The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 16, 1907, Image 6

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Barber Shop
Hear of ist National Hank
Newly Furnished
and First Class In Every
Earl Murray
Middleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phono 182 McCook Nebraska
McCook Nebraska
CaAKont of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Wator Works Olllco in Postolllco building
J M Rupp
P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska
McCook Laundry
Dry and Steam Cleaning and
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
Fairbury Hanchett
This is a warranted and guaran
teed windmill nothing better in
the market Write or call on Mr
Ball before buvinp
List Your Property
With Us
Farms Ranches Etc
Our office is in the east and
we bring the buyers direct
with the money For par
ticulars address
12 144t Humboldt Neb
Lumber and Goa
Home of Quality
and Quantity where
Are you thinking of
building If so it s ten
to one our figures will
please you
Phone No 1 Manager
9r Herbert J Pratt
Registered Graduate
Office over McConnells Drag Store
Telephones Office 160 residonce 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
t WWS9
and Builder
Repairing and Remodeling
Buildings a Specialty
Shop Phone 324
Tho Fearless Mexican Peccary Will
Fight Man or Beast
A writer in the St Louis Republic
Bays that the moat vicious and fearless
member of the brute creation Is the
peccary or wild hog of Mexico This
animal Beenis utterly devoid of fear
nnd displays an Intelligence In fighting
man strangely at variance with its ap
parently complete lack of mental at
Their ability to scent man Is particu
larly marked The only thing to do
when they get after you is to run
away from them as fust as a horse
can carry you und then there Is no
certainty that they wont catch you
They are nearly as swift as a horse
and their endurance Is as great as
their vlclousness
A friend of mine encountered a
drove of them In u wild part of Mexico
a few years ago and his escape was
almost miraculous He very foolishly
shot and Avounded a number of them
Then he took refuge In a tree
The peccaries kept him In the tree all
that day and through the night They
circled round the tree grunting and
squealing their delight at the prospect
of a feast lie soon exhausted his am
munition and brought down a peccary
at each fire but this had no terrors for
the beasts
Toward morning they began to eat
those he had killed after which they
formed in line and trotted off If they
had not had some of their own number
to devour they would have guarded
that tree until my friend through sheer
exhaustion dropped from his perch and
allowed them to make a meal of him
The wildcats and tigers that infest
the Mexican wilds flee from the pec
caries with instinctive fear and even
rattlesnakes keep out of their path
Where Her Great Help Was Needed
Her Heart Was Willing
Professor said the fair co ed after
a pause let me ask you if you ever
use the phrase different than
Never exclaimed the young pro
fessor of rhetoric and English litera
ture It exasperates me Miss Pinkie
whenever I see It in print
I am glad we have something in
common she rejoined Neverthe
less Professor de Purey I cannot be
your wife
Mr Koopong asked the young wo
man with downcast eyes now that I
happen to think of it do you ever use
the phrase different than
I certainly do not said the enam
ored capitalist It is not only incor
rect but utterly absurd
I am glad to hear you say so Still
Mr Koopong it is useless to urge me
I never can be anything more to you
than a friend
Let me ask you one question Mr
Pnoodles she said Do you ever use
the phrase different than
Why er I presume I have used it
carelessly sometimes Miss P Pinkle
stammered the embarrassed youth
But now that you have called my at
tention to it I shall be careful to say
different from hereafter
Claude she exclaimed clasping her
hands ecstatically and gazing at him
with soulful eyes my answer Is yes
yes You poor dear boy you need a
helpmate and Ill be the helpmate
Chicago Tribune
Mental Medicine
A somewhat eccentric physician who
recently died would order patients to
take walks say daily on the left side
of the street returning by the other
side another he would order to arise
each morning at a certain hour and
eat cheese with ginger beer another to
take supper precisely at midnight and
eat only apples or he would Instruct
the patient to put just so many grains
of salt on the egg he was to eat and
part his hair in a different way each
day His object was to get the mind
of the patient on something else than
symptoms and this scheme worked
well In many cases especially when
the patient was suffering from melan
cholia New York Times
Muskrat Skin Cure
The skin of a muskrat taken and
worn next to the chest will cure any
case of asthma In the world said a
Louisville man I had an uncle who
suffered a thousand deaths with nsth
ma and tried everything that could be
bought In the way of medicine Final
ly one day an old time friend told hlr
of the muskrat skin and he tried it
In two months he was as well as he
had ever been Just how the skin
works about a cure is a mystery but it
will do it Nashville Tennesseean
The Comparison
Lesec and Lemaigre who were both
as thin as laths were discussing a mu
tual friend
Lesec I met our friend Durand this
morning He has grown so thin
Lemaigre Really And ie was so
Lesec Yes It is dreadful He Is
thinner than both of us put together
now Pele Mele
The Picture Was Good of Course
Friend to artist Well were you
euccessful at the salon Artist No
They rejected my picture the wretches
Friend Why Artist How should I
know The oil wtfs bad perhaps Nob
First Old Lady What kind of a time
JUd you have at the funeral Second
Old Lady Well live enjoyed myself
more at others Life
If yon dont scale the mountain you
cant Yierr tbe plain Chinese Proverb
aV6Vf - ftJaS
lJLMr7MT7anN 3frr 1riTiiiTn
Wit said Humor
WEFm 1
FTER sixteen
3ears of serv
ice during
which time he en
joyed the reputation
of being the wit of
the national house
of representatives
Private John M
Allen of Tupelo
Miss voluntarily
retired to the more
lucrative If less
conspicuous vocation of the law The
memory of his stories and humor still
survives in the national capital where
few men have been more popular
The story of the way Allen got his
title of Private is still worth telling
though the incident happened over
twenty years ago It was when ho
first ran for congress His opponent
was a General Tucker and the two
campaigned together The general at
one meeting told the crowd how he had
saved their town during the war and
grew particularly eloquent In describ
ing his sleeping in a tent the night be
fore the battle
Allen who was not within a hundred
miles of that battle rejoined in his
inimitable manner
Friends and Fellow Citizens Its all
true what General Tucker told you about
his sleeping in his tent that night before
the battle I know all about it for I was
guarding that tent all night long in the
cold and wet on picket And now I just
want to say to all of you who were gen
erals in the war and slept at nights in
your guarded tents like General Tucker
you vote for him But all you fellows
that guarded tho generals tents in tho
wet and cold like me you vote for Pri
vate Allen
That speech gained Allen his sobri
quet and his election at one and the
same time
One of Mr Allens most famous
speeches in congress was delivered in
the summer of 189G when Speaker
Reed and Major McKinley were both
candidates for the Republican presi
dential nomination and as a conse
quence were saying little on public
Allen began by stating that there had
been considerable comment in the
newspapers respecting the somewhat
unusual silence which had character
ized him in this session But Mr
Speaker he continued there has
been little In this session of congress
to inspire a Christian man to be lo
quacious I am not the only one who
has been silent in these days There
are many of us leaders who are not
talking much lately
Mr Allen said the Republicans were
evidently going to select for their can
didate a man who had the qualities for
which the colonel of a cavalry regi
ment selected animals for his troops
He must turn quick and go fast
On a later occasion Allen had diffi
culty In securing recognition When he
finally got the floor he said in a deeply
injured tone
There is an evident disposition on
the nart of somebody to suppress my
impassioned oratory I wish to assure
the speaker and the house that it Is not
my purpose and I have no desire by
mv fervid and persuasive eloquence to
overpersuade this house into fhe adop
tion of any unconstitutional or hurtful
measure Sir I would scorn to take
any such advantage of the weakness
of the house
One of the most amusing speeches
Private Allen ever made in the house
was In support of the bill to tax oleo
margarine Representative Tillman of
South Carolina brother of Senator Ben
Tillman had claimed that oleo is su
perior to many brands of butter and
that it was an injustice to the poor
man to prevent his buying it In re
ply Allen told a story of an old negro
who had eaten a box of axle grease
thinking it cheese Upon being asked
how he liked it the old man replied
Fo God boss dat was de ransom
est cheese I eber has eat yet
Now Mr Chairman commented
Allen I have no doubt that if a prop
osition were pending here to prevent
the sale of axle grease for cheese the
gentleman from South Carolina would
deliver us a scientific lecture and try
to persuade us it was much better and
more wholesome than cheese and that
it would be a great outrage on the la
boring man to suppress the fraud
At a banquet given by a millionaire
senator one evening Allen hesitated as
he was entering the magnificent din
ing room and then remarked to his
My dear young lady let us pause a
moment or two I doubt if I can re
strain my feelings
There seemed to be trouble on his
face and the lady said
Why Mr Allen what is tho matter
with you
I am sad was his reply
For what reason
Oh it makes me sad to look at this
room It reminds jne so much of my
own dining room at Tupelo
Those who knew poor Allens finan
cial circumstances could appreciate the
point of his joke
When showing one of his Mississippi
constituents about the house the de
lighted countryman asked
Who is the leader of this house
Oh said Allen modestly you will
find out when they call the roll The
first man on the list 1b the leader of
the house They are just now getting
ready for a call
The Mississipplan pricked up his
ears and listened A moment later
th clerk bawled out at the head of the
John M AHenr
On petition for distribution of residuo of es
tate State of Nohrnska Red Willow coiintyss
To nil persons interested in the estate of James
Cain deceased
Notice is hereby given that Slary Cain ad
ministratrix of Mini estate has tiled her jKjti
lion in the county court of said county tho ob
ject and prayer of which are that a decree of
distribution may be made of the residue of said
estato now in her possession to the parties en
titled by law to rcceijo the same
You are hereby notified that said petition will
bo heard by tho county judge at the county
court room in the city of McCook in said coun
ty on the thirty llrt day of August 1107 at ten
oclock a m
It is ordered that a copy of this notice bo pub
lished once each week for three successive
weeks in Tho McCook Tribune a newspaper
printed and published in said county
Dated this sixteenth day of August KK7
seal 8 HKits J C Mooiti County Judge
No 8823
Treasury Department
Oilice of Comptroller of the Currency
Washington D C August 5th 1M7
Wiiikiah By satisfactory evidence presented
to the undersigned it has been made to appear
the City of McCook in the County r Red Wil
low and State of Nebraska has complied with
all the provisions of the Statutes of the United
States required to bo complied with before an
association shall be authorized to commence
tho business of Hanking
Now Therefore I Thomas P Kane Deputy
and Acting Comptroller of tho Currency do
hereby certify that Til E Mi COOK NATIONAL
RANK in tho City of McCook in the County
of Red Willow and State of Nebraska is auth
orized to commence tlie business of Ranking us
provided in Section Fifty one hundred and sixty
nine of the Revised Statutes of the United
In Testimony Whereof witness my hand
and sctil of this oilice this Fifth day of August
1907 T P KANE
t official I Deputy and Acting Comp-
seal f trailer of the Currency
First August 9 HOT Last October 11 11107
Department of the Interior land oilico at
Lincoln Neb July 9 1907
Notice is hereby given that Anton Giespert or
St Ann Neb ha tilled notice of his intention
to make final live year proof in support of his
claim viz Homestead Entry No 11258 made
August 18 1900 for the SEli N VH and Lots 3-1-
5 Section 5 Township 5 n Range 30 w and that
said proof will he made before the Clerk of
District Court at McCook Nebraska on August
17 1907 Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of tho land viz Joseph Anderjoska
John Fitzgibbons Thomas Fitzgibbons John
Rraun all of St Ann Nebraska
Chas F Siiedd Register
E A Williams who is also known as Emma
A Williams J A Huber whose full christian
name is unknown Mary E Huber und William
C Scheuck defendants will take notice that on
tho twenty second day of July 1907 Mary A F
Huber the plaintilV herein hied her petition in
the district court of Red Willow county in the
State of Nebraska against said defendants the
object and prayer of which are that each and
all of the following described fraudulent deeds
and attempted conveyances of lot six in block
six in the original town of McCook in said
county and state to wit the deed of November
27th 1904 from Mary A F Huber to E A
Williams recorded at page 215 in book 31 of the
deed records of said county the deed of January
31st 190 from E A Williams to J A Huber
recorded at page 278 in book 30 of the deed re
cords of said county the deed of October 16th
1905 from J A Huber to Mary E Huber
recorded at page 88 in book 32 of the deed
records of said county and the deed of May
23rd 1907 from Mary E Huber to William C
Schenck recorded at page 240 in book 35 of tho
deed records of said county be set aside and
held for naught and cancelled and that the
cloud upon plaintiff title to said property
created by said fraudulent deeds and attempted
conveyances be removed and that the plaintills
title in and to said premises be quieted in her
mid that the defendants and each of them be
barred and estopped from having or claiming
any estate or interest in said property by virtue
of said pretended conveyances and fraudulent
transactions or at all and that a receiver be
appointed bysaid court to take charge of said
property during the pendency of said action and
to receive and collect the rents and profits
arising therefrom and pay tho same into said
court and that plaintiff have and recover her
costs and that she have such other and further
relief as may seem equitable and just
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday the second day of September
Dated this twenty sixth day of July 1907
Mary A F Hubek Plaintiff
By Garwood Garwood and
W S Morlan her Attorneys
In the county court of Red Willow county
State of Nebraska In the matter of the estato
of Charles W Williams deceased State of
Nebraska Red Willow county
To all persons interested in the estate of
Charles W Williams deceased Whereas
AlmeronReed of said county has filed in my
oilice an instrument purporting to be the last
will and testament of Charles W Williams late
of said county deceased and said Almeron
Reed has filed his petition therein praying to
have said will admitted to probate and for the
issuing of letters testamentary which will re
lates to both real and personal estate I have
appointed the 17th day of August 1907 at one
oclock in the afternoon at the county court
room in said county as the time and place for
hearing said will at which time and place you
and all concerned may appear and contest the
allowing of the same
It is further ordered that said petitioner give
notice to all persons interested in said estate of
the pendency of this petition and the time and
place set for the hearing of the same by causing
a copy of this order to be published in the Mc
Cook Tribune a newspaper printed and pub
lished in said county for three weeks success
ively previous to the day set for hearing
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and official seal this 1st day of August
1907 J C Moore County Judge
seal Boyle fc Eldred attorneys
Real Estate Transfers
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since our last report
M J Roberts and wife to Dan Cashen
wdtolot2blk 9Danbury 5 135 00
James O Hammond and wife to Cora
Goldtrap wd to lots 5 and 6 block 1
McCook 2000 00
Lincolh Land Co to Roy Smith wd to
lots 3 and 4 blk 6 Indianola 80 00
Lincoln Land Co to Clarence C Har
less wd to lot 3 blk 12 4th McCook 200 00
H E Athey and wife to Perry Ginther
wd to lots 1 to 12 inclush e and 1G to
24 inclusive blk 59 Hartley 12400 00
B F Frees tr and wife to A F Green
wd to lots 19 and 20 blk 4 McCook 325 00
William Byfield and wife to William
H Meyers wd to se qr se qr and s hf
sw qr 18 and lot 3 blk 19 all in 3 28 3100 00
Geo Theobald widr and n E Athey
and wife to Perry Ginther qcd to lots
13 14 and 15 blk G9 Bartley 100 00
Fred R Bruns and wife to Homer C
Shriner wd to lot 1 blk 15 1st Mc
Cook 1600 CO
CarrS Prime and wife to Ida M Mc
Mullen wd to lie qr 11-3-27 5S00 CO
F O Forrcu to C C Porter contract to
soda fountain 150 00
Charles A Leach unmd to Mildred
Jennings wd to lot 12 blk 25 1st Mc
Cook 1000 00
Sarah A Haley grdn to P J Farrell
grdn deed to three fourths int in nw
qr 10-1-30 1125 00
Sarah A Haley wid to P J Farrell wd
to aw qr 10-1-30 100
Alta Haley sing to P J Farrellwd to
one fourth interest in nw qr 10-1-30 375 00
Lyman Jennings widr to Willian Ed
ward McKillip wd to sw qr no qr
and lots 1 2 5 6 blk 5 and lots i 5
Wk 43 20 shfsw qr 33-4-26 14000 00
Lincoln Land Co to City of McCook
wd to lot 18 blk 10 McCook 1 CO
Charles E Stimson to Philip Gliem
qcd to lots 2 and 3 blk 18 Danbury 1800 00
In the county court of Red Willow county
State of Nebraska In the matter of tho estato
of Angelo P Welles1 deceased
State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss
To all persons interested in tho estato of An
gelo P Welles deceased You are hereby noti
fied that on tho sixth day of August 1907 Matio
G Welles administratrix of the estate of
Angelo P Welles deceased tiled in said court
her final account as said administratrix and
that said final account will bo heard on the
twenty fourth day of August at the hour of ten
oclock a in at the county court room in the
city of McCook in said county and you are
hereby cited to appear at the time nnd place
above designated and show cause if any such
exists whv said account should not be allowed
It is hereby ordered that said Mattiu G Welles
administratrix givo notice to all persons inter
ested in said estato by causing a copy of this
order to he published in the McCook 1 ribtinc a
newspaper printed nnd published in said coun
ty for three successive weeks prior to tho date
set for said hearing
Dated this 9th day of August 1907
seal J C Mooke County Judge
McCook Co operative
Building Savings Ass
of McCook Nebraska on tho IJHIi day
of June 190ti
First Mortgage Loans 101171
Stock loans 10125
Real estato llCvS
Cash 378
Delinquent duos nnd interest 112
Expenses nnd taxes paid il1
Other assets 25
Total 113132
Capital stock paid up
Reserve fund
Undivided proilts
Other liabilities
113132 00
Receipts and expenditures for tho j car ending
June 30 1907
Balance ou hand July 1 lPOt 1811 79
Dues 22313 00
Interest premiums and fines 9033 03
Loans repaid 21193 33
Real Estate Sales r5G 00
Tax redemptions -101 39
Bills payable 8785 00
Stock redeemed
Tax Certificates
Bills payable
Cash on hand
03821 21
48500 00
893 95
45C3 30
128 19
92150 00
37S 80
Total S 03821 21
Stato of Nebraska Red Willow County ss
I F A Pennoll secretary of tho abovo named
association do solemnly swear that tho forego
ing statement of thocoudition of said Associa
tion is trim and correct to the best of my knowl
edge and bohef F A Pennell Secretary
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd
day of June 1907 Chas W Kelley
seal Notary Public
Approved F M Kimmell
C F Leiin
J A Wilcox
Americas Greatest Weekly
The Toledo Blade
Toledo Ohio
The Best Known Newspaper in the
United States
Circulation 185000
Popular in Every State
In many respects the Toledo Bladois the most
remarkable weekly newspaper published in the
United States It is tho only newspaper espe
cially edited for National circulation It has
had tho largert circulation for more years than
any newspaper printed in America Further
more it is the cheapest newspaper in the world
as will be explained to any person who will
write us for terms The news of tho world so
arranged that busy people can more easily com
prehend than by reading cumbersome columns
of dailies All current topics made plain in
each issue by special editorial matter written
from inception down to date The only paper
published especially for people who do or do
not read daily newspapers and yet thirst for
plain facts That this kind of a newspaper is
popular is proven by the fact that the Weekly
Blado now has over 185000 yearly subscribers
and is circulated in all parts of the United
States In addition to tho news tho Blade pub
lishes short and serial stories and many depart
ments of matter suited to every member of the
family Only one dollar a year
Write for specimen copy Address
Toledo Ohio
McCook Lodgo No 135 A F k A M moeta
every first and third Tuesday of tho month at
800 p in in Masonic hall
Los Cone Sec
degree of honor
McCook Lodgo No 3 D of II moots every
second and forth Fridays of each month atS00
p in in Ganschows hall
Mas Lauka OrfBUitN C of H
Mas MattieG Wells Roc
McCook Aorio No 1511 F OE meets tho
second and fourth Wednosdajsof each month
at 8t0 pm in Ganschows hall Social meet
ings on tho first and third Wednesdays
W H Cummins W Pros
II P Peteuson W Sec
eahteun btar
Eureka Chaptor No 8C O E S moots tho
second and fourth Fridays of each month at
800 p in in Masonic hall
Mils Sarah E Kay W M
Sylvester Cordeal Sec
KNIGHTS of colujibuh
McCook Council No 1120 K of C moots tho
first and third Tuesdays of each mouth at 800
p in in Ganschows hall
C J Ryan G K
F G Lecmileiter F Sec
McCook Lodgo No 12 K of P meets ovcry
Wednesday at 830 p in in Masonic hall
J F Cordeal C C
C W Barnes K R S
St John Commandery No 10 K T meets on
tho second Thursday of each month at 800 p
in in Masonic hall
Emerson Hanson E C
Sylvester Cordeal Roc
locomotive engineers
McCook Division No 023 B of L E meets
every first and third Saturduy of each month at
8 00 in Berrys hall
W CSchenckCE
W D Burnett F A E
McCook Lodgo No 599 B of L F Sc E
meet3every Saturday at 800 p in in Gans
chows hall
W R Pennington M
WS Bixler Sec
Noblo Camp No 15153 M W A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each mouth at
830 p m in Ganschows hall
John Hunt V C
Barney Hofer Clerk
odd fellows
McCook Lodgo No 137 1 O O F meets every
Monday at 800 p in in Ganschows hall
E H Doan N G
Scott Doan Sec
p e o
Chapter X P E O meets the second and
fourth Saturdays of each month at 230 p m
at the homos of the various members
MR3 C W Britt Pros
Mrs J G Schobel Cor Sec
bail way conductors
Harvey Division No 93 O R C meots the
second and fourth Sundays of each month at
300 p m in Berrys hall
Joe Hegenbeegeb C Con
M O McCluee Sec
C W Bronson Lodgo No 487 B of R T
meets every Friday at 800 p in in Berrys
H WConover M
F J Huston Sec
King Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets
every first and third Thursday of each month at
800 p in in Masonic hall
Clarence B Gray II P
Clinton B Sawyer Sec
royal neighbors
Noble Camp No 802 R N A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each mouth at
230 p m in Ganschows hall
Mrs Mary Walker Oracle
Mrs Augusta Anton Rec
b s M
Council NolGRSMmeets on
tho last Saturday of each month at 800 p m
in Masonic hall
RALrn A Hagberg T I M
Syvlester Cordeal Sec-
McCook Lodgo No 61 AOUW meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Berrys hall
Web Stephens M W
C B Gray Rec
General Contracting Painters and Decorators
Not How Cheap but How Good with Us
Office and Shop west of Fitst national Bank
Leave Orders with C R Woodworth Company
II I I III 1 HI 15
in a Stock Certificate of the
Building Loan
No better or safer
investment is open to
you An investment
of 100 per month for
120 months will earn
8o nearly 9 percent
compounded annually
Dont delay but see
the secretary today
Subscriptions r e
ceived at any time for
the new stock just