The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 09, 1907, Image 1

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A List of Those Who Desire to Enter
the Race For County Office
Last Saturday was the closing date
for filing applications to enter the race
for primary nominations for county
offices Below we append tbo names
S B McLean McCook Rep
Charles Skalla Indianola Rep
William Ililler McCook Detn
JuBtin A Wilcox McCook Rep
A L Cochran Bartley Rep
I M Beardsleo McCook Rep
Clifford Nadon Danbury Rep
N J Uerling Indianola Dem
7 C Moore Lebanon Rep
J S LoIIow McCook Rep
Stephen D Bolles Box Elder Rep
II I Petorson McCook Rep
G P Kinghorn McCook Rep
Chester A Rodgors McCook Rep
Francis M Colfer McCook Dem
Claudia B Hatcher Indianola Dem
Burton P Rohrer Indianola Rep
T A Endsley McCook Rep
Lon Cone McCook Rep
W II Meyer Red Willow Dem
Henderson J Bortnor McCook Rep
C B Gray McCook Rep
L II Lindemann McCook Rep
A G Bump McCook Rep
Marion Plummer Perry Dem
II II Berry Rep McCook Justice
of the Peace Willow Grove
J R Pence Rep McCook Consta
ble Willow Grove
Charlie Wentz Rep McCook Con
stable Willow Grovo precinct
Izzer Bed comforts
Before McCook was eer yet the peo
ple of McCook had assembled themselves
together and becomo fellow townsmen
the kind of Bed Covering now so widely
known as Izzer Comforts had been
made in thousands of homes but never
in stores Por the last nine years right
here in McCook the Thompson D G
Co has made and sold several times as
many as there are houses in McCook
They have been shipped as far as Red
Cloud and Akron No home is com
plete without them No roomers can bo
gotten or kept without them Wo make
them with 11 yds of goods and 6 Izzer
batts well tacked and hemmed S1S5
to 53
Camping at Toland Colorado
McCook now has quite a colony camp
ing at Toland Colorado on the Moffat
road Mrs Adele Viva and Tom Phelan
who departed for Colorado close of last
week Mrs Mary Elsie and Walter
Campbell who left for camp last Sat
urday and Mrs C B Sawyer Miss
Kate and Schell Kimrnell who depart
ed for the west Sunday night on No 3
Miss Hofer of Beardstowu Illinois and
Miss Marietta Wemplo of Lincoln are
also members of the party
Pay Your Grocery Bill
Milk skimmed in pans loses one half
the cream if skimmed by cold water it
loses one third of the cream If skim
med by patent creamers with ice it loses
one fourth the cream A Sharpless Tu
bular separator gets every particle of the
cream Sold by McCook Hardware Co
Storeys Ladies Tailor System
Those interested in dress making and
ladies tailoring will be pleased to learn
that Miss Beth Roberson will conduct a
class in this celebrated system during
the month of August Those wishing
to investigate will please call phone
Cedar 1753 It
To Water Consumers
Dont fail to do this thing On Mon
day morning August 12th read your
water meter and make a written record
of the figures where you can refer to
them later Dont fail in this
The Water Consumers League
Dress Skirts
Our tables are filled with stylish and
desirable skirts in Voile Panama Ba
tiste Mohair and Novelty Suitings from
2 to S7 Alterations free The Thomp
son D G Co
If It Is Dry
you should get a John Deere disk
gang One man plowed 400 acres with
out a cent of expense except for oil
McCook Hardware Co
Attention Farmers
I will buy hogs on Tuesdays and
Wednesdays ONLY during hot weather
D H Shepherd
A Shoe That Fits
is what you will get if you buy them at
Diamonds New Shoe Storo on West
Dennieon st
September Race Meet
September 26 27 and 28 the McCook
Driving Park Association is to have a
race meet that will establish a prece
dent for all future events of the kind in
Nebraska The cash purses offered ag
gregate about 300000 a sufficient sura
to command the best racing stock west
of Chicago The noted Prank James
of Kansas City professional starter has
been secured to preside over the meet
which means there will bo no long
drawn out controversies or unnecessary
delays This is a big undertaking and
the association will need tho energetic
support of McCooks citizens to make it
a success
the big rck
At the suggestion of a number of Mc
Cook merchants the association has
arranged for one novol featuro a race
to bo known as tho Merchants Race
a trot and pace The best
horses at the meet will bo eligible to
enter this contest and there should be
twenty five entries A handsome purse
of 500 has been offered for this event
and it goes without saying that our
wide awake merchants will see that the
funds are ready for tho winner Our
merchants should see to it that this is
made the event of the meot
To The Public
The public is hereby notified that tho
real estate and insurance firm doing
business under the name of Lindemann
Moyer dissolved business relations
July 1 1907 and that I L II Linde
mann will not be responsible for accounts
made by tho latter W C Moyer sub
sequent to the above date I wish
further to correct an error which appears
in the ad on first page of tho new city
directory Tho words Bonded Ab
stracters appears immediately below
our names This was placed there
without my consent and is an untruth
as there is no bond on file and I advised
against it owing to the fact that wo
were both inexperienced in abstracting
I wish to have it understood that I am
not responsible for this and do not pose
as an abstracter
I will continue the real estate and in
suranco business aSihoretoforeybut in a
now location aa the new bank will open
up their business in my present loca
tion Office after August 6th or 10th
will be 118 W Dennison street in the
new Fahrenbruck block
L II Lindemann
Paint It
If you have a range or gasoline stovo
that is unsightly paint it with our
stove enamel If your porch or steps
are getting weather beaten savo and
beautify them with our paints If you
have articles of furniture that show
wear make them as good as new with
a coat of enamel stain or varnish
This is a paint age There are special
paints made for a large variety of pur
poses We have these paints We can
provide just what is best and save you
money Always see us about paints
L W McConnell Druggist
Just staples
Fast color prints 5c best prints
Simpsons Americans Aliens etc Gc
Best apron ginghams Gc yard wide
muslin 6c Best table oil cloth Meritas
15c Peerless carpet warp 23c Ameri
can A 2 bu bags 21oC Ladies gauze
vests 5c each Good stout well made
blue denim overalls 50c Ladies wrap
pers 5c to 150 and1000 other items at
equally proper cash prices The Thomp
son D G Co one price plain figures
cash only
Enlarging1 and Improving
Fred Bruns has disposed of his former
barber shop in the Citizens Bank build
ing and is now giving his entire atten
tion to his new shop on Main avenue
the old Custer shop which he is having
enlarged remodeled repapered painted
in white and generally improved New
and up-to-date fixtures etc will give
him one of the finest tonsorial resorts in
this part of Nebraska
Yuma County Fair and Races
The fifth annual fair and races of the
Yuma County Fair association of Colo
rado will be held at Wray Colorado
September 12 13 14 1907 Write O
L Mitten Wray for particulars
Water Meters
We have on hand a supply of approv
ed water meters which we will instal
promptly on application Under Wood
worth drug store Phone 182
Middleton Ruby
It Will Rain Soon
and then you will want your plows
ready Get an easy running plow and
be satisfied The McCook Hardware
Co handle the full John Deere line
Resumed Operation Monday Morning
The work on the Carnegie library
was resumed Monday morning after a
color 6trike of a few days It was a
natural wood color strike however
Uncle Sam Pays Hair ot a Promise
Made to Justin A Wilcox Esq
Forty five years ago August 9tb
Justin A Wilcox was promised by the
government 200 bounty at enlistment
One hundred dollars was paid down
and the other hundred was to be paid
at tho close of tho war The first pay
ment was made but the second wan
for many years forgotten by Mr Wilcox
and by Uncle Sam as well A few
years a ago Mr Wilcox made claim for
the remaining 100 but was informed
that he had lost out by limitation
Ho more recently renewed his claim
and on last Friday received word from
tho government that his claim had
been allowed at 50 the full amount
not being paid on a technicality
Got Thirty Dajs in Jail
Charles Simpson is resting up for a
period of thirty days in the county jail
for having struck and knocked Conduct
or T F Enright off of a freight car
Tuesday at Bartley Simpson was one
of a gang of five men bumming their
way on a freight train when ordered off
by the conductor
Four Hogs Can Drink at Once
from the Hawkeye Automatic Hog
Waterer Sold by tho McCook Hard
waie Co They are guaranteed for five
years No leaks or mud holes
Green is getting ready
Everything in drugs
There is a
hen on for another opera
McMillens Blackberry Balsam will do
you good
Eastman kodaks and kodak supplies
at McConnells
Fresh potato chips always on
iiiirilifffiggaef v Im ir t mjSa3a
Magner Stokes
A new assortment of McCook souvenir
novelties at McMillens
Big cut in ladies canvas and tan ox
fords at the Model Shoe Store
The new gas companv is extending its
mains out Dennison street this week
MeCotinells Fragrant Lotion for
sunburn theres nothing its equal 25c
A large invoice just received of popu
lar copyright novels
McMillen drug-
Corn chop at tho mill at 105 a
hundred Everything delivered
McCook Milling Co
Get a quart bottle of Heinz pure malt
vinegar a pure food product at
Magner Stokes
Tho ladies of the Catholic church will
i give an ice cream social at the church
next Friday night
Steve Wilson has added a splendid
two 3eated automobile to his livery barn
equipment Try it
Magner Stokes can supply you
with Heinz double strength pure cider
vinegar In quart bottles
Devine Eckhard started out yester
day with a new J I Case separator
and complete threshing rig
Every day is bargain day at II S
Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
If you want it done right and right
away call up phone 199 R M Douglass
Co office in Bump building
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
R M Douglass Co will give you
prompt and efficieutservice Phono 199
Office in Bump real estate office lower
Be sure and use pure spices in your
pickles this year We have the finest
the market affords Theres economy
in their use
L W McConnell Druggist
Married At the home of Train
master Weidenhamer Tuesday evening
August G 1907 at eight oclock John
M Burmood and Miss Ola Mae Clark
both of Galesburg Illinois Rev M B
Carman officiating The bride is a sis
ter of Mrs Weidenhamer The happy
couple left on No 3 the same night for
Denver and other Colorado points
In its answer of the suit of Moses
Y Starbuck a railway mail clerk in
jured in a railway accident at York the
Burlington railroad declares ignorance
of Starbucks employment by the rail
way mail service and declares that if
he was injured as he says it was by
his own negligence Starbuck sajs he
sustained horrible injuries to internal
and external organs which incapacitate
him from doing work of any sort He
asked for 50000 damage Lincoln
Death of Baby Poh
Mr and Mrs William Poh of South
McCook deeply mourn the death of their
fine baby boy of six weeks The little
one was taken with cholera infantum
and in a -few days passed away The
dear one died on Monday morning and
was laid away in Riverview cemetery
Tuesday afternoon Rev G B Hawkes
of the Congregational church conduct
ed brief tender services at the home
before the burial Tender sympathy
goes out from all to the bereaved par
Gasoline Stove Started Fire
Last evening there was a mild sort of
a fire scare in the Lehn building north
of Dr C L Fahnestocks residence A
gasoline stove in Mrs Queens apart
ments started a fire in somo adjoining
hangings Mr Quoen was out of the
room at the time and her little girl
reported the fact to somo neighbors
The fire was soon extinguished without
the aid of tho department
Plaids for School
They do not require fussy trimming
or making They are bright and at
tractive in colors and patterns and
more durable than most dress goods
Wo show a large line of now ones just
received at lGJc 35c and 75c The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Perfume Specialties
Edition DeLuxe
McMillen the Druggist
Revival Meetings
W Thompson M D of Waco Texas
will begin a revival meeting at tho
Christian church on Sept 1 and remain
as long as the meetings are successful
A song leader will assist
Wait for Green
McConnell for drugs
Good afternoon Yes it is very
Keen Kutter goods McCook Ilard
ivare Co
McConnells foot powder enables you
to forget your feet
Prompt service in draying secured by
calling up phone 199
One dollar up will make you a kodak
L W McConnell Druggist
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Try Magner Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
The Tribune is now prepared to do
your job printing of all kinds promptly
For Sale A lot of household goods
708 Manchester ave
Mrs E Hanson
Be ready to combat bowel trouble
McConnell3 Blackberry Balsam is sure
cure Price 25c
The Sunshine club enjoyed the hap
piness a picnic affords at Valentino
gorge last Saturday afternoon
Buying drugs and medicines at our
store insures safety and satisfaction
We guarantee purity and quality
L W McConnell Druggist
If you want oxford shoes call at The
Model They have them in white can
vas tans and in all colors at reduced
R M Douglass Co draying in al
its branches Call up phone 199 Call
at office in Bump building lower Main
The only place in town where you
can get the famous Three Star Cof
fee is at Magner Stokes market and
Green has the freight bills for his fine
and up-to-date store fixtures now on
the way from the factory They will be
be dandies
If plans now forming mature Mc
Cook is to be headquarters for a theat
rical stock company operating several
companies in the field
One can hardly get along with out a
good toilet powder these days The
use of By Lo talcum powder insures
comfort absence of chafing and all
skin troubles Price 25c
L W McConnell Druggist
Auto enthusiasts were considerably
interested in a new type of car which
passed through here Monday It was
a bevel gear machine the power being
transmitted directly from engino to
If the city council will kindly build
those two crossings on the east side of
the city park residents of that part of
the city will love them when they are
old And if they should stretch the
case to include cinder paths about four
feet wide criss cross of the park well
we will canonize you
Three Districts Will Convene In McCook
Next Week for Three Days Session
Tho Christian Endeavor societies of
tho eighth tenth and twelfth districts
of Nebraska will hold a union conven
tion in McCook Friday Saturday and
Sunday August 16 17 and 18
Delegates are expected from each or
ganization in these districts and as each
Senior society is entitled to four dele
gates and each Junior socioty three
there will bo a considerable number of
young people from out of the city Let
any who are willing to entertain dele
gates please notify at once either Miss
Bessie Rowell Miss Beatty or Miss
Ruggles that the visitors may bo prop
erly provided for
Tho several sessions of the convention
will bo held in tho Congregational
church Tho program follows
700 Sunrise prayer meeting McCook
9 00 Address of Welcome
a As a Citizen T B Campbell
b As to Churches Rev G B
Ilawkes McCook
Response Mrs A C Abbott
Secretarys report A J Bunnell
230 Devotional The Messenger
Matt 31 G Miss Milicent Slaby
245 Devotion to C E Rev Fred
L Hall Danbury
300 The Christian Endeavor in the
Home Miss Pearl McFarland
345 General Discussion Benefits of
Christian Endeavor conducted
by Miss Frances Hughes McCook
730 Devotional A Young Endeavor-
er Luko 211 51 Miss Dora
Oyster McCook
715 Every Endeavorers Duty Miss
Ellie Huber Bioomington
800 Evening Address Rev Joseph II
Bennett Farnam
700 Sun riso prayer meeting Reward
of Obedience Eph 61 21 Dist-
rict Sccrcttirv
830 Devotional Able to Stand
Malt 41 11 Miss Milicent Slaby
845 Tho Blessings of Christian Life
Miss Mabel Barnhart Minden
900 Influence of Young Christians
Miss Minnie Pause Alma
915 The Essence of Our Pledge
Miss Delia Pool Stamford
930 General Discussion What Can
Wo Do for Young People Out of
tho Church led by Miss Ida
Redford Cambridge
1000 Business meeting
230 Devotional A Blessed Mission
Matt 51 12 Alfred J Bunnell
245 The Missionary Field
a As to the Home Society
b As to the District Miss Goldie
Steven3 Minden
c As to the State Rev II C
Remington Holbrook
d As to tho World Rev ASimp
son Cambridge
345 General Discussion Missionary
Ambition conducted by Miss
Myrtle Losey Naponee
400 Reception
730 Devotional Tho Word John
11 14 Arthur Randel McCook
745 Reading The Last Word Miss
Ida Redford Cambridge
800 Evening Sermon missions Rev
W C Moyer McCook
700 Sunrise Prayer Meeting Rev
John C Crocker Bertrand
1130 Morning sermon Rev G B
Hawkes McCook
300 Junior Rally The True Color
A chalk talkconducted by Junior
Supt Addie Wagey Cambridge
730 Devotional Roswell Cutler Mc
7 45 Evening sermon Rev G C John
son Minden
Consecration and Mizpah
The district officers of the Endeavor
societies are as follows President II
C Remington Holbrook vice president
Rev G C Johnson Minden secretary
treasurer AJBunnell Franklin su
perintendent of Juniors Miss Addie
Wagey Cambridge superintendent of
missions Miss Goldie Stevens Minden
The Izzers are Coming
Another big dray load of Izzer
Cotton Batts will reach us in a few
days No cotton batts on earth make
such good comforts We furnish you
tho Izzer in the or made up into
our celebrated Izzer bed comforts The
Thompson D G Co
Water at the Cemetery
The water connection to the city cem
etery has been completed and persons
desiring can secure permits to use water
for the rest of the season by applying to
to the city treasurer and paying 250
Cemetery Committee
Stop that Sore Neck
and shonlder by getting a Whipple
Humane Horse Collar at the McCook
Hardware Cos Fifteen days free trial
hit I
A Killing at Arapahoe
Joseph Tyrrell a young man was
shot and killed by City Marshal Ste
vens of Arapahoo Wednesdoy night
Tho marshal had in charge a man
whom ho charged with carrying liquor
on his person they havo a liquor and
anti saloon war on in Arapahoe and in
tho controversy had used his club on
tho old man Tyrrell ayoungman be
camo involved in some way in tho caso
and was shot and killed by tbo marshal
Tho marshal had to bo secreted to savo
him from tho populace Tho caso has
increased bad fooling already existing
in Arapahoo botweon opposing factious
Just a New Boss
Tho popular barber shop in tho rear
of the Citizens bank this week passed
under tho ownership of E M Day who
has boon in charge of tho shop sinco
Fred Bruns bought tho Custer shop and
personally took charge of tho Custer
shop on Main avenve Mr Day is too
well known to tho peoplo of McCook to
requiro nn introduction The past is a
guarantee that his shop will be one of
tho best in tho city and that overy de
mand of tho public in his lino will bo
promptly and efficiently mot
The City Scales About Finished
The city scales authorized by tho
council are about ready for public uso
Tho scales were built on lower Marshall
street in front of tho Bullard lumber
yard west sido They aro standard six
ton steel frame scales of tho best pattorn
A brick oflico has boen built on tho side
walk from which tho weighing can bo
dono in all sorts of weather In fact
McCook will soon bo prepared to do
public weighing in a most approved
Can Begin Business Any Time
A telegram received Tuesday by
President Walsh from tho treasury de
partment announced tho fact that tho
charter number of tho McCook Nation
al Bank would be 8823 and tnattho bank
was authorized to begin business at any
time The furniture and fixtures of
tho new banking concern have beon
ordered and tho preliminary business
ot the bank is progresciag satisfactorily
To Patrons of KcCook Electilc Light Co
Beginning with August first all bills
duo this company will bo payable at
the companys office in the po3tollice
block between tho first and 17th of tho
month making July bills duo and pay
able between the first and 17th of
August 8 2 2ts
McCook Electric Light Co
A R Scott Mangr
Only Absolute Confidence
could prompt a manufacturer to put out
his goods warranting perfect satisfaction
or money refunded Tho American
Beauty Corsets are so sold Wo carry a
complete lino from 33c to 1 in gauze
batiste coutil etc The Thompson D
G Co
Tricot Flannel Suitings
We show 25 pieces of fino all wool
Tricot flannels in almost as many colora
They aro splendid for school wear being
perfect in color as well a3 washable
Our priceonly 35c Tho Thompson D
G Co
A Good Wearing Shoe
is what you will have if you buy them
at Diamonds New Shoe Store
Baptst Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m
Christian Bible school 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m by Dr
Finch Y P S C E 7 pm 8 p ra
Wednesday prayer meeting
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 8 p m
Sunday school at 10 a m AH aro
welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 am Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Locghran Pastor
Methodist Sunday School at 10
Preaching at 11 a m and S15 pm Fp
worth League at 7 prayer meeting every
Wednesday night at 8 Next Sunday
August 18 will bo reception of proba
tioners Everybody invited
Christian Science Services Sun
day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8
p in Subject Soul Meetings
held in Diamond block Room open
daily from 2 to 5 p m except Sun
day Science literature on sale
Congregational Sunday School at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and
815 p m by pastor Evening subject
Irrigation Christian Endeavor at
7 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday
at 815 p m A cordial invitation i3
extended to all to attend these services
Geo B Hawkes Pastor