The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 03, 1907, Image 3

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- nnetisssssamsiessssisstsssx
How long sho asked does your
wife expect to remain In Europe
Sho hasnt written anything ho
replied that contains a clew to her
Intentions Your husband Is In Mex
ico I believe
Yes Ho wants nie to join him
there but I havent any idea o do
ing so This country suits me very
There are conditions under which
this can be a most delightful coun
try I have found It so during the
past few months
Mrs Weston has her mother with
her I believe
Yes Do you stray out this way
very often
I havent been doing so but I
think I shall in the future I cant
understand why more people do not
take tramps through the country
Think of the thousands of men and
women who might be breathing the
fresh pure air and looking at the
green fields and feeling the sod under
their feet out hero now if they cared
Im rather rlad though that they
are leaving this for our exclusive use
at present
Perhaps It was the fresh smooth
breeze that made her smooth cheeks
so red
How much there is in the point
of view she said smiling just
enough to show the edges of her -white
teeth To me that thorn tree by
the fence is beautiful but I suppose
the farmer who owns it would be glad
If some night it should mysteriously
Very likely he would Its the old
story of familiarity You admire the
thorn tree with its flaring top be
cause you live where such things are
not The caantry boy longs to live
in the crowded smoky city The man
who is cooped up in an office sighs
for the open fields
And the man who is married
would be happy if he could have sin
gle blessedness again
Only the man
He is more likely to I think
But he wouldnt e if conditions
were equal
How do you mean
if society permitted women to have
the same liberties men enjoy if
women could be as sure as men are
that they might try it again in case
they cared to the longing would be
just as widespread among them as
it is among the men
The whole trouble with our social
system is that it makes no provision
for the cure of familiarity If women
managed to be a little elusive I
think love would last much longer
than it does
And if men were as chivalrous
after they are married as they are
before what a splendid change there
would be in the world
But you wouldnt be- happy if your
husband exhibited gallantry merely
because it was the fashion for hus
cands to treat their wives with knight
ly consfderation You would wish
to know that his chivalrous treatment
of you was prompted by love
Certainly Still your argument of
familiarity might come in there again
I should become very weary of gal
lantry that never gave itself a rest
BufT you remember what I said
about elusiveness There should be
elusiveness on the mans part as well
as on the womans1
I dont believe it will ever be nec
essary for anybody to worry about a
lack of elusiveness on the part of the
I can imagine conditions under
which it would be difficult for me to
be elusive
You only think so If the con
ditions were present you would soon
become as weary of them as you are
of the
Conditions that exist
I didnt say that
Bujt you thought it No If the
fates had permitted us
How beautiful those crab apple
blossoms are Can you imagine any
thing more lovely
Yes I can at this moment see
something more lovely than
I wonder if the farmer would care
if you broke off one of the branches
for me
I dont care whether he cares or
not Which one would you like
Of course the most splendid one is
at the top But you mustnt climb
the tree You never could get up
through that tangle of thorns with
out hurting yourself And you might
When he had secured the highest
branch for her he said
Now that you have them I sup
pose you will not care for them
I am not a man she replied put
ting her face among the fragrant blos
That is why I am forgetting-1-
That it is after five oclock Come
It is a long walk to the station and I
am going out to dinner this even
You said awhile ago that you
expected to come here often after
I didnt mean that exactly
Will you come to morrow
The day after
I dont believe I shall
They paused and each looked into
the others eyes for a long time He
reached out and took her hand in his
Gooy by she said at last 1 have
decided to join my husband in J
ico Chicago Record Herald
From Tho Chlcaco Tribune
Noted Physician Tells How to Prevent
and Cure Rheumatism Kidney
and Bladder Troubles
By Geo Edmund Flood M D
If you would avoid Rheumatism and
Kidney and Bladder Troubles be mod
erate In the consumption of heavy
rich foods substitute as far as possible
soups broths fresh milk and drink
i water lots of water Take plenty of
time to eat and dont eat after you
have had enough even if it does taste
good If your work is confining take
a moderate amount of exercise each
day in the open air
OjU nnrop J yor diet water rest
nr cure these afflictions
J jih as preventives only For
p benefit of the readers of this arti
cle who are now afflicted with Rheu
matism Kidney Bladder or Urinary
trouble and desire to be cured quickly
I give below complete in every detail
the famous prescription which has
made me so successful in the treat
ment of these diseases It is the most
certain cure for these diseases that I
have ever used It is pleasant to take
it is not expensive it can be filled by
any druggist and I believe it is the
greatest prescription for Rheumatism
Kidney and Bladder Trouble ever writ
ten It is also a valuable spring tonic
and blood purifier If you are a suf
ferer save this take it to your drug
gist and have it filled or get the In
gredients and mix them at home
Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic
Concentrated Barkola Compound 1
Fluid Extract Prickly Ash Bark
Aromatic Elixir 4 ounces
Adult dose take one teaspoonful
after meals and at bedtime children
one fourth to one half teaspoonful after
After you are cured follow the ad
vice I have given you in regard to
diet exercise and water and you will
not need the services of a physician
again for these ailments
Other iaiers are irivileccd to cofy
Dogs Prized as Edible in China Are
Here Fashions Pets
He is the real thing in the way of
a chow said she Father bought
him for me in Shanghai Did you know
they ate them there
I had heard that the Chinese ate
dogs but I thought it was a fake like
the story of their eating rats
No it is the truth They do eat
dogs but only the chow variety
Chow you know means edible
Yes they eat chows In every butcher
shop you see ehows carcasses hung
up the same as we hang up the car
casses of pigs The flesh is white
Yes like veal The Chinese raise
chows for food and feed them only
soft washy stuff mashed vegetables
and bread and milk No meat what
ever Hence the white flesh
Notice Wus black tongue Well
chow tongue is a Chinese delicacy
They make soup of it But it is very
expensive like our turtle soup and it
is only eaten by the rich
Isnt it strange that a dog so fash
ionable with us should be only an arti
cle of food in China
Delicate in the Old Home Better
Health in the New
Churchbridge Sask
December 1st 1906
To the Editor
Dear Sir
I came to this country from the
State of Wisconsin three years ago
and must say that I am greatly pleased
with the outlook in this western coun
try For my own part I am entirely
satisfied with the progress I have
made since coming here I have raised
excellent crops of grain of all varie
ties Last season my wheat averaged
23 bushels of wheat to the acre oats
60 and barley 40
We had a splendid garden this year
ripening successfully tomatoes musk
melons water melons sweet corn and
kindred sorts
The country is well adapted to
wheat growing and mixed farming and
to my mind it is the best country un
der the sun for a man with a family
and small means as it is possible for
a man to commence farming opera
tions with much less capital than is
required in the older settled countries
The climate is all that could be de
sired being very healthy and invigor
My wife came out about six months
ago and although inclined to be deli
cate in the old home she has enjoyed
the best of health since coming here
In short I am more than satisfied
77ith the land of my aabption and I
am also satisfied with the laws of the
Yours very truly
Write to any Canadian Government
Agent for literature and full particu
Pleased with the Prospect
Her Suitor I wish to marry your
daughter sir
Her Father sternly My daugh
ter sir will continue under the par
ental root
Her Suitor Well sir the parental
roof looks good to me
A fast young man is seldom able to
keep up with his running expenses
fefeS jiJ
Justice Geo E Law of Brazil Ind
Has Married 1400 Couples
Justice Geo E Law of Brazil Ind
has fairly earned tho titlo The Mar
rying Squire by which ho is known
far and wide liaving
already married some
1400 couples Ten
years ago he was
Deputy County
Treasurer At that
time said Justice
Law I was suffer
ing from an annoying
kidney trouble My
back ached ry rest
was broken at night and tho passages
of the kidney secretions were too fre
quent and contained sediment Three
boxes of Doan3 Kidney Pills cured me
in 1897 and for the past nine years I
have been free from kidney complaint
and backache
Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box
FosterlHburn Co Buffalo N Y
Fighting with Ants
The Indians of the Mauritius dis
pose of termites or white ants in this
manner When they see their covered
way approaching a building they drop
a train of syrup from this way to tho
nearest nest of black ants The first
ones that see the syrup follow it up
till they reach the termite passage
They return to their nest and in a
few hours a black army starts out for
the white ant stronghold With great
fury they rush into the galleries and
in a short time entirely destroy the
enemy and each one on its way
home carries a dead termite proba
bly to eat
One Way
A reverend gentleman was address
ing a Sunday school class not long
ago and was trying to enforce the
doctrine that when peoples hearts
were sinful they needed regulating
Taking out his watch and holding it
up he said
Now heres my watch suppose it
doesnt keep good time now goes too
fast and now too slow what shall I
do with it
Sell it promptly replied a boy
Harpers Magazine
The extraordinary popularity of fine
white goods this summer makes the
choice of Starch a matter of great im
portance Defiance Starch being free
from all injurious chemicals is the
only one which is safe to use on fine
fabrics Its great strength as a stiff
ener makes half the usual quantity of
Starch necessary with the result of
perfect finish equal to that when the
goods were new
Youthful Head of State
The Hon Richard McBride premier
of British Columbia whose govern
ment has emerged successfully from
a general election is the youngest
prime minister in King Edwards do
minions He is only -36 -and he
achieved the premiership four years
ago after having held a subordinate
office as minister of mines
There Is more Catarrh In this section of the countfy
than ah other diseases put together and uutll the last
few years was supposed to be Incurable For a great
many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and
prescribed local remedies and by constantly falling
to euro with local treatment pronounced It Incurable
Sclenco has proven Catarrh to he a constitutional dis
ease and therefore requires constitutional treatment
Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by FJCheney
Co Toledo Ohio Is the only Constitutional cure on
the market It is taken Internally In doses from 10
drops in a tsaprul It acts directly oa the blood
ana mucfiug Aurfaccsof tho system They offer ono
hundied dollars for any cac H falls to cure 6ead
for circulars and testlmonfali
Address FJ CHENfir CO Toledo Ohio
Sold by DrugjlstT5c
Take Uslls Family Pills for constipation
Would Grow Tobacco in Ireland
An effort is being bade under direc
tion of William Redmond to repeal i
the law which prohibits the growing J
of tobacco in Ireland It is held that I
soil and climatic conditions in Ireland
are favorable to the production of a j
nnnil mtniitv inhnppn nnr tVint ira
cultivation can be made profitable
With a smooth iron and Defiance
Starch you can launder your shirt
waist just as well at home as the
steam laundry can it will have the
proper stiffness and finish there will
be less wear and tear of the goods
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
The men and women nurses in the
Paris hospitals have issued a notice
aemanaing ueuer pay auu ueuLiueui
and indicating that they will strike
if their demands are not met
For more reasons than one Garfield Tea
is the best choice when a laxative is
needed it is Pure Pleasant to take Mild
and Potent Guaranteed under the Food
and Drugs Law
A pretty girl is as fond of drawing
attention as a political officeholder is
of drawing a salary
Lewis Single Binder straight 5c cigar
made of rich mellow tobacco Your I
dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria 111
A really good complexion doesnt -come
out in the wash t
Ccach Horccs Join Tox Chas
They had some spiritod horses In
the old coaching days Juct 100
years ago a remarkable proof of this
was given and fortunately recorded
for tho astonishment of later motor
ing generations in tho case of tho Liv
erpool mail coach Horscu were
changed at Monks Heath between
say3 tho Lon
don Tribune
On this particular occasion a pack
of foxhounds was heard in full cry
just as the horses from Congleton
were freed from the coach and they
started off with the harness on their
backs and followed tho run to the
finish One of them a blood mare
stuck close to the whipper in and took
every jump after him through the two
hours And in the evening they took
the return coach to Congleton as mer
rily as if they had been in tho stable
all the time
Laundry worlc at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used In order to get the
desired stiffness it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness which not only destroys the
appearance but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods This trouble
can be entirely overcome by using De
fiance Starch as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than- other makes
Courts Acoustics Bad
The acoustic properties of the
courtrooms in Londons new criminal
courts building are so bad it is said
that the other day a prisoner who had
been sentenced to six months thought
he had been sentenced to 12 He
said to a warden One of the beaks
gave me six months and another of
em gave me six months before
Also besides echoes reverberations
are complained of
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOTttA
a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children
and sec that it
Bears the
Signature of
i y
has proven
Mrs Wm
without relief
I took Wine of
la TJso For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bougat
Drew Copious Floods of Tears
A physician in Portland Ore esti
mated that 2018 teaspoonfuls of tears
or two gallons in all were shed in one
night by the audience that heard Sav
ages Madam Butterfly in that city
The archdiocese of Cologne Ger
many is the largest in the world
a with a Catholic population of more
than 2000000
more gcods per package than others and
the color ar brighter nnd faster
Usually a woman of uncertain age
remains at a certain age for a long
Lewis Single Binder straight He Many
wnokcrs prefer them to 10c cigar Your j
dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria 111 I
Nature makes occupation a neces
sity to us society makes it a duty
habit may make It a pleasure Ca
That an article may be good as well
as cheap and give entire satisfaction
Is proven by tho extraordinary sale of
Defiance Starch each package con
taining one third more Starch than
can be had of any other brand for the
same money
Kite Control
Kite control within certain pre
scribed limits has been accomplished
In France by means of a devlator
and this makes the kite available for
life saving purposes A severe test
was given to the device some time ago
at Royan on tho east coast of France
and wonderful things wero accom
t ut 4
KSr 7tK7k h -
BriSas igs and Elixir of Senna
Worth More Money
Do you consider a chaulfour wortM
200 a month
Well tho last ono 1 had ran away
with my wife and you knew my vill
old man Life
tonton wrrckn anil w Ilor on farm MAKOV
L WuhInKtxnil C KilltMU BaoVll fr DMtralrtafM
W N U OMAHA NO 18 1907
if m I it m
In this nineteenth century to keep
up with the march of progress every
power of woman is strained to its
utmost and tho tax upon her physi
cal system is far greater than ever
In the good old fashioned days of
our grandmothers few drugs were
used in medicines They relied upon
roots and herbs to cure weaknesses
and disease and their knowledge of
roots and herbs was far greater
than that of women today
It was in this study of roots and
herbs that Lydia E Pinkham of
Lynn Mass discovered and gave
to the women of the world a remedy
more potent and efficacious than
any combination of drugs
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
is an honest tried and true remedy of unquestionable therapeutic value
This medicine made from native roots and herbs contains no narcotics
or other harmful drugs and today holds the record for the largestnumbcr
of actual cures of female diseases of any medicine tho world has ever
known and thousands of voluntary testimonials aro on file in tho
laboratory at Lynn Mass which testify to its wonderful value
Mrs C E Fink of Carnegie Pa writes Dear Mrs Pinkham I
wish every suffering woman would take Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound and write to you for advice It has done me a world of good
and what it has accomplished for me I know it will do for others
When women are troubled with Irregularities Displacements Ulcer
ation Inflammation Backache Nervous Prostration they should re
member there is one tried and true remedy Lydia E Pinkhams Vege
table Compound
Mrs Pinkhams Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness aro invited to
write Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass Out of her vast volnmo of ex
perience she probably has the very knowledge that will help your case
ersonal Knowledge
Personal knowledge is the winning factor in the cidminating contests of
this competitive age and when of ample character it places its fortunate
possessor in the front ranks of
The Well Informed of the World
A vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the
highest excellence in any field of human effort
A Knowledge of Forms Knowledge of Functions and Knowl
edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health
when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co is an
ethical product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and
gives universal satisfaction because it is a remedy of
Known Quality Known Excellence and Known Component J
Parts and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed of the
world who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the first
and best of family laxatives for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims are made
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known
under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world
wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative As its pure
laxative principles obtained from Senna are well known to physicians
and the Well Informed of the world to be the best we have
adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy
but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter
name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial
effects always note when purchasing the full
name of the Company California Fig Syrup
Co printed on the front of every package
whether you call for Syrup of Figs
2sav or Dy ine ruu name oyrup oi
What is medicine for To cure you if sick you say
But one medicine will not cure every kind of sickness because different
medicines act on different parts of the body One medicine goes to the liver
another to the spine Wine of Cardui to the womanly organs So that is why
so efficacious in most cases of womanly disease Try it
Turner of Bartonville HI writes I suffered for years with female diseases and doctored
My back and head would hurt me and I suffered agony with bearing down pains t last
Cardui and now I am in go d health Sold everywhere In 100 bottles
Write today for a free copy of valuable 61 paze illustrated Book for Women If you need Medical
Advice describe your symptoms statin e aze and reply will be sent in plain sealed envelope
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