The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 07, 1907, Image 4

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    By P Al KIA1MELL
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
I hereby announce myself u candidate
for the oflice of county assessor of Red
Willow county Nebr on the republican
ticket subject to the decision of repub
lican primary election to bo held Tues
day Sept 3rd 1907
I have had 7 years experience as an
aseossor and deputy
T A Endlsey
Rod Willow Precinct
Temporarily in Valley Grange
JnnoGth 1907
I hereby announce to the Republicans
of Red Willow county that I shall bo a
candidate for the office of County Clerk
on the Republican ticket nt the Prim
ary Election to bo hold on Tuesday
September 3 1907
I respectfully ask the consideration of
the Republican electors of the county
Stuart B McLean
McCook Nob April 20 1907
I respectfully announce that I will
be a candidate for the oflico of Clerk
of the District Court of Red Wil
low county on the Republican ticket
subject to the decision of the Repub
lican Primaries to be held on Tuesday
September 3 1907
Chester A Rodoers
Valley Grange Prect April 26 1907
I respectfully aunounce that I will bo
a candidate for the oflice f county
treasurer of Red Willow county on the
republican ticket at the primary election
Tuesday September 3 1907
If elected will give up present occupa
tion and personally attend to the duties
of the office
Justin A Wilcox
McCook Nebraska May 2 1907
I wish to announce to the Republican
voters of this county that I shall be a
candidate for the Republican nomina
tion for County Clerk at the Primary
Election on Tuesday Septembsr 3rd
1907 and that I would like to have all
fair minded Republican voters who be
lieve in good clean business like service
rorn their public servants and who want
men that are absolutely free from all
boss or ring rule free from all machine
or corporation influence to consider my
candidacy Respectfully
Chas Skaixa
Indianola Neb April 26 1907
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the office of judge of the
fourteenth judicial district of Nebraska
on the republican ticket subject to the
decision of the republican primary elec
tion to be held September 3 1907
Charles E Eldred
McCook Nebraska
I hereby announce to the Republicans
of Red Willow County that I shall be a
candidate for the office of County Trea
surer on the Republican ticket subject
to the decision of the Republican Prim
ary Election to be held Tuesday Sept
3rd 1907 For the past twelve years I
have been engaged in practical book
keeping and commercial business and
feel confident that I can handle with
credit all business entrusted to the
office I respectfully ask your due con
sideration Clifford Naden
Danbury Neb May 6th 19C7
Notice to Clean Alleys and Premises
All citizens of McCook are hereby
requested to at once clean up their al
leys and premises The following rule
will be enforced from this date
You are prohibited to throw refuse
offal garbage manure ashes straw
slops or any other refuse matter into
any street or alley or vacant lot within
the City of McCook For tho viola
tion of any of the above provisions
the person found guilty will be fined
not less than S100 nor more than S50
and pay the costs or stand committed
to the city jail until fine and costs are
The householder whether renter or
owner will be held responsible for
allowing any such refuse matter to
remain on premises more than fiye days
after service of notice
J R Pence Chief of Police
By order of the Mayor
For Sale
My residence property and two or
three lots at 703 Madison street one
block east of City park McCook For
terms write me 1115 H street Lincoln
Neb W S Perry
We have arranged with The Weekly
Inter Ocean so that our patrons can
secure that sterling paper together with
our own at the exceedingly low price of
8105 for one year This is a rare op
portunity and should be taken advant
age of
For Sale An Angelus piano player
Inquire at this office for particulars 85
selections of music go with the player
Films developed and pictures finished
At reasonable prices
Woodworth Co Druggists
Speeches Music Races Fireworks Will Be
Part of the Attractice Doings of the Day
McConnell for drugs
Base ball goods at Hofers
Say you saw it in The Tribune
Everything in drugs McConnell
Office supplies at the Tribune office
Wall paper at McMillens Drug store
McConnell for bargains in wall paper
A new odor Thelrna 50c an oz
L W McConnell Druggist
Furnished Rooms to rent Inquire
at this office
McMillan has a large and well selected
line of wall paper
Wanted Rat Terrier dog
at National Hotel
Illustrated souvenir letters of McCook
only 10c at Hofers
Prompt service in draying secured by
calling up phone 199
Camera supplies all kinds at Wood
worth Co Druggist
Lost A bunch of keys Finder
please return to Dr Beach
Try Magner Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
The Monte Oristo expects to have its
formal opening about June 15th
McMillen would like to figure with
you on paints oils and varnishes
McConnells Fragrant Lotion for
chapped hands 25c
L W McConnell Druggist
Get a quart bottle of Heinz pure malt
vinegar a pure food product at
Magner Stores
Corn chop at the mill at 1 05 a
hundred Everything delivered
McCook Milling Co
Have you selected that Herrick or
Siberia refrigerator at the McCook
Hardware Co
You will save time and money by pre
serving your meats with McConnells
Condensed Smoke
Patterson Sargents paints and
varnishes sold by McCook Hardware
Co are a standard of excellence
Five desirable rooms to rent for man
and wife Two blocks north of new
school house Mrs Mary Walker
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and every thing per
taining to the meat market business
Marguerite the dainty delightful
new ordor of perfume Not too loud
but very lasting Its just right
Woodworth Co Druggists
Our spring shipment of burnt leather
goods has arrived Call and see what
we have
Barney Hofer
McCook News Depot
You can always find nice box station
ery and fancy linen tablets ruled and
unruled at our store A new lot just
Woodworth Co Druggists
Nine years ago the First Methodist
Church at Morning Sun Iowa was
painted with Bradley Vrooman Paint
Repainting was not required till seven
years later Sold by Polk Bros
A nurse with two years hospital ex
perience and outside experience will do
nursing either by the day or the week
Can be found at two blocks east of post
office or by communication postoffice
box 97 It
Wills Wills the publishers of the
At the special meeting of the McCook Commercial club
Monday evening the matter of celebrating the Fourth of
July previously determined upon was given definite form
and impetus Messrs J R McCarl H H Tartsch A G
Bump J E Kelley and H G Phelps were named as the ex
ecutive committee to push the good thing along
This general committee has announced the appointment
of the following sub committees
Funds G S Scott and W M Lewis
Program G H Thomas and F M Kimmell
Advertising J R McCarl C W Barnes and M
Music G S Scott H P Sutton and S B McLean
Concessions A G Bump C B Gray and H J Cox
Fireworks HG Phelps Barney Hofer and I E Doyle
Barbecue H H Tartsch Harry Barbazette James
Hatfield and J E Kelley
The plan is to occupy the morning hours with the cele
bration and the afternoon at the races concluding with the
fireworks at night
The celebration will be a peach
Leader Harriet Eankin This will pro
bably be the last meeting in which all
of the young people of the society will
be present and it is the request that
everybody come and bring a friend
Bring revival hymns Junior Endeavor
at 3 oclock p m Everybody welcome
Fresh potato chips always on hand
Magner Stokes
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phono 97
They do say Wood worth Co make
the best ice cream soda in the town
Superior vanilla and lemon extract
no more expensive then the ordinary
L W McConnell Druggist
The water company has been connect
ing its extension on the west side this
week to the main wuter system
Magner Stokes can supply you
with Heinz double strength pure cider
vinegar In quart bottles
Are you going to paper If so dont
forget that L W McConnell has some
new things that you should see
If you want it done right and right
away call up phone 199 R M Douglass
Co office in Bump building
I M Beardslee candidate for county
treasurer solicits the support of the elec
tors in the Republican primaries
For Rent Nice rooms newly furn
ished strictly modern at 401 Madison
st B P Davis
R M Douglass Co will give you
prompt and efficient service Phone 199
Office in Bump real estate office lower
For Rent My five room cottage on
corner of Douglas and Manchester st
Trees lawn and usual conveniences
C H Kent
Just received a line of beautiful
white kid Theodoie ties for ladies at tho
New Shoe Store on west Dennison St
S Diamond proprietor
The only place in town where you
can get the famous Three Star Cof
fee is at Magner Stokes market and
R M Douglass Co draying in all
its branches Call up phone 199 Call
at office in Bump building lower Main
We are selling wall paper and paint
and lots of it Better get our prices be
fore commencing that job
WoonwoRTH Co Druggists
Agents Wanted with rigs to sell
Medicines Extracts etc to farmers
Royal Manufacturing Co
417 E 17th st Kansas City Mo
Use McCook souvenir letters in writ
ing to your inenas sonietmng new
just received at B Hofers headquarters
for souvenirs stationery and reading
matter of all kinds
McCook city directory have completed those who are younger than we are
meir canvass aney give bicuook a
population of 4196 within the city lim
its The number of residents in East
West and South McCook immediately
outside the city limits are 428 making
the population of McCook and suburbs
Found Tuesday in the city park
a gentlemans pocketbook containing
money Owner can have same by call
ing on Mrs D W Colson proving prop
erty and paying for this notice
Strayed or stolen from Eikenberry
Clarks pasture a dark brown 7-year-old
gelding weighing about 850
and a light bay 3-year-old filley weigh
ing about 7U0 Reward offered for their
recovery Leave information at Eiken
berry Clarks
Have you been to the New Shoo
Store yet If you havent you had
better go there for your next pair of
shoes for they certainly do carry up-to-
date footwear The prices are reason
able for the grade of shoes The New
Shoe Store S Diamond Prop on
West Dennison st west of the Citizens
Christian Endeavor Sunday eveing
June 9 09 7 p m at the Congregational
church Topic How we can heln
Mrs W C ScmkxCK is in Colorado
for a few days visit
Mrs Augusta Anton is tiititing Don
ver friends this week
Miss Pearl Watson is assisting with
tho work in J E Kelloys office
A Barnett mado a brief business
visit to Denver early in tho week
Mr and Mrs E M Bicelow woro
Lincoln business visitors Tuesday of tho
presont week
J H Corrick of Cuibortson Banner
was a business visitor in the city closo
of last week
Mr and Mrs Emersoh Hanson ar
rived homo last Friday from their Il
linois visit
Mrs J V Andrews is up from Leb
anon to see tho graduation of her
daughter Nellie
Miss Edith Waitk is with Cambridge
relatives and friends for a visit going
down on Monday
Mint Viola Ballew
Tuesday night on No 3
ness trip to Chicago
John W Jones Jr
arrived home
from her
who has
attending tho stato university
term arrived home Friday night
Rev IIawkes participated in the ordi
nation of Rev Fred L Hall Congrega
tional pastor at Danbury Thursday
Earl Ludwick arrived home Tues
day night from Chicago where ho
spent the first of tho week on business
Mrs A N Lineuurg arrived home
last Friday night from spending a short
time in Omaha with relatives and
Mrs C L Fahnestock and baby
who have been absent in Lincoln for a
week or two returned homo Sunday
night last
Dr C L Fahnestock was in at
tendance at the Masonic grand lodge in
Lincoln this week returning homo
Miss Ida Bloom who has been visit
ing with the family of W C Schenck
returned to her home in Denver closo
of last week
Miss Florence Purvis spent Wed
nesday in the city on her way to Col
orada from Kansas where she has
been teaching
Dr C C Stivers of Horton Kansas
was in the city Tuesday as a business
visitor He called on J D Young and
family while here
Mrs H J Pratt arrived home Mon
day morning on No 2 from an absence
of a month in Los Angeles Calif visit
ing relatives and friends
Mrs A S Ennis departed Wednes
day morning for Toledo Ohio to visit
her parents attend the Chautauqua
there etc for the next month
J FWhiteford arrived from Denver
yesterday morning on 2 spending the
day here as guests of the Cordeals His
visit was of a social business sort
Miss Jeanette Dutton is in Lincoln
visiting friends and to attend the
wedding June 7th af
ter which she will visit relatives in
Iowa and Illinois
Mrs Mary Brady of Kankakee Illi
nois came out to her former home close
of last week and spent early days of
this week here on business and on
pleasure combined
Miss Ruth Babcock came up Mon
day from Cambridge to act as pall
bearer at the funeral of Mrs Freeman
She remained a short time to visit her
aunt Mr3 C F Babcock
G E -Thompson who was called to
Saint Anthony Idaho by the serious
illness of his aged father arrived home
early in the week Wednesday morn
ing he received the news of the death of
his father
Miss Jennie Brady returned last
evening from Hayes Center where she
has been spending a week or two at the
West home Miss Kate West accomp
anied her home to be here over com
Warren Hanson arrived home yes
terday on No 1 from Lexington Mo
where he recently was graduated from
the Wentworth Military Academy He
made a flying trip to the Jamestown ex
position on his way home
MrsW E DeWitt has gone to Hast
ings to visit relatives for the nreqnnt
Mr DeWitt will remain here until the
first of the coming month when he will
join Mrs DeWitt in Hastings after
which they will indulge themselves in a
trip before settling in a new home
Union Memorial Services
The A U U V M W of A D of
H and Royal Neighbors will unite in
memorial services on Sunday June 23d
1907 in the afternoon Fuller parti
culars later
The Tribuae is now prepared to do
your job printing of all kinds promptly
is always to be desired Real estate
is a paying investment and I want to
sell my residence property consisting
of two twenty five foot lots house
with hardwood floors electric lights
six rooms well equipped bath room
attic and cellar to some one who
wants a good investment Will even
furnish a tenant with the house Will
receive inquiries by mail telephone or
personally Do YOU want to buy
yard Patterns
to match set
One of the most marked advances lias been made in the
prices of TABLE LINENS and by anticipating our needs last
February we secured our present stock at the former low
prices and are now in position to show you the
Largest and Most Beautiful Assortment
ever shown in McCook Our stock is as large as you would
find in many city stores and
Our Prices
Much Below Them
We have 72 inch all Linen cloths for
per set
Two and one half
terns from
Sets of 2 1 2 and 3
with 1 doz Napkins
yard Linen Pat-
50c to 2
325 up
6 to 15
Your attention Is also directed to our new and complete stock of
Lace Curtains
Prices ranging- from
50c to 1 0 per yard
Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings
Walsh Block Phone 56 - flcCook
Bring- in your Boys and
dress them up at about
half price
THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies
Papa you must get an Auto
Yes thats what all the daughters are saying
but papa thinks he hasnt the money
He does not know that he can get the perfection of Auto
building for 313500C because he does not know about the
Mason Car
Come down on west Dennison street to the sales room of
the McCook Auto Company and see for yourself and when
you come
Ask for Charley