The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 12, 1907, Image 7

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Value In Dainty Dishes
May Be Served
v -
Mr Itilcy M Fletcher Berry in We
book Fruit Recipes Doubleday
Page Co says that fruit soups are
URtiallv snrvi1 rnlil where conveni
cnt chilled on ice in very small
china or glass bowls or bouillon cups
Wit this daintiness of service how
ever It may bo forgotten or not real
ized that such soups are not to the
stomach mere empty introductory
flourishes whatever the intent Fruit
soups are foods and as such are used
In many countries by even the peas
ants though they may lack delicate
table appointments It is true that a
fruit may be used which It not of It
self substantial though the opposite
may hold as with prunes but the
pago arrowroot or tapioca used for
thickening furnishes a certain amount
of heat producing material and where
wine Is added this is increased so It
may readily be understood why when
used in quantity such combinations
may approach of themselves substan
tial meals or why even In small
measure fruit soups with but slight
additions of foods containing other
balancing elements may arrive at the
right to be chief dish of a luncheon
or light supper
As a general rule stewed fruit
passed thiough a sieve may have
added to It an equal quantity of wa
ter and to each pint a heaping tea
spoontul or scant dessert spoonful of
iago arrowroot for which cornstarch
may be substituted or tapioca Some
instructors give the rule of a level
ablcspoonful of cornstarch to each
pint of clear pressed fruit juice
which however may be slightly dil
uted The arrowroot or cornstarch is
a quicker process and should be dis
bolved till smooth in a little cold wa
ter added when the fruit juice is at
boiling point then cooked till clear
meantime adding sugar and later a
tablespoonful of lemon juice or wine If
sago or tapioca is used it must be
cooked till thoroughly tender and
translucent A soup made of raspber
lies may serve as example of a lighter
fruit soup Several recipes for fruit
soups afcdmuch information valuable
to the housekeeper are also given
Precautions That Will
serve Its Usefulness
P re-
Boiling water should never be put
into a rubber bag Do not much more
than half fill the bag then place it in
The la before putting in the stopper
and carefully press out the steam
This makes the bag softer as it is
relieved of the pressure the steam
makes if left in it
After using the bag drain out the
water let it hang bottom up for a little
while then take it down and with the
mouth blow a little air into it just
enough to keep the inside from com
ing together as it will often do if there
is no air in it in which case the bag
is almost sure to be ruined in pulling
it apart
If the bag ever should stick put intc
it some hot water with a few drops of
ammonia let it remain a few minutes
then with a thin dull edged stick trj
to separate the inside carefully
Never fold a bag after it has oncd
been used A flannel bag covering for
the rubber bag is very useful
Care of Shoes
An excellent preservative of shod
leather is vaseline If a small quantity
be applied to new shoes it will softer
the leather and - enameled leather
will keep it soft much longer than ordi
narily and render it less liable tc
If worn shoes are cleaned and black
ened and then rubbed with the vase
line their appearance and wearing
qualities will be much improved
Have a box of oats handy and whec
the shoes are taken off remove all
mud and dirt lace or button them
fill half full with oats and stuff the
tops with crumpled paper
then necessary to wear the shoes
empty them and they will be found to
have kept their shape and will not be
drawn if they were in the least damp
when taken off
Cleaning White Silk
To wash white taffeta and other
white silks proceed as follows
Having made strong suds by boil
ing castile soap in soft water allow
it to cool to blood heat or 100 de
crees and wash the silk in it by
swishing it about and lightly press
g out tue water witn tue nanus
Dip the goods into suds of the same
kind press the water out once more
and hang in an airy sunless place
until almost dry pulling out all
wrinkles from time to time Roll the
silk carefully over a board and let it
lie wrapped in a towel until there is
only a trace of moisture left
Smooth it under a fine white cloth
with a moderately warm iron If a
elear tone of white is desired add
blueing to the water if an ivory
shade is preferred use the clear suds
Torn Wall Paper
Whea a hole has been made in the
wall paer in moving a piece of fur
niture if one has no paper Hke the
oae on the wall a judicious use of
water colors will work wonders The
torn paper should be first straight
ened as neatly as possible and glued
down Then touch up the vacant
spaces and the seams with paints the
color of the paper at that place says
Home Chat The break will be almost
invisible if the water colors are used
ofiiiiv Tinv tubes of water color
paints ban be bought at anv artists
supplies shop
l jV -
The kidneys have a great work to
do in keeping the -blood pure When
thoyaget out of order
it causes backache
headaches dizziness
languor and distress
ing urinary troubles
Keep the kidneys
well and all these suf
ferings will be saved
you Mrs S A Moore
proprietor of a res
taurant at Waterville
Mo says Before
using Doans Kidney Pills I suffered
everything from kidney troubles for a
year and a half I had pain in the
back and head and almost continuous
in the loins and felt weary all the
time A few doses of Doans Kidney
Pills brought great relief and I kept
on taking them until in a short time
I was cured I think Doans Kidney
Pills are wonderful
For sale by all dealers 50 cents a
box Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y
Keeper of Lighthouse She Has Saved
Eighteen Lives
Ida Lewis recently celebrated her
fiftieth year as keeper of the Lime
island lighthouse in the harbor of
Newport R I As a girl and woman
Ida Lewis hap lived a remarkable life
Her bravery and skill in handling a
boat are well known and her fame is
secure as the great woman life saver
in the world for she has the credit of
having saved no less than 18 lives
most of her rescues having been effect
ed in the face of extreme danger and
in winter As keeper of the Lime
island lighthouse to which post she
was appointed in recognition of her
bravery and record as a life saver on
the death of her father Miss Lewis
has shown herself as careful and effi
cient as a man could be She is one
of t e few women in such a position
Make Your Own Sarsaparilla or Spring
Blood Medicine
Mix one half ounce Fluid Extract
Dandelion one ounce Compound Kar
gon three ounces Compound Syrup
Sarsaparilla Shake well in a bottle
and take one teaspoonful after meals
and again at bedtime Any good drug
gist can supply these ingredients
This is said to be a splendid Spring
Blood Tonic and system renovator be
cause of its gentle action in restoring
the Kidneys to normal activity forcing
them to filter from the blood all im
pure matter and acids destroying
micro organisms which produce ill
health and sour blood
Everyone should take something to
cleanse the blood at this time of year
and the above simple prescription is
the most highly indorsed of the hun
dreds of home remedies generally used
Mix this yourself then you will
know what you are taking
Refuges on Mont Blanc
Losing ones self on Mont Blanc
will soon be counted among the van
ished industries In recent years a
number of fine refuges have been
built in various parts of the mountain
by the Alpine clubs of England
France and other countries and by
private individuals These have made
it almost impossible for a man hav
ing a bump of locality of average size
to be lost ip spite ot heavy -mists and
blinding snowstorms caused by sud
den changes of temperature
Day of Guillotine Ended
Since the prison of La Rochette
where the French guillotine used to
be kept has been pulled down the
machine of death has been kept in a
shed belonging to the state execu
tioner Since there is no place in
Paris where it seems desirable to put
up the guillotine no more executions
take place there The president of tne
republic gets around the difficulty by
commuting the death sentence to im
Read Slowly
The New York Medical Journal
wisely remarks The colon bacillus
Is usually ranked in the saprophytic
group of bacteria rather than placed
among the organisms distinctly patho
genic for man but we know that it is
far from being devoid of virulence
and that it is capable under certain
conditions of gaining increased pow
ers of invading the organism and of
manifesting very definite pathogenic
The Kind of Food That Will Keep
You Well
The true way is to find out what is
best to eat and drink and then culti
vate a taste for those things instead
of poisoning ourselves with improper
indigestible food etc
L A conservative Mass woman writes
I have used Grape Nuts 5 years for
the young and for the aged in sick
ness and in health at first following
directions carefully later in a variety
of ways as my taste and judgment sug
But its most special personal bene
fit has been a substitute for meat and
served dry with cream when rheu
matic troubles made it important for
me to give up the coffee habit
Served in this way with the addi
tion of a cup of hot water and a little
fruit it has been used at my morning
meal for six months during which
time my health has much improved
nerves have grown steadier and a
gradual decrease in my comfort
Name given by Postum Cereal Co
Ltd Battle Creek Mich Read the
little book The Road to Wellville
in pkgs Theres a Reason
Curious Maps
Maps for military and general field
use are produced by Dr O H F
Vollbehr of Halensee Berlin as mi
croscopic transparencies each about
one and one half inch by two inches
in size These form slides for the
micro photoscope a special instrument
having a hand-mirror-shaped frame
to which is attached a slide holder
with a movable lens over it The
lens slides In two directions about 70
square miles being shown in each po
Eczema Covered Whole Body for a
YearNo Relief Until Cuticura
Remedies Prove a Success
For a year I have had what they
call eczema I had an itching all over
my body and when I would retire for
the night it would keep me awake half
the night and the more I would
scratch the more it would itch I
tried all kinds of remedies but could
get no relief
I used one cake of Cuticura Soap
one box of Cuticura and two vials of
Cuticura Resolvent Pills which cost
me a dollar and twenty five cents in
all and am very glad I tried them for
I was completely cured Walter W
Paglusch 207 N Robey St Chicago
111 Oct 8 and 16 190G
Increase in Savings Deposits
In 1906 the resources of the savingB
banks of the state of New York
reached 1465000000 an increase of
59000000 in only one year
A powder It cures painful smart
ing nervous feet and ingrowing nails
Its the greatest comfort discovery of
the age Makes new shoes easy A
certain cure for sweating feet Sold
by all Druggists 25c Accept no sub
stitute Trial package FREE Ad
dress A S Olmsted Le Roy N Y
New York Births and Deaths
There is a birth in New York city
each five minutes in the day and a
death each seven minutes
Gai field Tea the Mild Laxative is a
pure practical household remedy good for
oung and old To be taken for constipa
tion indigestion hick headache colds and
diseases arising from impure blood It
clears the complexion
There are numerous
the road to success
toll gates on
TjOwis Single Binder straight 3c Yon
pay 10o for cigars not so good Your dealer
or Lewis Factory Peona 111
When a tall man is broke thats the
long and short of it
Mrs WIdsIows SootUlnjr Syrap
For children tecthlag softest the guns reduces n
fUmmatton allays pain cures wlndcollu 25c buttle
Its so much easier to tell a lie
than it is to make people believe It
Fruit ncids will not stain goods dved
the colors urc bright and fast
He who Is firm and resolute In will
molds the world to himself Goethe
Lewis Single Binder costs more than
other 5c cigars Smoket know why
Your dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria III
Every truth that comes home to us
is a moral call bidding us rise to a
new position Goethe
Garfield Tea the indispeuable laxative
Take it in the Sptitig it piuiiies the blood
cleanses the hytein eradicates disease It
is made whollv of simple Herbs Guaran
teed under the Puie Food and Drugs Law
Chinese City Waking Up
Nankin China is to have an elec
tric light system of the most modern
kind also a new water works
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy tho sense of smell
and completely derange the wliolo system when
entering It through tho mucous surfaces Such
articles should nesor he used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians as the damage they
will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly de
rive from them Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured
by FJ Cheney Co Toledo O contains no mer
cury and la takenInternally acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system In
buying Halls Catarrh Cure he sure yon get the
genuine It Is taken Internally and made In Toledo
Ohio by FJ Cheney Co Testimonials free
Sold by Druggist Price 75c per bottle
Take Halls Family 11118 for constipation
He enjoys much who is thankful for
little a grateful mind is both a great
and a happy mind Seeker
tnttnn wrerks ami si6 labor on farms B1ASOK
KHaihlDittonUC El 1S01 Booklet tnt Betrelereneei
You save money
U OMAHA NO 15 1907
and avoid failures in your
baking if you use
25 ounces lor 25 cents
Here is true economy You cannot
be sure every time or have your
food dainty tasty and whole
some if you pay less or
accept a substitute
AL ABASTINE comes in dry powder form i eady for ue by mixing- with clear
pure cold water Safeguards health and makes homes beautiful and livable
Easy to mix You can apply it yourself with an ordinary flat wall brush
Insist on goods in packages labeled ALABASTINE and that your work
men bring- Alabastine in unopen packages and use on job
If your dealer does not have Alabastine we will supply you Write for free
color suggestions and send us 10 cents for book Dainty Wall Decorations
ALABASTINE COMPANY Grand Rapids Mich New York City
Women Avoid
When a woman suffering from
female trouble is told that an oper
ation is necessary it of course
frightens her
The very thought of the hospital
the operating table and the knife
strikes terror to her heart
It is quite true that these troub
les may reach a stage where an ope
ration is the only resource hut a
great many women have been cured
by Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound after an operation has
been decided upon as the only cure
To convince any
woman that Pax
tine Antiseptic will
improve her health
and do all we claim
for It We will
send her absolutely free a- large trial
box of Paxtine with book of Instruc
tions and genuine testimonials Send
your name and address on a postal card
rAJl I mtsri iteS
fections such as nasal catarrh pelvic
catarrh and inflammation caused by femi
nine ills sore eyes sore throat and
mouth by direct local treatment Its cur
ative power over these troubles Is extra
ordinary and gives Immediate relief
Thousands of women are using and rec
ommending it every day CO cents at
dniRgists or by mail Kememberhowever
u s navy
enlists for four rears Toang men of icood
character and bound physical condition be
tween the ages of 17 and 16 as apprentice sea
men opportunities for advancement pay
16 to tTO a month Electricians machinits
blacksmiths coppersmiths yeomen clerks
carpenters shipnuers flremen musicians
cooks etc between 21 and 35 years enlisted
in special ratings with suitable pay hospital
apprentices 18 to 23 years Itetlrement on
three fourths pay and allowances after 3U
years service Applicants must be American
First clothinp outfit free to recruits Upon
discharge traTel allowance 4 cents per mile to
place of enlistment lion us four months pay
and Increase in pay upon re enlistment within
four mouths of discharge Offices at Lincoln
and Hastings Nehraska Also durinffwinter
at les amines annftiouxuity low Aacres
The strongest and most gnueiiu
statements possible to make come from women who by talcing
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
made from native roots and herbs have escaped serious operations as
evidenced by Miss Rose Moorescasc of 307 W 26th St NY Sho
Dear Mrs Pinkham Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has
cured me of the very worst form of female trouble and I wish to express
to you my deepest gratitude I suffered intensely for two years so that
I was unable to attend to my duties and was a burden to my family I
doctored and doctored with only temporary relief and constantly objecting
to an operation which I was advised to undergo I decided to try Lydia
E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound it cured me of the terrible trouble
and I am now in better health than I have been for many years
This and other such cases should encourage every woman to try Ly
dia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound before she submits to an operation
Mrs Pinkhams Standing Invitation tc Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to
oromDtlv communicate with Mrs Pinkhara at Lynn Mass From the
symptoms given the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest
way of recovery ad vised
Make Your Children Happy
It will cost but TEN CENTS
This TEDDY BEAR is printed on strong
durable muslin in soft tans and browns
A few stitches and TEDDY BEAR stands
complete a Bear Baby 11 inches high
It will be loved as dearly and cherished as ten
derly as the imported 500 Bear
Sent Postpaid on Receipt of iOc
30O AND 350 SHOEStod
W L DOUGtAS 400 E1LT tDBt 5H0E5 UAHHUI Bt tyuAixtu fli am niioc
Mens Shoes S5 to 81 CO Boys Shoes 83 to 6125
ci ttxtofil io MIrrprA Childrens Shoes 8225 to SlOO
WI Douglas shoes are recognized by expert judges of footwear
to he the best in style nt anu wear proa uceu in ims country um
part ot the noe aim every uetau 01 me mawug is iouuu aiwi
and watched over by skilled shoemakers without regard to
time or cost If I could take you into my lanro factories at J
nnrwVfni m ia fiTiil rIiow vou how carefullv W Jj Douclas
shoes aromade you -would then understand why they hold their shape lit bpttcry
wear longer and are of greater value than any other makes
W 1- Doucla name and pnee Is stamped on tlie bottom whuJi protects the wearer against hish
nnees and Interior shoei Tsifce No huliatilutr Sold liythe shot- dealers everywhere
raiFvoVrEilltlsusldixclutxttlv Catalog mailed J ru W U OUGJASilrocktonMai
Ti7rITt IIC A t CTTrn Write tada v for a frM con v of valuable oDareUlustrateJ Book for Women
vVir L
frrjs34j MrV tXfJAwm
C nnfl additional miles
UUUU 0f railway this
year have opeueil up a
largely increased terri
tory to the progressie
farmers of Western
Canada and the Gov
ernment of the Domin
ion continues to give
SIXTY ACRES FREE to every settler
Coal wood and water in abundance churches
and schools convenient markets ea y of acces
taxes low climate the best in the northern tem
perate zone Law and order prevails everywhere
For advice and information address the
Ottawa Canada or any autboriied Canadian
Government Agent
W Y BENNETT 801 New York Life Buildine
Omaha Nebraska
slain sealed
of this paper de
siring to buy any
thing advetised in
its columns should insist upon having
what they asW lor refusing all substi
tutes or imitations
never stick
to the Iron
You naturally would prefer to treat yourself at home for any form of female
trouble wouldnt you Well it can be done No reason why you should not
be able to relieve or cure your suffering as thousands of other women have
done by proper use of the Cardui Home Treatment Begin by taking
the well known female tonic For sale at all drug stores
Joe Moorhead of Archibald I T writes My wife had suffered for years from female trouble On
your advice I gave her the Cardui Home Treatment and now she hardly suffers at all Sold by druggists
If you need Medical
fVKI I C UJ i L1ZI I CIC Advice describe our smptoras stating age and reply will be sent In envelope
- w
Ladies Advisory Dept The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooga Tenn