sermon of Rev Simpson of Cam
bridge was most affectively brought to
a close by tho consecration meeting
The convention has meant much to our
local societies and community Christ
ian Endeavor stands for the advance
ment of better manhood and woman
hood and citizenship Tho workers go
forth with new enthusiasm and nobler
purpose in life By their renewed efforts
and Christian example they will be ablo
to accomplish better results during the
coming year
The convention will meet next year at
Franklin with the following officers
President A J Bunnell Franklin
vice president Miss Addie Wagoy Cam
bridge junior superintendent Miss Me
dora Santee Orleans superintendent of
missions Miss Goldie Stevens Minden
The resolutions showed that the dele
gates heartily appreciated tho efforts
put forth by the local societies and
friends who contributed so much to the
comfort of tho delegates
Work of Burglars
Last Friday night the merchant tail
oring establishment of Lineburg Peter
sen Co was broken into and goods
and cash stolen 3775 in cash two
suits of clothes pair of pants suit case
four pocket knives being the sum total
of the loss The shop was pretty thor
oughly ransacked and clothing tossed
about on the floor The suits stolen
were for a small man larger suits being
rejected by the burglar Entrance was
made through a rear window Police
have been provided with information
but no clews have so far been secured or
arrests made
Burns Doling
Robert B Burns of our city and Miss
Ola Doling of Edison were married in
Trenton Hitchcock county Monday
August 19th by County Judge Wil
liams They went to Edison for a brief
visit at her home returning here on
Wednesday morning
The Only Real Press Drill
is the low down kind McCook Hard
ware Co have them in tho Columbia
Richmond Champion and Sucker
State and end wheel drills in the
Monitor and Columbus These
represent the best drill factories in he
By Lo Talcum
So pure and smooth and good that it
keeps the face soft and delicate Ex
quisitely perfumed with an individual
odor of fresh violets Protects babys
skin Price 25 cents
L W McConnell Druggist
McCook Roller Mills
10000 bushels of old wheat All
parties wanting old wheat flour can -get
same by using the McCook flour
McCook Milling Co
Axt Says
When you want a tooth brush and
want the right kind get it at McCon
Water at the Cemetery
The water connection to the city cem
etery has been completed and persons
desiring can secure permits to use water
for the rest of the season by applying to
to tho city treasurer and paying 250
Cemetery Committee
Perfume specialties
Edition DeLuxe
McMillen the Druggist
Our Early Advice
is to save your corn fodder by purchas
ing a Deering corn binder They work
without any grief Let us have your
orders now
McCook Hardware Co
Baptst Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m
Christian Bible school 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m by Dr
Finch Y P S C E 7 p m 8 p m
Wednesday prayer meeting
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 8 p m
Sunday school at 10 a m All are
welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Catholic Order of services Maes
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Locghran Pastor
Christian Science Services Sun
day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8
p m Subject Mind Meetings
held in Diamond block Room open
daily from 2 to 5 p m except Sun
day Science literature on sale
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching by pastor at 11 a
m and 8 p m Christian Endeavor at
7 p m Prayer meeting every Wednes
day at 8 p m You are invited to these
services G B Hawkes Pastor
Methodist Class meeting at 9 o
clock Sunday school at 10 Preachiner
at 11 and 8 Epworth League at 7
Class meeting at 9 a m Reception of
membors at both services Sunday
Prayer meeting every Wednesday night
at 8 The public is invited
M B Carman Pastor
3T cj
The Greatest Ever
September 2 6 will be seen the largest
State Fair ever held in Nebraska The
entries to date aro
175 head of draft horses
200 head of race horses
450 head of cattle
2000 head of swine
200 head of sheep
Poultry to completely fill a building 66x
110 Twenty two county collectives
exhibits Art hall filled with textile
and art treasures Mercantile ball fill
ed to overflowing A grand education
al exhibit Tho product of more than
200 manufacturers in machinery cover
ing acres of ground New arrange
ment of grounds and facilities at an ex
pense of S3000000 Good races Ne
braska derby on Tuesday Guideless
horses Air ship leacrue base ball
Amateur athletic meet and all sorts of
McCook A 0 U W Gieet Their G M W
The membors of McCook lodge A O
U W received in honor of Grand
Master Workman M A Walling Mon
day ovoning in their hall after a regular
business session and initiation of the
lodge and order There was a large at
tendance of members Tho members of
tho Degree of Honor participated in the
details of tho reception Refreshments
were served and a big time had general
ly running into tho wee sma hours of
the morning
Registered Mail Robbery
The government is now engaged in
ferreting out a registered mail robbery
of extraordinary value and particulars
The robbery was made between tho Den
ver postoffice and Oxford Three regis
tered pouches wero taken out and con
tents Amount stolen is placed by news
paper report as high as 250000 being
a shipment of money from Denver to
Chicago so stated
You Take No Chances
Neither do we Wo do not deliver
your medicine until we are satisfied that
it is perfectly right in every detail
A medicine made by us is what the
prescription calls for nothing more or
less L W LcConnell Druggist
If You Buy a Majestic
range with malleable top and charcoal
iron body rivited together with straps
like a boiler you have settled the range
question and can save one half tho fuel
used in cheap stoves
McCook Hardware Co
MWBitr i wMtyanAiapweatCTMCTtM
Pythlans Go to Benkelman
About twenty members of McCook
lodge No 42 K of P went to Benkel
man Tuesday to assist in the rejuvena
tion of Republican Valley lodge No 101
They mere accompanied from this place
by Dr Ray and Will Lovo the grand
chancellor and grand keeper of records
and seal of tho domain of Nebraska
who had stopped off between trains to
greet old friends and acquaintances All
arrangements wore completed and pre
parations made in the afternoon and
immediately after supper the work of
initiating about thirty candidates was
begun which ceremonies extended until
far in the night At the conclusion of
the work all present enjoyed a sump
tuous banquet and the attendant ora
tory after which the visitors boarded
No 2 for their homes The hospitality
of the Benkelman brethren will long be
remembered by those fortunate enough
to be ablo to be present
Some Base Ball Matters
The local nine has organized with R
H Turner ns captain and G S Scott as
The game of last Friday went to Ox
ford at 10 to G Saturdays game was
won by Arapahoe to tho tuno of 9 to 3
Both of these games on tho local dia
This weeks games havo all been pull
ed off at Cambridge Tuesdays con
flict was with Holbrook who won 3 to 2
Wilson villo proved too slow for the
locals in Wednesdays game which Mc
Cook won 11 to 1
Cambridge won Thuisdays game 3 to
1 but it was one of tho best games of
the season just the same It took a
special coach to carry the McCook peo
ple to the reunion to see this game
Tomorrow McCook and Indianola will
havo a tryout
Burnett Hall
W D Burnett Jr of our city and
Miss Ruby M Hall of Stratton Hitch
cock county were married in Trenton
Saturday afternoon August 17th by
County Judge Williams The groom was
accompanied from here to Trenton in a
automobile by his parents Mr and Mrs
Burnett Sr Lloyd Woods Thomas
OConnell ana Miss Maud McBrayer
The ceremony was performed at two
oclock and the wedding party returned
to McCook tho same evening ar
riving at six oclock They are at pre
sent making their home with his par
ents but expect shortly to occupy the
Burnett cottage north of the home
Death of Mrs August Anderson
Mrs August Anderson sister of
Conductor A L Knowland of our city
died at her homo near Hastings Ne
braska Tuesday August 20th 1907
The remains were buried in Hastings
Thursday August 22 1907 Conduct
or Knowland of our city went down to
Hastings Wednesday night to attend
the funeral
Dora Knowland was the youngest
daughter of Robert W Knowland a
former and oldtime resident of Knox
county Indiana Mr Knowland has
the sympathy of many McCook friends
in this latest sorrow that has come in
to his family by death
Death of Little Earl Gray
County Commissioner and Mrs C B
Gray havo the tenderest and most pro
found sympathy of all in the death of
their little son Earl who passed away
last Saturday after a short illness with
diphtheria On account of the nature
of the disease no funeral services were
held but many sympathizing friends
followed the remains of the little fellow
to their last resting place in Longview
WantedGood Homes For Children
For three orphan children one boy
19 years old and two girls one 7f and
one i years old These children are
bright and healthy They may be
adopted and taken separately or to
gether M B Carmak
Pastor Methodist Church
Old Settlers
Sept 5 1907 the old settlers will
hold their reunion and picnic on Brook
side farm near Red Willow
W S Fitch Pres
Kate Thomas Sec
for the dressing table of ladies and
gentlemen All the popular odors and
standard makes Our line of violet
preparations is particularly complete
L W McConnell Druggist
Windmills and Pumps
sold and put up ready for use and wells
drilled Turn over your water troubles
to us McCook Hardware Co
Cream Expensive to Feed Hogs
You can get cheap feed and save your
uream by using a Sharpies separator
Sold by McCook Hardware Co
Dr Brandon Concert Pianist Coming
We takapleasure inannouncing that
on next Monday and Tuesday nights
August 26 and 27 Dr H Brandon of
Omaha concert pianist will appear in
this city under auspices of the Method
ist ohurch On Monday night he will
deliver bis well known lecture The
Cultivation of the Beautiful the Foun
dation of Happiness The admission
to this lecture will bo free On Tues
day night he will put on his famous
lecture piano recital Dr Brandon
will give incidents from the lives of the
composers and tho story of each com
position before it is rendered The enter
tainment will be educational in tho
highest degree Admission to concert
adults 50c children 25c Dr Brandon
is well and favorably known throughout
the United States but wo feel that a
few words of introduction would not be
out of place here
Dr Brandon began the study of mupic
in January 1881 at the early ago of fuur
and a half years and continued his pro
gress in the study of music graduating
from the New England Conservatory of
Boston in this country in May 1892
Being still further ambitious to place
himself at the top of his profession he
matriculated in tho conservatory of
music in Leipsic Germany in the fall
of tho same year receiving his doctors
decree in music from this school inl89G
He went from this school to Vienna and
was for six months a pupil of Leschete
sky the best known teacher of piano in
the world From Vienna Dr Brandon
went to Paris where he spent five
months in the French Acadamy of
music From this school Dr Brandon
concerted for two seasons over Conti
nental Europe during which time he
had tho distinguished honor of playing
before nine of the royal families of the
old world In 1898 ho returned to this
country and began teaching in the Cin
cinnati college of music where he re
mained until 1900 In tho summer of
this year he was sent to Europe as a
delegate from tho Music Teachers Na
tional Association of this country where
he distinguished himself in the promo
tion 11 the universal system of finger
ing It will be remembered that this
system was adopted by the Music
Teachers Congress which convened in
Paris during the summer of 1900 Dr
Brandon remained at this congress 42
days fighting for the simplicity of tho
method in teaching against the old ster
eotyped ones which had been in use for
two hundred years Early in the fall of
this same year Dr Brandon returned to
this country and began teaching in Chi
cago with Wm Sherwood where ho re
mained until tho summer of 1902 In
the fall of this year he came west and
has ever since been connected with
some school or conservatory of music in
Denver or Omaha bringing credit and
distinction upon any school with which
he was connected
To The Public
The public is hereby notified that the
real estate and insurance firm doing
business under the name of Lindemann
Moyer dissolved business relations
July 1 1907 and that I L H Linde
mann will not be responsible for accounts
made by the latter W C Moyer sub
sequent to the above date I wish
further to correct an error which appears
in the ad on first page of the new city
directory The words Bonded Ab
stracters appears immediately below
our names This was placed there
without my consent and is an untruth
as there is no bond on file and I advised
against it owing to the fact that we
were both inexperienced in abstracting
I wish to have it understood that I am
not responsible for this and do not pose
as an abstracter
I will continue the real estate and in
surance business as heretofore but in a
new location as the new bank will open
up their business in my present loca
tion Office after August 6th or 10th
will be 118 W Dennison street in the
new Fahrenbruck block
L H Lindemann
Toilet Soaps
A particular fine assortment of import
ed and domestic soaps scented un
scented medicated and plain
L W McConnell Druggist
What Shall the Harvest Be
Most truly a success if you use a
John Deere sulky gang or disc plow
Sold by McCook Hardware Co
Attention Farmers
I will buy hogs on Tuesdays and
Wednesdays ONLY during hot weather
D H Shepherd
Your Kitchen Incomplete
without one of those OVB or Uni
versal food grinders at McCook Hard
ware Co
Gas Attachments
for any Majestic family range McCook
Hardware Co
IMWitfl ljfflHW
imnu urn aitipiiii tMB0a0te0mmms
Everything in drugs McConnell
W C Moyer for loans abstracts and
real estate
Kodaks and Kodak supplies L W
Fresh potato chips always on hand
Magner Stokes
Legal blanks all kinds at Woodworth
Cos Druggists
Dont it surprise you sometimes just
how thin tho crust is
A new assortment of McCook souvenir
novelties at McMillens
Mr J Boyles and Mrs J Carroll were
recently united in marriago
Big cut in ladies canvas and tan ox
fords at tho Model Shoe Store
A large invoice just received of popu
lar copyright novels McMillen drug
A cottage for lease Will sell tho
furniture at half prico See W C
Corn chop at the mill at 105 a
hundred Everything delivered
McCook Milling Co
Get a quart bottlo of Heinz pure malt
vinegar a pure food product at
Magner Stokes
W C Moyer has a ranch of nino
eighties for 85100 Only two hours
drive from McCook
Stove Wilson has added a splendid
two seated automobile to his livery barn
equipment Try it
Magner Stokes can supply you
with Heinz double strength pure cider
vinegar In quart bottles
Every day is bargain day at II S
Godfrey Cos tho popular leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
If you want it done right and right
away call up phone 68 R M Douglass
Co office in Bump building
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
The Missionary society of tho Congre
gational church will meet with Mrs
Barney Hofer next Thursday afternoon
R M Douglass Co will give you
prompt and efficientservico Phone 68
Office in Bump real estate office lower
The only place in town where you
can get the famous Three Star Cof
fee is at Magner Stokes market and
Nothing is nicer for the home than
burntwood decorations A nice assort
ment of designs in basswood to select
Woodworth Co Druggists
The Havelock drill team has signified
its intention to be present at the Wood
man log rolling here this fall They
took sixth prize at the Milwaukee last
We have just received an advance
shipment of fall and winter shoes for
men and they are beauties As high as
5600 and as low as 8250 per pair at
Diamonds New Shoe Store on Dennison
Maybe that choked up feeling isnt
hay fever perhaps its only a summer
cold Try Hills Cascara Bromide of
Quinine tablets They do tho work
where others fail Price 25c a box
Woodworth Co Druggists
Mrs J P Nies has just returned from
market with a fine line of Gage Tailored
Hats for fall and winter wear Also a
nice line of Misses Hats Street Hats
Auto Veils etc Ladies of McCook and
vicinity are cordially invited to call and
inspect same
When you build build of brick It
costs no more it is warmer in winter
cooler in summer and lasts as long as
two frame houses If you want the
best brick sure buy of the McCork
Pressed Brick Co Look at the gas
plant or CM Kelleys foundation 2ts
Picture taking is getting to be more
popular every day The methods are
so simplified a child can take good pic
tures Woodworth Co Druggists
have a complete line of cameras at all
prices from SI up to 25 every one guar
anteed You are always welcome to ex
amine them and we are pleased to have
you doso Remember the place Wood
worth Co Druggists
I have a jack what is called the
Doyle jack 11 years old and 81000
worth of accounts to trade for a deeded
quarter of land The jack is the sire of
more good colts than any jack that has
ever been in this county and if this
assertion proves not to be so I will give
the jack and 81000 worth of book ac
counts made this year 8-9-it
A W Campbell
Box Elder Red Willow Co Neb
riTirm ir -
Gamblers Were Caught Red Handed
Rooms upstairs in tho Fahrenbruck
brick building on West Dennison street
wore raided by Marshal Ponco and
Night Policeman Fitzgerald about two
oclockThursday morning and five mon
were caught rod handed in tho popular
but unlawful pastime of gambling
moneycards chocks etc in sight Two
of the quintetto wero city residents
and tho others woro pilgrims
The entire aggregation appeared bo
fore Acting Police Judge LoHew on tho
invitation of tho polico force and respond
ed to the suggestion of the judge to
mako good tho injured dignity of tho
law to the extent of 825 00 and costs to
tal S2790 each
Tho police have been trying for some
time to catch tho offenders against tho
gambling law and Wednesday night
was most propitious all around
The Tribune is advised that tho good
work is just begun There aro others
McCook Public Library
There is nothing that we should shrink
from moro sensitively then advising peo
ple what and how to read It perhaps
savors somewhat of aroganco But ow
ing to prevalent reading of the lighter
works of fiction I feel inclined to call
tho attention of tho patrons of tho li
brary to tho hotter class of reading
matter lying idle on its shelves
In lieu of so much current fiction why
not read tho old books thoso that havo
stood the test of time Read tho pre
face first It was probably written last
but tho author put it at tho beginning
because he wanted to say something
particular to you before you onter tho
book Go in at tho front door then
read slowly carefully and thoroughly
They will help you to discriminate
among tho now ones The verso of
Dante Gabriel Rossetti has a note of its
Lambs Tales of Shakespeare aro
meant to be submitted to the young
reader as an introduction to tho study
of Shakespeare There are few men of
letters of our own time whoso prose has
been more praised for its freshness and
its originality than Robert Louis Stev
enson Drummonds Tho Greatest
Thing in tho World and What All
the Worlds a Seeking are gems worth
The librarian will gladly assist you in
becoming bettor acquainted with tho
contents of the library
The new books will be loaned for 7
days only and not renewed
Library hours Morning 1030 to 12
oclock afternoon from 130 to 6 oclock
evenings from 7 to 9 oclock Sunday
afternoon from 2 to 5 oclock
Acting Librarian
For State Fair Visitors
Tho Lincoln Commercial club has
secured 2500 rooms in private families
in Lincoln for state fair visitors Au
gust 30 September 6 Prices will range
from 50 cents to 8100 per night Writo
the secretary of the club for particulars
Reservation can bo made now State
whether single or double rooms aro pre
ferred No expense for securing rooms
Writing Paper
for summer correspondence The right
style for various purposes Hichland
Linen Bond is leading in favor for a
high class paper
L W McConnell Druggist
McConnell for drugs
Say you saw it in The Tribune
McConnells Fragrant Lotion for
McMillens Blackberry Balsam will do
you good
Prompt service in draying secured by
calling up phone 63
McConnells foot powder enables you
to forget your feet Price 25c
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Try Magner Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
W C Moyer will show you a farm
of -ISO acres on big flats at 825 per acre
Only seven miles from Perry
If you want oxford shoes call at Tho
Model They have them in white can
vas tans and in all colors at reduced
R M Douglass Co draying in all
its branches Call up phone 63 Call
at office in Bump building lower Main
We have obtained a few moro bottles
of Zoa Phora Womans Friend
Any woman can obtain a 50c bottle freo
by calling at our store Woodworth
School shoes for boys and girls shoe3
that wear well and look well you will
find at Diamonds Family Shoe Store
Shoes for the whole family on Dennison