The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 26, 1907, Image 1

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New Schedule Will Go Into Effect
the Twelfth of August
Improvements Ordered In East McCook
Members of Library Board Re-
Appolnted by the Major
The regular session of the city council
Monday evoning July 22 was preceded
by a special meeting for the purpose of
equalizing and assessing the property on
W Donnison street abutting on which
the city had built a cement walk All
membera were present at both sessions
At the opening of the regular meeting
the minutes of the previous meeting
were read and approved as corrected
Ordinance No 136 was read the first
time it being an ordinance revising the
water rates for the city of McCook and
on motion the rule requiring ordinances
to be read on three separate days waB
suspended and ordinance No 13G passed
its second and third readings After
the second and third readings it was
passed and approved by vote of the
The following bills were allowed
J M Hickerson work on street
and sewer 2725
B C Bowman same 1375
W C Bullard permit for loca
tion of city scales and scale
house 100
McCook Republican printing 1470
Eikenberry Clark milk and ice
for pest house 215
F H Billings special police 925
I S Dinnoll same 275
S O Russoy fighting fire at the
Bixler 300
H W Conover oflico expense 2 GO
C H Meeker sewer inspection 34729
A resolution was presented adopted
and approved ordering sidewalk built
along the south side of E Dennison
street from Molvin street to the city
limits in East McCook also ordering
three incandescent lights placed one
at the corner of E Dennison and Man
hattan streets and two between Manhat
tan street and the city limits in East
The permit granted by W C Bullard
to the city of McCook for the location
of city scales and scale house was read
Annual report of the library board for
the year ending June 1 1907 was read
and placed on file The term of office
of Mrs Geo Willetts Mrs W S Morlan
and Supt G H Thomas having expired
as members of the library board they
were reappointed by the mayor and the
appointments confirmed by vote of the
Liquor report of C R Woodworth
Co was read and placed on file
The action of the city council on the
water question reduces the meter rates
from thirty cents per thousand gallons
to approximately sixteen cents per thous
and for users of ordinary amounts and
closes a most aggressive campaign on
the part of the Water Consumers
League and the water consuming public
in general here in McCook The official
text of the water ordinance may be
found on the sixth page of this issue
The matter of licensing another saloon
did not come up before the council the
promoters of the project having aband
oned the idea for the present
No especial connection between pre
Threshing Preparations
Youll need some crash towelling a
few ready made sheets and pillow slips
possibly a new bed tick no doubt a
couple of bed comforts and some cot
ten blankets and a few yards of table
cloth We are prepared for you and
can supply all the above at a minutes
notice Well look for you The
Thompson D G Co
How About your Plows
There is a comfort and economy in a
new plow whether walking sulky or
gang provided it pulls easy See the
full lino of John Deere Plows at Mc
Cook Hardware Co None better few
as good
On and after Sunday June 30 1907
the charge for Sunday dinners will be
50 cents Commercial Hotel
Mens Overalls 5oc
Mens good weight well made blue
denim overalls band or bib 50c The
Thompson D G Co
Mens Leather Gloves 18c
Mens all leather harvest gloves 18c
a pair The Thompson D G Co
Get a Refrigerator Now
af reduced prices
McCook Hardware Co
Prints 5c and 6c
An immense showing of newest prints
at Thompsons
Mrs Jacob Long Passes Away
Mrs Jacob Long passed away at her
homo in south McCook last Sunday
morning after a long illness Funeral
services were held in the Methodist
church Monday afternoon at two
oclock by Rev M B Carman Rev
G B Hawkes of the Congregational
church assisting Interment followed
in Riverviow cemetery of our city
Anna Jeffries was born in Hunting
don county Penn July 25 1860 She
became a member of the Presbyterian
church in that county in early woman
hood During the past eighteen years
she has been a member of the Metho
dist church of McCook She was unit
ed in marriage with the late John Cole
man Docomber 12th 1889 Her hus
band preceded her to the spirit land
December 7th 1898 but one son was
born to them Dean Coleman who
survives On the 18th day of June
1901 departed was married to Jacob
Long who survives her For the past
five years she has been a constant suf
ferer an invalid of patience and sub- J
mission rare Mrs Long was a beauti
ful Christian character and passed on
triumphant in the faith of immortality
Besides the husband and son four sis
ters and two Drothers survive her
Clinton Marsh Lofton
the four months old son of Com
missioner and Mrs Frank S Lofton
after a short illness Monday July 22
1907 passed away at the home about
four miles south of the city Tuesday
morning short services were hold at the
home by Rev M B Carman Many
friends from city and surrounding coun
try followed the little remains to River
view cemetery where burial was made
The bereaved parents have very tender
sympathy in their sorrow
Wo are most grateful to the friends
and neighbors for flowors music as
sistance and sympathy during the brief
illness of our little one and after death
Mr and Mrs F S Lofton
Shot In The Head
with a Buster Brown or Ansco camera
is a ploasent experience -and a joy for
ever A little child can use them and
take good pictures Just the thing for
picnic parties Our prices are 8100
2 00 350 100 5500 600 750
900 1200 1150 2000 and up
See us before buying Our supplies
are always fresh and give no trouble
Woodworth Co Druggists
Dcnt Wear Yourself Out
looking all over McCook to be suited in
a pair of shoes but come to Diamonds
New Shoo Store on W Dennison street
and you will be fitted as well as suited
Everything brand new and up-to-date
at Diamonds New Shoe Store on W
Dennison street
Notice To Teacheis
A special teachers examination will
be held at the brick school house on
August 2nd and 3rd during the Red
Willow County Teachers Institute
which is in session from July 29th to
August 3rd
Flora B Quick
County Supt
Every Successful Farmer
must plan so as to do his work with
the least labor and nothing else is more
essential than a handy Truck Wagon
See the line of John Deere and Fetzer
Trucks at McCook Hardware Co
Splendid outfits for little money
The best money can buy Some large
some small Good rubber fountain
and bulb also water bottles and ice
bags Price is right quality is good
L W McConnell Druggist
Gauze Corsets
American Beauty gauze corsets and
girdles in seven styles Money back
after four weeks actual wear if dissatis
fied 35c to 50c The Thompson D G
Threshermen Attention
McCook Hardware Co handles all
tho best oils and greases and other
supplies and special attention given to
Attention Farmers
I will buy hogs on Tuesdays and
Wednesdays ONLY during hot weather
D H Shepherd
Provide for the Hogs
with a Hawkeye hog waterer at McCook
Hardware Co Warranted for three
years will last a lifetime
Six Big Ones Eor 25c
Good big turkey red handkerchiefs
6 for 25 cents at the Thompson D G
Grain Bags 21 i 2c
Best 2 bu seamless 16 oz grain bags
for 21Jc at The Thompson D G Co
Bigcut in ladies canvas and tan ox
fords at the Model Shoe Store
The Organization of a New National Bank with a Capital
Stock of 50000 Has Been Completed
The New BanK Announces its Directorate and Officials and Expects to
Begin Business in The Old Farmers Merchants Bank
Building Auout the First of October
Doubtless the most important fi
nancial news that McCook has heard
in years is the recent announcement of
the organization of the McCook Nat
ional Bank with a capital of 850000
fully paid up
The matter has been in course of
formation for considerable time but
until tho approval of the application of
the promoters by the comptroller of the
currency it has not been thought pro
per to make known the fact The
comptroller of the currency announced
his approval last Friday and the pro
moters are now ready to have the facts
given publicity
First of this week the members of
th organizing company met and se
lected tho following board of directors
and officers Members of board of
directors Patrick Walsh C F Lehn
C J OBrien J J Loughran P F
McKenna Officers Patrick Walsh
president C F Lehn vice president
C J OBrien cashier
The new bank will open up for busi
Red Willow County Public Schools Con
gregational Church McCook Mon
day July 29 th
The third annual eighth grade exer
cises of the Red Willow county public
schools will bo held in the Congrega 1
tional church McCook Nebraska Mon
day afternoon July 29th commencing
at 230 oclock
PianoSolo Love Dream
Miss Fay Hostcttcr
Invocation Rev 31 B Carmau
Vocal Solo Selected
Mrs G L Burncy
Salutatory Rosa AVclborn
Class Address J L McBrien
Vocal Solo Selected
Mrs Geo H Thomas
Presentation of Certificates and Scholarship
Supt Flora B Quick
Valedictory Wilber Plourd
Vocal Solo Selected
Mrs C WBritt
Benediction Rev G B Hawkes
Following are the graduates Martin
Harrison Lucy Thomas Wilber Plourd
Bernice Toogood Paul McCool Pearl
Allen Clarence Young Maurice Walt
ers Rosa Welborn Kathryn Waterman
Gladys Adams Nellie Murphy James
S Daffer Owen Burton Irma Sheets
Nellie OMalley Nora Bede
Black Silks
Seventy three cents a yard for very
good yard wide black taffeta silk 115
for a heavier better grade 125 for
yard wide black Peau de soie 49 cents
for a black Rhadame silk 50 cents for
the best grade of 27 inch black china
silk Investigate these The Thompson
D G Co
Pure Flavoring Extracts
We make our own Lemon and Vanilla
extracts guaranteed pure and much
stronger than the ordinary extracts
Try them A McMillen Druggist
Gauze Underwear
Ladies vests 5c to 50c Unions 35c
to 100 Gauze knee pants 25c to 65c
Full line for misses children men and
boys The Thompson D G Co
Water Meters
We have on hand a supply of approv
ed water meters which wo will instal
promptly on application Under Wood
worth drug store Phone 1S2
Middleton Ruby
Kens Harvest Hats
Cloth covered helmet hats sizes -
and 1 onbi fr 10 each Tho Thomp
son D G Co
Wagons Built for This Country
are the New Moline Weber and
Birdsell Sold by the McCook Hard
ware Co
Dress Skirt
Batiste Panama mohair and broad
cloth skirts with others at 150 to
You Can Get a Nice
framing picture with each package of
tacks at the McCook Hardware Co
Mens Harvest Sox Sc
Rockford sox full seamless 5c The
Thompson D G Co
ness October 1st in the old Farmers and
Merchants Bank building on Main ave
nue now owned by Sylvester Cordeal
This building has a fine vault and with
the new and up-to-date equipment the
bank has ordered will make them quite
desirable quarters
This new financial galaxy is compos
ed exclusively of McCook men each
with standing and a following and tho
success of the new bank seems to be
assured at the outstart Tho director
ate and officers are men who have lived
in McCook years and have made their
money here for the most part Presi
dent Walsh stands well as a solid and
conservative business man Vice-President
Lehn is one of McCooks young
hustlers Cashier OBrien is well known
from his connection with the DoGroff
Co store for years Directors Train
master McKenna and Rev Loughran
need no introduction being citizens of
solid and ripe judgment
The McCook National Bank will be a
credit to McCooks financial institu
Miss Alice Aman is visiting her folks
near Denver
Mrs E A Anders is visiting her
cousin Mrs Charles Watorworth
Mrs James Hatfield and son John
have returned from their visit
Mrs Mary Mullen is among those
Iuaaiylu in vacations at present
Miss Lena Albright of Holbrook is a
guest at the home of her uncle W F
P J Seymour of Palmyra is visitiDg
his daughters Mesdames Howell and
Mrs R M Douglass is entertaining
her sister Mrs I B Weigel of Sunrise
Mrs C L Fahnestock and little
Margaret went Sunday morning to
Lincoln for a visit
Mrs James Stokes entertained last
Friday night in honor of her sister
Mrs Fennell who is visiting her
L Thorgrimson is in Colorado this
week enjoying a vacation Rubber tired
buggies are not sneered at in the mean
Mr and Mrs A Barnett and son
Frank and Mrs J R McCarl are absent
on an outing in and around Cheyenne
Mrs A S Campbell and Miss Gert
rude came in on No Friday from Hast
ing They will take tho Beverly for
Imperial Saturday
Mrs George B Bonger and son
Arthur and Mrs Charles Hammel
came in from Denver last night to
visit the home folks and friends
Miss Jeanette Dutton has returned
from her eastern trip During her
stay she had the pleasure of camping
boating and fishing on tho Mississippi
Mrs J D Young entertained the
Entre Neous Tuesday afternoon the
very successful event closing with a six
oclock dinner in four courses at the
Monte Cristo
Mr and Mrs L H Lindemann at
tended the Hastings chautauqua last
week Mrs Lindemann returned Mon
day while Mr Lindemann took a run
into Iowa to look after interests there
returning yesterday He stopped at
Omaha enroute to arrange for a grain
exhibit from Redwiliow county to be
sent out with the B M grain exhibit
car which is to make a tour of the en
tire Builington system Along with the
grain exhibit he is sending one of the
finest descriptive booklets of the county
and McCook ever sent out of this ter
40 Inch 1 1 oz White Canvas
Going to cover any of those headed
stacks If so or you need a new mach
ine apron see us for the necessary can
vas 21 cents a yard The Thompson
D G Co
No More Sore Necks or Shoulders
if you get a Humane horse collar at
McCook Hardware Co 15 days free
McConnell for drugs
Everything in drugs McConnell
Bargains in city property Moyer
Hammocks at McMillons Drug Store
Fresh potato chips always on hand
Magner Stokes
Try McMillens Blackberry Balsam
for summer complaints
List your property with W C Moyer
who will try hard to sell it
Manicure goods of quality sold by
L W McConnell Druggist
Largest best and nicest line of post
cards and stationery at Hofers
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Try Magner Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
The Tribune is now prepared to do
your job printing of all kinds promptly
Mixed Paints Lead and Oil Glass
and Wall Paper at special prices
McMillen Druggist
Look over our books Your kind of
reading is here
L W McConnell Druggist
Nearly everybody is using those il
lustrated souvenir letters for sale by
B Hofer
Be ready to combat bowel trouble
McConnells Blackberroy Bal3am is sure
cure Price 25c
15 percent discount on all hot weather
shoes at Diamonds New Shoe Store
on W Dennison street
Magner Stokes can supply you
with Heinz double strength pure cider
vinegar In quart bottles
A fine selection of burnt leather nov
elties post cards and post card albums
just received at B Hofers
Ladies canvas and tan oxfords at less
than ever offered for the same quality
of goods The Model Shoo Store
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
If you want oxford shoes call at The
Model They have them in white can
vas tans and in all colors at reduced
The only place in town where you
can get tho famous Three Star Cof
fee is at Magner Stokes market and
R M Douglass Co draying in al
its branches Call up phone 199 Call
at office in Bump building lower Main
Those interested in burntwood and
pyrograpby outfits should come see us
New lot just received
Woodworth Co Druggists
R M Douglass Co will give you
prompt and efficientservice Phone 199
Office in Bump real estate office lower
McConnell s Fracrrant Lotion is a
perfect beauty protector A little gent
ly rubbed into the skin before out door
exposure will prevent sunburn 25
The ladies of the Catholic church gave
a pleasent ice cream and cake social on
the church lawn last Friday evening
which was largely patronized and enjoy
ed to the full
Mr and Mrs Frank Coleman feel
deeply the loss of their infant child
Tuesday The little one was born the
preceding day They have much sym
pathy of East McCook friends
Miss Millicent Slaby will lead the
Congregational C E society Sunday
evening next Subject Home Mis
sions Matt 715 23 2411 Attend
ance has been good come again
If you have any blood disorder hot
weather usually brings it out in pimples
sores and blotches Our Hot Springs
Blood Remedy is what you need 100
per bottle 6 for 500 Woodworth
During his recent visit east II Sim
ons obtained the service of A Gibian
of the International Clothing Co a
clothing expert who will arrive in the
city today and assume his place with
Mr Simons
Sunshine is the latest in washing
machines at McCook Hardware Co
Look them over and see if you think
they are better than the One Minute
or Motor the Ocean Wave or
White Lily You certainly need one
of these splendid washing machines
On the second page of this issue will
be found the first of a Beries of half
tones of our presidents with a short
biography of each together with half
tones and descriptions of the White
House and the capitol building This
will make an interesting collection Save
Chief Executive of the State Will
Visit McCook Monday Next
City Commercial Club and Citizens Will
Unite to Show the Visitor that
McCook Is at the Front
Governor Sheldon willvisit McCook
on noxt Monday July 29 and the pros
pects promise that tho reception will bo
ono of tho years evonts This is tho
governors first visit to McCook Ho
will speak at tho junior normal in tho
morning and afternoon will bo shown
the city from an automobile and a pub
lic recoption will bo tendered him at tho
commercial club rooms from 8 to 9 p
in to which all aro invitod Lot every
body nttend this recoption and mako it
know that McCook is vory much in
Summer Safety
Dont overlook tho possibility of
sudden illness just because you aro
feoling perfectly well During tho sum
mer months acute bowel troubles aro
possible to any body Chango of food
and water whilo away from homo is
very apt to bring on such troubles
Thoro i3 safety for you in a bot Jo of
McConnells Blackborry Balsam This
remedy arrests all fermentation in
stomach and bowels It will prevent
serious results from attacks of diarrhoo
dysentery cholera morbus cramps
colic etc by quickly restoring normal
conditions Good for children or
L W McConnell Druggist
New Deputy Treasurer
II W Conover has been appointed
deputy county treasurer vico Mrs E
M Gossard resigned Mr Conover
began his duties Monday morning
having resigned his position with tho
McAdams store Saturday
252 Pieces
That many pieces of lawns mulls
poplins dotted Swisses and other wash
able summer goods from 5c to 05c a yd
Tho Thompson D G Co
Natures Best
Our spices aro as good as nature
grows Guaranteed under the food
and druj act
A McMillen Druggist
Say you saw it in The Tribune
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to tho page for sale at The
Tribune office
Steve Wilson has added a splendid
two seated automobile to his livery barn
equipment Try it
Every day is bargain day at II S
Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
If you want it done right and right
away call up phone 199 R M Douglass
Co office in Bump building
Monkeying with a buzz saw is the
same kind of foolishness as using poor
paint Paint your house with the safe
long wearing gauranteed Bradley
Vrooman Paint For sale by Polk
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and S p m
Methodist Sunday School at 10
Preaching at 11 and 8 15 Epworth Lea
gue at 7 Prayer meeting every Wednes
day night at 8
Christian Bible school 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m by Dr
Finch Y P S C E 7 p m 8 p m
Wednesday prayer meeting
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 8 p m
Sunday school at 10 a m All are
welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Christian Science Services Sun
day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p
m Subject Truth Meetings
held in Diamond block Room open
daily from 2 to 5 p m except Sun
day Science literature- on sale
Congregational Sunday School at
10 a m Preaching at 11 p m Rev
Fred Hall of Danbury will occupy the
pulpit Christian Endeavor at 7 p m
Prayer meeting Wednesday at S 15 p
m A cordial invitation is extended to
all to attend these services
Geo B Hawkes Pastor