1 M IP t 1 - Z f Jr T tfaseaaers IN A NEW BUILDING a N ew L BffiJB RBk ft STORE 1 WITH A NEW STOCK VMSlPMfWJWvVbUtiV J H WODDELL Up-to-date Live Stock and Eeal Estate - s - s t fel HcCOOK AUCTIONEER Dates Made Anywhere in the State Terms Reasonable NEBRASKA n -- I Seeiii Ills Biilwiiii r i If you will figure with us and quBlity of material is any object you will be easily convincedthat we out class all competition BARNETT Ulfifin HI J St vifttvtfi S3 w wgiiBgsTsinTJftHaMaES Kezszzssssvssssi McCook Laundry a C HECKA1AN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing - Mi Bovlk C E Eldked BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distance llone 44 Sooms 1 end second fioor MCLOO Ner Postofflco Building MMdleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM PITTING All work guaranteed Plione 182 McCook Nebraska JOHN C KELLEY BSTORKEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTE1 McCoo Nehraska ggAgsntof Lincoln Land Co and of McCool V7atar Works Office iu Postoffice building 0U WOULD DO WELL TO SEE j Jo M Rupp for acl kinds of 8rick Work i P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska ft 5T abriaayeaiw fcKa1 vK I n rin I i nHol g 0 J3 I OrtLL iiiUOUUft AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Fairbury Hanchett Windmill This i3 a warranted and guaran teed windmill nothing better in tbe market Write or call on Mr Rail before buvincr -3 PHONE BLACK 307 SCssr 5iXrjSc J V Tsaerfr i iin r i - iii imiiii rrtili i i i ii II iiM iwni m n i n iimn n r miiiii i MJ ploasuro in announc ing to the people of McCook and vicinity that I am now located in tuo new Diamond Block west of the Citizens Bank with a new line of Footwear ex clusively and though my stock is not complete yet at the same time I am ready for business and able to suit you in any kind of a shoe for man woman or child y Come in and see tne Shoe specially adapted for Farmers and Laborir g men f All visitors wel come i A useful souvenir given with each pair of shoes purchas ed J Remember the location on on Deoi on street- west of Citi zens Bauk The New Shoe Store S DIAMOND Prop RED WILLOW Mrs Rinck is seriously ill with heart trouble Miss Gladys MeCool wts helpingMrs Taylor with her sowing last week Mr ai d Mrs Smith and Leon took dinner with Louis Longnecker on Sun day Mr s Taylor and Horace visited at Mr Sheridans on Sunday Wm Meyers and family went over to Bert Helms near Danbury on Sunday The Baker agent is around this week Louis Longnecker is enjoying a new phonograph Owens Longnecker finished shelling corn this week A STUDY IN MILEAGE Almost Every Country Has a Stand ard of Its Own English speaking countries haAre four different miles the ordinary mile of 5280 feet and the geographical or nau tical mile of G0S3 making a differ ence of about one seventh between the two then there is the Scotch mile of 392S feet and the Irish mile of 0720 feet ftmr various miles every one of which is still in use Then almost every country has its own standard mile The Ifomans had their mille passuum 1000 paces which must have been about 3000 feet in length unless we ascribe to Caesars legionaries great stepping capacity The German mile of today is 24313 feet in length more than four and o half times as long as our mile The Dutch the Danes and the Prus sians enjoy a mile that is 184 10 feet long three and a Half times the length of ours and the Swiss get more exer cise in walking one of their miles than we get in walking five miles for their mile is 9153 yards long while ours Ss only 17G0 yards The Italian mile is only a lew feet longer than ours the Roman mile is shorter while the Tus can and the Turkish miles are 150 yards longer The Swedish mile is sis and a half times and the Vienna post mile is four and a half times the length of the English mile Pearsons Weekly Wonderful Monastery At Solovetsk in the Russian govern ment of Archangel is the most remark able monastery in the world The mon astery of Solovetsk is inclosed on ev J ery side by a wall of granite bowlders which measures nearly a mile in cir cumference The monastery itself Is very strongly fortified being support ed by round and square towers about thirty feet in height with walls twenty feet in thickness The monastery con sists in reality of six churches which are completely filled with statues of all kinds and precious stones Upon the walls and the towers surrounding these churches are mounted huge guns which in the time of the Crimean war werejdirected against the British White sea squadron Too Energetic Last Saturday said the fkvt dwell er I went out into the hall and saw a woman on her knees scrubbing the marble very well making it a beauti ful dead white I thought to myself This is a good scrubwoman Ill ask her to scrub my kitchen and clean my windows I did She scrubbed all the paint off the floor of my kitchen and washed the panes of two windows en tirely out I was glad I didnt ask her to wash my face she finished New York Press When Honeymoon EniJa How said the young man who had been in the matrimonial game for nearly a week can I tell when the honeymoon is over It will be over answered the man who had been married three times when your wife stops telling things and begins to ask questions Chicago News Social Danger So long ae we have at the bottom of our social fabric an army of vagabonds hand to mouth livers and slum dwell ers half starred dirty foul mouthed so long are we In Imminent danger And it Is want of work which makes recruits for this army Mirror DANGER IN HIGH SPEEDS Tile Force Developed by Swiftly Movlnff Automobiles Danger to drivers of automobiles prows rapldjy greater with each new burst o speed A correspondent of the Scientific American develops lha theme as follows The danger In ah cases Increase3 as the square of the speed Take three machines of the same make one going five miles an hour one twenty miles an hour and one forty miles an hour The second has stored up in It due to its rapidity of motion sixteen times as much energy as the first and if It leaves the road and runs Into an obstacle such as a tree a stone wall or a ditch it will strike with sixteen times as great force In going around a curve or turning a corner it is sixteen times as likely to upset skid Into the ditch or strip a tire When the power is shut off and the brakes applied it will go sixteen times as far before It can be brought to a stop If it comes upon a pedestrian suddenly the latter will have to exert sixteen times as much energy J to get out of the way In time and if struck will be struck with sixteen times I the force The third machine will be sixty four times as likely to get into trouble in going around a curve as the i first An object going five miles an hour is moving with the same speed as it would have attained in falling ten Inches In moving ten miles an Mar It is going as fast as though it hd fallen three and a half feet T lty miles an hour is generally considered a very conservative speed Now twen ty miles an hour is the same speed that would be obtained were the ma chine to fall thirteen feet through the air thirty miles an hour is equivalent to a fall of thirty feet forty miles an hour to a fall of fifty two feet sixty miles an hour to a fall of 120 feet and 120 miles an hour to a fall of 4S0 feet A person struck by an automobile going twenty five miles an hour re ceives the same jar as though he him self had fallen from a height of twenty one feet or say from a second story window by one going forty miles an hour as though he had fallen fifty two feet or say from the top of a lofty tree by one going 120 miles an hour as though he himself had fallen from the top of the Washington monument BUYING VOTES When British Electors Got Golden Newh From the Moon Votes have been purchased shame lessly and on a huge scale in British elections An arrangement was once made in the borough of Wendover by which two candidates were to be elect ed after a distribution of 0000 30 000 among the voters The account reads This being settled a gentleman was employed to go down when he was met according to previous ap pointment by the electors about a mile from the town The electors asked the stranger where he came from He replied From the moon They then asked What news from the moon He answered that he had brought from thence C000 to be distributed among them The electors being thus satis fied with the golden news from the moon chose the candidates and receiv ed their reward At Hindon a man dressed fantastic ally as the dancing Punch called at the houses of the voters and left behind him sums of 5 to 10 guineas 25 to S50 Another device was to collect the citizens at the inns and hand them their reward through a hole in the door For these offenses the house of commons passed a resolution that Hin don should be disfranchised but so lax were the morals of the time the close of the eighteenth century that the res olution was never acted upon Again in 1S59 the man in the moon turned up in Wakefield He went about openly distributing money and did not appear to be iu the least ashamed of his occupation At Dub lin in 1S0S a hole in the wall served the purpose of a distributing center for five pound notes while at Shaftes bury an alderman paid through a hole in the door of his office a sum of 20 guineas S100 to each elector Chicago News Harlem In Jfew York In 1G36 there was a settlement at the foot of a little hill on Manhattan Island which the settlers called Slang Berge or Snake Hill but which is now called Mount Morris As the set tlement grew each Dutchman who liv ed there wanted to name it after his native town But as each one had come from a different place in Holland they could not agree Governor Stuy vesant made careful inquiries and finding that no one had come from Haarlem he nipped all neighborly jeal ousies in the bud by naming it Nieuw Haarlem Care of the Dog Dogs vary greatly in their appetites and occasionally we find a dainty feed er wiio will nose over a mixed dish of food picking out a bit here and there and showing but little relish for what he does eat This Is an evident sign that something is wrong Changing his teeth if a puppy thus disturbing his system may be the cause and in this case a little cooling medicine should be given The Worst Part A professor of Trinity college Dub lin overhearing an undergraduate mak ing use of profane language rushed at him frantically exclaiming Are you aware sir that you are Imperiling your Immortal soul and what Is worse Incurring a fine of 5 shillings Proof Edie Were you taken by surprise when he proposed dear Ella Good ness yes Why I hadnt even looked up his financial standing Ally Sloper igMH mma jtummwimv rajtfe3tfi5gi wwi j r j i aa WMMMillBMMiMMMaMMMMM11 IT In England and France the Sale of Alum Baking Powder is pro- hibited by law because oi Uie mm - M t io fkrfc tVmr fnllnw its use MsM V m j - ssraBa Tn W n h nictrJ of v vm Vf L3 Ii Columbia also prohibits Alum kg uwf y tfn food VTrwrrF ilk product Aids YSSw mssssmsss miiKT L LJ11LII iL tJTJCT INDIAN0LA Old Winter still lingers in the lap of Spring H W Keyes went to Denver Friday night Calvin Rollins took a trip to Fairbury the first of the week- This part of Nebraska was visited by a snow storm last Wednesday night Charles Junker returned homo from Cheyenne Thursday morning Mr Hamilton of Fairbury was lndian ola visitor a day or so last week Mrs Bena Kessler and Miss Ida Don nelly left Wednesday night for Chey enne Wyo Newton Smith and John Rozell were McCook visitors Monday Mrs Conrad Miller and children at tended the Advontist church iu Bartloy Saturday last Miss Anna Smith and Master Bennie visited relatives in McCook from Satur urday until Monday morning Misses Ruby and Jennie Rozell drove to McUook Monday to do some shop ping Miss Maggie Streff went to Denver Saturday night to visit a few days with her sister Rose Miss Flora Quick went to Lincoln Friday night Thomas Taylors little boy died in Friend a few days ago and the body was brought to this city for burial The child died from the effects of measles Miss Lavina Rollings of Lincoln is in Indianola the guest of her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs James Barber Quite a delegation went from this place to McCook to attend the lodge do ings A N Puckett and granddaughter Ro zella Wolfe went to Bartley Monday morning to visit relatives Mrs Ada Puckett and children visit ed in McCook last Sunday and Monday Elmer Thompson returned this week from Texas where he went some time ago on a tour of inspection Roger Browns new house is nearing completion It will be a neat little home when finished R F D NO 1 Mrs J I Lee and little son Rose land spent several days last week visit ing the Mcpougal family near Haigler and Master Roseland walked over into Colorado and Kansas Mr and Mrs Jim Lyons of Trenton spent Thursday and Friday of last week visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs J I Lee Mr and Mrs Bickerstaff are rejoic ing over the arrival of a fine boy at their home on the 26th Mrs J I Lee and Miss Ida Groves drove over on the Red Willow last Sun day to visit Mrs ChasRinch and called to see Mother Rinch who is very sick James I Lee is making his annual visit to his parents and his brother Joe who lives near Sterling Col A wedding is prodicted for the near future on the route Gottlieb Leibbrandt went down to Bartley Tuesday to do carpenter work Mousel Bros the big Cambridge fine stock men were Shadeand Park uestsyesterday Walter Esch is improving Beulah Evertson is sick The corn shellers were at Hari Mey ers Wednesday BANKSVILLE Mr Toe of Hendley has been looking after his land here this week Tnhn H Wesch had business in trict court at McCook last week Miss Mary Ricbman closed a suc cessful turin of school in district 51 Friday last The pupils were given a souvenirs and an orange treat The Banksville first nine played Dodge nine last Friday afternoon latter winning in a score of 25 to 3 Thav hnrJ nn eniovable dance the the at W HHartmans last Saturday even ing frnm m mjmmm cLiuJ Sso Vlt2ti Lildtm J m j I H A11 HJJ WBM WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO tlai m Their Unceasing- Work Keeps Us Strong and Healthy All the blood in the body passes through the kidneys once every three minutes The kidneys filter the blood Ttiey work nigH and day When healthy the remove about 500 grains of impure matter daily when unhealthy some parts of this impure matter is left in the bhod This brings ou many diseases and symptoms pain in the back head ache nervousness hot dry skin rheu mnti5in gout gravel di orders of the eyesight and hearinrdizziuess irregular heart dpbility drowsiness dropsy de posits in the urine etc But if you keep the filters right you will have no trouble with your kidnejs Mrs NellieMay of 308 Pennsylvania avp Joplin Mo says I know from mv own experience that Doans Kidney Pils are a reliable kidney remedy I was bothered for six or eight weeks with a constant dull heavy aching in che small of my hacK I was tired all tho time lacked ambition and in the morn ncr always felt worse Having reasons to helieve thep symptoms were caused from the kidneys I got a box of Doans Kidney Pills They proved to be tho verv remedy I required and under the trpjjfment the backnche languor and o her sympt6mdi5app ared For sale by all dealprs Price 50 rents Foster Milhurn Co Ruffalo N Y oIe ajrents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other BOX ELDER Mrs L A Bible is very sick Mrs C F Hoar visited Mrs G A Shields Monday Last Friday was W A Stones birth day and Mrs Stone invited a number of their friends in the evening to help him celebrate the event She had prepared a nice supper to which all did ample justice A very pleasant and en joyable time is reported Office supplies at the Tribune office ncyBjMIBi I llll I I tSBtSjjf lilIWIHrrg f tn n H Keeps Stock in the Pink of Condition KILLS LICE TICKS MITES AND FLEAS CURES MANGE SCAB RING WORM AND OTHER SKIN DISEASES Disinfects Cleanses Purifies Prevents Contagious Diseases such as Hog Cholera Distemper Abortion etc We have booklets describing these diseases and giving directions for treat ment Ask for them EJ L W McConnel n M t3 1 IS B 16 i UMK Vr1flPKlM AKJJLSJ iPysi Jaffa akayvv ti x v vs jiVTl ijf i -d j mmmmm VFy v i sii tef f r 4 Wi ou may ve vkere as yet yu iavc 7- prelection against Alun fej The only sure protection against Alum ia your Baking Powder is 1 Wm fm m Efc2 A 7 I ROYAL is made W - L L iKWaO VWf7VVi WQff v w y i iamtmnwi - jrs T - iil Mw in filL Jm Mv - m -- m 11 H I uirir ai i from Absolutely pure Cream of 7tar - I digestion -add lo Use ncaitniUinecs Tr l C r - v i i WANTED All kinds of laundry holpj at good wages in modorn airy well lighted plauts Climate unsurpassed Mountain air and sunshine Address J S SACHS 1211 15th Street Denver Colo Dk a d finch OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and OPTICIAN Ofiice days Tuesdays Wednes days Thursdays and Saturdays Office in Post Office BIdg - Phone13 A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance First door south of Fearns gallery McCook Nebraska EVERY MAN HIS GW3 HRKESS KKER Mend your harness yourself at any time so it will be stronger than sewed or riveted It will never break aain where mended The cost will be nothing eycept tho price of the buckle 2C Send postal today for free Catalog tells al about it The Royal Buckle Co Agents wanted OMAHA NEB List Your Property With Us Farms Ranches Etc Our office is in the east and we bring the buyers direct with the money For par ticulars address SHURTLEFF DOWNING HumboldtNeb E F OSBORN J W WENTZ OSBOM WENTZ Draymen Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL rbartJPra Registered Geadcate entist Office over if cConnells Drue Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Ofiice 160 residence 131 rormer location Atlanta Georgia Merlin Bros Denowitz of Sioux City Iowa bave embarked in the IronJunkRubberand Hide business in the old Gurnev Poultry Cos place on Man chester street Patronage solicited MERWIN BROS DENOWITZ - f Si f A f