v rf tv s rzmggmz3F AV By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Announcement I hereby announce myself n candi date for the office of judge of tbe fourteenth judicial district of Nebraska on the republican ticket subject to the decision of tho republican primary elec tion to bo hold Soptombor 3 1907 CHArtLKS E ELDRED McCook Nebraska District Judge I hereby announce myself as a candi date for renomination as judge of tho Fourteenth judicial district of Nebras ka on tho Republican ticket subject to tho decision of the Republican primaries to bo hold Sept 3 1907 Robert 0 Oitn Announcement I respectfully announce that I will bo a candidate for the office of Clork of tho District Court of Red Wil low county on the Republican ticket subject to the decision of the Repub lican Primaries to be held on Tuesday Soptember 3 1907 Chester A Rodgers Valley Grange Proct April 2G 1907 Announcement I hereby announce to the Republicans of Red Willow County that I shall bo a candidate for tho office of County Trea surer on tho Republican ticket subject to tho decision of tho Republican Prim ary Election to bo held Tuesday Sept 3rd 1907 For tho past twelvo years I have been engaged in practical book keeping and commercial business and feel confident that I can handle with credit all business entrusted to the office I respectfully ask your duo con sideration Clifford Naden Danbury Neb May 6th 19C7 Announcement I hereby announce to the Republicans of Red Willow County that I shall be a candidate for the office of county treas urer on the Republican ticket at the primary elections to be held on Tuesday September 3 1907 I have had twenty three years of an active business ex perience in store and bank and feel confident that I can handle the affairs of the office with credit to myself and the Republican party Respectfully A L Cochran Bartley Neb Announcement I respectfully announce that I will be a candidate for the office f county treasurer of Red Willow county on the republican ticket at the primary election Tuesday September 3 1907 If elected will give up present occupa tion and personally attend to the duties of the office Justin A Wilcox McCook Nebraska May 2 1907 I M Beardslee candidate for county treasurer solicits the support of the elec tors in the Republican primaries Announcement I wish to announce to the Republican voters of this county that I shall be a candidate for trie Republican nomina tion for County Clerfc at the Primary Election on Tuesday Septembsr 3rd 1907 and that I would like to have all fair minded Republican voters who be lieve in good clean business like service rom their public servants and who want men that are absolutely free from all boss or ring rule free from all machine or corporation influence to consider my candidacy Respectfully Chas Skalla Indianola Neb April 261907 Announcement I hereby announce to the Republicans of Red Willow county that I shall be a candidate for the office of County Clerk on the Republican ticket at the Prim ary Election to be held on Tuesday September 3 1907 I respectfully ask the consideration of the Republican electors of the county Stuart B McLean McCook Neb April 26 1907 For County Judge I hereby announce myself a candidate for re election to the office of County Judge on the Republican ticket With a high appreciation of the splendid vote given me two years ago and with a purpose to render the best service posi ble if re elected I respectfully request the consideration of all Republicans at the coming Primary Election J C Moore Tyrone Precinct June 19th 1907 Announcement I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county assessor of Red Willow county Nebr on the republican ticket subject to the decision of repub lican primary election to be held Tues day Sept 3rd 1907 I have had 7 years experience as an assessor and deputy T A Endlsby Bed Willow Precinct Temporarily in Valley Grange Jnne 6th 1907 It is stated that Miss Quick county superintendent will not bo a candidate for ro election It may bo stated with confidence and truthfulness that she hns made a most acceptable and com petent officer during her terms of office Thky say that Postmaster General Meyer still has hope of securing the permission of congress to adopt a con venient three cent postal note issue for use in making small remittances through tho mails But it likely that Mo To Piatt will resurroct himself long enough to bo present in tho United States sen ate to oppoBO the desirable measure Express companies issue money orders Mo To is president of one and incident ally a United States senator The Sedgwick Reeso campaign for tho supreme judgeship nomination presents one of the most unique situations in tho history of Nebraska politics from tho Republican view - point The line - up indeed reminds the writer of tho famil iar stake and rider fence of the Hills o Somerset Pennsylvania To tho lay man it is tho least easily decipherable of recent political maneuvers in tho Prairie state being replete with situa tions apparently contradictory and in harmonious Contemplate Will Dayton of the York Republican supporting the brother of his arch enemy Tim Sedg wick of tho York Times Other in stances might bo cited without end Whilo Sedgwick is evidently not dis tasteful to tho railroad elements seeking to continue its control of tho state ho apparently has the earnest and active support of some well known anti-railroad people And vice versa In the gen oral mix up we find tho Republican state organization backing Reese the State Journal supporting Sedgwick for well known personal reasons And so on ad lib It is admitted that the railroads brutally defeated Repse in the Hastings convention of proxy infamy Members of the press gang are actively backing each but the people are not being taken into their confidence the animus is lacking motives are obscure The only thing that appears to be reasonably certain in the case is tho fact the railroads inter ests are backing Sedgwick We leave the reader to assume why CUNNING COYOTES Their Patience and Some of Their Other Peculiar Traits This Is the coyote with all the syllables to the Mexican who named him kiote merely to the American wanderer who has come and gone so often that he at last regards himself a resident stockman and farmer It Is this little beasts triangular vis age his sharp nose fitted for the easy Investigation of other peoples affairs his oblique green eyes with their squint of cowardice and perpetual hunger says the Outing Magazine that should have a place in the adornment of escutcheons It Is notorious that the vicissitudes of his belly never bring to him the fate upon whose verge he always lives and that nothing but strychnine and not always that will bring an end to his forlorn career As his gray back moves slowly along above the reeds and coarse grass and he turns his head to look at you he knows at once whether or not you have with you a gun and you cannot know how he knows Once satisfied that you are unarmed he will remain near in spite of any vocal remon strances and by and by may proceed to interview you in a way that for un obtrusiveness might be taken as a model of the art Lie down on the thick brown carpet of the wilderness and be still for twen ty minutes and watching him from the corner of your eye you will see that he has been joined by others of his brethren hitherto unseen He seems to be curious to know first If you are dead and second if by any chance and he lives upon chances there is anything else in your neigh borhood that he might find eatable If you pass on with Indifference which is the usual way he will sit himself down upon his tail on the nearest knoll and loll hrs red tongue and leer at you as one with whom he Is half inclined to claim acquaintance He looks and acts then so much like a gray dog that one is inclined to whistle to him Make any hostile demonstra tion and he will move a little farther and sit down again If by any means you manage to of fend him deeply at this juncture the chances are that he and his comrades may retire stfll farther and then bark ceaselessly until they have hooted you out of the neighborhood That night he and some of his companions may come and steal the straps from your saddle the meat from The frying pan and politely clean tho pan and even the boots from beside your lowly bed The First Rose According to a very ancient legend the first rose appeared upon the earth at Gulistan The lotus had long reign ed alone but the flowers became dis satisfied because their drowsy queen could only keep awake by day They wished for one who would be as fair In revels under the moon as In the garish day It was then the rose ap peared and was chosen the queen of flowers She sprang into being at the song of the nightingale and was purest white until colored with the blood from the nightingales breast As earths sweetest singers are those who have felt the thorn so It Is said the nightingale Bings his exquisite music to the rose with his breast upon a thorn CSrc J THE TRAIN BELL ROPE How It and the Conductors Supremacy Came to Be Established Although there does not seem to be anything in common between pugilism and railroad rules yet the adoption of the familiar bell rope that stretches through every car of the modern train was the result of a fistic encounter At the same time and by the Issuo of tho same combat the supremacy of the con ductor In railroad travel was ordained It was Philadelphia which gave both to tho world One of the oldest railroads in the country Is the Philadelphia Wilming ton and Baltimore now known as tho Philadelphia Baltimore and Washing ton which was opened in 1837 The terminus in Philadelphia was at Broad and Prime streets Prime street now being known as Washington avenue and after crossing the Schuylkill river at Grays Ferry the route ran along the Delaware river on what is now the Chester lino of the Reading railway The first schedule contained ono pas senger train which went to Baltimore one day and came back the next which was considered a remarkable feat in rapid travel When a train a day each way was placed in service the people of the two cities served concluded that the acme of convenience in transporta tion had been reached Next to the president of the railroad the most important functionaries were the engineer and conductor It was a question whether or not the head of the line was not considered a subsidi ary officer in popular estimation to the men who ran the train but Robert Fogg who pulled the throttle and John Wolf who collected fares won the deference of the public because of their high and responsible duties Fogg an Englishman had all the tenacity of opinion of his race Wolf an American had the ingenuity of the Yankee and seeing the need of some method by which he could communi cate with the engineer devised the scheme of running a cord through the cars to the locomotive As the engine was a wood burner Wolf fastened one end of the cord to a log which was placed on the engineers seat and was pulled to the floor when the conductor desired to signal for a stop Fogg resented what he considered an interference with his rights on the platform of the locomotive and on the first run out from Broad and Prime streets with the new device paid no heed to the displacement of the log from the seat when the conductor de sired to take on a passenger from a farm near Grays Ferry but sped on over the bridge and did not deign to bring his engine to a stop until Blue Bell station on the south side of the Schuylkill had been reached Then he demanded to know of Wolf why he had been jerking that log all about the locomotive Wolf hotly declared that he had sig naled to stop but Fogg retorted that he would stop when and where he pleased and that too without any ref erence to orders from the conductor whom he did not regard as his superior In the management of the train The altercation grew very heated and Wolf invited the engineer from the cab to settle the matter and the challenge was quickly accepted Passengers and a group of men who had gathered at the station to see the train come in formed a ring about the combatants but the fight did not last long as Wolf proved by far the su perior artist with his fists and with a few blows made it almost impossible for the engineer to see sufficiently to complete his run but Fogg admitted that he had been fairly beaten and the supremacy of the conductor on a train was settled for all time As the log signal was crude and in effective Wolf devised the use of a bell on the locomotive and this method was soon adopted by all of the Amer ican railroads Then a code of sig nals was adopted and these remain practically to this day The only change in the bell cord is that by use of the air from the brake system a whistle has superseded the bell in the locomotive cab Philadelphia Ledger Clays Ready Wit When Henry Clay was stumping Kentucky for re election at one of his mass meetings an old hunter of wide political influence said Well Harry Ive always been for you but because of that vote which he named Im goin agin you Let me see your rifle said Clay It was handed to him Is she a good rifle Yes Did she ever miss fire Well yes once Why didnt you throw her away The old hunter thought a moment and then said Harry Ill try you again And Harry was elected Hard on the Reporters I had a strange dream the other night said the major What was it asked the young thing I went to heaven and as an old newspaper man was interested in their journal up there It was a miserable thing not a well written story In it and I told St Peter so What did he say He said Its not our fault We never get any good reporters up here Philadelphia Press A Treasure Mrs De Hitt The Dobsons at last have a girl they hope to keep Mrs De Witt Absurd Where Is such a girl to be found Mrs DeHitt She was born to them yesterday Harpers Weekly - 7 i No exile or danger can fright a brave 3Hrfc Bryflefr MOVEMENT Oh 111P PEOPLE O W Keys was over from Wilson ville Monday D C Marsh went to Denver on busi ness yesterday Miss Clho Rector is visiting Stratton friends this week John Gaakuk visited tho homo folks at Minden Sunday A L Cochran spent Sunday at Bartley with his family Mr and Mrs John Schleich were Danbury visitors Wednesday Mrs S E Kay arrived homo from her trip east last Friday morning Mrs Will Hegenberger is with tho folks at Herndon Kansas for a while MissgBLANCHE Cronie of Lawrence Nebraska is a guest of Miss Nellie Gunn g Mrs E O Scott returned last Fri day from a short visit in Republican City Mrs William Byfield Roxa and Helen are at Boulder Colo for a vaca tion F L Wolff and Jno Rice wont down to Arapahoe yesterday on business bent Mr and Mrs C A Fisher arrived homo Wednesday from their trip to the Pacific coast E G Caine with tho Barnett Lumber Co at Indianola was at headquarters here Wednesday Mrs A PEly arrived home Sunday from Red Cloud where she has beon visiting the homefolka Mrs William Sullivan and young son are among those enjoying a whiff of mountain air this week Mrs O G Howard of Red Oak la sister of Dr J A Gunn arrived ic the city yesterday to remain some time Mr and Mrs F S Wilcox arrived home midweek from their Missouri visit of a few weeks to a brother of his Mr and Mrs W S Morlan depart ed yesterday for Wyoming where they will spend some time in a recreatory way P E Reeder departed Tuesday morning for Ohio on a business pleasure trip expecting to be gone a week or ten days Mr and Mrs William Lewis left yesterday on No I for Steamboat Springs Colo for an outing of two weeks Mrs M E Thorgrimson and son Victor are visiting in Salt Lake City Utah leaving for that point close of last week Mr and Mrs H P Sutton arrived home yesterday from their auto run and visit of several weeks in Ainswsrth Brown county W C Higley manager of the Bar nett Lumber Co at Culbertson came down Monday night to meet his sister who came in on No 6 Mr and Mrs Emerson Hanson are arranging to go to Denver to make their heme Their removal from McCook will be sincerely regretted by many friends Miss Nellie Gunn entertained a large company of young friends Tues evening in honor of her friend Miss Blanche Cronie of Lawrence Nebraska Mr Patrick who has been a guest of Dr Gunn for some weeksleft on Thurs day for Iowa He expects to return and make his home on a farm in this vicin ity W S Bixler and family departed yesterday for the Pacific coast where he expects to make a new start in life either at railroading or in some line of business L Thorgrimson personally conduct ed a party to the Cambridge Chauiau qua Sunday The party consisted of Messrs and Mesdames F A Pennell and H H Tartsch The trip was made in Louies auto Editors Byfield and Newman of the county craft were both county seat visitors Tuesday Mr Byfield being on his way home from a visit to Kansas City and Mr Newman on his way to Colorado on a vacation of a few weeks Mrs Sherman Rumley and Miss Dot Rumley who have been visiting Mrs Sarah Rowell departed for their home in Leon Iowa Tuesday night Miss Dot is an invalid and McCook friends made their short stay here as pleasant as possible MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Say you saw it in The Tribune Mike Schneider of Hayes county pur chased a new J I Case separator last week Ladies canvas and tan oxfords at less than ever offered for the sama quality of goods The Model Shoe Store The best thing that can happen to your house is to paint it with Bradley Vrooman Paint It will last longer and be worth more Order from Polk Bros I have a jack what is called the Doyle jack 11 years old and 1000 worth of accounts to trade for a deeded quarter of land The jack is the sire of more good colts than any jack that has ever been in this county and if this assertion proves not to be so I will give the jack and 1000 worth of book ac counts made this year A W Campbell Box Elder Red Willow Co Neb tAJWuwft Are You Interested In Fall Silks Fall Dress Goods Skirtings and Waistings If so call and see the latest novelties in the new est weaves and leading colors We are receiving The New Things as fast as they are put out by the mills and if you buy of us yoiril be sure the Style is Right We are showing the largest line of exclusive Waist Skirt and Suit Patterns ever shown in any town or city A Silk Petticoat to Match Every Gown Our line of Silk Petticoats just received presents the largest assortment of styles and colors every shown in McCook Prices range from 500 to 1500 each Genuine Heatherbloom Petticoats in all col ors 250 each This is cheaper than you can make them Another supply of Black Sateen Petticoats at 98c and from this up Call and look over our complete stock H C Clapp Exclusive Dry Goods Ladies Furnishings Walsh Block McCook Telephone 56 Skalla for County Clerk A petition has been filed in the clerks office asking that the name of Charles Skalla of Bondville precinct be placed on the republican primary ballot for the office of county clerk The petition is signed as follows BONDVILLE PRECINCT Chas Benjamin August Lelin H N Colling Henry Weskamp Fred Unger Chas Colling Jacob Unger Sam Williams Chas Kunkeo Herman Schneider Herman Reiners Jacob Wall Gust Schultz John Troester Fred Wagner Jr H Bey Fred Rawles Edward Bey John Seaman Chas Weiutz H Schultz Carl Schlutsmeier Adolph Weskamp W G Schlutsmeier A J Helm Frank Dudek Wm Harp J H Warfield E S Ball W J Karp Peter Gillen INDIANOLA PRECINCT AND CITY L R Corbin C W Dow F B Hardesty J Benard Hillers H T Rankin C E Crabtree W A McCool Sidney Toogood M F Akers P J Colling S R Smith John Mallack J E Ryan Elias Canaga W R Bobst Frank Moore C E Minnick H W Keyes Clark Hedges Lewis B Korn E S Hill Geo W Burt E C Crabtree C C Burt W H Smith C A Hotzo R E Smith E P Day John Strunk W P Elmer C E Strockey L B Elmer GERVER PRECINCT O L Thompson DANBURY PRECINCT H T Williams E T Woods Charlie Williams MISSOURI RIDGE PRECINCT J W Doveney H Springer Adam Fritz John Weskamp H X Pitcher Chas Boos A E Allen V A Gray BEAVER PRECINCT H E Woods F H Horton J A Strain O B Woods W C Shockley E H Gardner C W Rogers PERRY PRECINCT Joseph Boos It will be noted that thirty one of these signers are residents of Bondville precinct where Mr Skalla has lived for the past eighteen years ever since his boyhood As the republican vote in that precinct does not exceed 34 it ap pears that Mr Skalla has practically the unaminous endorsement of bis home precinct It speaks indeed very well for the young man that his neighbors who ought to know him best give him such a splendid endorsement What a glaring gap there would be In the comic literature of England If one could take away everything based n the parsimony of the Scotch the Donnybrook fa4r proclivities of the Irish th blustering pretense of the Yankees and the all round shortcom imjs of the ADVERTISED LIST The following letters and packages remain uncalled for at the McCook postoffice August 9 1907 LETTERS Ashmore Ruth Amen Andrew Aldrick N L Anderson Mr Earl Anderson Geo Bagan Mr Wilfred Ayers Mr Frank Baker Mr Clarence Bailey J E Badger Mr Edward Berry M R Beezley Mr Jessie Bumgaret Con Busby Virgil Brumgardt Maggie BartholomewMiss May Boshong B S Barnicoat Mr F C Connot T J O Caldwell A M Cunningham Blanch Cook T A Clark Walter Creland Mr James Cranoe J P Carpenter Mr Geo Coley Frank Clark J A Clark J II Campbell Mr Jack Clark G F Dubois E A Dainty R E 2 Dunkins D R Dale Philip M Dillon Mr F B Dillon Carl Dixon Mr W I 2 Dobrenz Emil Dogan Chas Dixon Mrs 7 W East Mr Harry Eaves Mr Chas Evans Chester Emberling M E Emerson Mrs Harry Edell Julius Finch Mrs L Finch Mr Ford Arthur J Fran B A Gillhouse Fred 5 Green C G Green Grant 3 Groth John Green E E Grimm J H Humphries Mr T F 3 Hart W L Hiler Roy Heckin Mr W B Holmes Mr A E Hood Mr Clark Hendryx Mrs Andrew Hoyman Dr H J Hawkins Miss Mable Hauer Rev F D Hoffman Chas Jones Mrs W A Johnson G Kock Dr J Valentine Keys Mr J F 2 Kennedy Miss Hazel Hcckley Mrs Amanda Krasomoil Mr A Kock Miss Hope Little Ray Layeang Miss Hazel Lusk Arthur Miller Mr Lafo Mosena Mr Harry Mansteller Miss Maud Morris Miss Minnio 3 McClureN P Moir Wm Mosley Mrs C G Meyers Mr Harry Morgan Honer McGuire T J Marti Mr A F Mullen C D Maynard A O Markenteal Katie Note Mr Ervil March John Norton A F Taylor Alfred 2 Sullivan Mrs D B Smith J W Sanford Mr George 2 Price Mrs Anna Perkins J H 2 Peterson Mrs John Phillips D Phillipi O H Robertson Mr Art Reed E II Roach L J Rouse Albert Short J C Scott Mr Thos Sleitsineyer Mr Steel Mrs E H Starks Rev J B Stroade Mr Harvey Sanford Mr George Simmons Mrs Martha Shields Mr Bert Simpson William Taylor D D Vickers Mr Welch John Wadkins Mrs W R Walters Mr Lounie Williams Mr Leon Wood Mr Eugene 2 Walker Mr Ray Walker Mr S M 2 Wakeman Mr R O Wade Lulu PACKAGES Coons Charlie Johnson W Ezra Moores Roy A Nosck Arthur Parker Miss Lucilo Tulby F W When calling for these please say they were advertised F M Kimmbll Postmaster A Handy Receipt Bock Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at THB Tribune office f x f f 4 1 I