The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 26, 1907, Image 1

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    Jriiv --
Clty Council Proceedings
fficgular session held Monday evening
Tite iire committee was authorized to
secure COO -feet more hose
JSoport of tiro committee iu regard to
iire plugs was read and ap
SHStved Now plugs were ordered
-at following places Southeast
MSfsmer from West school house south
3asftf court house grounds corner Do
kaand McDowell streets
Bill of 50 for water used in the city
nwrlc in 1906 was allowed to McCook
ffker Works Co
Petition of Clyde Bros for liquor
SSboosa read also a remonstrance to is
3sg of same Hearing of remonstrance
assfcor April 26 1907 at 9 p m
tiquor licenses were granted to
Bros McFunn Cox and
iSbadrioksifc Lathrop
Applicatian of Louis Fleischman for
Sor4icQnsG was laid over
druggists permits were granted Al
fcet McMillen and L W Connell
Petition of William Sullivan for card
SaSsIe license was laid ovor for further
SIcFann Cox were granted pool
Council adjourned to meet on Friday
tnoming April 26 at 9 oclock
Sdday morning licenses were granted
ifrj fleischman and Mr Sullivan
r32ad Clyde remonstrance wns continued
oaataLSaturday morning
SccsMent Calls Cabinet Together to Con
3lder3rosecutions Tobacco First
Washington D C April 3 The
president called his cabinet together
Xfsis afternoon to consider trust prose
utions by the government The gov
catnent will begin proceedings at once
3sxinst the tobacco trust
he pure food department some time
aise analyzed several brands of tobacco
JEo kinds known as Lucky Strike and
English Curve Cut were found to con-
taSaO per cent tobacco and 60 per cent
brown paper Bull Durham
zraotainsuo tobacco but is 100 per cerit
Scely chopped brown paper soaked in
ScrSacco stem juice and refuse Dukes
SEsture is only 10 per cent tobacco
Sae 4tobacco habit is wrongly named
cfrshould be known as the straw board
jsbit The Cigar Manufacturer
MHwaukee Wis
-Sheriff Peterson Will Get 1200
Ail the sheriffs in the state of
iGaka will hereafter receive a regular
ssSery for their service and can no long-
etrcstain fees All fees must be turned
icsScfche county treasury This is in ac-
cocdance with an act of the last
The schedule of salaries is fixed as
firKows In countips of not more than
6M0 population salary may be fixed by
irfes county board at not to exceed 800
t counties of from 6000 to 16000
SL3a counties of from 16000 to 20000
SSOO counties of 20000 to 25000
550 countie3 of from 25000 to
900 2000 counties 35000 to 50000
3250 counties of from 5000C to 100000
-500 until January 1 1908 and after
Do You Know That
Vvjsliandle American woven wire fence
Tsrish is made of hard stiff tough wire
tjETproughly protected by the best gal-
aziising Jlade in all weights and
sares Hiasy to put up out nara to
acaafc down
McCook Hardware Co
McCook High School Wins
McCook high school base ball
Sah opened the season at Culbertson
tSaitrday afternoon la9t defeating the
ftii school team of that town by a score
crfJS to -2 Quite a number of school
Ixavs and girls drove up to witness the
t grsrae and to assist in the rejoicing
Water Notice
April 3 1907
Second quarters water tax is now due
Reorder to conserve our water supply
Sxrdomestic use and fire protection we
-sect -not issue special or general lawn
rigezCTits at this time owing to shortage
nS water J E Kelley Supt
Dont Forget
at my new location for reading
naer stationery postcards souvenirs
gum fresh roasted peanuts
cigars tobacco pipes base ball goods
t 253 etc Barney Hofer
32Cook News Depot
Sincy home grown 75c per dozen
Haqga pansy plauts in bloom 50c per
x22aea 4 19
McCook Greenhousc Phone 91
Leave Dray Orders There
JSsown Douglas have their office
Recife A G Bump on lower Main avenue
Jasane dray orders to him Office phone
iSSS -Stable phone 63
BROWN Douglas
Attention Faimers
fcer April 1 1906 we will buy hogs
E23y on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of
escx -week
Wilcox Marsh
Harvesting Machinery
should be given early We still
tSnadle the famous line and will ap
sfjEociate your orders
McCook Hardware Co
-Five Cent Lawns
3Ldozen very pretty patterns of good
BsiSj 5c yd at Thompsons
3isrge stock and complete assortment
scJ5yp8writing paper at The Tribune
tSotTna Tribune to do your printing
22srytbing indrugs McConnell
EMcMillens cough cure
A E Smith of Oxford was in the
city Wednesday
Mrs J G Schobel weut up to Den
ver Thursday on a visit
G W McLean is visiting his brother
S B of the clerks office
Mrs O Burlingham is entertaining
her daughter Mrs Gibbs from Texas
J E Barngrover has returned to
Des Moines Iowa for awhile
Mrs J W Hasty and children visit
ed her parents at Arapahoe over Sun
Miss Blanche Plumb of Marion
this county was a guest of Miss Slabj
Miss Ida Bloom of Denver is a guest
of Engineer and Mrs W CSchenck for
a few weeks
Mrs Julius Kunert entertained the
teachers reading club for Miss Wal
lace Monday evening
Mr and Mrs A G Dole arrived
homo Monday night from their visit
to their son Harry at Seward this state
Mrs George E Settle of Wolton
Wyoming ha3 been visiting Mrs Geo
Enoch and other McCook relatives
and friends
Miss Anna Babcock was up from
Cambridge closing days of last week
and over Sunday guest of her aunt Mrs
Mary Babcock
MisB Ruth Babcock joined her siater
here first of the week returning home
to Cambridge with her Wednesday
morning They were both guests of
their aunt Mrs Mary Babcock
Mrs Hellice E McBrayer and two
children George and Mary formerly of
our city have taken up their abode in
Hatten Washington and write that
her health is improving
Mr and Mrs Peter Foxen laid
away in Saint Patricks cemetery Mon
day afternoon the remains of their 18-months-old
boy baby who has been ail
ing for the pa t month or longer They
have very tender sympathy of friends in
their loss
Mrs H C Clapp entertained about
25 ladies yesterday afternoon in honor
of his mother Mrs T C Clapp of Al
legan Mich Music on the piano I y
Mrs G H Thomas a musical guessing
match in which Mrs H P Sutton was
successful and dainty refreshments con-
stituted the elements of a social delight
Mrs VanVleet is still ill
J L Sims made a business tnp to
McCook Monday -
Jacob Wishonhas purchased the old
Miller place from Mrs Phillip Gliem
The meetings at the Congregational
church closed last Sunday evening
A baby boy was born first of the
week to Mr and Mrs Fred Bames
Mr and Mrs Frank Musgrave re
ceived a visit from the stork last week
a baby boy
Phillip Gliem has just installed a
new light plant in his store It is the
best in town
Mrs Frank D Brown resigned her
position as teacher of the grammar
grade last Saturday
Robert Gores infant child died at
their home in Marion last Monday
with cholera infantum
The R N A Lodge gave a banquet
last Tuesday evening to those who
took part in the Old Maids Convent
ion A big time
Vernon Marble a former pupil of the
Danbury high school but who has been
teaching the past year made a visit to
Danbury friends the first of last week
Agent Lewis Cann and Mrs Frank
D Brown teacher of the grammar grade
of the Danbury schools were united in
marriage in McCook Mondav April 22
1907 Elder H H Berry of that city
performing the ceremony Both are
well known and highly esteemed by
many Red Willow county friends and
acquaintances and all will join in wish
ing them happiness
John Burtless is receiving a visit from
his father of Auburn N Y 2
Mrs Hatch of Lincoln is visiting
Mrs L J Burtless
August Bahr is hauling out material
for an addition to his home
Fred Troesters mother died last Fri
day Funeral Sunday from German
Lutheran church Rev Herman Rame
low in charge was largely attended
Miss Maude Hughes closed her school
in district 3 Tuesday and has returned
to her home in South Omaha
The Kennedy school Miss Freda
Mette teacher closed on Monday
Miss Nellie Crocker is home from vis
iting her sister at Edison
Miss Geneva Fitch closed her school
in the home district today
MikeEschs -little four-year-old son
Walter fell off of the fence Monday
and fractured his arm above the elbow
Earl Notley bad hisleft arm caught
between two drivers Saturday last
fracturing both wrist and hand
Have You Seen
the John Deere two row
McCook Hardware Co
New Dress Skirts
Very handsome skirts of batiste of
Panama of mohair of plaids in aU
good colors at Thompsons 20Q to
5700 Alterations free
McCook Council No 1126 Knights ot
Coiumtus Initiate a Large Class
and Banquet
The initiation and banquet of McCook
Council No 1126 Knights of Colum
bus Sunday afternoon and evening
was perhaps the most notable function
yet undertaken by the council -
The exercises of the day began at 1030
in the forenoon with a High Mass in
Saint Patricks Catholic church which
was numerously attended
At 300 in the afternoon the initiatory
ceremonies began in the court house
where a class of 58 were given the three
degrees of the order McCook Council
conferring the first degree Lincoln
Council the second and District Deputy
McQuire the third
The banquet was served in Menard
opera house Sunday evening by the
ladies of the Catholic church and the
worthiness of tho feature may be guess
ed by a perusal of this
Strawberries Porter des Feuilles
Bouillon Craquelin
Potato Cliipi Salted Wafers
Roast Turkey
Dressing Aloyan de Pore Roti Celery
Mashed Potatoes Bean Salad
Bon Bons Jelly
Cremo Glacoo Cakes
Cigars Mints
The decorations were in Council col
ors red white blue and yellow Red
carnations and smilax were much utili
zed in the scheme of floral beauty and
K C pendants assisted together with
festoons of smilax red shades and can
dles makiDg in toto a scene of brilliant
and effective colorings
The music of the evening was ren
dered by the K of P orchestra and was
of the following quality
March San Antonio Iampo
Dramatic Overture Fabio Romanii
Isenman Op
Intermezzo Cupidietta Tobani Op422
Overture Ka tona Maui
Novelette Laces and Graces
Salzer and Bratton
Selection George Washington Jr Cohan
Rev J J Laughran toastmaster
Solo -Selected Mrs P F McKenna
The Promise of tho Future -
Wm McConnick Lincoln
Solo The Song for Me J A Schmit
Fidelity to Our Ideals
Bev T L Kolley Indianola
Solo Hold Thou My Hand Frank Colfer
Knights of Columbus David OBrien Denver
Impressions of the Day
N J Uerling Indianola
Duet Selected
Mrs P F McKenna FrankColfer
Besides there were responses from
Frank Real P S Heaton F G Lech
leiter John Rice T C McKillip and
others making a stirring inspiring
flow of soul and concluding a gather
ing which will be memorable in the
annals of the council
Death of Mrs 0 R Redding
Mrs O R Redding of South McCook
passed away last Friday after a com
paratively brief illness with consump
Mrs Mary Redding would have been
27 years of age May 1st 1907 She is
survived by her husband and two child
ren Ruth 8 years of age and Dorcie
2 years old
Funeral services were held in the
Baptist church Monday morning at 10
oclock Rev A F Green conducting
the same Rev C M Famuliner assist
ing The remains weie laid away in
Calvary cemetery where rests the body
of her father
TheO E S Initiate and Banquet
Eureka chapter O E S No 8G ini
tiated six new members last Frid ay
evening at their regular session After
the work had been handsomely per
formed refreshments were served and a
general good time enjoyed incidentally
The next regular meeting will be held
on May 3rd and it will be of added
interest on account of the election of
officers at that date
American Beauties
The best fitting the best finished
the best made corset is the American
Beauty Sold in twelve styles by the
Thompson Dry Goods Co 35c to 100
Money back after four weeks actual
wear if dissatisfied No better corset on
Have Good Blood
Everything depends upon the state of
your blood Rich pure blood means
abundant physical and mental energy
McConnells Sarsaparilla with Bur
dock will make your blood what it
should be
Your Lawns
will be more beautiful and you will be
satisfied if you buy Boston hose and
Barthill ball bearing lawn mowers of
McCook Hardware Co
Silk and Faerie Gloves
including black white navy brown
grey and tan at 50c to 8150 Wrist and
elbow lengths Thompsons
John Deere
horse lift cultivators at McCook Hard
ware Co The beat tool yet produced
Com chop at the mill at 80 cents a
hundred Every thing delivered
McCook Milling Co
Base Ball Goods
of quality at McCook Hardware Co
Office supplies at the Tribune office
Say you saw it in The Tribune
McConnell for drugs
The Most Notable and Suggestive in the
History of the CityUnder Aus
pices of City Officials and
School Children
The observance of Arbor Day in Mc
Cook Monday April 22 was the worth
iest we have ever had The exercises
were held on the site of the proposed
new Carnegie library and were largely
attended the children of the public
schools being present in a body and
taking part in the exercises leading in
the singing of America
Mayor C L Fahnestock had formal
charge of tho program calling the as
semblage to order and delivering a few
Rev G B Hawkes uttered the invoca
Congressman Norris delivered a brief
but appropriate and pointed address on
the day and added a deserved and glow
ing tribute to the man whose brain and
heart are responsible for it Hon J
Sterling Morton who has honored Neb
raska and passed on The speaker de
nominated the day the greatest and
most significant a Nebraskan can cele
brate the idea a noble and unselfish
Following the address three trees
were planted in memoriam and one in
Tho tree on the corner of Main and
Dearborn was planted in memory of
Hon J Sterling Morton Judge J S
LeHew giving a brief but embracing
sketch of his large and useful and mem
orable life
The next tree on Dearborn street was
planted in honor of Andrew Carnpgie
donor of S10000 to build the library
about which the trees were planted
Rev Carman said many words in Lis
commendation and praise
Trees following were planted in mem
ory of Miss Rachel Berry and Supt
Alexander Campbell deceased mem
bers of the library board Supt G H
Thomas Mrs Matie Welles and Mrs
Sylvester Cordeal bearing tribute to the
memory of Miss Berry much beloved
by many and J E Kelley uttering the
words appropriate to the memory of
Supt Campbell whose place in Mc
Cooks heart is among the first
Beautify Your Home
As spring is an opportune time to add
beauty and color to your home we would
take pleasure in showing you our new
designs and colorings in Wall Paper and
at prices not too high
We also have a large stock of Mixed
Paints Varnishes Stains Tintolac En
amels etc A McMillen Druggist
A Successful Social and Program
The Sunshine club of the Congrega
tional Sunday school enjoyed a very
liberal patronage at their social Tues
day evening in the church The young
girls of the club had the refreshments
and program in charge and entertained
their friends most enjoyably clearing
over 30
Gauze Underwear
Ladies extra and regular size unions
and separate vests and pants sizes 4 to
9 Long sleeve unions long sleeve
vests short sleeve ditto Babies gauze
vests with sleeves Umbrella pants for
ladies and misses and children Mens
and boys unions and shirts and draw
ers Very complete line Thompsons
Such a Showing
ofbeautiful wall paper as we are now
exhibiting was never befor seen in this
town Come in and get ideas for the
future papering even if you are not
ready to purchase Our designs are so
artistic that we wish to show them
L W McConnell Druggist
Library Building Contract Let
The contract for the erection of Mc
Cooks Carnegie library building has
been let to Messrs Winters Short the
Atwood Kansas contractors who have
begun excavating for the structure
which will be of the modified Old Miss
ion type and will cost 10000
Brighten Up
It is now cleaning up time Many
things about the house needs brighten
ing up The Sherwin Williams paints
and varnishes should be your big help
in the renovating process
L W McConnell Druggist
Eggs For Sale
Full blood barred Plymouth Rock
eggs from Worlds Fair prize winner
birds Three cents each or 200 per
hundred Also Pekin Duck eggs
Phone Ash 1351
Mrs John Burtless
Parasols and Umbrellas
White linen parasols at 125 and
150 colored silk umbrellas with fancy
borders 185 black silk and mercerized
and cotton ones at 50c to 650 at
Water Meters
We have on hand a supply of approv
ed water meters which we will instal
promptly on application Under Wood
worth drug store Phone 182
Middleton Ruby
Attention Farmers
After April 1 1907 we will buv hogs
only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of
each week
Wilcox Marsh
Flying Swede
John Deere and Ohio lister cultivators
at McCook Hardware Co These are
all favorites
Gefa Herrlck
or Siberia refrigerator at McCook Hard
ware Co Best line ever shown
Five Cent Prints
Plenty of 5c and 6c calicoes at Thomp
No Appropriation
McCook Nebr April 24th 1907
McCook Tribune McCook
is an extract from a com
munication received by this ofliee from
the State Auditor relative to bounties
on wolves which may be of some in
terest to some of your subscribers
Relative to payment of bounty on
wolves we desire to advise you that
this department will be unable to draw
warrants against this fund as thoro is
no appropriation provided for their
This applies to claims already vouch
ered and that my bo vouchored during
the next two years
Yours Truly
E J Wilcox
County Clerk
JoslynGoes to Plattsmouth
Plattsmouth Neb April 22
W Joslyn formerly supply agent for
the Burlingtons lines west of the river
with headquarters at Omaha hns ac
cepted the position of storekeeper in
this city He will probabiy enter upon
his new duties here about May 1 The
other changes contemplated in the local
department havo not yet been an
nounced but it i3 quite probable that
Mr Cooper the present storekeeper
will remain hero as chief clerk under
Mr Joslyn
May Day Breakfast
The Christian Endeavor society of the
Congregational church will serve a May
day breakfast Wednesday morning May
1 from 630 till 800 in the east room of
the church
Wafiles Genuine Vermont maple syrup
Ham Eggs Pototoes
Brown Bread White Bread Butter
Pickles Coffee
Come and get a good breakfast
McCook Dispatchers In on Increase
Burlington dispatchers at Lincoln
have recently received an increase in
salary Tho pay of trick dispatchers
has been boosted to 140 a month
while the night chief and day chief
received an increase of 10 a month
each It is reported that dispatchers
on other roads in Nebraska have re
ceived similar increases Lincoln Jour
Raise a Splendid Sum for Books
At Pleasant Prairie district No 35
this county a basket social was given
on Friday April 12th by the teacher
Miss Sallie Hawkins at which S10320
was cleared This splendid sum of
money is to bo used in buying books
pictures and another section for the
book case The library already con
tains 147 books
One Minute
washing machines Also the Motor
White Lily and others A good washing
machine pays for itself
McCook Hardware Co
For Sale
160 acres of Frontier county land at
4 an acreif sold before March 15th 1907
Peter Foxen McCook Neb
Extra Size Belts
Our belts run up to 38 inches in four
of our good styles 40c to 75c Thomp
Hay and Alfalfa for Sale
Phone ash 3681 or address
S B Rankin McCook Neb
Seeds of Every Description
of the best qualities only
McCook Hardware Co
Silk Petticoats 489
Taffeta silk black and colors five
ruilles only 4 89 Thompsons
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m
Preaching services at 11 a m and 8 p m
Prayer service Wednesday evening at
8 oclock Young peoples meeting at
7 p m A P Green Pastor
Episcopal Easter services at St AI
bans church on Sunday 11 a m Holy
communion Easter sermon and special
Easter music at evening service at 730
All are welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Christian Science Services at Zint
McClain bldg Sunday at 11 oclock
a m Wednesday at 8 oclock p m
Reading room at same place open daily
where Christian Science literature may
be had Subject Everlasting Pun
Methodist Sunday school at 1000
Sermons at il and S Class at 12 Jun
ior League at 4 Epworth League at 7
Prayer meeting every Wednesday night
Morning subject Is It Wrong to Wor
ry Evening Daniel
M B Carman Pastor
Congregational Sunday School at
10 a m Preaching by pastor at 11 a
m and 8 p m Junior C E at 3 p m
Senior C E at 7 p m Prayer meeting
every Wednesday Sermon subjects
Sunday morning Christs Presence
Sunday evening The Three Ls The
public is cordially invited to all these
Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Christian Bible school 10 a m
Lesson Joseph Faithful in Prison
Gen 3920 to 4015 Church 11 a m
and 8 p m Morning subject The First
Commandment evening The Mis
sion of the Messiah C E 7 p m
Topic Foreign Missions Christ in the
Continent of Asia Isa 498 13 Wed
nesday prayer Open Doors Home
Missions Rev 318
C M Famuliner Minister
rf 1
Base ball goods at Ilofors
McMillen prescription druggist
Get a good buggy McCook Hard
ware Co
A son was born to Mr and Mrs C A
Bickerstaff today
Illustrated souvenir letters of McCook
only 10c at Hofers
Rev James BeLnutt of Trenton waa
in our city Thursday
Special now line of box stationery for
2oc at McMillons drug store
Try Magner Stokos for frosh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
Dr Kays oflleo is now ono door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Pasture For horses on section 19
Driftwood 4 5 Its O N Rector
D E Whisler of Indianola was a
county seat business visitor first of tho
A full blood Jersey bull will bo found
at tho barn of Brown and Douglass for
the season
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
Mr and Mrs Ivau O Korb aro proud
of the parentage of a lino baby boy
born on Monday of this week
All kinds of fresh and salt meats
fruits and vegetables at
Magner Stokes
McConnells Sarsaparilla and Bur
L W McConnell Druggist
For Sale Shorthorn bulls and hoif
ers and cane seed 4 19 4t
Samuel Ball
Wanted Pupils for short hand class
starting May 1 at McCook Business
College L W Stayner
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
Wanted Cattle to pasture about
four miles southeast of town
A D Johnston
Magner Stokes can supply you
with anything in the lino of fresh and
salt meats Also fruits and vegetables
The only place in town whore you
can get the famous Three Star Cof
fee is at Magner Stokes market and
I can loan money on McCook proper
ty at 6 per cent Will furnish money to
build S R Smith phone cherry 1141
Indianola Neb 19 2t
Use McCook souvenir letters in writ
ing to your friends Something new
just received at B Hofers headquarters
for souvenirs stationery and reading
matter of all kinds
Regular meeting of the Dorcas society
of the Congregational church next
Thursday afternoon at 2 oclock at Mrs
E S Waites residence
Theres practically unlimited choice in
our wall papers We are sure to suit
you as to color design quality and
L W McCoNNtLL Druggist
United States District and Circuit
Court supplies books blanks station
ery etc are being received by deputy
clerk at this place Chester Rodgers de
puty district court clerk of this county
We carry everything in paint nd
paint sundries Can supply you with
the requisites for a perfect job no mat
ter what is to be painted See us
when its paint
L W McConnzll Druggist
The Altar Society of the Episcopal
church an organization of the young
girls of the church had a sociol at the
home of Mrs J E Kelley Monday
evening with quite satisfactory and
profitable results
For Rent One well furnished room
with or without board three blocks
east and a half north of the Methodist
church Call or address W P Beatty
McCook Neb Box 5S5
Our spring shipment of burnt leather
goods has arrived Call and see what
we have
Barney Hofer
McCook News Depot
Marsh operates on the theory that
nothing is too good for his patrons
hence he buys only the best of livestock
of all kinds and sells only the best of
meats You can prove it by a trial
Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed
Rev B Carman II H Berry of
this place and Rev J A Kerr of Box
Elder were in attendence at the Method
ist Ministerial Association of the Hold
rege district at Holbrook two days
this week They report a very spiritual
A Junior Endeavor society was organ
ized at the Congregational church last
Sunday afternoon The society will be
in charge of Miss Medora Santee super
intendent and Mrs F L Schwab and
Mrs W M Stoner assistant superin
tendents The society meets Sunday
at 3 p m
Attention Fanners
After April 1 1907 we will buy hogs
only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of
each week
Wilcox Marsh
Boys Stout Hose
as stout as the stoutest Sizes 6 to 7
for 15c 1YZ to S for 18c larger for 20c
Equal to any for wear and color