tfgmis23te mammriiSi TS MADE WITH ROY i1 tMIVtHHMIVTStTtVT 3 ifrsn Delicious Hot Biscuit MING rmj jpp are the most appetizing health ful and nutritious of foods i Much depends 9 BipoiE ffiae BaSdng Powder onvAl RAKING POWDER CO NEW YORK iTfMfMMflMMM Ml LI gJMUU JJy7 VtLgy7L1Mi yjf Hr- mrxrnHr7Tm7T7fws7j tra rHerlierfJFrali Begistered Geaduate Office over McConnelFs Drng Store MCCOOK NEB Telephones Office 160 residence 131 - - j t ormer location Atlanta ueorgia E F OSBORN tj iif 14 MB KBJ7l1 VlVpf I ft op a fch V V ii taAj L JL -EL J - jfev - Ha iL ii Bre5ta f - iff wt t sir k fcT4 yAzf s 41 PROF FRED MILLER FRED MILLER of New York and M A SIMMER of Lenox Iowa in CatchasCatchCan best 2 out of 3 x Prices 50c 75c and 100 iixier ODera House Ado A JEL J2 t tfiAAA t Ml Ml t t IJ tti -1 Seen If you will figure with us and tjuulity of marerial is any object you will be easily convinced that we out class all competition jDMSER CI 9 J W WENTZ OSBORN WENTZ Draymen Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL 8EGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP Cures BRONCr f I ftiiiiiniiiuWiriCTiiaLgeTtjJt Mn aT r -tit - - csr 2 IND1AN0LA Mrs Roscoa Korn is very sick S Ii Smith is able to be out again after his painful injuries Mr and Mrs Henry Crabtreo are entertaining some relatives from the eastern part of the state Mrs Patereon of Stock viIIr is at the home of her mother Mrs Rankin re ceiving medical treatment Mr and Mrs Tom Haley went down to Holbrook Tuesday morning to be present at the wedding of Miss Mamie I Haley William Herman is in Kansas this week on business Clark Spencer shipped his household goods to Lenox Iowa Tuesday niht John Mairiel accompanied the goods Adrovoof horses was shipped from this place to St Joe Tuesday evening Mrs Tom Duncan and eon Clarence are in town for few days visiting friends They are of Caldwell Idahoe Frank Howe is building a nice largo brick henhouse on his farm south of the depot Miss Edith Allen attended the Porter Lambert wedding at Ilaigler last Sun day Thomas Haley has severed his con nection with the saloon and is now a full fledged Jighting rod agent Mis May Ilotze has returned home from North Dakota where hbe went some weeks ago Flossie Andrews visited with tie folks on the ranch Saturday and Sund n Mr and Mis Marion Ritteni n tertained a brother and sisltr o the former Suudav last WEAK WEARY WOMEN Learn the Cause ot Dally Woes and End Them When the back aches and throbs When houework is torture When night brings no rest nor bleep Vhen urinary diaoruer sets in Women V lot- is a weary oue Doanj Kit n Puis uinu sucu iis Ibis is one Kansas womans testi mony Mrs Mellissa A Love of 211 Hen dricks street Fort Scott KaUv says Last winter 1 had an ntUclc of the grin and it effected my kidneys so that I suffered for a long time afterwards with pain and lameness in the small of the back 1 had felt this troubfe com- ingou all during the fall and a cold I took was the final means of bringing it to a climax If I swept the floor or exerted mjself in any other way 1 had to go and lie down but the dull heavy aening would ci mmeoce again as soon as I got up and stirred aroUnd My son urged me to try Doans Kidney Pills and i got u box atT V Ariiintj drug store and began using them I found such gratifying relief that I con tinued the Treatment until the trouble had entirely disappeaied My exper ience certainly warrants mo in recom mending Doans Kidney Pills toothers For Sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other leriih Bros Denowitz of Sioux City Iowa have embarked in the ironJunkRubberanci Hide -business in the old Gurney Poultry Co s place on Man Chester street solicited Patronage H WODDELL Up-to-date Live Stock and Real Estate MERWIN BROS DENEWITZ AUCTIONEER Dates Made Anywhere in the State Terms Reasonable McCOOK NEBRASKA J J C BALL McCooki AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Fairbury Hanchett Windmill This is a warranted and guaran teed windmill nothing better in the market Write or call on Mr Rail hefore buvinp PHONE BLACK 307 FOR ALL KINDS OF rWr YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp Brick Work P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska C H Boyle C EEldeed BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distance Iuone 4 1 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor flKLOO flep PoEtoffice Building EVERY MAN HIS OWN HARNESS MAKER Mend your harness yourself at any time so it will be stronger than sewed or riveted It will never break again where mended The cost will be nothing except the price of the buckle 2Jc Send postal today for free Catalog tells all about it The Royal Buckle Co Agents wanted OMAHA NEB BOX ELDER Davo Wray is working for Dan Doyle N H Tubbs have moved into their new home W B Wolfe sold a team toN H Tubbs last week Dan Doyle is now settled in the itore with a fine stock of goeds and having a good trade 1 Wo are pleased to learn that Mrs J A Modrell who has beep very sick is able to be about agaii On last Monday Mr and Mrs J A McMain were called to McCook to at tend the funeral of an old acquaintance A man by the name of Henry Able who is walking for a wager from Chic ago to San Francisco passed through this vicinity last Tuesday He left Chicago New Year day The annual election for Sunday school officers was held last Sunday morning The following are the names of those elected Supt J A Assistant Supt Eliza Shield Secretary Mrs S Burrchett The teachers are Mr andMr Shaw Mrs Sarah Bolles and Mrs Eliza Shield A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in 6tol4 days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo Micldletoii Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook Nebraska -- rmrtr twi r irm JSGiC will make the season of 1907 at my farm a half mile northwest of Perry Station 1000 to insure standing colt Q W WATKINS Owner i f TOP NOTCH CATTLE SALES are made by HI RICE BROTHERS The Growing Firm SIMM ws 3 Js - v svf i fVii vaz mKjvt jea f V s tHBi mkmmk mx AWMmmrjimmzjm I -V 1itpmiLwjiin trrp - V A3 4 We sold these 1550 pound corn and alfalfa fed steers at 640 per cwt on Monday April 1 1907- Our house holds ninth place in volume of business handled at Kansas City since January 1 of this year There are seventy three firms doing business here We are not the biggest but as good as the best Every salesman a cracker jack trader who knows how tp price em and when tocash eih Every yard man a hustler Intelligent service and courteous treatment Not too big for small shipments big enough for the train load consignments Dili your stock to offices RICE BROTHERS Kansas Citv Chicago South Omaha Sioux City KAfSbAb rr1 The Highest Market on the River W ifc - t v - St i S- 4- l rt r 4- rr ft rt - V- cllU IJICUiUCU 1U1 Lilt BUllll llcLUU W1L11 the best and largest stock of implements ever brought to McCook Among the good things we have to offer are the following well known machines xmj jua xmmvTTXSiijwBAtjurcrxrwTn MoSine Gang Sulky and Walking Plows Disc Harrows and Western Belle Listers J I Case Gang and Sulky Plows Walking Plows and Listers Oliver Gang Sulky and Walking Plows Mitchell Wagons still continue to be our leaders but we also carry the Milburn Wagon and a good line of Farm Trucks Bradley Listers and Cultivators In addition to these famous lines we have a large assortment of cultivators among which we call especial attention to the DUTCH UNCLE and BADGER You will also find in our yards the best two row listed corn cul tivators feed grinders gasoline engines wind mills and almost anything else you ma- need in the farm machinery line We still have plen ty of hog fence poultry fence and barbed wire WAITE z 4 v ft a 9 1 I List Your Property With Us Farms Ranches Etc Our office is in the east and we bring the buyers direct with the money For par ticulars address SHURTLEFF DO WNfflG 12-14-it Humboldt Neb McCook Laundry Q C HECKMAN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and 30NDED ABSTEACTEB McCook Nebraska SAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Water Works Office in Postofiice buildingr 4 i H