The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 02, 1907, Image 1

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David McMannis Pays the Penalty of
Attempting to Steal Ride
Hlllsboro Kentucky Dead Mans Home-
Remains Interred In St Patricks
Cemetery on Tuesday
Saturday night about nine oclockj
David McMannis lost his life in the
Burlington yards under the wheels of a
locomotive Both legs were practically
cut off besidefl the man sustained great
shock Exact facts nro not easily ob
tainable but we gather the following
It is likely from indications and ad
missions that the man was intending to
beat his way on train No G then in the
yrrd and that he waB run over by the
engine of that train which had been
detached from tho train and was back
ing up on another track to the round
The injured man died at about one
oclock Sunday morning He was for
awhile able to communicate with those
in charge
It was ascertained that his folks
lived in Hillsboro Kentucky and they
were communicated with by wire as to
what disposition to make of his body
but specific instructions for some
reason or other were not received until
after the remains had been interred
On Tuesday morning about nine
oclock the remains were buried in
Saint Patricks Catholic cemetery Tho
instructions to ship the remains to Hills
boro Kentucky were not delivered to
the undertaker until on the following
morning hence this request could not
be complied with
It is reported that the man was mar
ried and had a wife and two children
Employees tho Stephons restaurant
state that the dead man and a compan
ion ate supper in that restaurant that
evening The companion was evidently
more fortunate in getting on the train
and likely departed on the train with
out knowing of the injury to his friend
McMannis Lad 9 in money on his
To The Public
The public is hereby notified that the
real estate and insurance firm doing
business under the name of Lindemann
Moyer dissolved business relations
July 1 1907 and that I L H Linde
mann will not be responsible for accounts
made by the latter W C Moyer sub
sequent to the above date I wish
further to correct an error which appears
in the ad on first page of the new city
directory The words Bonded Ab
stracters appears immediately below
our names This was placed there
without my consent and is an untruth
as there is no bond on file and I advised
against it owing to the fact that we
were both inexperienced in abstracting
I wish to have it understood that I am
not responsible for this and do not pose
as an abstracter
I will continue the real estate and in
surance business as heretofore but in a
new location aB the new bank will open
up their business in my present loca
tion Office after August 6th or 10th
will be 118 W Dennison street in the
new Fahrenbruck block 8 24ts
L H Lindemann
Black Silks
Compare our 73c yard wide black
taffeta silk with any at 90c and you will
realize what our silk jprices mean Our
115 heavy black taffeta is handsome
value and our 125 Peau de Soie is the
best we offer We invite your inspec
tion The Thompson D G Co
How About your Plows
There is a comfort and economy in a
new plow whether walking sulky or
gang provided it pulls easy See the
full line of John Deere Plows at Mc
Cook Hardware Co None better few
as good
Episcopal Sunday School Picnics
Tuesday the membera and friends of
the Episcopal Sunday School enjoyed
all the particulars of a delightful picnic
at Fitchs on the Driftwood
Extra Size Belts
Wo have your size if you dont take
over 38 inches Several styles The
Thompson D G Co
Attention Farmers
I will buy hogs on Tuesdays and
Wednesdays ONLY during hot weather
D H Shepherd
Get a- Refrigerator Now
at reducsd prices
McCook Hardware Co
Lock and Block System
When the Burlingtons scheme of im
proving the Omaha Denver lino is fin
ished there will be as nearly perfect a
system of block signals as has yet been
devised for the protection of traffic and
the prevention of wrecks The system
will cost in the neighborhood of 150
000 and will be the lock and block
type with the blocks including the
space between stations It will have
the advantage of requiring the opera
tors at both ends of tho blocks to op
erate it and thus minimize the chances
of accident Its chief drawback is that
it will require trains to stay one station
apart which may have the tendency
to interfere with tho making of fast
It is said that the new system once
established will result in the making
of every blank siding into a block
station with an operator located there
to attend to the passing of trains This
will it is announced semi ofllcially
give employment to at least fifty new
operators Part of the material for the
lock and block system is already on
hand and much of the remainder has
been ordered
The operation of the system is not
complicated though it requires two
men to do it When the train ap
proaches station A the operator at A
calls up the operator at station B who
pulls the lever which sets the signals
and keeps out any trains from the op
posite direction As soon as the train
enters the block between A and B the
operator at A again calls B who calls
C In the meantime no train can en
ter the block until the train using it
has passed into the next
Between Omaha and South Omaha
where switch engines are constantly
buzzing the automatic type of block
system will be installed not because
it is safer but that there may be less
delay in one of the busiest yards on
the system
In western Nebraska where the sta
tions are comparatively far apart and
in eastern uoioraao snanties will be
built at every passing track and here
tho block machinery will be installed
with an operator to actuate it It is
on these blind sidings that the fifty
extra operators are to be placed ac
cording to the declaration of officials
Signal semaphore and block work in
the new Lincoln yards now under con
struction west of the city will cost it
is estimated not far from 850000
Lincoln Journal
Died on the Train
Sunday morning the remains of John
Edward Gruoner of Chicago were taken
from train No 2 at this station the
man having died near Stratton on the
train as he was being taken home He
was a victim of consumption A
brother accompanied him The body
was prepared here during the day for
shipment and the remains were shipped
on to Chicago on the night train No 6
To Patrons of McCook Electilc Light Co
Beginning with August first all bills
due this company will be payable at
the companys office in the postoffice
block between the first and 17th of the
month making July bills due and pay
able between the first and 17th of
August 8 2 2ts
McCook Electric Light Co
A R Scott Mangr
Labor and Materials Too High
Earl Ludwick has decided not to build
at this time on account of the high
price of materials and labor He has
disposed of the brick delivered on the
ground and the same are being hauled
away It is regrettable but apparently
Dress Skirts
Our collection is large and divided be
tween Voiles Panamas Batistes Mo
hairs Broadcloths and Novelties in
cluding also a few dark patterns of
washable skirts 150 to S700 Altera
tions free The Thompson Dry Goods
Every Successful Farmer
must plan so as to do his work with
the least labor and nothing else is more
essential than a handy Truck Wagon
See the lino of John Deere and Fetzer
Trucks at McCook Hardware Co
Splendid outfits for little money
Ten Cent Dark Percales
Just receives a nice assortment of
dark work percales which we mark 10c
The Thompson D G Co
Peerless Carpet Warp
White 23c lb colors 25c lb None
sold to merchants The Thompson D
G Co
You Can Get a Nice
framing picture with each package of
tacks at the McCook Hardware Co
Roberson Pleased as Usual
Frequency of appearance in the same
place is no bar to Frank Robereons pop
ularity His lecture and pictures of
European scenes in the Menard Wed
nesday evening drevf a full house and
entertained and pleased all as is his
Water at the Cemetery
The water connection to the city cem
etery has been completed and persons
desiring can secure permits to use water
for the rest of the Beason by applying to
to the city treasurer and paying 8250
Cemetery Committee
Water Meters
We have on hand a supply of approv
ed water meters which we will instal
promptly on application Under Wood
worth drug store Phone 1S2
Middleton Ruby
Pure Flavoring Extracts
We make our own Lemon and Vanilla
extracts guaranteed pure and much
stronger than the ordinary extracts
Try them A McMillen Druggist
School Plaids
We offer very nice plaid dress goods
for school wear at 16c to 50c About
25 patterns None too soon to think of
the fall term The Thompson D GCo
Threshermen Attention
McCook Hardware Co handles all
Merltas the best oils and greases and other
The best table oil cloth 15c yd at The supplies and special attention given to
Thompson D G Co I repairs
Mccook red willow county Nebraska Friday evening august 2 i9or
The Occasion is the Closing Week of a Very Successful
Session of the McCook Junior Normal School
Exercises of the Red Willow County Public Schools in the Congregational
Church Monday Afternoon Class Address by Supt McBrien
Reception in the Evening in Commercial Club Rooms
A notable affair indeed were the
eighth grade exercises of the lied Wil
low county public schools last Monday
afternoon in the Congregational church
of our city the occasion being graced
by the presence of both Governor Shel
don and State Supt McBrien and the
large audience of pupils and citizens
being inspired by the splendid ad
dresses delivered by these gentlemen on
appropriate topics Governor Sheldon
spoke on the boy and Supt McBrien
on our country They were both great
ly appreciated by the hearing for their
thoughtfulness and eloquent earnest
The formal program was as follows
and was of high class excellence
PinnoSolo LovoDroamr
Miss Fay Hostcttcr
Invocation Ro v M B Carman
Vocal Solo Selected
Mrs G Li Burncy
Salutatory Rosa Wolborn
Class Address J L McBrien
Vocal Solo Selected
Mrs Geo II Thomas
Presentation of Certificates and Scholarship
Supt Flora B Quick
Valedictory Wilbor Plourd
VocalSolo Selected
Mrs C W Britt
Benediction Rev G B Hawkes
Following were the graduates Mart
in Harrison Lucy Thomas Wilber
Plourd Bernice Toogood Paul McCool
Pearl Allen Clarence Young Maurice
Walters Rosa Welborn Kathryn Water
man Gladys Adams Nellie Murphy
James S Daffer Owen Burton Irma
Sheets Nellie OMalley Nora Bede
Miss Rosa Wplborn salutatorian and
Water Company Announces That It Will
Ask For Injunction
Just before going to press The Tribune
is informed that the McCook Water
Works Co has given notice that injunc
tion proceedings will be instituted
against putting into effect the
nance recently passed by the city coun
cil at the request of the McCook Water
Consumers League
So the merry war seems but started
Farmers and others Attention
Nebraska State Agricultural College
recognizes the merits of the Whipple
humane horse collar by purchasing six
additional collars after one collar had
been thoroughly tc3ted on sore horses
on their farms
If an institution of this kind adapts
the Humane collar why should you hes
itate McCook Hardware Co
honor pupil received a two year scholar
ship in the Franklin academy one of the
solid intermediate schools of the state
Monday afternoon J E Kolley gave
the governor and a small party an auto
ride over the city and over the country
both north and south the Morlan ranch
being a special point visited The gov
ernor was delighted and enlightened
over this country which was new to
him and concerning which ho doubtless
did not have adequate information
Supt and Mrs G H Thomas were
hosts at a dinner at the Monte Cristo
cafe in honor of the governor at which
there were a few other guests
In the evening the people of the city
and the pupils of the McCook Junior
Normal were given an opportunity to
meet and gre6t the governor and state
superintendent at an impromptu recept
ion given under the auBpices of the Mc
Cook Commercial club in their rooms
Of this many took advantage and the oc
casion concluded a very profitable and
pleasant incident in the history of the
junior normal session of 1907 Many ac
companied the visiting officials to the
train No G upon which they jour
neyed eastward the same evening
The governor expressed himself as fa
voring an appropriation of 830000 rath
than 15000 for junior normal purposes
This has been a full and strenuous
week an auspicious closing to a highly
creditable and profitable session
Wait for Green
McConnell for drugs
Everything in drugs McConnell
Hammocks at McMillensDrug Store
Fresh potato chips always on hand
Magner Stokes
Try McMillens Blackberry Balsam
for summer complaints
Manicure goods of quality sold by L
W McConnell druggist
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Try Magner Stokes for fresh
salt meats fruit and vegetables
Look over our books Your kind of
reading is here
L W McConnell Druggist
Mixed Paints Lead and Oil Glass
and Wall Paper at special prices
McMillen Druggist
Be ready to combat bowel trouble
McConnell3 Blackberry Balsam is sure
cure Price 25c
Ladies canvas and tan oxfords at less
than ever offered for the same quality
of goods The Model Shoe Store
The only place to buy good shoes and
to feel comfortable is at Diamonds
Shoe Store on West Dennison St
R M Douglass Co draying in al
its branches Call up phone 199 Call
at office in Bump building lower Main
Everyone knows Almond and Cucum
ber Cream gives the quickest relief for
tan sunburn and roughness 2oc at
Woodworth Cos Druggists
Sunshine is the latest in washing
machines ac McCook Hardware Co
Look them over and see if you think
they are better than the One Minute
or Motor the Ocean Wave or
White Lily You certainly need one
of these splendid washing machines
Attention is called to the card of
thanks of Mr Bixler in another column
Mr Bixler informs us that his loss
something over 518000 was covered by
insurance to the amount of 1145000
in the following companies Home N
Y Aetna of Hartford Phenix Cont
inental Nebraska Underwriters Liver
pool London Globe Insurance
Company of North America Spring
field of Mass All reDresented in thn
I agency of John E Kelley
rib till
Two Burlington Accidents
Hastings Neb July 27 An oxtra
train east engine 1005 met with an
accident at Juniata at 330 p m to
day which blocked the main lino of
the road at that place and also thiow
cars over the passing tracks making it
necessary to detour trains via Blue
Hill and Red Cloud for tho west Nino
cars were thrown crosswise of the
tracks one of those being an oil tank
car A burned ou journal under one
of the cars caused tho derailment No
one was injured No 3 passenger from
the east was sent west via Red Cloud
from this place and No G east bound
was brought here via Red Cloud It
was hoped to have the line cleared
for No 1 The wrecker from Lincoln
was sent here
A message from Juniata says
An extra freight running about
forty miles per hour eastbound tried
to catch orders on the go but tho en
gineer missed his and suddenly put on
brakes The train had a very bad hot
box and stopping so suddenly broke
the journal of a car Nino cars were
thrown into tho ditch and tho main
line and passing tracks were torn up
for about three hundred feet No lives
were lost the waycar and engine stay
ing on the track A tramp had a nar
row escape being in an empty box
car that was smashed to kindling
wood yet he escaped unhurt The
mans name was A G Smith Where
he was from is not known as he disap
peared soon after the wreck Lincoln
Remember the Base Ball Boys
McCook now has in the field a good
base ball team and the people of the city
should make an effort to see their games
and thus encourage them and make tho
national game possible in our city by
their patronage The games are now
being played on the grounds in tho Bur
lington yards There is a suitable
grand stand and all the necessaries for
good ball and comfortable looking on
Be one of the lookers on Boost the
local team with your attendance and
patronage whenever you can spare the
time You wont miss it and the boys
will appreciate the assistance
Wagons Built for This Country
are the New Moline Weber and
Birdsell Sold by the McCook Hard
ware Co
Grain Bags 21 l 2c
Best two bushel seameless 1G oz bags
for 21c The Thompson D G Co
Green is getting ready
Say you saw it in The Tribune
Big cut in ladies canvas and tan
fords at the Model Shoe Store
Souvenir postal cards of local views at
Woodworth Cos Druggists
Osteopathy is a SURE CURE for
cholera morbus Do not forget this
The McCook laundry was laid up a
day or two last week by a severe break
Corona station has been changed to
Wiggins to conform with the postoffice
Corn chop at the mill at 105 a
hundred Everything delivered
McCook Milling Co
Get a quart bottle of Heinz pure malt
vinegar a pure food product at
Magner Stokes
Nice line of tally cards place cards
and fine stationery of all kinds at Wood
worth Cos
Steve Wilson has added a splendid
two seated automobile to his livery barn
equipment Try it
Magner Stokes can supply you
with Heinz double strength pure cider
vinegar In quart bottles
Every day is bargain day at H S
Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
If you want it done right and right
away call up phone 199 R M Douglass
Co office in Bump building
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
If you want a nice shoe well fitted
you will do well to come to Diamonds
Shoe Store on West Dennison street
R M Douglass Co will give you
prompt and efficient service Phone 199
Office in Bump real estate office lower
McConnells Fragrant Lotion is a per
fect beauty protector A little gently
rubbed into the skin before out door ex
posure will prevent sunburn 25c
Miss Harriet Rankin will lead the
meeting Sunday next Subject The
Consecration of Our Bodies Remem
ber our vacation consecration meeting
County Commissioners Defendants in
a Suit Filed Yesterday
Illegal Expenditure of Funds of Red
Willow County Is the Allegation
of the Petition on File
Yesterday in tho district court dorks
offico was filed asuit of twenty four sep
arate counts by the County of Rod Wil
low against tho county commissioners of
Red Willow county
Tho suit is filed in tho namo of tho
prosecuting attorney of Rod Willow
county Prentiss E Rooder with W S
Morlan as complaining witness
The allegations aro that tho county
commissioners have audited allowed
and paid claims contrary to section one of
an act entitled An act to prevent il
legal expenditure of public funds
The suit involves many of tho county
officers to whom theso alleged illegal
sums have boon paid for various services
The suit has caused a sensation sec
ond only to tho county treasury short
age and the outcomo will bo looked
forward to with considerable interest
involving quite a sum of raonoy and acta
of the county commissioners which havo
hitherto boon undisputod
Summer Safety
Dont overlook the possibility of sud
den illness just because you are feeling
perfectly well During tho summer
months acute bowel troubles aro possiblo
to any body Change of food and water
while away from homo is very apt to
bring on such troubles There is safety
for you in a bottle of McConnolls Black
berry Balsam This remedy arrests all
fermentation in stomach and bowels It
will prevent serious results from attacks
of diarrhoe dysentery cholera morbus
cramps colic etc by quickly restoring
normal conditions Good for children
or adults
L W McConnell Druggist
Old Settlers Will Picnic
August 2nd is tho date set for tho
annual old settlers picnic and base ball
tournament by the people of Center
point and vicinity Frontier county
The base ball tournament will bo tho
special feature including games be
tween Centerpoint and Sunflowers
Coon Creek and Red Willows Stock
and Spring Creek The oration
will be given by Hon C E Eldred of
McCook Amusements and refresh
Christian Endeavor Convention
August 1G 17 and 18 the Christian
Endeavor convention of Southwestern
Nebraska will assembly in our city The
question arises What does the C E
stand for Those who know what tho
pledge embodies realize something of
the obligation the young people have
taken upon themselves embodied in
their motto For Christ and the
Church A program full of helpful
numbers is in store for all
Doc Stetson a Fake Find
Sheriff Peterson returned from his
trip to South Dakota close of last week
but left Doc Stetson behind not re
garding the case as warranting atten
tion While in some particulars the
horse doctor of irrisistible bibulous in
clinations met the discription of tho
fiend in the Spaulding assault case
there were other facts and features quite
Anyone wanting an orphan boy four
teen years old to take and board and
cloth and school for two or more years
please call and see the undersigned
The boy is healthy strong bright and
mannerly willing to work and very
anxious to learn and would be obedient
and very helpful M B Carman
The best money can buy Some large
some small good rubber fountain and
bulb also water bottles and ice bags
Price is right quality is good
L W McConnell Druggist
Home Iade Bed Comforts
We make them six feet by seven feet
in size 14 yards cloth six Izzer Batts
inside well tacked and hemmed 5185
to S3 The Thompson D G Co
Natures Best
spices are as good as nature
grows Guaranteed under the food
and drug act
A McMillen Druggist
New Back Comos
Two new lots just received the new
estthe prettiest the best yet Plenty
of the ambers The Thompson DGCo