I M Beardslee candidate for county treasurer solicits the support of tho elec tors in tho Republican primaries For County Judge I hereby announce myself a candidate for re election to the office of County Judge on the Republican ticket With a high appreciation of tho splendid vote given mo two years ago and with a purpose to render tho best sorvice posi blo if re elected I respectfully request tho consideration of all Republicans at tho coming Primary Election J C Moore Tyrone Precinct Juno 19th 1907 Announcement I hereby announce myself a candidate for tho office of county assessor of Red Willow county Nebr on the republican ticket subject to the decision of repub lican primary election to be held Tues day Sept 3rd 1907 I have had 7 years experience as an assessor and deputy T A Endlsey Red Willow Precinct Temporarily in Valley Grange Jnno Gth 1907 Announcement I hereby announce to the Republicans of Red Willow county that I shall be a candidate for the office of County Clerk on the Republican ticket at the Prim ary Election to be held on Tuesday September 3 1907 I respectfully ask the consideration of the Republican electors of the county Stuart B McLean McCook Neb April 26 1907 Announcement I respectfully announce that I will be a candidate for the office of Clerk of the District Court of Red Wil low county on the Republican ticket subject to the decision of the Repub lican Primaries to be held on Tuesday September 3 1907 Chester A Rodgers Valley Grange Prect April 26 1907 Announcement I respectfully announce that I will be a candidate for the office ff county treasurer of Red Willow county on the republican ticket at the primary election Tuesday September 3 1907 If elected will give up present occupa tion and personally attend to the duties of the office Justin A Wilcox McCook Nebraska May 2 1907 Announcement I wish to announce to the Republican voters of this county that I shall be a candidate for the Republican nomina tion for County Clerk at the Primary Election on Tuesday Septembsr 3rd 1907 and that I would like to have all fair minded Republican voters who be lieve in good clean business like service rom their public servants and who want men that are absolutely free from all boss or ring rule free from all machine or corporaticn influence to consider my candidacy Respectfully Chas Skalla Indianola Neb April 26 1907 Announcement I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of judge of the fourteenth judicial district of Nebraska on the republican ticket subject to the decision of the republican primary elec tion to be held September 3 1907 Charles E Eldred McCook Nebraska Announcement I hereby announce to the Republicans of Red Willow Uounty tnat 1 snail be a candidate for the office of County Trea surer on tho Republican ticket subject to the decision of the Republican Prim ary Election to be held Tuesday Sept 3rd 1907 For the past twelve years I have been engaged in practical book keeping and commercial business and feel confident that I can handle with credit all business entrusted to the office I respectfully ask your due con sideration Clifford Naden Danbury Neb May Gth 19C7 Special Price Bargains You can get them at the Model Shoe Btore in tan oxfords patent oxfords gunmetal oxfords gents tan oxfords and gents tan shoes By F Al KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Announcement I linroby announce to the Republicans of Red Willow County that I shall bo n candidate for the oflico of county treas urer on the Republican ticket at tho primary elections to bo held on Tuesday Soptomber J 1907 I have had twenty three years of an activn business ex perience fn store and bank and feel confident that 1 can handle the affairs of tho office with credit to myself and tho Republican party Respectfully A L Cochrane Bartloy Nob District Judge I hereby announce myself as a candi date for renomination as judge of the Fourteenth judicial district of Nebras ka on tho Republican ticket subject to tho decision of the Republican primaries to bo held Sept 3 1907 Robert C Our MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs Mary Baiicock is visiting Cam bridge relatives L Sodkruuro moved to Edison Ne braska this week Miss Sadie Coylh returned from Omaha Monday night Miss Lkla Pennell is homo from Lin coln for the summer vacation C D Ritchie arrived home safely from Palisade first of tho week Mrs L F Williams loft fore part of the week for Morrill Nebraska Mrs C E Pope has been up from St Joseph Mo during tho week Mr and Mrs IIowk Smith have gone to Ida Grove Iowa on a visit Mrs Vina Wood arrived homo Mon day night from her visit in Gresham this state Mr and Mrs Henry Stockman and daughter of Sutton are visiting Mr and Mrs Col son Mrs Sallie DeGroff and son Wel ler aro hero from Oberlin Ohio on a business visit Miss Effie Auhctt left for Peru last Saturday to remain during the summer vacation Miss Bettcher entertained the Awl Os last evening at the homo of Mr and Mrs Grannis 4 F G and Geo Lechjeiter E M Stewart and Howard Tegeman were Sunday visitors at St Ain Mrs II N RosebusiA and children departed Tuesday evenjjig for Chero kee Iowa on a visit of ajnonth or so Dr J D Hare and family will oc cupy tho Congressman Norris home until the return of the family next spring Mrs S A Haley has been in the city the past week or ten days on busi ness and to renew old acquaintanceship Mrs William Washburn and two daughters aro down from Alliance Ne braska on a visit to her mother Mrs Escher JVJRS ii Jii JMagee and little 6on ar rived in the city last Saturday evening and are guestss of the Kimmells for a few weeks Albert Blatt was able to return to his work Wednesday morning after an enforced lay off the result of having been kicked by a horse Russell McMillen returned to Te cumseh Monday morning after spend ing a few days here with relatives and friends of ye olden times D C Tenney of the American Con struction company has established quarters in the city and will shortly commence work on the new gas plant G Predmestky of FremontNebraska visited with his daughter Mrs Simons Wednesday Mrs Simons accompan ied him home and will visit in Fremont a few days Rev A F Green will leave Monday for Chicago to be absent ten days mak ing purchases of goods for all depart ments of his new clothing and gents furnishings store Mrs Marrietta C Hawley and Mrs Harry Rogers went up to Denver last Friday visiting in that vicinity and at Lyons during their absence and re turning home Monday night with glow ing ideas of Colorados glorious scenery Congressman Norris and family and Mrs Norriss parents Mr and Mrs I N Leonard of California departed on Monday night for the Wisconsin lakes where they will spend the summer From there the Congressman and family will go on to Washington in the fall for the long term of congress ciy church announcements Christian Bible school 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m by Dr Finch Y P S C E 7 p m 8 p m Wednesday prayer meeting Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 8 p m Sunday school at 10 a m All are welcome to these services E R Earle Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m Preaching services at 11 a m and 8 p m Prayer service Wednesday evening at 8 oclock Young peoples meeting at 7 p m A F Grken Pastor Christian Science Services Sun day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m subject unnstian bcience Meet ings held in Diamond block Room open daily from 2 to 5 p m except Sunday Science literature on sale Congregational Sunday School at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m by pas tqr Junior C E at 3 p m Senior C E at 7 p m Union temperance meet ing at Methodist church The public is cordially invited to all these services Geo B Hawkes Pastor 115000 FOUND and turned over to Dr Beach will enable the finder to become owner of two fine lots and a well equipped residence on Main Avenue block above the post office Call and ia vestigate Fresh potato chips always on hand Magner Stokes 4 Severe Hall and Rain Storm McCook and vicinity wero visited last Saturday afternoon by ouo of tho sovor est hail and rain storms in years In tho course of an hour or so 271 inches of rain fell Tho hail was of extreme size and in some localities was most destruc tive This was especially truo in the neighborhood about Perry station where tho crops were practically anni hilatod for tho space of a few miles north and south and for a milo or more east or west In the city gardens wero destroyed window glass broken cellars flooded and minor damages of various sorts caused by the hail aud excessive water Tho damage to crops was not so great in other sections about McCook but considerablo nevertheless Tho moisture was needed however and tho results aro on tho right sido of the ledger the entire county considered in the account after the hailstorm C W Shurtleff reports tho loss of 200 acres of wheat in tho rain hail storm of last Saturday afternoon The glaziers have been busy since Saturdays hail Tho Updike Grain and Coal Co got ten feet of water in their grain pit Water in considerablo quantity found its way into the cellars of the Zint McCIain and tho old Workman Temple Block Saturday afternoon Some pri vate homes over tho city suffered inun dation also The new sower ditches wore badly washed by the flood of water Saturday afternoon being washed out to a greater or less degree all over the system and rendering driving and traffic somewhat difficult and dangerous all over town until repairs can be made Almost three inches of water fell during the rain and hail storm of Satur day aftornoon To be exact 271 inches And such hail wow Two Farms ior jale No 1 East y 27 2 30 320 acres 270 acres of which are smooth 150 acres in cultivation 2 acres of ash grove 150 acres in pasture A 4 room frame house stable 16x40 well windmill cis tern and tank One mile to school eight miles to McCook Good roads to and a fine view of city 140 acres in winter wheat one third of crop goes with farm Price 6400 Reasonable terms No 2 Southwest J4 8-1-29 9J4 miles to McCook 7 miles to Cedar Bluffs 158 acres smooth 30 acres in wheat 20 acres in barley and corn one third of crop goes with farm This is a very fine quarter nicely located Price 83200 Terms reasonable These are exceptional bargains and the prices quoted will not hold good after June 20 Write me phono me or come and see me I will show the land I M Smith Owner McCook Nebr Notice to Clean Alleys and Premises All citizens of McCook are hereby requested to at once clean up their al leys and premises The following rule will be enforced from this date You are prohibited to throw refuse offal garbage manure ashes straw slops or any other refuse matter into any street or alley or vacant lot within the City of McCook For the viola tion of any of the above provisions the person found guilty will be fined not less than 8100 nor more than 50 and pay the costs or stand committed to the city jail until fine and costs are paid The householder whether renter or owner will be held responsible for allowing any such refuse matter to remain on premises more than fiye days after service of notice J R Pence Chief of Police By order of the Mayor We have arranged with The Weekly Inter Ocean so that our patrons can secure that sterling paper together with our own at the exceedingly low price of 8105 for one year This is a rare op portunity and should be taken advant age of If you dont know where to buy your next pair of shoes ask your neighbor and he will tell you to go to Diamonds New Shoe Store on we3t Dennison St An old bach on west Dennison street Tuesday morning started his meal and went visiting The dense meat smudge brought out the department Spontaneous combustion in the wash house attached to Zint McClain build ing Sunday night gave occupants a scare but small damage Marguerite the dainty delightful new ordor of perfume Not too loud but very lasting Its just right Woodworth Co Druggists Why should you buy your shoes at Diamonds New Shoe Store because their stock is brand new and strictly up to date George Niccolson has sold his South McCook property to Carl Fahrnbruck and has bought uptown residence A brother of Earl Murray is now associated with him in his barber shop on Dodge Street Mixed Paints Lead and Oil Glass and Wall Paper at special prices McMillen Druggist John K Burke has purchased Zint Zinta news stand and confectionery MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnoli for drugs Base ball goods at Hofers Everything in drugs McConnoli Hammocks at McMillens Drug Store Try McConnells Vauilla and Lemon Extract Kodaks and kodak supplies at Mc Connells Fire works at Woodworth Co Druggists Prompt service in draying secured by calling up phono 199 Try McMillens Blackberry Balsam for summer complaints Dr Kays oflico is now ono door north of Commercial hotel Phono 97 Try Magner Stokes for fresh and salt meats fruit and vegetables They do say Woodworth Co mako tho beet ico cream soda in tho town The Tribune is now prepared to do your job printing of all kinds promptly All sizes of window glass carried in stock Special sizes cut L W McConnell Druggist It required 1400 copies of last weeks Tribune to fill tho demands regular and extra McConnells Fragrant Lotion cures chapped bauds and makes tho skin soft and smooth Magner Stokes can supply you with Heinz double strength pure cider vinegar In quart bottles A good talcum powder is a necessity It is BY LO 23 cents L W McConnell Druggist McConnells Blackberry Balsam cures colic and cholera bottle morbus 25 cents a Get a quart bottle of lleinz pure malt vinegar a pure food product at Magner Stokes Steve Wilson has added a splendid two 3eated automobile to his livery barn equipment Try it If you want it done right and right away call up phone 199 R M Douglass Co office in Bump building If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business Bishop Graves will be in St Albans church to preach and confirm a class Monday July 1 at 8 p m All are wel come R M Douglass Co will give you prompt and efficieutservice Phone 199 Office in Bump real estate office lower Main The only place in town where you can get the famous Three Star Cof fee is at Magner Stokes market and grocery R M Douglass Co draying in all its branches Call up phone 199 Call at office in Bump building lower Main avenue Cameras all kinds films and plate none better made Our supplies are always fresh and give the best results Woodworth Co Druggists Our spring shipment of burnt leather goods has arrived Call and see what we have Barney Hofer McCook News Depot Our ice cream is all cream our syrups are made from the pure fruit juices our ice cream soda pleases the most delicate taste Woodworth Co Druggist Reports are coming in from surround ing towns that Bradley Vrooman paint gives entire satisfaction Every can is guaranteed For sale by Polk Bros Use McCook souvenir letters in wait ing to your friends Something new just received at B Hofers headquarters for souvenirs stationery and reading matter of all kinds We begin to protect our customers when wo place our order for goods We select with their satisfaction in view What you buy here is guaranteed to be right L W McConnell Druggist The boy stood on the burning deck The ship was bout to smash ne cried to cool his scorching neck For a dish of Heavenly Hash Try it Woodworth Co Soda Foun tain John Maisel was up from Indianola last Friday securing somo machine repairs He will operate a new steam separator this season Says crop prospects are good and lots of work in sight Sunday June 30th the Fifth Sunday after Trinity there will be services in St Albans church at 11 a m and at S p m Subject for morning Mans helplessness and Gods help Bishop Graves will preach and confirm in St Albans church Monday July 1st at S oclock in the evening The Christian Endeavor society of the Congregational church will meet at the usual nour i o ciock bunday evening Miss Tracio Rector will lead Lesson Christ in Africa Isa 431 13 Last Sundays lesson The Life of Moses will also be taken up All young peo ple and especially the normal school students are invited to attend - -- - -- - - - - - - - I w w ww 1 Arc You Re INDIANOLA A nice rain visited this section Satur day afternoon which will give the finish ing touches to the wheat potatoes and such like Elmer Thompson lost a valuable Jer sey cow Thursday afternoon Too much alfalfa Edward and Bennie Smith and Ernest Crabtree painters are doing Mrs Iloags house near Lebanon Mrs E Thompson and Mrs James Boldman drove out to tho Thomnson farm eight miles north of town and spent the day Thursday Editor Byfield made a business trip to Trenton Monday Gardens are doing fine so are the weeds Fishing seems to be the order of the day and somo of the fish are large in their minds Mr and Mrs E S Hill attended the fifty seventh wedding anniverary of Mr and Mrs G B Nettleton near McCook last week Mrs Whittaker of McCook id in town this week the guest of friends and re lations Miss Gertie Ford returned from her visit last Sunday night and will remain a few days in town before going to her home on the Driftwood Mr and Mrs Will Doian spent Sun day in McCook Rev and Mrs E Smith are in Min den this week attending the Epworth League convention Mrs Leonard Smith and daughter Lena left Tuesday morning for Grand Island where they will visit relatives The Congregational people gave an ice cream social Friday night in the Masonic temple ady for The Fourth If you can get another diess made See Our Beautiful Assortment of er Dress Goods If not call and supply yourself with one or more of our Nailo Waist inat i s ii 1 1 ihmt tit tiiii f a ciib - rmn We have just received another shipment of SILK WAISTS in Black and White our prices are 300 to 3 5 400 500 and up to 1500 each Our Lawn and Batiste Waists range in price from 100 to 325 each Our extraordinary large sale of Waists this spring is conclusive proof that NAILO WAISTS LEAD THEM ALL in Style Fit Finish and Lowest Prices If you havent seen our line call at once We have succeeded in securing a few more ELBOW LENGTH GLOVES And can again furnish you while they last Black and White Long Silk Gloves for 135 150 and 200 per pair Black Silk Lisle long Gloves for 75c and 125 per pair H C Clapp McCook Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings Walsh Building - Phone 56 1 McCOOK WILL HAVE A Big Celebrat THE 3rd AND 4th OF JULY ion THE IDEAL STORE Has a Big Stock of ire Wox Miss Flossie Andrews was an Indian ola visitor a few days last week Miss Midge Townley entertained a few of her friends at her home Tuesday evening Flinch was the chief amuse ment of the evening The Misses Edith Allen and Bertha Walker went to Minden Monday a3 delegates to the E L convention I M Smith was a passenger on Xo 3 Friday evening returning from Stamford whither ho had gone to see that new new grandchild Merle Powell was married last Tue3 day to a lady in Denver After a honey moon trip they will come to Indianola and live on the ranch east of town C Burts infant child died Monday morning She was seven months of age and had been a Lreat sufferer all fior short life The storm of Monday night was of unusual severity The wind commenced early in the evening and continued until after midnight The rain was accom panied by hail but not enough to do much damage The storm came from the northeast scattering the leaves and limbs of trees in every direction and doing considerable damn cm In tha of breaking windows blowing down signs etc Jay Holland came home this week from Denver and will visit home folks for awhile G W Short now answers to the name of grandpa A son was born to Mr and Mrs Arch McXeill last week Cash it Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at TheTribuxe office Illustrated souvenir letters of McCook only 10c at Ilofers C f