m in 1 I I I nrj I f i I I Sr V jtj yrtTy tv 3JJ SiSKSa fit Jt5 3 i fKLvwitS W H D Hornaday Lecturer and Vocalist Friday June 2 1 Methodist Church above cut is the likeness of W H U Hornaday lec turer and vocalist who will be at the Methodist church Friday night June 21 at 830 oclock Mr Hornaday is a pleasing speaker and a splendid singer and never fails to make good His subject here will be Hunting a Man Proceeds for church bonds Tickets on sale on and after June 15 at Marshs market Adults 25c children 15c cly church akouncejients Chuistjaj Bible school 10 a m Preaching it 11 a m and 8 p in by Dr Finch Y P S C E 7 p in 8 p in Wednesday pnner meeting Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughijan Pastor Baptist Sunday school at 1000a m Preaching services at 11 a m and 8 p in Prayer service Wednesday evening at 8 oclock Young peoples meeting at 1 p m A b Green Pastor Meihodist Sunday school at 1000 Childrens day sermon and baptism of children by pastor at 1100 Junior League at 4 Epworth League at 7 Prayer and class meeting Wednesday sight at 8 M IS Carman Pastor Christian Science Services Sun day at 11 a in and Wednesday at 8 p m Subject Is the universe including man evolved by atomic force Meet ings held in Diamond blok Room open daily from 2 to 5 p m except Sunday Science literature on sale Congregational Sunday School at 10 a rn Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p an Junior C E at 3 p rn Senior C E it 1 p m Childrens Day exercises at 3 p m The general public is cordially incited to all these meetings Geo B Hawkes Pastor Episcopal Preaching services at St AJbans church SundayJune 16th third after Trinity ns follows At 780 a rn a corporate communion for the men of 1ho parish At 11 a rn prayers and sermon subject The whole duty of man At 3 p m the Knights of Py thias will hold their annual service in St Albans church subject of sermon Friendship At S p m prayers and sermon Sunday Bchool at 10 a m All are welcome to these services E R Earle Rector The management are actively en gaged in improvements which when completed will mark an advanced step in the history of the Nebraska State Fair A number of men and teams are now employed in the building of a complete sewer system extending a 1 inch water main a distance of 1700 feet around to the new speed barn and tilling in the low lands west of the administration building so that will be a part of the very best land in the tract The dirt for this ml is secured north of the Rock Island track The plans and specifications for the new cattle barn to be built this year shows a barn 174x257 feet with stall room for 632 head of cattle sanitary closets for ladies and gentlemen and a super intendents office The arrangement will be so that a person coming into the building at any of its numerous doors can see over the backs of all the cattle at a glance Fresh air and sunshine prevent dis ease Good paint prevents decay It will pay you to protect your property with long wearing Bradley Vrooman Paint Sold by Polk Bros T i I I INDIANOLA And a few more nice rains this week Mrs J C Puckett went to Bartley Wednesday morning for a short visit with her sister-in-law Mrs Ralston Mr and Mrs W A McCool and children took a little spin out to the farm Wednesday and came home Thurs day evening Mr and Mrs W C McClung are entertaining some friends from Omaha who came hist of the week I N Bentley moved into the gallery this week Miss May Hotze entertained a few of her friends at her home Tuesday night Miss Nellie Andrews of McCook was a visitor Thursday The M E Leaguers met at the par sonage Monday night and elected Edith Allen and Bertha Walker as delegates to the convention at Mindem bo be held the 21th and 23 Lewis Elmers infant child has the measles Mrs Lee went to McCook Wednes day evening to visit her daughter Mrs Ferree R E Smith and party are painting the Methodist church this week Miss Gerty Ford of Trenton who has been visiting at her uncle John Grovert left for Oxford Tuesday morning for a viir with friends Quite a lot of youngsters from here went out to Patrick McNeills Monday to help celebrate Miss Lulus birthday Miss Mann returned from Lincoln Tuesday She was accompanied by her sister Mrs Myrtle Thomas and children The Workmen and Auxiliaries are holding a picnic in the grove east of town today Wednesday Delia Toogood attended the ball game at Cambridge Tuesday Mrs W C McClung entertained a few friends Monday evening in honor of her guests A very interesting game of ball was played here Wednesday afternoon be tween McCook and Indianola with a score of nine to eleven in favor of Mc Cook Richard Holcomb was seriously in jured this afternoon at the depot while helping unload a safe Doctors were called and are doing what they can BOX ELDER Mrs D R Boyle is entertaining her brothers from Maywood Mrs G A Shields and mother Mrs Martha Johnson visited Mrs Charley Wilson Tuesday Mrs J K Gordon and the children moved back to the farm last Friday TheSunday school will have its child rens day exercises at the church next Sundaymoming We were very much pleased to learn that Mrs Claude Spaulding was able to walk out in the yard last Tuesday Cash Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at The Tribune office a whistler story- THREE DOLLARS The Eagle That Wad Made to Pose 88 a Fighting Cock Apropos of something Whistler once told a cockfight story so vividly that only a man with a sailor instinct could tell it ns well mimic It so keenly and enjoy It so thoroughly It was a story of a strange species of the American cock pictured to the smallest detail so beautifully that one forgot that it was a story Some American sailors were at a cockfight In a seaport town In Eng land when one of them remarked to the owner of the champion We have got an American cock on board that can whip any bird here Go fetch iin on said the champion Chuck Mm in and see If e licks one bird we ave plenty more to throw in that can lick hany blawsted llainerl can bird you can fetch ere All right Well bring one said the sailors When they got aboard they rigged up an American eagle After their own manner they painted trim med spliced and reefed fore and aft transforming the eagle to a cock When ready they went ashore to pit their new American gamecock against all England At the pit the sailors chucked In their cock which looked around for other surprises as he backed close to the wall Now bring on your birds ylled the sailors A strutting o1 was thrown Into the pit and w surprise to the poor disinantu il aglc He backed up closer and closer to the wall wondering what would happen next The cock walked three times majestically around the circle culling at his strange opponent the ongle piti ably abashed and bcdrahbled crouch ing lower and lower and looking around and above him for an explana tion of what it all meant while the crowd were yelling madly for the English fighter The eagle made him self smaller and smaller but at last finding that he could get back no fur ther and thinking that something was expected of him and as the cock dashed at him again stretched out his long claws and took his opponent by the neck Here Whistler ended with an imita tion by motions of what the eagle did He stretched out his arm shaped his hand like a claw which by this time looked like a real one drew it to his mouth and with one bite pulled off the head as he thought an eagle might do it Then he looked blandly about the room as the eagle had done at the astonished crowd and said Now bring The Science of Chemistry Chemistry did not become a science in other words chemistry proper did not exist until the seventeenth cen tury and it was as late as the middle of the eighteenth century before it be gan to amount to much The old al chemy undoubtedly contained the germs or at lease the possibilities of the present day chemistry but beyond this the relationship between the mod ern science and the ancient delusion is slight indeed Still it cannot be de nied that it was in the foolish search for the Philosophers Stone and the Elixir of Life that men first hit upon the discoveries which were destined to develop into the great science of to day New York American The Sarcastic Cabby The London bobby is notorious for overgrown feet and hands Likewise the London cabby is generally ac credited with never being at a loss for a reply One day a bobby lifted up his hand majestically to halt a cabby but the latter crowded his horse ahead Didnt you see me raise my and demanded the bobby I did see the sky darken a moment but my orse was shyin at your feet retorted the cabby as he whipped up and went on London Graphic The Danes and the Raven Perhaps the Danes selected the raven for their standard out of feelings of gratitude for before the Invention of the mariners compass they must have found him extremely useful The only method of determining whether land was near was to let loose a raven If the bird saw land he sailed away for ever if he did not he returned to the ship London Chronicle Equally Culpable I can say for myself that I never have been mean enough to get another womans cook away from her Neither have I but I must confess that once or twice I have tried to work our cook off on some of my neighbors Shut Him Off What are you taking for your cold Nothing Nothing But my dear fellow Nothing I say not even advice Fine day Isnt It Illustrated Bits The DANBURY Mr and Mrs C E Wood of mase Neb he a brother of Mrs Tiger i W Tal Dan Logan are hero visiting C E Eldred and County Attorney Reedor were busness visitors in these parts Monday The men are at vork on the bank excavating for the basement Miss Grace Philips moved to her home in Indianola last Tuesday Miss Gaitha Noe left for points in on vour other birds Otto- Backer in I Colorado via Indianola Tuesday Century TOWNS WITH TROUBLES Londons trouble is her fog Tokyos trouble is earthquakes In her worst 200000 residents were killed The mistral is the trouble of Mar seille5 an east wind that increases the citys death rate Z0 per cent Calcuttas trouble is cholera and the bubonic plague is the trouble of Bom bay Each city pays to her trouble an annual tribute of 9000 souls Bagdads trouble is the Bagdad but ton a sore that attacks practically every resident and visiter leaving a button shaped permanent scar Madrids trouble is the solano a sum mer wind from the southeast It is ex ceedingly hot and is accompanied by blinding choking clouds of dust so that notwithstanding a temperature of 105 or 110 degrees all windows must be closed Philadelphia Bulletin Mrs Phillips of Indianola is here vis iting her daughter Mrs J E Noo Mrs J E Noe is under the doctors care this week Win Green way and daughters Mary and Dora and Bert Gotchel loft for Flagler Colorado Monday morning to take homesteads Win Mackey and family left for their homesteads near Burlington Colorado Tuesday morning Quite a number of Mr and Mrs Rex Miles friends spent Friday evening with them it being their twentieth wedding anniversary Frank Bussys moved to McCook Monday Mr Powells have moved into the property the Bussys vacated Warn Ilethcote was a McCook visitor last Thursday Quite a number of joung folks at tended the dance at Jim Listers last Saturday night R F D Nol Biliie Fritz and Adam Fritz and Jack Fritz and Gottlieb Tilgner of School Creek were over to Ash Creek last Saturday to a dance They got lost on their way home and had to spend the night in a cowshed on the way How high vas dat C W Roper has been in his old haunts about Ash Creek part of the week Mrs John Troester is improving steadily from her two operations recent ly in an Omaha hospital John Schmidt has built a concrete tower and installed thereon a 110 bar rel tank for irrigation purposes Misses Ina Endsley and Myrtle Engle who have been visiting the Endsleys and Broomfields departed Tuesday on No 6 for their home in Ohio Almost fifty numbers out at the dance at Henry Schamels last Satur day night Ice cream was served also W N Rodgers departed Monday for Omaha wilh a carload of his finest Whitefaces for the big sale there Mr W G Dutton has been enjoying a visit of several days with his brother Frank Dutton of Kingman Kansas Mrs Robert Johnston who has been quite seriouisly ill is slowly recovering Married at the home of Mr and Mrs J 1 Leo Wednesday night June 12 at 8 oclock Mr Emory E Rogers and Miss Ida Groves by Rev M B Carman in the presence of a few relatives and friends Mrs Jas Lyon and Mrs Oscar Burd of Trenton and Mr and Mrs C W Barnes of McCook were guests A dainty lunch was served Mr and Mrs Rodger will go to house keeping at once on Mr Rogers farm four miles south of McCook If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business Illustrated souvenir letters of McCook only 10c at Hofers i i THREE DOLLARS MXBSM 3 13 Sold Exclusively at the McCOOK N PLEASANT RIDGE Lightning killed a colt for Schmidt brothers and Wilson brotiiors last week Herbert Betzs team ran away last Wednesday going through two wire gates but fortunately without much damage and but slight injury These rains and warm weather are what we have been wantii g for the crops hence they are most welcome and useful Marsh operates on tho theory that nothing is too good for his patrons hence he buys only the best of live stock of all kinds and sells only tho best of meats You can prove it by a trial Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed THREE DOLLARS Best in Quality W A 300 E B R A S K A MM THREE DOLLARS RED WILLOW Mrs Wilson loft on Monday morning for her homo in Aurora Illinois Waltor Bellair and Jessie Stewart are down with tho measles Mrs Rinck is improving very fast having been sitting up for somo days Mrs Don Quigley is much better and she is on tho way to recovery Owing to the outbreak of measles Childrens Day exercises have been given up much to the disappointment of all concerned Ira and John Clark aro breaking sod with a steam engine and six plows Mr and Mrs T II Smith and Leon took dinner at John Longneckers on Sunday I WHITE I A WE CAN SHOW YOU X A JL X White Table Linens Table Napkins A A Drawn Thread Waists JL Lawn Waists X Silk Parasols A Ladies Missesandi SHose Childrens W Linen by the yard Y Imitation Linen by the yd yr j Bed Spreads Jj l Gloves long and short A X Oxfords y A Corsets Royal Worcester JL Tjr Embroideries A S Underskirts y Persian Lawns v Jf French Lawns y X Air Cloth very fine JJ A MainnnlrQ j A Long Cloth A A Indian Linons J Lawns X - Figured Swiss Dotted Swiss f yr Laces w Cashmeres y Mohairs V X Serges jr A Batiste V I Mb K Look to us for prices of Table Linen before buying elsewhere We have no competitor in this line Honest John toiGoodsGrannis fif Groceries J McCook Nebraska Q