Ijf VUWR i I Shirt I Mi Waists Just rcceved a consignment of new and exclusive Shirt Waists including all the new and popular styies and patterns Come and take your choice now while the line is complete Carpets Rugs If you contemplate buying a Rug or Carpet it will he to your advantage if you drop in and take a look over our new arrivals They are in all the latest styles and colorings Their wearing qualities are of the best Prices right Come Other NEW Arrivals Swastika Pins Ladies Collars Neck Ties Belts Shadow Embroidery 11 9 G DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES McCOO y Troop RASKA Opening Performance of C H Taylor Carnival A performance worth your money and time is guar- ik anteed Remember tne opening date Way 20th IS 1 - Merry Go - Round M 1 May 15 The Taylor Steam Merry-Go-Round - I willbeinfflcCook Way 15 Come old 2 j j t a v 1 ana young ana enjoy a gooa lime jtA t Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nebraska April 22 1907 The board of county comniinsioooris mot pur sunut to adjournment present C It Gray V S Lofton cnfiiiiistrfoiinr I H Keixlur attorney ntid E J Wilcox clerk 1 ho minutes of previous meutint wero read nud approved In the- matter of sealed bids on annual con tract for bridges tlio board proceeded to open bids on file and on motion accepted the- bid of the Standard Bridge Company us the lowest and best and contract ordered entered iuto with uaid company The following claims wero audited and allow ed and dork was instructed to draw warrants on the county general fond in payment thereof as follows W C Bullard coal for Unger pauper 12400 CE Huet milk for Ungor pauper a 00 D C Murbh meat for Ungor pauper 915 E B Nelson damages road No 400 2500 C A Rodgers record work 1 2000 It W Deroe fees State ts Bull insane 075 S C Beach same 800 J E Kolley samo a 00 li l lotersousame 4992 G A Foileu painting 2700 Goo Fowler janitor services 4500 J C Moore tolophone 275 W A Middloton plumbing 89b0 Hammond Stephons supplies 4155 Klopp Bartlett same 19455 Stato Journal Co samo 243 F M Kinunell same 440 Li W McConuell same 28 70 ES Byfiold sumo 725 Davis Hcusor sewor connection 10 JO Ben G Gobsard tback commissions R R taxl901 naac Ben G Gostard back commissions R R tax 1903 11231 Ben G Gossard back commissions R K taxl90G 10591 Tho Republican printing 1497 McCook El Ltl Co light for March 945 D n Wutormun viewing road 220 AlBodwell samo 220 S E Ralston same 220 PE Reedor salary 1st quarter 20000 R W Dovoe samo 5000 ChasSkalla same 15000 G TPlumb repairing wheeler 280 C BGray commissioner services 1900 FSLofton same 118O J E Rowlands stand for adder 1500 And on tho county bridge fund lovy of 1900 as follows R A Green lumber 17175 WC Bullard lumber 205 The following official bonds were examined and on motion approved George Wheeler overseer road district No 20 Rao Watkinson overseer road district No 26 L Heudershot over eer road district No 27 On motion board adjourned to meet April 23 1907 Attest E J Wilcox C B Gbay County Clerk Chairman McCook Nebraska April 23 1907 The board of county commissioners met pur suant to adjournment presont S Promer C B Gray and F S Lofton commissioners C E Eldred county attorney and E JWilcox coun ty clerk Minutes of previous read and approv ed llio following resolution was presented and on motion approved Resolution Whereas the bill recently passed congress providing among other things for tho holding of federal court at McCook for the McCook di vision was contingent upon the city or county furnishing a suitable room in which to hold court and light and heat free of expense to tho Uuited States and we deeming such terms of court in our division desirable and beneficial to the people of this county and division Tiioreforo be it Resolved That the district courc room in tuo court Jiouse in McCook to gether with all necessary luiht and fuel is granted to the United States free of charge for the said purpose of holding its terms of court therein until such timo as federal buildings are provided at this point On motion the salary of tho sheriff was fixed at 1200 Petition of Clint H Hamilton et al asking for a public road was read and considered tho board finding that all owners of land along line of proposed road having given consent thereto in writing on motion same was granted estab lishing a county road as follows commencing at the nv cor of the ne quarter of sec 14 tp 2 r 30 w 0 p m running thenco east to the ne cor of tho no quarter of said section thence s to tho sw cor of tho nw quarter of the uw quarter of sec 13 tp 2 r 30 to intersect road No 142 and terminating thereat and clerk was instructed to notify tho overseer of highways to open said road On motion board adjourned to meet May 7 1907 Attest E J Wilcox C B Gray Clork Chairman Real Estate Transfers The following real estate filings haye been made in the county clerks office since our last report William FCumming to Allen E Pen nington agree nw4 sw4 pt ne4 sw4 17-1-26 575000 Lincoln Land Co to Lena Schmid wd ptse4sw4 17-1-26 27500 Edward J Gillespio to Robert C Orr wdnetuw4 20-1-26 22500 G G Weatherwax sngl to Peter II or wd sw4 25-2-28 300000 CouradJEcxard wd to Henry Trout wd7in6 McCook 17000n Earl Barger wf to Delia Greenwd 2 in 12 w McCook 42500 H G Terrill wf to A G Bump wd sw4 ioo H G Terrill wf to A G Bump wd 3 in 22 1st McCook 50000 Clara M Traphagan h to John Lt Traphagan ne4 13-4-30 65000 Lavega Olmstead wf to George F Randel wd n2 ne4 n2 nw4 27-1-29 300000 Hans Stoltenborg to Peter C Vogo wd t Its 5-6-7-8-9 o2 sw4 w2 sol sw4 no4se4se4 500000 Marion Powell wf Martin Nilsson wfto W H Eifert deed 3 in 5 Marion 12500 Joseph S McBrayer to AIox E Rockel 35000 Edward M Cox wf to Harriett T Humphrey wd 4 in 14 2nd McCook 35000 Herman Bohling wf to Levi M Berry man wd w2 6G0000 Robert Baker wf to J R Livings ton qcd sw4 25-4-26 100 Lincoln Land Co to R M Osborn and Elwin Devoe wd 1-2-11-12 in 6 6th McCook SOOOO Ado S Gordes wf to Lusetta L TJtz wdso4ne4nw4 5-2-28 530000 Thos M Lndwig wf to Elwin J wig wdne4 23-1-29 2S0000 Edgar L Means wf to Georgo ridgo wd s2 sw4 ne4 4-3-30 1GSO000 Lincoln Land Co to Evo E Selby wd 3 in 4 2nd McCook 10000 Dona Rose wf to Edward L Grimes wde2ew4 lts67in 6-4-30 170000 Alfred Swanson to Alfred N Swanson etal wd sol 15-2-26 ioe Sophia Sederstrom h to Alfred N Swanson ot al wd 1 6 int se4 15-2-26 41665 Amanda C Neff h to Alfred N Swan son ot al wd 1 6 int set 15-2-36 41665 Ugjrgg0jjg2t f m EftfJ BOX ELDER Mrs Bible is better Mrs Robert Larington visited r taf m and look in the glass you will sec the effect You cant help puckering it makes you pucker to think of tasting it By the use of so called cheap Baking Powders you take this puckering injurious Alum right into your system you injure digestion and ruin your stomach AV1 MMf 10C00 00 Get The Tribune to do your printing INDIAN0LA Herbert Hedges is a home visitor this week Mrs Henry Shouse has returned from her visit to Mascot The latest A eood sized snow storm was our portion Thursday night which will be helpful in absence of rain Don Quigly arrived home from his sojourn abroad last week Mr and Mrs L B Ivorns who have spent the winter in southern Missouri came Home tnis week and will occupy their new place Conrad Miller is nursing an injured foot caused by getting off a moving train Miles son of Mayor Pickett fell from his pony Sunday morning and broke his arm Mrs M Abbott and little daughter went over to the farm this week to re main during the summer with her sis ter Mrs Marion Walters John McClung has been numbered among the sick for the past few dajs Mrs Rose Perree came down from Mc- Uook faaturday morning to be m at tendance at her sisters bedside Miss Anna Smith entertained the members of the Epworth League Tues day evening A few visitors were also present Mrs Snyder of Boulder Colorado who has been the guest of her sister Mrs Conrad Miller left for her home Sunday evening A beautiful little baby girl has came to the home of Mr and Mrs Clark Hedges since our last writing Mrs E Thompson celebrated her birthday Thursday by entertaining a few friends at dinner The dancing club will meet at the hall tomorrow evening and trip tho light fantastic Richard Holcombs new residence in the east part of town is looming up in appearance and will soon be ready for the plasterers Mrs Baxter arrived home this week from Lincoln where she had spent the winter Miss Maggie Streff of this place was married in Denver Colo last week Mrs Ed McConnelsville living north of town died Monday and was buried in the cemetery at this place Tuesday Albert Streff Wilmer Hardesty and Archie Carmichael took in the show at McCook Saturday evening Henry Shouse and Robert Lee went to Beaver Sunday to work at their trade Their first work will be an ad dition to the C H Russell house Indianola is minus a saloon also billiard hall Mrs Bessie Doyle last Saturday Henry Pate shelled corn Tuesday for J K Gordon and W H Stone Lee Doyle who has been attending tho school of agriculture at Lincoln is now at home caring for a case of mumps Their Unceasing Work Keeps Us Strong and Healthy All the blood in the body passes through tho kidneys once every three minutes Tho kidneys filter the blood They work nigH and day When healthy they removo about 500 grains of impure matter daily when unhealthy some parts of this impure matter is left in the blood This brings on many diseases and symptoms pain in the back head ache nervousness hot dry skin rheu matism gout gravel disorders of the eyesight and hearintrdizziuess irregular beart debility drowsiness dropsy de posits in the uriue etc But if you keep tho filters right you will have no trouble with your kidneys Mrs Nellie May of 30S Pennsylvania ave Joplin Mo says know from my own experience that Doans Kidney Pills are a reliable kidney remedv I was bothered for six or eight weeks with a constant dull heavy aching in the small of my bacK I was tired all the time lacked ambition and in the morn ing always felt worse Having reasons to belive these symptoms were caused from the kidneys 1 got a box of Doans Kidney Pills They proved to be the very remedy I required and under the treatment thp backache languor and othpr symptoms disappeared For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y sole agents for the United States Remember tho name Doans and take no other 3EGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP Cures BRONCHITIS McCook Laundry G C HECKMAN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing 1 Keeps Stock I - I in the I I Pink of Condition 1 S i1 KILLS LICE TICKS I I MITES AND FLEAS 1 g CURES MANGE SCAB RING- fl S H WORM AND OTHER SKIN I M DISEASES B B Disinfects Cleanses Purifies 1 Prevents Contanlous DtaeagnR I such as Hog Cholera 1 ffl Distemper Abortion etc w 1 We have booklets describing these S diseases and giving directions for treat- meat Ask for them m n I W mn nnnfi u u wa awwaaitwai w E i6 1 WANTED assss --71-4 - IF WMM jJm Rudolph Carsten wf to Perry Kinni son agree sw4 15-4-27 John Clouse fc wf toAndrow J Craw mer wd45 in 53 Bartley 420000 10000 Elmer Robbins sngl to James H Cur rent wd ii2 sw4 27-4-26 20500 John W McClintick to Everett S Moore wd 11 1213 in 10 Lebanon 24000 Charles A Leach sngl to Samuel F De- long wd 5 w2 6 in 1 so McCook 67500 Jas H Current wf to John S Funk 220000 Isaac M Beeson wf to Elwood D Clark wd 7-3-9 in CI Bartley 100000 Sarah M Lister and Edgar H Lister jD P Tread way wd sYs swli 0Y2 noli sw 3-1-25 300000 Eiiza M Hamilton fc bus to Viola B Hamilton wd mid Yz int in lotG sYi 5 in 2 McCook Franz Zander wf to John SWilliams wd ptneU noH 19-3-30 Edward Fitzgerald wf to Francis E Morrow wd 1Y2 nwJi Yz neH it esw wYz seH 31-2-26 100 100 c0 wMXL I wk iV wyh gm fa mm Im Soyal is made from pure refined Grape Cream of Tartar Costs more tnan Alum but you have the proht oi quality the profit of good health WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO 0 Q H W iilfeFPwPIJi 11 j jMWKgHmrWMjnfr All kinds of laundry help at good wages in modern airy well lighted plants Climate unsurpassed Mountain air and sunshine Address J S SACHS 1211 15th Street Denver Colo DBADJFINCH OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and OPTICIAN Office days Tuesdays Wednes days Thursdays and Saturdays Office in Post Office Bldg - Phono 13 A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance First door south of Foams gallery McCook Nebraska EVERY MAN HiS 0WH HARNESS KAKER Jlend your harness yourself at any time so it will be stronger than sewed or riveted It will never break apaia where mended The cost will be nothing except the price of the buckle 2fic Send postal today for free Catalog tells all about it The Royal Buckle Co Agents wanted OMAHA NEB List Your Property With Us Farms Ranches Etc Our office is in the east and we bring the buyers direct with the money For par ticulars address SHURTLEFF L0WNING HumbnldtNeb E P OSBORX J W WENTZ OSBORN WENTZ Draymen Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL r Herbert J Pratt Registered Gbadcate Dentist Office over McConnells Drug Stora Mccook neb Telephones Office 160 residence 131 Former location Atlanta Georgia Merlin Bros Denowitz of Sioux Cily Iowa have embarked in the r Iron JunkRubberand Hide business in the old Gurney Poultry Cos place on Man chester street Patronage solicited MER WIN BROS DENOWITZ r 1 I if- k