Barber Shop Hear of 1st National Bmk Newly Furnished and First Class In Every Particular Ear Murray Middleton liuby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phono 182 MoCoolc Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY iiTTOENEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEE McCook Neuraska jgVcentof Lincoln Lnml Co and of McCook Wntor Works Oilico in PoHtollico building YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF Rpfak gp OBox 131 McCook Nobraskn J H WODDELL i Up-to-date Live Stock i and Real Estato AUCTIONEER Dates Made Anywhere in the State Terms Reasonable - McCOOK NEBRASKA S- S J Ir DttLL IVIUbUUH AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Fairbury Hanchett Windmil This is a warranted and guaran teed windmill nothing better in the market Write or call on Mr Wall hnfnrfi huvinrr a u o a Z t nunc dlmui out v List Your Property With Us Farms Ranches Etc Our office is in the east and A we- bring the buyers direct with the money For par ticulars address SHURTLEFF DOWNING Humboldt Neb Creel Lomljer and Goal Center Home of Quality and Quantity where B sells THE BEST LUM BER AND COAL Are you thinking of building If so it is ten to one our figures will please you M O McCLURE Phone No 1 Manager will make the season of 1907 at my farm a half mile northeast of Perry Station 1000 to insure standing colt G W WATKINS Owner C1Y CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS CmcisriAN Bible school 10 a m C E 7 p in Preaching at 8 p in by Rev J Stewart Millor of Edison Episcopal Preaching services at St bans church at 11 a in and 8 pm All aro welcome to these services E R Eakle Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 3 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening sorvice at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Louohban Pastor Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m Preaching services at 11 a m and 8 p m Prayer service Wednesday evening at 8 oclock Young peoples meeting at 7 p ra A F Green Pastor Christian Science Services at Zint McClain bide Sunday at 11 oclock a m Wednesday at 8 oclock p m Readintr room at same place open daily who o Christian Science literature may be had Subject Ancient and Mod ern Necromancy or Mesmerism and Hypnotism Methodist Sunday school at 1000 Union G A R services at Baptist church at 11 Junior League at 4 Epworth League at 7 Address by Mary Clark Curtis of China at 8 Prayor meeting Wednesday night at 8 p m M B Carman Pastor Congregational Sunday School at 10 am Junior C E at 3 p m Senior C E at 7 p m Preaching by the pas tor at 8 p m Prayer meeting Wednes day evening of each week at 8 p m No Sunday morning sorvico The gen eral public is cordially invited to all of those meetings Geo B IIawkks Pastor R F D No 1 Earl Notloy was in Denver close of last week returning home Sunday Mrs A C Marsh of East McCook has been quite ill A valuable horse belonging to Henry Ebert died on last Friday Mr and Mrs Sam Hughes visited an uncle of his who recently moved into Frontier county Saturday Sunday John W Troester and four horses on a drag had a sudden introduction to Sims auto Thursday of last week without notice Sims was making hs usual 47 minute trip from Danbury to McCook Johns nose was scratched up some and the horses got away from him but nothing serious happened except to Johns feelings and he doesn t feel right about it yet Mrs John Troester who went to Omaha a week or two since for an operation is doing nicely Big dance and heap big time at Henry Eberts Saturday night last J II Warfield and another farmer had an exciting experience with an auto at the east river bridge last Saturday Warfield got out of the trouble with h broken double tree and the other fellow went through a three wire fence The auto honked on BOX ELDER Small grain is looking fine F G Lytle took hogs to market Wed nesday Mrs N H Wolf is on the sick list Mr and Mrs D B Doyle Sr who have been visiting in Hardy returned last Sunday Mr Bolles announced Sunday that there would be a sermon read at the church on next Sunday morning Every body invited to attend The Sunday school at this place is having a better attendance this spring than usual All ladies appreciate suggestions for receipts patterns and formulas by other ladies because the ideas are practical The Weekly Inter Ocean prints seven columns of such information each week This paper is 8100 a year but subscrib ing through the Tribune the two papers will cost only SlOb Real Estate Transfers The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since our last report Marion Powell wf to Martin Xilsson wd und Vi int in e2 se4 23 e2 net 32 nw4 w2 net sel net sel n2 sw4 of 33all in 1 2S 2010000 Charles E Ingalls et al to William H Ackerroan wd 4 in IS McCook 150000 William H Ackerman to Charles T Wil son wd 4 in IS McCook 130000 John W Milbnrn sngl to Zachary T McCollum wd 7-S-9 in 62 Bartloy 100C0 Lincoln Land Co to Prentiss E Reed- er wd 10 s2 11 in 6 2nd McCook 2S750 Lincoln Land Co to Meda Carney wd hi int 4 in 2 4th McCook 5000 Lincoln Land Co to Clarence C liar less fc Clara M Harless wd i4 in 4 in24thMcCook 5000 James S Doylo wf to Mattie E ple 9 n2 S in IS 1st McCook 200000 Francis Cain wf to Daniel Linahan wds2 3-1-30 3S1500 William E DeWitt wf to Lovell S Viersen wd 7 S in 12 1st McCook 300000 MaryE Babcock wid to Charles D Custer qcd 5 in 18 McCook 1 00 C E Corell fc wf to W L Irvine wd sw4 4-2-26 270000 John Hoff wf to Conrad Baner wd ptlt3innw4 32-3-29 6000 Thomas L Williams to Winnio D Wil liams wd und Yi in It 10 in blk 5 1st McCook 65000 Charles F Tedder wf to Homer Mc- Annlty wd n2 sw4 344 27 100 Homer McAnnlty sngl to Martha F Vedder wd n2 sw4 34-4-27 100 THE SKULL BANJO Probabry the Most Grewsome Musical Instrument Known It Is a well known fact that through dire necessity the American Indian has developed remarkable skill The old stones of how these Indians made pottery and earthenware by the aid of only the most crude instruments and of their methods of burning and carv ing out the insides of the trunks of trees to make canoes are universally known But even with all their skill the fact that they were a barbarous uncivilized race cannot be evaded as Is shown by this grewsome instrument In the time of the earl j settlers of this hemisphere their acts of cruelty were without prec edent in the history of the world With these facts in view we can easily understand how the skull ban jo came to light It is known that in the small country of Paraguay in the oast central part of South America the Indians who inhabited that place were more than ordinarily cruel They were constantly engaged in warfare and their primary aim when thus en gaged was to capture the chief of the opposing side When captured this personage was carried to their camp and there cruelly murdered and it was from his body that this avo inspir ing musical instrument was made The instrument Is made as follows The body is decapitated and the skull Is then thoroughly dried Tho who is to perform the feat or 1 the instrument then cuts the l entirely off Over the opening thus made a piece of skin taken frnm the bo iy and also thoroughly dried is lightly stretch ed In the manner of a drum From the back of the skull the two femurs or the two bonos of the leg which extend from the kno to tho hip proict Those bones have been s o trimiVel that they are of uniform thickness ihrorghout their entire length The inpcr ends of these bones are joined together with one of the ribs also taken from that body Then from the forehead of the skull to the rib which connects the two fe murs a number of strings are tightly stretched These strings are likewise made from the skin of the victim hav ing been thoroughly dried stretched and rubbed with rosin But this even is not the full extent of the grewsomeness of this instru ment for the skull is left so that the jaws are movable Therefore with each shake of the instrument the jaws wag and with a sharp jolt of the in strument the teeth come together with a snap New York Herald CAN YOU TELL How many teeth have you What are the words on a policemans shield How mans buttons have you on your waistcoat Write down the figures on the face of your watch Which way does the crescent moon turn to the right or left How many toes has a cat on each forefoot and each hind foot What are the words written or print ed on the face of your watch In what direction Is the face on a cent on a quarter and on a dime turn ed What color are your employers eyes and the eyes of the man at the next desk What are the exact words on a two cent stamp In what direction is the face on it turned What is the name signed in fac simile on any one two five or ten dol lar bill you ever saw New York Press After the Entertainment She has a magnificent flat said one but it is badly arranged The parlor is too far from the dining room The wall paper is beautiful re marked another but the pictures are abominable It is a pity to ruin beau tiful walls She has a lot of elegantly bound books said still another but Id be willing to wager a five that none of the leaves are cut In other words said the man who looks on she has been awfully good to us She has taken pains to enter tain us Let us roast her New York Press Unloaded on the Ragman Scribbles Congratulate me old man I got rid of all my manuscript last week Dribbles Thats good What did you get for them Scribbles How much do you sup pose Dribbles Havent the least idea Scribbles I got 2 cents a pound Chicago News Followed Instructions Mudge This watch has been stopped for two or three days Jeweler Lem me see it There is nothing the matter with it except that it has not been wound kludge I thought maybe that was it J remember you told me to wind it up just before I went to bed and I havent been to bed for three nights Physiology A pupil in a school near Chatham square New York city thus defined the word spine A spine is a long limber bone Your head sets on one end and you set on the other Llp pincotts Magazine Hard to Suit When your mother-in-law fell into the water why didnt you help to get her out My dear madam you must know that nothing Ive ever done has pleased her Judy THE MANTO A Garment Tlmt AH Chilean Women Wear to Church The Chilean womens most fetching garment wrap or what you will Is the manto It Is of some kind of flne black material and is worn thrown over the head Sometimes a flap of it Is drawn tightly across the forehead After being thrown over the head the manto by some means which I havo as yet been unable to discern Is cinch ed in close about the neck This cinching In at the neck makes a kind of hood around the face and this hood Is very skillfully manipulat ed by some of the women to cover up moles and other defects and to con ceal the fact that their hair has not been carefully combed From the shoulders the manto falls down in front to the toes and behind to the heels It is held together in front partly by pins and partly by the hands of the wearer It is usually but not always worn over the street cos tume The wearing of mantos by all wom en no matter of what class on attend ing church is obligatory This provid ing for a uniform costume Is quite rea sonable and Is designed to eliminate Fueh things as our Easter bonnet com petitions and allow the mind to for sake earthly and devote itself to things spiritual It also swells the attendance on many occasions for some of the ladles when they arise too late to have time to dress for early morning mass mere ly throw on their mantos over their robes de nuit and with the addition of such head and foot trimming as is necessary to give the impression of being fully dressed trip demurely off to church to all outward seeming as though they had spent hours instead of minutes before their glasses Los An geles Times Too Iov ami Too Hiprh Do employers hire men and then iny them what they think them worth ur do they fix salaries and then get such men as they can to fit them usked a young man who had been go ing through the experience of changing his work I wont try to answer my question but I will tell you a story I called upon a manager to talk with him about a place of responsibility which I knew he had to offer He seemed taken with me and I think had his mind made up to employ me Final ly he asked me how much salary 1 would expect T should say about 130 a month I answered Immediately his face fell Im sor ry he said but I expect to pay 2000 a year and I want a 2000 man Good morning From thore I Avent to inqui e about another place Again I seemed to suit and Ave got to the question of AYages I knew the firm was not in the habit of spending much money If I Avas to get the position I must bid low and so I suggested 125 a month Im sorry AA as the reply but we cant pay more than 100 I know youre worth more and the Avork is worth more but we havent got the money to spend thats all Good morning New York Post A Runic onense May we have the pleasure of your company this evening colonel she asked The colonel drew himself up haughti ly and replied Avith every evidence of offended dignity Madam I eoiumanjl a Ingredients of the Play Half a text a sprinkling of aristo crats a sin or two and a quantity of good clothing are the familiar ingredi ents of serious playwritiug and It Is wonderful to see what varied and In teresting results can still be obtained from the recipe Outlook Greelc llurlnl Custom It is the custom in certain parts of Greece to carry bodies to the grave in coffins which alloAV the face to be The fashion is said to have originated when the Turks dominated the land At that time arms and am munition were being constantly distrib uted to the Greek populace in a way which baffled the Turkish officials un til a coffin which was being escorted by an apparently mourning procession was found to contain not a body but Aveapons An order was then promul gated that bodies were to be borne to the grave only on open litters or In coffins without lids Gentle Things Yes said the teacher the eqg rep resents all that is gentlest in creation the cooing doves the tuneful song birds and the stately swan Johnny what other gentle things are hatched from eggs Snakes ostriches alligators spar row hawks and eagles said Johnny Endless Eaipcnse How about these dukes Inquired Mr Struckile Are they purty expen sive You bet they are answered Mr Nurich who had bought one And you want to remember this LTirani The first cost is the smallest item Washington Herald So Different Women all have the same fault They cant pass a shop that has bon nets In the window without looking In So different from men They cant pass a shop that has bottles in the win dow without going In Illustrated Bits Beware of worrying about little things It Is the malady of happy pec pie It Is more heroic to grief than to die of it live on ones 7 The Kansas City Weekly Star Tho most comprehensive fnrin paper All the news intelligently told Farm questions answered by a practical farmer and exper imenter Exactly what jou want in market reports Address One Year 25 cents THE WEEKLY STAR Kansas City Mo THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies KESOLUTIOX Estimate of expenses for tlio current jour 1107 bj the citj council of the citj of McCook Nebr Uu it p olviil bv the Major mid Council of tho city of McCook intliu s tato of Nebraska liniL the following bo mid the same hereby is adopted a the etimato of oxiciises for said city of McCook for the fiscal joar commencing May 7 197 Salaries of officer 3 MOOO Supplies claim and elections IMIMU Making and repairing nllcjs fctreots and crosswalks 2200 00 Fireman and 110000 Hunt on water troughs street lint and for flushing s uwur 2MKIM LikhtiiiK streets COO X Interest on bonds and sinking funds tfiOOU Maintenance of free library lUJOUO Maintenance of sower HKiO 00 Total S IIV0 00 Tho entire revenue for the city for the joar ndinc May G 1107 General fund 5 2520 29 Occupation fund 2399 75 Water fund M9 II Cemetery fund 1S300 LiKhtfutiri HSlK Suwer funds 13121 90 Librarj fund Ii732l Fire fund tOl13 To ta 1 331699 65 Tho entire expense of the city for the jear ending May l 1907 was as follows General fund H62112 Occupation fund 2ISA 01 Water fund 3170 Ml Cemetery fund 2M 15 LiKhtfund 121215 Sewer fund 10957 91 Library fund lilUfCI Fire fund 911 Ml Total SSCKPJi Adopted and approved this 13th day of May 19U7 C L Fahnustock Utest Major If W CovovEit Clerk PUBLICATION XOTICK Hirt M AlliiiKton defendant will take no tice that on the 20th of April 1907 Xancy L Al linton the plaiutilT filed her petition in the Distric Court of lied Willow county in the Stato of Nebraska the object and prajer there f beiiiK to obtain a divorce from said defend ant that she maj be awarded tho exclusive care custody and control of Bessie Alliuctou the minor dauhterof plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as the na ture of the ca e may require You are required r answer said petition on or before the third day of June 1907 Dated this 20th day of April 1907 Xanct L Aiiingiox Plaintiff By W S Morlan Her Attorney LEGAL XOTICK To Franklin P Allen and all persons inter ested in lot I block 2S original town now city of McCook Ued Willow County Xcbraska You ire hereby notified that the Mayor ami Council of the city of McCook will hold a special meet inc in tho council chamber of the hall in McCook at the hour of seven oclock p m central standard time on May 27 190 for the purpose of equalizing and a sessintr said lot I u block 21 aid city of McCook having rebuilt and laid 250 square foot of cement sidewalk on the west side of Madison street abutting on said lot 4 at an expense to said city in the xnm of 75 AsjKcial tax will be levied againbt the aforesaiil property to pay tho costs of same and for tho co ts of proceedings By order of the major and council of tho city of McCook Red Willow County Nebraska fSKAI 11 W CoNOVER City Clerk LEGAL XOTICK To Sarah Ilo ierand all pT ons interested in the premises hereinafter described You are hcrebj notified that the Major and Council of the city of McCook Bed Wiliow county Ne braska will hold a special meeting in the council chamber of the citj hall in McCook Nebraska at even oclock v in central stand ard time on May 27 1907 for the purpose of equalizing and assi iug the west twentj fho feet of lots 14 and 15 in block 29 in the original town now city of McCook Bed Willow county Nebraska the -aid city of McCook having re built anil laid l7 square feet of brick sidewalk on the south side of Denriioii St abutting on said premises at an expenso to the city in the sum of SiW A special tax will be levied against the aforesaiil property to the costs of same and for the costs of these proceeding- By order of tho Major and Council of the City of McCook Bed Willow County Nebra ka SEAL II W CONOAKK 1-26-It City Clerk LEGAL XOTICK To Lovina Kendall and all iiersons interested in the premises hereinafter described You are hereby notified that the Major and Council of tho city of McCook Bed Blow County Ne braska wil hold a special meeting in the council chamber of the citj hall in McCook at the hour of seven oclock j n central stand ard time on Maj 27 1907 for the purpo e of equalizing and iise smg that portion of lot 11 and 15 in block 29 in the original town now city of McCook Bed illow County described as follow- Commencing ttt a point tG SO feet eat of the northwest corner of lot 15 in block 29 thence east J9 feet s inches thence 1J0 feot thence v e t 19 feet n thence north liO feet to place of beginning the raid cit of McCook having rebuilt and laid 109 yquaro feet of brick sidwalk on the south of Dennison street abutting on said premie at an expen e to aid city in the sum of SIOiTl A special tax will bo levied against the aforesaid prop rty to pay the costs of same and for the costs of thee proceedings Bv order of the Major and Council of the city of McCook Bed Willow County Nebraska hKAL II W tONOA EC City Clerk BEGGS CHEFBY SYRUP Cures BROMCKT LfUiirt Special to California Low rato Summer tours to San JTancisco and Los Angeles about half rates until May 18th also Juno 8th to lfiih Juno 22nd to July 5th Slightly higher daily commencing Juno 1 binall extra cost via Portland and Seattle Big Horn Basin Wo run personally conducted homoseekers oxcursiong May 7 and 21 Juno 1 and 13 under guidance of U Clem Ueaverien eral Agent Land Seekers Infor mation Bureau to assist settlers to securu an early hob at cheap est rates of magnificent irrigated lands in the Big Horn Hasinwrite about these lands Kound trip 20 To Jamestown Exposition daily neap Kates East low rates via New York slightly higher During the Summer low excursion rates to Atlantic City Saratoga Springs Philadelphia also to the Seashore and Mount ain resorts Rocky Mountain Tours To Colorado Utah Black Hills Cody Sheridan Yellowstone Park Daily low rate tours after June 1 GEORGE S SCOTT Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb Get The Tribune to do your printing CAPT BARRETT PRACTICAL Architect and Builder Kepairing and Remodeling Buildings a Specialty P McCOOK - NEBRASKA A sjliop Ihono521 A irHerliBrfJPri Registered Geadcate Dentist Office over McConnells Drug Strro McCOOK NEB Telephones Office 100 residence I Former location Atlanta G mo n it jMggiLm iijjjjJiEJirjj1i jjjiit H njjrn i in a Stock Certificate of the McCook Building Loan Association No better or safer investment is open to you An investment of 100 per month for 120 months will earn So nearly 9 percent compounded annually Dont delav but the secretary today Subscriptions r e ceived at any time for the new stock just opened SXS5X2XsX5 iff t