The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 14, 1907, Image 4

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IV Splk
By F M
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
For County Judpe
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for ro election to the oflico of County
J udgo on tho Republican ticket With
a high appreciation of the splendid vote
given mo two years ago and with a
purpose to render the best service posi
blo if reelected I respectfully request
the consideration of all Republicans at
the coming Primary Election
J C Moo it e
Tyrone Precinct Juno 19th 1007
1 hereby announce myself a candidato
for the oflico of county assessor of Red
Willow county Nebr on the republican
tickot subject to the decision of repub
lican primary election to bo held Tues
day Sept 3rd 1907
I havo had 7 years experience as an
assessor and deputy
T A Endlsey
Red Willow Precinct
Temporarily in Valley Grange
JnnoGth 1907
I hereby announce to the Republicans
of Red Willow county that I shall be a
candidato for the oflico of County Clerk
on the Republican ticket at tho Prim
ary Election to bo held on Tuesday
September 3 1907
I respectfully ask the consideration of
the Republican electors of the county
Stuart H McLean
McCook JSTob April 2G 1907
1 respectfully announce that I will
be a candidate for the oflico of Clerk
of tho District Court of Red Wil
low county on the Republican ticket
subject to the decision of the Repub
lican Primaries to be held on Tuesday
September 3 1907
Chester A Rodgers
Valley Grange Prect April 26 1907
I respectfully announce that 1 will be
a candidate for the office county
treasurer of Red Willow county on the
republican ticket at tho primary election
Tuesday September 3 1907
If elected will give up present occupa
tion and personally attend to the duties
of the office
Justin A Wilcox
McCook Nebraska May 2 1907
I wish to announce to the Republican
voters of this county that I shall be a
candidate for the Republican nomina
tion for County Clerk at the Primary
Election on Tuesday Septembsr 3rd
1907 and that I would like to have all
fair minded Republican voters who be
lieve in good clean business like service
rom their public servants and who want
men that are absolutely free from all
boss or ring rule free from all machine
or corporation influence to consider my
candidacy Respectfully
Chas Skalla
Indianola Neb April 26 1907
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the office of judge of the
fourteenth judicial district of Nebraska
on the republican ticket subject to the
decision of the republican primary elec
tion to be held September 3 1907
Charles E Eldred
McCook Nebraska
I hereby announce to the Republicans
of Red Willow County that I shall be a
candidate for tho office of County Trea
surer on the Republican ticket subject
to the decision of the Republican Prim
ary Election to bo held Tuesday Sept
3rd 1907 For the past twelve years I
have been engaged in practical book
keeping and commercial business and
feel confident that I can handle with
credit all business entrusted to the
office I respectfully ask your due con
sideration Clifford Naden
Danbury Neb May 6th 19C7
A Correction
The Tribune was misinformed last
week in its reference to E D Perkins
and the Model Shoo store in stating
that he had gone into the firm as a part
ner He is clerking in that establish
ment The firm is unchanged Fisher
Snider Co
A Moonlight Picnic
Miss Wurts chaperoned a moonlight
picnic of young folks of the city many
of them of the high school Tues
day evening on the classic Driftwood
It was a delightful evening for the
event and a joyous time was had
Endeavorers Picnic
The members of the Endeavor society
of the Congregational church indulged
in a hay rack ride and picnic at S B
Rankins on the Driftwood Tuesday
evening It was a jolly party and they
had a big time
Dont Forget
to call at my new location for reading
matter stationery post cards souvenirs
candy gum fresh roasted peanuts
cigars tobacco pipes base ball goods
toys etc Barney Hofer
s McCook News Depot
Mas William Lkwis has sono to Den
ver on a visit
Mrs G S Scott has boon quito sick
but is improving
Nels P Boson of Quick was in town
Monday on business bent
Alukut Blatt visited with M II
Griggs and family at Oxford over Sun
Oscar Green a uni soph returned
homo Friday night last for tho sum
Mrs Howe Smith returned from her
visit to Atwood Kansas close of last
Mrs J P Crousk loft Saturday
morning for Seward for a two weeks
visit homo
Eliiert Berry departed Sunday for
Chicago to resume his position in tho
Windy City
Dr C Li Fahnestock expects to
leave Sunday for St Louis on a visit
of a week or two
Mrs J W Hasty entertained her
mothor Mrs Uttorback of Arapahoe a
few days this week
R M Douglass has moved into Mrs
Viola Ballews residence corner Dakota
and Marshall streets
Messrs Mullen Bohanan the
enting house magnates were hero on
business last Saturday
Miss Emma Perry came up from
Lincoln Friday night last and is the
guest of McCook friends
E Schell Ivimmell returned home
from the stato university last Friday
night for tho summer vacation
Mrs C II Meeker returned last
Friday from her visit of several weeks
in California with her father andsister
Mrs C A Mowrey and children are
here from Holyoke Colorado visiting
her parents Mr and Mrs S M Spencer
Miss Anna Hannan was surprised
happily completely delightfully last
eveuitg by her young Catholic friends
of the city
Miss Budlong departed Monday
evening on No 6 for Detroit Mich
where she will spend the summer vaca
tion with a sister
Miss Edna Waite returned home
Sunday on No 1 from the state univer
sity where she has been a student dur
ing the past year
Dr and Mrs W F Jones departed
Thursday morning for Lincoln and the
east He will be absent two weeks and
Mrs Jones absent four weeks
Mr and Mrs John M Barbour of
Los Angeles Calif spent Tuesday in
town on visit being guests of his cousin
Mrs G B Hawkes during the day
Supt G H Thomas went down to
Red Cloud Monday morning to be ab
sent this week as an instructor in the
county normal school being held there
Mr and Mrs Leonard of Campbell
California arrived in the city last Sat
urday morning on No 2 and are the
guests of Mrs G WNorris their daugh
Mrs E E Fuller of Newport Ky
has come to spend the summer with
har daughters Mrs Frank Stillman
Mrs W A Bankson and her son B L
Mrs Hugh Brown and Jtfiss Ada
Hammond were up from Hastings last
Friday and Saturday witnessing com
mencement exercises and visiting rela
tives and friends
Mrs C B Sawyer entertained a
company of lady friends Thursday and
in the evening a party of ladies and
gentlemen enjoyed the hospitality of
Mr and Mrs Sawyer at a card party
Rev and Mrs A S Hawkes and son
of Hartford Conn passed Tuesday in
the city guests of his brother Rev G
B Hawkes the Congregational pastor
They were homeward bound from a trip
Herman Pade spent part of the week
in Omaha attending the state under
takers convention His father C F
Pade accompanied him to secure the
services of an oculist about his glasses
They returned home last night
Dr J D Hare is in Mt Pleasant
Iowa this week attending the com
mencement exercises at the Iowa Wes
leyan Univesrity from which ho was
graduated in 18S2 His class are hold
ing their twenty fifth reunion this year
and the doctor expects to remain among
his old oldtime friends until Sunday
Dedicate Catholic Church at Imperial
Yesterday Father Loughran dedicated
a new church at Imperial He was as
sisted by Fathers Fitzgerald of Eed
Cloud and Bickert of Oxford A choir
from McCook Mrs McKenna Alice
and Clara Miss Elbert and Matie and
Mr Jos Schmitz furnished the music
About a year ago a few of the non
Catholics of Imperial thought that a
Catholic church would be an improve
ment to the town A special meeting
was called Bishop Bonocum and Father
Loughran were present at the meeting
A subscription was started and in less
than an hour 1200 were pledged The
church complete with art glass win
dows but no furniture cost 83000 half
of which was subscribed by non-Catholics
Yesterday was a gala day for
McConnoll for drugs
Base ball goods at Hofers
Everything in drugs McConnell
Oflico supplies at tho Tribune oflico
Wall paper at McMillens Drug store
Furnished Rooms to rent Inquire
at this ollice
Clearing sale to morrow at the New
Idea Millinery
McMillen has a largo and well selected
lino of wall paper
Prompt service in draying secured by
calling up phono 199
Camera supplies all kinds at Wood
worth Co Druggist
Try Magner Stokes for fresh
salt meats fruit and vegetables
McMillen would like to figure
you on paints oils and varnishes
Get a quart bottle of Heinz pure malt
vinegar a pure food product at
Magner Stokes
After tho bath By Lo talcum It
insures comfort 25c L W McCon
nell Druggist
Steve Wilson has added a splendid
two 3eated automobile to his livery barn
equipment Try it
If you would insure pleasures give
your boy or girl a Brownie 81 2 S5
L W McConnell Druggist
An easy shoo polish free with every
pair of shoos at tho New Shoo Storo on
West Dennison street
S Diamond
Throbbing aching heads are quickly
relieved if McConnells Headache cap
sules are taken One dose will do it
Price 2oc
Marguerite the dainty delightful
new ordor of perfume Not too loud
but very lasting Its just right
Woodworth Co Druggists
Lost Small brown ladys pocket
book at Bixler Wednesday evening
containing S1S0 Reward for return to
Tribune office
Menard Merle are preparing to open
a confectionery and news stand in the
Menard building now occupied by the
New Idea Millinery
Our spring shipment of burnt leather
goods has arrived Call and see what
we have
Barney Hofer
McCook News Depot
Use Monardino on your
teeth and
It not only preserves the teoth
hardens the gums but also purifies the
L W McConnell Druggist
You can always find nice box station
ery and fancy linen tablets ruled and
unruled at our store A new lot just
Woodworth Co Druggists
Use pans green and save your potato
crop Get it from us and you make a
sure thing of it We have the most
powerful paris green made
L W McConnell Druggist
Tho New Idea Millinery will move
into the store room lately vacated by
the Monte Cristo restaurant next week
and will hold a clearing sale on Satur
day tomorrow Dont fail to catch a
bargain at this sale
Robert W Stevens concert pianist
for ten seasons in Auditorium Building
Chicago assisted by the distinguished
volinist Carl W Steckelberg will give
a concert in the Bixler opera house
Wednesday evening Jun3 19 Reserv
ed seats 100
The Alumni Banquet a Pleasure
The alumni banquet last Saturday
night in the high school building was
graced by a large number of ihe various
classes and a great occasion is reported
Supt Thomas was toastmaster The
Methodist ladies served the banduet
and there was nothing lacking for a
memorable occasion
Egfgs For Sale
Full blood barred Plymouth Rock
eggs from Worlds Fair prize winne
birds Three cents each or 200 per
hundred Also Pekin Duck eggs
Phone Ash 1351
Mrs John Bchtless
County Treasurer Gossard Resigns
County Treasurer Gossard resigned
this morning and Mr A L Cochran of
Bartley was promptly chosen by the
county commissioners to fill vacancy
Found Dead in Bed
John Williams the aged veteran
soldier brother of Mrs John Porter of
East McCook was found dead in bed at
an early hour this morning
Miss Morrissey Won
Miss Grace Morrissoy won the silver
medal in the W C T U contest at the
Baptist chuch last evening Honor
able mention was given Miss Mable
Call Early For Good Ones
At the end of n big ball one of the
guests went into the cloakroom at 3
in the morning to put oa his things
and the attendant came forward with
a coat
That Isnt my coat said the guest
Mine Is a perfectly new one
A new one Oh I havent any new
coats left after half past 12 Sonrire
Louis XIV a Greedy Physician and an
Unscrupulous Surgeon
In lG9u when Louis XIV begun to
feel the llrst touches of age his physi
cians ordered him to bo bled once n
mouth That duty was of course in
trusted to Mareehai his Irish surgeon
There was at the time in Paris says
the British Medical Journal a young
brother of the craft who conceived the
idea of making his fortune by bleed
iug the king The enterprise was dltll
cult but he knew that the most solid
doors can often be opened with u gold
en key
Following tho advice of Iago he put
money in his purse and sought an in
troduction to Antoine Daquin the
kings chief physician The negotia
tion was conducted on a strict busi
ness footing Daquin who was known
to love money was told that 10000
crowns awio deposited Avith u notary
who had instructions to transfer the
sum to him as Mon as the surgeon
had got the job
It was not an easy thing to manage
as Mareehai never left the king One
day however he asked permission to
leave Versailles for three days Da
quin seized the opportunity to intro
duce his protege whom he had ready
nt hand for the purpose Feeling the
kings pulse one morning as usual he
pretended to be alarmed at its strength
and volume and ordered the Illustrious
patient to bo bled forthwith As
Mareehai was away the king hesitat
ed but fear soon made him yield to
his physicians proposal The young
surgeon bled the king and Daquin got
his money
In the meantime a message had been
dispatched for Mareehai who was not
far off He returned to Versailles in
haste and was much surpriMd to find
that tho king whom he had left in the
best of health had been bled Uo was
not on friendly terms with Daquin
and he quickly grasped the situation
He went to see the young surgeon and
forced him to disclose the whole plot
When the king learned the truth he
flew into a terrible rage ordered Da
quin to be arrested and placed tho mat
ter in the hands of the council of state
That obsequious body after a very
short deliberation unanimously voted
that the physician who had trafficked
in the blood of the king deserved death
The royal wrath however subsided to
some extent and he graciously spared
Daquins life but deprived him of his
office and exiled him from the court to
Quimper Corentiu The too greedy
physician did not long survive his dis
grace Loudon Standard
Cheerfulness is a great aggravation
to an angry man
Nearly every one thinks he is a good
judge of human nature
You cant do anything very well if
you dont want to do it
It is uot difficult to prove you are
right from your own point of view
How people economized in the old
days But not many people do it now
Some men would do wonderful things
If some little thing were not in the
When a boy wants a favor from hi3
parents he asks his fathers permission
and tells his mother he is going to do
The average friendship is wrecked
upon the fact that the average per
sons idea of a friond is some one he
can impose upon Atchison Globe
Burro Drivers Carry Candles
In Mexico all vehicles be they hand
cart automobile or anything between
must carry a light at night This rule
or law is rigidly enforced Even the
drivers of the poor little burro or mule
carts on their two wheels must carry
a light So rather than buy lanterns
which cost money they take a dip
candle and wrapping it in a bit of
newspaper to shield it from the wind
carry it in their left hand as they drive
along homeward from work after even
ing has fallen The effect is striking
as the light falling strongly on the In
dian driver throws the face of the man
into strong relief against the darkness
Modern Mexico
English Jurors Remuneration
The scale of remuneration of English
common jurymen is absurd In a civil
case in England a common juryman is
allowed 5 shillings 125 a day for a
view that is for inspecting any prop
erty or thing in dispute but otherwise
he is in law not entitled to any re
muneration It is usual however in
the high court to give him a fee of 1
shilling and in the counties S pence
Special jurymen receive much higher
remuneration The fee in the county
court is 1 shilling a case in the may
ors court 2 pence and in the London
sheriffs court 4 pence Chambers
Not Hopeful
Tis a line elegant husband you
have maam said Maggie Hiin and
me was talkin about Ireland this
mornin Hes traveled as far as many
a gentleman And there aint many
husbands as good to their wives
maam Look how he brings you let
tuces and things from the market But
dear dear That kind never lives
long Newark News
Independent Criticism
A little girl sat gazing fixedly at the
new bonnet of one of her mothers vis
itors until the caller smilingly asked
Do you like it my dear
The child Innocently replied Yes
I do Mamma and Aunt Milly said It
was a perfect fright but it doesnt
frighten me a bit
He who commits an injustice is ever
made more wretched than he who suf
fers it Plato
je3 swc
m E
H C Clapp
Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings
ay day again finds us with
verything in Dry Goods
f the most up-to-date class
all at our store
Tuesday Frida3 Monday
Wednesday Saturday or Thursday
Mext week and you will find
A rery best assortment of
Y TTverything you need in this line
JCrVTew Belts Bags Combs Collars
Jn Ties Summer Dress Goods
1 Argandies Mrm
lMets and Allover Laces
A for Waists
atch our store at all times for
xclusive designs and patterns in
J adies Furnishings American Lady
iL ip orsets Lace Front Corsets and all
ther new shapes and
you will find here
irxamine our complete stock
JC before purchasing
We have a good supply of P E 0
colors in bunting per yard
H C Clapp
Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnish
ings McCook
Desire to announce that Dr S C Beach
will now have charge of their sales depart
ment and they are prepared to sell any type
of automobile at their salesroom on West
Dennison street including the famous
MASON CARjo the modern and sensible
1IOLSMAN and the Orient Buckboard
Come and see for vourself
jp u JLA fc7 w
Musical Concert
Carl Stechleberg Violinist
Robt W Stevens Pianist
Reserved Seats - - 11
Walsh Block - Phone 56 p
fy Kvns4VHSN3rasssssNSVErNssENHsysE
Marriage licenses since last report II
Taylor Wilson Weeping Water and
Annetta M Woods McCook Emory E
Rogers and Ida Groves both of McCook
Floyd R Williams and Edna P Mur
phy both of Cambridge
We have arranged with The Weekly
Inter Ocean so that our patrons can
secure that sterling paper together with
our own at the exceedingly low price of
lUo lor one year iuia is a rare op
portunity and should be taken advant
age of
DENTIST Phone 112
Office Booms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk ilcCook
WANTED All kinds of laundry
help at good wages
in modern airy well lighted plants
Climate unsurpassed Mountain aij
and sunshine Address WF1ZZZ
1211 lothlStreetJDenver Colo