V pysri 3ffiJil Time Card McCooIc Neb MAIN MNB IAHT DRIMKT Jym No 0 CuiitrnlTiiiio 9X r ji 2 518 A M VI 715 a M II 1000 i M Id 710 v it MAIN LINK WICST DKIAUT No 1 Mountain Thno 8KB A l II 15 Arnvos 1158 i M 8SW V M 1151 a M J2 A M IMIKUAI MNB Nil 175 urrivoH Mountain Time 505 j ji No 175ilipnrtH 015 a m Stooping ilinint mid reclining clmir rura Hcati frco on throiiKli trains Tickets sold mid huKKnito clicckml to any jiuint in tho United Stntosor Canada For information timo tallies maps and tick ets call on or writo Cicortro Scott Aont SIc Cook NiliritHkii or L V Wnkoley General LufrsoiiKur AkoiiI Omaha Nebraska ill I ii i fMar 4th nf Jnlv I i J We will sell a large line of Fireworks and 4th of j i July Goods Look for us 1 EEEEEEEEE j The Ideal Store The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is Harsh s motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it tlrtiM e jt il The Butcher Phone 12 hS jxJjxrE SPECIALS Opening of Huntley Lands 33000 acres near llilligs system Juno register for Finest prize ment Cost divided into Kovernment irrigated land Montana opened by lottery 20 cheap excursion rates to these rich irrigated lands yet offered by the govern approximately 30 an acre ten yearly payments Get details To Pacific Coast Specially low round trip California rates Jnne Sth to 15th June 22nd to July 5th Also to Portland Seattle and Spokane June 20th to July 12th Daily low rate Coast tours commencing June 1st Slightly higher via Shasta route Good Chances Eastwards Daily low Jamestown Exposition rates with tide trips available for New York Philadelphia Boston Atlantic Coast re fortsl Also July 3rd to Gth very cheap to Saratoga with side trips to New York also July 11th to 13th to Philadelphia Big Horn Basin Wo run personally conducted homeseek ers excursions Juno 4th and ISth under guidance of D Clem Deaver General Agent Landseekors Information Bureau Round trip 2000 Call or write for details GEORGE S SCOTT Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP Cures BRONCHITIS PAILU0AD NEWS ITEMS The pay ear ia scheduled for this afternoon nt 530 Ed Emberling is arranging to mnko n Denver visit soon W F Meyers made Conductor George Martins run Tuesday Mas 11 A Roueh is in Chicago for an operation on her spine Gang Barn Turner took in the Indian ola ball game Wednesday Mrs William Richelieu has been visiting in Omaha this week Engines out of backshop this week NoslXi9 1059 11C9 In 13G9 L W Shirley and mother are back from their visit up on the high lino Conductor A I Ely has Conductor Moso Carmoueys old car tho 14009 Engineers I F Bowen Stevo Flinn and Ellis Ford now have regular pas senger runs Conductor Frank Quigley is on the Republican City Oberlin run since tho last line up Engine 2711 a P5 compound was over tho drop pit yesterday for a pair of now front trucks Conductors A II I3agloy and Moso Cannoney have tho OrleansSt Francis branch run now A third crew has been placed on tho Denver Alliance run and Conductor G M Hackett has tho run Floyd Curran has resigned his clerk ship to Machineshop Foreman J D Young and will enter tho telegraph oflico Conductor G If Piorco is running on the Denver Lyon1 branch vice Conduct or L C WollT who is not ot able to return to work Machinists and helpers will havo a stag picnic at the water works pumping station park tomorrow There is noth ing significant about the location F W Schultz late general foreman of the Burlington shops here is now holding a similar position with the Missouri Pacific at Osawatomie Kansas Conductors E O Scott and Ncal Beeler are now running regularly on the local freight between McCook and Holdrege formerly held by Conductors A H Bagley and Frank Quigley J W Eastman has resigned from the Burlington service here and expects in a few days to depart for Osawatomie Kansas where he has been offered a position in the Missouri Pacific service Roswell Cutler arrived home last Saturday night from Lincoln where he went a few weeks since for an operation for an abscess in his left ear He has quite recovered from the effects of the trouble and operation C P Heber arrived home last Sat urday morning on iNo 2 from Denver very much encouraged as to his con dition by the report of the examining physician there Charlie has gained materially in weight since his last ill ness and is in fine fettle THE SACRED CODFISH Famous Emblem That Adorns the Massachusetts Statehouse A codfish carved in wood hangs on the white mahogany wall of the Massa chusetts hail of representatives in the statehouse in Boston Between two classic pillars it occupies a place of honor directly opposite the desk of the presiding officer This wooden fish is the renowned original sacred codfish of the Old Colony and it has assisted at the deliberations of the lawmakers of Massachusetts for more than a cen tury and a half gathering sanctity year by year It is a relic of the old build ing which preceded the present state house and great is the dignity of this souvenir of colonial art and industry The following account of its origin is given in a Boston paper Captain John Welch of Boston was the creator and carver of the celebrat ed fish He was a wood carver of re nown for his time and in 1747 estab lished his business in Dock square He belonged to the Ancient and Honorable Artillery company and afterward be came its captain He was called upon to contribute to the decoration of the colonial assembly hall and as at that period codfish was the colonys main article of export Captain Welch con ceived the idea of immortalizing the king fish of the Massachusetts waters When completed the carving was fin ished off and colored so as to bo a fac simile of life and was hung on the wall of the assembly hall A Fools Identity Some of tho best known people pass unrecognized by those to whom they should be known Harold Frederick sat one night at dinner next a man whose very silence and taciturnity caused him the more closely covertly to survey him Not a word was ex changed between the two Who was that hopeless idiot that I sat next to at dinner asked Frederick at the close of the meal That hopeless idiot was Cecil Rhodes he was answered It was the fact The Colossus had been In one of the moods In which he would not talk and Frederick though he had seen his portrait a hundred times had not recognized him St James The Human Brain The human brain has not steadily Increase I since paleolithic times and as Professor Lankester tells us by way of concrete illustration the brain of Isaac Newton was not much larger than that of an Australian black London Outlook The crap i4h rbrb iliyi Charging tho in- During reconstruction days a venera Klrt iikiPHi oAluiitu otiil iiiiTwiuf it t Im Mil i U V 0- w lmI boI j f j j n iwiranw vi lrcloM i Insfice ot tile J peace In a backwoods district of Geor gia His first case was one in which the defendant asked for a trial by jury When the testimony was all in and the argument had been concluded the lawyers waited for the judge to proceed with his instructions to the jury The Justice seemed somewhat embarrassed Finally one of the law yers whispered to him that it was time to charge the jury Looking at the jury with a grim judicial air the judge said Gentlemen ob de jury sense dis is a very small case Ill jes charge ye a dollar an a half apiece what is I nm the mote in the sunbeam and I am the burning sun Rest heie I whisper the atom I call to tho orb Roll on I am the blush of morning and I am the evening breeze I am the leafs low murmur the swell of the terrible seas I am the net tho fowler the bird and Its frightened cry The mirror the form reflected the sound and its echo I The lovers passionate pleading the maid ens whispered fear The warrior the blade that smites him his mothers heart wrung tear I am intoxication grapes wine press and must and wine The guest the host the tavern the gob let of crystal flue I am the breath of the flute and I am the mind of man Golds glitter the light of the diamond the sea pearls luster wan The rose her poet nightingale tho songs from his throat that rise Flint sparks the flame the taper tho moth that about it flies I am both Good and Evil the deed and the deeds Intent Temptation victim sinner crime pardon and punishment I am what was is will be creations as cent and fall The link the chain of existence begin ning and end of All Oriental Lyric Translated by Fanny Raymond Ritter His Villainy A lady in New York who had been tenderly reared married an adventurer who had many ups and downs She stood by him bravely and faithfully through poverty and even in disgrace He served a sentence In Sing Sing for forgery she todk a room near the prison to be near him and by her de votion secured a commutation of his sentence Late in life she abandoned him informing her friends that he was a villain She had discovered that all the love letters he sent to her were copies of letters sent to his first wife A Memory For Faces Six-year-old Marie is a ministers daughter svs Lippiucotfs Magazine and Christmas 1903 found half a doz en dolls under the Christmas tree There they stood during the Christmas week when realizing that six or seven dolls in addition to other toys was too much of a good thing mother who had the look ahead temperament re solved to kidnap one of the family and put it by for the next jear To all ap pearance the scheme was carried through successfully as no inquiries were made So on Christmas 190G the last years baby reappeared under the new tree Next morning Marie accompanied by the usual number of admiring grownups was taken to view the tree Fixing her eyes on the ab sentee and holding her dimpled chin with a chubby hand after a period of deep thought she remarked in a puzzled tone Where the dickens have I seen that face before About Bach Mr W S Gilbert was once visiting at the house of a Avealthy woman She asked Mr Gilbert several questions about musical composers to show that she knew all about them And what about Bach she asked Is he composing nowadays Xo maam answered Gilbert He is decomposing Gave Back His Money A fabulously rich man who is quoted for his economies died He appeared at tho gates of heaven He was met by St Peter Gabriel as recorder of deeds sat near by St rotor said What have you done to cause you to think you should come into heaven Well said the applicant timidly T met a crippled child and gave it two cents Um m replied St Peter that was something Is it all right Gabriel V Yes grudgingly answered Gabriel That is not enough Anything elbe asked St Peter Yes I met a newsboy He was ey ing because he was stuek with hi s evening papers I bought a paper Um m said St Peter that wis good Is that all right Gabriel Gabriel referred to his books and an swered in the affirmative St Peter thought an instant then walked over to Gabriel They consult ed in low tones Finally Gabriel closed his records with a bang and said im patiently Oh give him back his three cents and tell him to go to hell Couldnt Fool the Newsboy You know how lean Senator Ingalls was said a Kansas man to a Tribune reporter Well down in Atchison there was a doctor who was a great friend of his This doctor had been greatly annoyed by a newsboy who would come Into his office very uncere moniously and pester him by trying to tell newspapers One day when Injralls was in the j Sffice the boy was heard comlngiup the etulrs and the dot p utvfletlto pui j 1 up a job on hlu lie rushe l out an articulated skeleton placed It In a j chair by the desk and then the two l men withdrew to the buck room In rushed the boy and without no ticing what was at te desk came di rectly up to the skeleton When he looked up and saw It grinding at him he was nearly scared Into convulsion g bloody murder The joke tickled the doctor but Ingalls conscience pricked him and going to the window he looked out at the boy who was standing be low crying Gome upstairs my boy he said Ill buy one of your papers Hut the newsy began to yell harder than ever ami between his sobs he managed to blubber out Oh you cant fool me even if you have put your clothes on Minneap olis Tribune Minnies Prayer There had been a dressmaker In the house and Minnie had listened to long discussions about the very latest fash Ions That night when she said her prayers she added a new petition ut tered with unwonted fervency And dear Ionl please make us all very stylish E rerybodys The Engine and the Cow A cow that wore a bell having been run over ad killed on the railway the owner brought suit against the rail way for damages It was proved that the driver blew the whistle loudly and tried to frighten the cow off the track But the farmers lawyer also proved that the cow rang her bell and tried to frighten the engine off the track and so the jury decided in his favor Taking Chances A small boy had been punished and in consequence was feeling at enmity with all the world but with his father in particular When he came to say his prayers at night he gabbled through them at a high rate of speed and while asking for the customary blessing on all the other members of the family including the cat he left out his of fending parent His mother understood but thought It best to appeal to his better self Harold she said sweetly what about papa You forgot dear Didnt Dont want papa blessed Why Harold When you love him so Just think dear papa has gone downtown now and how would you feel if he got lost or hurt because you hadnt prayed for him This rather worked on the boys mind and slowly he began to clamber out of bed when just as he got on his knees he heard the familiar click of his fathers key in the lock I guess Ill risk it he announced and jumped back into bed LIppincotts An Alibi Guest in restaurant Bring me a Welsh rarebit a broiled lobster a hot tie of imported ale and a piece of mince pie Waiter Will you please write out that order and sign it sir Guest What for Waiter As a sort of alibi for the house to show the coroner sir Chi cago News Story of Three Boys Three boys were told to go and take the exact time by the town clock The first came back and said It is 12 oclock ne became in after life a bookseller The second was more ex act ne said it was three minutes aft er 12 He became a doctor The third looked at the clock found out how long it took him to walk back to the house returned to the clock then add ed the time of his walk to the time shown and reported the result thus It is at this moment twelve hours ten minutes and fifteen seconds Thai boy came to distinction as Helmholtz the scientist The Jury Panel Look sharply after your jury panel says Mr Warren Only the other day I saw at Guildhall the brother of the defendant upon the jury And a friend to whom I mentioned this cir cumstance assured me that he him self almost fancied that he recollected some years before seeing the plaintiff himself sneaking into the jury box An Incident of Shiloh During the battle of Shiloh an officer hurriedly rode up to an aid and in quired for Grant Thats him with the fieldglass said the aid Wheeling his horse about the officer furiously rode up to the general and touching his cap thus addressed him Cheneral I vauts to make one re portSchwartzs battery is took Ah said the general now was that Yell you see cheneral de sheshen Ists come up in front of us and de she shenists flanked us and de sheshenists come in de rear of us and Schwartzs battery was took Well sir said the general you of course spiked the guns Yat exclaimed the Dutchman in astonishment schpike dem guns schpike dem nice new guns No it would schpoil dem Well said the general sharply what did you do Do By jirainy we charge the Cherman brigade cheneral we charge and took dem back again The Writ of Habo Scorbous The following is a literal copy of an indorsement on the back of a warrant returned by a Michigan constable I do hereby certify that I arrested tho within wiles as I am directed and Should have taken the horses but they ware with held from me by -warren wiles and Blper Wiles by fisical Strength and the defendant Blger Wiles was taken iroTm me by a writ of Habo Scorbous Conn Table GmmmmtimmmmMmmmmmMmMxz r Skn i i I STN tlv VA AYtSWWWVO C USB KES2r e HSGODFREY CO for Bargains in Flour and Feed Red Lion Silver Leaf Oak Leaf Faultless Isabelle Flour AGENTS FOR LIQUID KOAL efTrtM ii7 b d mvAim0u t0mmmmAm0m 3H2fcSMX2fcg52EHK Swell Dresser He dresses wet ra7tZ 7F W I T Jl We do not try hard to sell you It is easy for us i Our clothes sell themselves While you are on the way to the tailor drop by our slore and let us slide on you one of our suits Well save you a hip all of thai trouble of getting meas ured and delay and money 1500 buys a swell suit from us The tailor would charge you You save 1500 300 C L DeGROFF CO r Jmw RrftMlfthftrfBftyfrrfTq m a Day Cclcbr ation yw At McCook July 3 and 4 Mike Wal JT DEAIER IN i a MID SUMMER RACE MEET Ten big events 1250 purses Best horses in the west Automobile races PATRIOTIC CELEBRATION Good speaking Chorus of 500 voices Up-to-date amuse ments Georgeous display of fireworks v Barbecue at Noon Music by McCook Band Tb STZir A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in Gtoll days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo All ladies appreciate suggestions for receipts patterns and formulas by other ladies because the ideas are practical The Weekly Inter Ocean prints seven columns of such information each week This paper is 8100 a ear but subscrib ing through the Tribune the tvo papers w ill cost only SlOo Get The Tribune to do your printing -GO TO- POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location just aero t in P a J flcCook - Nebraska iu jiu A few doses of this remedy will in variably cure an ordinary attark of diarrhoea It can always he depended upon even in the more Eevere attacks of cramp colic and cholera morbus It is equally successful for summer diarrhoea and cholera infantum in children and ia the means of saving the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it 13 pleasant to take Every man of a family should keep this remedy in hi3 home Buy it now Price 2oc Large Size 5Qq