ni LM LJ V D B r y - s i The crap Book Grecloy on Salvation One afternoon Ilornco Greeley was seated In the Tribune ofllce absorbed lii writing when a tall Holemn man came In and stood respectfully by bis desk After awhile Jlr Greeley looked up and in Ills sharp tones said Well what Is It I have called said Uie stranger In a measured pulpit voice to invite pe cuniary assistance for our great work In the Five Points Mission Whats the work said Greeley still writing vigorously The salvation of souls Not a cent said Greeley Not a cent to save souls Most of em ought to bo damned A prize of J50 was paid for tlio foregoing anecdote to TI103 L Masson Glen Uldce NJ HETERODOXY Pray thee put the sermon by vex my soul no more with creeds They are only st mca and husks to my hungry spirits needs I am tired of striving sects with their various bigotry Ah for me death holds no terror but the fear of losing thee In a heaven apart from thee could my exiled soul rejoice Could 1 Join the angels song missing thence thy tender voice What to me were gates of pearl If they parted thco and me What the streets so fair and golden if 1 walked thorn seeking thee What to me the pastures green where thy feet could never be What the paths beside still waters if thou walkest not with me Ah wherever after death my still faith ful soul may dwell Saints may call it bliss or woe they may name it heaven or hell By thee only O beloved will my joy or pain be wrought I shall find my heaven beside thee or my hell where thou art not Elizabeth Akcrs The Golf Caddy The golf caddy said a southern journalist as he chewed a sprig of mint is a new type This lad is inde pendent witty altogether without rev erence On John D Rockefellers visit to Bon Air he tried a little golf one afternoon in the neighborhood of Au gusta On a rather difficult shot Mr Rockefeller struck too low with his iron and as the dirt flew he said to his caddy What have I hit The boy answered with a harsh laugh Georgia boss It Worked a Cure A certain clergyman in Richmond says Success has had in his employ for so long a time a negro named Ju lian that -the latter had come to regard himself as something of a confidential adviser to the divine Early one Sunday morning the pastor awoke feeling decidedly ill After a futile attempt at breakfast he sum moned his old faithful servitor saying Julian I want you to go to my as sistant Mr Blank and tell him that as I am unwell he will officiate for me in this mornings service At this Julian demurred and after some argument persuaded his master that he would feel better if be officiat ed as usual This the latter did and as predicted by the darky he did re turn home feeling much better Youse better sub asked servant meeting his master at door Very much better thank you the the Han The darky grinned What did I tell you sub I knowed you would be all right just as soon as you got that ser mon outer your system Schopenhauer on Kinship The source of all pleasure and delight is the feeling of kinship Even with the sense of beauty it is unquestionably our own species in the animal world and then again our own race that ap pears to us the fairest So too in in tercourse with others every man shows a decided preference for those who re semble him and a blockhead will find the society of another blockhead in comparably more pleasant than that of any number of great minds put to gether An Exchange of Boys Two boys in the Sunday school who stood at the head of the class were invariably asked the same questions which were Who made you and To what do you return to which the first boy always replied God made me and the second boy answered Dust of the earth On this occasion the first boy was absent so the first question Who made you was addressed to the sec ond boy Dust of the earth he replied Quite wrong Tommy God made you said the teacher indignantly No teacher The boy that God made has gone home with the stomach ache Canova If you will let me try I think I can make something that will do said a boy who had been employed as a scul lion at the mansion of Signer Faliero as the story is told by George Cary Eggleston A large company had been Invited to the banquet and just before the hour the confectioner who had been making a large ornament for the table sent word that he had spoiled the piece You exclaimed the head servant In astonishment And who are you I am Antonio Canova the grandson of PIsano the stonecutter replied the pale laced little fellow The servant was at his wif s end so he told Antonio to go ahead and see what he could do Calling for some butter the scullion quickly molded a large crouching lion which the admiring major domo placed upon the table Dinner was announced and many of the most noted merchants princes and noblemen of Venice were ushered Into the dining room Among them were skilled critics of art work They looked at the Hon long and carefully and ask ed Signer Faliero what great sculptor had been persuaded to waste his skill upon a work in such a temporary ma terial Faliero could not tell so he asked the head servant who brought Antonio before the company When the distinguished guests learn ed that the lion had been made in a short time by a scullion the dinner was turned into a feast in his honor Some may not have heard how the boy Antonio tc jk advantage of this first great opportunity but all know ol Canova one of the greatest sculptors of all time I Vuinsr Fractions Eerylhng that Cobby learned at school he endeavored to apply in hi- J daily life and walk When his mother asked him if one of his new friends was an only child Bobby looked wise and triumphant j Hes got just one sister said Bob by He tried to catch me when he told me he had two half sisters but 1 guess I know enough fractions foi that Circumstantial Evidence Once while two famous students of Blackstone were arguing a case one said he could illustrate his part of the argument which was that of cir cumstantial evidence by a story of a boy who was fond of custard pie One day when left alone at home he got into the pantry and finding a cus tard pie ate it all Then thinking of a certain strap which was hanging in the hall he caught the house cat and smeared custard over its paws and mouth and turned it loose to roam at its will Finally the old man returned and soon saw the cat with its telltale mouth and marks of its paws upon the floor Getting a rope he tied the poor cat to a tree limb went to the house and got his gun The boy who had hidden himself in the rear of the barn remarked as he heard the report There goes another victim of circum stantial evidence New England Mag azine Seneca on Poverty and Death Yet many things befall us which are sad dreadful hard to bear Well as God has been unable to remove these things from your path he has given your minds strength to combat all Bear them bravely In this you can surpass God himself He is beyond suffering evil you are above it De spise poverty No man lives as poor as he was born Despise pain Either it will cease or you will cease Despise death It either ends you or takes you elsewhere Despise fortune God has given her no weapon that can reach the mind Never Saw Him Before I was crossing on an Atlantic liner once when the sea was very rough and nearly all the passengers were seasick Patrolling the promenade deck one day I came across a lady in a reclin ing chair in the very extremity of pros tration By her side was the figure of a man in collapse from the same dis order his head resting in the ladys lap As she seemed to be otherwise quite alone I ventured to address her say ing Madam can I be of any assist ance She feebly shook her head for an swer being apparently too far gone for speech But I went on surely I must do something for you It seems you are unattended since your husband ap pears to be in greater distress than yourself The lady murmured with the utmost abandon of weakness and indifference He is not my husband I never saw him before in my life His Own Idea Little Ted Brown was a strenuous lad and had formed the not unusual habit of kicking and thumping his play mates One day his mother found him not only kicking and pounding one of his friends but even spitting on him She was dumfounded at this and taking Ted into the house said to him Ted I dont know what to make of you I think the devil has got into your head and taught you this kicking and striking and spitting Ted getting more indignant every second looked up at bis mother and said Well the devil may have taught me the kicking and striking but this here spitting is my own idea Lippincotts Ida Lewis A catboat was capsized in 1S54 near Lime Bock lighthouse Newport R I and four young men were left strug gling in the cold waves of a choppy sea Keeper Lewis was not at home and his sick wife could do nothing but their daughter Ida twelve years old rowed out in a small boat and saved the men During the next thir ty years she rescued nine others at va rious times Her work was done with out assistance and showed skill and endurance fully equal to her great courage Her System Patient to pretty nurse WU1 you be my wife when I recover Pretty Nurse Certainly Patient Then you love me Pretty Nurse Oh no thats merely part of the treatment I must keep my patients cheerful I promised this morning to run away with a married man who had lost both of his legs f i - ---- CT k XTCp -3--- V 1 Cicourcrcd Liigant During first term an Im portant feC al o Ilceholiler in Missis sippi tlhd ard there vts a prolonged controversy over the succession Each of the senators from that state had a favorite while Private John Allen who was then in congress claimed that the appointment belonged to his dis trict After months of delay Allen went to the White House one day to urge anew the claims of ids candidate The president looked bored when Al len announced his mission Id a good deal rather that youd tell me a story John he said Ill tell you a story Mr President said Alien and one that fits this case I had a client once who was left out of his fa thers will the father having left a con siderable fortune My client engaged me to contest the will The other side being In possession adopted the policy of delay and so the case was a long time in coining to trial and when It was finally tried the jury disagreed After another long delay there was an other trial and my client won a sort of half victory and the other side took an appeal Then I tried to make a set tlement in fact I considered the case as good as settled and told my client the good news and he and I were duly and properly elated over the situation But it turned out that a remote heir with a small interest under the will refused to settle and we faced further and apparently almost endless litiga tion Then my client sort of lost his nerve John he said to me there has been so much delay and trouble about this case so much to bother me and so much uncertainty that I some times almost wish that the old man hadnt died Now Mr President Thatll do John Ill send the name of your man to the senate tomorrow A prize of 25 was paid for the foregoing anecdote to George T Fleming 1507 Forbes street Pittsburg ABOU BEN ADHEM Abou Ben Adhcm may his tribe increase Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace And saw within the moonlight In his room Making It rich and like a lily in bloom An angel writing in a book of gold Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold And to the presence In the room he said What wrltest thou The vision raised its head And with a look made of all sweet ac cord Answered The names of thoso who love the Lord And is mine one said Abou Nay not so Replied the angel Abou spoke more low But cheerily still and said I pray thee then Write me as one that loves his fellow men The angel wrote and vanished The next night It came again with a great wakening light And showed the names whom love of God had blessed And lo Ben Adhems name led all the rest Leigh Hunt Bound to Tell At a dinner party the little son of the host and hostess was allowed to come down to dessert Having had what his mother considered a sufficiency of fruit he was told he must not have any more when to the surprise of every one of the guests he exclaimed If you dont give me some more Ill tell A fresh supply was at once given him and as soon as it was finished he repeated his threat whereupon he was suddenly and swiftly removed from the room but he had just time to fire this parting shot My new trousers are made out of mas old bedroom curtains Boston Herald Joy In Ourselves If we were not all of us exagger atedly Interested in ourselves life would be so uninteresting that no one could endure it Schopenhauer Waiting For Advice We wrote to a subscriber who is five years in arrears that if he would send us a dollar we would square the ac count and begin anew He answered I send you 1 to pay my subscription and you may stop my paper I dont like your politics We have wired Sheldon and as soon as we learn what Jesus would say to a fellow of that kind we will answer his letter Galena Kan Republican Proposition In Education A teacher in a Tucker county public school received the following letter the other day Sir Will you in the future givo my son easier soms to do at nites This is what hes brought hoam two or three nites back If fore gallons of here will fill thirty to pint bottles how many pint3 and half bottles will nine gallons of bere fill Wei we tried and could make noth ing of it at all and my boy cried and laughed and sed he didnt dare to go back in the mornin without doln it So I had to go an buy a nine gallon keg of bere which I could ill afford to do and then we went and borrowed a lot of wine and brandy bottles We fdled them and my boy put down the number for an answer I dont know whether it is right or not as we spilt some while doin It P S Please let the soms bo in water as I am not able to buy more bere Moundsvllle W Ya Echo Grace Darling On the morning of Sept G 1S3S a young woman in the Longstone light house between England and Scotland was awakened by shrieks of agony rising above the roar of wind and wave A storm of unwonted fury was raging and ner parents could not hear the cries but a telescope showed nine human beings clinging to the windlass of a wrecked vessel whose bow was hanging on the rocks half a mile away We can do nothing said William Darling the light keeper Ah yes we must go to the rescue exclaimed his daughter pleading tearfully with both father and mother until the former re plied Very well Grace I will let you persuade meJthoughjt isagainst my 1 B BSBT V HcnsmoiTTX rtaiuiinuutv bem r jugiHirt Clce a feather In a i sraegrgar cauji juan wninwmu uie lime boat was tossed on j the tumultuous sen and It seemed to H Grace that she could feel her brain reel amid the maddening swirl But borne on the blast that swept the cruel surge H the shrieks of those shipwrecked sail ors seemed tj change her weak sinew- Into cords of steel Strength hitherto unsuspected came from somewhere and the heroic girl pulled one oar in even time with her father At length the nine were safely on board God bless you but yere a bonny English lass said one poor fellow as he looked wonderiugy upon this marvelous girl who that day had done a deed which added more to Englands glory than the exploits of many of her mouarchs Hell end Tcxac The remark of General Sheridan who commanded in Texas just after the civil war Tf I owned hell and Texas Id sell out Texas and live in hell is often quoted The answer of a Texas eitor is not so well known Well damn a man who doesnt stand up for his own country anyhow Quick to Learn The Park avenue trolley line In the city of Rochester is crossed by three consecutive streets which bear mascu line surnames An Irishman with a carpetbag entered one of the cars the other day and sat down gingerly near the door Four or five other men com pleted the list of passengers The car swung around the corner of Chestnut street Jame shouted the conductor A man signaled him the car stopped and the man alighted A half minute after ward the car neared another cross street William announced the conductor Another man got out The Irishmans eyes grew isibly larger Alexander shouted the conductor The third man left the car When it had started on the Irishman arose and approached the conductor Oi want to git out at Avnoo B he said Me foorsht name is Michael Youths Companion The Will of Ney Once when Marshal Ney was going Into battle looking down at his knees which were smiting together he said You may well shake You Avould shake worse jet if you knew where I am going to take you The Same Only a Little Different They were newly married according to the New York Sun nnd on a honey moon trip They put up at a sky scraper hotel The bridegroom felt In disposed and the bride said she would slip out and do a little shopping In due time she returned and tripped blithely up to her room a little awed by the number of doors that looked all alike But she was sure of her own and tapped gently on the panel Im back honey Let me in she whispered No answer Honey Honey Let me in she called again rapping louder Still no answer Honey Honey Its Mabel Let me in There was silence for several sec onds Then a mans voice cold and full of dignity came from the other side of the door Madam this Is not a beehive Its a bathroom Saving the Colors An Indiana regiment was fiercely at tacked by a whole brigade in one of the battles in Mississippi The Indi anians unable to withstand such odds were compelled to fall back a short distance losing their flag which remained in the hands of the en emy Suddenly a tall Irishman a private in the color company rushed from the ranks across the vacant ground attacked the squad of the en emy who had possession of the con quered flag with his musket felled sev eral to the ground snatched the flag from them and returned safely back to his regiment The bold fellow was im mediately surrounded by his jubilant comrades and praised for his gallantry His captain appointed him to a ser geancy on the spot but the hero cut everything short by the reply Oh never mind captain Say no more about it I dropped my whisky flask among the rebels and fetched that back and I thought I might just as well bring the flag along The Uncle and the Parrct A farmer visiting New York with his niece was induced by her to buy a par rot which was represented to be a good talker After the return home the 3 oung lady undertook to teach the parrot to say uncle Say uncle she would say Uncle UJSde uncle Please say uncle Then she would coo at the bird as if it were a baby learning to talk and feed it and pet it all the time hedging it to say uncle But the parrot looked bored and said nothing This had gone on for two days when the farmer said That parrots no good Ill put it out Tak ing it to the chicken yard the farmer grabbed the bird by the neck and slung it among the chickens saying Say uncle gol darn you say uncle The farmer went to dinner from which he was called presently by a great noise and commotion in the chicken yard where he found seven hens dead in a corner In the parrots right claw was another hen grasped firmly by the neck and the parrot was screeching Say uncle gol darn you say uncle A prize of HO was paid for the foregoing anecdote to Roy Brenton San Luis Obis po Cal Exlinustlng They say early rising Is very un healthy Of course Many a woman has broken down her constitution getting her husband up In time for breakfast cdr -4 Tr 4 hKJce JH One Piece aC3tC 2IZZ225IZZ1HL2S3E tTPrrpyrgss CRYSTAL AND UOLD OLASSWARI Willi Jvery 100 purchase of our new Johnson Bros beautiful White and Gokl Dinner ware See Samples now on Display in Window J I T V T V im T la V in iCbfi oc Vts J I EggsSBgsaaKamraKyfflBw XxsiXXswvxSYiY5Yy5YyyyxYvi r The Thrifty Man makes the best and most of what ho hae is just ns well hospitable without being extravagant lives within his Americas Greatest Weekly The Toledo Blade Toledo Ohio The Best Known Newspaper in the United States Circulation 185000 Popular in Every State In many respects the Toledo Blade is the most remarkablo weekly newspaper published in tho United States It is tho only newspaper espe cially edited for National circulation It has had tho largert circulation for more years than any newspaper printed in America Further more it is the cheapest newspaper in the world as will be explained to any person who will write us for terms The news of tho world so arranged that busy people can more easily com prehend than by reading cumbersome columns of dailies All current topics made plain in each issue by special editorial matter written from inception down to date The only paper mlilicltcwl QCnniitlr nAnrtlo Tvlirt rn rr tin not read daily newspapers and yet thirst for plain facts That this kind of a newspaper is popular is proven by the fact that the Weekly Blade now has over 1S5000 yearly subscribers and is circulated in all parts of the United States In 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