The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 05, 1907, Image 6

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Barber Shop
Bear of ibt Nitlonul Ituik
Hcwly Furnished
and First Class in Every
Earl Murray
Btiddleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
TShone 1S2 McCook Nebraska
McCook Nebraska
ISlRent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
3t7ater Works Oflico in Postolilce building
J M Rupp
P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska
JMcCook Laundry
-Dry and Steam Cleaning and
4 Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
J U OttLL muouutv
Fairbury Hanchett
This is a warranted and guaran
teed windmill nothing better in
the market Write or call on Mr
9 Knll hAfnrA hnvinrr
List Your Property
With Us
Farms Ranches Etc
Our office is in the east and
we bring the buyers direct
with the money For par
ticulars address
12 144t Humboldt Neb
umber and
Home of Quality
and Quantity where
Are you thinking of
building If so it ten
to one our figures will
please you
iPhone No 1 Manager
l Herbert JPr
Registered Graduate
Offico over McConnells Drng Store
Telephones Office 160 residence 131
Former location Atlanta Goorgia
5 Architect
and Builder
jj Repairing and Remodeling
X -Buildings a Specialty
g Shop Phone 324
The- Odd Pair of Boots
Why John -what a stupid action
this Is said a captain of the horse to
his servant You have brought me a
pair of boots that do not match One
has a high top and the other a low
I have been wondering about that
myself and I dont understand It
said the man but the most curious
part of It Is that on the shoe box
stands another pair just like this one
Ib It true O Christ in heaven
That the highest suffer most
That the strongest wander farthest
And more hopelessly are lost
That the mark of rank in nature
Is capacity for pain
And the anguish of the singer
Makes the sweetness oX the strain
Is It true O Christ in heaven
That whichever way wo go
Walls of darkness must surround us
Things we would but cannot know
That the infinite must bound us
Like a temple veil unrent
Whilst the finite ever wearies
So that nones therein content
Is it true O Christ In heaven
That the fullness yet to come
Is so glorious and so perfect
That to know would strike us dumb
That if even for a moment
We could pierce beyond the sky
With these poor dim eyes of mortals
We should just see God aI die
Tommy did you give your brother
the best part of the apple as I told you i
Tommy Yessum I gave him the
seeds He can plant em and have a i
whole orchard Ladles Home Jour- j
nal I
A3 Children See Things
A Canadian school principal Miss
Anges Cameron In the Century tells of
a boy who wrote
When a gentleman walks with a
lady on the public street no gentle
man walks inside the lady
To the question What is dew an
other child answered The earth re
volves on Its own axis 3G5 times in i
twenty four hours This rapid mo- j
tion through space causes its sides to
perspire this Is called dew i
In a geography class I asked Tom j
your father is a sailor Would it be
possible for him to start today to go
round the world and keep on sailing
always in the same direction till he
came back to his starting point
No Miss Cameron
Hes in jail
It was a little girl whose imagina
tion took the bit in its teeth with this
audacious run across country Eliza
beth is well known in literature She
patronized Shakespeare and encourag
ed Sidney She was dearly fond of
hawks and horses and hounds chival
ry and cavalry and other animals of
the chase In glory and honor and
majesty we see her strut in her Ger
man garden Raleigh set his cloak for
her but Elizabeth fondly died a maid
en queen
Home Sweet Home
The wife of a naval officer attached
to the academy at Annapolis has in
her employ an Irish servant who re
cently gave evidence of homesickness
You ought to be contented and not
pine for your old home Bridget said
the lady of the house You are earn
ing good wages your work is light
every one is kind to you and you have
lots of friends here
Yis mum sadly replied Bridget
but its not the place where I be that
makes me homesick it is the place
where I dont be Lippincotts
The Pride of a Governor
Out in my state says a Missouri
congressman we used to have a gov
ernor by the name of Stewart This
was way back when I was a boy They
tell how Stewart among others was
great ball in St Louis in the princes
honor Stewart came down from Jef
ferson City to do credit to it He and
view The spectacle elevated Stewarts
feelings several notches His bosom
swelled Finally in a tremendous im
pulse born of glow and glory he ad
ministered a mighty slap to the royal
back and exclaimed
Prince dont you wish you were
governor of Missouri
Courageous For His Wife
A farmer went into the office of a
Biddeford Me dentist the other day
and inquired what the charge was for
pulling a tooth
Twenty five cents without gas and
fifty cents if you take gas replied the
I dont want any gas said the
I admire- your courage replied the
dentist Most people want to take
Oh it isnt me its my wife thats
going to have the tooth out explained
the farmer
The Shrewd Poodle
In 1780 the daughter of an army offi
cer from Coburg wrote to Haydn of a
little adventure asking him to set it
to music This is the story She and
her Intended husband a captain of the
army together with a friend and a
poodle were taking a walk The cap
tain had been praising his dogs
ents and made a bet with his friend
that the dog would find a thaler laid
under a bush now he being sent back
for It after their return home The
bet was accepted Directly after re
turning home the captain sent his dog
back for the money
Now It so happened that a traveling
tailor sat down to rest under that very
bush where the thaler was deposited
found the money and put It In his
pocket When the poodle arrived he
smelled the coin and fawned upon the
tailor The man highly pleased at
having found a thaler and such an
nmlable dog within an hour took him
to his stopping place In town The
poodle wntehed the tailors clothes all
night and when early the next morn
ing the door of the room was opened
he stole out carrying the tailors trous
ers with him and brought both them
and the thaler to his master
This little adventure had been put
Into verse under the title The Cun
ning and Serviceable Poodle and
Haydn put the text to music
Gladstones Ruse
Mr Gladstone was once guilty of de
liberately evading an international
regulation at the Franco Italian fron
tier He was carrying for his refresh
ment a basket of fine grapes which
stringent regulations at the time for
bade being taken from one countrj to
the other on account of phylloxera an
insect that attacks the roots and leaves
of the grape vines
Mr Gladstones great brain reviewed
the situation he must obey tie law
but he was determined t mre the
grapes so he sat down thei s nd there
on the railway station bench and ate
Committed to Hoke Smith
I remember so well once when Joe
Blackburn and I were on the same
committee said Senator P It was
during a Democratic administration
and there had been a good deal of
bother trying to get the secretary of
agriculture to agree to a certain thing
and Blackburn had been sent to talk
him over to the committees plan In
fact the whole cabinet had been difil
cult to deal with When Joe came
back several of us were assembled in
the committee room among us Sena
tor Vest who was sunk dejectedly into
the depths of an armchair Some one
Well Joe did you succeed
Succeed he echoed Then he be
gan to tramp up and down fuming
and fussing Finally he broke out
Of all the obstinate things in the
shape of a cabinet officer I ever en
countered commend me to J Sterling
Morton Dont you agree with me
Vest roused up slou ly and an
Im sorry Joe but I am committed
to Hoke Smith
A Double Penalty
An officer came to report to Genera
Wrangel The general noticed that the
officers spurs were not those prescrib
ed by regulations He took him to
task about it and gave him twenty
four hours house arrest The officer
seeing that Wrangel wore the same
spurs made a remark about it
Very well my son said the gen
eral then you stay another twenty
four hours for me
Too Hungry For Speeches
Frederick William IV later Emper
or William I never liked to listen to
long speeches when he was received
i Into a city One day after having
traveled for many hours in a post
chaise he reached the gates of a small
town about noon tired and hungry
Here the king was received by the of
j ficials and the burgomaster began a
I long winded speech with
Most high and most gracious king
j When Hannibal stood before the gates
of Carthage
He was probably as hungry as I
am Come my dear burgomaster get
into my carriage and be my guest
The Shah at Newgate
While the shall of Persia was en a
visit to England he wanted to see how
the Eiiclish executed thrir rrimini1
once entertaining the Prince of Wales The sight of torture Is a favorite enter
on the occasion many years ago when j tainment of eastern monarchs Accom
he visited this country They gave a panied by a numerous suit he went to
Newgate Great was his disappoint
ment upon hearing that the rope caus
ed almost instantaneous death How-
the prince were stationed on a little j ever he decided upon seeing how the
platform raised for them at one side I apparatus worked and desired the
of the hall So stationed the beauty
St Louis swept by them in dazzling re
ernor of the prison to be good enough
and brilliancy and the blue blood of J to execute a prisoner on the spot It
was represented to him that there were
no criminals under sentence of death
just then He was about to lose his
temper when recollecting himself he
cried Thats no objection I will let
you have one of my suit
Kentucky Pride
Two passengers were sitting in a
smoking compartment of a train cross
ing the Ohio river at Louisville Are
you from Indiana sir inquired one
Hell no Im a Kentuckian the oth
er replied Indignantly and added after
some meditation Ive been sick thats
whats the matter with me
He Kept Cool
A man and his wife were once stay
ing at a hotel when in the night they
were aroused from their slumbers by
the cry that the hotel was afire
Now my dear said the husband
I will put Into practice what I have
preached Put on all your indispensable
apparel and keep cool
Then he slipped his watch into his
vest pocket and walked with his wife
out of the hotel
When all danger was past he said
Now you see how -necessary It is to
keep cool
The wife for the first time gfeinced
at her husband
Yes William she said it is a
grand thing but If I were you I would
have put on my trousers Boston
No Prices on Bills of Fare and Waiters
Impose on Guests
I tell you said the returned Euro
pean traveler taking up the bill of
fare Its a good deal of relief to get
to a place where one can know the
exact cost of things to eat and drink
When on the other side I narrowly es
caped nervous prostration because of
the latitude in the prices of items on
the menu Paris is about the worst of
fender among European cities in this
respect In restaurant after restaurant
there prices are omitted from the bill
of fare simply to give an opportunity
to rifle the pockets of the unwary
Take my advice and have as close an
approach to an Ironclad agreement as
possible with your garcon regarding
the demnition total of your meal be
fore giving your order If you dont
theres trouble and pecuniary loss
ahead The waiter with the conniv
ance of the proprietor of the cafe
will do all lie win to Impose upon you
One tragic story that I can vouch
for may be of interest to American
tourists It shows one variety of res
taurant robbery in Paris illustrating
incidentally French ingenuity An
American woman gave a small lunch
eon at a well known place to a half
dozen friends She had no intention
of making it an elaborate affair She
knew French ways and had a careful
estimate made of the cost of the repast
ordered After the second course she
noticed that the waiters were pressing
upon her guests delicacies for which
she had not stipulated and she op
served too at a point a as made of
asking each person if she would have
some of thK that or the other thing
Of con rye the viins were accepted
These extras wore- by oth
s the- p jor hostess not being ne or
lolt sh was unable which amounts to
the fame tiling to stem the ti e rap
idly overwhelming her pneketbonk
When she had a stormy session with
the proprietor she could get no satis
faction The tilings were offered they
were eaten Of a surety inadaine had
ordered them else they would not
have been served It is impossible
that inadame Avould wish to have con
sequences most unpleasant She
wisely paid the bill but the experience
cost her dear
So you see holdups are not con
fined to our beloved country In fact
I think that our polite contemporaries
over the Atlantic know things about
the game about which our desperadoes
are in entire ignorance New York
Trouble comes natural to some peo
ple just like freckles or curly hair
How differently our side of a fuss
sounds when presented by our enemies
The chances are if people distrust
you the fault lies largely with your
A man nevei cares a great deal for
the pictures taken of him when he was
a baby
The idea that there are two sides to
every question didnt originate with
any of the parties directly interested
It is right to start out in life with
an ambition but dont overlook the im
portance of enjoying the scenery on
the way
When a man picks up a pair of pan
taloons lie has not worn in a long
time he always feels in the pockets to
see if he lias left any money in them
Atchison Globe
Changed His Motto
A southern representative in con
gress is reputed to be of such a per
suasive manner that no matter what
party may be in power he outdoes his
colleagues in procuring favors for his
One afternoon the statesman was
met by a newspaper man Well ma
jor asked the latter how many ap
pointments and appropriations have
you arranged for today We all know
your way of getting everything that
you go after
Nothing today responded the rep
resentative rather wearily My ex
perience this time reminds me of the
old Confederate soldier that I knew in
Tennessee I went into this war
said he with the motto Veni vldi
vici and I came out vice versa
St Louis Republic
How They Fooled the Preacher
When our grandmothers arranged to
have chicken for Sunday dinner for
the preacher they picked out the big
gest and fattest and toughest old hen
on the place Saturday afternoon and
had the boys and dogs run her down
A tough old hen that is ehased all over
the place and frightened out of her life
Is as tender as a spring lamb when
cooked Fright makes any animal
bird or fowl tender so the books say
and it appears from this that our
grandmothers knew what they were
about when they had the tough old
hens chased before killing El Dorado
Kan Republican
It Killed Him
I should fancy the laundry business
was about as easy as any to start
What makes you think so
All you have to do is to lay in a sup
ply of starch
Well thatll starch you all right
Three days after there was a burial
London Tit Bits
A Brilliant Thought
Mistress to maid after the party
So Frau X called this afternoon What
reason did yon give for my not seeing
her Maid I told her we had a big
wash on Meggendorfer Blatter
Assume in adversity a countenance
of prosperity and in prosperity moder
ate thy temper Llvy
In tlio district court of RcdWillow county
Stuto of Nebraska
In the matter of the application of Sarah A
Haley guardian of tho rstute of Arthur Haley
Teresa Haley mid Reriiardiuc Haley for license
sell real estate
ito On reading tho filing the petition duly veri
fied of Surah A Haley Kuardiau of the persons
and estates of Arthur lialey Teresa II n ley and
I Hernardinu Haley minors for license to sell
their undivided one lourtli interest ol each or
said minors subject to the dower interest of
said Sarah A Haley in the following described
real estate to wit The northwest miarter of
section ten 10 in township one 1 north of
ratiKO thirty 50 west of tiie sixth P M in Red
Willow county Nebraska for the purpose of
raising funds- for the support maintenance and
education of said minors and it iipjienrinK
from said iotition that said real estntu consists
of unimproved and uncultivated farmland and
no iiicomo is obtained therefrom and that now
is the most advantageous time to sell said real
it is therefore ordered that the next of kin of
said minors and all jhtmhis interested in said
estate npiear before mo at chamber in the court
house in the City of McCook Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska on the 20th day of July A D
1107 at 10 oclock a in to show cause if any
there be why license should not bo granted to
said Sarah A lialey guardian to soil said real
estate for the purposes above set forth
It is further ordered that a copy of this order
he served on all iiersons interested in said
estate at least fourteen days before the date set
for the hearing by publishing the same once
each week for three successive weeks in tlio Mc
Cook Tribune n newspaper printed and pub
lished in said lied Willow county
Dated at chambers in saiil Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska this 22nd day of June A D HOT
R C Ore
Judge of the District Court
for Red Willow County Neb
McCook Nebraska Juno 28 1107
Notice is hereby ghen that liorryman it Cum
mins a linn composed of Perry Berrymau and
W 11 Cummins havo tiled in the city clerks
oflice their bond and petition for a license to
sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the
building on lots 13 14 and lr block 21 original
town in the second ward of the city of McCook
Nebraska for the year ending April i0 1JOS
Beer man A Cummins Applicants
To A W Pettee and all persons interested in
the premises hereinafter described
You are hereby notified that the mayor and
council of the city of McCook Rod Willow
comity Nebraska will hold a sjecial meeting
in the council chamber of the city hall in said
city at the hour of seven oclock p in contral
sraudard time on July 22 11HI7 for the purpose
of equalizing and assessing that portion of lots
7 and 8 in block 11 in the original town now city
of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska de
scribed as follows Commencing at a point 22
feet oasc of the southwest corner of lot 7 in
block 19 thence east 22 feet thence north SO
feet thence west 22 feet thence south M feet to
the place of beginning the said city of McCook
having rebuilt and laid III square feet of cem
ent sidewalk on the north side of Deiinison
street abutting on said premises at an expense
to the city in the sum of 14S0 A special tax
will be levied against tlio aforesaid property to
pay the costs of same and the costs of these
By ordr of the mayor and council of tho city
of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska
SEALJ H Conover
6-14-1 1 City Clerk
To Albert W Corey and all persons interested
in the premises hereinafter described
You are hereby notified that the mayor and
council of the city of McCook Red W illow
count Nebraska will hold u special meeting
in the council chamber of the city hall in said
city at the hour of seven oclock p m central
standard time on July 22 1907 for tho purpose
of equalizing and assessing that portion of lots
7 and 8 in block 11 in the original town now city
of Jlct ook Red Willow county Aclirasku de
scribed as follows Commencing at a point 11
feet east of the southwest corner of lot 7 in
block 19 thenco east 22 foot thence north feO
feet thence west 22 feet thence south M feet to
the place of beginning tht said city of McCook
having rebuilt and laid 111 square feet of cem
ent sidewalk on the north sido of Dennison
street abutting on said premises at an expense
to the city in tho sum of 11 t A special tax
will be levied against the aforesaid property to
pay tho costs of sumo and tho costs of these
By order of the mayor and council of the city
of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska
seal H W Coxover
City Clerk
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointmet fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in G tol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps aud it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
All ladies appreciate suggestions for
receipts patterns and formulas by other
ladies because the ideas are practical
The Weekly Inter Ocean prints seven
columns of such information each week
This paper is 8100 a year but subscrib
ing through the Tribute the two papers
will cost only SIOj
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
Mojo n
I A vtfmf0 I
in a Stock Certificate of the
Building Loan
Nttfc Ji1 III-
McCook Lodjcu No 135 A F A M moots
ovory first ami third Tuesday of tho mouth at
800 p in in Masonic hall
Lov Cone Sec
McCook Lodge No 3 D of II meets every
second and forth Fridays of each month at 801
p m in Ganschows hall
Mrs Laura Osiiuen C of H
Mns MattieG Wells Roc
McCook Aerie No 1311 F O K meet tho
second and fourth WednoMdnysof each month
at 8001 in in Ganschows hall Social meet
ings on the first and third WodnosdajK
W H Cumminh V Pros
II I Peterson W Sec
Eureka Chapter No WJ O E S moots tho
second and fourth Fridays of each mouth at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Muh Sakaii E Kay W M
Sylvester Coboeal Sec
McCook Council No 1120 K of C meets the
llrstand third Tuesdays of each month at 800
p in in Gunschowa hull
CJ Ryan J K
F G Leciileitkk F Sec
McCook Lodge No 42 Kof P moots every
Wednesday at 830 p in in Masonic hall
J F Cokukal C C
C W Baiineh K R S
KNK1II1S tkmi lai
St John Commntidory No lti If T meet on
the second Thursday of each mouth at SM p
m in Masonic hall
Emhuson Hanson EC
Sylvester Cokdeal Hoc
locomotive kno inkers
McCook Division No CJ H of h E meets
every first and third Saturday of each month at
8 00 in Rorrys hall
W C Schknck C E
W D ISuknktt F A E
locomotive kikemen
McCook Lodgo No 599 B r L F E
meets every Saturday at 800 p in in Cans
chows hali
W It Pennington M
W S Bixler Sec
Noble Camp No 1 M V A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each mouth at
8t0 p m in Ganschows hall
John Hunt V C
Barney IforER Clerk
McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F moots every
Monday at 800 p in in Ganschows hall
E H Doa v N T
Scott Doan Sec
p e o
Chapter X P E O meets the second and
fourth Saturdays of each month at 0 p m
at the homes of tho various members
Mrs C W Britt Proif
Mes J G Sciiobel Cor Sec
railway conductors
Harvey Division No 9i O R C meets tho
second and fourth Sundays of eacli month at
300 p in in Berrys hall
Joe Hkoknhkuger C Con
M O McClueu Sec
C W Bronsou Lodge No Is7 B of R T
meets every Friday at 800 p in in Berrys
H W Covovkr 31
FJ Huston Sec
King Cyras Chapter No 33 R A M meets
every lirst and third Thursday of each moutlrat
8 00 p m in Masonic hall
Clarence ft Okay H P
Clinton B Sawyer Sec
Noble Camp No 802 R A meets every
second aud fourth Thursday of each month at
230 p in in Ganschows hall
JIkh Mary Walkek
Mrs Augusta Anton Rec
Council NolGRSMmeetson
tho last Saturday of each month at BJJQ p m
iu Masonic hall
Kaliii A Hakbeeo T I M
Syvlesteu Cordeal Sec
McCook Lodge No 01 AOUW meets every
Monday at SM p in in Berrys hall
Web Stephens M W
C ft Gray Rec
v mimrftwtii
The Kansas City Weekly Star
The most comprehensive farm paper All the news intelligently
told Farm questions answered by a practical farmer and exper
imenter Exactly what you want in market reports
One Year 25 cents
Address THE WEEKLY STAR Kansas City 2YI0
No better or safer
investment is open to
you An investment
of 100 per month for
120 months will earn
80 nearly 9 percent
compounded annually
Dont delay but see
the secretary today
Subscriptions r e
ceived at any time for
the new stock just