pv mSJ K IV- ZW - i rglfl - - mn i t - - -- - flp fegfofrsisfo mmi j - - - s - Ate all7 thete is nothing like DR PRICES CREAM BAKING POWDER I fiave tised it witk satisfaction f of nearly forty years No altm f of me imli m 13 By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance DANBURY Newt Graham sold a half section of land to a Lincoln banker for 87500 This part of the country was visited by a severe fro9t last Friday night The ice measured about of an inch and the fruit wag all destroyed Miss Gray was unable to teach her room Tuesday forenoon Mrs T E McDonald and Mrs J G Evers sister from Lincoln arrived for a brief visit last Friday Miss Phyllis Sargent visited friends in Danbury last Saturday and Sunday Mrs J E Noe is home again after a two weeks visit in Indianola A series of special meetings com menced in the Congregational church last Sunday night Mr Hardcastle is holding them G W Fletcher made a business trip down the line somewhere between Beav er City and Lincoln last Saturday re turning Monday noon Mrs VanVleet and Mrs McKee are among the ailing this week J G Evers left Monday night for southern points on business Word was received that Mr Kqberts of Friend Nebraska died at his home at that place one day last week Mr Roberts is the father of Alfred and James Roberts of this place Mrs Gertrude Thomas and Mr Mc Guire are having their houses remodeled by having porches added onto them Mrs Holdrege and Mrs Phillips were called to Iowa on account of the death of their niother They departed Satur day CHURCH AHOUHCEMENTS 4 fvCATdonc Order of services Mass 8 a nu JVIass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J Loughkan Pastor Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m Preaching- services at 11 a m and 8 p m Prayer service Wednesday evening at 8 oclock Young peoples meeting at 7 p m A- i Green Pastor - Emscopal Easter services at St Al- bans church on Sunday 11 a m Holy communion Easter sermon and special Easter music at evening service at 730 All are welcome to these services E R Earle Rector Christian Science Services at Zint McOlaiu bldg Sunday at 11 oclock a m Wednesday at 8 oclock p m Readirie rdoni at same place open daily where Christian Science literature may be had Subject Probation after peath Methodist Sunday school at 1000 Sermons at 11 and S Class at 12 Jun ior League at 4 Epworth League at 7 Prayer meeting every Wednesday night Mornine subject Is It Wrong to Wor ry Evening Daniel M B Carman Pastor Congregational Sunday School at -10 a m Preaching by pastor at 11 a jm and 8 p m Christian Endeavor at v7p m Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p m at which an important business Vmeejting of the church will be held All are invited to these services Geo B Hawkes Pastor - Christian Bible school 10 a m Lesson Joseph Sold by His Brothers Gen 355 53 Church 11 a m and 8 p m Morning subject Liberty Abid ing Christians Evening subject The Atonement C E 7 p m Topic Wise Ways to Read Wise Books 41 9 Wednesday evening 8 p m The Duty of Making and Sending Forth Preachers Matt 9 36 38 Rom 1015 C M Famuliner Minister INDIANOLA C C Burts infant childvis very ill at present John Maisel arrived here from Iowa Sunday morning Miss NolHe Andrews camo down from McCook Thursdtiy morning to visit awhile with friends Miss Horton of Indiana is assisting her brother in his restaurant Miss May Murray and brother Jim came home Sunday night from Hast ings where the had been visiting Mrs Patterson who has been very sick is at her mothers home in town and happily improving in health Mr and Mrs Wm Bobst attended church in Bartlett Sunday morning after which they spent the day with friends Three of McCooks young ladies came down last Thursday morning and visit ed the school Mayor and Mrs Puckett drove down to their farm Thursday and spent the day Taylor Quigly died at his home northwest of town Saturday morning Funeral from the home Tuesday after noon at two oclock Ward Quigly came home from Lincoln to attend his fathers funeral Velton White has returned from Mis souri - Mr and Mrs Joe Harrison returned Sunday night from their visit east While away Mrs Harrison visited the Vering family near Marysville Kansas Charley Junker is in Sheridan Wyo trying to recuperate his health He is aniictea witn rneumausm Mrs Kessler is on the sick list Editor Byfield was a business visitor in Holbrook Mr and Mrs Roy Mann went to Cam bridge Sunday for a visit with Mrs Manns parents Elmer Thompson started for Tesas Tuesday morning on a business trip The basket social Friday evening was quite a success both in a social and pecuniary way The new Congregational minister has moved into the parsonage and assumed his church duties His name isBodine and he comes from southern Oklahoma Miss Burgess of the high school is guite sick with tonsilit s Miss Mary Miller is at home for a short time visiting her parents Ollie Colling and family drove over to Danbury Saturday and returned home Sunday morning Mrs George C Hill of Cripple Greek came in on No 12 Wednesday morning for a visit with relatives Dr and Mrs Quigly who were here for obsequies of T Quigly left for their home in the eastern part of the state Wednesday morning Mrs I M Beardslee of McCook is a guest in the home of W A Dolan Mrs Gamsby and daughter are con templating a visit to Canada in the near future BOX ELDER Mre Bessie Doyle entertained a sister from May wood last week also a cousin from Missouri Mrs George Harrison gave a carpet rag sewing last Wednesday Mrs Paul Stone of Thornburg is visit ing her daughter Mrs George Harrison this week About thirty of the boys gathered at the home of ChasMasters Wednesday evening of last week to charivari Leon Clifton They report a good time and a fine treat of cand y dike peanuts and cigars A T Wilson and family A W Camp bell T M Campbell and family Mrs Martha Johnson and Mr and MrsTGeo Shields attended the wedding of Charles Wilson and Ella Johnson in McCook Sunday evening Cash Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at The Tribune office i i A RAZORS EDGE IlcHultH That Come From Stropping and LanK Ue Very thin Is the edge of a razor blnde Its thickness has been estimated at about one half millionth of an inch A writer says of this wonderfully thin bit of steel when seen under a power ful microscope The extreme edge of the section is distinctly bent to one side This is nearly always seen In razor edges The actual bend repre sents the effect of the last stroke on the strop which this blade has received Now this bending of the metal quite near the edge minute as It Is has some very Important practical consequences If the razor be used In such a way that the bend Is toward theskin there will be a tendency for the edge Itself to burrow downward Into the skin in stead of sliding easily over the surface and merely cutting away the project ing hairs If on the other hand the blade be applied to the face In such a way that the bend of the edge Is away from the skin the edge will slide much more smoothly with lesi tendency to cut or scratch the skin while It will act upon the hairs In a slightly upward direction and thus tend to pull them tight while cutting The direction of the bend of the edge can be regulated by the last few strokes on the strop This minute amount of bending un dergone by the metal near the edge of a razor blade has another practical re sult We all know that a piece of wire which will quite easily stand being bent double will be broken If it be bent backward and forward many times What really takes place Is that the metal which was strong and ductile to begin with is gradually made hard and brittle and then finally breaks off Now the metal near the edge of a razor is being subjected to very similar treatment Every turn on the strop reverses the direction of the bend near the edge and although the amount of bending is too slight ever to bring about actual breakage of such an elastic metal as hardened steel It Is yet sufficient to bring about a change In the metal which renders it less elastic and able to stand the strain This Is why a razor which has been used long ceases to cut well or to hold a good edge Now it has been discovered that steel which has lost its proper elastic qualities by such a process of fatigue as- it is called is capable of recovering Its good qualities under favorable cir cumstances It will recover in thig way if left at rest though this is a comparatively slow process which ex plains the fact that a tool which has become useless through continued use will be as good as ever after a prolong ed rest But recovery will take place much more rapidly if the steel be warmed so that a few minutes expo sure to the temperature of boiling wa ter will bring about recovery to an ex tent that would have required several days rest at the ordinary tempera tures This fact explains the advantage to be derived from the familiar prac tice of steaming a razor before use Dont Starve Your Kril It is a common mistake to think that pets can only be taught when hungry and to commence a birds training by depriving it of breakfast dinner or supper is a most unhappy beginning In reality the feathered folk are Just as apt and full of fun after a comfort able meal as before It and to starve scold or otherwise ill treat the little creature will usually render it too un happy to learn quickly if at all Birds are extremely nervous beings They love a low quiet voice and gentle movements love to be talked to coax ed and made much of If the pet is a new one and seems specially excitable or timid you will have to teach it first of all not to fear you Any little games he is to learn must be acquired after ward Mary Dawson in St Nicholas A Sinsers liUnffs The singer at the end of the practice aria panted heavily I sang 10G notes that time he said without once taking breath Indeed That must be a record No The record is held by Courticc Pounds Pounds sang 316 notes with out respiration in 1S98 The record previous to that was held by Farinelli with 300 notes NormanrSalmond has sung 287 notes in this waj It is wonderful what lungs trained singers have The average man could hardly sing fifty notes without breath ing whereas to the singer 200 would be nothing Philadelphia Bulletin Koiue 3reans Home It is said that the name of Nome was the result of an error made by some Englishman in writing a letter He evidently intended to write the word home but the makers of the maps iead it Nome and thus the name Nome belongs to history and the great district of Alaska Some authorities claim that the wbrd Nome is a corrup tion of the Indian phrase or word Knoma meaning something like I know it National Magazine Happiness If you cannot be happy in one way be in another and this facility of dis position wants but little aid from phi losophy for health and good humor are almost the whole affair Many run about after felicity like an absent minded man hunting for his hat while it is in his hand or on his head 3Iartyrlom Sympathetic people have a hard time in this world -- In what way They have to listen to other peo ples troubles and never get a chance to tell their own The most valuable book in the British museum is the Codex Alexandrinus said to be worth 300000 A Daring Waap Some wasps live in part upon honey which they collect from the most open petaled flowers and thus to a very moderate extent they may be regarded In the light of flower fertilizers Kirk iand says In the first volume of the American Naturalist that tiie paper hornet Vespa maculata often enters my- nucleus hives when I am rearing Italian queen bees and captures the young queen in the midst of her little colony usually just after she has com menced her first laying I have seen this depredator enter the small hive drag out the queen and fly away with her to the woods page 52 Some of the species of the genus polistes store up honey which is poisonous from the fact that It has been collected from poisonous flowers They are found In South America where also species of the genus chartergus occur wasp that make a very remarkable and tough nest with funnel shaped combs inside arranged one inside of another nest fashion but not In contact ex cept at their points of suspension At the apexes of these cones occur the apertures of entrance for the Inmates to pass up among the conical tiers Steering the iip The work of steering a great ship even with the aid of modern machin ery Is much more delicate than one would Imagine The larger and faster the ship the greater is the difficulty It is not enough to hold the wheel In the same position to keep the ship on her course for the wind and waves and the currents of the ocean tend constantly cp knock the ship off her course The great wall of steel for the hull may le700 feet long and sixty feet high offers a broad target for the wind and waves The art in steer ing Is to humor the ship to these forces and when she is deflected bring her back quickly to her course If you could watch the binnacle especially In bad weather you would see the needle of the compass constantly shift ing from side to side which means that the great steel prow Is not going forward in a perfectly straight line Francis Arnold Collins in St Nicholas Jfevr Yorks Cal Drivers A driver has to have a license That mysterious official the mayors mar shal grants one upon the payment of 25 cents and two written testimonials of honesty A man may come out of Sing Sing whither he has been sent for highway robbery or stoning the ministers cat or any other crime if he presents two greasy letters one of any Jones and the other of any Smith stating that he is an honest fellow he will get a license No inquiry is made His references are never looked up Indeed if you are a desperate criminal guilty of murder or failure to pay alimony you can do no better than take out a license and hide on top of a cab So Into the business drift all sorts and conditions of rogues Under the aegis of the law the aegis being a twenty five cent badge they rob you and me Vance Thompson in Outing Magazine TIe Hessian Plnvea It is a matter of record that upon the first official celebration of Inde pendence day by the Continental con gress music was secured for the occa sion by forcing the Hessian band which had been captured by George Washington at Trenton in the previous December to play in the public square alL day to the great delight and amuse ment of the people It is also stated that these involuntary celebrants were obliged to practice appropriate airs for three weeks previously in order that they could not plead ignorance as an excuse Curious Coincidences When the Ring theater in Vienna was burned with great loss of life one of the other playhouses of tho Austrian capital was playing Paille rons Le Monde on Ton SEnnuie when the Stadt theater In Vienna was burned another theater in that city was playing Le Monde ou Ton SEn nuie and on the evening of the day when the fire in the charity bazaar in Paris took place the Theatre Francais was announced to play Le Monde ou lon SEnnuie Jealousy That word communist my dear observed- the young husband correct ing her has the accent on the first syllable How do you know The dictionary says so I never saw a man as prejudiced In favor of dictionaries as you are exclaimed the young wife I wish you had married a dictionary Too 3Inci at Stake to Forpret When you are absorbed in your business cares downtown today Her bert you will forget your little wife entirely No darling That steak you cooked for me with your own sweet hands this morning for breakfast will keep you in my memory every minute of the day Overdoing tiie Exercise Footpad with revolver Hold up yer hands Victim You can g through me if you want to but Ill be dad dinged if Im going to hold up my hands any more Im tired of doing It Youre the third since I left the lodge Chicago Tribune According to Circumstances A man never talks much ahout the STveetness of a cob pipe so long as he has money to buy cigars Topeka Capital Coal dust mixed with salt and water nnd made into good sized lumps Tvill be found very useful to bank up fires at night fffrT The Man Who Has Never Ownfed - A I Deere or Velie Buggy Has Yet to Learn V the Satisfaction of Owning -- A - j i - t s Perfect Vehicle Which Will Be A Source of Pleasure and Profit to Him for flany Years VOU will find a complete assortment of these vehicles in Buggies Surreys Spring Wagons Automobile Seat Driving Wagons Bike Wagons and Park Wagons in our carriage room on the second floor of our building where we will be pleased to show you McCook Hardware Coo W B MILLS Phone 31 R B SIMMONS hSSS2SQy feVfe f t V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier JAS S DOYLE Vice President THR CITIZE NS BANK OF MeCOOK NEB a a Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus S 1 2000 a b b b a t fW - FRANKLIN JAS S DOYLE A C EBERT yXk SIZiS1QSbZSZ4 The Kansas City Weekly Star Tbe most comprehensive farm paper All the news intelligently told Farm questions answered by a practical farmer and exper imenter Exactly what you want in market reports One Year 25 cents Address THE WEEKLY STAR Kansas City Mo Ckn3sss2 Qv2ai CAPT BARRETT PRACTICAL Architect and Builder Repairing and Remodeling Buildings a Specialty KcCOOK - NEBRASKA p Phone Sit rt LShOp The latest in Johnson Bros New Dinnerware at the Ideal Bargain Depot Lyml3ereniOoa Center Home of Quality and Quantity where s ii sells TIIE BEST LUM BER AND COAL Are you thinking of building If so it is ten to one our figures will please you M O McCLURE Phone No 1 Manager A r c V r s 1 v n Hi