l vs T- H ajisaciaggssasasassaaaffisssssigi MONEY II T 4m fee iisw 1 falT IWVFCTFril in a Stock Certificate of the 1 McCook I 2 j S Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTEED McCook Neb F D BURGESS Stifim Fittflr CTiigsgaafgav Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment o the Postoffice Building hlcCOOK NEBRASKA yyjBVSESXVSSBSSSVVSSBSSrv The best of every thing iii his line at the most reasonable prices is Harshs motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it D u iilMjfi The Butcher Phone 12 No bettor or safer investment is open to you An investment of ioo per month for 120 months will earn 8o nearly 9 percent comppunded annually Dont delay but see the secretary today Subscriptions r e ceived at any time for the new stock just Building Loan i ened Association Special to California o UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES S100 per year H P SUTTON McCOOR 5X5 The Thrifty Man makes the best and mo3t of what he has is just as well as gener ous hospitable without being extravagant lives within his income and makes provision against the proverbial rainy day In this big prosperous country the average man is not so thrifty as he should bo ho or his family want to make more of a show of their income than iB really just to themselves they fail to realize the necessity of providing for the future A check account at this bank will make it easier for you to give proper care to your income will show you where you can cut off un necessary expense and will help you to accumulate something for the rainy days THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK McCook Nebr THE TRIB TJNE Office for Office Supplies FAY HOSTETTER TEACHER ON PIANO McCook Nebraska Studio upstairs in new Rishel building south of Post Office JOB HIGHT CONTRACTOR and BUILDER JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA brfV GAPT BARRETT PRACTICAL Architect and Builder Repairing and Remodeling Buildings a Specialty MeCOOK - NEBRASKA Shop Phone 324 z fcS CBBMaMMWWWMMl ewere Low rate Summer tours to San Francisco and Log Angeles about half rates until May 18th also June 8th to loth June 22nd to July 5th Slightly higher daily commencing June 1 small extra cost via Portland and Seattle Big Horn Basin We run personally conducted homeseekers excursiong May 7 and 21 June 4 and 18 under guidance of D Cleni DeaverGen eral Agent Land Seekers Infor mation Bureau to assist settlers to secure an early hold at cheap est rates of magnificent irrigated lands in the Big Horn Basinvrite about these lands Round trip 820 To Jamestown Exposition daily Cheap Rates East low rates via New York slightly higher During the Summer low excursion rates to Atlantic City Saratoga Springs Philadelphia also to the Seashore and Mount ain resorts Rocky Mountain Tours To Colorado Utah Black Hills Cody Sheridan Yellowstone Park Daily low rate tours after June 1 - GEORGE S SCOTT Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaa Hcb WM Time Card g mm MrCrtnte Neh iLi Afwwwasy - - rTTi MAIN IilNB KA8T DKUtBT So 0 Central Time 11 2 A A n 12 8iO a to 14 J53 1 M No 1 3 5 ia MAIN LINE WEST ninABT MouutaiuTinu IMPERIAL LINE No 170 arrives Mountain Tiino Nh 175Hpiirte Sleeping dming and recJinuiK 12rfX5 v 1125 P 8 P Ir7 A 510 p M GJ A M chair cur rwnN frwl nti f lirmiLrli trains Ticket Sold and baKKaco checked to any point iu the United States or Canada For Information tinio tables maps and tick ets call on or write QeorKe Scott Agent Mc Cook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General PaBSenger Agent Omaha Nebraska No 6 Ditched Friday Night A misplaced switch last Friday night resulted in the ditching of passenger trnin Nn fi at n switfih in thn west end of the McCook yard between McFarland and Manchester streets INo trainmen or passengers were injured to a degree worth mentioning Engine 2809 En gineer WD Burnett and Fireman JW Bartholoma turned over on her right side but both escaped injury although Bartholoma was thrown out and across two or three tracks The tank and postal car wero derailed and slightly damaged But tho rest of the train was in a couple of hours placed in a condi tion to contiuue on its way east Con ductor Joseph Hegenberger had the train in charge with Bruce Berry as brakeman Supt Young Trainmasters Weiden hamer and McKenca Charles Emerson and his wrecking crew picked up the wreck Saturday and the yard was soon cleared for usual traffic It was a marvelously fortunate wreck Switchman J E OConnor by mistake partjally threw the switch right in front of the approaching train thinking it was set for the side track when it was already lined up for the mam track G D Harris has gone to Denver to work John Dunbar is a new member of the store house force Machinist J Paver has been transfer red here from Akron Engine 2309 went ii to Ilavelock yes terday for an overhauling Rnmnn 10 rpftivpd stank valve and other light repairs this week Mrs J S Miller went down to Hold rege on a visit Tuesday a m Master Mechanic Culberson is at tending an official meeting in Chicago Conductor II A Beala was over from the Orleans StFrancis line part of the week i Engineer W fl Dungan is entertain- j ing his mother from Hastings lor a ween or two K F Henderson machinist appren tice went up to Denver on 13 today on a 3isit Engin 132 was put through the process Tuesday after an over hauling i The annual freight tonnage of Amer ica is almost three times that of all Europe combined Another party of Russian laborers passed over the Burlington Tuesday for Longmont Colo Dispatcher T B Campbell departed on Wednesday night for Pennsylvania on a visit to relatives Agent Scott announces that no freight will be received or delivered after five oclock in tho afternoon J C Parker helperhas resigned from the blacksmith force and O A John son is a new helper this week The big steel tank of the companys new independent water system is going up rapidly near the round house Dismtcher II D Stewart has com menced the erection of his new home on the corner formerly occupied by A Ebert Emerson Hanson of the claims depart ment went np to Denver Tuesday night on department business Mrs Hanson accompanied him Some repairs were being made on one of the boilers yesterday and this with tho poor coal made steam making diffi cult and power in the shops unsteady Foreman Ralph Haggard of the Ox ford roundhouse has resigned and cone to Lima Ohio where he has been givn a position on an electric road the To ledo Lima Engineer Jay H Snyder is in Denver for another operation which it is hoped may relieve him from the serious re sults of his severe accident at Red Wil low of months since All wish it may be entirely successful By the new schedule the machini s boilermakers and blacksmiths will et 38 cents an hour at McCook They formerly received 37c They also re ceived more important concessions in the matter of conditions The supreme court of Pennsylvania has ruled against Robert G Green in his suit against the Burlington railway company Green sued for 8100000 dam age for injuries received in the Brush wreck of September 1905 The court denied jurisdiction Brakeman William H Jagger and Miss Stella M Stover were unitPil in marriage Wednesday evening April 24 at the home of the bride in Edgar Ne braska by Reb E L Barch of the Alethodist church Miss Cora Tulleys of Red Cloud was bridesmaid and Brakeman Roy J Weidenhamer of Mc Cook groomsman The Moffat road building from Den ver to Salt Lake City has just issued the finest advertising literature ever produced by a railroad company It consists of a handsomely illustrated folder depicting mountain scenery along their world famous one day scenic trip and a set of 10 souvenir postal cards printed in four colors showing addition al scenic gems along the railway The folder is mailed free upon application and a set of 10 postal cards upon re ceipt of 10c in stamps to defray ex penses by the traffic department of the Moffat road Denver Colorado This literature is of great interest to those who contemplate a trip to Colorado this Summer and to those who cannot enjoy a personal trip it is a most 1 tic substitute i tmmmKmmiwiumtmw IN THE WHEELHOUSE U 1h Tlivrc Tlmt All the Force tit n Great VomnoI Are Directed On entering the wlieelliousc of no oocun lluer n landsman Is likely to bo awed by the group of Instruments and masses of complicated machinery on every hand Your eye will first be caught by the wheel or wheels for of ten there are two or more of themroue directly in line with the other Tho first of these Is an insignificant look ing affair perhaps a foot or so In diam eter which seems out of all proportion to the work It must accomplish Di rectly In front of it stands the ships compass while back of it are massed many complicated wheels nud levers which transform the slightest motion of the wheel Into the great force which guides the ship All the great steamers are steered nowadays by the aid of steam or elec tricity In the old days half a dozen men at times would struggle with the wheel in high seas and sailors have been killed by the rapid revolving of the projecting spoke handles The modern steering gear makes it possi ble to guide these great ships with the slightest pressure The rudder weigh ing many tons is perhaps 500 feet astern yet with a touch of the polish ed wheel the great 700 foot ship will swing from side to side with almost the delicacy of a compass needle The wheel that the steersman operates merely governs the steering engine which in turn moves the great rud der The most astonishing thing about the bridge is to find the wheelhouse with all its curtains tightly drawn as often happens and the man at the helm steering the boat without see ing ahead at all At night or even by day If the light of the binnacle is con fusing the wheelhouse is often com pletely shut in The man at the wheel it is explained does not need to look aheatj The lookout high up in the crows nest and the officer on watch on the bridge will keep him Informed if any object is sighted The duty of the man at the wheel is to keep the ship on her course Throughout his watch of four hours he must keep his eyes on the compass and nowhere else On one side of the wheelhouse are posted the sailing directions which give the wheelsman explicit orders The course to be followed for the day is placed in a neat little rack called the compass control It suggests the rack in church at the side of the pul pit which announces the number of the hymns and psalms for the days service1 The compass control will an nounce for instance N 7 8 W or some such formula The wheelsman glances at this as he takes his watch at the wheel and holds the great ship exactly on this course until he is re lieved Francis Arnold Collins in St Nicholas IDEAS OF HEAVEN The Romans believed in the Elysian fields of the Greeks The Haitians locate heaven in one of the beautiful valleys of their island The Assyrians believe heaven is in the bowels of the earth or far away In the east Some natives of the south Pacific think heaven a place where they will be white The Greek belief according to Socra tes was that the pious went to heaven like prisoners set free to dwell in un clouded peace According to the ancient astrono mers heaven was seven or eight solid spheres with a planet for the center of each Some even ran thenumber up to seventy The Egyptians thought heaven to be on many islands at the foot of the Milky way Those worthy spent the time harvesting beans and in feasting singing and playing Etiancite Etiquette is a French word which originally meant a label indicating the price or quality the English ticket and in old French was usually special ized to mean a soldiers billet The phrase thats the ticket shows the change to the present meaning of man ners according to code Burke solemn ly explained that etiquette had its original application to those ceremon ies and formal observances practiced at courts The term came afterward to signify certain formal methods used In the transactions between sovereign states A Widows Double Grief A clergyman who recently called upon a young widow -to condole with her upon the loss of her husband placed considerable emphasis upon the proposition that the separation -was merely temporal and painted in vivid colors the happiness of friends reunit ed after death When he stopped for breath the sorrowing one heaved a deep sigh and quietly remarked Well I suppose his first wife has got him again then Saturday Review Proved It Bjones Why the grouch Psmith My wife called me a fool Bjones Cheer up It may not be true Psmith But it is She proved It Went and dug up a bunch of my old love letters and read em to me Cleveland Lead er Letters Answer a letter the day It Is received ad you will experience a sense of duty well done Delay it and after too long a time has elapsed shame will put a stop to Its acknowledgment alto gether While Europe has 107 people to the sqcare mile Asia has but fifty eight Africa eleven and Australia one and a half tr whim i fiiioi ran mmMfwawri if iimrfirwri We dontsell bdJostbey go with the clothes We are not simply Retailers of Clothes but Detailers of Clothes and - everything appropriate for swell dressed gentlemen without extra chasge for good service We get our pay by having you come back to us many times and sending your friends to us We pay extra dollars to get quality in cloths and snappy detail into the making of the clothes we sell We occupy a box all by ourselves in the ready made clothes business we sell more good ready-to-put-on clothes than any ex clusive clothes store in rMcCook Why Come let us show you C L DeGROFF CO Bixler Opera House iu twr KyjryjaraEttuJM Wrestling Matcrt ArGotch vs D A McMillan and Emi Klank Best Three in Five Falls to Win Purse 1000 c PRELIHINARIES DIETRICH of I and of Stratton Best two falls in three I 50c 75c and 100 Stage and Box Seats 150 Monday May 6 07 f nimnnm i I in ill i i n ii a i Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location just across street in P Walsh building flcCook - Nebraska 3EGGS CHERRY COUGh SYRUP Cures BRONCHITIS DR R J GUNN DENTIST hchb 112 Office Booms 3 and 5 Walah Blk McCook -GO TO- HSGODFREY CO foi Bargains in Flour and Feed RecTLion Silver Leaf Oak Leaf Faultless IsatieUe Flour AGENTS FOR LIQUID KOAL GATEWOODIjVAHUE DENTISTS Office over WcAdams Stere Phoae 1