The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 02, 1907, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription l a Year in Advance
I hereby urmounco myself a candi
dato for the oflico of judge of tbe
fourteenth judicial district of Nebraska
on the republican ticket subject to the
decision of the republican primary elec
tion to be hold September 3 1007
Chakles E Eldhed
McCook Nebraska
District Judge
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for renomination as judge of the
Fourteenth judicial district of Nebras
ka on the Republican ticket subject to
the decision of the Republican primaries
to bo held Sept 3 1907
Robert C Orr
I respectfully announce that I will
be a candidate for the office of Clerk
of the District Court of Red Wil
low county on the Republican ticket
subject to the decision of the Repub
lican Primaries to be hold on Tuesday
September 3 1907
Chester A Rodohrs
Valley Grange Prect April 26 1907
I hereby announce to the Republicans
of Red Willow County that I shall be a
candidate for the office of County Trea
surer on the Republican ticket subject
to the decision of the Republican Prim
ary Election to be held Tuesday Sept
3rd 1907 For the past twelve years I
have been engaged in practical book
keeping and commercial business and
feel confident that I can handle with
credit all business entrusted to the
office I respectfully ask your due con
sideration Clifford Naden
Danbury Neb May 6th 19C7
I hereby announce to the Republicans
of Red Willow County that I shall be a
candidate for the office of county treas
urer on the Republican ticket at the
primary elections to be held on Tuesday
September 3 1907 I have had twenty
three years of an active business ex
perience in store and bank and feel
confident that I can handle the affairs
of the office with credit to myself and
the Republican party Respectfully
A L Cochran Bartley Neb
I respectfully announce that I will be
a- candidate for the office f county
treasurer of Red Willow county on the
republican ticket at tbe primary election
Tuesday September 3 1907
If elected will give up present occupa
tion and personally attend to the duties
of the office
Justin A Wilcox
McCook Nebraska May 2 1907
I M Beardslee candidate for county
treasurer solicits the support of the elec
tors in the Republican primaries
I wish to announce to the Republican
voters of this county that I shall be a
candidate for the Republican nomina
tion for County Clerk at the Primary
Election on Tuesday September 3rd
1907 and that I would like to have all
fair minded Republican voters who be
lieve in good clean business like service
rom their public servants and who want
men that are absolutely free from all
boss or ring rule free from all machine
or corporation influence to consider my
candidacy Respectfully
Chas Skalla
Indianola Neb April 26 1907
I hereby announce to the Republicans
of Red Willow county that I shall be a
candidate for the office of County Clerk
on the Republican ticket at the Prim
ary Election to be held on Tuesday
September 3 1907
I respectfully ask the consideration of
the Republican electors of the county
Stuart B McLean
McCook Neb April 26 1907
For County Judge
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re election to the office of County
Judge on the Republican ticket With
a high appreciation of the splendid vote
given me two years ago and with a
purpose to render the best service posi
ble if re elected I respectfully request
the consideration of all Republicans at
the coming Primary Election
J C Moore
Tyrone Precinct June 19th 1907
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of county assessor of Red
WiHow county Nebr on the republican
ticket subject to the decision of repub
lican primary election to be held Tues
day Sept 3rd 1907
I have had 7 years experience as an
assessor and deputy
T A Enjdlsey
Red Willow Precinct
Temporarily in Valley Grange
Jnne 6th 1907
The Record Is Different
Tho Imperial Republican in writing
up tho record of Robert C Orr as dist
rict judge of this district states One of
the most noticeable features of his
regimo as judge is the very few cases de
cided by him which havo been appealed
to higher courts and the very few cases
that have been reversed Wo under
stand the record to be otherwise and
that a largo percent of tho cases that
havo been tried before him that are of
sufficient importance go to tho Bupreme
court Of those acted upon up to date
39 cases in total one was modified
by the supromo court twenty eight have
been reversed and only ten affirmed
Rather noticeable feature
And then again the effort to make it
appear that Judge Orr is the peoples
candidate seems to be without adeqato
foundation It is well known that the
judgo was tho local Hayes county at
torney for the Burlington when appoint
ed to succeed Judge Norris And that
during all tho time he has been on the
bench from date of appointment to
January 1907 ho has accepted and used
free transportation from the railway
company The fact that he was once a
Burlington attorney is not a discredit
able item but that he used free trans
portation after his appointment and
after bis election and until the laws of
the state prohibited the same does not
entitle him to be regarded as the peo
ples candidate or that tho railroad
company has anything to fear from him
on the bench Then the further fact
that C A Ready of Hayes county and
J F Fults of Furnas county another
Burlington attorney are most active in
his behalf indicate that ho is at any
rate quite satisfactory to the railroad
The Cause of Snoring
Tk3 is not for you because yon
never snore No one ever does snore
himself It is always the other fellow
But you can read this and then tell
that guilty other fellow how to break
himself of his bad habit for snoring
is merely a bad habit and as such
can be oVercome It is caused prl
marlly by Improper breathing that Is
breathing through the mouth instead
of through the nostrils so first of all
care should be taken during waking
hours to breathe correctly The habil
once formed of keeping the mouth as
firmly closed as possible ho will be
less likely to sleep with it open TheD
Bee that your troublesome snorer has
a proper pillow He should sleep with
his head as flat as possible for if his
head is pushed forward and the neca
bent the tongue drops back agalnsl
the soft palate and forms an obstruc
tion which makes all the unmusical
sounds we hear when the air is forced
past it St James Gazette
Tho Last Match Saved Them
The Bhip had lain becalmed Inatrop
Ical sea for three days Not a breath
of air stirred the mirrorlike surface ol
the sea or the limp sails that hung
from the yards like drapery carved in
Btone The captain resolved to wall
no longer He piped up all hands on
deck and requested the passengers to
also come forward
I must ask all of you he said to
give me every match that you have
Wonderingly the passengers and crew
obeyed The captain carefully arranged
the matches in his hands as each man
handed him his store until all had
been collected Then he threw them
all overboard but one drew a clgai
from his pocket and striking the soli
tary match on the mainmast endeav
ored to light it In an instant a furi
ous gale swept over the deck extin
guished the match and filled the sails
and the good ship Mary Ann sped
through the waves on her course
Pearsons Weekly
The Cods Bill of Fare
An Interesting exhibit in the South
Kensington museum London illus
trates the omnivorous nature of the
cods diet Among the fish falling n
prey to Its voracious maws we note
the young of the herring dab whiting
and sand eel Shrimps and young lob
sters also form an important item In
the cods menu The strangest part ol
the cods diet perhaps is the sea mouse
whose thick covering of bristles might
be thought to render it unwelcome to
any stomach Large whelks and shells
of whelks with their indwelling hermit
crabs are also largely devoured From
Its partiality to mollusks in fact the
cod may become an assistant to the
shell collector Woodward in his Man
ual of the Mollusca remarks that
some good northern seashells have
been rescued unbroken from the stom
ach of the cod London Globe
Growing Flowers In Winter
A long run of dark days in winter Is
bad for the florists It matters little
how cold the weather is provided
there is sunshine for the heat can al
ways be maintained to the proper
point nnd with sunshine flowers will
bloom just as freely when the ther
mometer shows an outdoor tempera
ture of zero as at the freezing point
though of course more money must be
spent for coal But when day after
day for weeks at a time clouds over
hang the sky nothing will grow as it
should The carnation buds develop
slowly until they are half open and
wait for sunshine and if it does not
come in four or Ave days the blooms
decay So also it is with callas and
roses They will open halfway then
without sunlight will quickly spoil
St Louis Globe Democrat
About the thinnest thing in the world
is the film of a soap bubble It would
take about 50000000 of them to meas
ure one inch
Loiien Ludwick is visiting in Yuma
William Suess is visiting his brother
Louis Suess
Mibs McDivitt sister of tho doctor
is a guost of Mis Hazel Hare
Rachel Berry is enjoying a visit to
hor old homo in Minneapolis
Chas Hasty of Arapahoe visited rel
atives and friends in tho city Sunday
Russell Wood of Wauneta is visit
ing Harry and Arleno Alien this week
Miss Virgie Ludwick is in Lincoln
attending tho assembly and visiting an
Mrs H N Rosebush and daughter
returned last Thursday from her visit in
Mrs W E Harts mother arrived
from Hastings last evening on No 5
on a visit
R O Light departed Monday morn
ing for Villisca Iowa on a visit to the
Miss Alice Amen returned home
last Saturday night from her trip to
Loveland Colo
Mrs G E Thompson and daughters
departed this morning for Omaha on a
three weeks visit
J R McCarl spent a few days this
week with the Barnetts who are in the
west for an outing
Mrs B G Gossard departed first
of the week for Puyallup Wash to
join her parents there
Mrs Maud Neubauer came down
from Denver last Saturday and is
again with The Tribune
Miss Nina Tewksbury of Lincoln has
been a guest of the Rankins of Drift
wood She returned home midweek
Mrs L B Carroll who has been a
guest of her folks here returned close
of week past to her home in Sidney
Mr and Mrs H II Huet who have
been living in Colorado Springs Colo
for some time have returned to Mc
Cook to live
Miss Sadie Everist departed Mon
day on No 1 for Grand Junction Colo
to be absent several weeks on a vaca
tion and outing
Mr and Mrs Leroy Dutton depart
ed close of past week for Alamosa
Colo where he has irrigated land in
the San Luis valley of fame
H T Young of Denver who has been
a brief guest of S B Rankin of the
Driftwood was a passenger on No 1
Wednesday morning for home
Mrs Adele Phelan Viva and Tom
departed Thursday morning for Col
orado to dp a camping stunt of a few
weeks at Toland on the Moffat road
Mrs Simpson Finnell departed
yesterday for her home in Hamburg
Iowa after a visit of several weeks with
her sister in our city Mrs J G Stokes
Will Dowling of Clay Center was in
the city fore part of the week in the in
terest of a school supply house He
called on old college friends while here
Mrs James Toothey of Sterling
Colo has been visiting McCook rela
tives and friends during the past week
or so returning home early in the pres
ent week
C H Stennett accompanied his
family down to Holdrege Saturday
evening last He returned to his work
Sunday night but the family will re
main there all week during the harvest
NWColling and family of Hastings
Iowa came in from the west Wednes
day night and will spend a few days
here and at Indianola visiting relatives
and friends They have been visiting
at both Cheyenno and at Denver
Mrs J B Meserve departed Tues
day night for Aurora Nebraska to be
a guest of her daughter Mrs E E
Magee for awhile She will be joined
there by Mr Meserve and together they
will journey to their new home in Well
ington Kansas
Mr and Mrs S B Rankin of the
Driftwood gave a picnic last Saturday
on the ranch in honor of their several
guests Among the guests were the
Somerville Rector and Jones families
together with a few McCook friends
It was a pleasant and happy incident to
all with a little successful kodakery to
preserve the celebration
Story of a Greek Saint
A member of the Royal Geographical
society gives this little story of a
Greek saint Our good St Blazios
gave us the phrase drunk as Blazes
for this saint was pleasantly done to
death by having his flesh torn off by
wool combs and so he became the pa
tron of the English wool combers and
as a high feast was kept up on his day
and the people who frequented the
feast were colled Blazers so the saying
grew Into the English tongue and re
mains there fixed and useful
Both Deceived
Customer You have deceived me
outrageously You told me that I
would be provided with a good watch
as long as I lived and now after bare
ly a fortnight it is quite good for noth
ing Watchmaker But it is not my
fault that you were sp thin and sick
looking Translated For Transatlantic
Tales From Fllegende Blatter
One Thing the Scotsman Did Not Dare
to Buy In Bulk
The chlrwoman of tho board of gov
ernors of a New York womans club
was discussing the question of the
clubs liquor license
It Is rather a matter of indifference
to us she said whether we get a li
cense or not Women you know are
not given to drinking They nre too
careful of their appearance They de
sire to remain Bllm and fresh and
wine as you know tends to make us
coarse and sale and fat
So if we had a license I think wc
should sell little It would not be with
us as with a farmer I once met in
Traveling in tho Scottish highlands
one summer I stopped at a farmhouse
for a cup of milk and the view from
the door was so lovely that I said to
the farmer
Ah what a superb place to live
Ou aye he answered in conven
tional Scotch its a richt but hoo wad
ye like maam to hae to walk fufteen
mile Ilka time ye wanted a bit glass o
Oh well said I why dont you
get a demijohn of whisky and keep it
in tho house
ne shook his head sadly
Whusky he said wont keep
New York Tribune
They Never Die a Natural Death Says
an Observant Fisherman
Fish never die a natural death
said an old fisherman who has ob
served as he fished If they did
bodies of dead fish would be floating
on the surface of the water about all
the while because such bodies If un
molested would have to float
I mean of course fish in nature
never die a natural death not fish in
captivity And perhaps it should not
be called natural death that fish in
captivity die Their environment in
duces mortality that fish in their na
tive habitat would escape and these
causes might be properly classed as
among the accidents that carry the
captive fish off
If fish in their native element were
never molested I believe they would
never die If they had sufficient food
which would be impossible if they no
longer preyed on one another there
would be no reason for their dying
It was to prevent such uninterrupted
tenure of life that all fish were made
fiercely predatory if not remorselessly
cannibalistic as many kinds are
A fishs life is a constantly stren
uous one and one entirely selfish A
fish lives only to eat and to avoid be
ing eaten New York Sun
A Literary Month
April has been a generous month in
regard to the gift of writers of the
first rank To begin with there are
Shakespeare Wordsworth Swinburne
among the poets and Fielding Hans
Andersen Charlotte Bronte Hobbes
Gibbon Kant Froude and Zola are
among the number of other notable
April born On the other hand the
month of showers proved fatal to
Shakespeare Wordsworth both on
April 23 Goldsmith Otway Rossetti
Matthew Arnold Byron Chaucer Tas
so Racine to name only the principal
among the poets who have passed
away In April while among other
writers that April has taken away have
been Bacon La Fontaine Humboldt
Darwin Franklin De Foe and Emer
son Dundee Advertiser
Overshot the Mark
McClusky was the manager of a
large warehouse in Glasgow and he
was intensely disliked One fine morn
ing he announced that he had received
a handsome offer from an English firm
and had decided to give up his
Glasgow job His fellow employees
collected a purse of sovereigns and
presented it to him as a thank offering
Weel weel said McClusky as he
took the purse This beats a I niver
thocht ye liket me sae weel But noo
that I see yere a sae sorry to lose me
I think Ill no gang awa but jlst stop
whaur I am
He is still In Glasgow Glasgow
Sick Yachts
There is a form of sickness among
boats declares Forest and Stream that
resembles hereditary diseases In that
they are handed down through suc
ceeding years as a result of mere cus
tom The cause of this form of ail
ment nine times out of ten is some
artificial limitations called racing
rules to suit which the yachts shape
Is distorted just as women to bo In
style will lace themselves into a six
teen inch waist measure or will pad
themselves out of all proportion to
their natural shape
The Verdict
A Georgia coroners jury brought in
the following verdict
The deceased came to his death
from a railroad In the hands of a re
ceiver and the same is manslaughter
in the first degree Atlanta Constitu
Voice Cultivation
Pedestrian What a horrible whine
you have In asking for assistance
You ought to have your voice culti
vated Tramp Dats wot I wants
money ferboss Im tinkin uv havln
me voice irrigated Chicago News
To Make Sure
An old subscriber writes us to know
what a married couple can live com
fortably on said the stenographer
Tell her a thousand a year more than
they have answered the correspond
ence editor wisely Iif
omcthing New
In the county court of Red Willow county
State of Nebraska In the matter of the estate
of Charles W Williams deceased State of
Nebraska Red Willow county
To all persons interested in tho estate of
Charles W Williams deceased Whereas
Almeron Reed of said county has filed in my
oflice an instrument purporting to he the last
will and testament of Charles W Williams late
of said county deceased and said Almeron
Reed has filed his petition therein praying to
havo said will admitted to probate and for the
issuing of letters testamentary which will re
lates to both real and personal estate I have
appointed the 17th day of August 1907 at ono
o clock in the afternoon at the county court
room in said county as the time and place for
hearing said will at which time and place you
and all concerned may appear and contest tho
allowing of the same
It is further ordered that said petitioner give
notice to all persons interested in said estate of
the pendency of this petition and the time and
place set for tho hearing of the same by causing
a copy of this order to be published in the Mc
Cook Tribune a newspaper printed and pub
lished in said county for three weeks success
ively previous to the dny set for hearing
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and official seal this 1st day of August
1907 J C Moore County Judge
seal Boyle Eldred attorneys
A nnmber of young people from this
county are wisely arranging to attend
the Business College at Hastings Nebr
this fall The Hastings Business Col
lege during the last year has sent stud
ents to positions in seven different
states Some are holding positions in
the Government Civil Service The
college specially prepares its students
for government positions which pay
from 61000 to S1200 per year at tho be
ginning Young people are wise in
choosing a school that has an establish
ed reputation for thorough work and
being very reasonable in the rates of
tuition The college will occupy a fine
new building this fall
McCook Nebr July 23th 1907
To the many friends who generously
extended their aid and sympathy over
the loss of our opera houso by fire on
the morning of July Gth I wish to ex
tend in this public manner my thanks
and appreciation I also wish to pub
icly thank the insurance companies for
prompt and satisfactory settlements of
all claims I had against them without
discoisnt and without expense to me
W S Bixler
The only place in town where you
can get the famous Three Star Cof
fee is at Magner Stokes market and
If you want oxford shoes call at The
Model They have them in white can
vas tans and in all colors at reduced
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
Prompt service in draying secured by
calling up phone 199
The Tribune is now prepared to do
your job printing of all kinds promptly
1 t 1 M T M m M 1 t t M M t 1 t H t H VM H H f
All the Time
That is what you will find upon every visit
to H C Clapps Exclusive Dry Goods Store
If you want a perfect
fitting stylish handsome
well tailored waist BUY
AJNAILO We are ex
clusive agents and have
just received another big
shipment They are cool
white waists for hot
weather Prices range
From 1 Up
Call and see them
When buying a corset get one that is made right fits right
and is right AMERICAN LADY CORSETS fill every want and
fit every form We are exclusive agents and guarantee every
corset to give perfect satisfaction We also handle the Case
Lace Front Corset They give you the perfect form
Before buying see our assortment of Summer Dress Goods
Waist Goods White Goods Silks Suitings etc etc
H C Clapp
Exclusive Dry Goods Ladies Furnishings
Walsh Block McCook Telephone 56
Real Estate lransters
The following real estate filings
been made in the county clerks
since our last report
Charles G Hino and Edward A Hiue
executors to Fred L Morris deed to
Lincoln Land Co to McCook Gas Co
wd to lot C 8th McCook
Lincoln Land Co to Jonathan J Sams
wd to lot 12 blk 6 Indianola
Hannabal H Miller and wife to John
S McClure wd to n hf no qrse qr ne
qr4 andsw qrnw qr 3-3-30
C M Druse and wife to Lawrence
Davis wd to so qr 20-3-26
Lincoln Land Co to McCook Pressed
Brick Co wd to pt ne qr se qr 29-3-29
John H Moore and wife to Desoline A
Olcott wd to lot llii 5 ft of lot 10
400 oo
noo oo
40 oo
3200 00
4800 00
400 00
1700 00
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska July 19 1907
The board of County Commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment present C B Gray
F S Lofton and S Premer commissioners
P E Reeder attorney and E J Wilcox
The minute- were read and on motion approv
On motion the treasurer was instructed tore
fund to G W Godfrey the sum of 210 the
amount of personal taxes erroncouslv nssessnri
to him in 1900 and paid by him under protest
On motion the resignation of Eflie M Gossard
deputy county treasurer was accepted
On motion the appointment of Herbert W
Conover as deputy county treasurer was ap
The official bond of Herbert W Conover
deputy county treasurer was examined and on
motion approved
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to
draw- warrants on the county general fund
levy of 1WJ as follows
W H Helm hunting Spaulding assail
ant claimed1300 allowed 12 CO
C E Evertsonsameclaiined 13aIIowed 12 fo
Joe Sabel same claimed 22 allowed 10 00
Ira C Kingameclaimed 1970 allowed 17 20
Geo A Niccolson same claimed 1500
allowed 12 00
T P Bale- same claimed 13 allowed 12 00
W H Cooper same allowed 12 00
Geo W Jackson same 37 40
H O Russell expense in same case 12 00
W O Ru ell viewing road 4 CO
W O Russell same claimed 10 al
lowed at 750
W O Russell viewing road No 401 and
mileage 50
V McManigal same 2 Tft
S D McClain same f0
Geo D LeHew services for treasurer 20 CO
Eliza Albrecht refund 50
Chas- Skalla balance of county aseis
Creston Disinfectant Co disinfectant 10 OO
N J Uerling mdso for Vandenoort fc
Morgan paupers IOO 79
W H Campbell carpenter services 8 4
I A Lyman viewing road 3 00
James McAdams mdse for Mrs Tuttle
pauper 22 70
On motion board adjourned to meet July 25
1937 Attest
E J Wilcox C B Gray
Clerk Chairman