MiyffW 9ta By F AI KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Announcement I hereby announco myself a candi date for tho oHico or judge of the fourteenth judicial district of Nebraska on tho ropublican ticket subject to tho decision of tho ropublican primary elec tion to bo held September 3 1907 Chakles E Eldiibd McCook Nebraska District Judge I hereby announce myself as a candi date for renomination as judge of tho Fourteenth judicial district of Nebras ka on tho Ropublican ticket subject to tho decision of tho Ropublican primaries to bo held Sopt 3 1007 ROISKRT C OllK Announcement I respectfully announco that I will bo n candidate for tho office of Clerk of tho District Court of Red Wil low county on tho Republican ticket subject to tho decision of the Ropub lican Primarios to bo hold on Tuesday Soptembor 3 1907 Chester A Rodcjhrs Valley Grange Prect April 20 1907 Announcement I horeby announce to the Republicans of Red Willow County that I shall bo a candidato for tho office of County Trea surer on tho Republican ticket subject to the decision of tho Ropublican Prim ary Election to be held Tuesday Sopt 3rd 1907 For tho past twelve years I have been engaged in practical book keeping and commercial business and feel confident that I can handle with credit all business entrusted to tho office I respectfully ask your duo con sideration Clifford Nadek Danbury- Nob May 6th 19C7 Announcement I hereby announco to tho Republicans of Red Willow County that I shall bo a candidate for the office of county treas urer on the Republican ticket at the primary elections to be held on Tuesday September 3 1907 I have had twenty three years of an active business ex perience in store and bank and feel confident that I can handle the affairs of the office with credit to myself and the Republican party Respectfully A Cochran Bartley Neb Announcement I respectfully announce that I will be a candidate for the office f county treasurer of Red Willow county on the republican ticket at the primary election Tuesday September 3 1907 If elected will give up present occupa tion and personally attend to the duties of the office Justin A Wilcox McCook Nebraska May 2 1907 I M Beardslee candidate for county treasurer solicits the support of the elec tors in the Republican primaries Announcement I wish to announce to the Republican voters of this county that I shall be a candidate for the Republican nomina tion for County Clerfe at tho Primary Election on Tuesday Septembsr 3rd 1907 and that I would like to have all fair minded Republican voters who be lieve in good clean business like service rom their public servants and who want men that are absolutely free from all boss or ring rule free from all machine or corporation influence to consider my candidacy Respectfully Chas Skaixa Indianola Neb April 26 1907 Announcement I herebyfannounce to the Republicans of Red Willow county that I shall be a candidate for the office of County Clerk on the Republican ticket at the Prim ary Election to be held on Tuesday September 3 1907 I respectfully ask the consideration of the Republican electors of the county Stuart B McLean McCook Neb April 26 1907 For County Judge I hereby announce myself a candidate for re election to tho office of County Judge on the Republican ticket With a high appreciation of the splendid vote given me two years ago and with a purpose to render the best service posi ble if re elected I respectfully request the consideration of all Republicans at the coming Primary Election J C Moore Tyrone Precinct June 19th 1907 Announcement I hereby announce myself a candidate for tho office of county assessor of Red Willow county Nebr on the republican ticket subject to the decision of repub lican primary election to be held Tues day Sept 3rd 1907 I have had 7 years experience as an assessor and deputy T A Endlsey Bed Willow Precinct Temporarily in Valley Grange June 6th 0907 In our last weeks issue wo published a communication relative to tho candi dacy of Judge R C Orr for district judge of this district This communi cation was handed us just as tho forms wero ready for tho press and hence wo had no timo or spneo for comment Whilo wo fully endorse all tho writer snid about tho judge and his candidacy wo feel that much more could bo justly said commendatory of Judge Orr For four years he has filled tho exalted po sition of judge of tho district courtof this thol lth Judicial District and we venturo to say that no judge in tho state has given closer attention more careful consideration and more univer sal satisfaction to tho business of his court to his litigants and tho bar than has Judge Orr and has maintained with moro dignity courtesy and learning of the law than has he One of tho most noticeablo features of bis regime as judge is tho very fow cases decided by him which havo been appealed to higher courts and tho very few cases that have been reversed and especially so in cases whero corporato interests havo been arrayed against the people That rail roads other corporate interests of state aro opposing Judge Orrs renomination and will oppose his election is the best evidence to the people of hiB district that tho peoples interest is and will be safo in his hands and they should see to it that ho is again placed on the judicial bench of this district His past record of four years as man and jurist his keen legal perception his rapid but careful manner in disposing of business before him his kind courteous manner to all who havobusines9 in his court his stal wart and loyal republicanism added to tho farther fact that ho has never been an office seeker tho position of judge which ho now occupies being the only office ever sought by him in the state with a residence here for twenty one years certainly points him out as the proper person to succeed himself on the bench in this judicial district There is an unwritten law of all political parties which custom has made almost actual law that when an officer has served his constituency well and faithful he is en titled to a second term and with the judiciary we believe that when the right man is found there should be no change from the established rule Imperial Re publican The above from the Imperial Re publican lays particular stress upon the statement that Judge Orr is entitled to another term because he has served one successfully In a former article the Imperial Republican attempted to make good political medicine for the judge because of the judges splendid record and because the judge is the peoples candidate The Tribune had to correct in the interest of facts both of these misstatements and now it be comes our duty to correct the misstate ment as to the matter of terms of office held Judge Orr has bad two terms as much as President Roosevelt has had two terms One term by appointment to fill unexpired term of Judge Norris and one term by election This fact of holding the office for two terms should be sufficient grounds for urging the elect ion of another The Imperial Republic an has not yet cited facts warranting the people of this district to sidestep the established two -term rule In fact none of the claims so far set forth by the Republican will stand scanning the facts being invariably to the contrary The Republican is guilty of using very old and very silly political methods of attempting to fool the people some of tho time if not all the time The primary system which will have its first try out with the people of Ne braska September 3rd puts the matter of selecting candidates for all offices up to the people How well they will dis charge their great opportunity remains to be seen The Tribune hopes they will rise up to the dignity and import ance of the great occasion Carlylo on Webster Thomas Carlyle who once met Dan iel Webster at a friends house at breakfast said This American Web ster I take to be one of the stlffest logic bluffers and parliamentary ath letes anywhere to be met with In our world at present a grim tall broad bottomed yellow skinned man with brows like precipitous cliffs and huge black dull wearied yet unweariable looking eyes under them amorphous projecting nose and the angriest shut mouth I have anywhere seen A droop on the sides of the upper lip is quite mastiff like magnificent to look upen it is so quiet withal I guess I should like ill to be that mans nigger How ever he Is a right clever man in his way and has a husky sort of fun in him too drawls In a handfast didactic manner about our republican institu tlons etc and so plays his part A Candidate for Re nomlnatlon I am a candidate for re nomination to the office of county sheriff and seek the support of all voters in the republican party feeling confident that my record as sheriff during the past two years war rants my ambition to be re elected and promising my best service if re elected for another term H I Peterson I am a candidate for the office of sheriff of Red Willow county and seek the sup port and votes of the Republicans of the county promising personal and best service it nominated and elected Stephen D Bollkp Jr jafc visw5ia ijr i sattWWisiiibSjaagaasBssa - MOVEMENT 01 Hlir PEOPLE Mrs Harry E Rogers is visiting Galesburg Illinois frienUs Mr and Mrs J G Schohel and Marjorio wero Mindon visitors Sunday W D Darnell arrived homo on No 2 Monday morning from a trip out west Supt and Mrs G II Thomas aro visiting his parents at Harvard this week Mrs C M Bailey loft on 11 yester day for Denver seeking relief from hay fever Mrs II A BEALEwent up to Denver yesterday on 11 to spend a few days in tho city Mrs C L Fahnestock and little Margaret havo returned from their Lincoln visit Raymond Light arrived homo Sun day night from a visit to Villisca Iowa relatives Miss Isola Neiswanger of Cambridge visited her cousins Misses Edna and Edith Waite foro part of tho week W T Coleman is here from Seattle Wash on business and to have a chat with old friends hero and hereabouts Mrs George Bunger and Mrs Chas Bunger departed on No 1 Saturday for Denver after a visit here with relatives Mr and Mrs E M Bigelow depart ed Wednesday night for Lincoln where they will make their home in the future Mrs H H Miller returned homo Wednesday morning on Nd 2 from a short visit in Denver and ho mountains Mrs A E Petty came up from coin Monday on a visit to relatives They are pleased with their new home Miss Stella Fuller arrived home Tuesday morning from her visit of a few weeks with her parents in Sheridan Wyoming Mrs S A Haley of Kansas City Mo has been here part of the week on business matters connected with the Haley estate Miss Lizzie Stevens was up from Lincoln over Sunday looking after business affairs and visiting her sister Mrs Kendlen Mr and Mrs C B Gray are interest ed in a daughter who came into their home and affections this week in the appointed way C W Meeker Imperials versatile nasby lawyer and politician was in the city Tuesday looking after some matters political Mr and Mrs H C Clapp will go to Chicago next week to look the latest things in the dry goods line to be gope a week or ten days Miss Bessie HAhn of Lincoln a re lative of Mrs Fahnestock has arrived in the city and will make her home with the Fahnestocks Charles W Colson came up from Alma Thursday to confer with S C Beach and citizens of McCook about the proposed new opera house for this city Misses Edna and Edith Waite enter tained a small company of friends Wednesday evening in honor of their cousin Miss Isola Neiswanger of Cam bridge Dainty refreshments were served Mrs ML Ruby engineered a complete and happy surprise on her daughter Dollie last evening the occasion of Dollies fourteenth birthday The mem bers of Dollies Sunday school class were guests and authors of a pretty re membrance Ref reshmen ts were served Mrs I J Starbuck of Salt Lake City Utah is a guest of her parents Mr and Mrs William Weygint Mrs Starbuck is one of the early citizens of Red Willow county and McCook and will be remembered by many Tribune readers ALEXANDRIAN LIBRARY The Greatest Literary Treasure That the World Has Lost Perhaps the largest and most valu able of literary treasures the world has lost was the Alexandrian library This collection the most remarkable of the ancient world is said to have contained in its most flourishing period 400000 or according to others 700 000 manuscripts Its royal founder collected from all nations their choic est compositions We are told that one of his successors went so far as to re fuse 1o jsupply the Athenians with wheat until they had given him the original manuscripts of JEschylus Sophocles and Euripides When Ju lius Caesar laid siege to the city the greater portion of this library was de stroyed by fire It was later replaced by the collection presented to Queen Cleopatra by Mark An tons But it was not destined to When the Emperor endure long Theodosius the Great in 391 A D ordered the destruc tion of all heathen temples within the Roman empire the Christians led by the Archbishop Theophilus did not spare that of Jupiter in which were kept the literary treasures From this general destruction about 4000 manu scripts escaped only to be burned in 640 by Saracens under the Caliph Omar Argonaut Marengo the famous war charger of Napoleon Is said to have been the greatest horse known to modern his tory The emperor rode Marengo for the last time In the battle of Mount St Jean where the horse reoelved his seventh wound The steed died at the ago of thirty six years iflijTiiliju if vvwvwywwwiww w oJ36Clcil 5 urri 98 Each wwv WVr NAV HILE they last we will sell every silk petticoat in our window at 598 each This is an unprecedented opportunity to secure one of the best silk petticoats on the market at this exceptionally low price We have them now in all colors Call and make your se lection before the assortment is broken These are not narrow and poorly made petticoats but full well finished garments as good as you can find elsewhere for 750 to 800 Genuine Heatherbloom Petticoats 250 Each We have these in all colors and black ones at all prices Dont fail to call and see our New Line of Dress Skirts Our new fall assortment comprises the largest variety and the best values we have ever before shown Keep an eye on our New Fall Goods They are arriving on near ly every freight fSfft4V4 We Can Save You Money LJ n sAvvvvywyvvvvvvvvv em Clapp Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings I Walsh Block iVlCXOOlC Telephone 56 V VsAWOV MM fighting Bob Fleet Commander view of the present delicate sit IN uation In the relation between the United States and Japan the assignment of Rear Admiral Itob ley D Evans to command the fleet that is to cruise In the Pacific means a high compliment to that officer and an expression of much confidence in his discretion and ability Admiral Evans has had more experience as a fleet commander than any other rear ad miral on the active list He is familiar with conditions in Pacific waters as he was commander-in-chief of the Asiatic fleet for two years a part of this serv ice being during the period of the war Fighting Bob has earned his sou briquet He was one of the heroes of the attacks on Fort Fisher in the civil war receiving in that engagement four severe rifle shot wounds He was in command of the Yorktown at Valpa raiso Chile during the period of strained relations between that country and the United States and it was his course at this critical time which gave him his title of Fighting Bob He helped vanquish Cerveras fleet at San tiago and has rendered exceptional ser vice in his later career Soon after his return from the far east in 1904 he was asked by President Roosevelt to take command of what was then the North Atlantic fleet and which com prised but eight battleships The re organization of the naval forces on the Atlantic coast and the establish ment of the Atlantic fleet placed six teen battleships and a considerable force of other craft large and small under this admirals command The men of his ships have been hard at work In tne practice of naval ma neuvers in athletics of various sorts which have been specially encouraged by Admiral Evans and in other activi ties pertinent to their calling so that It is believed the general standard of the branch of the service under Fight ing Bob was never so high as now Admiral Evans was born in 1847 and was not quite eighteen years old when the assault on Fort Fisher in which he participated took place in 1S65 He has described the affair vividly in his book entitled A Sailors Log Rem iniscences of Forty Years of Naval Life dwelling briefly and modestly on his own part in it A portion of the story is as follows As we approached the remains of tho stockade I was aware that one particular sharpshooter was shooting at me and when we were a hundred yards away he hit me In the left leg about three Inches below the knee The force of the blow was so great that I landed on my face In the sand I got a silk handkerchief out Of my -Docket and with the Ulnd rfAJlllAAvA frtSAbSSSbW First Stairway South of Postoffice qiVW ance of my classmate Hoban SandsTboh stopped the blood and again went to the front as fast as I could About this time the men wero stumbling over wires which they cut with their knives they proved to bo wires to the torpedoes over which we had charged but they failed to explode My left leg seem ed asleep but I was able to use It The stockade or what remained of It was very near and I determined to lead my company by the flank through a break In It and then charge over the angle of the fort which now looked very difficult to Qlmb I manage to get through the stockade with seven others when my sharpshooter friend sent a bullet through my right knee and I realized that my chance of going was settled I tried to stand up but it was no use my legs would not hold me and besides this I was bleeding dreadfully and I knew that was a matter which had to be looked to Later his sharpshooter friend took another try at him this time nipping off a toe and injuring his foot and ankle This angered Evans and he put in a little gun play on his own ac count My bullet went a little high he writes striking the poor chap In the throat and passing out at the back of the neck He staggered around after dropping his gun and finally pitched over the parapet afld rolled down near me wiiere he lay dead LIppincotts relates that when Evans was a captain on one of Uncle Sams big dogs of war he was once hastily aroused in the middle of the night by a lieutenant who informed him with much perturbation that the ship was on fire close to the powder magazine If that be so said Fighting Bob rising leisurely to put on his clothes we shall soon see to It 1 The lieutenant went back to the scene of danger but shortly afterward returned and said You need not be afraid sir The fire Is extinguished Afraid thundered Captain Evans What do you mean by that sir I never was afraid In my life Then looking the lieutenant full In the face he added Pray how does a man feel Fir when he Is afraid I need not ask tow he looks I rtA ury jr AMKm 4 w - f First class portrait work done at fifty percent discount from regular prices until September 15th 1 Latest fads in half cabinet pictures t Letter postals are all the go Eight styles Come and see them w 4 E E WILSON Prop CURE YOUR KIDNEYS -ea m ST -- - 1 Jt s New Art Studio J Do Not Endanger Life When a McCook Citizen Shows You The Cure Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint backache urinary disorders lameness headache languor why allow themselves to be come chronic invalids when a certain cure is offered them DoansJ Kidney Pills is the remedy to use because it gives to the kidneys the help they need to perform their work If you have any even one of tho symptoms of kidney diseases cure your self Jnow before diabetes dropsy or Brights disease sets in Read this McCook testimony George Fowler retired farmer living in thenorth western part of McCook Neb says I suffered from kidney trouble for two or three years The secretions from my kidneys were of a dark red contained heavy sediment if allowed to stand and were much too frequent in action Dizzy spells often attacked mo and spots would float be fore my eyes I was nervous fretful andsubjectto severe headaches These at times would last all day and all night and my head would feel as if it would burst After using many remedies without satisfactory relief I procured a box of Doans Kidney Pills at McCon nells drug store Within one weeks time I felt the greatest improvment in my condition I continued using them and was cured I have had no return of any of the symptoms up to this time For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other Say yon saw it in The Tbibcjj K fZJvgiB