v tf f V 8SggSanriTrai8Wimirefai A SOCIAL LEADER OF KANSAS CITY Attributes Her Excellent Health to A v-x- Im i iTbmii i MRS W H SIMMONS W H SIMMONS 1119 E 8th MRS St Kansas City Mo member of the National Annuity Association writes My health was excellent until about a year ago when I had a complete col lapse from overdoing socially not get tiny the proper rest and too many late suppers -My stomach was In a dread ful condition and my jierves all un strung r t tvasadvised by a friend to try Pe runa and eventualiy 1 bought a bottle 1 took it and then another and kept using it for three months At the end of that time my health was restored my nerves no longer troubled me and I felt myself once more and able to assume my social position 1 certainly feel that Peruna is deserving of praise There are many reasons why society women break down why their nervous systems fail why they havcsyslemie or pelvic catarrh Indeed they are cspc cially liable to these ailiuents No der they require the protection of Peru na It is their shield and safeguard POPULAR APPROVAL OF THEFT English Writer Sees Significance In Glorification of Robbers The idea of private property has never been fully accepted by the masses of the people and never had their cordial approval as an institu tion says a writer in the London News The most popular songs and ballads of our nation in all ages it may be noted have been those which described sympathetically attacks on private property from the Robin Hood cycle to the broadsheets in which Turpin and Sheppard were made heroes Even nowadays the literature that really touches the people the litera ture that the educated classes seldom so much as see exposed for sale the literature that is sold in the small general shop in the back street and costs fewer pennies than the novel we know costs shillings still very largely deals with the romantic exploits of the robber He is never a villain he is noble and generous to a fault but he is convinced of the impropriety of persons having too much money BABY WASTED TO SKELETON In Torments with Terrible Sores on Face and Body Tore at Flesh Cured by Cuticura My little son when about a year and a half old began to have sores come out on his face They began to come on his arms then on other parts of his body and then one came on his chest worse than the others At the end of about a year and a half of suf fering he grew so bad I had to tie his hands in cloths at night to keep him from scratching the sores and tearing the flesh He got to be a mere skele ton and was hardly able to walk I sent to the drug store and got a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment and at the end of about two months the sores were all well He has never had any sores of any kind since and only for the Cuticura Rem edies my precious child would have died from these terrible sores I used only one cake of Soap and about three boxes of Ointment Mrs Egbert Shel don R F D No 1 Woodville Conn April 22 1905 Town Belle Criticised A town belle got off the train at a small town between Atchison and To peka last night saj s Ed Howe She shook hands with her left hand wore a larger hat than the girls who met her wore pretty loud clothes chewed gum and when she hit the cinder plat form of her home town a lot of people grinned at her and said Hello there This town belle was not bad looking butshe couldnt keep her mouth closed even when she was not talking Kansas City Journal The extraordinary popularity of fine white goods this summer makes the choice of Starch a matter of great im portance Defiance Starch being free from all injurious chemicals is the only one which is safe to use on fine fabrics Its great strength as a stiff ener makes half the usual quantity oi Starch necessary with the resultNo perfect finish equal to that when thp goods were new Priests at Humble Labor The Bishop of Digne stated recent ly in the Paris Gaulois that while some of the priests are now living on their savings others are supporting themselves by mending watches mak ing beehives and knitting jerseys NEBRASKA MATTERS MISCELLANEOUS NEWS NOTES HERE AND THERE ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Social Agricultural Religious and Other Matters Having Reference to This Commonwealth Alone Prospects are that Alda will get a bank in the near future v The board of education of Oxford ha increased the pay of teachers v Methodists of Tecumseh are arrang ing for the erection of a church v Work has been commenced on a new postofllce building at Central City The feasibility of holding a Chautau qua at Red Cloud is being discussed i Eddie Carpenter a horse thief es caped from jail at Hastings but was recaptured - Custer county editors held their quarterly meeting enjoying a banquet at the close of business Senator Dolliver of Iowa delivered an address before the Northeast Ne braska Teachers association It is feared that the fruit crop in Cass and adjoining counties has been badly damaged by cold weather s The McCook Driving Park ation has decided upon September 2G i27 and 28 as the dates for its fall meeting 1 Governor Sheldon vetoed the bill for v85000 for the Kearney normal and 30000 for the Omaha institute for the deaf and dumb The Gordon State bank has been granted a charter by Secretary Royse vof the state banking board Its capi tal stock amounts to 25000 v Street railways of Lincoln are now under the jurisdiction of the railway commission Such is the effect of the bill passed by the legislature The Burlington railroad announces a new station is to be built at York this year which with improvements n the yards will cost 85000 The Seward City mills have resumed operation again after a delay of three months repairing a big break in the dam and putting in a concrete flume G W Wolcott a prominent farmer and old settler of Hooper township Dodge county met with serious and probably fatal injuries at Winslow in a runaway Otoe county has been experiencing freezing weather but it is claimed that the fruit has not been injured The dry weather is given as the cause for not injuring the fruit Leo Starostka of Columbus who handled a loaded gun carelessly and had a part of the side of his face Jblown off is getting along nicely and will soon be able to get out The large barn on the farm of Ed ward Hanks seven miles southeast of Nebraska City was destroyed by fire One horse was suffocated and some of Ithe harness farm machinery etc was destroyed That the engineer who turns on tsteam when his engine is standing at a public crossing frightening a team and -causing damage is guilty of ac tionable negligence is the decision of the supreme court Wrapped in a newspaper bearing the date of February 13 a dead baby was fished out of the river at Norfolk by Al Johnson a colored fisherman He caught a sack on his hook which con tained the dead infant A delegation representing the liquor interests of Fort Crook called on Gov ernor Sheldon to protest against the iPatrick bill which excludes saloons from the region within two and a half miles of any military post The state board of public lands and buildings served written notices on the various state officials notifying them of the location of the rooms in the state capitol building which they are to occupy for the next two years Captain August Wagner has been re elected as captain of Company K Neb- raska National guard and the com pany has been inspected by Captain Castle of the Ninth United States cav alry and other regimental officers John Zimmerer H P Jones and Joel Tishue bought the remaining 15 000 worth of bonds voted in aid of the court house at Seward and the inter est on these bonds will be paid over to Mrs Moffitt during her lifetime after which time the bonds will be cancelled At the meeting of the Pawnee City presbytery in the United Presbyterian church the plan Of federation of the re formed churches was adopted unani mously The treasurers report for the year showed an increase of 475 over funds handled during the pre ceding year Sterling has a Commercial club which was organized last week The officers elected are L A Warner president John Boatsman secretary and Fred Catchpole treasurer At the same meeting they concluded to have a two days trade display which will be held April 24 25 Upland has never had but one sa loon The license Is 1000 This year however a second petition is being circulated and if the location can be secured it looks as though two saloons will be the result The Catholic people of Overton have commenced the erection of a fine new church building It will ne 34x56 feet with a nineteen foot ceiling and seventy-eight foot tower The Presbyte rian congregation there Is circulating a petition to build a new church and has already enough subscribed to in sure its erection True to the Sex On swept the amazons Suddenly the long lino of female warriors halt ed on the brink of battle What are they waiting for asked the war correspondent Powder replied the commander J laconically Ah they are about to put soma powder In their guns No they are about to put somo powder on their noses Just because they are warriors is no reason why they should be any different from other women And then there was a moving-picture scene of animated puffs and flashing hand mirrors Swiss Women Demand Suffrage Women of all classes in Geneva have formed an association to secure for themselves the suffrage in every department of public life and espe cially the right to vote In parliamen tary elections The vice president and the secretary of the association are members of the chamber of deputies and several university professors have accepted minor offices Many public men are giving their support to the movement London Tribune Hows This Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for nny case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Ualla Catarrh Cure F J CHENET CO Toledo O We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the laat 15 yearn and believe him perfectly hon orable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by bis firm Waldiso Kinnajj Maryiv Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure la taken Internally nctlug directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces or the system Testimonials sent free Price 75 cents per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Fills fur constipation Peculiar Brazilian Ant In Brazil there is a large ant which is regarded by the natives as good to eat when roasted a delicacy as choice indeed as snails are rated by the French Sometimes they dress the tiny creatures up like little dolls and put them in boxes to sell to tour ists as a Brazilian curiosity In a Pinch Use ALLENS FOOT EASE A powder It cures painful smart ing nervous feet and ingrowing nails Its the greatest comfort discovery of the age Makes new shoes easy A certain cure for sweating- feet Sold by all Druggists 25c Accept no sub stitute Trial package FREE Ad dress A S Qlajsted L Roy J Y Horse Was Fastidious A cockney cabby who had just af fixed his horses nosebag turned to the driver of a broken down motor bus close by and shouted out Now then clear off with your oil box cos the smell of it spoils my orses lun cheon Tit Bits That an article may be good as weil as cheap and give entire satisfaction is proven by the extraordinary sale of Defiance Starch each package con taining one third more Starch than can be had of any other brand for the same money Energy will do anything that can be done in this world and no talents no circumstances no opportunities will make a man without it Goethe Carpets enn he colored on the floor with PUTNAM VAD15M2SS DVES Ask your druggist 10c per package Success spells failure for some and failure spoils success for others You ahvnvs cct full value in Lpivir Single Hinder straight 5c cigar Your dealer or Lewis jjuctory Icona 111 It Is curloua that actors who lose their heads dont advertise for them i Garfield Tea which is guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs Act is the best remedy for constipation sick headache and indigestion It purifies the blood and cleanses the system Automobile Tattersalls A great mart to be devoted wholly to the salo of autos and accessories is to be built in London It is to be an automobile Tattersalls Defiance Starch is the latest tion in that line and an improvement on all other makes it is more eco nomical does better woric takes less time Get it from any grocer Calls for Interpreter A trading firm at Peking has re ceived the following communication Dear Sir The Chinese calendar in your company is glauce In looking to be sure surpassing all the others and also it is gigantic beyond example in connexion with its fine spectacle while I look at it I shall he very much obliged if you will kindly give me some pieecs as I have great deal of interest of it London Dally Mail RfsmEBBmci KKKMZMMM SICK HEADACHE CARTERS fsTTU IVER carters HlTTLE flVER piIls Positively cured by these Little Pills They also relieve Dis tress front Dyspepsia In digestion and Too Hearty Eating A perfect rem edyfor Dizziness Kausea Drowsiness Bad Tasto In tie Mouth Coaied Tonguo Pain In the Side TORPID LIVER They regulate tno Bowels Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine Must Bear Fac Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES BACKACHE AND DESPONDENCY Aro both symptoms of organic de rangement and natures warning to women of a trouble which will soon er or later declare itself How often do we hear women say It seems as though my back would break Yet they continue to drag aloncr and suffer with nches in the small of the back pain low down in the side dragging sensations nerv ousness and no ambition They do not realize that the back is the main spring of womans organ ism nncl nninlrlv indicates bv achincr - SSJX MISS LENANAGEL a diseased condition of the feminine organs or kidneys and that aches and pains will continue -until the cause is removed Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs has been for many years the moat successful remedy in such cases No other medicine has such a record of cures of feminine ills Miss LenaNagel of 117 Morgan St Buffalo N Y writes I was completely worn out and on the verge of nervous prostration My back ached all the time I had dreadful periods of pain was subject to tits of crying and extreme nervousness and was always weak and tired Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound completely eurcd me Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints such as Backache Falling and Displacements and all Organic Diseases Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage It strengthens and tones the Stomach Cures Headache and Indigestion and invigorates the whole feminine system Mrs Pinkhams Standing Invitation to Women Wnmcn snfferinff from anv form of female weakness arc invited to - - - wv - - write Mrs rinkham Lynn iiass iter auvice is iree NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER IRRITANT CAPISICUM VASELINE EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A OUICK SURE SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN PRICE 15c IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF ISc IN POSTAGE STAMPS DONT WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES KEEP A TUBE HANDY A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster and will not blister the most delicate skin The pain allaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful It will stop the toothache at once and relieve Headache and Sciatica We recommend it as the best and safest external counter irritant known also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic Neuralgic and Gouty complaints A trial will prove what we claim for it and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for children Once used no family will be without it Many people say it is the best of all your preparations Accept ho preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label as otherwise it is not genuine SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASE LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU 300 AMD 3n50 SHOES tes1d W L DOUGLAS 400 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT AMY PRICE nan i i in f m iyw i in mill i n i m m i Wtg3 aaa 4 i J f 1081 OVCRBLOUic 993lGuinpe THE FASHIONABLE FEATURE of the seasons styles is the Japanese Effect in Waists Blouses Jackets etc etc Its the newest thing and a complete assortment is found only in the up-to-date Butterick Patterns 10 Cents and 15 Cents Each A splendidly illustrated sheet of these graceful Japanese Styles will be mailed on receipt of two cents 2c by THE BUTTERICK PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED BUTTERICK BUILDING - NEW YORK The Delineator is the greatest authority on up-to-date fashions for Ladies and Juveniles 15 Cents per Copy ETl ilfca UMHCn Your Weakness is almost surely due to some trouble of the womanly or gans which acts unfavorably upon your whole constitution Women are naturally weaker than men because of the special delicacy of the womanly organs Wine of Carduis success in benefiting and curing sick women is due to the fact that it gives women strength where they most need it It is composed of certain vegetable extracts and in gredients which act gently and sympathetically upon the female organs and constitution regulating strengthening and rebuilding All these are facts Win 100 per Year s ti3SPfiS53VvJrjLS V fci ftMVk iSSfir jtxffltiA BS C MFG CO I LCHESEBROUGH YORK CITY I w SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT All FRiGES Mens Shoes S3 to SluO Boys Shoes St to S1J Womens Shoes 4 to S1SO 31 ihbes Childrens Shoes to SlOO WXi Dougliis shoes aro recognized by expert judges of footvearv to De tne nest m siyient ana wear prouuecu m tins country racl part or tho siioo and every detail oi the making is looked after and watched over by skilled shoemakers without regard to time or cost If I could take you into my largo factories at iJrockton Mass and showvou how rarefiiuv V I Jrouglast IzaJtwia fvi firss m frv fl m fy YftpSf S A 1 jmsss i shoes are made ymi would then understand why tlicy hold their shape lit better wear longer and are of greater value than any other makes AY I DoiiclasiainRnnd prire is stauiprtl on the Ixjltom wliiitti prulrtlstlif wcnrrraralnrt tiich lirieS ami inferior sliofts Take V NuimtiiuK Sold liytlii lxM slurtealTi everywhere Fcut Color Jiurlets used exclusively Catalog mailed free W I t nm that mm t WO 1 HARD WHEAT Sjxty three Pounds to the Bushel Arc situ ated in the Canadian West where Home steads of 160 acres can be obtained free by every settler willing and able to comply with the Homestead Kezulntions During the present year a large portion of New Wheat Growing Territory HAS BKKN MADE ACCESSIBLE TO MAR KETS BV THE RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION that has been pushed forward so vigorously by the three great railway companies For literature and particulars address SUPER INTENDENT OF IMMIGRATION Ottawa Canada or the following authorized Canadian Government Agent W V BENNETT 801 New York Life Builda Omaha Nebraska Mention this paper iVENTIQNS HEEDED wrwk ml tae labor on faniw MASON PFVWHKAIAWltKXCKfUMtUjrrsHi f tVMortonI C Fl InGl Bnalfel frr Bnlnrlnim DEFIANCE STARCH SSM JVosf Thompsons Eye Wale W N U OMAHA NO 16 1907 Mrs Annie Hutton of Goltry Okla writes I suffered greatly with female pains and weakness I was so weak I could hardly stand I had cramps leg aches trembling spells and could not sleep well I began to take Cardui and in a week I was much better You can have no idea how much good it has done mc I feel better all over and recom mend Cardui to all my friends Sold at all druggists in 100 bottles rite todaT for a freo copy of valuable M pace illustrated rn BOOK Book for women If you need Medical Adrice describo 77 your symptoms statineaze andjeply tvUI be sent in plain FOR LADIES f8l envelope Address Ladies Advisory Dept The Chattanooga Sledicino Co Chattanooga Teun t T - O106