m y rr V t OUR NEW PACIFIC FLEET 0m Ships Recently Ordered to the Pacific I Coast under Admiral Evans I J TIiIh ilcptirliiimit to ho continued nutil tlio untirn fleet of aixtuiMi voi bnls lias Ihhmi hIiowii G i WJ - J wv4 - W fe Wl -- f a Aiyn fst U S PROTECTED CRUiSER ST LOUIS Commander Nathaniel R Usher tonnage 9700 guns 14 speed 22 knots - U S BATTLESHIP KEARSAPGE Capt Herbert Winslow tonnage 11552 guns 22 speed 16 knots Ft- SV - - Syfa i jay tag- aV -- - rwtfT - iiiWv 1 U S BATTLESHIP RHODE ISLAND Captain yet to be assigned tonnage 14948 guns 24 speed 19 knots J v y3rt - irt v v sr - - t U JLS i j i V X Jl - p kSSlgg U S BATTLESHIP VIRGINIA Captt Seaton Schroeder tonnago 14948 guns 24 speed 19 knots CYPRESS KNEES How They Are Formed Trees Curioue Blunt Rgots The cypress knee Is u familiar object In all the lowland forests of the south but there are thousumls of northern people who have never seen them and there are many southern people too who have not seen them till they stumbled over them some dark night The knee is of solid wood has no limbs or leaves Is anywhere from six inches to six feet lu height and its rounded top and llattened sides give it very much the shape of a human leg bent at the knee till thigh and calf are brought together hence the appropriate name of knee For a number of years I was curious as to what part the knees played in the life of a cypress tree writes a cor respondent of Forest and Stream for they are part of Its root system and do not grow independently They were not sprouts trying to grow into trees for tlioy never developed branches and the liual conclusion was Unit their only use -was for people to stumble over How and why such useless appendages to the tree were formed was a mys tery until one day when drifting down a deep channel which had been washed through a cypress swamp the secret was exposed The earth had been washed nway from the roots of some of the trees and roots in all stages of growth were in sight None of these roots was less than two and one half inches thick and of uniform size clear to their tips or rather clear to their blunt ends for there was no tip Nature intended these roots to grow in soft mud and Uiey were all right for that purpose but when the blunt end of a root encountered something too hard to push through it bent or buckled in the line of least resistance and this was generally toward the top of Uie ground aud the continuing growth of the roet pushing the bend further upward made the bend closer until finally the two arms of the bend were close together and Uiey grew to gether with one sheet of bark inclos ing both STUDY YOUR HORSE If the Animal Has Mental Troubles Try to Remedy Them To begin with does your horse suffer from nostalgia or homesickness Most horses do and many really pine away and die from no other cause We can at least by making the poor creature thoroughly comfortable do ail in our power to give his pain surcease and to make him happy and contented for than homesickness of the acute and chronic form men knows few more wearing ailments Is your horses dis position sociable or misanthropic You dont know Well why not find out Does it irritate him to have his yoke mate or neighbors eating noisily and visibly while he does Is privacy evi dently his preference Very well then by boards or zinc or tin or canvas shut off both sides of his stall at Uie head so that he may eat in peace and live the isolated life which he prefers If he lays back his ears or snaps at his neighbors or fidgets and kicks at Uie partitions etc he does not fancy company at least at mealtimes and he will be better do better and here the pocket comes in keep more cheaply if you cater to his fancy If on Uie contrary a shy feeder let him see others eat even let him by a simple arrangement feed from the same man ger as one of his neighbors which is to be tied np short until Master Dainty has eaten all he will when upon al lowing the neighbor to partake Uie fas tidious one will redouble his efforts to eat just to spite the late comer at the feast The writer has used this plan with many poor feeders from race horses down and always with the best results F M Ware in Outing Maga zine He Hadnt Changed a Bit The Smiths had invited the minister to dinner As the last course was reached little Willie who had been closely watching the guest almost con tinually through the meal looked over at him once more and said You havent changed a bit since you started eating have you Mr Cur tis Why no laughed the minister Why do you ask that question Because blurted Willie confused by the pairs of eyes focused on him because I heard pa tell ma youd make a big hog of yourself as soon as you got jour eye on the corned beef and cabbage Bohemian Magazine He Had Had Some Help The man who applied at headquar ters for a little help from the char itable association set forth his case with so much tact and moderation that the secretary was beginning to be fa vorably impressed I cant ask them to do too much the applicant said modestly You see he continued in an outburst of delicacy and ingenuousness they paid for my wedding last month and twas a real swell one Youths Com panion Pain of a Wooden Leg Barneys wooden leg has been pain ing ini of late said Scholes to his wife How can that be asked Mrs Scholes irritably Mrs Barney has been thrashing Im with it was the explanation The Twins Cholmondely You and your sister are twins are you not Marjoribanks We were when we were children Now however she Is five years young er than I Cleveland Leader Reason serves when pressed but hon est Instinct comes a volunteer Pope wrctiSwi HERO OF NANSHAN HILL Prince Fushiml of Japan Who Is Now In England Much was heard of Frince Sadanaru Fushlmi of Japan cousin of the em peror during the war with Russia He Is forty nine years of age and a full general and fought In the war against China as well as In that against the armies of the czar In the latter war he was most prominent while directing Uie operations of a division of the army in southern Manchuria and his heroic conduct at the battle of Xan Hban inn when the Japanese troops illlliP W mssgfc i rKINCE FUSHI3II charged the enemy nine times in the face of a withering fire Is still well remembered Frince Fushimi visited the United States at the time of the worlds fair at St Louis and he is now attracting attention by his visit to England as special envoy of the Japanese emperor Prince Edward of Connaught not long since journeyed to the orient and con veyed the Order of the Garter to his majesty the emperor of Japan Prince Fushiml was charged with making a return call so to speak and acknowl edging the honor conferred by the Brit ish sovereign on the mikado On his arrival In England he was met by the prince of Wales the cabinet and offi cers of army and navy An amusing incident occurred in connection with the visit It so happened that the comic opera entitled The Mikado was being presented at one of the the aters of London when the prince ar rived Fearing that the burlesque of Japanese customs and officials which it contains might offend the emperors envoy the British lord chamberlain prohibited its performance Thls caused protest and the visiting prince was appealed to with the result that the ban was removed Prince Fushlmi remarking that he did not see any harm in the opera and would like to witness a performance himself CAREW TERRY Great English Actress and Her Mar riage to Her Leading Man It seems that Uie great actress Ellen Terry was wooed both before Uie foot lights and behind the scenes by her leading man James Carew When Miss Terry sailed for England at the close of her recent tour of the United States the interesting fact was dis closed that she had for a third time taken a husband the marriage which occurred on March 22 before a justice of Uie peace having been kept secret until the actress was ready to sail for home News of the romance was tiien conveyed to the public by the groom Mr Carew Is well known both In America and England and is a resident WMMHMMMMBBBaHM BMMMMHMB ELLEN TERRY AND JAMEi CAREW of Chicago though born about thirty five years ago in the state of Indiana He played prominent roles with Ame lia Bingham in The Climbers with Henrietta Crosmau In Sweet Kitty Bellairs and with Alice Fischer in Mrs Jack About two years ago he joined the company of Miss Maxine Elliott and went abroad with her ap pearing in Her Own Way A year later he joined Miss Terrys company returning to America with her for the season just closed Miss Terry was born at Coventry England in 1S4S and is therefore fifty nine years of age or nearly twenty five years her husbands senior She was married first to George Frederick Watts Uie painter from whom she separated She was married a second time to Charles Wardell an actor known on Uie stage as Charles Kelly who died some years ago GRAVITATION Its Wonderful and Far Reaching Ef fects Upon the World The effects of gravitation are so fa miliar as to demand ouly the briefest mention yet most of us perhaps sel dom stop to consider how far reaching these effects are says Dr Henry Smith Williams But for gravitation the winds would not blow the waters would not descend and the mountain tops would not crumble Into the val leys Each particle of pulverized rock would remain where it was formed ard there would be no such tiling as a mixed soil But as matters are actually arrang ed gravitation Is perpetually active and every particle of matter is being eternally tugged at and urged to get nearer to the earths center So no sooner does a fragment of rock at a mountain crest become loosened than gravitation hurls It crashing down Into the valley shattering it into frag ments perhaps or at the least grinding oil some portions of its surface as well as of the surface of the rocks against which It is dashed By such means aud with the fur ther aid of its handmaidens wind and water gravitation works its unceasing purpose of leveling the surface of the earth In a few brief geological mo ments it rounds the shoulders of the haughtiest mountain and given time enough it will bring every particle of rock back to the sea bed whence it originally sprang Short of that as a transition stage it is forever mixing the different soil constituents on the one hand and sorting them out again on the other Appletons FINE SPIDER THREADS Cultivated Especially For the Use of Astronomers The cultivation of certain species of spiders solely for the line threads which they weave for scientific uses has an important bearing upon astron omy No substitute for the spiders thread has yet been found for bisecting the screw of the micrometer used for de termining the positions and motions of the stars Not only because of the re markable fineness of the threads are they Aaluable but because of their durable qualities The threads of certain spiders raised for astronomical purposes withstand changes in temperatures so that often in measuring son spots they are unin jured when the heat is so great that the lenses of the micrometer eyepiece are cracked These spider lines are only one fifth to one seventh of a thousandth of an Inch in diameter compared with which the threads of the silkworm are large and clumsy Each line is made up of several thou sands of microscopic streams of fluid Under the most powerful magnifying glass they appear true and round The work of placing these lines in the micrometer requires the delicate touch of experts who operate with the aid of microscopes which magnify the line a thousand times The lines are placed parallel with each other and two one thousandths of an inch apart Stray Stories Buying Cooked Food In France it is a common thing for the wife to be out at work as well as the husband From this circumstance no doubt have developed the facilities that country affords for obtaining ready cooked food outside the home Whole meals can be purchased outside and they are very good meals too A whole fowl or a half one or a smaller portion can be bought hot or cold from the rotissier Soups and salads can be bought in the same way and in shops where eggs are sold there Is always a basket of red eggs as well as white ones the red color being used to indi cate that the eggs are cooked All these things are sold at prices within the reach of all and in many homes scarcely any attempt is made to do cooking Belgium Blows Its Horn Belgium like many continental coun tries has its national board of adver tising The state owning as it does the railways must do everything in its power to increase the passenger traffic and so England and the adjacent coun tries are extensively placarded with posters showing Belgiums beauty and pleasure spots The principal attrac tions are Ostend and its casino and the pictorial records of this report have adorned the boardings of England for many years past London Graphic Chileans Are Mongrels There i a good deal of mongrel about Chilean society Chileans will tell you that they are descended from old Spanish families but the old Span ish families were mostly turned out or massacred in the revolution against Spain which arose mainly out of the wrongs of the mongrels The descent in short usually includes a slave native Indian woman years back and the two types have mixed well with handsome but very fiery results Exchange Her Willingness You must have been dreaming of some one proposing to you last night Laura How is that Why I heard you for a whole quar ter of an hour crying out TiTes File gende Blatter Natural Proud Father My child is only a month old and he cries for Uie moon-Proud- Mother Mine isnt a week old and he cries for the milky way Puck Every age has its problem by solv ing which humanity is helped forward The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is flarshs motto lie wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it MROT a U JIJL The Butcher Phone 12 Sr t y xN t r fvc kmJmmMkMh fflnnrmiiTii ulfiulAL tin MI To the East mi mjm A few doses of this remed will in variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrhoea It can always be depended upon even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera morbus It is equally successful for summer diarrhoea and cholera infantum in children and is the means of saving the lives of ir my childi en each year When rdi i l wth water and sweefe ud it is pleasant to take Everv man ora family should keep this i emeuy in his home Bny it no Price 25c Large Size 50a mn Daily low rate excur sion tickets to tbc Jamestown Exposition eastern citfet and resorts northern Michigan Canada and New England ToJttlie WeSt Attractive low UIOIUU ItibCa LU IC TC Pafifir Ypllnmcfnno Pnrlr TTfif Colorado Big Horn Mountains Black Hills Big Horn Basin and Billings District conducted cheap rate homeseekers sions first and third Tuesdavs We as- sit you in locating irrigated lands at tbs low original price Write D Clecz Denver Landseekers lnfurmation Bu reau Omaha One Way Colonist Rates to the Coast Daily n September and iinu uuiuuir iu nia Washington Oregon Montana Wy oming Big Horn Basin Call or write for details GEORGE S SCOTT Ticket Agent McCook Xeh L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha ffefc CHICHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND 60 LADIES 1 BRAND - Ask your lrrUt for tS m 2HMOND BRAND PILIS in Red and A Blue your Goii metallic boxes sealed with Ribuos TAKS NO other Bay oF imrrt mi th CUT CURS TEHS TIAJi V Pi i 1IIIs for twenty firs a zx Safest Aiways Reliable