The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 07, 1907, Image 1

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Action of City Council Affirmed in
Granting Licences Over
District Court Also Disposes of More than
the Average Number of Divorce
CasesOther Decisions
Iu the district court today the action
of the city council in granting liquor
licenses to M U Clyde and W Y John
of sufficient
son was affirmed on the ground
ficient bonds
Following are the other cases disposed
of up to the timo of going to press this
Friday aftornoor
Charles II King vs The 0 B Q
Railway Co plaintiff given leave to file
amended petition in thirty days on con
dition of paying costs
Vocanccs Franklin vs ThoCity of Mc
Cook continued
Wm F Everist vs The C B Q
Railway Co continued
B Q Rail
Wm Jeffries vs The C
way Co continued
Caleb L nawkins vs D E Ewing
Wm Dukes vs Fannie M Colson
motion to make petition moro definite
and certain sustained leave to file
amended petition in thirty days thirty
days thereafter to answer
Wm Dukes vs John II Grannis mo
tion to make petition more definite and
certain sustained thirty days to amend
petition thirty days allowed to answer
John Mattnews vs uuuu
Jacob Matthews and Ilalic Matthews
vs John M Farrell continued
TTonrv Rpssincer vs Oliver Billings
defendant allowed to plead instanter if
pleading is demurrer or in thirty days if
answer plaintiff allowed thirty days to
plead to answer
E J DeArmond vs Geo II Chand
ler plaintiff allowed thirty days to file
State of Nebraska vs Chas
lom continued
Wm R Starr vs R A Watkins con
TQto iTnlmes TTudike vs Eli Titus et
al Ira L Elliott given forty days to
answer Anna HViorland and Nebraska
Mortgage Co made defendants
Charles Barnman vs Geo W Wyrick
demurrer of Walker and Indianola In
dianola Investment Co sustained thirty
days allowed plaintiff to amend defend
ant allowed thirty days to plead
7 W Wilson vs Elba W Graves
et al leave to certain defendants to
answer instanter thirty days to plaintiff
to plead to answer continued
Wm H Knuth vs Timothy Hannan
Jr et al continued on application of
James M Phillips vs Albert Ebert
Verdict of 850 for plaintiff
Viola Kelley vs Thomas Kslley and
The First National Bank of McCook a
corporation tried
Charles Quaduor et al vs Frederick
Quaduor verdict for defendant
Sarah J Miller vs Samuel J Miller
decree of divorce granted plaintiff
Sarah C Sprague vs Charles S
Sprague decree of divorce granted to
plaintiff custody of infant children
awarded to plaintiff judgment for 1000
Gertie Wray vs David Wray decree
of divorce granted to plaintiff custody
of child awarded to plaintiff until fur
ther order of court defendant allowed
to visit child once a month
Chas W Kneeland Vs Mary L Knee
land decree of divorce granted to plaint
Margaret Abbitt vs Wm Abbitt de
cree of divorce granted to plaintiff
Nancy L Allington vs Birt M Ailing
ton decree of divorce granted to plaint
iff custody of child awarded to plaintiff
James Wade vs Lulu Wade decree of
divorce granted to plaintiff
Attachment Edward Curlee vs
Reeves Co continued
Suit on Bond Jacob Lerch vs Mat
thew Shackelton and Frank Fritsch
Felony State of Nebraska vs Ed
ward Curlee continued seven cases un
der same title
Suit o9 nntract William F Everist
vsWU Fischer plaintiff given leave
to file anded petition in 30 days de
fendenFjiven 30 days to answer
Suit on Contract National Cash Reg
ister Co vs D W Colson et al leave to
defendant to answer in 30 days plaintiff
allowed 30 days to plead
Civil Acme Harvester Co and ITirst
National Bank of Chicago vs Edward
Curlee plaintiffs motion to requiro de
fendant to separately state and number
defenses overruled leave to plaintiff to
file pleading by Juno 6 1907
Injunction F S Wilcox vs Hans I
Peterson as sheriff bf Red Willow county
and Ben G Gossard as treasurer of Red
Willow county Neb default of defend
ents judgment for plaintiff injunction
made perpetual taxes declared void
TTImntTrmnt rnmoa HaVOni VS TtlOS
Ludwig continued
Frederick A Lafton vs Mrs Bar
ber wife of Benjamin Barber whoso
first name is to the plaintiff unknown
default of defendant title quieted in
Death of Mrs T J Pate
The death of Mrs T J Pate last Fri
day afternoon came as a distinct shock
to most people of this city and vicinity
While Mrs Pate has not been in good
health for several years it was not
known that her late and last illness was
of uuusual severity she was only sick
a few days when suddenly summoned
to the spirit land
The departed was born in Washing
ton Illinois May 7th 1848 Was unit
ed in marriage with the late Thomas J
Pate on the 12th of May 18G7 She is
survived by her sons Otto aDd Dolbert
and one daughter Mrs John Schliech
or iw fwn Ricitfirs and four brothers
Deceased came to McCook in the spring
of 1886 and has resided hero ever since
A woman of high character she made
only friends and these many
Funeral services were conducted at
the home Sunday afternoon by Rev
A F Green of the Baptist church after
which the remains were brought to the
city and interred in the Riverview ceme
tery whore the companion of her life
The funeral cortege was one of the
largest seen in this city in years thus
paying a tribute to her memory
The I ereaved children nave tne sym
pathy of all in this added sorrow in
their lives
Monte Cristo Moves
The Monte Cristo moved from the
Morris building on Main avenue Wed
nesday to the Zint McClain building
on Dennison street where they will
cafes and rooming
have one of the finest
ing houses in the state when all details
have been completed
A New Partner
This week Ed D Perkins becomes a
partner in the Model Shoe Store with
Messrs Fisher and Snider Mr rerK
ins recently became a citizen of McCook
moving here from Fairmont and The
Tkibcne welcomes him into the busi
ness circles of the city
Entertained Girls of 98
Mrs Walter Stokes entertained
twelve girls of the class of 93 Wednes
day evening Miss Florence Purvis being
one of the number Refreshments were
daintily served and the evening was
one of much reminiscent happiness
Eggs For Sale
Full blood barred Plymouth Rock
eggs from Worlds Fair prize winner
birds Three cents each or 200 per
hundred Also Pekin Duck eggs
Phone Ash 1351
Mrs John Burtless
Water Meters
We have on hand a supply of approv
ed water meters which we will instal
promptly on application Under Wood
worth drug store Phone 182
Middleton Ruby
Childrens Parasols
niiSUrana fnnnv cotton rjarasols for
We extend our heartfelt thanks to our
many friends who so kindly assisted us
during the sickness and death of our
beloved mother and also for the many
beautiful flowers
Mk and Mrs J G Schleich
Mb and Mrs Dell Pate
Otto Pate
Loshbaugh Jackson
Mr Henry L Losnbaugn ana iuish
Ilettie P Jackson both of our city
were united in marriage Wednesday
evening in the Baptist parsonage Rev
A F Green the officiating clergyman
The young folks are highly esteemed by
a circle of friends and will make their
home in our city going to housekeeping
in the sixth addition on the west side
Many friends will join with The Tribune
in congratulations and best wishes for
their happiness and prosperity
Sunday School Picnic
The different Sunday schools of the
city will hold their annual picnic at
Cambridge Nebr on Tuesday June
11th leaving on No 12 at 715 a m re
turning on No 5 at 830 p m Fill your
baskets for dinner and supper Round
trip tickets 8104 children under 12
years 52c Anybody can go that wants
The managers of the McCook Livery
Barn wish to announce to the people of
McCook that they have their new barn
on east Dennison street ready and open
for business with a new stock and
equipment and are now ready to furn
ish the best rigs in the city to the pub
lic They also wish to announce that
on or before the first of June they will
have a new automobile for hire to the
Phone 40
at rprmnnable DnceS
L A Fitch Co
W C T U Notice
There will be a silver medal contest
Thursday evening June 13 at the Bap
tist church The program will consist
of singing by a chorus and pieces
spoken by six girls There will be an
admittance fee of 10c The medal will
be awarded to the best speaker by
judges appointed
To the patrons of tho McCook Elect
ric Lieht Co The management will
appreciate it if you will notify the of
fice when you change residence as it
will save a great deal of trouble in keep
ing your account straight
A R Scott Mgr
Axt Says
Kodak pictures are the best recollect
ions of summer pleasures We sell the
Eastman Kodak and carry a full line of
films plates and supplies
L W McConnell Druggist
Mens Alpaca Coats
Mens plain black and hair line alpaca
summer coats 5175 and S3 Thompson
Wide Sheeting
9 A wide sheeting Pepperell brand-
10c each The Thompson Dry Goods Co for 25c at Thompson Dry Goods Coa
First National Bank of McCook Adds 1000 to
the iioo Before Offered
fleeting of Board of Equalization
Jiotice is hereby given that the Board
of County Commissioners will sit as a
board of equalization of assessments
June 11 12 and 13th on which dates
the assessments will be equalized and
Perhaps the most important act of the week in the
Spaulding assault case was that of Wednesday morning
when the First National Bank of McCook in the person of
its cashier F A Pennell appeared before the county com
missioners of the county and added 100000 to the reward
offered for the capture and conviction of the assailant of Mrs
Claude Spaulding May 22nd This makes the total reward
offered 2 10000 and will doubtless stimulate the officers
everywhere to the strictest search for the dastardly assailant
Night Policeman Ed Fitzgerald brought another sus
pect in from Holdrege Monday on No 1 and the fellow is
being held on suspicion He is the toughest proposition the
local officers have had to deal with since the brutal affair of
May 22nd but nothing certain is felt as to his identity
It is pleasing to note that Mrs Spauldings condition is
steadily improving mentally and bodily though her facul
ties are still not perfectly restored Her knowledge of hap
penings at that time seems to be clearer than her description
of the assailant though this is improving
which the officials care
There are no new developments
to make public though they are still following clues and
hope to make good in time
Mr Robert Baker who has been in the case since
beginning is home but will continue in the search
The Baccalaureate
The baccalaureate at the Catholic
church last Sunday evening was the
opening event of Commencement Week
and replete with interest The church
was crowded at an early hour attesting
the depth of public concern in that fea
ture of the week
The sermon by Rev Loughran was
full to the brim with the good common
sense of the speaker and breathed his
earnestness His topic was education
rounded culture
a full
in its every aspect
ture with particular reference to its
crowning glory its religious aspect
without which all learning and culture
are as nothing The sermon was well
The altar was illuminated in usum
manner and decorated attractively and
beautifully with carnations and ever
green effects
The music of the evening was also es
pecially fine embracing numbers by the
church choir and solos by Mrs C W
Britt and Miss Ruth Wiehe
The following is the entire musical
Veni Creator
S B McLean Mrs P F McKenna Frances
Colfer Miss Gertrude Kenagy
Fear Ye Not Oh Israel Miss Ruth Wiehe
Soprano Solo Selected Mrs Charles Britt
Laudati Domini
This opening incident of the week
and highest traditions
was up to the best
tions of the public schools of our city
Rural Carriers Examination
A rural carriers examination for Red
Willow county will be held in McCook
Nebraska Saturday July Gth 1907 for
the purpose of establishing a register of
eligibles for the future needs of the
service Applications to enter this ex
amination may be secured by calling at
the postoffioe in McCook Applications
must be sent to the Civil Service Com
mission Rural Carriers division Wash
tugton D C in time to reach there by
June 2Gth 1907
E J Wilcox
County Clerk
Wash Dress Goods
More than 250 pieces besides Ging
hams and prints to select from 5c to
65c By means of our samples pasted in
three large books it is very easy to
glance through the line as well as to see
them in tho piece The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
Marsh operates on the theory that
nothing is too good for his patrons
hence he buys only the best of live stock
of all kinds arid sells only the best of
meats You can prove it by a trial
Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed
Elegant Wall Paper
Not the old brittle last years patterns
but the fresh new inviting 1907 papers
White blanks embossed gilt ingrains
etc We have the paper to please you
if you only look at them
L W McConnkll Druggist
For Sale
Lots 1 and 3 block 3 West McCook
House barn and trees fenced A bar
gain if taken at once Inquire of
tf Peter Meisen
American Beauty Corsest
Money back after four weeks actual
wear if dissatisfied 50c to 82 The
Thompson Dry Goods Co only
For Listed Corn
you should have a Flying Swede
John Deere Ohio two row Sold
bv McCook Hardware Co
Mens Helmet Hats
Cloth covered 15c or 2 for 25c The
Thompson Dry Goods Co Coolest hat
that is made
5 Cent Prints
Fast color prints for 5c a yard Also
the best for 5c The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
Protect Your Orchards
and gardens with Ellwood poultry and
rabbit fence sold by McCook Hardware
Teaming and Drawing
Also sand for sale Phone oack 263
tf u u uaness
5 Cent Muslin
You can still buy yard wide muslin for
5c a yard at Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Mens Wash Vests
For SI and 150 The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
Burney McCarl
The home of Mrs Sarah A McCarl
Wednesday evening May 5th at 6110
oclock was the Betting for a quiet home
wedding whon her daughter Ida Mao
and George LaVosior Burney in the
presence of relatives and a few friends
were united in murriage Rev M B
Carman of the Methodist church per
forming the ceremony in an impressive
style using the beautiful ring service
The station for the bridal party was a
bower of greenarranged in one corner of
the parlor covered with smilax with a
background of potted ferns
At the nppointed hour Mrs G II
Thomas the brides sister played Men
delsshons wedding march and the bride
and groom in an unassuming manner
took their places under the bridnl arch
After congratulations all wore inter
ested in watching tho contracting par
ties participate in a significant ribbon
tying ceremony The guest book was
signed by all present
Tho bride was gowned in a pretty
white airline chiffon silk over white
taffeta Sho carried a cluster of sweet
bridal rosos Large bouquets of carna
tions and roses lent their delightful per
fume to the happy scone
A four course wedding dinnor was
finrpnrl the weddine nartv seated at
one long table A beautiful bouquet of
La Franco roses occupied the center
while largo five pointed stars one of
white tho others of pink carnations dec
orated either end Mrs II II Berry
Mrs Ilecry Smith Miss Elsio Camp
bell and Miss Minnie Berry serving
Mr and Mrs Burney then invited all
to visit their new home where they re
ceived their friends with their charac
teristic grace and ease The new homo
is neatly and tastefully furnished The
wedding presents which were numerous
in silver cut glass china pictures etc
had been placed in their proper placed
It is an ideal home and into it go the
hearty and genuine best wishes of a host
of friends
Tho young people are well and favor
able known in our city and enjoy a large
circle of friends The bride an amiable
and accomplished daughter has grown
to womanhood in our city and has bsen
the librarian at tho public library for
the past two years The groom former
ly of Stratton has been a resident of
this city for the past six years em
ployed in the Burlington service Many
admire him for his gentlemanly deport
ment and the sterling excellence of his
upright character
The young people departed on ao ls
Thursday morning and will visit Den
ver Salt Lake and other western points
and will be at home to their friends
after July 10
There was but one regret to the happy
occasion the mother of the groom being
Bick could not be present
To Be Enlarged and Improved
The Palmer house was released Wed
nesday by Kendlen Stevens for term
of ten years This action carries with it
the enlargement of tho building to the
extent of 22 rooms and general improve
ments and rearrangement
Another story will be added to the
present structure and rearrangements of
a marked character will be made espe
cially in the location of the main stair
way wnicn Will go up irum ma mam
office the space now used by the stair
way and hall to become a small down
stairs parlor Another stairway will be
added with its foot in the dining room
About 4000 will be expended in this
improvement which will add largely to
the needed room of the hostelrie and its
conveniences and facilities
Silver Medal Contest
A silver medal contest will be held in
the Baptist church Thursday evening
June 13 with the following prog am
Sons by the Audience
Prayer Re v M B Carman
Song The Home Guard
Recitation Vera FitzGerald
Recitation Olga Kunert
Recitation Mabel IleKenberRer
Sonff Pare as a Streamlet
Recitation Veda Cadman
Recitation Fern Robeson
Recitation Grace Morrissey
Song -My Mothers White Ribbon
Decision of the judges and presentation of
medal Rev A F Green
Soup America
Judges Dr C L Fahnestock Dr S
C Beach Mrs F M Kimmell
White Goods
India linens 10c to 30c Persian lawns
silk finished mulls silk muslins dotted
Swisses piques white taffeta silks
white batistes cashmeres mohairs
etc Try the Thompson Dry Goods Co
A Small Patch
of ground put into sugar beets or rape
will give good returns in feed
Hardware Co have the seed
7 jBgnKf 4 - -I
Stltt 1th
The Nineteenth Annual Commence
ment Exercises of McCook
High School
Program to Be Rendered at the Blxlcr
Opera House This Evening at
Eight Thirty 0Clock
Peerless Warp
Peerless carpet warp for 21c a pound
None to merchants The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Tho ninoteonth annual commence
ment exercises of the McCook high
school will bo hold in tho Bixlor opera
houso this evening commencing at
830 oclock
L B Wickursham will deliver tho ad
dress to tho graduating cluss
Tho formal program for the evening
is as follows
Piano duut
Miss Kathorine Iuniry and Mrs 5 II Tliouiu
Invocation Itev M li Oirimiii
Vocal solo Miss Ruth Wiolm
Salutatory Mioa Nellio F Amlrows
Address Mr L It Wickershnm
Vocal solo Misi Klsiu Cumplxill
Valedictory Mr William Reid McKenna
Presentation of diplomas Mr C W Barnes
Vocal miIo Mrs Clmrlus Wayne Britt
Benediction Ro v A F Greeu
Class of 1907
Motto Quality not Quanity
Colors Old Rose and Greon
Flower Marguerite
President William Reid McKenna
Vice President Lois A Ililoman
Secretary Floyd A Green
Treasurer Nelho h Andrew
Nellio F Andrews Mormonism
Alien Mary A Benjamin
For Americas Hisjliur Education
Lonor Scolastica Ft zGuralil Cicero
Flojd A Green Choosinic n Profession
Josephine M Hammond
Popular Superstition
Lois 1 Hileman
A Iusson from a Great Cathedral
Alice Mario McKenna
Wonders of Colorado Scenery
William Reid McKenna Signs of this Timoa
Dora L Oyster
The Autocrat or tho Breakfast luiilf
E II Doan President
C W Barnes Secretary
A Barnett L Suess
C II Boyle G SScott
G II Thomas superintendent
Gertrude Storor principal
Katherino Lumry assistant
Reception and banquet at East ward
building Saturday evening June 8
Admission 15 conts Tickets at Mc-
Connells drug store or at tho door
Death of Mrs Thomas A Freeman
Mrs Thomas A Freeman who has
been ill with consumption at tho homo
of her daughter Mrs Irvin Hill in our
city for some time passed away Sunday
June 2nd 1907
Funsral services were conducted in
the Christian church Monday morning
at ten oclock in chargo of Dr A D
Finch who was assisted by Rev A F
Green of the Baptist church McCook
and Rev Simpson of the Congregation
al church Cambridge Burial in River-
view cemetery iouuwuu
Miss Emmaketta Hotchkiss was
born near Stilesville Iowa May 11
I860 died at McCook Nebraska Juno
2nd 1907 being 17 years and 22 days
old Two children a son and Mre
Irvin Hill a daughter survive her in
addition to five brothers two of whom
were present at her funeral Departed
became a Christian in early life and
abided in the faith until the end
Special Meeting Monday Evening
The directors of the McCook Pressed
Brick Co held a special meeting Mon
day evening in the office of J E Kelley
and talked over important matters of
the concern
The company is now burning its
first kiln of brick and is engaged
filling a second kiln
McCook Won Again
Only four innings of the ball game at
Stratton last Monday could be played
on account of the raiD but McCook
won in a score of 8 to 3
Dress Skirts
White Batistes and Panamas Wash
able skirts in variety SI 50 to 32 Extra
size skirts alterations free Thompson
Dry Goods Co
The Name Velle
or Deere is a guarantee of quality
Select a buggy at the McCook Hard
ware Co where you can get this guar
White Parasols
Ladies white parasols for 125 and
150 at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Will Pay For Itselt
The American hog fence for sale by
the McCook Hardware Co