ise DANBURY Tho Onmpe Comedy Co was in Dan bury Tuesday night Tho Haskell Indiana will play ball with tho Danbury team next Monday Clara Van Pelt and Myra Poolo are at tending institute in McCook this week John Mosss daughter and her child ren of Peoria Illinois are hero visiting Mrs Joe Dolph and Mrs Chas Rod gors and son Leonard are Omaha visi tors this week Geo B Morgan left Sunday night for Kansas City on business Mrs Dan Cashen is expected home from Lincoln Saturday July 25th Mrs Godwins sister and daughter from Los Angeles Calif who have been visiting hero returned to their homo Monday One item last week should have read Mrs Blaine of Bussey Iowa is here visiting instead of Miss Neuman Last Friday afternoon while playing on a lawn little Winifred ran a needle into her foot tho eye remaining in the bone Her grandma Mrs Dr DeMay took her to Omaha Saturday to have it removed Mr and Mrs Chas Allen are here vi siting Mr and Mrs J E Noe attended tho funeral of A Z Jones in Indianola Tuesday Misses Nellie and Flossie Andrews and Miss Hattie Schmidt of MoCook wore guests of Miss Alta Morgan Tuesday Get a quart bottle of Heinz pure malt vinegar a pure food product at Magnek Stokes Corn chop at tho mill at 105 a hundred Everything delivered McCook Milling Co NOTICE OF GUARDIANS SALE In tho District Court of Red Willow county State of Nebraska In tho matter of tho application of Sarah A Haley jiuardian of tho persons and estates of Arthur Haley Teresa Haley and Bernardino Haloy minors for leave to sell real estate Notice is heroby Riven that in pursuance of the order of tho Hon R C Orr judfe of tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraska made on the 20th day of July A D 1007 for tho sale of the real estate hereinafter described there will Iks sold at public vendue to the holi est bidder for cash at tho front door of tho court house in the city of McCook in said county on the 12th day of Aupust 1907 at tho hour of ono oclock p in the following des cribed real estate to wit tho undivided threo fourths interest subject to tho ripht of dower of tho said Sarah A Haley in tho north west quarter of section ten 10 township ono 1 north of range thirty 30 west in Red Willow county Nebraska Said sale will remain open ono hour Dated this 20th day of July A D 1907 Sarah A Haley Guardiau of tho persons and estates of Arthur Haley Teresa Haley and J E Kelley Atty Rernardine Haley STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE McCook Co operative Building Savings Assn of McCook Nebraska on the ISOth day of Juno 1900 ASSETS First Mortgage Loans 6 101175 00 Stock loans 10125 00 Realestate 110S 30 Cash 378 SO Delinquent dues and interest 112 75 Expenses and taxes paid 205 95 Other assets 26 feO Total 113132 60 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid up 10WU 75 Reserve fund 1132 S3 Undivided profits 3100 81 Other liabilities 4124 45 Total 113132 60 Receipts and expenditures for tho year ending Juno 30 1907 RECEIPTS Balance on baud July 1 1906 1811 79 Dues 22343 00 Interest premiums and fines 9033 63 Loansrepaid 21193 3S Real Estate Sales 556 00 Tax redemptions 10159 Bills payable 87S5 00 Total 63S24 EXPENDITURES Loans 1S600 00 Expenses 5s93 Stock redeemed 4563 30 Tax Certificates 123 19 Bills payable 9 260 00 Cashonhand iB SO Total 6332124 State of Nebraska Red Willow County ss I F A Pennell secretary of the above named associationdo solemnly swear that tho forego ing statemont of the condition of said Associa tion is true and correct to tho best of my knowl edge and belief F A Pennell Secretary Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this 23rd daj of June 1907 CnAS W Kelley seal Notary Public Approved F M Kijimell C F Lehn J A Wilcox Directors SXsXsXsXSXsXsXs 1 Great Event I Holdrege Opera House Holdrege Nebraska Wrestling Match Tuesday Night Aug 2X Wednsday Night Aug 28 Fanner Burns the strongest wrestler in the world Frank A Gotch champion of the world Emil Klank the champion of Canada FOR PURSE OF 700 CONnnIONSTwo to wrestle each C nn nanf tr cm tn flia nrinnAQ 33 per cent divided between tho two losers Tickets on sale at the Smcko House Holdrege Neb Write for reservation of seats Money mast accompany orders Prices 75c i 150 j DSSX9S J BARTLEY Charlie McCollum is in Hebron this week viaiting Ed Curleo Grandma Ilodgkin visited over Sun day with Mr and Mrs R R Hodgkin Sam Clark is attending to his post of fice duties in the Jones Finnegan Co building until a new set of boxes arrive when he will be located in the store room of Robt Fischer until he can put up a new building Our town council is generally progres sive but in not establishing fire limits in tho business portion of town where no wooden buildings are allowed to be built they have yet an important work to do Mr Martin the miller here was seri ously hurt Tuesday morning George Light of Trenton preached in the Christian church here Sunday at 11 n m and lectured in the M E churoh in tho evening Ivan Clark and Will Flint have begun building a residence in the north east part of town that will cost about 1500 Mrs Clement and daughters returned from Iowa this week after a pleasant visit of several weeks with friends and relatives Tho first new wheat brought to town this season came in Wednesday from Max Grouch who is threshing out about 400 acres of fine grain Thos II Saul is doing the threshing Hendee the reat newspaper solicitor is in town this week Bert Stevens has placed a noat picket fence in front of his residence George Light of Trenton will preach in the Christian church next Sunday morning and evening and deliver a lect ure at 3 p m A runaway horse belonging to Alex Wheeler made things lively for a short time Tuesday Charlie Cozad had a horse badly cut with barb wire Wednesday Several car loads of hogs came in Tuesday and Wednesday Tho nice clear sky gave many per sons an opportunity to observe the eclipse of the moon Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs Ira SLoets were Cam bridge visitors Tuesday RED WILLOW George Rozelle finished papering and painting at Mr Smiths and returned to his home in Valparaiso the first of last week When Mrs Meyers was pouring a ket tle of boiling beans into a dish little Amy in trying to got out of the way backed up against the table and re ceived the scalding beans on her neck making a bad burn She is somewhat better but still has a very sore neck Mr Smiths fine garden was utterly ruined by being covered with water from the heavy rains last week It doesnt pay to depend on the bottoms for gardens Mr Mitchell is getting along finely building the house on the place Mr Critchfield bought north of the Quig ley farm Harvest hands are much needed and are scarce INDIANOLA Mis3 Mamie Mann visited with friends in McCook Sunday The infant child of Mr and Mrs Fred Hughes is very low at this writing Mr and Mrs Bernard Hillors are the parents of a baby girl born on the 22nd Mr and Mrs Mike Morosic are visit ing friends and relatives here beforo going to thair new home in Crete Mr and Mrs Roy Mann are visiting relatives in Cambridge this week Mrs Haskins and two daughters of Hastings arrived hero Monday evening for a visit with tho McNeil family Mr and Mrs C B Hoag were in McCook fore part of the week Arthur Powell was a McCook visitor Sunday Mr and Mrs W II Smith visited with relatives in McCook Sunday A Z Jones died at his home four miles south of town Saturday evening and was buried from the Congregational church Tuesday afternoon Funeral services by Rev N H Hawkins of Pali sade Neb Mrs Jennie Graves who has been vis iting home folks for some time left Sunday morning for Fort Morgan Col orado where her husband is at work Mrs Chas McCollum of Bartley was a visitor in Indianola Saturday after noon Mr and Mrs Thomas Haley spent Sunday and Monday with relatives in Holbrook Mis3 Hattie Schmidt came down from McCook Sunday evening for a visit with Nellie Andrews Some of the town boys have turned farmers and are braving the intense hot weather by working in the harvest fields The wheat in this section is pro nounced very good and the dry weather is giving the farmers a good chance to have it saved in good shape Miss Edna Thompson is down with measles Miss Anna Smith visited with relat ives in McCook Sunday last Master Wayne Thompson was taken sick Tuesday night and a doctor was called The little fellow is now better wHiHuiw Wmwm r HOW WE ARE FORMED A Few of the Many Marvels of the Hu man Body On an average mans body there are 840000 hairs Plucking one every sec ond It would take him twelve eight hour working days to pull them all out In his blood there are 25000000000000 red corpuscles Laid out side by side they would cover a surface of 3130 square yards The whole of the blood passes through a mans heart nearly twice in every minute It weighs one thirteenth of the entire body weight and It moves In different parts of the body at speeds varying from ten feet to lGGG yards nearly one mile an hour The fat of your body Is fluid It be comes solid only when tho body cools after death It Is one of your most useful constituents forming a noncon ducting sheath to protect you from cold acting as pads to preserve from shock on the tips of the Angers the toes and the heels and lying always ready as a reserve food supply when you can get nothing to eat A little artery passes from your brain through the skull into the sculp which acts as a safety valve when the brain is congested with blood The skin cannot grow again once It Is destroyed hence the unsightly scars left by burns and severe wounds Only the surface layer can renew itself When the whole thickness is de stroyed It never reforms This Is the more curious as muscles neni Iood vessels and bones all less to in jury than the skin can grow again You are really a water rather than a land animal Although as a whole you live on dry land your body con sists of countless millions of separate living particles and these are all im mersed in the water which constitutes four fifths of jour substance Within the inner part of your ear deep hi the bone is a quantity of fluid which acts as a spirit level and enables you to keep your balance Chicago Record Herald A WISE BRITON He Half Suspected at the Start That the Feathers Werent Edible A Brooklyn man who entertained an English relative tells this without the quiver of an eyelid My cousin from London reached New York last summer along with a hot wave The crowds were deep he fore the soda water fountains on lower Broadway He remarked that he did not comprehend how Americans could swallow that nasty slush A mere preference I explaned We have many curious examples of that kind in this country One of the most remarkable evidences of insatia ble appetite for froth rather than sub stance is that of the American poultry lover who daily advertises in our New York papers for 1000 feather beds As you may well imagine he is said to have entirely lost his taste for the flesh of the fowl Oh really exclaimed the English man in quiet surprise Nothing more was said till nine months later when I opened my mail one day and found a marked copy of the London Times which he had sent to me He called my attention to this extract in an article on mob rule and lynching in America It can hardly be possible that the supply of tar and feathers in the United States will be sufficient at the rate the mobs are covering the bodies of the poor wretches who are tortured and humiliated before they are drawn and quartered or burned at the stake I fancy you will see your error after reading this he wrote It is quite plain the man wanted the beds for another purpose and not as you believe to eat Brooklyn Eagle Youthful Financier This really happened in New York the other day Displeased Parent Molly I find you have been buying three pairs of gloves without my permission Why did you do so Miss Molly aged twelve Why daddy I was obliged to have some gloves I hadnt a pair to wear Displeased Parent It was wrong of you to buy the gloves without the per mission either of your mamma or myself Miss Molly Well never mind daddy dear they wont cost anything I had them charged New York Post How Inconsiderate Young Ruggles did a very thought less thing What was that He wrote a poem in honor of a certain young woman who had just completed her twenty first birthday and published it in the college paper Wasnt it a good poem Very good Whats the criticism then Why everybody who wants to find out can look back any time and discov er how old tho young woman is Cleveland Plain Dealer Not Even the Clock Two ladles were being shown through the State Hospital For tho Insane As they entered a ward one turned to the other and said I won der if that clock is right An inmate standing near overheard her and instantly replied Great Scott no It wouldnt be here if it was LIppincotts The Difference Pa whats the difference between the meaning of prepared and ready Well theres many a person who may be prepared to die but I never saw one who was ready Chicago Record Herald Dont keep so busy making money to afford pleasure that you have no time to devote to pleasure St Louis Globe Democrat AN OBLIGING WAITER He Got the Five Dishes and He Got Them In Record Time He was a stranger In town The clerk of the hotel had neglected to call him until twenty minutes after the re quested hour and as a consequence he had but a short time for breakfast be foro he must leave for his train Going Into the dining room he waiv ed the formality of having the chair Iolsurely pushed under him by the head waiter and accosting one of tho dusky servers he commanded hur riedly Go to the kitchen and get me a breakfast five dishes of anything that is ready and get it quick As the order was accompanied by a medium sized piece of silver the way faring man had reason to expect a fairly good meal And as to speed of delivery he was not disappointed In an Incredibly short time the negro reappeared bear ing aloft a tray on which sat five dishes remarkable only for their simi larity of size and shape When the tray was lowered sufficiently to bring the contents of the dishes into focus the traveler saw his breakfast Ave dishes of steaming oatmeal accompa nied by five miniature pitchers of cream The negro beamed with satisfaction at the rapidity with which he had exe cuted the order The traveler hurried ly ate one dish of the oatmeal and as he left the dining room the waiter was heard to remark Wondah wot dat man say he want five dishes foah Chicago Record Herald MONOPOLIES AND RINGS Olden Time Schemes For Obtaining Wealth and Power The evil of monopolies and rings was known to ancients Aristotle referring to them in his Politics and then as now it was found necessary to hold them in check by legislation The mo nopolist was in Roman law called a dardanarius and punished under the Lex Julia de Annona Monopolies of clothing fish and all articles of food were prohibited by the Emperor Zeno under pain of confiscation and exile so that It Is certain that the rings of the ancient days Avere as mischievous as they are now At Athens a law lim ited the amount of corn a man might buy The earliest recorded instance we have was a corn ring There is an ancient tradition that the king who made Joseph his prime min ister and committed into his hands the entire administration of Egypt was Apepi Apepi was one of the shepherd kings and ruled over the whole of Egypt as Josephs pharaoh seems to have done The prime minister during seven years of remarkable plenty bought up every bushel of corn beyond the absolute needs of the Egyptians and stored it During the terrible fam ine that followed he was able to get his own price and bartered corn suc cessively for the Egyptian money cat tle and land and taking one fifth for pharaoh made him supremely wealthy It was not merely a provident act but a very politic one his policy being to centralize power in the monarchs hands London Answers Origin of Attar of Roses The preparation of the famous attar of roses according to the Circle seems to have been discovered by accident From India we get the tradition The favorite Sultana of Sehanghir caused a bath of rosewater to be prepared for her use The burning sun of India brought its might upon the bath pre pared in the royal garden and soon globules of oil were found floating up on the fragrant water Deeming the bath impure and attempting to skim off the film the attendants broke the globules and at once the garden was filled with fragrance The finest es sence is not gathered from the rarest and most costly flowers for the fra grant oil glands are most abundant in the petals of the free blooming old common kinds Machiavelli Nicolo Machiavelli from whose sur name has been coined a synonym for treacherous craft was a writer of nervous and concise Italian He took high rank as a dramatist his comedy of Mandragola being pronounced in ferior only to the work of Voltaire Leo X admired it so much that he had it played before him in Rome His book on the Art of War won the praise of so competent a judge as Frederick the Great of Prussia His policy in statesmanship embodied in his work The Prince was the direct antithesis of Washingtons sentiment that honesty is the best policy Misunderstood Your sentence is to be suspended began the merciful judge Great Scott jedge exclaimed the prisoner ef Id knowed chicken steal ing was a hanging offense I wouldnt have stole Philadelphia Ledger Just the Thing Employment Agent You come from the country you cannot cook and you have learned to do nothing else Well suppose for the present you try to get a position for general housework Meggendorfer Blatter Tempting Her Housekeeper to a book agent whoi brings the tenth Installment of a novel I cant take the book Mr Meier Is dead Book Agent Oh what a shame it s right in the most exciting part of the story Berlin Journal Decidedly Awkward Hewitt Were you ever In an ward position Jewett I am all the time Hewitt now is that Jewett I have two girls living in the same street New York Press r ea 11 a A Letter To the Public DEAR FRIENDS Vacation time is here we know by the uncomfortable feel ing we have The heat has been oppressive and is likely to con tinue so If you are in need of a few thin white or light dress es to help make your visit a comfortable one call in and see us We will encourage you in wearing beautiful things by offering them now at lowest prices possible We wish you knew how cheaply we are sell ing goods NOW Come and see if the prices we quote are not real low Today we have received a lot of beautiful black umbrellas the latest in brown hose Ecru netting for waists new patterns in allover lace the new emby crossbar handkerchiefs also a beautiful assortment of silk ki monos and new white belts Just the things you will need before starting on your trip Cordially J H GRANNIS r BSv QSsVS2yA QcQZi yyiAS Al I FArtN ic nnnmnrliincr crrzritizir Jj and new goods are arriving daily In order not to become over stocked I will push out all my Summer Goods at re duced prices never before heard of ere Are a Fe Furnishing Goods AH 50c Underwear 65c Dress Shirts ii25 Dress Shirts Mens Suspenders 25c grade Any Tie in the House W 11C111 Clothing Department Mens Siooo Suits 1500 2000 350 Pants 45 5 95 9 95 1250 1 95 3 45 40C 45C 85C IOC 35C ens 250 3 Hats - 165 Ladies Misses and Childrens Oxfords and Slippers at Almost GivenAway Prices Take Advantage of this Offer SIMON 1 NOW ON j t Clothing Shoes McCook Nebraska - - 4 f