The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 12, 1907, Image 1

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Miss Toney Hauk is a guest of her
eister Mrs E W Sovern
Mns I L Rodstkom joined hor hus
band in lloldrege this week
Mrs Albert Barnett entertained
the ladies curd club Monday j
Mrs Ira Converse returned homo
from Douver Monday morning
Mrs C L Scudder of Brush Colo
is a gusst of Mrs W E DeWitt
Mks Albert Barnktt wont down to
Kansas City Tuesday on a short visit
Mrs H S ToMRLiNof Arapahoe is a
guest of her daughter Mrs J FForbes
Mrs J G Sebobel will be hostess for
Chapter X PE O Saturday April 13
2 p m
Alex Bergeron arrived first of the
week on one of his regular piano tuning
Mrs Mary George has gone toFruita
Colorado to make her home there for
the pretent
Harry Tyler is building a new resi
dence on the corner just north of his
own dwelling
Dallas Divine has gone to Snyder
Oklahoma where his father has been
living for several years
Dr Harry Jones of lloldrege was a
Sunday visitor in the valleys metro
polis on a tender mission
Mrs W M Weidenhamer and Mrs
Harry Rogers were lloldrege visitors
last Saturday between trains
Mrs Perry Ginther of Bartley is
in the city oti a two weeks visit to her
mother Mrs C H Barrett
Hurley Dye was not enamoured of
Butte Montana aud returned home
last Saturday morning to remain here
Mrs Mary Campbell accompanied
Gorman to Denver first of week taking
him to St Lukes hospital for an opera
E M Stewart came out from Iowa
close of last week closo of last week to
take a position with the Barnett Lum
ber Co
Mrs CH Meeker departed Wed
nesday morning for California on a
visit of several months to her father
and sister
Mrs Mary Campbell arrived home
Wednesday morning from Denver Nor
man expects to remain in the hospital
about two weeks
Mrs L S Sage who has been visit
ing Mrs W S Morlan departed for
her home in Beatrice Sunday mcrning
on belated No2
Mrs C A- Barnard arrived home
Sunday on 5 from a months absence
with her husband in Denver and at the
old homo in Illinois
Rev G B Hawkes attended the sess
ions of the Southwestern Nebraska As
sociation of Congregational churches in
Wilcox Tuesday and Wednesday
Mr and Mrs A B Johnson of Effing
ham 111 were in the city over Sunday
on their homeward way from Colorado
Springs Colorado Mrs J is a sister of
Mrs A G Dole
Mns Anna Murphy entertained the
married ladies of the Catholic church
club last evening together with the
young ladies of the Sans Souci club In
Miss Griers honor It was a happy so
cial affair
American Beauties
The smartest and best make of corsets
bear that attractive name They are
made in every possible style that good
taste aud good judgment require The
leading shapes are to bo had of us Sold
with this guarantee Money back after
four weeks actual wear if dissatisfied
Sold only by The Thompson D G Co
Water Notice
April 3 1907
Second quarters water tax is now due
In order to conserve our water supply
for domestic use and fire protection we
can not issue special or general lawn
permits at this time owing to shortage
of water J E Kelley Supt
Eight Hundred Wives t
By the usual computation there are
900 wives and mothers in McCook If
necessity arose more than half of them
could be provided with dress skirts from
our very complete and attractive skirt
stook Alterations free Prices 200
to 8675 Thompson
Dont Forget
to call at my new location for reading
matter stationery post cards souvenirs
candy gum fresh roasted peanuts
cigars tobacco pipes base ball goods
toys etc Barney Hofer
McCook News Depot
For Sale
Seven room house two lots barn
plenty fruit and shade One block north
and one westof City park Will be va
cant next week 82000 takes it if sold
within the next ten days
Howe Smith
For Sale
Will sell my household furniture by
the piece at private sale Parties inter
ested can call at house by appointment
Call phono No 15 P Walsh
One Mile- of Hose
at McCook Hardware Co purchased
direct from the Bosten Woven Hose and
Rubber Co Guaranteed to be the best
at any price
Flying Swede
lister cultivators at McCook Hardware
Co Wood boxing warranted for five
The Theodore Lorch Co has been
playing to good and well pleased audien
ces in the Bixler all week A Lions
Heart A surprise tomorrow night
Dont miss Hartmanns concert April
r 11
V -
Death of Mrs Norman
Mrs Norman mother of Mrs M J
Stroud died on last Satutday night a
bout 11 oclock after an illness of some
length incident to old age she poing
past 94 years old at her death
Funeral services wore hold at the
Stroud residence in South McCook
Monday afternoon at 230 conducted by
Rev Hawkes of dhe Congregational
church many friends and neighborsat
There were many beautiful flowers
The choir of the South McCook Meth
odist church provided the music
Burial was made in Rivorviow ceme
Bereaved family has tender sympathy
in the death of this aged dear one
SophronieNouman was born in Owens
county Indiana but passed most of
hor life in Williamson county Illino s
She was a member of the Baptist chnrch
Was in her- 91th year doul tless the old
est citizeu of Red Willow county
Slosson Scymour Wedding
Harry Slosson and Hattio Seymour
were married at the residence of E S
Howell Wednesday evening Rev G B
Hawkes officiating Mr Slosson is a
member of the carpenter force of the
company and the bride is a sister of J
3lrs K iiowell Mr and Mrs Dan
iel Terrill who were married at Pal
myra Nob last week were present at
the wedding Mrs Terrill is a sister of
Mrs Ho well and Mrs Slosson The
Terrills aie wtsre on their way to locate
at Cornell in Hitchcock county Con
gratulations to both of the esteemed
Tour Cash Money
if rightly managed will do you some
good these das It will buy from 10 to
25 percent cheaper than your face if you
tako tho trouble to look around a bit
736 for yard wide taffera silk for
very uice black silk 15c yd for best ta
ble oil cloth 5c yd for prints 5c ydJor
muslin 2lc lb for Peerless Carpet warp
25c yd for sheeting SI iuches wide
1000 like instances at Thompsons One
price plain figures cash only
Velma Evertson who has been very
ill is improving
Among Joseph Dudoks improvements
on the farm are two new windmills
W N Rogers and Gerald Wilcox are
in Denver this week with there cattle
and hogs at the great combination sale
Mrs William Wollenburg of DeWitt
is visiting her daughter Mrs Mike
Esch arriving at McCook Wednesday
George Evertson and daughter Hattie
went down to Cambridge last Wednes
day to attend thef uneral of his grand
son a child of 19 months who fell into a
patent automatic hog watering trough
with its mouth full of bread and drown
ed and chocked to death
Bartley is assured of an opera house
and a park this season
Mrs Lincoln and daughter left for
Iowa Monday morning
The Misses McCann of Edison visited
Bartley friends over Saturday and Sun
Mrs Alice Fenn and MrCharlie Pear
son were united in marriage Fridayand
have gone to McCook to make their
home there
J Stuart Miller of Edison continues
the meetings herein Christian church
to crowded houses Several persons
have made the good confession
A ten pound son was born to Mr and
Mrs A C Wesch Tuesday evening
There are meetings in the Banksville
schoolhouse every night this week
There was a dance with twenty eight
numbers out at Chas Notbnagels Sat
urday night All reported a good time
Dame Fashion Smiles
She smiles on buttons for trimming
They must be madeof the same cloth as
the dress Four sizes are obtainable at
15c to 35c per doz Bring your scraps
our new button machine will do the
rest Thompsons
Leave Dray Orders There
Brown Douglas have their office
with A G Bump on lower Main avenue
Phone dray orders to him Office phone
199 Stable phone 68
Brown Dougls
Attention Faimers
After April 1 1906 we will buy hogs
only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of
each week
Wilcox Marsh
Remember the Herrick
and Siberia refrigerators at McCook
Hardware Co you have to pay the
difference to the ice man if you buy a
cheap one
Fancy home grown 80c per dozen
McCook Greenhous Phone 91
Need Not Send Away
for good buggies Read the McCook
Hardware Co advertisement on another
Home Talent Minstrels
at the Bixler Tuesday evening April 16
Large stock and complete assortment
of typewriting paper at The Tribune
The McCook Press Brick Co plant is
rapidly nearing completion
Dont fail to
April 18th
hear Arthur Hartmann
Get The Tribune to do your printing
Everything in drugs McConnell
I Hazel sPencer is 1uite m
Crescent Cottage paint at Waites
The Old and the New
Council met in regular session Mon
uay evening pruauiii luuyur waiujf
Councilmen Lawritson Custer and Mc
Connell Clerk Middloton and Attorney
A resolution was passed authorizing
the payment of 7539 to Davis Heuser
on engineers estimate
Police reports for March and April
were read and died The police judges
reports was referred to city attorney
Liconso money paid by F C Harris
for running ice cream stand and not
used was refunded
City treasurers report was read
month ending April 8th and mayor
dered clerk to publish same
Sidowalkcommittee reported the build
ing of certain sidewalks in tho city cost
of same to bo taxed against respective
properties after due hearing
On motion the vote cast at the late city
election was canvassed and tho result
announced being same as appeared in
last weeks Tribune
Ordinance No 131 providing for an
increase of salaries of certain city offi
cials wm passed under suspended rules
Tho old board then adjourned and the
now board assumed charge Mayor C L
Fahnestock Councilmeu CE Eldred
Frank Real L W McConnoll andCB
Gray Clerk II VJ Conover present
C E Eldred was made presideut of
the council
me mayor men annouueeu tno ap
pointment of the following committees
Finance C E Eldred aud Frank
l ire C B Gray and L W MeCon
Ordinance Frank Real and C E
Streets and alleys Frank Real and
V B Gray
Cemetery and health C B Gray
and L W McConnell
Electric lights and water Frank Real
and C B Gray
Sexton and special police for cemetery
W A Gold
Poundmnster R M Douglass
City attorney J R McOarl
Committee on City park W B Mills
Barny Hofer and C B Sawyer
Cemetery trustees Mrs E M Easter
day Mrs Augusta Anton Mrs Marie
Bronson Barney Lewis and Emerson
Chief of police J R Pence
Night policeman Edward Fitzgerald
City physician Dr S C Beach
All the above appointments were con
firmed but the chief of police whose
confirmation was laid over until Friday
Council adjourned to meet Friday
evening April 12th at 8 oclock
Driving Parle Association Meeting
The members of the McCook Driv
ing Park association held a meeting in
the rooms of the McCook Commercial
club rooms Monday evening Jwith
President Barnett in the chair and Sec
retary Gray at the desk
Minutes of meeting held February
23rd were read and approved
It was decided to hold the fall meet
ing of the association September 26
27 28 1907
The secretary was instructed to ad
vertise the July meeting
President Barnett appointed William
Lewis A G Bump and II I Petterson
as committee to take charge of having
the tracks worked and to have control
of the stalls at the track
Auditing committee made the follow
ing reports
For stook stall rent entrance
fee fence etc S25SS65
Donations for which no stock
was issued 22700
Gate receipts including grand
stand and quarter stretch 130545
Concessions 17190
Sale of score cards 4335
84336 35
Improvements 81099 74
Labor 14925
General expenses 39275
Purses paid 162500
Balance cash on hand Sl06961
Secretary was instructed to send mem
bership for entrance into the American
Trotting association
Bill of the McCook Republican for
locals and stationery for 8S80 was al
Marriage licenses as follows have been
issued since our last report
Louis A Hollenhors 2S of Holbrook
Neb and Anna Meyer 22 of Cambridge
Roy V Cadman 21 of McCook Neb
and Ida Velona Allen 19 of Danbury
Leon C Clifton25and Buena M Mas
ters 18 both of Indianola Neb
Hannibal F Sutton 31 and Muruey
M Mumby 21 both of McCook Nebr
Married by county judge April 9fch
Harry F Slosson29of McCook Neb
and Hattie Seymour 22 Palmyra Neb
Alex J Wheeler 25 and Florence E
Selleck 25 both of Bartley Neb
Charles A Wilson 23 of Box Elder
Neb and Ella May Johnson IS of Mc
Cook Neb
In the estate of Peter Franklin late of
Lebanon Neb deceased a day of hear
ing was set for April 22nd
Mrs Mary Hupp of Lebanon Nebr
filed her petition for the probate of the
estate of Clara C Bradbury deceased
Estate of Norman S Field foreign
will continued to April 13th
Case of Citizens Bank of McCook vs
J H Warfield set for hearing April 13
Let us Show You
our large line of farm tools Every
thing new and up to date no old stuff
to dispose of
McCook Hardware Co
SBfc rSdCr
Burled From Pades Parlors
Last Saturday afternoon the remains
of J W Spikor were buried from the
undertaking parlor of Pade Son on
WestDennison street after short ser
vices conducted by Rev E It Earle of
the Episcopal church in the presence
of a considerable company of acquaint
ances friends and relatives of tho do
The floral tributes wore exceptionally
Messrs DeWitt Scott Snyder Spen
cer and Ellison members of the fire
department to which deceased belonged
were pall bearers
Tho remains were buried in River
view cemetery
Death was hastened by over exertion
during the lato fire
Tho public has shown much concern
for tho wife and children who are left
in needy condition
Remember the Minstrel
The M W A lodtie of McCook
give their second annual minstrel at the
Bixler opera house next Tuesday even
ing April 16th This will be a much
better entertainment than tho first one
which gavo such satisfaction Every
citizen of McCook should buy a ticket
and attend fill the opera house full for
once as it is for the benefit of Wood
man drill team and a large attendance
will cause tho boys to work tho harder
for the big log rolling meet here coining
fall Boost for the log rolling Boost
the minstrel Hoost our excellent homo
talent Attend the big show jou will
get your moneys worth besides helping
a good cause that is boosting for McCook
Reserved seats 50c now on sale at
McConnells drug slore
By installing one of our gas lighting
cooking and heating plants Cost less
than Yz cent per hour for a sixty five
candle light the most economical con
venient safe and satisfactory private
gas plant on the market I will be in
this territory but a short time let me
figure with jou now
E M Bigelow State Agent
Phono lilac- 250 McCook Neb
Notice of Removal
We wish to inform the public that
we have moved our stock and livery
stable equipment to the McCook Driv
ing Park where we will be pleased to
furnish the public with livery rigs of
all kinds as usual until we are able to
All indebted to us are urgently
qu isted to call and make settlement
tuii accounts 4 5 2ts
L A Fitch Co Phone 40
Paint Saving
Poor paint looks as good as good paint
when first put on Economy in paint
ing depends entirely on the quality of
the materials Why not know precisely
what you are usingand have a guarantee
as to quality Use The Sherwin
Williams Paint
L W McConnell Druggist
Eggs For Sale
Full blood barred Plymouth Rock
eggs from Worlds Fair prize winner
birds Three cents each or 6200 per
hundred Also Pekin Duck eggs
Phone Ash 1351
Mrs John Burtless
But Once In Life
will you have to buy a lister if
the John Deere These are
others imitate
you t
McCook Hardware Co
Hotel For bale
The hotel is first class steam heated
electric lights new and up-to-date Will
sell on reasonable terms Address
W E Eubank Oberlin Kansas
Extra Sizes
Ladies gauze underwear in union
suits and separate garments in sizes 7 8
9 and 10 as well as the regular sizes
Thompson s
Household Goods
My furniture and household goods
are now offered at private sale Call at
my residence A E Petty
The Man Who
buys a J I Case steel separator of Mc
Cook Hardware Co will be assured of
success and insured against fire
Have You Been Waiting
Ludwicks Annual Rug Sale commen
ces Monday morning April 15th The
largest line that has ever been shown
36c China Silk
Very soft and fine lustrous China silk
in wliitefor 35c yd at Thompsons
The great catch-as-catch-can wrestling
match between Simmer of Lenox Iowa
and Miller of New York for purse of
S200 at Bixler opera house Friday even
ing April 19r 81 75c and 50c
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
Hartmanns concert will be at Bixlers
April IStb
McConnell for drugs
J C Sedden is sowing alfalfa
George Wheeler is entertaining
uncle this week
John Dutcher and family visited
LoRoy Jones Sunday
Fred Buhler shipped two car loads
cattle to Omaha last week
Mrs Colling is comfortably located on
her farm south of Indianola
Henry Talcott has returned from his
eastern trip where he has been spend
ing tHe winter
James Nealing and wife moved here
from Oxford and will build a house on
their farm four miles south of Bartley
True to name because made from
what they are supposed to be made
from The materials used aro of tho
highest grado at that When wo sell
you extract of vanilla it is extract of
vanilla and not tonka bean extract
Youll like our vanilla It has that
rich delicate flavor that makes cake
pudding ice cream etc so dainty and
delicious Our other flavors nro also
superior to any thing you can buy ready
put up
L W McConnell Druggist
Wall Paper
Wo now have our full lino of wall
paper ready for your inspection Come
and look thorn over whether you buy or
not Havo a great many novelties and
specialties as well as tho cheaper paper
lours for business
A McMillen
Buy Alfalfa Seeds
of McCook Hardwiro Co seed which
has been carefully recloaned and is
guaranteed to bo free from injurious
weeds Price is no object compared
with dirty seeds
Paints And Oils
Let us figure with you or paints oils
and varnisues Will furnish best goods
at ngnt prices
A McMillkn Druggist
Attention Farmerc
After April 1 1907 we will buv hogs
only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of
each weok
Wircox Marsh
You Get a Chance
to select from a full lino of American
and Elwood woven fence at McCook
Hardware Co This fence is protected
by patents so otLer3 can only imitate
Attention Farmers
After April 1 1907 wo will buy hogs
only on Tuuays and Wedn sdays of
each week
W ilcox Marsh
By Saturday
Wo expect by Saturday sure another
supply of American A 2 bushel 16 oz
seamless grain bags The price will be
2Ic The Thorn psn oD G Co
A Dollar Saved
as good as earned You can savo ten
dollars on one lister cultivator ac Mc
Cook Hardware Co First come first
Im All In Down and Out
tho greatest coon shout of the oay will
be sung at the miustrel show at tho Bix
ler opera house Tuesday April 10
Seeds in Bulk
and package Clean cane seed 60 cents
per bushel Others correspondingly
low McCook Hardware Co
Mens Odd Vests
in sizes 33 to 44 from our suits 75c to
82 00 Also wash vests 8100 and 8150
For Sale
160 acres of Frontier county land at
81 an acre if sold before March 15th 1907
Peter Foxen McCook Neb
Wash Lay Pleasure
with a One Minute Washer
your neighbor about them
McCook Hardware Co
presents an up-to-date minstrel perform
ance at Bixler opera house Tuesdav
April 16
Buy Ohio Cultivators
at McCook Hardware Co Best on
earth for the money
For Sale
Good barn Inquire of
II A Rouch
Hay and Alfalfa for Sale
Phone ash 3681 or address
S B Rankin McCook Neb
Georgia Minstrels
at the Bixler Tuesday evening April 10
Auspices M W A
Ludwicks Rug Sale
Commences Monday morning
Striking a match to find a gas leak
is as foolish as comparing cheap adul
terated material with high grade guar
anteed paint like Bradley Vroomans
Sold by Polk Bros
Of course youll want a Kodak this
spring The new 1907 Models are here
and we want you to see them
L W McConnell Druggist
For Rent Store room opposite P O
lately occupied by Tho Ideal store In
quire of C F Lehn room 7 Walsh
Ludwicks Annual Rug Sale commen
ces on Monday morning April 15th and
runs for ten days
Merlin Bros and Denowitz are new
junk dealers in the old Gurney stand
See adv
Buy field grass flower and garden
seeds from H P Waite Co
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Buy field grass flower and garden
seeds from H P Waite Co
Hartmanns concert April 18th at the
Office supplies at the Tribune clice
Crescent Cottage paint at Wates
Say you saw it in The Tribute
Hartmann Concert April 18th
Try McMillens cough cure
jr i tfj9ljP
Forty eight shoots of papor mid
forty eight envelopes for twjnty
fivo cents Bst quality lowest
price Salo one day only Satur
day April 20
L W McConnell Druggist
McMillens Cough Cure
Baso ball goods at Hofers
Hartmann Concert April 18th
City loans J E Baknorovkr
Crescent Cottage paint at Waites
Dr Finch will tost your oyos free
McMillens hand lotion is a reputer
Dont miss the Hartmann concurt
April 18th
All the now spring styles of wall
paper at McConnells
Tho coming attraction ilartmnuns
concert April ISth
J E Barngrover McCook Loans and
- 11
Shoriir Peierflon has an addition to his
house 11 under way
Buy fifld grass flower and garden
seods from II P Waite Co
Try Magnor Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
Newest songs and latest gags at tho
minstrel show Tuesday April 16
McMillens Cream Lotion will mako
3our hands and face smooth and soft
Pasture For horses on section 19
Driftwood 4 5 Its
O N Recoe
A full blnod Jersey bull will be found
at the barn of Brown and Douglass for
the sHsmi
The Sunshiuc club will give a social
at tho Congregational church April 23
Remember tho date
Hot wator bottles and combination
fountain syringes in all stylos at Mc
Millens drug store
Rich pure blood gives energy plus
McConnells Sarsaparilla makes such
blood 8100 pur bottle
Thirteen young peopl united with tho
Congregational church Ust Sunday A
touching and pretty incdout
All kinds of fresh and salt meats
fruits and vegetables at
Magner Stokes
Wanted Pupils for short hand class
starting May 1 at McCook Business
College L W Staynek
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
Corn chop at tho mill at SO cents a
hundred livery thing delivered
McCook Milling Co
Our modern methods of filling pre
scriptions insure absolute
L W McConnell Druggist
Wanted Cattle to pasture about
four miles southeast of town
A D Johnston
Magner Stokes can supply you
with anything in the lino of fresh and
salt meats Also fruits and vegetables
Messrs Brown it Douglass have pur
chased the remains of the old water
sprinkling wagon a victim of the recent
Many new things in wall papers Ono
room and exclusive patterns All new
L W McConnell Druggist
Dont fail to see Rube Perkins late of
Sells Bros circus juggler and slack
wire artist with the Georgia Minstrels
at Bixler opera house Tuesday evening
April 1G
For Rent One well furnished room
with or without board three blocks
east and a half north of tho Methodist
church Call or address W P Beatty
McCook Neb Box 585
Get a bottle of McConnells Fragrant
Lotion early this season Neglect to
properly protect your skin from the
sun and wind is apt to mean irrejjarable
damage to your complexion
Our spring shipment of burnt leather
goods has arrived Call and see what
we have
Barney Hofer
McCook News Depot
Lost Small black dog with yellow
spots over eyes and on breast Ans
wers tdaame of Cute Finder re
warded Leave word at this office
4 5 3ts B A Frasek
The new street sprinkler arrivedTues
day night was assembled on Wednesday
and on Thursday morning went into ser
vice much to public delight The run
ning gear is red the steel tank green as
to color
Marsh operates on the theory that
nothing is too good for his patrons
hence he buys only the best of livestock
of all -kinds and sells only the best of
meats You can prove it by a trial
Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed
Mesdames O M Knipple II P Waite
and C R Knowles will give a Dorca3
kensington at the home of Mrs Knipple
Thursday afternoon next April 13th
All friends and members most cordially
invited Note change of price from 10c
to 15c