The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 19, 1907, Image 6

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    If -
The Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
The Mystery
Copyright 1W b Story lress Corporation
The poor fellows distress was so
great that a moment later as I stood
by his side at the door I could not
resist laying my hand on his shouldei
and saying gently
Why dont you brace up Mr Car
ney It isnt too late by any means
Just think of all that life has to offer
you You are a man of great wealth
the head of one of tlie best known
families in the country and every
thlng that heart could wish for lies be
fore you Think It over old man
think it over Think of your sister
and and Miss Weston and yourself
Carney yourself above all else and
leave the confounded stuff alone
As I uttered the last words he Re
coiled from me as if I liad been the
plague and muttered lioarsely My
God Ware you dont think I am
drunk do you
Before I could reply lie liad hurried
through the door down the stairs and
into the street
Little Bobbs
I followed him as rapidly as possi
ble hoping to overtake him and at
least persuade Turn to return to imy
office until his excitement had cooled
somewhat but I reached the street
only in time to see him turn the cor
ner and mingle with the bustling
At the same instant a little man not
over five feet in height and dressed
in coarse drab Norfolk jacket and
tightly fitting trousers turned in hur
riedly from the opposite direction and
collided Avith me with some violence
Beg pardon sir he panted recov
ering himself with an effort and pull
ing off his cap respectfully Beg
nardon sir Im looking for Mr Wares
offices sir Mr Frederick Ware sir
Is this the place sir and he placed
his hand on liis chest and gasped
noisily in his endeavor to catch his
Mr Wares office is upstairs I re
plied and I am 3Ir Ware Who are
Thank ye sir lie said gratefully
an expression of relief lighting up his
1 face Im Bobbs sir Little Bobbs
they calls me sir Still holding liis
cap in his hand he pulled his forelock
and bowed with the grace of an eat
side dancing master
Very well Bobbs I said com
pletely puzzled Now what do you
Why I want Mr Carney of course
Sir he replied Im his man you
know sir and he told me to meet him
here in half an hour
So you are Mi- Carneys servant
eh 1 queried
He nodded respectfully and touched
his forelock again
Well I continued Mr Carney
has gone and you wont be able to
overtake him so there is no use in
your trying Moreover I want to see
you myself in the office for a few
He followed me upstairs and sat
down gingerly on the edge of a chair
twirling his cap between his hands
and twiddling his thumbs nervously I
watched him for a moment in slience
and then an Idea striking me I un
locked the small cupboard in my desk
took out a bottle and a glass and plac
ing them before him said solicitously
You are completely exhausted Bobbs
better take a little of this
His face was perfectly frank and
honest as he said politely Thank
ye kindly sir but I never touch it Ill
he all right in a minute sir
I returned the bottle and glass to
their places fully satisfied with the re
sult of my little experiment and con
vinced that the fellow had spoken the
truth and could be relied upon in
every way
How long have you been in Mr
Carneys employ I asked as I turned
the key in the lock
Three years come next autumn
he replied promptly
And did you never drink anything
in your life Bobbs I continued for
I was working out a definite line of
Weli sir he rejoined rather un
comfortably I thought I cant say as
Ive always been teetotal sir an I
used to take a drop now and then and
again sir But since Mr Carney got
this way sir I gave it up entirely It
do for me to be drinkin now
you know sir - v
No it wouldnt I said emphatical
ly You are quite right Bobbs and
you are a faithful fellow to give it up
as you have
Thank ye sir said Bobbs
How long has Mr Carney been in
this condition I asked
Bobbs looked at me in an unde
cided fashion for a moment and then
blurted out Why I dont know sir
as I ought to he talkin of his affairs
so much sir It dont seem to me as
its quite right sir
I appreciated the fellows devotion
and loyalty to his masters Interests
and hastened to reassure him
Its all right Bobbs I said Ton
may talk to me perfectly freely for I
understand everything You know
Mr Carney himself was here for some
time this morning
Bobbs looked relieved and proceed
ed without further dlflldence
Why I should say sir its goin on
about two years now Ye know he
had some trouble or other on his mind
when he went away sir an It seemed
to prey on him more an more all the
time After a while he began gettln
In with those people which I suppose
was a relief to him and kept his
thoughts off the other thing At first
It was only occasionally when he got
to feelln specially downhearted but
it wasnt long before he was withem
all the time sir I begged and begged
him to keep away from em for you
know as well as I do sir that only
one thing could come of it but he
wouldnt listen to me and things kept
goin from bad to worse
At the beginning he kept up his in
terest in the business pretty well but
finally he lost all track of that and
then it wasnt many months hefore he
couldnt attend to it whether he want
ed to or not That was the time I quit
drinkin sir for I saw that he needed
every minute of my time day and
night or at least that he might need It
His neglectin the business as he
did wasnt any harm you know sir
for its so well managed that it could
almost run itself but I did wish that
he had worked off his had feelins in
the office stead of the way he did
My heart aches for him all the time
sir continued the- faithful fellow
brushing away a tear with his
knuckle hut he got so obstinate that
nohody could do a thing with him an
anyway T could have managed him
myself if anyone living could
You think there is no chance for
him now Bobbs I inquired anx
Not one in a million sir answered
Bobbs sadly Hes too far gone now
sir He was takin the cure for a time
an we began to have some hopes of
him but it wasnt any use an the
first thing we knew he was as bad as
1 wonder he came back at all I
remarked I shouldnt have thought
he would have felt inclined to
I didnt think hed come myself
said Bobbs but he insisted upon it
and as I told you a minute ago theres
no changing him now when he once
gets an idea in his head so we packed
up and came He said he had some
matters to attend to with you that he
must see about at once sir
Yes I replied he arranged cer
tain affairs with me this morning
Well said Bobbs Im glad thats
done for it will be a great load off
his mind
Where do you suppose he has gone
now 1 asked He left here very
hurriedly and I wonder if he will get
into trouble My calmness of mind
was due to the face that under the
circumstances I should not have cared
if he had broken his neck
Oh hell get back to the hotel sir
returned Bobbs confidently He told
me to get the tickets for to night and a
few other things he needed and then
meet him here or at the hotel if he
had left here You know he is going
home to night sir
Yes T said but he tells me he
does not expect to stay there long Do
you know what his plans are
I havent the slightest idea sir
said Bobbs He never tells anyone
what he is going to do and hes in
such a bad way now that I fancy hes
as likely to go one way as another
sir But Ill stick to him sir you
may be sure of that I must be going
now for he may need me You know
sir hes not always as bad as youv
seen him to day Its only at times
sir that he gets like this
I should hope so I returned And
you think he will reach the hotel
No doubt about that sir said
Bobbs If he has any trouble or
should get er dizzy or anything
hell take a cab sir The way he can
keep his head is wonderful sir
He had risen to go as I asked my
last question
Bobbs I said earnestly I want
you to tell me something What in
heavens name does Mr Carney drink
to keep him In this condition
What does he drink sir exclaim
ed Bobbs in a half frightened tone and
viewing me with evident and sudden
suspicion Why I thought you knew
sir I thought you knew and before
T er t rtirwx lit Tis 1 1ls VtSr toi r r s
7 V 7 V X board of irrigation 500 oil depart
had rushed out of the office into the - I
A Question of Guessing
Some men are so stupid at times
that one wonders how they get on
in life at all and after a few mo
ments of ridiculously profound
thoiight I was quite ready to consign
myself to this class Here was a man
obviously a slave to a habit which
was slowly but surely eating his very
life away who virtually admitted his
shortcomings in the plainest of Eng
lish and yet who rushed from my
presence In horror and disgust when I
attempted to persuade him to leave in
toxicants alone Here was his serv
ant an honest trustworthy fellow
who not only admitted his masters
failings but gave many details of his
unfortunate downfall and yet who re
garded me with suspicion and dread
when I ventured to ask him a most
natural question And here was a fool
of a lawyer who could not see through
a millstone with a hole in it
I reached for the telephone and call
ed up MacArdel
Well What Is It
Hello Mac I said Busy to
Nothing special he replied lacon
ically Whats up
Dine with me at the club at seven
will you I asked I want you to
tell me something
All right said MacArdel Seven
sharp and Ill order the dinner Good
by and he hung up his receiver with
a snap
I did not resent McArdels abrupt
ness for I knew he had a room full of
people waiting to see him and the fact
that he was to order the dinner was
enough to make a man forgive any
thing short of an unpardonable sin
MacArdel was late of course He
was born half an hour after he was
expected and his time table through
life has always been that much be
hind to a second so I called for the
things and made the cocktails myself
I cannot order a dinner as MacArdel
can but I can construct a cocktail
that would make the nectar of the
gods taste like Bloomsbury coffee
The dinner Was as good as the cock
tail and we went to the roof for our
coffee and cigars
MacArdel tipped back in his chair
and rested his heels on the broad cop
ing for we were sitting in a secluded
corner back of a pillar and the only
light we had came from the restless
city far below us sparkling and glit
tering like the reflection of a Sep
tember sky at midnight An occasion
al glimmer of moonlight broke through
the fleecy scudding clouds so that
from time to time we caught glimpses
of each other as we lazily puffed our
It was a dreary night and a dreamy
place and 1 dreaded to bring up the
disagreeable topic that we had met
to discuss So we sipped our coffee and
smoked out our cigars almost oblivious
of each others presence But when the
fresh cigars were lighted lacArdel
yawned impolitely as was his habit
wnen we were aione and said briefly
Well what is it
Lincoln Letter
Current Gossip from the
Legislative and Otherwise
Sheldon estimated the receipts of
fees by the various afflces as follows
Governor 170 auditor 210000 sec
retary of state 05000 lariU commis
sioner 10000 banking department
30000 food commissioner 5000
ment 19000 national aid for the
soldiers homes 72000 interest on
deposits 16700 convict labor 68
000 back taxes 100000 a total re
ceipt including the general fund levy
of 3476370
Prospects for a good state fair this
year are looking up and the indica
tions are the exhibits of live stock and
other features which will go to make
a good fair will be far in excess in
number and quality of previous years
Just at this time Secretary Mellor has
been notified that space has been asked
for 825 pens of hogs when the accom
modations will take care of only 442
A feature which will be added this
year is the contest for a prize for the
best Shorthorn milker
State Superintendent McBrien went
to Grand Island where he takes part
in an entertainment given in honor of
Superitendent R J Barr of the Grand
Island schools who has served In this
capacity for twenty five years No
other school teacher in Nebraska has
ever held onto a job that long
Judge A M Post the referee ap
pointed by the Nebraska supreme
court to take testimony on the alleged
lumber trust made his report He finds
that the Nebraska Lumber Dealers as
sociation as now maintained is not
contrary to the state trust laws The
investigation made by the referee cov
ered a period of several months in
which practically all the lumber deal
ers of the state were made defendants
If the supreme court sustains the ref
eree it means the dismissal of the
Grain dealrs of the state doing busi
ness along the line of the Missouri Pa
cific railway for some months past
have experienced considerable trouble
in getting cars in which to ship their
grain Some elevators have been able
to secure but one or two cars in an
entire month The grain men doing
business on the line of that road in
this state met to organize and do
what they could towards getting after
the railroad
The corps of janitors at the state
capitol have been busily occupied in
moving the property of the various
state officials who have been assigned
new quarters by the state board of
public lands and buildings Oil In
spector Church was the first man to
change his office quarters The bureau
of labor has so far refused to comply
with the edict that it move from the
first to the third floor Its officers de
clare that they mean to secure legal
advice before they give up the room
occupied for twenty years
Governor Sheldon has finished his
work on the bills passed by the legis
lature and out of the various appropri
ation bills he cut a total of 249411
This leaves the total appropriations of
the legislature 32417S090 The cuts
made by the governor were as follows
Wolf bounty 35000 deficiency wolf
bounty 22411 and a deficiency on
the deficiency 2000 for a wing to
be built at the Kearney Normal
school 85000 for a new building at
the Beatrice Institute for Feeble Mind
ed 30000 for Yukon Alaskan exposi
tion 15000 for a gymnasium for the
Institute for Deaf and Dumb at Oma
ha 30000 for an engine an J boiler
at the Peru Normal school 5000 for
a building at the Grand Island Sol
diers Home 25000 All the other
appropriation bills that passed were
Nebraska has a pure food law at
last After all sorts of amendments
had been made they were all over
turned and the bill made even more
drastic and sweeping than the national
law Nearly twenty years ago United
States Senator Paddock championed
a pure food law in the U S senate
but as he then thought without avail
It was the seed that was sown then
that has slowly grown and is just now
bearing fruit not only nationally but
in his own state and in many others
Attorney General Thompson has
recommended to County Attorney
Roach of North Platte Lincoln county
that he begin prosecution of the Union
Pacific Railroad company for violation
of the 2 cent passenger fare law
County Attorney Roach camplained to
the attorney general that the Union
Pacific continues to charge at the rate
of 3 cents per mile for tickets between
North Platte and Sidney notwith
standing both cities are in Nebraska
An incident of the waiting and
worrying over the governors action
on the appropriation of the Kearney
Normal school was the meeting of
the State Normal board at the office
of the state superintendent The
board convened to discuss cutting
down their plans for a 100000 build
ing to an 85000 building as that
was the way the bill read when it
passed the legislature Suddenly the
board remembered that the governor
had taken no action so proceedings
were stopped for the time being
The legislature passed a total of 221
bills of which nlenty six wero senate
files and 125 were house rolls Gov
ernor Sheldon slgnod 204 bills and
vetoed fifteen Two bills became laws
without his action Of the bills vetoed
eleven were house rolls and four sen
ate files
Following are the reasons assigned
for the retoes of the governor
H R 112 Appropriating 85000 to
erect two wings to the Kearnoy Nor
mal school In vetoing this bill the
governor says The appropriations
for the coming blennlum must be kept
safely within the states Income In
my judgment the necessities of this in
stitution and the present condition of
our finances do not warrant this ex
For the same reason the governor
has vetoed H R 190 381 478 and 491
In vetoing H R 355 amending the
banking law the governor says The
section of the statutes which section
3 of this act would amend has already
been similarly amended by H R 105
Many of the country banks do not ful
fill the requirements of section 8 of
this act It does not exempt banks
now doing business under their pres
ent charters In my judgment an act
like this which would probably disturb
these banks greatly should not be
passed by the emergency clause
H R 531 the deficiency claims bill
was approved with the exception of
the following items Bounty on wild
animals unpaid claims Nos 35638 to
36360 inclusive and Nos 556 to 3644
inclusive as recorded in the auditors
record 2241150 and estimated de
ficiencies for the payment of animal
bounties 2000
In vetoing S F 266 by Burns of
Lancaster a bill for the appointment
of a board of examiners of plumbers
for the city of Lincoln the governor
says This bill is amendatory The
original act as passed in 1891 session
laws 1901 chapter xxi page 321 32CJ
under the title thereof the enactment
was restricted to cities having a popu
lation of more than 50000 In 1903
the legislature attempted to amend
section 1 so as to make this act apply
to cities having a population of more
than 40000 but the title of the amen
datory act referred alone to section 1
of the original title so as to apply to
cities having less than 50000 inhsbi
tants The amendment of 1903 mak
ing the act applicable to cities hairing
more than 40000 inhabitants was not
within the title of the original act
which referred alone to cities having
more than 50000 inhabitants The
amendment of 1903 therefore was not
within the title of the original act and
is unconstitutional This void provis
ion is a part of the act as it appears
in chapter xiv article 3 compiled
statutes of 1903 This S F 266 con
flicts with the constitution and can
not be approved Besides the repeal
ing clause in S F 266 is a general one
purporting to repeal all conflicting pro
visions in existing statutes This form
of repealing clause in an amendatory
act does not meet the requirements of
that part of the constitution which de
clares that the section or sections so
amended must in express term be re
Within a few days the offices in the
state house with the exception of
those occupied by state officers will
all be changed and it will tak ea direc
tory for any one to find any one The
State Board of Public Lands and
Buildings met Wednesday and allot
ted new rooms it being necessary in
the opinion of the board to chinge
practically every office to make room
for the State Railway commission
which is the only addition to the pres
ent number of offices in the state
house It fell to the lot of Chairman
Eaton and Secretaiy Junkin to carry
around the move out notices and some
of the language used by those to be
ejected from pleasant quarters was
unique and entirely original Offices
were allotted as follows
The oil office moves from the first
floor to the lieutenant governors room
on the second floor
The state veterinarian will office
with the State Board of Charities on
the third floor This office has been
on the second floor
The labor bureau which for years
has been on the first floor moves to
the house engrossing room on the
third floor
The Argicultural society moves from
the first floor in the north center of
the building to the labor bureau room
The game warden moves irom the
second floor to the senate judiciary
committee room on the third floor
The irrigation board moves from the
north center of the building to the
senate enrolling room on the third
The State Railway commission takes
the rooms now occupied by the State
Board of Irrigation and the Agricul
tural society
The Supreme Court commission f
takes the two rooms of the secretar
of the senate and when it wants it
will use the senate chamber
The state superintendent takes on
the room vacated by the oil office and
makes it a part of his already larije
office rooms
The Beatrice Times hopes the time
will come before many years when
the state will feel warranted in giv
ing its capitol an extensive overhaul
ing and improving It is a very com
monplace building in comparison with
the one in Iowa and rather of a dis
credit to a state that has grown in
wealth like Nebraska has during the
past ten years People should not
take the narrow view that rebuilding
and improving the state house will
help Lincoln chiefly It belongs to
Neb aska
v T
V ct
How a Veteran Was Saved the Ampu
tation of a Limb
B Frank Dorcmus veteran ofT
Roosevelt avenue Indianapolis Itul
says 1 nan iieen
showing symptoms of
kidney trouble front
the Units I was mus
tered out of tho army
but in all my life I
never suffered as In
1S97 Headaches diz
ziness and sleepless
ness first aud then
dropsy I was weak
and helpless having
run down from 180 to 125 pounds I
was having terrible pain in tho kid
neys and tho secretions passed almost
Involunta ily My left leg swelled un
til it was 34 inches around and the
doctor tapped it night and morning
until I could no longer stand it and
then ho advised amputation I re
fused and began using Doans Kidney
Pills Tho swelling subsided gradu
ally the urine became natural and all
my pains and aches disappeared I
have been well now for nine years
since using Doans Kidney Pills
For sale by all dealers 50 cents a
box Foster MIlburn Co Buffalo N Y
Prize for the Unmarried
The latest novelty In bazar attrac
tions is that introduced by the Spring
side Wesleyan chapel Rawtenstall
England A wedding cake was cut up
and in one section was concealed a
marriage certificate It was announced
that the bachelor or spinster securing
the chunk containing the document
had the opportunity offered to be mar
ried free of cost within the next 12
months by the Rev J Bennetts
Laundry work at home would he
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used In order to get the
desired stiffness it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness which not only destroys the
appearance but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods This trouble
can be entirely overcome by U3ng De
fiance Starch as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes
I have lived to know that the great
secret of human happiness is this
Never suffer your energies to stag
nate Dr Adam Clarke
ll from overwork
By Toning upihe Blood and Nerves Pa
tient Recovered Weight Strength
and Good Spirits
When tho nervous system brokea
down from overwork or vhatover cause
lifo loses its joys Not only is tho ner
vous victim a sufferer himself but he is
usually a trial to the whole family
Nervous breakdown is often gradual
appearing at first to he merely m unu
sual fretfulues Dr Williams Pink
Pills touo up the nerves in the most
direct way and not only cure minor
troubles but serious disorders as well
Mr W W Munroe of 16 Hazel Park
Everett Mass says Ahont four years
ago this Septenfter I became all run
down from overwork and from confine
ment to work during warm weather
For two moutlis I grew steadily worse
I lost in weight and btrength ami had no
appetite My memory failed me quite
rapidly aud I became in a very low
state both pliysicjilly and mentally I
took no interest in life neither in busi
ness nor recreation In my position as
foreman in a large manufacturing
chemists establishment in Boston a
good memory is absolutely csseutial to
success because of the immense amount
of detail that must be carried in the head
I grew very despairing could not
bear to have eople meet me and my
friends remarked on my condition
About tho middle of December a friend
told me one day that he had tried Dr
Williams Pink Pills and found thent
reliable I commenced taking them and
at the end of two weeks the change for
the better was remarked by friends I
continued using the pills nntil I was
thoroughly recovered I regard them as
a fine remedy and make this statement
voluntarily in gratitude for the benefit
I received from them
These pills actually make new blood
and liave cured such diseases a- rheu
matism nervous and general dbilityr
indigestion nervous headache neuralgia
and even partial paralysis and locomotor
ataxia Asa tonic for the blood aud
nerves they are unequalled
If you are a sufferer from any di -order
of the blood and nerves write for
proof of wliat Dr Williams Pink
PilLs have accomplished in caesMunlar
to yours Every testimonial ured by
this company is carefully investigated
before being published and is authentic
Dr Williams Pink Pills are sold by all
druggists or direct by mail postpaid ou
receipt of price CO cents per ox -ix
botes for 250 by the Dr Williams
Medicine Company Schenectady i Y
You can identify
Alabastine by
the trade mark but you
cant fully appreciate all the
reasons why you should
identify it unless you
Writ today for booklet and full
Information about how yon can uuk t
your home more Aeautlful at liUlo
expense by asinc It
Alahnstine Is a panltarr wall envnr
injr that secure ulnipiy wonderful
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The Alabastine Co
910 GraadTllle in Grand
Eipld Mich or 100 Wtr
onwi xics iiwuiy nTjirjt