The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 03, 1907, Image 7

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    t K
Will Make Another Dash for Pole
Leave of absence for three years has been granted Commander R E
Peary U S N by the Navy department In order to resume his attempt to
find the North pole The dash will be made in the summer of 1908
Value of Product Proved by Late Gov
ernor Hogg Northern Investors
Enter Field and Begin Plant
ing of Orchards
Austin Tex Texas has at last
come to a realization of the pecans
importance as a revenue producer
and the tree that once fell indiscrim
inately before the thoughtless wood
mans axe is now carefully protected
More than 2000000 worth of these
unimportant looking little nuts were
shipped out of Texas during the year
1906 and there now are nurserymen
in Texas who devote themselves ex
clusively to pecan propagation
Texas is the chief pecan state of
the union although the tree llounslies
in many other southern states even
as far north as the southern part of
Indiana and the Egypt district of Illi
nois and the culture is spreading
year by year
There was a time not so very long
ago when all pecan trees were of the
wild variety but the enterprising nur
seryman has brought about a marked
improvement and statistics now show
that Texas has 358955 artificially
planted trees while the number of
wild ones in bearing condition is esti
mated at nearly a million
The late Gov James S Hogg of
Texas was among the first to appre
ciate the commercial value of the
pecan and on his plantation near the
historic old town of Columbia there
stands a large and select pecan grove
as a monument to his planting
It is also a matter of official record
in Texas that in his dying moments
Gov Hogg directed his law partner
Frank Jones of Houston to see that
his funeral was marked by simplicity
and that his sou William and his
daughter Miss Ima be requested to
plant as early as possible a pecan
tree at the head of his grave and an
other at the foot and that when these
trees reach a bearing state their
product be distributed so far as they
will go among the plain people of
Texas to be used as seed in spreading
pecan culture
It is the rule rather than the ex
by an exhibition ship which is to be
fitted out with a view to gaining new
outlets for French commerce The
vessel is to be arranged as a floating
exhibition of products suitable for ex
port and French manufacturers and
merchants will be enabled to exhibit
their goods and samples on payment
of moderate charges A number of
salesmen partly drawn from pupils
of the commercial schools speaking
at least two languages will he car
ried these being under the superin
tendence of experienced commercial
travelers In order to stimulate their
ception for an ordinary pecan tree to
bear from three to Ave barrels ofj
nuts henco it can bo calculated at a
glance that in the course of time an
immense quantity of pecan forestry
will result from the two trees that
stand as sentinels over Gov Hoggs
grave In the Austin cemetery
As soon aB practicable after the fu
neral the trees of the most Improved
variety obtainable were planted in
accordance with the dying governors
request and their growth thus far
has been entirely satisfactory
Nuts grown from wild pecan trees
sell for about five cents per pound
while the cultivated nut brings from
20 cents to 50 cents per pound The
trees are long lived and it Is no un
usual for a ten or 12 year old tree
to produce a crop worth from 60 to
100 The average however is some
what below that figure hut 25 or 30
trees find ample room upon an acre
of ground thus making pecan raising
a highly profitable industry fi
Pecan growing has now reached the
dignity of classification as a horticul
tural pursuit and many northern in-
vestors appreciating the great profit
that is possible are forming
cates to plant and operate large com
mercial orchards
Since the nurseryman has taken
hold of the pecan numerous varieties
are springing up each vying with the
other in the matter of early produc
tion The besUthat has ever yet been
reached Is a tree warranted to bear
fruit in four years from date of plant
ing while others of the improved va
rieties require all the way from five
to seven years The wild tree is
much slower
Hardiness is one of the chief char
acteristics of the pecan tree It be
longs to the hickory family and grows
to a larse size Almost any kind of
j soil satisfies the pecan sapling no dif-
ference whether it be along the river
or along the high plains Its roots
J penetrate deep into the ground and it
thus at once becomes able to with
stand the severest drought Owr
to its size and spreading branches the
pecan tree serves well for shade and
in many of the towns and cities of
Texas pecans are being planted for
the dual purpose of ornament and
Experts who have indulged in vari
ous tests assert that the pecan pos
sesses a nutritive value of great
merit and is more easily digestible
than most of nuts
Remarkable Operation Perfcrrred en
Boy to Save Arm
k VT Cnironnc t Qt dm
i INtiW iuirv ouisuun ui o
orys hospital performed an operation
on a six-year-old Italian boy Peter
Lepari of Brooklyn by which they re
placed a portion of a necrotic bone of
the left forearm with a substance
known as bone wax which the sur
geons say will turn into bone
When the boy was brought to the
hospital it was found that he was suf
fering from a tubercular bone in the
forearm Decomposition had set in
and to prevent loss of the use of the
arm and the complete removal of the
bone it was decided to bring the
bone wax into use An X ray view
will be taken daily to watch the
lirnsress of healing
Bone wax was - discovered by a
German chemist ten years ago and
has been used in Vienna
Effort to Be Made to Cultivate a Taste
For It
Washington Uncle Sam is about
to make a systematic effort to culti
vate a taste for Porto Rican coffee
among the people of the United States
Persons who claim to be authorities in
coffee matters declare that the bean
grown in Porto Rico furnishes the
richest and at the same time most de
licious coffee that can be made Yet
for some reason or other there is very
little market for the product in this
The government will undertake to
boil Porto Rico coffee and give it away
in order that the people may become
acquainted with its delightful quali
ties Tswill be done at the coming
JamesU xposition where a special
booth w - fitted up to dispense cups
of Portu wcan coffee Pretty dark
eved girls from that tropical island
attired in neat and attractive native
costumes will serve the coffee and
the government will pay the bill
This exhibit will be somewhat simi
lar to the famous corn kitchen which
the government maintained at St
Louis in order to exploit the possibili
ties of this cereal
Professor Burns Cross on Forehead
to Attest His Sincerity
Des Moines As a mark of sinceri
ty in his belief Dr Paul Bittix until
recently professor of Greek in Central
Holiness university at Oskaloosa has
burned a cross an inch and one half
long and three quarters of an inch
wide on his forehead
The tortures which the flaggel
lanteB of the middle ages inflicted on
themselves the sufferings of the old
crusaders whom Bittix would imitate
in a large degree can have been no
endured without
worse than the agony
out a sign of suffering by the ousted
professor as the acid ate into the liv
ing flesh Moreover this says Bit
tix is hut the beginning All his fol
lowers In the new crusade must mark
themselves as he has done with the
sign ot the cross
Bittix was discharged as a result of
bis self mutilation
New Project for Crossing English Channel
-- -----
The plans for the projected subway under the English channel comprise
a scheme for an unfamiliar kind of passenger car As shown in the accom
panying photograph these cars are planned to hold only two passengers each
To Hold a Floating Exhibition
France to Make Bold Bid for Trade in
Washington France the land of
surprises is about to make an enter
prising innovation through her mer
chants to secure more trade with
Mediterranean ports The plan is to
hold a- floating exhibition of French
According to Levantine newspa
pers writes Consul General Gabriel
B Ravndal from Beirut Mediterran
ean ports are shortly to be visited
zeal all these employes will be pac
on commission and the widest pess
ble publicity is to be given to the o
pected arrival at the ports at xz
the vessel is intended to call A
each place the salesmen will preser
their samples to the various bu -and
transmit the orders they may oi
tain to the head office which will sec
them carried out A series of re
ceptions and fetes are to be held o
oard with a view of attracting cus
Real Thriller
Gunner entering circus What
the deuce is all that din Are we -
the animal tent
Guyer No we are about to see Ihr
great thriller for 1907
Gunner Indeed Is it the leapin
automobile or the failing airship
Guyer Neither They are tame r
comparison Over in that big whtt
pit which is constructed to represen
a court room you will soon see 1
wild and untamed insanity experts
wrangling with each other over brrn
An Honest Answer to These Will
Keep the Trade with the
Home Merchant Every
Copyrighted 1906 by Alfred C Clark
When the thrifty person or his wife
sits down for the first time or any
time with the mail order catalogue
and its temptations there are two
and only two points to be taken into
One of these i3 moral obligation
and the chanees are that that will be
dismissed as sentimental nonsense
The other Is Will it pay and to
that the thrifty person will be in
clined to interpret an answer from the
prices quoted in black faced figures in
the catalogue
Neither of these questions should
be lightly dismissed Moral obliga
tion is not sentimental nonsense and
black faced figures sometimes He
The duty a man owes to his own
community and his obligation to trade
at home are so often reiterated in the
country press that possibly like some
of the preaching it has a tendency
to harden the hearts of the sinners
What has your neighboring town
household and that among the duties
to his family and to the heirs of his
estate is that of practicing judicious
economy buying where he can buy
the cheapest and to the best advan
tage And this brings us to the sec
ond point In the argument the para
mount question In this commercial
age Will it pay
By most people an affirmative an
swer to that question is accepted as
the call of duty As a matter of fact
Will it pay is a good test to apply
to any project or proposition There
are commercial as well as political
demagogues and the man who Is ap
pealed to on the score of patriotism
or profit duty or dollars can scarcely
do better than to sit down by himself
and submit that question Will it
pay to his own best judgment
Provided always that he goes to the
very bottom of it
What are the relative advantages of
buying at tho local store and ordering
from a catalogue house Advantages
understand that figure In the ques
tion Will it pay Dont get away
from that question It certainly Is
very comfortable to sit down by your
own fireside and select a dress pattern
or a sulky plow from a printed des
cription and a picture of the article
much more comfortable In fact than
hitching up and driving to town on a
raw day
A consideration more important
perhaps is that the printed price in
the catalogue seems in some cases at
least to be lower than the price
quoted at the local store Isnt that
conclusive Lets see The catalogue
describes the goods and quotes a
The fire of publicity is the medium the mail order houses are using to
destroy this community i is up to you Mr Merchant to fight the devil
with fire By the aid of the local press you can hold him over the scorching
flames and put a stop to his devastating competition so far as this com
munity is concerned Will you not assist in the good fight
given you Mr Farmer A market for
your produce What has made 25 to
50 per cent of the present value of
your farm The accessibility of a
market You know what your grand
father did on that same farm Drove
his hogs and hauled his grain 30 50
maybe 75 miles to the nearest market
town and received prices for them
that would make you howl about the
trusts And he hauled back the fam
ily supplies for which he paid what
you would consider monopolistic
prices Do you happen to know what
the old farm was worth then Well
It lacked a good deal of being 75 or
100 an acre
Yes the home town with its handy
market has advanced the value of
your property and made you worth
several thousand dollars more than
your -grandfather was worth The
home town affords schooling for your
children and perhaps social and
church privileges which your family
would not otherwise enjoy The rural
mail routes and telephone systems
radiating from the home town as
spokes from a hub bring to your
home the greatest conveniences of
modern times
Have you ever noticed that the first
thing the settlers of a newly opened
reservation do is to send for a wagon
load of mail order catalogues Well I
havent They lay out a town site
every six or eight miles start two or
three general stores build a school
house a church a blacksmith shop a
grain elevator petition the depart
ment for a post office and start a
newspaper They know from former
experience that with these things
close by life will be endurable what
ever hardships may come They know
also that without them they must live
lives of isolation and endure an exist
ence that is contrary to all natural
human Instincts
On the other hand it goes without
saying that the average country town
cannot exist without the support of
Its tributary territory Then if that
town affords the advantages for the
rural citizen that have been enumerat
ed there exists what we may call an
interdependence and a moral obliga
tion between the two Are you Mr
Thrifty Farmer living up to that ob
ligation when you do your trading
with the mail order house
To this line of argument the farmer
may answer that his greatest obliga
tion his firstduty is to his immediate
price maybe it gives a picture of the
article also but you dont see the
goods The local merchant shows you
the goods you may examine them
critically he may allow you to test
them or to call in an expert to advise
you Is it fair to conclude that the
catalogue article is the cheaper just
because the price is lower
An element that must enter into the
comparison of goods and prices is
that in any attempt to fool the cus
tomer the local merchant is decided
ly at a disadvantage He must show
the goods not merely describe them
His business depends wholly upon the
limited trading area of his town and
his ability to inspire confidence within
that circle He cannot afford to make
a practice of misrepresenting his
The mail order house is not so tied
down to the maxim that Honesty is
the best policy It has no neighbors
no fellow citizens no mutual interests
with its patrons Its trade area is
wide and always shifting Naturally
these conditions do not demand extra
ordinary vigilance in supplying honest-made
goods And where Vigilance
is not a needed employe in the busi
ness he is generally taken off the pay
roll which makes a saving in expense
as well as in the cost of the goods If
lower prices are quoted by the cata
logue house may not this account for
Will it pay Is it a matter of
economy to buy inferior and damaged
goods when the same money or even
a little more will pay for goods of the
best quality Wliich course does a
mans first duty to his own household
But to get at the bottom of that
question we must consider the far
reaching general effect of mail order
trading If single catalogue houses
are to be capitalized at 40000000
they must be reckoned with along
with Standard Oil the beef trust and
railroad mergers If they are allowed
to suck the blod from our country
towns your grandchildren will find
conditions much the same as those of
your grandfathers time Their mar
kets will be 30 50 or 75 miles away
The towns and villages will be de
serted and the hubs will be too dis
tant to send the radiating spokes of
rural mail telephone lines and other
modern conveniences far into the
Premiers Ticket Aided Murder
A Russian journal tells tho story of
bow tho murderer of Gen Lunnltz
prefect of St Petersburg obtained ad
mission to the semi official party at
which tho deed was committed After
tho crlmo oil the guests woro detained
and their tickets were examined
Thero was ono ticket tho rlgthful
owner of which was not present It
was no other than that of Premier
Stolypln himself Tho murder had
been committed under cover of tho In
vitation ticket of no less a porsouago
than the prlmo minister Tho premier
had not been able to go and his ticket
fell Into tho hands of a member of
tho secret police named Nakolono Ho
resold It o the revolutionists for 1G
Most Difficult of Artists Studies
B W Leader R A considers that
to an artist clouds are tho most diffi
cult of all studies
The Pills Have Cured tho DIseaso In
Almost Every Form and Even in
Advanced Stages
Rheumatism is a painful inflamma
tion of tho muscles or of tho coverings
of the joints and is sometimes accom
panied by swelling Tho pain is sharp
and shooting and does not confiuo itself
to any one part of tho body but after
settling in ono joint or musclo for a
time leaves it and passes on to another
The most dangerous tendency of tho
disease is to attack tho heart External
applications may give relief from paiu
for a time but tho disease cannot bo
cured until tho blood is purified Dr
Williams Pink Pills are tho best medi
cine for this purpose as their action is
directly on tho blood making it rich
red and healthy When tho blood is
pure thero can bo no rheumatism
Mrs Ellen A Russell of South Goff
St Auburn Me says I had been
sick for fifteen years from impure blood
brought on by overwork My 1 leart was
weak and my hands colorless I was
troubled with indigestion and vomiting
spells which canio on every few months
I liad no appetite aud used to havo awful
fainting spells falling dovfji when at
my work I frequently felt numb all
over My head ached continuously for
fivo years
About two years ago I began to feel
rheumatism in my joints wliich became
so Lime I could hardly walk My joints
were swollen and pained mo terribly
Dr Williams Pink Pills were rec
ommended to mo by a friend after I had
failed to get well from tho doctors
treatment When I began taking tho
pills tho rheumatism was at its worst
I liad taken only a lew boxes when tho
headaches stopped and not loug after
ward I felt tho pain in my joints be
coming less and less until thero was
none at all The stiffness was gone and
I have never had any return of tho rheu
Dr Williams Pink Pills havo cured
such diseases as nervous and geuerai
debility indigestion nervous headache
neuralgia and even partial paralysis aud
locomotor ataxia As a touic for tho
blood and nerves they are unequalled
A pamplilet on Diseases of tho
Blood and a copy of our diet book will
bo sent free on request to anyone inter
Dr Williams Pink Pills are sold by
all druggists or sent postpaid on re
ceipt of price 50 cents per box six boxes
for 250 by the Dr Williams Medicine
Company Schenectady N Y
The testimony of thon
sand1 dunnir the pas
yeans that tlie Canadian
Went is the best Went
Year by year the axn
cuitiirai returns hare In
creased in volume and In
value and mill thcCina
dlan Government otTen
ltO acres FKKK to
every bona Hdo settler
Some of the Advantages
Tho phenomenal Increase In railway mlleace
main lines and branches has putalmostevery por
tion of the country within easy reach of cnnrcne
schools markets cheap fuel and every modern
of this year means JOJCUOUXJ to the farmers of
Western Canada apart from the results of other
grains and cattle
For advice and Information address tho SOPER
or any authorized Government A cent
W V BENNETT 801 New York Life Building
Omaha Nebraska
ilGK 13
Positively cured by
tnese Little Pills
They also relieve Dis
tress Ir oa Dyspepsia In
digestion and Too Hearty
Eating A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness Nausea
DrotrsInes3 Bad Taste
In the llouth Coated
Tongue Pain In the Side
regulate the Bowels Purely Vegetable
Genuine Must Bear
Fac Simile Signature
tr nxtocuy
its columns shoild insist upon havirij
what tney ask tor refusinz all substi
tutes cr mutations
- -
For Steel and Wood Frames C5 acd
np v nio us oi re yon ouj
v c save yun muctv aihj
Primes and Wind Mills
- ULttJllN UUI1S UIoI Is
ounces to
the packaso
other urcb only 12 ounce ae price and
iSw22t TfcQnpsii8 Eye Water