The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 12, 1907, Image 2

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The Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
The Mystery
i OF
Copyright 1907 or 8tory lrei Corporation
CHAPTER 1 Continued
Thats moren I know said the
man turning and looking me squarely
in the face but they 3aid they seen
two ghosts one fur the old man an
one fur the boy aout under the trees
In front of the haouse right where ole
Carney foil off his hoss Every one
of em seen the same thing an when
nine men agrees to a dot on a thing o
this kind its pretty hard even fur a
church member not to believe it
Theyll all tell ye the same story
The boy was a swayin back an forth
jest as he did after the hoss kicked
him an the ole man kind o hoverin
an bendin over him like he was in
the saddle a cussin him again The
Aggers was perfectly plain all in
white but them that stayed to look
long enough said ye could see the
trunks o the trees an other things
right through em too
I suppose they all came back to
Hoskins after seeing this wonderful
sight I remarked
You bet they did an they come a
runnin too said the man I never
seen a scarder lot o men in my life
Made pretty good business for Hos
kins that night eh I ventured
Wal I guess it did he rejoined
with a grin An itll keep right on
makin good business fur him too
Them fellers wont git over talkin o
that fur a month o Sundays
How did they get home that
night I continued persuasively
His grin broadened as he chuckled
Them as couldnt walk had to ride
home in this ere rig Haow I ever
piled so many in is moren I kin tell
and he laughed immoderately at the
So when business is good with
Hoskins its likely to be good with
you too eh I went on
Most ginerally he replied Most
ginerally less Hoskins gits all their
money fore theyre ready fur me an
their credit aint no good
And when the men arent working
at Carneys they spend a good deal of
time at Hoskins dont they I asked
Yes an a good deal o money too
he rejoined Ole Carney alius paid
em well nobody cant deny that
So its a good thing for Hoskins
and a good thing for you to get them
away from the place every little
while I suggested warily
I spose It is an I spose we cant
neither ot us help it if they want to
leave he returned sullenly and with
sudden suspicion as he pulled his
horse up sharply at the station plat
My train arrived in a few moments
and as I was about to step aboard I
drew the fellow toward me and said
to him in a low tone that others might
aot hear
The men were quite right about
the ghosts I saw them myself from
my window perfectly distinctly and
exactly as you have described them
The car was already moving and I
swung up on the step and left him
standing bewildered
Two Letters
Iy Dear Mr Ware
Mr apologies for not replying to your
etter of nearly two weeks ago are weak
ned by the fact that I am now writing
to you in great distress
My brother will be here day after to
norrow and It has just occurred to me
hat I have made a most dreadful blunder
tnd I need your advice more than ever
You know 1 asked Miss Weston ray
5ld school friend to come here and stav
xith me for a time at least and she did
o understanding as I have since
earned that Jack was away and not to
She is here now and seems to me to be
quite ill again but the embarrassing part
of it is that she and Jack was once great
sweethearts and his going away to Hon
olulu was really uue to some disagree
ment that they had nearly three years
ago I never knew just what the trouble
was As Annie was my dearest friend
in school and afterwards too J quite
overlooked the whole matter in my anx
iety to have someone with me when I
was so awfully alone You remember I
merely telegraphed her to come and she
did not even know of fathers death and
supposed of course that Jack was away
Now she is too ill to go home again
and Jack is coming so soon that I dont
know what to do It is a frightfully em
barrassing position to be placed in espe
cially as there was so much mystery over
their separation
You see tinder the circumstances I
cannot possibly adopt your suggestion to
close the house and come to town for
the present and anyway I feel--that I
ought to stay Here till Jack comes to
keep an eye on fathers things
Miss Weston is I am sure quite too
111 to be moved and with Mrs Remsen
our old housekeeper 1 feel perfectly safe
Please write me at once and advise me
in my present predicament
Very truly yours
P S There is a rumor that Carney
Croft is haunted and some of the village
people even go so far as to say that you
saw a ghost when you were here Have
you heard anything of this sort It is
ridiculous of course but it makes me
-nervous F C
iMv Dear Miss Carney
Your letter of yesterday is at hand I
would not worry if I were you about
your brother and Miss Weston It was
probablv some childish affair that they
have both forgotten by this time
I am sorry to hear that Miss Weston is
ill again for it must add to your cares
materially but as you have told me that
all your house servants are reliable and
trustworthy I suppose you are managing
fairly iwell
I expect your brother in town to day or
to morrow and he will probably stay here
over nicht and on to Carney Croft the
S58 4M
roxt day Either he or I will telegraph
ytw a soon an he arrives
T thought you knew about the ghosts
or I should havo written you before
Tlire were two large pieces of mosqultp
netlng in my room which were apparent
ly Intended for covering portraits I
threw them over a chair back near the
window and they blew out during the
nlgl f and caught In the branches of the
treet in front of the house 1 knew that
some of the men from the village had
Hcenihem and taken them for ghosts
but as I myself saw your butler pulling
them down early the next morning 1 sup
posed ho whole storv had been ex
plained to the satisfaction of everybody
Very sincerely yours
23S jffSliti
John Carney
As Mr Carney was ushered into
my private office I rose to greet him
and stepped from behind my desk with
outstretched hand but as he raised
his face to mine I drew back in amaze
ment and disgust and motioned him
to a chair with scant ceremony
Drunk the beast I muttered to
myself as he shambled drowsily to
the seat I had indicated and dropped
into it with a thickly uttered Thank
He seemed to fall asleep for a mo
ment and I eyed him steadily for some
time before I could bring myself to
speak And so the handsome straight
forward manly fellow of three years
ago had sunk to this A sodden de
graded wretch unfit to associate with
pigs in a sty and yet the heir to a
vast estate and the sole legitimate
protector of the sweet faced orphan at
Carney Croft who awaited his coming
with the impatience born of love and
hope and confiding trust God help
the poor girl nqw and God help the
accursed wreck that sat opposite me
His heavy breathing wheezing in
and out of his throat his listless
stupid face flushed and mottled from
the effects of his excesses his body
dripping with perspiration which stood
out in Jjeads on his forehead and
glistened on his hand as it lay in the
sunlight and his drooping blood shot
JW UvV V U iuSKufc Asjw
portunity to ret from your journey
and your ahem your health has Im
proved somewhat
I regretted my words on the instant
in spite of the mans condition they
seemed to have cut him to the quick
An expression of anguish pitiful to
see passed over his face and his whole
body trembled After a moment he
said slowly with the same wonderful
self control
My health as you choose to call it
Mr Ware wli not improve to any ap
preciable degree and my mind is at
this moment as clear as it will ever
be I wish you to draw up a will leav
ing everything I possess to my sister
Florence Carney and 1 wish also to
give you power of attorney so that
from this time on you can conduct
the estate in my stead and supply her
with such funds as she may need I
do not expect to spend much time at
Carney Croft and I want these mat
ters attended to now before I go there
at all
His ideas were so thoroughly in ac
cord with his duty to his sister that I
was now anxious to carry them out at
once as he requested lestanother op
portunity might never occur It took
but a short time to arrange the details
of the will and then it and the power
of attorney were signed by him in a
trembling hand and witnessed by
members of my office staff
When these formalities were over
and we were alone again Mr Carney
said abruptly
I am going to Carney Croft to night
and have wired Florence to have a
carriage for me at the midnight train
and not to sit up I dont expect to
stay there long and I should think it
would be better to close the place and
have her take a house here in town
where she would be more comfort
I made the same suggestion my
self I replied but she wrote that
she felt perfectly safe at home and
I Am
eyes now half closed and again wan
dering aimlessly about the room all
combined to make a disgusting pic
ture It was with the utmost difficulty
that I could restrain my feelings suf
ficiently to address him with ordinary
civility Finally my judgment pre
vailed over my indignation and I re
membered that I was the legal ad
viser only of the house of Carney
and not in any way concerned with
the moral conduct of its head
You had a comfortable journey I
hope I remarked icily
As comfortable as such a journey
can be he wheezed turning his
bleary eyes toward me as he spoke
The conditions which made my home
coming necessary did not make my
trip enjoyable and I traveled with the
greatest possible haste as there are
certain matters that I want you to ar
range for me at once
He spoke his words with a force and
precision unusual in a man in his con
dition but he was evidently control
ing himself to the utmost degree and
as he talked his face flushed in great
blotches his blood shot eyes seemed
almost bursting from his head and
the perspiration oozed from his body
and trickled in little streams down his
cheeks and neck
Do you wish to hear any of the de
tails of your fathers death I asked
in a most matter of fact tone
No thank you he said with some
effort I found a long letter from
Florence at my hotel this morning and
she has told me everything I wish
merely to arrange some money affairs
with you and make my will and I
wish to do so at once
How much money do you need for
the present I asked sarcastically
How much money do I need he
repeated in a bewildered tone Why
I dont need any I have all the ready
cash that I want I only want to ar
range for the future you know
Very glad to hear it I observed
dryly Now as to your will Do you
think Mr Carney that your state of
mind to day is such that you are quite
ready to make a will Would it not
be better for you to wait a day or so
until er until vou have had an op-
Carney Croft To Night
that she wanted to remain until you
came to take charge of things As
you have turned all such responsibil
ity over to me as your attorney there
is but one thing now to prevent her
What else can there be he mut
tered thickly
I watched him closely as I answered
Do you not know that her friend
Miss Weston is with her
What Annie Weston there he
exclaimed Is she well
No I replied studying him She
is not at all well In fact she is too
ill to be moved and that is why Miss
Carney cannot close the house at pres
I never dreamed that Annie Wes
ton would be in my house he whis
pered as if to himself Poor girl
Poor girl
When Miss Carney asked her to
come Miss Weston did not know that
you were to return and even now she
has not been told that you are on your
way home I continued Your sistei
was quite upset over the fact that in
asking Miss Weston to visit her when
she was in such need of a companion
she entirely forgot the disagreement
between you a few years ago
Disagreement he almost shouted
pulling himself up in his chair Why
what on earth are you talking about
man We had no disagreement I tell
you Nothing of the sort I suppose
Florence told you that but she knew
nothing about it at all I went away
because Annie thought I ought to but
she was mistaken poor girl If I had
stayed at home I shouldnt be in this
condition now but she thought it was
for the best Poor little woman she
tried so hard to do the best thing for
me and look at me now Look at me
Ware But she must not be disturbed
under any circumstances You say
she does not know I am coining home
She must not be allowed to know it
As I told you I shall not stay there
long and there is no need of her
knowing that I am in the house I
shall not see her Ware he almost
sobbed Im not fit to see her Im
not fit to see her man
Social Agricultural Religious and
Other Matters Having Reference
to This Commonwealth Alone
Louisville went dry at the late elec
Hon W V Allen former senator
from Nebraska has been secured to
deliver the oration at Wisner on Me
morial day
At Sterling careful examination of
fruit buds reveals the pleasing fact
that none of the fruit has been in
jured by the recent severe frost
The body of Robert Romans a rail
road employe who has made his home
in Blair for fifteen years was brought
from Cheyenne where he died of
spotted fever
John F Mahoney has sold 440 acres
of land in the western part of Otoe
county for 25000 This is the largest
land sale made in the county within
the past thirty days
Fire in the roof of the West school
building Fremont was extinguished
with little trouble and the damage will
not exceed 50 The children marched
out of the building without much ex
Rev Albert E Ricker former pastor
of the First Congregational church
Aurora departed for Indianapolis Ind
where he will have his headquarters
as superintendent of the Congrega
tional home missionary society for In
While Myer Hansei a farmer living
north of Friend was attending church
Sunday his residence was broken into
and thoroughly ransacked About 3
in cash two suits of clothes a suit
and some other articles were taken
It was soon discovered that the
nble thieves were hiding in some
bushes in his pasture They were ar
While playing about the house the
little child of Mr and Mrs Silas
preckenridge of Plattsmouth fell and
struck one eye against a nail which
had been driven through a board The
child was taken to Omaha but physi
cians could give but little encourage
ment in saving the sight of the wound
ed member
The Beatrice Commercial club is
considering the advisability of asking
the city council to remove the occupa
tion tax from insurance companies
doing business in the city A proposi
tion was recently submitted to the
club by the insurance companies offer
ing to deduct five per cent off the in
surance rate in the city providing
the tax is removed
The story has gone out that the
Johnson County Fair association has
decided definitely to participate in the
Nebraska Driving associations circuit
this year When approached upon the
subject Secretary Charles Wilson of
the local association said it had not
yet been determined by the officers of
the fair whether or not Tecumseh
would be in the race circuit
Miss Sarah Riechers of Humboldt
had a narrow escape from death by
poisoning while sewing at the home
of Mrs J E Buell In mistake for a
medicine which she was taking she
got hold of a bottle containing tincture
of belladonna and swallowed a
of the mixture Only prompt and
effcient medical attention prevented
the dose from proving fatal
In the new stone quarry which was
opened at Nehawka a freak of nature
was discovered which will probably
never be witnessed again by any of
the inhabitants of that vicinity It is
an old oak and a cherry tree growing
from the same stump They are per
fectly fused together and to all pur
poses grew from the same root It
is a matter of considerable specula
tion how two of these trees that are
so different in habits came to be
linked together
A meeting of the board of health of
Grand Island was called to take action
upon the recurring importations of
smallpox A few weeks ago the first
case made its appearance A laborer
arrived on an early morning train from
the northwest where the Burlington is
having considerable construction -work
done He walked through the entire
city the stage of the disease being
that in which it is most contagious
and called at the St Francis hospital
which can take no contagious diseases
Nebraska City has several bright
stars on the theratrical stage and the
indications are that it will soon have
another and one that will perhaps
shine brighter than the others Miss
Sue Andreasen was born there grad
uated in the high school and some
two years ago went to Chicago to
study for the stage The college she
attends selects two students by com
petition to be an understudy with one
of the leading theatrical companies
Out of a class of forty eight Miss An
dreasen was first chosen
H R No 220 the Knowles mileage
book bill was passed by the senate
The measure provides that the rail
roads shall sell 1000 mile mileage
books for 20 good in the hands of the
bearer and for any number of persons
Dr and Mrs Randally physician and
matron of the soldiers home Grand
Island will leave for the southeastern
part of the state for a visit with rela
tives and will thence go to Julesburg
Colo where they will make their
home Dr Dunyan of the southern
part of the state succeeds Dr Ran
Vifcl J
Above AH Things the Walls Should
Be Kept Dry
When the bedroom becomes a sick
room there is an added reason why ex
treme precautions should be used to
keep the room in a thoroughly sanitary
Above all things the bedroom should
never be damp It should be nice and
dry always warm and comfortablo In
winter cool and airy in summer and
bright and sunny Kome parts of the
If there is any suspicion of damp
ness in a bedroom it is probably due
if there is wallpaper on the wall to
the absorption of water by the paper
which frequently acts as a blotting pa
per and holds quantities of water in it
The use of wallpaper on walls is to
be deplored it means disease ill
health and unhappiness It is fre
quently the cause of lung trouble not
only because of its dampness but also
because of its power to retain infec
tion of many kinds
The desired method of treating a
bedroom wall Is to tint it for the ala
bastlned wall is a perfect wall It
never flakes off chips or peels It ab
sorbs moisture and expels it it opens
the pores of the plaster and makes a
room livable and breathable
The floor in the bedroom should
have light cleanable dainty rugs that
can be easily shaken and a floor that
is thoroughly oiled or varnished that
will not absorb moisture The cracks
in the floor should be thoroughly filled
and covered Woodwork in the hed
room should be attended to carefully
window sills should be thoroughly var
nished or waxed and the window cas
ings kept in perfect order The doors
should be wiped off frequently as also
should be all the standing woodwork
in the bedroom as the presence of
dust on woodwork is a menace to
health as well as an evidence of poor
Arizonas Copper Production
In 190G Arizona had the largest in
crease in production of copper of all
the copper states The output waa
284228252 pounds against 239848000
pounds in 1905
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA
a safe and sure remedy for infanta and children
and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
g P1US
In TJeo For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bou nt
Study of theatrical stars has noth
ing to do with astronomy
Convincing Evidence Supported by a
Guarantee That Must Convince
The Most Skeptical
Dr Williams Pink Pills are a doctors
prescription used by au eminent prac
titioner and for nearly a generation
known as a reliable household remedy
throughout the United States Need
less to say no advertised medicine could
retain popular favor for so long a period
without having- great merit and it is the
invaluable curative properties of the pills
that have made them a standard remedy
in every civilized country in the world
Added to this is the absolute guarantee
that the pills contain no harmful drug
opiate narcotic or stimulant A recent
evidence of their efficacy is found in the
statement of Mrs N B Wliitley of
Boxley Ark -who says
I had suffered for a good many years
from stomach trouble For a long time
I was subject to bad spells of faintness
and lack of breath accompanied by an
indescribable feeling that seemed to
start in my stomach Whenever I was
a little run down or over tired thei o
spells would come on They occurred
frequently but did not last very long
I was confined to my bed for ten
weeks one time and the doctor pro
nounced my trouble cluronic inflamma
tion of the stomach and bowels Since
that time I have been subject to the
fainting spells and at other times to flut
tering of the heart and a feeling as
though I was smothering My general
health was very bad and I was weak and
I had seen Dr Williams Pink Pills
mentioned in the newspapers and de
cided to try them When I began taking
the pills I was so run down in strength
that I could hardly do any housework
Now I could walk ten miles if necessary
Both my husband and nryself think Dr
Williams Pink Pills the best medicine
made and we always recommend the
pills to our friends
Dr Williams Pink Pills actually make
new blood and give strength and tone to
every part of the body They havo
cuijed serious disorders or the blood and
nerves such as rheumatism sciatica
antenna nervousness headaches partial
paralysis locomotor ataxia St Vitus
dance and many forms of weakness m
either sex They are sold by all drug-
gists or will be sent postpaid on receipt
of price 50 cents per box six boxes for
250 by the Dr Williams Mediciue
Company Schenectady N Y
Positively cured dt
these tittle Pills-
Tlier also relieve VU- I
tress from Dyspepsia In
digestion and Too Hearty
Eating A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness 2tanse
Drowsiness Bad Tasta
in tbe Mouth Coated
Tongue Pala In the SIdo
regulate tbo Bowels Purely Vegetable
Genuine Must Bear
Fac Simile Signature
I mmmmmm
Painting for
No one will question the superior
appearance of well painted property
The question that the property owner
asks is Is the appearance worth
the cost
Poor paint is for teipporary appear
ance only
Paint made from Pure Linseed Oil
and Pure White Lead is for lasting
appearance and for protection It
saves repairs and replacements cost
ing many times the paint investment
The Dutch Boy trade mark is found
only on kegs containing Pure White
Lead made by
the Old Dutch
A Talk on Paint
Eire valuable Infor
mation on thn paint
abject Sont freo
upon reqacit
Alt Uod packed in
IS07 tuara thii mark
in leMchfrrr of the follow
ing cities it neamt you
New York Ifetnn riatlalo Olerelaml
Cincinnati Chicago St LoaU
pbla John T LowU de Uros Oo J Pittsburgh
National Irfsad OU Co1
rv the caui
11 A teamslCi
pays tfce destroy
Rashes Minis Ai
Speedily Cured by Warm
Baths With
And Gentie Anointings Of
The Great Skin Cure
when all other remedies
Guaranteed absolutely
pure sweet and whole
some and may be used
from the hour of birth
Sold throughout the world Tpo3 in all ritl
Potwr Dns Ac Chem Corp Pole 1rojs Bsiun
osr BoofcoaTonumg Iis2urlag Humours
ir mot Oia m TOV topiw will mewo oi
f UMPLIItUMndufl
Put up In 25c SOc and SIOO Cans
Security Remedy Co
ounce to
the package
other sUrch8 only 12 ounce gaxae prtca sail